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Psychology Midterm Exam: Scientific Methods & Ethics

Midterm Examination (ZMB-PSYCH010L-PSY202-T3)
Midterm Examination(65 Points)
Section 1
I. Multiple Choices.
1 pt.
1.._______ is an everyday, nonscientific data collection that shapes our expectations and beliefs, and
influences our social behaviorRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) scientific mentality
b) good thinking
c) intuition
d) common sense psychology
2.Scientific principles that apply to all situations are called ________.Required to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) laws
b) hypothesis
c) theories
d) constructs
3.Occam's assumption is known for ________.Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) the scientific mentality
b) the principle of parsimony
c) good thinking
d) self-correction
4.Assigning numerical values to internal states, based on generally accepted rules, is called
________.Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) experimentation
b) analysis
c) measurement
d) observation
5.Data are empirical when they are ____. Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) proven
b) observable
c) hypothetical constructs
d) standardized
6.Which of these involves poor use of data to estimate the true probabilities of events?Required to
answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) gambler's fallacy
b) halo effect
c) confirmation bias
d) overconfidence bias
7.The assumption that human behavior follows a natural order corresponds to Alfred North
Whitehead's concept of ____Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) The scientific mentality
b) Good thinking
c) Intuition
d) Commonsense psychology
8.Dana dreams of an earthquake and then learns of a major West Coast quake the next day.
Observations like these often have limited scientific value because of problems in _____.Required to
answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Parsimony
b) Replication
c) publicizing result
d) self-correction
9.Treatments are specific sets of ____ that are created in a psychology experiment.Required to
answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) observation
b) hypothesis
c) antecedent conditions
d) theories
10.Consists of the scientific techniques we use to collect and evaluate data.Required to answer.
Single choice. (1 Point)
a) methodology
b) scientific process
c) measurement
d) experimentation
11.Modern scientists accept the uncertainty of their own conclusionsRequired to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) parsimony
b) self-correction
c) replication
d) publicizing result
12.Continuous exchange of information that is vital to the scientific processRequired to answer.
Single choice. (1 Point)
a) publicizing result
b) self-correction
c) replication
d) parsimony
13.Research designed to investigate real-world problems or improve quality of lifeRequired to
answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) basic research
b) qualitative research
c) quantitative research
d) applied research
14.Research that is the primary goal is to extend our knowledgeRequired to answer. Single choice. (1
a) basic research
b) qualitative research
c) quantitative research
d) applied research
15.Facts and figures gathered from observations in research.Required to answer. Single choice. (1
a) hypothesis
b) theories
c) data
d) observations
16.A set of general principles that attempts to explain and predict behavior or other
phenomenaRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) theory
b) law
c) educated guess
d) hypothesis
17.The systematic gathering of data to provide descriptions of events taking place under specific
conditions, enabling researchers to explain, predict, and control events.Required to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) technology
b) scientific method
c) commonsense psychology
d) science
18.Steps scientists take to gather and verify information, answer questions, explain relationships,
and communicate findingsRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) scientific method
b) commonsense psychology
c) technology
d) science
19.All of which are objectives of psychological science exceptRequired to answer. Single choice. (1
a) describing behavior of the subjects
b) control acceptable and desirable behavior
c) predict behavior based on a particular condition
d) explain the causal relationship of behavior
20.Pertains to the nonscientific use of information to explain or predict behaviorRequired to answer.
Single choice. (1 Point)
a) pseudoscience
b) superstitious belief
c) Non-scientific inference
d) none of the above
21.All the data to be reported should include all facts with accuracy.Required to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) Honesty
b) Objectivity
c) Competence
d) Care
22.When a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another should be
done.Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Objectivity
b) Legality
c) Care
d) Responsible Publication
23.The researcher should be fully equipped with research skills when conducting the study.Required
to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Competence
b) Confidentiality
c) Legality
d) openness
24.Informed consent for a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?Required
to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) talking to him or her privately
b) surprising him or her with a questionnaire
c) writing him or her a letter
d) using a padrino system
25.Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?Required to
answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Asking the participant to write his or her name in the questionnaire
b) Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the Study section
c) Introducing himself or herself in an interview
d) Taking his or her picture and placing it in the appendix
26.Is this a case of plagiarism?
Alexandra puts her name on a quotation of ShakespeareRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Yes, because her name was indicated
b) No, because date of publication should be included
c) Yes, because she was the one who quoted Shakespeare’s work
d) No, because she was not the one being quoted
27.A group of researchers would like to determine the difference in the pattern of behavior between
group participants with bipolar disorders and normal individuals. What research approach is best to
use?Required to answer. Multiple choice. (1 Point)
a) Archival study
b) Phenomenology
c) Field study
d) Deviant case analysis
28.I'm conducting an experiment, the experiment might cause physical injuries to the participants,
and which principal am I breaking?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Providing the right to withdraw
b) Protecting anonymity and confidentiality
c) Minimizing the risk of harm
d) None of the above
29.When conducting a research, the initial acceptance of the conditions and requirements of the
research taken from the participants is calledRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Consent form
b) Anonymity
c) Confidentiality
d) None of the above
30.In your research period, some participants wanted to withdraw within half the period , you didn't
agree . Which rule are you breaking?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Obtaining consent form
b) Protect the right to withdraw
c) Minimizing the risk of harm
d) None of the above
31.In your research, you shared the contact details of some of your participants without their prior
approval, Which rule are you breaking?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Protecting Anonymity and Confidentiality
b) Obtaining Consent Form
c) Avoiding Deceptive Practices
d) None of the above
32.In ethical research, which is a necessary allowance?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Getting paid to participate
b) Earning course credit
c) The ability to withdraw
d) Getting free medicine
33.Why is confidentiality an important facet of ethical experiments?Required to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) for their safety
b) for the privacy of the participants
c) So they don't have to know the results
d) So other researchers don't bother them
34._____ is when you ensure that subjects completely understand what they are being asked to
participate in, and have the ability to agree to it.Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Informed consent
b) Protection
c) Withdrawal
d) Confidentiality
35.Anonymity, privacy, and confidentiality are only recommended for researchers to
follow.Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) True; these are only recommendations.
b) True; it is the requirement of the participants to follow and only a recommendation for the
c) False; these are not recommendations but requirements of the law.
d) False; a researcher only needs to follow one of these, not all three.
36.What is the practice of protecting participants' personal identities and answers by ensuring their
responses cannot be linked back to them?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Anonymity
b) Confidentiality
c) Privacy
37.In America, research activity must be approved by Institutional review board (IRB) before any
work can be performedRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) True, it is necessary at all occasion
b) False, it is not necessary
c) True, it is necessary but not in all occasion
d) False, it is important but not important
38.The principal of "maintaining autonomy for all potential and current study participants";
correspond to which one of Basic ethical principles of Belmont Report? Required to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) Person respect
b) Justice
c) Beneficence
d) None of the above
39.Before the study begins, participants must know all the potential benefits and harms of the
studyRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) True, but not always
b) False, it is allowed only to disclose the benefit of research and not its potential harm
c) True, always
d) False, ,it is allowed only to disclose the potential harm of research and not its benefit
40.All the primary studies should be approved by: Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) CDC
b) IRB
41.Why are ethical issues important in research?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) They will help me pass the assignment
b) They indicate what the researcher ought to do and how they should treat people
c) They help the researcher write up their research
d) They indicate that all people are very sensitive
42.What is an ethics committee?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) People who like to talk a lot
b) A group of people who think about hypothetical research
c) A group of experienced people who will consider a research proposal and the degree to which
ethical issues have been considered appropriately
d) A group of experienced people who are useful to draw on when writing a proposal as an optional
43.What (amongst other things) is now considered unethical in Milgram’s experiments looking at
obedience and authority?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) The research participants (given role of ‘teachers’) did not know the ‘learners’ were actors
b) The participants responded to an advert
c) The participants were all male
d) The ‘learners’ were given high voltage shocks
44.What is meant by ‘informed consent’? Please indicate the best answerRequired to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) Telling people who you are and what you are studying
b) The ethics committee is informed about the research
c) Participants are given a clear indication what the research is about and what their involvement
would entail
d) Participants are informed about the findings of the research at the end of the project
45.Which of the following best relates to ethical issues when researching with babies?Required to
answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Asking for adults’ permission to research because babies are incapable of showing a degree of
b) Getting babies to make a hand print to stand for a signature on a consent form
c) Seeing consent and withdrawal of consent as an ongoing issue and responding to the cues of the
d) Babies don’t remember so if they are upset you don’t need to worry about it
46.If you are a student involved in a research project in a nursery how would you deal with a child
disclosing that her parent has hit her the previous night?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Keep the information secret as to do otherwise is a breach of confidentiality
b) Talk to the setting’s manager (or person with responsibility for safeguarding) soon afterwards
c) Be annoyed that you will probably have to exclude the child from the research
d) Joke with the parents, saying ‘You’ll never believe what your child has told me…’
47.Which of these participants is acting autonomously?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) A participant in a documentary about human interaction on buses who does not know she is being
b) A participant whose social worker helps them answer a questionnaire and fills in a question on
their behalf.
c) A deaf participant who uses a signer in an interview about disability awareness.
d) None of the above
48.A research participant is allowed to withdraw from a study:Required to answer. Single choice. (1
a) For any reason as long as it is explained to the researcher
b) For any reason as long as the researcher gives permission to withdraw
c) For any reason without any explanation.
d) None of the above
49.On which of these occasions has confidentiality not been broken?Required to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) You made notes during an interview and ask a friend to spell-check them.
b) You store your research data and statistics on a public folder on the local library computer.
c) You forget to tell inform participants that another researcher will be using your work.
d) You ask participants to sign a consent form giving permission for their details to be entered into a
prize draw.
50.Which of these studies could be potentially unethical?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) A study of the response of elderly care-home patients to watching television at mealtimes where
half watch at lunchtime, and half at dinnertime.
b) Research into treatment for AIDS where half of sufferers are given treatment and the other half, a
c) A study of the effects of sleep deprivation with sufferers of insomnia.
d) None of the above
51.Xavier is conducting a study on the effect of an online game on test scores. He has two groups of
subjects to whom he gives a pretest. Xavier then gives one group the treatment (the online game)
and gives the other group worksheets. He then gives each group a posttest. Which of the following
best describes the type of research that Xavier is conducting?Required to answer. Single choice. (1
a) Experimental research
b) Non-experimental research
c) Treatment research
d) Neither experimental or non-experimental
52.Mary's study primarily relies on observation, surveys, and case studies. Which of the following
best describes Mary's study?Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Experimental
b) Non-experimental
c) Observational
d) Nonscientific
53.A sample of this descriptive method of data gathering is when children with ADHD is being
observed in a school setting to identify if they have difficulty remaining in their seats, don’t pay
attention to teacher, can’t sit still, rudely interrupt the teacher or other student.Required to answer.
Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Survey
b) Interview
c) Naturalistic observation
d) Experimental
54.Which among the following is not true about case study?Required to answer. Single choice. (1
a) It is an in-depth analysis of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or behaviors of a single person
b) One of the disadvantages of the case study is that the psychologists’ own beliefs, or values may
bias their observations and cause them to misinterpret behaviors
c) One of the disadvantages of the case study is that some data rely on people’s recollections, which
can be inaccurate or incomplete.
d) One of the advantages of a case study is that it enables psychologists to obtain detailed
description and insights into aspects of an individual’s life and behaviors that cannot be gains in
other ways
55.The purpose of an experimental design, as compared to other designs, is a clear intent
to___.Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) provide the most valid type of design.
b) provide highly significant or important results.
c) answer the research question.
d) show cause and effect relationships.
56.Which is false among the stated purpose of non-experimental approaches?Required to answer.
Single choice. (1 Point)
a) used in situations in which an experiment is not practical or desirable
b) used to study behaviors in natural settings
c) provide extensive and useful data, either from single individuals or from large groups of people
d) randomly assigned participants
57.All statements are correct except____.Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) External validity is a degree to which a research design allows us to make causal statements
between independent and dependent variable
b) Research is high in internal validity if we can demonstrate with certainty that the changes in
behavior observed across treatment conditions were actually caused by differences in treatments.
c) laboratory experiments, are potentially high in internal validity because of their control of
extraneous variables
Researchers create levels of the IV and use procedures like matching and random assignment
58.Extent to which the researcher constrains, or limits, the responses a subject may contribute to
the data. Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) degree of manipulation of antecedent conditions
b) degree of imposition of units
c) internal validity
d) external validity
59.The description of an individual's immediate experience.Required to answer. Single choice. (1
a) phenomenology,
b)case studies,
c) field studies
archival studies
60.Which is not a limitation of phenomenological research study?Required to answer. Single choice.
(1 Point)
a) Interpretation of results can be objective
b) It cannot provide cause and effect relationship
c) Individual experiences is difficult to replicate
d) All of the above
61.Clinical psychology has relied heavily on this type of approach.Required to answer. Single choice.
(1 Point)
a) phenomenology,
b) case studies,
c) field studies,
d) archival studies
62.Nonexperimental approaches used in the field or in real-life settings.Required to answer. Single
choice. (1 Point)
a) phenomenology,
b) case studies,
c) field studies,
d) archival studies
63.Approach that is typically use in animal researchRequired to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Naturalistic observation
b) Participant observer
c) Experiment
d) Qualitative
64.A researcher would like to study the lived experiences of politically engaged voters after the
recent election 2022. What research approach is best to use?Required to answer. Single choice. (1
a) Naturalistic observation
b) Participant observer
c) Experiment
d) Qualitative
65.Descriptive research method in which already existing records are reexamined for a new purpose.
Required to answer. Single choice. (1 Point)
a) Archival study
b) Phenomenology
c) Field study
d) Deviant case analysis
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