4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 2 of 43 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Scope ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 2. Related Documentation .................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................................. 5 5. Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 6. Procedure - Inspection ...................................................................................................................................... 6 7. CRTi Storage ................................................................................................................................................... 33 8. OEM Refurbishment Program ........................................................................................................................ 35 Appendix A: Combined Wear Procedure ............................................................................................................. 36 Appendix B: Mandrel Neck Area Reduction Calculation ...................................................................................... 39 Appendix C: Maximum Casing Inside Diameter ................................................................................................... 42 Appendix D: Cam Latch Torque Release Check .................................................................................................... 43 TABLE OF FIGURES & TABLES Figure 1: CRTi shown in CRTi Assembly Stand .........................................................................................................7 Figure 2: Removing Jaw/Integral Slip from CRTi ......................................................................................................8 Figure 3: Mandrel lubrication evaluation ................................................................................................................8 Figure 4: Jaw/Integral Slip lubrication evaluation....................................................................................................9 Figure 5: Casing Seal Removal ...............................................................................................................................10 Figure 6: Removing all Jaws/Integral slips from CRTi.............................................................................................11 Figure 7: CRTi 1,2-4.5, CRTi 1,2-5.5 or CRTi 2,3-7.0 Lower Half rotation ..............................................................11 Figure 8: CRTi 1,2-4.5, CRTi 1,2-5.5 or CRTi 2,3-7.0 Lower Half removal ..............................................................12 Figure 9: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Bumper removal .............................................................................................12 Figure 10: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Cap Housing removal ...................................................................................13 Figure 11: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Lower Half removal ......................................................................................13 Figure 12: CRTi Lower Half Cam Inspection ...........................................................................................................14 Figure 13: CRTi Lower Cam Housing Inspection .....................................................................................................14 Figure 14: CRTi Mandrel Seal Surface Inspection ..................................................................................................15 Figure 15: CRTi Intermediate and Upper Cam Inspection .....................................................................................15 Figure 16: CRTi Mandrel Cone Inspection ..............................................................................................................16 Figure 17: CRTi 1,2-4.5, CRTi 1,2-5.5 or CRTi 2,3-7.0 Bumper removal.................................................................17 Figure 18: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Upper Housing Lock Ring removal ...............................................................17 Figure 19: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Upper Cam Housing removal .......................................................................18 Figure 20: CRTi Intermediate Cam Removal ..........................................................................................................18 Figure 21: CRTi Upper Cam Removal .....................................................................................................................18 Figure 22: CRTi Lock Sleeve Removal .....................................................................................................................19 Figure 23: CRTi Bumper Removal...........................................................................................................................19 Figure 24: CRTi Lower Cam Housing Removal .......................................................................................................19 Figure 25: CRTi Cage Removal................................................................................................................................20 Figure 26: CRTi Cam Latch Removal .......................................................................................................................20 Figure 27: CRTi Cam Latch Spring, End Ring and Latch Key Removal ....................................................................21 Figure 28: CRTi Lower Cam Belleville Spring Removal ...........................................................................................21 Figure 29: Thickness Measurements .....................................................................................................................23 Figure 30: Measuring axial backlash in make-up threads. .....................................................................................24 Figure 31: ODm Measurements ..............................................................................................................................26 Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 3 of 43 Figure 32: Die tooth tip measurement ..................................................................................................................28 Figure 33: Jaw Wear Locations ..............................................................................................................................29 Figure 34: Mandrel Wear Allowance .....................................................................................................................29 Figure 35: Jaw and Die Wear Allowances ..............................................................................................................30 Figure 36: CRTi shipment .......................................................................................................................................33 Figure 37: Wear allowance measurement .............................................................................................................36 Figure 38: ODm And t Measurements ....................................................................................................................39 Table 1: Inspection Frequency .................................................................................................................................5 Table 2: CRTi Geometry Measurement Limits .......................................................................................................26 Table 3: Die test ring ID and measurement ...........................................................................................................38 Table 4: Original Tool Dimensions .........................................................................................................................40 Table 5: Casing Maximum Inside Diameter ...........................................................................................................42 Table 6: Cam Latch Release Torque .......................................................................................................................43 Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 4 of 43 1. Scope 1.1. This standard maintenance procedure applies to all Volant internal casing running tools (CRTi™). 2. Related Documentation 2.1. Assembly and Operations Manual document numbers 40022 (CRTi2-7.0), 40023 (CRTi1-4.5), 40024 (CRTi1-5.5), 40025 (CRTi1-8.63), 40028 (CRTi2-5.5), 40029 (CRTi2-4.5), 40030 (CRTi3-7.0), 40034 (CRTi2-8.63) and 40039 (CRTi47.0) 2.2. Category 3 Inspection Form number 101014 and Category 4 Inspection Form number 101015 2.3. CRTi Running Procedure, document number 100027 2.4. CRTi tool databook 3. Definitions 3.1. Thread Lubricant: Jet-Lube Kopr-Kote, Premium thread lubricant and seal, or equivalent approved lubricant. 3.2. Grease: Omnigaurd #2 High Temperature EP Grease or equivalent lubricant 3.3. CRTi: Volant Casing Running Tool (internal) 3.4. Lower half: Cage, Lower Cam Housing, Lower Cam Assembly, Bumper, Cam Latch and Latch components. 3.5. Alignment Marks: Lines marked on the Bumper and Upper Cam Housing of the tool that align when the tool is locked out or latched. 3.6. Latched: Position in which the cam latches inside the Housing of the CRT are engaged and the dies are retracted. 3.7. Meterage limit: The number of meters ran between inspections. This limit is initially set at 4,000 m for category 2B, and 50,000m for category 2C. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 3.8. 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 5 of 43 Backlash: The gap in the axial direction between stab flanks of a mating thread pair when the thread pair is engaged on their load flanks. 4. Responsibilities 4.1. The operations coordinator is responsible for training staff and ensuring compliance with this procedure. Contact Volant Product Support at support@volantproducts.ca to assess any CRTi components found to be damaged or non-conforming. 4.2. All operations staff is responsible for the proper execution of this procedure. Refer to Volant’s Assembly Manual to verify part numbers, fasteners, seals, Orings and proper Re-assembly installation instructions. 5. Overview The inspection schedule in this document is governed by API recommended practice 8B. Because the CRT™ does not fit perfectly into any of the equipment designation categories, Volant has developed and recommends the minimum inspection frequencies listed in Table 1. Inspection Type Minimum Frequency of Inspection Action in Case of Fault Maintenance Required Category 1 Daily Category 2A Inspection Level 1 Maintenance Category 2A Weekly / Job Category 2B Inspection Level 2A Maintenance Category 2B Weekly or every 4,000m ran Category 2C Inspection Level 2B Maintenance Category 2C Quarterly or every 50,000m run Category 3 Inspection Level 2C Maintenance Category 3 Annually Category 4 Inspection Level 3 Maintenance Category 4 Revision G 5-year N/A Table 1: Inspection Frequency Level 3 Maintenance 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 6 of 43 The specific requirements of each inspection category are described in Section 6 of this document. When an inspection indicates a fault condition, the action identified in Table 1 is generally required unless otherwise specified, in addition each inspection level has an associated maintenance requirement. While Volant recommends documenting all maintenance and inspections, only categories 3 and 4 must be documented to conform with API Spec 8B. Maintenance documentation should indicate the maintenance date, personnel responsible for the inspection and include full part serial numbers, pictures and description of any defects, repairs, replacements, and NDT results. Contact Volant Product Support at support@volantproducts.ca for any CRTi maintenance inquiries. 6. Procedure - Inspection 6.1. Category 1 Inspection 6.1.1. Observe equipment during operation for indications of inadequate performance. 6.1.2. Observe operations for indication of overload of hoisting or torque capacity. 6.2. Category 2A Inspection (perform category 1 inspection plus the following) While working on the tool ensure that the tool is properly placed in the CRTi Assembly Stump, as shown in Figure 1. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 7 of 43 Figure 1: CRTi shown in CRTi Assembly Stand 6.2.1. Check air pressure. Compare measured pressure to value recorded at tool assembly. Pressure losses that can’t be attributed to temperature change triggers a Level 2 maintenance procedure. Loss of air pressure may indicate a problem with a seal or seal surface. 6.2.2. Revision G Evaluate lubricant condition. Bleed off all air pressure and remove Schrader valve from Upper Cam Housing. Unlatch the CRTi by rotating the Bumper to the right. Remove the keeper and one jaw/integral slip from the tool in order to properly evaluate the lubricant condition between this part and the Mandrel. 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 8 of 43 Figure 2: Removing Jaw/Integral Slip from CRTi Lubricant should be free of foreign matter; including drilling fluid, water, sand, and dirt. Figure 3: Mandrel lubrication evaluation Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 9 of 43 Figure 4: Jaw/Integral Slip lubrication evaluation There should be adequate lubricant in place at all times to ensure proper tool function and minimize wear on the sliding surfaces of the Mandrel and jaws/integral slips. Improper lubricant conditions can result in tool malfunction as well as component damage. Record meterage, and check meterage since previous Category 2B inspection against meterage limit. 6.2.3. Check all exposed fasteners for signs of damage. 6.2.4. Clean tool joint thread and conduct visual inspection to ensure that condition is acceptable. (see section 13.3.2. of API Specification 7G). 6.2.5. Check the condition of the casing seal (packer cup) and evaluate whether it will need to be replaced. Check that the outside diameter of the casing seal is greater than or equal to the maximum inside diameter of the pipe that is being run. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 10 of 43 Maximum casing inside diameter can be calculated based on information provided in API Specification 5CT and is provided in Appendix C. 6.3. Category 2B Inspection 6.3.1. Bleed off all air pressure inside the CRT and then remove Schrader valve from Upper Cam Housing. 6.3.2. Remove casing seal assembly (Packer Cup, Stabbing guide and retaining components) Figure 5: Casing Seal Removal Revision G 6.3.3. Visually inspect Casing Seal Carrier bore and threads, as well as Mandrel threads for signs of erosion/corrosion. 6.3.4. Remove all jaws/integral slips from the cage and visually inspect die tooth wear on outside of slips/dies. 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 11 of 43 Figure 6: Removing all Jaws/Integral slips from CRTi 6.3.5. For CRTi 1,2-4.5, CRTi 1,2-5.5 or CRTi 2,3-7.0 Manually actuate tool by turning cage clockwise. Figure 7: CRTi 1,2-4.5, CRTi 1,2-5.5 or CRTi 2,3-7.0 Lower Half rotation Slowly remove the Lower Half of the tool, wiping the Lower Cam Housing during removal to ensure that contaminants do not fall into the Upper Cam Housing. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 12 of 43 Figure 8: CRTi 1,2-4.5, CRTi 1,2-5.5 or CRTi 2,3-7.0 Lower Half removal 6.3.6. For CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Remove the Bumper and inspect for wear. Figure 9: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Bumper removal Remove the Cap Housing by rotating the part relative to the Upper Cam Housing until the splines disengage. Inspect the Cap Housing for damage and wear. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 13 of 43 Figure 10: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Cap Housing removal Manually actuate the tool by turning cage clockwise and remove the Lower Half of the tool, wiping the Lower Cam Housing during removal to ensure that contaminants do not fall into the Upper Cam Housing. Figure 11: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Lower Half removal 6.3.7. For all CRTi Base Tools Clean lubricant from Lower Cam and conduct a visual inspection of the cams; noting any signs of scarring, gouges in cam surface or any other signs of uneven wear. Cams should remain smooth to the touch on all surfaces. Visually inspect the Cam Latch Spring, Latch Pins, O-rings or Quad Rings and sealing surfaces, ensuring they are smooth and free of any damage. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 14 of 43 Figure 12: CRTi Lower Half Cam Inspection 6.3.8. Examine the sealing surface on the exterior of Lower Cam Housing for scratches, gouges and signs of wear. Always rest Lower Cam Housing on a rubber or wood surface to prevent component damage. Figure 13: CRTi Lower Cam Housing Inspection 6.3.9. Revision G Examine the sealing surface on the Mandrel below the Upper Cam for scratches, gouges and signs of wear. 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 15 of 43 Figure 14: CRTi Mandrel Seal Surface Inspection 6.3.10. Rotate the Intermediate Cam relative to the Upper Cam. Rotation should be smooth and free of any indications of roughness or uneven wear. Inspect the Intermediate Cam ramps and the J-hooks on the Upper Cam, ensuring cams are smooth to the touch. Figure 15: CRTi Intermediate and Upper Cam Inspection Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 6.3.11. 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Clean lubricant from, and conduct a visual inspection of, the Mandrel and jaw/slip cones. With usage, the contact points between the Mandrel and the jaws/slips will become evenly polished, this is to be expected and does not compromise the condition of the tool. Mandrel and jaw/slip cone surfaces should remain smooth to the touch. Any surface roughness, uneven wear, corrosion, pitting, or scarring should be noted. Figure 16: CRTi Mandrel Cone Inspection Revision G Page 16 of 43 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 17 of 43 6.4. Category 2C Inspection 6.4.1. Perform a complete tool teardown to inspect for any component damage and allow for re-lubrication of all CRTi components For CRTi 2-4.5, 2-5.5 or 3-7.0 Remove and inspect the Upper Cam Housing. Figure 17: CRTi 1,2-4.5, CRTi 1,2-5.5 or CRTi 2,3-7.0 Bumper removal For CRTi 4-7, 2-8.63 Remove the Upper Housing Lock Ring. Figure 18: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Upper Housing Lock Ring removal Rotate the Upper Cam Housing relative to the Upper Cam until the splines misalign. Remove and inspect the Upper Cam Housing. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 18 of 43 Figure 19: CRTi 4-7 or CRTi 1,2-8.63 Upper Cam Housing removal 6.4.2. For all CRTi Base Tools Unthread and remove the Intermediate Cam from the Upper Cam. Check the threads and ramps for any signs of damage. Figure 20: CRTi Intermediate Cam Removal 6.4.3. Unthread and remove the Upper Cam from the Mandrel. Check the threads, ramps and J-hooks for any signs of damage. Note and record the lug adjustment (number of lugs the Upper Cam is rotated back from the shouldered position) when disassembling the tool and always follow the cam adjustment procedure in the assembly manual when reassembling the tool. Figure 21: CRTi Upper Cam Removal 6.4.4. Revision G Remove and inspect the Lock Sleeve and the Mandrel. 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Figure 22: CRTi Lock Sleeve Removal 6.4.5. Remove the Bumper from the Lower Cam. Figure 23: CRTi Bumper Removal 6.4.6. Remove the Lower Cam Housing. Figure 24: CRTi Lower Cam Housing Removal 6.4.7. Revision G Separate the Cage from the Upper Cam. Page 19 of 43 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 20 of 43 Figure 25: CRTi Cage Removal 6.4.8. Separate the Cam Latch from the Lower Cam by removing the Lug Latches, Pin Latches, and the alignment bolts Figure 26: CRTi Cam Latch Removal 6.4.9. Carefully remove the Latch Keys, Spring-Latch and End Ring from the Cam Latch. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 21 of 43 Figure 27: CRTi Cam Latch Spring, End Ring and Latch Key Removal 6.4.10. Remove the Spiral retaining ring using the Belleville installation tool and remove the Belleville springs. Figure 28: CRTi Lower Cam Belleville Spring Removal 6.4.11. After the complete tool teardown ensure all the parts are free of any contaminants and lubrication before inspection and reassembly. If any CRTi components are found to be damaged or non-conforming, contact Volant Product Support by email at support@volantproducts.ca for further part evaluation. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 22 of 43 6.5. Category 3 Inspection (perform Category 2A, 2B and 2C inspection ) Although Volant recommends documenting all maintenance and inspections, categories 3 and 4 must be documented to conform to API RP 8B. Documentation should include a record of all significant defects found, repairs made, rework conducted, NDT results and personnel involved in the maintenance and inspection. Ensure all parts, after a complete tool teardown, are free of contaminants and lubrication before beginning the Category 3 inspection. NDT Inspection 6.5.1. NDT Inspection NDT methods should be applied to further inspect critical areas in the CRT™ to assess specific components and to identify any damage or wear that exceeds Volant’s allowable tolerances. Methods to inspect the tool include Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI) and Ultrasonic (UT) Inspection. Primary Load Carrying Component Inspection Conduct magnetic particle inspection per section 8.4.7 of API Specification 8C, of all primary load carrying components. PLC components include the Mandrel, jaws, spokes, and dies. All relevant indications should be documented and verified with LPI. Relevant indications at any critical section must be removed prior to use. Critical sections include the following: the neck portions between Mandrel cones, spline roots, thread roots, thread relief and other grooves (including the retractor ring notch) on both the internal and external surface of the Mandrel. Removal of indications may be attempted provided the component function is not affected. All relevant indications should be reported to Volant Product Support (support@volantproducts.ca) for further assessment and review prior to removal, unless explicit instructions have already been provided. Mandrel Bore Erosion / Neck Thickness Check Conduct an ultrasonic inspection (or other suitable nondestructive examination) at 5 or more equally spaced locations to Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 23 of 43 check the average thickness of the Mandrels top neck. Use the thickness data to calculate the cross sectional area as explained in Appendix B. Area reduction must not exceed 5%. Ensure that the UT gauge is properly calibrated for the Mandrels specific material. The end of the Mandrel can be used as a gauge block and verified using a calibrated Vernier caliper. Refer to Appendix B for sample calculations. Thickness Figure 29: Thickness Measurements 6.5.2. Cams Inspection After removing the Upper Cam Housing, clean and visually inspect the cam surfaces and all thread flanks to ensure they are smooth and show no signs of galling or deformation. Inspect all the cams for any pitting, raised or lowered edges along the surface and the threads. Conduct an MPI inspection on all primary cam assembly components, including: Upper Cam, Intermediate Cam, Lower Cam and Latch Cam. All relevant indications should be documented. Indications at any critical section must be removed prior to continued use. Critical sections include the following: the hooks, breakout ramp reliefs and latch key pockets. All relevant indications should be reported to Volant Product Support (support@volantproducts.ca) for further assessment and review prior to removal, unless explicit instructions have already been provided. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 24 of 43 Check backlash in make-up threads by engaging the threads and measuring relative axial movement between the Upper and Intermediate Cams. Thread the Intermediate Cam onto the Upper Cam and rotate until the cam dogs clash as shown in the first image in Figure 30. Backoff the Intermediate Cam until the clearance is seen between the Intermediate and Upper Cam ramps as shown in the second image in Figure 30. Mark across both cams to rotationally link the two cam sets as shown in the third image in Figure 30. Flip the cams upside down and rest the Upper Cam on blocks, allowing the Intermediate Cam to ‘hang’ on the Upper Cam as shown in the last image in Figure 30. Use three feeler gauges between the cam ramps to measure the axial backlash in the Upper and Intermediate Cam threads. Axial backlash should not exceed 0.035”. Cam dogs contacting Mark rotation between cams Rotate until there is cam ramp clearance Measure clearance between cam ramps (Upper Cam support blocks not shown) Figure 30: Measuring axial backlash in make-up threads. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 6.5.3. 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 25 of 43 Verify that the Belleville spring condition is acceptable and that the Belleville stack is applying load to the spiral retaining ring. Mandrel Inspection Note: These metrics have been developed to ensure the following are maintained: Revision G • Bearing area sufficient to support the loads produced in operation. • Surface uniformity to prevent inconsistent friction between the Mandrel and jaws. • Integrity in the critical neck region. After completing the NDT inspection of the Mandrel, conduct visual inspection of the tool joint thread to ensure that condition is acceptable and conduct an API Rotary connection inspection per API RP 7G Area loss due to wear/corrosion/pitting on Mandrel/jaw cones should not exceed 25% of any 1 square inch area. Scarring parallel to the tool axis (of a length greater than 0.075”) should not exceed 0.015” in width. Circumferential scarring of any length should not exceed 0.050” in width. Individual instances of pitting should not exceed 0.075” diameter. Draw a straight edge across the face of each cone to check for uniform surface condition. Any raised sections that impede smooth transition should be abraded away using emery cloth. Install one die on an un-lubricated Mandrel and rotate the die around the Mandrel’s circumference. Feel for any interruptions as the die slides across the cones. Complete this at various axial positions to ensure consistent friction across the entire range of the tool. Any inconsistencies may become exaggerated under load and cause component damage. Inspect all Mandrel threads including the tool joint threads, Carrier threads and Cam threads to ensure that they are smooth and show no signs corrosion or galling. . 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 26 of 43 Inspect the rest of the Mandrel surface for any pitting, galling, rust, raised or lowered edges. Inspect the splines for any damage, pitting or corrosion. Measure Mandrel top neck outer diameter. Mandrel top neck diameter should not be less than the specified minimum in Table 2. Diameter Figure 31: ODm Measurements Base Tool CRTi1-4.5 CRTi2-4.5 CRTi1-5.5 CRTi2-5.5 CRTi1-7.0 CRTi2-7.0 CRTi3-7.0 CRTi4-7.0 CRTi1-8.63 CRTi2-8.63 Mandrel Spline Min. Width (in) Mandrel Top Neck Min. diameter (in) 0.835 2.655 1.235 3.280 1.235 3.280 1.230 3.975 1.235 3.975 1.235 3.975 0.985 4.125 1.185 5.235 1.185 5.235 0.835 2.655 Table 2: CRTi Geometry Measurement Limits The Mandrel Neck Area Reduction limit is 5%. Running the CRT Mandrel at or beyond the 5% limit does not comply with API 8C ratings requirements and needs to be replaced. When the Mandrel neck area reduction is between 3.5% - 5% consider increasing the frequency of Category 3 inspections. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 27 of 43 The Mandrel Neck Area Reduction wear limit is only an indicator and this area is purposefully chosen as one of the most critical sections of the Mandrel; however this measurement does not constitute a thorough assessment of the Mandrel’s capacity and should not be taken as such. Refer to Appendix B for Mandrel Neck Area Calculations. Conduct a visual inspection of the Mandrel’s bore. If significant bore erosion or corrosion is observed, inspect with a borescope to help evaluate the cause of the damage and contact Volant Product Support by email at support@volantproducts.ca to discuss steps that can be taken to minimize further damage. 6.5.4. Die Tooth Inspection Grip Surface Considerations: Volant’s CRT is designed to maintain effective casing penetration while still accommodating for some die wear. Several issues arise as the teeth wear down and must be considered when assessing a dies suitability for service: • Reduced radial range can cause the tool to stroke out. This is most likely to happen when running the lightest weight casing for a given die set. • Reduced debris tolerance. Material collects in the valleys between teeth faster than new dies, which may prevent proper die penetration. It is important to make sure that die teeth are thoroughly cleaned up during operations and maintenance. • Uneven wear creates biased loading on components. This can increase operating stresses and generally results in increased wear and tear on component leading to further component damage. Die Teeth Width The dies must be sufficiently sharp to be able to penetrate the surface of the casing in order to grip in either hoist or torque. On an evenly spaced grid, measure the average flat width of 10 intact teeth on each die using an optical micrometer (if one is not available, a caliper may be used). Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 28 of 43 Measure the average width across the parallel sides of the tooth tip as shown in Figure 32. For each die, discard the 3 largest measurements and calculate the mean of the remaining values. The maximum average flat width across the tooth tip should not exceed 0.040”. Note: If the average flat width exceeds 0.025”, radial range will be reduced and the tool may fail the combined diametric wear measurement in Appendix A. It is recommended that radial range be checked prior to every job if die wear past this limit is suspected. a b a, b= tooth tip flat average (a,b) < 0.025 in Figure 32: Die tooth tip measurement Revision G Broken Teeth Concentration 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 29 of 43 Inspect the Die surfaces for broken teeth (teeth that are noticeably shorter than adjacent teeth and unlikely to contact the casing ID). Up to 25% of the teeth can be broken in any 1.5”x1.5” square. Broken teeth concentrated into one area may cause uneven loading and premature wear on the Mandrel and Jaw faces. The top and bottom 1” of the die face is exempt from this requirement (see Figure 33). Exempt From Inspection Figure 33: Jaw Wear Locations 1” 6.5.5. 1” Combined Diametric Wear Measure the combined diametric wear on Mandrel and grip assembly using the procedure outlined in Appendix A. If the measurement falls outside acceptable range further investigation is required to determine which components are out of specifications. Repeat the procedure with substitute components if available. This procedure will identify if the combined wear loss is greater than the allowable component losses identified in Figure 34 & Figure 35. Splines Mandrel top neck Note 1. 16 places on spline sides Note 1. Note: 1. Wear allowance .005” on surfaces indicated Figure 34: Mandrel Wear Allowance Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: Note: 1. 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 30 of 43 Note 1 Wear allowance .005” on surfaces indicated Note 1 Note: 1. Wear allowance 0.010” on surfaces indicated Figure 35: Jaw and Die Wear Allowances 6.5.6. Cage Inspection Remove the Cage seals and thoroughly clean the Cage. Inspect for any visual wear or deformation. It is recommended to subject the cage through an MPI. This will give us any indications of potential cage failure. Look for any Cage twists, or bending along the window grooves as well as any signs of surface irregularities. 6.5.7. Inspection of other CRTi parts Bumper Inspect Bumper surfaces and thread condition for wear, pitting or signs of deformation. Check for debris buildup in the Bumper holes where bolts are installed to rotationally lock the Bumper to the Lower Cam. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 31 of 43 Latch Key, Pin and Lug Inspect the Latch Key for any signs of wear or damage and check Latch Lug and Pin for signs of any irregularities. Check the Latch Pins for straightness. Latch Spring & End Ring Spring Visually inspect the Latch Spring and End Ring for any cracks, dents, nicks that could cause further scarring to the Mandrel and Cam Latch. Lock Sleeve & Upper Cam Housing Inspect the splines of the Lock Sleeve and Upper Cam Housing for corrosion and wear. Clean up the rust affected areas with an abrasive cleaning pad (e.g. Scotch-Brite 3M pad). Additional Base Tool Parts For other parts such as an Upper Housing Lock Ring and Cap Housing, inspect for any wear, damage or irregularities that could potentially cause problems. Check any threads for wear and damage. Look for any signs of rust indications and clean the affected areas. Casing Seal Assembly Inspect all the parts of the Casing Seal Assembly for any signs of wear and pitting. Inspect the Carriers flow bore for any signs of damage or erosion as well as the Carrier threads for signs of washout and damage. Ensure that all sealing surfaces and seal grooves are smooth and free of corrosion or pitting. Revision G Step Up components 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 32 of 43 Inspect all Step Up components for any signs of wear, damage, and corrosion. Critically, the slots in the faces for the spool plate and cover plates should be smooth and free of corrosion and surface damage. 6.6. Category IV Inspection (Perform Category III inspection plus the following) 6.6.1. Proof Load Test In order to re-certify the Mandrel, Volant recommends conducting a tensile proof-load test. This is contrary to the recommendations in API RP 8B but serves the purpose of evaluating the capacity of the Mandrel in the context of exposure related damage including erosion, corrosion, and surface wear. Please contact Volant to review options for Mandrel proof-load testing to ensure the Mandrel is mounted in an appropriate test fixture. The test fixture should contact the Mandrel in the same manner that Dies or Integral Slips do when the tool is in its fully assembled state. Make sure that the Mandrel box threads and all the cones are lubricated as per normal use. Recommended proof test load is 1.5 times the rated load of the tool as per section 8.6.2 of API Specification 8C. The proof load should be held for a minimum of 5 minutes. Proof load testing can be done at Volant’s facility. Contact Volant Product Support at support@volantproducts.ca for more information. Revision G 6.6.2. Conduct a non-destructive MPI examination in accordance with API Specification 8C to confirm that Mandrels are free of cracks and damage. 6.6.3. Conduct a cam latch hook torque release check as defined in Appendix D. 6.6.4. Document the following information including: component serial numbers, test equipment serial numbers, test date and names of the personal involved in the inspection, maintenance, repair and assembly. Also document the load profile that includes the load and duration information for the complete cycle and inspection results. 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 33 of 43 Also document any other testing activities and results or component defects and repairs. 7. CRTi Storage If the CRTi is stored for a short period between jobs follow the maintenance procedure as outlined in Table 1. For long term storage special considerations should be taken. Consider the environmental conditions that could vary over time such as temperature and humidity, where the tool is being stored. If applying any protective compound for the application of long term storage, verify that the surfaces being applied are free of any moisture and contaminants prior to the application of any compound. Seal the tool using a vapor barrier such as shrink-wrap shown below and place a desiccant within the vapor barrier. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the amount of desiccant that should be used. Figure 36: CRTi shipment Before reassembly any protective compound or corrosion inhibiters applied should be removed prior to reassembly of the tool. If the tool is assembled and stored for more than three months always perform a 2C inspection. If any problems or issues are found, follow the maintenance procedure for corrective action. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: Revision G 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 34 of 43 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 35 of 43 8. OEM Refurbishment Program Depending upon the age of the tool, Volant can assist in CRTi inspections, including: • Category III Inspection and Level III Maintenance OEM technicians will perform a complete tool tear down and Level 3 inspection of the CRTi based on API 8B recommended practices which includes MPI, UT inspections and complete component assessment. • Category IV Inspection and Level IV Maintenance This inspection will include the Category III inspection and the PLC Proof Load testing. • CRTi Refurbishment If at any point during an inspection it is found that the CRTi requires repair or service, Volant can recommend a refurbishment plan that will return your tool to a functional condition. • General Tool & Component Assessment Volant’s Product Support group is available to any customer 24/7 to help assess any equipment by phone/email. Parts/tools may also we sent directly to Volant for a thorough assessment. The OEM Refurbishment program will provide any associated reports and certificates upon the completion of the inspection. For more information contact Volant Product Support by calling 1.877.7VOLANT (1.877.786.5268) or email support@volantproducts.ca. If you require a quote or additional equipment needs, please feel free to contact our Sales team at 1.866.8VOLANT (1.866.886.5268) or email sales@volantproducts.ca. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 36 of 43 Appendix A: Combined Wear Procedure Check the combined wear allowance by engaging the CRTi in a test ring, slowly applying 50 psi of air pressure to the Housing and measuring the “A” dimension as shown in Figure 37 with a Vernier caliper. Compare the measured dimension to the allowable range given in Table 3. .5” Ring Thickness 1.0” Ring face to top of jaw A = distance from bottom face of cage to end of mandrel Ring Width approx. = diameter/2 Figure 37: Wear allowance measurement Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 37 of 43 Casing Weight (ppf) 13.5 18.0 23.0 17.0 CRTi1,2-4.5 Jaw/Die Ring ID Part # +/- 0.003(in) 80957 4.084 82000 4.442 81182 4.841 80980 5.063 Allow. Range For "A" (in) Max 0.410 / Min 0.310 Max 0.410 / Min 0.310 Max 0.410 / Min 0.310 Max 0.410 / Min 0.310 Casing OD (in) 5.50 5.50 7.00 7.00 Casing Weight (ppf) 23.0 17.0 32.0 23.0 CRTi1,2-5.5 Jaw/Die Ring ID Part # +/- 0.003(in) 81129 4.772 80913 4.944 81284 6.210 80981 6.483 Allow. Range For "A" (in) Max 0.719 / Min 0.619 Max 0.719 / Min 0.619 Max 0.719 / Min 0.619 Max 0.719 / Min 0.619 Casing OD (in) 7.00 7.00 7.63 8.63 8.63 9.63 9.63 10.75 10.75 10.75 11.75 13.38 13.38 15.00 16.00 18.63 18.63 18.63 20.00 20.00 Casing Weight (ppf) 35.0 26.0 33.7 36.0 32.0 53.5 43.5 60.7 51.0 40.5 54.0 72.0 61.0 92.5 65.0 111.0 97.7 87.5 111.0 94.0 CRTi1,2,3-7.0 Jaw/Die Ring ID Part # +/- 0.003(in) 81062 6.157 80928 6.400 80986 6.925 80824 7.986 80987 8.082 80988 8.672 80825 8.842 81085 9.796 81323 9.982 82021 10.156 80833 11.010 81064 12.478 80828 12.646 81504 13.942 80826 15.348 81293 17.624 81292 17.752 80832 17.854 81799 19.040 81991 19.210 Allow. Range For "A" (in) Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Max 0.852 / Min 0.752 Casing OD (in) 4.50 5.00 5.50 5.50 Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: Casing OD (in) 7.00 7.00 8.63 9.63 9.63 10.75 10.75 10.75 11.75 12.75 13.38 13.38 13.38 16.00 18.63 18.63 20.00 20.00 Casing Weight (ppf) 35.0 26.0 36.0 53.5 43.5 79.2 73.2 65.7 60.0 54.8 72.0 61.0 54.5 65.0 97.7 87.5 133.0 106.5 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G CRTi4-7.0 Jaw/Die Ring ID Part # +/- 0.003(in) 81508 6.155 81277 6.420 81421 7.970 81420 8.620 81793 8.837 81138 9.345 81494 9.514 81255 9.670 81495 10.880 82039 11.972 81150 12.460 81897 12.624 81306 12.682 81431 15.317 81566 17.741 81434 17.789 81483 18.815 81759 19.258 Page 38 of 43 Allow. Range For "A" (in) Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 Max 0.708 / Min 0.608 CRTi1,2-8.63 Casing OD (in) 8.63 9.63 9.63 10.75 10.75 10.75 11.75 12.75 13.38 13.38 13.38 16.00 18.63 18.63 20.00 20.00 22.00 26.00 1 Casing Weight (ppf) Jaw/Die Part # Ring ID +/- 0.003(in) Allow. Range For "A" (in) 36.0 81024 8.040 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 53.5 81154 8.710 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 43.5 81756 8.910 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 79.2 81138 9.402 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 73.2 81494 9.572 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 60.7 81255 9.728 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 60.0 81495 10.938 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 54.8 82039 12.030 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 72.0 81150 12.518 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 61.0 81897 12.680 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 54.5 81306 12.740 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 65.0 81431 15.374 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 97.7 81566 17.798 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 87.5 81434 17.846 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 133.0 81483 18.873 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 106.5 81759 19.316 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 224.0 81750 20.100 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 275.0 81462 24.083 Max 1.074 / Min 0.974 1 Table 3: Die test ring ID and measurement For test rings that differ from the specified ring ID please contact support@volantproducts.ca Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 39 of 43 Appendix B: Mandrel Neck Area Reduction Calculation Mandrel neck area calculation. Measure Mandrel top neck OD and Mandrel top neck wall thickness AR = Area Reduction (%) tavg = Average Mandrel thickness 2 ODi = Original Mandrel outside diameter ODm = Measured Mandrel outside diameter IDi = Original Mandrel inside diameter Ai = Original Mandrel area NA = Mandrel Neck Area π = 3.14159 NA = π × [t avg (ODm − t avg )] NA *100 AR = 1 − A i ODm t Figure 38: ODm And t Measurements 2 Thickness measurement should be taken with ultrasonics. Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 40 of 43 Tool ODi IDi Ai CRTi1-4.5 2.672 +/- 0.005 1.000 +/- 0.03 4.82 +/- 0.07 CRTi2-4.5 2.672 +/- 0.005 1.000 +/- 0.03 4.82 +/- 0.07 CRTi1-5.5 3.286 +/- 0.005 1.250 +/- 0.01 7.25 +/- 0.05 CRTi2-5.5 3.286 +/- 0.005 1.250 +/- 0.01 7.25 +/- 0.05 CRTi1-7.0 3.991 +/- 0.005 1.500 +/- 0.03 10.74 +/- 0.10 CRTi2-7.0 3.991 +/- 0.005 1.500 +/- 0.03 10.74 +/- 0.10 CRTi3-7.0 3.991 +/- 0.005 1.500 +/- 0.03 10.74 +/- 0.10 CRTi4-7.0 4.141 +/- 0.002 1.500 +/- 0.01 11.70 +/- 0.04 CRTi1-8.63 5.250 +/- 0.002 2.000 +/- 0.03 18.51 +/- 0.11 CRTi2-8.63 5.250 +/- 0.002 2.000 +/- 0.03 18.51 +/- 0.11 Table 4: Original Tool Dimensions Calculation Example: A CRTi 2-5.5 tool is undergoing a CAT 3 inspection. ODm was measured at 3.28 in. The ultra sonic thickness gauge provides us with 5 Mandrel thickness measurements. t1 = 1.007 in, t2 = 1.009 in, t3 = 1.008 in, t4 = 1.007 in and t5 = 1.006 in. tavg = 1.007 + 1.009 + 1.008 + 1.007 + 1.006 = 1.0074 in 5 Ai = 7.25in (fromTable 4) π = 3.14159 Neck Area can be found using the formula NA = π × [t avg × (ODm − t avg )] NA = 3.14159 × [1.0074 × (3.28 − 1.0074 )] Revision G 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G NA = 3.14159 × [1.0074 × (2.2726)] NA = 7.1924 in2 Area Reduction can be found using the formula NA *100 AR = 1 − A i 7.1924 AR = 1 − * 100 7.25 AR = (1 − (0.9879 )) * 100 AR = 0.79% The Area Reduction is within the Category 3 limit as it is less than 5%. Revision G Page 41 of 43 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Appendix C: Maximum Casing Inside Diameter Outside Diameter (in) 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 Weight (ppf) 9.5 10.5 11.6 13.5 15.1 11.5 13.0 15.0 18.0 21.4 23.2 24.1 14.0 15.5 17.0 20.0 23.0 26.8 29.7 32.6 35.3 38.0 40.5 43.1 20.0 24.0 28.0 32.0 17.0 20.0 23.0 26.0 29.0 32.0 35.0 38.0 42.7 46.4 50.1 53.6 57.1 24.0 26.4 29.7 33.7 39.0 42.8 45.3 47.1 51.2 Max. ID Wt lim. (in) 4.154 4.118 4.069 3.993 3.904 4.631 4.568 4.486 4.361 4.220 4.142 4.101 5.090 5.031 4.976 4.868 4.766 4.605 4.488 4.370 4.254 4.136 4.020 3.903 6.143 6.021 5.898 5.788 6.629 6.551 6.466 6.380 6.293 6.208 6.123 6.043 5.883 5.765 5.647 5.531 5.413 7.129 7.076 6.987 6.882 6.750 6.632 6.570 6.513 6.396 Max. ID WlThk (in) 4.186 4.153 4.108 4.038 3.955 4.665 4.607 4.532 4.417 4.285 4.214 4.175 5.128 5.074 5.023 4.923 4.829 4.680 4.572 4.461 4.353 4.243 4.134 4.024 6.188 6.076 5.962 5.861 6.666 6.594 6.515 6.437 6.356 6.277 6.199 6.125 5.976 5.867 5.758 5.649 5.539 7.176 7.127 7.045 6.949 6.826 6.718 6.660 6.608 6.499 Outside Diameter (in) 7.63 7.75 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 13.38 13.38 13.38 13.38 13.38 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.63 20.00 20.00 20.00 26.00 Weight (ppf) 55.3 46.1 24.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 40.0 44.0 49.0 32.3 36.0 40.0 43.5 47.0 53.5 58.4 59.4 64.9 70.3 75.6 32.8 40.5 45.5 51.0 55.5 60.7 65.7 73.2 79.2 85.3 42.0 47.0 54.0 60.0 65.0 71.0 48.0 54.5 61.0 68.0 72.0 65.0 75.0 84.0 109.0 87.5 94.0 106.5 133.0 * Max. ID Wt lim. (in) 6.277 6.696 8.208 8.132 8.041 7.949 7.854 7.759 7.651 9.126 9.050 8.968 8.892 8.822 8.683 8.589 8.562 8.443 8.325 8.206 10.325 10.190 10.095 10.000 9.914 9.819 9.724 9.578 9.461 9.342 11.232 11.152 11.038 10.935 10.850 10.759 12.879 12.784 12.689 12.593 12.529 15.444 15.324 15.216 14.909 17.981 19.364 19.246 18.989 * Table 5: Casing Maximum Inside Diameter Revision G Max. ID WlThk (in) 6.389 6.786 8.250 8.180 8.096 8.012 7.924 7.837 7.737 9.175 9.105 9.030 8.960 8.895 8.768 8.680 8.656 8.545 8.437 8.327 10.369 10.245 10.158 10.070 9.991 9.904 9.816 9.682 9.573 9.463 11.285 11.211 11.106 11.012 10.933 10.849 12.931 12.844 12.756 12.669 12.609 15.504 15.394 15.294 15.012 18.050 19.434 19.325 19.089 24.250 Page 42 of 43 4110 56 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3R8 Canada Phone: Fax: 780.490.5185 780.437.2187 CRTi™ Maintenance Procedure Doc. No. 40021 Rev.G Page 43 of 43 Appendix D: Cam Latch Torque Release Check With the tool completely assembled, latched and mounted in a chain vice or stump clamp, apply 40 psi air pressure to the air spring. Place a test ring over the slip assembly. Apply torque to the Bumper to release the tool and engage the test ring. Verify that the observed torque not less than the indicated typical minimum as outlined below in Table 6. Tool Designation Air Pressure (psi) Typ. Min. Release Torque (ft-lbs) CRTi1-4.5,CRTi2-4.5 40 100 CRTi1-5.5, CRTi2-5.5 40 150 CRTi1-7.0, CRTi2-7.0, CRTi3-7.0 40 150 CRTi4-7.0 40 170 CRTi1-8.63, CRTi2-8.63 40 240 Table 6: Cam Latch Release Torque Revision G