Uploaded by Engida Getachew

Peer-to-Peer Network Paper Review: Bitcoin & Chord

Paper Review Presentation PPT
Bersufekad Paulos
Engida Getachew
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash
• Bitcoin A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash that would
allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another
without going through a financial institution.
• what's required is an electronic payment system supported by
cryptologic proof rather than trust, permitting any two willing parties
to interact directly without the need for a trusted third party.
• In this paper, the writer tends to propose an answer to the doublespending drawback by deploying a peer-to-peer distributed
timestamp server to get computational proof of the written account
order of transactions.
• He proposed a proof-of-work for victimizing peer-to-peer networks to
record a public transaction history that quickly becomes
computationally impractical for the associate-grade attacker to
manipulate when honest nodes are the largest Controlling part of the
performance of electronic devices.
• The nodes all work on time with very little coordination. they work
without being identified, since the messages do not appear to be
directed to a specific location and should only be delivered with great
• The nodes are randomly connected in an unstructured network and
there is no fixed line of communication. To solve this problem, we
propose a hybrid peer-to-peer network.
• hybrid network provides the centralization function of the structured
network and the equality of the nodes of the unstructured network
to realize the exchange.
Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup
Protocol for Internet Applications
• The contribution of this document can be a scalable protocol to work
in a very dynamic peer-to-peer system with frequent arrivals and
departures of nodes. Peer-to-peer applications must be forced to
recognize the node containing the data.
• when the node data is only partially good. this theoretical analysis
and simulation results ensure that Chord scales well with node count,
recovers from large numbers of accesses and mismatched node
failures, and responds well to most queries even during recovery.
• Chord will be a valuable component of large-scale distributed peer-to-peer
applications, including cooperative file sharing, time sharing accessible
storage systems, distributed indexes for document search and repair, and
large-scale distributed computing.
• One way to check global consistency is for each node n to periodically ask
other nodes to perform a chord search for n; If the search does not
produce a node n, there may be a partition. As a result, only partitions
whose nodes know each other are recognized.
• One way to get this knowledge is for each node to know about the same
small set of seed nodes. When a partition is formed, random sets from one
partition are likely to contain nodes from the other partition.