SCHOOLWORK #1 Practical Research II Title: Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Students Under the TVL Track at Demetrio L. Alviola National High School Research Problem General Objective Reading comprehension difficulties To provide the basis of what reading intervention can be made to reading coordinators Specific Questions At what level or degree does the cognitive aspect affect the reading comprehension of students under the TVL Track? At what level or degree does the physical aspect affect the reading comprehension of students under the TVL Track? At what level or degree does the environmental aspect affect the reading comprehension of students under the TVL Track? What reading comprehension aspect (cognitive, physical, or environmental) has the highest level or degree? SCHOOLWORK #1 Research Project Title: The Correlation Between the Study Habits and Academic Performance of Students Under the Academic Track at Demetrio L. Alviola National High School Research Problem Lack of motivation in creating good habits General Objective To improve the student’s academic performance Specific Questions What are the good study habits of students on the academic track? What are the bad study habits of students on the academic track? What are the secondsemester grades of students under the academic track? Is there a significant relationship between the study habits of students under the academic track and their academic performance? SCHOOLWORK #2 Practical Research II Title: The Correlation Between the Study Habits and Academic Performance of Students Under the Academic Track at Demetrio L. Alviola National High School Research Design: Correlational Research Question #1: What are the good study habits of students on the academic track? Variable/s: Study habits Respondents: Students on the academic track Research Question #2: What are the good study habits of students on the academic track? Variable/s: Study habits Respondents: Students on the academic track Research Question #3: What are the second-semester grades of students under the academic track? Variable/s: Second-semester grades Respondents: Students on the academic track Research Question #4: Is there a significant relationship between the study habits of students under the academic track and their academic performance? Independent Variable: Study habits Dependent Variable: Academic performance Respondents: Students under the academic track SCHOOLWORK #2 Practical Research II Title: Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Students Under the TVL Track at Demetrio L. Alviola National High School Research Design: Descriptive Research Question #1: At what level or degree does the cognitive aspect affect the reading comprehension of students under the TVL Track? Variable/s: Environmental factors affecting reading comprehension Respondents: Students under the TVL track Research Question #2: At what level or degree does the physical aspect affect the reading comprehension of students under the TVL Track? Variable/s: Physical factors affecting reading comprehension Respondents: Students under the TVL track Research Question #3: At what level or degree does the environmental aspect affect the reading comprehension of students under the TVL Track? Variable/s: Environmental factors affecting reading comprehension Respondents: Students under the TVL track Research Question #4: What reading comprehension aspect (cognitive, physical, or environmental) has the highest degree? Variable/s: Factors affecting reading comprehension Respondents: Students under the TVL track SCHOOLWORK #3 Background of the Study Overview of the Topic (What do you want readers to know about concerning your topic?) Paragraph 1- General information about your Topic (What is happening now about the issue you want to study)? Students of all ages are continuously pressured by peers, parents, teachers, and society to attain academic achievement. They are urged to prioritize their studies and place more time and effort into advancing their intellect in order to acquire excellent academic results. However, attaining academic achievement is not an easy task. A multitude of factors must come into play for an individual to accomplish their academic goals. In a study conducted by Arora and Singh (2017), one of the factors that influence students’ academic performance, along with personality traits, students’ personal interests, and the teaching skills of educators, is study habits. According to Coursera (2023), good study habits include finding a quiet location to study, setting clear study goals, taking practice tests, conducting a study group, and scheduling consistent study sessions. Students must employ effective study habits in order to comprehend the learning material more easily, and also reach their academic goals. Paragraph 2-Context of your topic (What are the conditions, settings, and situations with respect to your topic?) (Who is directly or indirectly involved?) Paragraph 3- Justification of your topic In the study “LEARNING STYLES, STUDY HABITS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF FILIPINO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN APPLIED SCIENCE COURSES: IMPLICATIONS FOR INSTRUCTION” conducted at Cagayan State University at Lasam (Philippines) the set of study habits of students enrolled in the applied science courses that prepare themselves better for their academics are the following: time management, note taking, test preparation, test taking, and managing test anxiety. By determining the relationship between students’ study habits and academic performance, students involved in the study and their peers can have a clear understanding of what study habits to follow in order to reach their academic goals. (Why should we pay attention to the topic we want to study?) (Why should we care about your topic?) (Why is there a need to focus on your topic)? SCHOOLWORK #3 Background of the Study Overview of the Topic (What do you want readers to know about concerning your topic?) This topic contains the factors affecting the reading comprehension of students under the TVL track at DLANHS Senior High. Since reading comprehension plays a crucial role in academic success, it serves as a tool for students to comprehend and advance their understanding. There are many factors affecting the students’ reading comprehension. These factors include cognitive, environmental, and physical conditions. Paragraph 1- General information about your Topic (What is happening now about the issue you want to study)? Paragraph 2-Context of your topic (What are the conditions, settings, and situations with respect to your topic?) (Who is directly or indirectly involved?) Paragraph 3- Justification of your topic (Why should we pay attention to the topic you want to study)? (Why should we care about your topic?) There are many factors that can affect a learner's reading comprehension. Teachers, parents, and learners should understand how a poor grade may reflect something beyond lackluster effort. Some of the factors are related to cognitive, environmental, and physical conditions. If a learner's reading comprehension level is below, in most cases it automatically implies difficulties in the acquisition of several other subjects, consequently obtaining education in general (Sosnowki, 2015). There are many reasons why reading comprehension is low among Filipinos. It is not just because of social media and the internet, as most online content requires significant reading comprehension. The reading habits of Filipinos may have changed due to the way we consume information like instant noodles. Additionally, there could be lapses in the education system where comprehension is not being prioritized. Parents may also not encourage reading at home, instead allowing children to engage in other activities. The Philippines scored lowest in reading comprehension among 79 participating countries and economies in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The country's average reading score of 340 was more than 200 points lower than China’s (555) and more than 100 points below the OECD average (487). Socioeconomic status accounts for 18% of the variance in reading performance in the country, compared to the OECD average of 12%. The country has the largest (Why is there a need to focus on your topic)? percentage of low performers in reading among socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Average class sizes of 15-year-olds in the Philippines are the largest, and the ratio of students to teaching staff in socio-economically disadvantaged schools is the highest. (Ed Gumban, Philippine Star, Dec 2019). Moreover, the researchers also observed that low reading comprehension among students is a problem faced by most teachers in Demetrio L. Alviola National High School-Senior High. It is a challenging task for teachers to tackle struggling learners and to make them learn lessons, homework, and classwork while dealing with them patiently. SCHOOLWORK #4 Practical Research II Title: Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Students Under the TVL Track at Demetrio L. Alviola National High School Title: A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Skill and the Strategies for Improvement Year of Publication: September 2016 Name of Journal/ Publication: Canadian Center of Science and Education Link: _Learning_and_Teaching/links/5943ee220f7e9b6910ee25db/A-Study-on-the-Role-ofMotivation-in-Foreign-Language-Learning-and-Teaching.pdf Notes/ Important Information/ Major Findings: The study’s important information/findings are as follows: 1. The use of reading comprehension strategies assists EFL learners in understanding the texts easily. EFL learners should read more authentic texts to have a better reading understanding of different kinds of written texts in their language. 2. Having a good reading habit helps learners understand authentic texts, although some texts are not pertinent to their interests. Successful readers try to apply different factors and skills to get the meaning of texts. 3. EFL teachers should encourage their learners to identify the factors that can influence them to get a deep understanding of what they read. These learners should be involved in the reading process through the use of various strategies to monitor their meaning. All of these factors and strategies work together to make the meaning processes easy and effective. 4. The findings of this study showed that EFL teachers should motivate their learners to read different materials, recognize their learners’ comprehension difficulties, and have positive opinions about their reading activities to easily understand the different texts. EFL teachers should provide information about the weaknesses of their learners to develop good reading comprehension skills. Title: FACTORS AFFECTING THE READING COMPREHENSION OF SECONDARY STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Author/s: Karen L. Sanford Year of Publication: May 2015 Name of Journal/Publication: University of San Francisco, Research Link: 1hEaLhChq04Do2VEi2-ENJpgHUYQc33AaQ2YQxDlVp0Q4TT4dkTXMERi8 Notes/ Important information/Major Findings: Her findings were as follows: The study’s important information/findings are as follows: 1. Strategic reading is also important to comprehension. Working memory and prior knowledge are also needed to comprehend. For learners, word recognition was the best predictor of reading comprehension suggesting that prior knowledge was more beneficial in helping students decode/read words, which in turn improves comprehension. When word recognition and prior knowledge are regressed onto reading comprehension, prior knowledge does become significant; however, word recognition continues to be more highly predictive of reading comprehension. 2. Working memory contributed the least to the regression model in the current study; however, it was directly related to reading comprehension. In this study, working memory was measured using five different instruments. 3. Students were presented with a series of both narrative and expository text to read, they were required to predict and draw conclusions about what they read. These skills required them to reflect upon what they learned directly from the text, and integrate that with their general knowledge about the content. 4. One summation from their research was that both reading comprehension and reading habits fostered vocabulary growth over and above general intelligence. 5. Word recognition as an integral step for early literacy in the elementary school grades, but little research has focused on the importance of word recognition to reading comprehension for 165 secondary students. 6. One finding from their study was that skilled word readers do not rely on morphological awareness because each word conveys meaning that affects comprehension. Title: Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Intermediate Level Learners: Basis for An Intervention Program Authors: Rossana Torres - Department of Education of the Philippines Year of publication: July 2019 Name of journal/ publication: ResearchGate Link: Notes/ Important Information/ Major Findings : The study’s important information/findings are as follows: 1. The strategy of the teacher did not affect the reading comprehension of the learners. In the study of Valencia (2006), she got the same result that the teacher factor has no significant effect on the learners' reading skills. 2. Home-related factors have a very significant effect that affects the reading comprehension of the learners. This is tested by the respondents whose parents' educational level had only attained elementary education. If parents have a good educational background, it would be easier for them to lead and help their children with their academic difficulties, especially in reading. Same in the parent's occupation and several siblings, where nutritious food intake is possible if family income is suitable for the family's needs. 3. Learners who did not read reading materials at house or school affect their reading comprehension skills. Camosa (1987) in De Leon (2009) states that if the child is exposed to reading materials it would have a great impact on the reading habit and interest of the learners. 4. Learner-related factors such as prior knowledge, understanding, and motivation if low hindered the reading comprehension skills of the students. Furthermore, prior knowledge plays a vital role in learners' comprehension by the schema theory. SCHOOLWORK #4 Research Project Title: The Correlation Between the Study Habits and Academic Performance of Students Under the Academic Track at Demetrio L. Alviola National High School Title: The Correlation Between Study Habits and the Academic Achievement of High School Pupils Authors: Asha Sasi1 and Anju A.R. Year of publication: Received August 25, 2020; Revised November 13, 2020; Accepted November 29, 2020 Name of journal/ publication: Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12A): 7359-7366, 2020 Link: bits_and_the_Academic_Achievement_of_High_School_Pupils Notes/ Important Information/ Major Findings: The study’s important information/findings are as follows: 1. Based on the data gathered, 61.7% of the subjects had satisfactory study habits and 45.6% of the subjects had good academic achievement. 2. There is a positive correlation between study habits and academic achievements among high school students. That means the score of academic achievement (vertical variable) is directly proportional to the score of study habits (horizontal variable). 3. The outcome reveals that there was a positive correlation prevailing between study habits and the academic achievement of high school pupils. That means an increase in the score of study habits will also increase academic achievement among high school pupils. So, the study settled that if pupils are maintaining satisfactory and proper study habits, then their academic achievement would definitely improve. 4. Deprived study habits will be upshot in poor academic accomplishment. The study also depicts that, sociodemographic variables like gender, most favorite hobby, involvement in extra-curricular activities, failure in academic exams, and habit of note-taking influenced the study habits and the academic achievement of selected high school pupils. Title: Study of the Relationship Between Study Habits and Academic Achievement of Students: A case of Spicer Higher Secondary School, India Authors: Evans Atsiaya and Julius K. Maiyo Year Of Publication: September 2015 Name of Journal/ Publication: International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies Link: Notes/ Important Information/ Major Findings: The study’s important information/findings are as follows: 1. Majority of students‟ exhibit average study habits, despite higher academic performance indicated in earlier observations. 22 students showed unsatisfactory study habits and notably 8 students practiced very unsatisfactory habits. 2. Results of this study revealed a positive relationship of 0.66 between study habits and academic achievement. 3. The results implied that study habits need significant attention if we are to improve performance. 4. There was a clear finding that the teachers and students seem not to take an effort in developing good study habits. Title: Technology Exposure: It’s Relationship to the Study Habits and Academic Performance of Students Author/s: Berondo, R. G., & Dela Fuente, J. A. Year of Publication: 2021-10-13 Name of Journal/Publication: U.S. Department of Education, PDF Link: Notes/ Important information/ Major Findings: Their findings were as follows: 1. Majority of students (48.2%) had average study habits, 25.9% unsatisfactory study habits, 16.5% good study habits and 9.4% very unsatisfactory, class mean was found to be 55.33 in study habits. 2. The time spent on studying helps students to retain the materials learned, which will eventually boost the students‟ performance outcome during tests or examinations. 3. There is excellence performance, 4 students scored above 95. Concentration of scores, 56 students scored between 64.5 and 85.5. Only one student scored below average. The mean score was 74.4%. The performance is generally above average. Score range was found to be 48 marks. 4. Results of their study revealed a positive relationship of 0.66 between study habits and academic achievement. 5. The data were gathered using a standardized survey questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics: mean percentage, frequency count, and standard deviation. For the inferential statistics: t-test, analysis of variance, and Pearson r correlation at 0.05 level of significance through the aid of the SPSS software version 27. 6..Male students have significantly higher exposure to technology which was inferred that this group of students has a greater chance to excel academically in Social Studies subject. The academic institution should look at it as a gender bias issue that should be addressed by providing equal opportunities to different gender preferences as to their exposure to technology for the academic endeavor. Compare and Contrast Similarities: All results of the studies show a significant relationship between study habits and academic performance. Additionally, all the respondents in the studies are in high school. Differences: Respondents in each study have study habits that range from satisfactory to unsatisfactory and academic performance that range from above average to average. Moreover, each variable included other variables like gender and technology and determined the relationship between it and study habits and academic performance. Chosen Research: The Correlation Between Study Habits and the Academic Achievement of High School Pupils