NetSure™ NetSure™ 7100 系列 -48V 直流插框电源 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack 用户手册, V1.2 User Manual, V1.2 BOM 编码:31013961 Specification Number: 31013961 Model Number: 731 A91 Revision date April 14, 2020 型号:731 A91 归档日期 2020-04-14 维谛技术有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支 持,用户可与就近的维谛技术有限公司办事处 或客户服务中心联系,也可直接与公司总部联 Vertiv Tech provides customers with technical support. Users may contact the nearest Vertiv local sales office or service center. 系。 维谛技术有限公司 Copyright © 2019 by Vertiv Tech Co., Ltd. 版权所有,保留一切权利。内容如有改动,恕 All rights reserved. The contents in this document are subject to change without notice. 不另行通知。 维谛技术有限公司 Vertiv Tech Co., Ltd. B2 栋 Address: Block B2, Nanshan I Park, No.1001 Xueyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518055, P.R.China 邮编:518055 Homepage: 公司网址 E-mail: 地址:深圳市南山区学苑大道 1001 号南山智园 客户服务热线:4008876510 安全注意事项 在开始操作之前,请仔细阅读操作指示、注意事项,以减少意外的发生。产品及产品手册中的“小心、注意、警告、 危险”事项,并不代表所应遵守的所有安全事项,只作为各种操作安全注意事项的补充。因此,负责维谛技术有限 公司产品安装、操作的人员必须经严格培训,掌握系统正确的操作方法及各种安全注意事项后方可进行设备的各项 操作。 在进行本公司产品、设备的各项操作时,必须遵守相关行业的安全规范,严格遵守由维谛技术有限公司提供的相关 设备注意事项和特殊安全指示。 电气安全 高压 危险 本电源系统运行时部分部件带有高压,直接接触或通过潮湿物体间接接触这些部件,会带来致命的危险。 交流电源设备的安装,必须遵守相关行业的安全规范,进行交流设备安装的人员,必须具有高压、交流电等作业资 格。 操作时严禁在手腕上佩带手表、手链、手镯、戒指等易导电物体。 发现插框有水或潮湿时,请立刻关闭电源。在潮湿的环境下操作时,应严格防止水分进入设备。 安装过程中不能容许操作的开关和按扭上,必须挂上禁止标识牌。 危险 高压线路的施工操作,可能导致起火或电击意外。交流电缆的架接、走线经过区域必须遵循所在地的法 规和规范。只有具有高压、交流电作业资格的人员才能进行各项高压操作。 工具 警告 在进行高压、交流电各种操作时,必需使用专用工具,不得使用普通或自行携带的工具。 危险 严禁在雷雨天气下进行高压、交流电,及铁塔、桅杆作业。 雷雨 在雷雨天气下,大气中会产生强电磁场。因此,为避免雷击损坏设备,要及时做好设备的良好接地。 静电 人体产生的静电会损坏电路板上的静电敏感元器件,如大规模集成电路(IC)等。在接触设备,手拿插 注意 注意 板、电路板、IC 芯片等前,为防止人体静电损坏敏感元器件,必须佩戴防静电手腕,并将防静电手腕的 另一端良好接地。 短路 危险 严禁操作时将电源系统直流配电正负极短路或将非接地极对地短路。电源设备为恒压直流供电设备,短 路将会引起设备烧毁和人身安全危害。 在进行直流带电作业时必须严格检查线缆和接口端子的极性。 直流配电操作空间紧凑,任何操作之前要注意选好操作空间。 操作时严禁在手腕上佩带手表、手链、手镯、戒指等易导电物体。 操作必须使用绝缘工具。 带电操作时,必须注意手、腕、臂保持紧张状态,使得发生工具卡接脱落时,人体和工具的自由行程最小。 危险能量 注意 警告 系统超过 240VA,危险能量,必须远离和不能桥接。 危险 进行电池作业之前,必须仔细阅读电池搬运的安全注意事项,以及电池的准确连接方法。 电池 电池的不规范操作会造成危险。操作中必须严格注意、小心防范电池短路或电解液溢出、流失。电解液的溢出会对 设备构成潜在性的威胁,会腐蚀金属物体及电路板,造成设备损坏及电路板短路。 电池安装、操作前,为确保安全,应注意如下事项: 摘下手腕上的手表、手链、手镯、戒指等含有金属的物体。 使用专用绝缘工具。 使用眼睛保护装置,并做好预防措施。 使用橡胶手套,佩戴好预防电解液溢出的围裙。 电池在搬运过程中应始终保持电极正面向上,严禁倒置、倾斜。 电池保护 本电源系统具有电池保护功能。负载下电即电源系统交流停电,由电池供电的情况下,电池电压下降到 43.2V(电 池保护电压值可设)电源系统自动切断电池(电池仅带载监控工作),以避免蓄电池因过放电而影响电池寿命。 本系统出厂设置为启动电池保护功能,意味着交流长时间停电或设备故障时可能出现负载下电与电池保护。用户应 根据负载重要性选择哪些负载为非重要负载,接入负载下电支路,启动负载下电功能;相对比较重要的负载应接到 电池保护支路。对于特别重要的负载,则应考虑软件取消电池保护功能,以确保供电可靠性。 取消电池保护功能的方法为: 将监控模块电池参数中的“电池保护允许”一项设置为“否”。 启动电池保护的优点为电池电压较低时可以保护电池;缺点为电池电压下降到一定水平即切断电池,使 注意 警告 得所有负载,包括重要与非重要的负载断电。 取消电池保护的优点为延长重要负载供电时间,缺点为无法保护电池。也不能避免误操作或设备故障导 致的非预期的误下电。 其它 物体尖角 警告 用手搬运设备时,要佩带保护手套,防止利物割伤 电源电缆 注意 警告 在连接电缆之前,确认电缆及电缆标签与实际安装是否相符。 信号线的绑扎 注意 警告 信号线应与强电流或高压线分开绑扎,绑扎的间距至少为 150mm。 目 录 第一章 概述 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 组成与配置 ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 第二章 安装 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 安全规定............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 安装准备............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 机械安装............................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 电气安装............................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.4.1 系统出线方式 ............................................................................................................................................ 6 2.4.2 连接交流线 ................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.4.3 连接负载电缆 ............................................................................................................................................ 8 2.4.4 连接电池电缆 ............................................................................................................................................ 8 2.4.5 连接信号线 ................................................................................................................................................ 9 第三章 调试 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 安装检查及上电 .................................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2 设置基本参数...................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 检查告警及运行状态 ........................................................................................................................................... 12 3.4 后续工作............................................................................................................................................................. 13 第四章 故障处理 ............................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 监控模块告警处理 .............................................................................................................................................. 14 4.2 整流模块故障处理 .............................................................................................................................................. 16 附录一 工程技术参数 ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 附录二 电池架安装说明..................................................................................................................................................... 21 1. 2层和4层电池架安装说明 ...................................................................................................................................... 21 2. 3层电池架安装说明 ............................................................................................................................................... 23 3. 固定电池架 ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 附录三 接线图 ................................................................................................................................................................... 25 附录四 原理图 ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 附录五 有毒有害物质或元素标识表 ................................................................................................................................... 31 第一章 第一章 概述 概述 本章介绍电源系统的组成与配置和主要特点。 本文中所出现的“电源系统”均指 NetSure 731 A91 19 英寸插框电源系统。该系统属于 NetSure 7100 系列。 1.2 组成与配置 组成 电源系统由配电部分、整流模块及监控模块组成。 以 NetSure 731 A91-S1 为例,电源系统内部结构如图1-1所示。 重要负载 非重要负载 正接线端子 接地螺钉 交流输入N 交流输入L3 交流输入L2 交流输入L1 电池空开 监控模块 整流模块 图1-1 NetSure 731 A91- S1 系统结构 配置 电源系统配置见表1-1。 表1-1 固定配置电源系统配置表 参数 监控模块 NetSure 731 A91-S1 NetSure 731 A91-S2 NetSure 731 A91-S3 型号:M830B 型号:M530B 型号:M830B 型号:R48-3500e3 型号:R48-3000e3/R48-3500e3 型号:R48-3000e3 最大配置:9 个 最大配置:9 个 最大配置:9 个 3P+N+PE/380-415Vac 3P+N+PE/380-415Vac 3P+N+PE/380-415Vac 重要负载支路(PL): 重要负载支路(PL): 重要负载支路(PL): 63A/1P×2 空开 63A/1P×2 空开 63A/1P×2 空开 32A/1P×2 空开 32A/1P×2 空开 32A/1P×2 空开 16A/1P×2 空开 16A/1P×2 空开 16A/1P×2 空开 非重要负载支路(NPL): 非重要负载支路(NPL): 非重要负载支路(NPL): 63A/1P×3 空开 63A/1P×3 空开 63A/1P×3 空开 32A/1P×3 空开 32A/1P×3 空开 32A/1P×3 空开 16A/1P×2 空开 16A/1P×2 空开 16A/1P×2 空开 交流输出空开 无 无 无 电池空开 4×125A/1P 4×125A/1P 4×125A/1P 交流防雷器 1个 1个 1个 直流防雷板 1个 1个 1个 顶盖 标配 标配 标配 整流模块 交流配电 直流配电 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 1 2 第一章 概述 参数 电池下电后监控控 制方式 NetSure 731 A91-S1 监控不失电式 NetSure 731 A91-S2 监控不失电式 NetSure 731 A91-S3 监控不失电式 主要特点 整流模块采用有源功率因数补偿技术,功率因数值达 0.99。 交流输入电压正常工作范围宽至 85Vac~305Vac(模块单相输入电压) 。 整流模块采用全面软开关技术,最高效率达 95.3%。 整流模块超低辐射。采用先进的电磁兼容设计,整流模块能够满足 CE、NEBS、YD/T983 等国内外标准要求。整流 模块的传导和辐射能达到 Class B(R48-3500e3 模块满足,R48-3000e3 满足 Class A)的要求。 整流模块安规按照 UL,CE,NEBS 标准设计。 模块功率密度高。 整流模块采用无损伤热插拔技术,即插即用,更换时间小于 1min。 整流模块有输入过压保护。过压保护点设置为 307.5V,可自动恢复。 整流模块有输出过压硬件保护和输出过压软件保护。软件过压保护方式有两种选择:一次过压锁死模式、二次过压 锁死模式。 完善的电池管理。有电池低电压保护功能,能实现温度补偿、自动调压、无级限流、电池容量计算、在线电池测试 等功能。 历史告警记录:M530B 监控支持历史告警 200 条、历史数据 5000 条,M830B 监控支持历史告警 4000 条、历史数据 60000 条。 电池测试数据:M530B 监控支持记录 5 组,M830B 监控支持记录 10 组。 网络化设计,提供 RS232、RS485、USB、以太网和 CAN 等多种通信接口,组网灵活,可实现远程监控,无人值 守。 完善的交、直流侧防雷设计。 完备的故障保护、故障告警功能。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 第二章 安装 3 第二章 安装 2.1 安全规定 本电源系统内部某些器件的工作电压及电流很大,为保证人身安全,应时刻遵守以下规定: 1.只有接受过电源系统培训并充分掌握电源系统知识的人员才可以安装此电源系统。安装过程中,应始终要遵守前述 列出的安全规定及本地安全规定; 2.所有连接到该电源系统的外部电压为-48V 以下的电路必须满足 IEC 60950-1 标准中定义的 SELV 要求; 3.如要在电源系统插框内部操作,应确保电源系统不带电。必须断开电源系统的市电输入及电池; 4.将电源设备置于带锁的房间或设备内,由电源设备的负责人保管钥匙; 5.配电电缆布线应合理且有保护措施,避免操作电源设备时触碰到这些电缆。 2.2 安装准备 开箱验货 只有货物到达安装现场后才容许拆开包装箱进行验货。验货由用户方代表和维谛技术有限公司代表共同完成。验货时, 拆开包装,取出装箱单,对照装箱单检验设备的正确性、完整性,并检查物品是否有损坏。 准备电缆 电缆的选取应符合电气行业相关规范。交流电缆建议采用 RVVZ 型电缆,电缆至少应达到 70℃的耐温级别。在布线距离 小于 30 米时,建议按电流密度 3.5A/mm2 估算用线截面积,推荐不小于表2-1的电缆截面。 表2-1 负载电缆截面选择 交流空开额定电流 最大交流输入电流 建议最小截面积 允许最大截面积 100A 64A 25mm2 50mm2 直流电缆的截面积取决于流过电缆的电流和允许的电缆压降。电池电缆的截面选择见表2-2。负载电缆截面选择见表2-3。 表2-2 电池电缆截面选择 电池空开额定电流 最大电池电流 建议最小截面积 0.35V 压降下最大长度 125A 100A 35mm2 7m 注: 1.表格内尺寸为环境温度 25℃时的电缆尺寸。 2.电池电缆至少应达到 90℃耐温级别,建议采用双绝缘层铜芯阻燃电缆 表2-3 负载电缆截面选择 支路额定电流 63A 32A 16A 允许最大电流 最小截面积 63A 32A 16A 16mm2 10mm2 6mm2 0.35V 压降及最小截面积下最大长 度 5m 6m 8m 最大截面积 0.35V 压降及最大截面积下最大长度 25mm2 25mm2 25mm2 8m 15m 31m 注:表格内尺寸为环境温度 25℃时的电缆尺寸,如果环境温度过高,电缆截面积应适当增大 为防止空气开关容量过大,负载过载时不起作用。建议空气开关的容量为负载峰值容量的 1.5~2 倍。 系统接地电缆的截面积应与最大的交流输入线缆截面一致,但不小于 25mm2。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 4 第二章 安装 交、直流配电接口定义见表2-4。 表2-4 交、直流配电接口定义 连接件名称 交流配电 直流配电 接线端子规格 接线说明 交流输入空开 H 型管型端子,最大电缆截面积 50mm 接入交流电源 接地汇流排 M8 螺栓 1 个,OT 型接线端子,最大电缆截面积 35mm2 接入到机房的接地排 电池输入空开 H 型管型端子,最大电缆截面积 50mm 接入到电池端口 负极输出空开 H 型管型端子,最大电缆截面积 25mm2 接入到用户负载端口负极 正母排 接线框端子:电缆截面积≤50mm 接入到用户负载端口正极 2 2 2 2.3 机械安装 注意 1.用于安装插框电源系统的机柜或机架应提供防火和电气防护外壳,或安装在水泥或其它不易燃烧平面,同时和其他 易燃烧物保持足够的距离。 2.为方便维护,电源系统前方至少预留 800mm 维护空间。 3.插框不能靠墙安装,必须留有足够的空间散热。 在电池架上安装 用 M6 螺钉,通过连接件将电源插框固定在电池支架上,如图2-1所示。 电源插框 M6螺钉 M6螺钉 连接件 连接件 电源插框 图2-1 机柜或机架安装固定 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 第二章 在机柜中安装 将电源系统插入与之配套使用的机柜中,如图2-2所示。 电源插框 图2-2 机柜中安装插框系统 插框电源系统的工程图,如图2-3所示。 R3.5 37.7 101.6 355.2 76.2 7 101.6 10 465.1 482.6 图2-3 NetSure 731 A91-S1/S2/S3 安装尺寸(单位:mm) 注意 1.MFU 前面板的松不脱螺钉,在不需要操作后,需要用十字螺丝刀拧紧。 2.模块把手也需要用十字螺丝刀来拧紧。 3.若移除整流模块后,请及时插进去新的模块或者安装一块假面板。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 安装 5 6 第二章 安装 2.4 电气安装 2.4.1 系统出线方式 从系统顶盖出线 顶盖为橡胶圈顶盖。 橡胶圈顶盖 MFU 单元出线方式如 2-4 所示,用电工刀在橡胶单元上把“十”字印记割开。如图 2-4 所示。线缆从电缆出 线区出线,用扎线带固定在扎线板的边缘处。 橡胶单元 电缆出线区 图2-4 MFU 单元电缆出线示意图 从系统侧面出线 用十字螺丝刀卸下侧面出线盖板的两颗螺钉,电缆从该出线空间出线,如 2-5 所示。 危险 当心触电 当插框在外部独立安装时(不安装在机架内),采用系统侧面出线,必须在连接好电缆之后,将出线孔的空隙密封,防 止触碰到插框内部带电部位。同时用扎线带就近将线束固定在侧出线孔扎线处。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 第二章 安装 7 螺钉 螺钉 扎线孔 扎线孔 图2-5 侧面电缆出线示意图 2.4.2 连接交流线 危险 当心触电 1.在电气连接前,将所有开关等置于断开位置。 2.市电电缆的安装工作仅能由具有任职资格的人员执行。 以 NetSure 731 A91-S1 电源系统为例,接线端子如图 2-6 所示。连接完交流线后,用扎线带就近将线束固定在顶盖或侧 出线孔扎线处。 接地螺钉 交流输入N 交流输入L3 交流输入L2 交流输入L1 图2-6 接线端子示意图 注意 1.建议用户接地螺钉紧固力矩为 11N*M。 2.系统接地电缆除电源系统的接地螺母固定外,应至少增加一处固定点(用扎线带固定在顶盖处) ,以防止接地电缆松 脱。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 8 第二章 安装 2.4.3 连接负载电缆 将用户负极电缆接至负载空开的上端,然后将各负载正极电缆接至正极接线端子。如图 2-7 所示。 非重要负载 重要负载 正接线端子 图2-7 负载电缆接线端子示意图 2.4.4 连接电池电缆 注意 操作电池时会有大电流危险。电源系统在连接电池电缆的时,必须做到以下几点: 1. 确保所有电池空开都已断开。 2. 确保电池电缆与蓄电池组端是断开状态,也可断开蓄电池组内的单体电池连接器,以避免安装后电源系统带电,或是 出现对机壳短路的风险。 3.电池电缆两端连接的极性必须一致,否则会损坏电池和电源系统! 4. 严禁在电源系统电池输入端口仍然带电的情况下,去拆卸电池空开上部的电池电缆。 1.将电池负极电缆的一端连接到电池空开的上端;将电池正极电缆的一端接至正极接线端子。 2.将两根电池电缆未接线的一端作好铜鼻子并用绝缘胶布把铜鼻子缠好,分别放到电池负极和正极旁边,并在顶盖处 用绑扎带进行固定。等到直流配电初调时,将电池电缆连接到电池上。如图 2-8 所示。 正接线端子 电池空开 图2-8 电池接线端子示意图 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 第二章 安装 9 2.4.5 连接信号线 NetSure 731 A91-S1/S3 信号线接线 系统标配 M830B 监控模块,输出干接点由监控模块本体及用户接口板 MA4C5U31 提供。监控模块和用户接口板在系统 中的位置如图 2-9 所示。 信号线缆 端子排 用户接口板 (DI/DO板) 图2-9 NetSure 731 A91-S1 用户接口板位置示意图 MA4C5U31 用户接口板可以提供 8 路 DI 和 8 路 DO,对于告警类型和对应继电器,用户可根据实际情况,通过后台软 件进行设置。 连接通讯信号线 M830B 监控模块通讯接口如图 2-10 所示。 以太网口 USB口 图2-10 M830B 监控模块通讯接口 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 10 第二章 安装 NetSure 731 A91-S2 信号线接线 系统标配 M530B 监控模块,监控模块在系统中的位置如图 2-11 所示。 信号线缆 用户接口端子 (DI/DO板) 图2-11 NetSure 731 A91-S2 监控位置示意图 连接通讯信号线 M530B 监控模块通讯接口如图 2-12 所示。 以太网口 USB口 图2-12 M530B 监控模块通讯接口 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 第三章 调试 11 第三章 调试 电源系统使用的监控模块的型号包括 M830B、M530B。本章介绍电源系统安装完成后所要进行的调试内容。调试过程中, 必须遵守相应的安全规定。 3.1 安装检查及上电 测试前,须通知电源系统的厂家代表负责人。须由接受过培训的电气工程师来完成系统调试工作。请取下戒指、手表等 可能引起短路的金属物品。 在操作过程中,注意高压危险,避免产生人身伤害及财产损失。系统上电前必须良好接地。测试前必须进行安装检查, 然后才能对电池进行初次充电。 确认交流输入空开、电池空开和负载的空开断开,确保所有设备安装到位。 请根据以下所列项目对电源系统进行逐项检查。 安装检查 合格 系统所有空开和电缆型号规格正确 母排以及输入/输出电缆连接正确,系统接地正确 单体电池数量及连接正确,电池组极性正确 所有连接牢固、可靠 备注 启动准备 合格 所有空开已经全部断开 测量系统交流输入电压,确保电压值在系统额定输入范围内 通信和告警电缆都已连接到监控信号转接板上 如果系统配有温度传感器,确保传感器已经正确安装 电池组安装完成前确保电池组连接的至少一段短接铜排未连接,防止正负极短接造成短路 把所有电池组中的最后一节没有连接的电池连接安装好 未连接电池电缆的电池空开必须处于断开状态。检查确认电池信号电缆与电池空开接线端连接牢固,不允许 出现信号电缆松脱和悬空的状态 备注 Umin=85V 用电压表测量每一个电池连接点并确保电池极性正确。对于包含 24 个单体电池的铅酸蓄电池,电压表的读数 应该是 2.0~2.1V/单体电池或者 48~51V/电池。倘若某个单体电池的电压读数低于 2.0V,则须更换该单体电 Umin=2V 池 用欧姆表检查,确认直流输出正母排和负母排之间或电池正极和负极之间无短路现象(注意测量前将所有模 块拔出,测量后恢复) 启动 合格 合上系统交流输入空开,整流模块上绿色发光二极管将点亮且风扇开始转动。延迟一段时间,监控模块显示 输出电压为 53.5V 用电压表检查母排极性和系统电压。测量值与显示值误差不得超过±0.2V 通过插入、拔出整流模块依次启动和关闭电源系统中的每一个整流模块。测量整流模块的输出电压 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 备注 12 第三章 调试 3.2 设置基本参数 电源系统首次运行时,首先必须根据系统的实际配置情况和用户的所配置电池组数、标称容量及充电限流点等其他功能 需求,完成监控模块的系统设置,然后才能正常进行系统运行信息显示和输出控制等操作。 M830B 监控密码为 640275。系统设置参数见表 3-1。 表3-1 M830B 监控参数设置 参数 设置路径 出厂默认值 电池容量 NCU 主页设置电池充电电池串 1 标称容量 300Ah LVD1 允许 监控主界面—参数设置—LVD 参数—LVD1 允许 允许 LVD2 允许 监控主界面—参数设置—LVD 参数—LVD2 允许 允许 负载下电 监控主界面—参数设置—LVD 参数—LVD1 电压 44.0V 电池保护 LCD—参数设置—LVD 参数—LVD2 电压 43.2V 关联交流下电 Web—高级设置—系统—LVD 组—交流停电才下电 是 电池分流器个数 LCD—参数设置—电池参数—基本参数—电池分流器个数 1 电池分流器参数 LCD—参数设置—电池参数—基本参数—电池 1 参数—分流器额定电流/电压 接触器类型 Web—设置—LVD—下电接触器类型 系统缓启动允许 LCD—参数设置—模块参数—带载软启动允许 是 缓启动时间 LCD—参数设置—模块参数—带载软启动时间 128S 600A/25mV 单稳 注:以上电池保护电压应根据电池厂家要求设置,电池容量应根据实际配置设置。 M530B 监控密码为 640275,系统设置参数见表 3-2。 表3-2 M530B 监控主要参数设置 参数 设置路径 出厂默认值 系统类型 参数设置系统参数系统类型 电池容量 参数设置电池参数基本参数电池容量 150Ah 电池保护 参数设置电池参数下电保护电池下电电压 43.2V 负载下电 参数设置电池参数下电保护负载下电电压 44.0V 电池分流器 参数设置基本参数电池分流器 1 电池分流器 参数设置基本参数电池分流器 2 电池分流器参数 参数设置基本参数电池分流器 2 参数 电池下电接触器 电池参数下电保护电池保护电压 43.2V 交流输入相数 参数设置输入参数交流相数 三相 缓启动允许 参数设置模块参数缓启动允许 否 缓启动时间 参数设置模块参数缓启动时间 8S 48V/SET 无 有 600A/25mV 注:上述参数需根据实际进行调整。 3.3 检查告警及运行状态 检查告警 检查各功能单元是否能触发告警,该告警是否在插框监控模块上显示。 合格 拔出一个整流模块,应产生“模块 N 通信中断告警”。再接通整流模块,告警自动消失。用同样的方法检查其 它整流模块 断开电池 1 空开,应产生“电池 1 支路断”告警。闭合该空开,告警消失。用同样的方法测试电池 2/3/4 空开 断开其中一路接有负载的直流输出支路,应产生“负载支路 1 断”告警。接上该支路,告警应消失。用同样的 方法测试其它负载支路 断开全部电池空开,只保留一个整流模块工作,通过监控模块调节整流模块浮充电压,使其低于告警点,系统 应发出“直流输出欠压”告警 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 备注 第三章 调试 合格 整流模块工作,将监控模块的电池管理参数设为“手动”,进入监控模块的输出控制菜单,选取电池“下电” 并确认,电池保护接触器应断开,监控模块显示“电池保护”告警 13 备注 注:触发以上告警后,约过 3s 产生相应告警 检查系统运行状态 系统正常工作,无告警。检查系统的运行状态是否正常可通过监控模块进行。 合格 校对系统运行时系统类型是否与系统设置一致 监控模块显示的交流电压正确 监控模块显示的直流电压与实际电压误差不超过 1% 监控模块显示的电池电流与实际值误差不超过 1% 监控模块显示的整流模块数量与实际安装数量相符 监控模块显示的任何一个整流模块电压、电流、限流值,与设定值相符,且与实际值相符 对于配置有温度传感器的系统,监控模块显示的电池和环境温度正常。用手捏住温度传感器的探头,温度显示 值发生变化 备注 3.4 后续工作 合格 断开电源系统的测试设备并确认闲杂物品都已取走 把电源设备恢复原状,关上电源插框门 检查并移交客户购买的备件 将所作的操作记录在文档中,包括操作时间及执操作员姓名 倘若电源设备仍有问题,应通知合同负责人。 倘若设备需送修,填写故障报告,并将此报告同故障单元一起送往维修中心,便于故障分析。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 备注 14 第四章 故障处理 第四章 故障处理 本章介绍系统告警时应采取的措施以及对电源系统的日常维护。维护电源设备时,要求维护人员必须充分掌握该电源系 统相关知识。 注意 1.在进行电源设备维护工作的时候,必须要遵守安全规定。 2.插框内部操作必须由接受过培训的有足够电源系统方面知识的人员执行。 4.1 监控模块告警处理 监控模块将告警类型分为四个级别:紧急告警,重要告警,一般告警,不告警。 紧急告警,重要告警:该类型告警发生后,严重影响电源系统的工作性能,无论在任何时间发生,都要求用户立刻采取 措施进行处理。系统点亮告警显示灯,同时产生声音告警。 一般告警:该类型告警发生后,电源系统能暂时维持正常的直流输出,若是在值班时间发生则要求立刻采取措施进行处 理,倘若不是在值班时间发生,则要求值班时间开始时处理。系统仅点亮告警指示灯。 不告警:此类告警条目被用户设置成不告警,则允许在产生此类条目描述状态下,系统正常运行,不产生任何声光指示。 若在使用过程中出现不需要的告警,可以按照以下方法进行设置。 以“模块丢失”告警为例: 对于 M830B 监控:依次进入“主菜单参数设置告警参数清模块丢失告警” ,在此子菜单中,可以选择“是”来清 除该告警。 对于 M530B 监控:依次进入: “主菜单参数设置告警参数告警控制清空” ,在此子菜单中,可以选择“模块丢 失”来清除该告警。对电源系统常见告警的处理方法见表4-1。 表4-1 常见告警处理方法 序号 告警名称 1 交流停电 2 交流过压 处理方法 停电时间不长时,直流供电由电池负担。如果停电原因不明或时间过长,就需要启动油机发电。建议油机 发电机启动至少 5 分钟后,再切换给电源系统供电,以减小油机启动过渡过程可能对电源设备造成的影响 设定值是否过低,如果过低应更改。 一般的过电压不影响系统工作,当市电电压大于 305V 时,整流模块将停止工作。因此对于长期过压的供 电网络,需与相关电力网络维护人员协商,改善电网 设定值是否过高,如果过高应更改。 3 交流欠压 若市电电压低于 176V 时,整流模块将限功率输出,低于 80V 将停止工作。因此对于长期欠压的供电网络, 需与相关电力网络维护人员协商,对电网作改善 4 防雷器故障 5 直流过压告警 检查防雷器情况,如防雷器损坏,请更换 1.检查直流输出电压和监控模块“直流过压告警”设定值,若设定值不合理请更改。 2.找出引起过压告警的整流模块。在确保蓄电池能正常供电的情况下,拔出所有整流模块,然后,逐一 插入整流模块,当某一模块接通时,系统再次出现过压告警,则该模块过压,请更换 1.检查直流输出电压和监控模块“直流欠压告警”设定值,若设定值不合理请更改。 2.检查市电是否停电,如停电,断开部分负载以延长整个电源系统的工作时间 6 直流欠压告警 3.检查是否有整流模块退出工作,即无输出电流,如有请更换该模块 4.检查负载总电流。如果浮充时负载总电流超过整流模块总输出电流,则需切除部分负载,或增加整流 模块,使整流模块的总电流超过负载总电流 120%,且至少有 1 个整流模块冗余备份 7 负载支路断 8 电池保护 检查该支路空开是否断开(检查空开手柄位置,或测量溶丝两端电压,电压接近 0V 则熔丝正常)。如果 断开,查找原因并排除故障。否则说明告警回路故障,请联系维谛 1.检查市电是否停电,电池电压下降到“电池保护电压”设定值以下或放电时间达到“电池保护时间” 设定值。2.是否手动控制电池保护 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 第四章 序号 告警名称 9 模块故障 10 模块保护 11 模块风扇故障 12 模块通信中断 13 电池温度高告警 故障处理 15 处理方法 此时,整流模块面板上的红色发光二极管点亮。切断该整流模块交流输入,一段时间后再重新启动该模块。 倘若仍然告警,请更换该模块 检查市电电压是否大于整流模块交流过压点(305V)或小于整流模块交流欠压点(80V)。因此对于长期 过压或欠压的供电网络,需与相关电力网络维护人员协商,改善电网 检查整流模块的风扇是否运行。如果风扇不运行,检查风扇是否被堵住,如被堵住,请清理。如未被堵住 或清理后仍无法消除风扇故障,则更换该模块 检查该整流模块和监控模块之间通信连接是否正常。如果正常,则重新启动该模块,如果告警仍然存在, 则更换该模块 检查是否电池内部故障造成电池过热,如是,更换故障电池 检查电池房温度是否过高,如是,降低电池房温度 监控模块故障处理 监控模块故障表现:工作状态指示灯(绿色)灭,显示屏不显示(如果连接了后台系统,也可能会触发外部告警) 。 请检查系统母线电压是否正常,监控接线端子插接是否牢固,如果以上两点均正常,则表示监控模块故障,请更换新监 控模块。 M830B 更换步骤: 1.检查新的监控模块,看是否有明显的运输损坏。 2.安全准备 将有效的接地皮带一端系在手腕,另一端附着在适宜的地面。 3.松开监控单元上的松不脱螺钉,如图4-1所示。 松不脱螺钉 图4-1 更换监控模块 4.插上新的监控模块,并拧紧紧固螺钉。 5.监控启动之后,参照 3.3 设置基本参数。 M530B 监控模块更换步骤: 1.检查新的监控模块,看是否有明显的运输损坏。 2.安全准备 将有效的接地皮带一端系在手腕,另一端附着在适宜的地面。 3.松开监控模块的松不脱螺钉,如图4-2所示。 松不脱螺钉 图4-2 更换监控模块(1) NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 16 第四章 故障处理 4.插上新的监控模块,并拧紧紧固螺钉。 5.监控启动之后,参照 3.3 设置基本参数。 4.2 整流模块故障处理 整流模块故障 整流模块常见故障表现有:电源指示灯(绿色)灭、保护指示灯(黄色)亮、保护指示灯(黄色)闪亮,故障指示灯(红 色)亮,故障指示灯(红色)闪亮。 指示灯位置如图 4-3 所示,整流模块故障处理方法见表4-2。 图4-3 整流模块指示灯示意图 表4-2 整流模块故障处理方法 异常现象 相关监控告警 电源指示灯灭(绿色) 无告警 电源指示灯闪亮(绿色) 无告警 异常原因 处理建议 1.无输入输出电压 确保有输入输出电压 2.模块辅助电源坏 更换模块 后台监控对模块进行操作 模块保护 模块温度过高 交流输入电压超出正常范围 确保交流输入电压处于正常范围 1.风扇受阻 1.将阻碍风扇运行的物体移走 2.风道不畅通:进风口或出风口有阻碍物 2.移走进风口或出风口的阻碍物 3.环境温度过高或有发热源离模块进风口太近 3.降低环境温度或移走发热源 保护指示灯亮(黄色) 检查模块通讯是否正常,如果通讯不正 模块保护 模块不均流 常,继续检查通讯线连接是否正常,如果 通讯正常而且仍有异常,更换故障模块 模块保护 保护指示灯闪亮(黄色) 模块通信中断 故障指示灯亮(红色) PFC 输出过/欠压保护 更换故障模块 模块通讯中断 检查通讯线是否正常连接 拔出模块重新启动,如果继续发生过压保 模块故障 模块过压 模块故障 同一系统上有两个或以上相同 ID 的模块 护,更换模块 联系维谛进行维护 检查模块通讯是否正常,如果通讯不正 系统电流不平衡 平均电流正负偏差≤2.5A 常,继续检查通讯线连接是否正常,如果 通讯正常而且仍有异常,更换故障模块 故障指示灯闪亮(红色) 模块风扇故障 风扇故障 更换故障模块 更换 R48-3000e3/R48-3500e3 整流模块 对于整流模块,建议不要做任何维修工作。整流模块故障后,请按如下步骤更换。 1.检查新整流模块,看是否有明显的运输损坏。 2.松开整流模块的把手固定螺钉。抓住故障整流模块的把手将模块往外拉,即可将模块抽出机架。如图 4-4 所示。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 第四章 故障处理 17 图4-4 安装整流模块 注意 刚刚退出工作的模块外壳表面温度还很高,注意抓紧模块以免跌落损坏。 3.抓住新整流模块把手,缓慢将模块推进到插框,确保输入、输出插座连接良好。模块运行指示灯经过短时延迟后会 发光,风扇运转。 4.检查新的整流模块工作是否正常。包括:监控模块是否能识别新整流模块;是否和其他整流模块均流;当重新拔出 该整流模块时,观察监控模块上是否有相应告警。若各项检验都正确,则更换上的整流模块运行正常。 5.将把手推进前面板以固定该整流模块。固定整流模块的把手固定螺钉。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 18 附录一 工程技术参数 附录一 工程技术参数 表1 技术参数 参数类别 环境条件 交流输入 参数名称 描述 工作温度 -5℃~+40℃ 储存温度 -40℃~+70℃ 相对湿度 5%RH~95%RH 海拔高度 ≤2000m(超过需降额使用) 污染等级 污染等级 2 其它 没有导电尘埃和腐蚀性气体,没有爆炸危险 输入制式 3P+N+PE/380V; 适用电网形式 TN,TT 输入电压范围 85Vac~305Vac(以模块相电压计) 输入交流电压频率 45Hz~65Hz 64A(配 3500e3 模块) 最大输入电流 55A(配 3000e3 模块) 功率因数 ≥0.99 过电压等级 过电压级别Ⅱ 标称输出电压 -48Vdc 额定输出电压 -53.5Vdc(配置在维谛户外柜时,额定电压为-54V) 输出直流电压 -43.2~-57.6Vdc 直流输出负载电流≤400A/58V 电池充电电流≤143A/58V(配 3500e 模块) 直流输出 最大输出电流 直流输出负载电流≤400A/58V 电池充电电流≤66A/58V(配 3000e3 模块) 注意:45℃系统满载输出,温度每升高 1℃,输出功率降额约 2% 稳压精度 ≤1% 系统最高效率 ≥95.3% 峰峰值杂音电压(额定输出) ≤200mV(0~20MHz) 电话衡重杂音电压(额定输出) ≤2mV(300~3400Hz) 交流输入过压告警点 M830B 监控缺省值 275ac±5Vac,M530B 监控缺省值 280±5Vac,监控模块可设 交流输入过压告警恢复点 缺省值 270±5Vac,低于交流输入过压告警点 10Vac 交流输入欠压告警点 M830B 监控缺省值 165ac±5Vac,M530B 监控缺省值 180±5Vac,监控模块可设 交流输入告 交流输入欠压告警恢复点 警和保护 直流输出告 警和保护 整流模块 M830B 监控缺省值 170Vac±5Vac,M530B 监控缺省值 190±5Vac,高于交流输入欠压 告警点 5Vac(M830B 监控)/10Vac(M530B 监控) 交流输入过压保护点 缺省值 307.5Vac±2.5Vac 回差≥10Vac,不能超过 15V,监控模块可设; 交流输入过压保护恢复点 缺省值 295±5Vac,低于交流输入过压保护点 10Vac 交流输入欠压保护点 缺省值 80±5Vac,监控模块可设 交流输入欠压保护恢复点 缺省值 95±5Vac,高于交流输入欠压告警点 10Vac 直流输出过压告警点 缺省值-58.5±0.3Vdc 直流输出过压告警恢复点 缺省值-58±0.2Vdc 直流输出欠压告警点 缺省值-45.0±0.3Vdc 直流输出欠压告警恢复点 缺省值-45.5±0.2Vdc 直流输出过压保护点 缺省值-58.5±0.2Vdc 负载保护动作点 缺省值-44.0±0.3Vdc 监控模块可设 电池保护动作点 缺省值-43.2±0.3Vdc 监控模块可设 均流特性 整流模块可以并机工作,并具有按负载均分负载能力,其不平衡度应优于±5% 监控模块可设 低于过压告警点 0.5Vdc 监控模块可设 高于欠压告警点 0.5Vdc 监控模块可设 176Vac 输入,模块输出 100%功率 输入限功率(45℃) 当输入电压处于 85Vac 到 176V 之间,模块采用两段线性限功率控制 80Vac 以下输入,模块欠压关机 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 附录一 参数类别 参数名称 工程技术参数 19 描述 输出软启功能 模块开机瞬间,输出电压可缓慢上升,上升时间可以设置 风扇转速可设 模块的风扇转速可以设置成自动调节,也可以设置为全速 整流模块有输出过压硬件保护和输出过压软件保护,硬件过压保护点为 59.5V±0.5V 之间,硬件过压保护后需要人工干预才可以开机。软件保护点可以通过监控模块设置, 设置范围为 56~59V(要求比输出电压高 0.5V 以上,出厂值为 58.5V)。软件过压保 护模式有两种,可以通过后台维护软件选择: 1.一次过压锁死模式 过压保护方式 当整流模块输出达到软件保护点后,整流模块关机并保持,需要人工干预方可恢复工 作; 2.二次过压锁死模式 整流模块软件保护后,关机 5 秒钟内重新开机,如果在设定时间内(默认为 5 分钟, 可以通过监控模块设置)发生第二次过压,整流模块则关机并保持,需要人工干预方 整流模块 可开机。人工干预方法:可以通过监控模块复位整流模块,也可以通过从电源系统上 脱离整流模块来复位 模块可以在-40℃环境温度启动; 对 R48 3000e3 模块 45℃环境温度以下,模块满功率输出 3000W; 45℃~55℃从 3000W 线性降功率到 2900W; 55℃~65℃从 2900W 线性降额到 2250W; 温度限功率 65℃~70℃从 2250W 线性降额到 0W 对 R48 3500e3 模块 45℃环境温度以下,模块满功率输出 3500W; 45℃~55℃从 3500W 线性降功率到 3380W; 55℃~65℃从 2900W 线性降额到 2625W; 65℃~70℃从 2250W 线性降额到 0W 传导发射 辐射发射 EMC 指标 Class A EN300386(当配置 3500e3 模块和 M830B 监控时满足 ClassB) 谐波电流发射 EN61000-3-12 电压波动及闪烁 EN61000-3-11 EFT Level 4 EN/IEC 61000-4-4 ESD Level 3 EN/IEC 61000-4-2 浪涌 Level 4 EN/IEC 61000-4-5 辐射抗扰性 Level 3 EN/IEC 61000-4-3 传导抗扰性 Level 3 EN/IEC61000-4-6 模拟雷电冲击电流波形为 8/20μs,幅值为 20kA 的正负极性冲击各 5 次,并可承受 8/20 交流侧抗雷击特性 μs 模拟雷电冲击电流 40kA、1 次。每次检验冲击间隔时间不小于 1min(每相至少带 两个模块) 抗雷击特性 直流侧抗雷击特性 模拟雷电冲击电流波形为 8/20μs,幅值为 20kA 的正负极性冲击各 5 次。每次检验冲 击间隔时间不小于 1min(至少带两个模块) 安规 符合 IEC60950-1 标准 噪声 在周围环境温度为 25℃时,满载情况下,不大于 60dB(A) 绝缘电阻 在温度处于 25±5℃,相对湿度≤90%RH 的环境中,施以试验直流电压 500V,交流电 路和直流电路对地,交流部分对直流部分的绝缘电阻均不低于 2 MΩ 测试时应临时取下防雷单元、监控模块以及整流模块,交流回路对直流回路应能承受 50Hz,有效值为 3000Vac 的交流电压或者直流电压 4242Vdc 一分钟,漏电流≤10mA, 其它 无击穿无飞弧现象。 交流回路对地应能承受 50Hz,有效值为 1500Vac 的交流电压或者直流电压 2121Vdc 一 绝缘强度 分钟,漏电流≤10mA,无击穿无飞弧现象。 直流电路对地应能承受 50Hz,有效值为 500Vac 的交流电压或者直流电压 707Vdc 一分 钟,漏电流≤10mA,无击穿无飞弧现象。 不与主回路直接连接的辅助电路应能承受 50Hz,有效值为 500Vac 的交流电压或者直 流电压 707Vdc 一分钟,漏电流≤10mA,无击穿无飞弧现象 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 20 附录一 工程技术参数 参数类别 其它 参数名称 描述 MTTF 大于 200,000hr ROHS 要求 满足 RoHS 指令中 R6 的要求 插框尺寸 尺寸(mm)(高×宽×深) 机械参数 监控模块 整流模块 重量(kg) 352mm×483mm×400 M830B:43.4mm×210.3mm×85.9mm M530B:43mm×86mm×210mm R48-3000e3: 41mm×84.5mm×330mm R48-3500e3:41mm×84.5mm×330mm 插框(带包材、整流模块和监控) ≤60; 插框(不带包材、整流模块和监控) ≤40; NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 附录二 附录二 1. 电池架安装说明 电池架安装说明 2 层和 4 层电池架安装说明 装箱清单 零件 1 零件 2 零件 3 零件 4 零件 5 图1 零件示意图 表2 2 层电池架和 4 层电池架装箱清单 电池架 2 层电池架 4 层电池架 零件 1 2 4 零件 2 8 14 零件 3 2 4 零件 4 2 2 零件 零件 5 0 2 膨胀螺栓 4个 4个 紧固件 1套 1套 安装步骤 1.两层电池架的安装方法 1)将零件 1、零件 2 按图 2(a)所示方式安装。 2)将零件 3 按图 2(b)方式安装。 零件1 零件3 零件2 (a) (b) 图2 零件 1~零件 3 安装方式 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 21 22 附录二 电池架安装说明 3)将零件 2、零件 4 按图 3 方式安装。 零件4 零件2 图3 零件 2、零件 4 安装方式 2.四层电池架的安装方法 1)按照图 2 安装零件 1、零件 2、零件 3。 3)按照图 4(a)安装零件 5。 4)按照图 4(b)安装零件 2、零件 4。 零件4 零件2 (a) (b) 图4 零件 2、零件 4 和零件 5 安装方式 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 附录二 2. 电池架安装说明 3 层电池架安装说明 装箱清单 零件 1 零件 2 图5 零件 3 零件 4 零件示意图 表3 3 层电池架装箱清单 零件 零件数量 零件 1 2 零件 2 6 零件 3 3 零件 4 2 膨胀螺栓 4个 紧固件 1套 安装步骤 1.将零件 1、零件 2 按图 6(a)所示方式安装。 2.将零件 3 按图 6(b)方式安装。 零件1 零件3 零件2 (a) (b) 图6 零件 1~零件 3 安装方式 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 23 24 附录二 电池架安装说明 3.将零件 2、零件 4 按图 7 方式安装。 零件2 零件4 图7 零件 2、零件 4 安装方式 3. 固定电池架 1.按照图 8 所示的尺寸将电池架固定在地板上。固定螺栓为发货附件。 575 480 600 600 图8 电池架固定尺寸(单位:mm) 2.将插框式电源系统固定在电池架上部,具体方法见2.3 机械安装。 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 附录三 接线图 监控母板上层插座 前视图 L N J13 DC- J23 DC+ J4 L N L N J41 J14 DC- J24 DC+ DC- H5 U12 H1 U13 H3 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 U14 H4 18-QFB2-1 1 PA1 下层模块背板 W80 俯视图 18-QFB4-1 U11 18-QFB1-1 11-L1 11-N 11-L3 11-N J12 DC- J22 DC+ J3 J2 DC+ H2 CAN+ L N W01 CAN- CAN- CAN+ J11 DC- J21 DC+ J1 J42 W01 11-L2 11-N W01 11-L1 11-N 7-2 7-4 W01 2-J41-CAN2-J41-CAN+ W80 W80 8-J2-2 上层模块背板 俯视图 18-QFB3-1 附录三 6 M830B W80 DC- J23 DC+ J41 J14 DC- J25 DC+ J4 X6-1 U13 H4 U14 X3 W80 14-PL-1 H3 U12 13-BUS+-1 W80 W80 5-J2-1 H1 U11 5-J2-4 5-J2-2 5-J2-3 H2 X5-1 W80 H5 U15 13-BUS+-3 W80 X2 L N 17-2 J13 L N 17-1 L N H6 16-2 11-L2 11-N J3 J12 DC- J22 DC+ J11 DC- J21 DC+ J2 DC+ DC- 前视图 16-1 L N 11-L1 11-N 11-L3 11-N 11-L2 11-N J1 J15 DC- J25 DC+ L N 监控母板下层插座 CAN+ J5 W01 W01 CAN- CAN+ CAN- J42 W01 11-L3 11-N W01 W01 W01 1-J41-CAN1-J41-CAN+ W80 W02 1 2 2 PA2 X4 1A RS485-1B 1B 5 RS485 7-8 RS485-2A 7-6 W80 RS485-2B 2A 2B 7-14 7-9 W80 W80 14-PL-1 11-NC 11-COM 15-RB-1 15-RB-2 5-RS485-2A 5-RS485-2B W80 W80 W80 14-B--1 W80 7 W80 W80 信号转接板 5 插框前门接地 RS485 J1 W07 插框前视 打开前门 3 PA3 9 8 PA8 W80 门接地 RACK DOOR W07 RS485-1A W80 19-QFD20-1 19-QFD19-1 19-QFD18-1 19-QFD17-1 19-QFD16-1 19-QFD15-1 19-QFD14-1 19-QFD13-1 19-QFD12-1 19-QFD11-1 12-4 14-PL-2 SPD VV+ 5-RS485-1B 直流防雷板 5-RS485-1A 1-J42-CAN- 用户接口 直流防雷板 1-J42-CAN+ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 W07 注:W07为插框前门与插框 内部底座机壳的螺钉连接线 用户接口板1 J2 8-J2-2 6-9/8-J2-1 W80 4 2 J2 W80 3 1 J11 J12 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 5 PA5 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 接线图 25 附录三 交流配电单元 前视图 直流配电单元 技术要求: 若用户选择标准配置,则黄 色虚线框内的空开不进行安 装,并且请勿拆除相应信号 线的扎带和热缩管 1-J3-L/2-J1-L/2-J4-L/10-L3-6 NPL 11-N W80 W01 6-8 1 1 2 2 2 W80 14 B- 15 RB 2 13 BUS+ 0V 1 2 13-2 12-2 4 W07 W80 7-49/7-50 1 23 7-35/7-47 X5-1/X6-1 W80 至模块正极排 图9 NetSure 731 A91-S1/S3 接线示意图 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 W80 8-J1-18 8-J1-16 1 2 1 2 W80 PL 1 W80 7-31/7-46 1 至模块负极排 14 PL 8-J1-20 8-J1-12 8-J1-14 2 1 7-32/7-44 7-20 7-22 2 W80 3-V+ 1 2 PL 7-39 6-7 1 1 W07 1 2 16 KM2 2 至用户保护地 1 3-V- 7-41 6-6 1 QFB4 QFB1 PE排和正排 12 PE 2 W80 6-5 10 QF1 1 2 18 QFB W01 11 SPD 1 NPL QFB3 W01 QFB2 W80 W80 1 11-L1 11-L2 11-L3 7-42 7-40 N N 10-N-8 1-J1-N/1-J2-N 1-J3-N/1-J4-N 2-J1-N/1-J2-N 2-J3-N/2-J4-N 2-J5-N 17 KM1 2 QFD19 2 W07 1 QFD20 2 QFD18 2 8-J1-10 QFD9 2 QFD17 2 QFD15 2 1 QFD16 1 8-J1-6 1 8-J1-8 8-J1-2 8-J1-4 1 7-45 8-J1-17 8-J1-19 8-J1-13 1 7-43 2 2 1 QFD12 2 1 W80 QFD11 2 1 8-J1-15 8-J1-9 1 QFD10 2 1 8-J1-11 8-J1-5 1 8-J1-7 1 QFD8 8 QFD7 6 QFD6 4 QFD5 2 QFD4 PE QFD3 L3 NC COM NO L2 QFD1 L1 W80 L1 L2 L3 N 3 5 7 8-J1-1 1 8-J1-3 1-J1-L/1-J4-L/2-J2-L/10-L1-2 QFD13 QFD14 19 QFD 1-J2-L/2-J5-L/2-J3-L/10-L2-4 QFD2 W01 2 2 接线图 26 附录三 J5 L N J41 J15 DC- U5DC+ X6-1 H6 U11 H1 U12 U13 H3 H4 U14 H5 5-DO-21 5-DO-20 5-DO-19 5-DO-15 5-DO-14 5-DO-13 5-DO-9 5-DO-8 5-DO-7 5-DO-3 5-DO-2 5-DO-24 5-DO-23 5-DO-22 5-DO-18 5-DO-17 5-DO-16 13-BUS+-1 W80 W80 X5-1 W80 14-PL-1 H2 5-DO-1 13-BUS+-3 W80 U15 17-2 J14 DC- U4DC+ L N 17-1 L N DC- 16-2 J13 DC- U3DC+J4 J3 前视图 16-1 J12 DC- U2DC+ L N 11-L2 11-N 11-L1 11-N 11-L3 11-N 11-L2 11-N J2 DC+ 监控母板下层插座 CAN+ J11 DC- U1DC+ W01 W01 CAN- CAN+ CAN- L N W01 11-L3 11-N W01 W01 J1 W80 W80 W02 J42 5-DI-15 5-DI-11 6 M530B 俯视图 1-J41-CAN1-J41-CAN+ 下层模块背板 5-DO-12 1 PA1 5-DO-11 U14 18-QFB2-1 H4 5-DO-10 U13 H3 5-DO-6 U12 H1 5-DI-7 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 H5 U11 5-DI-3 J41 J14 DC- U4DC+ 5-DO-4 5-DO-5 L N 5-DI-13 J4 L N 8-J2-2 2-J41-CAN2-J41-CAN+ 11-L1 11-N J13 DC- U3DC+ J3 5-DI-5 J12 DC- U2DC+ L N DC- 5-DI-9 J2 DC+ 11-L3 11-N 11-L2 11-N J11 DC- U1DC+ H2 W80 5-DI-1 L N W01 CAN+ J1 W01 CAN- CAN+ CAN- J42 W01 11-L1 11-N 7-2 7-4 W80 W01 前视图 18-QFB1-1 监控母板上层插座 W80 18-QFB3-1 俯视图 18-QFB4-1 上层模块背板 2 PA2 7 M530B 14-PL-1 11-COM W80 11-NC 5-RS485-2B 5-RS485-2A 15-1 15-2 5-RS485-1A 5-RS485-1B 1-J42-CAN- 打开前面板俯视图 1-J42-CAN+ 用户接口板 直流防雷板 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 14-B--1 W80 V+ 1B 12-4 14-PL-2 2B 5 DI8 15 14 DI7 13 11 10 DI5 9 8 DI4 7 PA3 2A RS485-2B RS485 16 3 RS485-2A 5 DI6 W07 W80 RS485 12 W07 7-8 7-6 6 DI3 5 4 DI2 3 2 DI1 1 5-DI-14/13-BUS+-2 6-25 5-DI-12/5-DI-16 6-24 5-DI-10/5-DI-14 6-23 5-DI-8/5-DI-12 W80 6-22 5-DI-6/5-DI-10 6-21 5-DI-4/5-DI-8 6-20 5-DI-2/5-DI-6 6-19 5-DI-4/13-BUS+-2 6-18 NC DO8 M J1 24 23 NO 22 NC 21 DO7 M NO NC DO6 M 20 19 18 17 NO 16 NC 15 DO5 M NO 7-36 7-33 W80 14 13 6-50 6-48 6-46 6-49 6-47 6-45 6-44 6-42 6-40 6-43 6-41 6-39 NC DO4 M NO NC DO3 M W80 NO NC DO2 M NO NC DO1 M NO 6-38 6-36 11 6-34 10 6-37 9 6-35 8 6-33 7 6-32 6 6-30 5 6-28 4 6-31 3 6-29 2 6-27 1 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 19 17 15 13 11 9 5 3 1 7 12 8 W80 PA8 W80 插框前门接地 插框前视 打开前门 9 门接地 RACK DOOR V- 1A RS485-1B 19-QFD10-1 19-QFD9-1 19-QFD8-1 19-QFD7-1 19-QFD6-1 19-QFD5-1 19-QFD4-1 19-QFD3-1 19-QFD2-1 19-QFD1-1 直流防雷板 SPD RS485-1A W80 19-QFD20-1 19-QFD19-1 19-QFD18-1 19-QFD17-1 19-QFD16-1 19-QFD15-1 19-QFD14-1 19-QFD13-1 19-QFD12-1 19-QFD11-1 信号转接板 W07 W80 J2 1 6-9/8-J2-1 8-J2-2 W80 5 DO 5 DI NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 注:W07为插框前门与插框 内部底座机壳的螺钉连接线 2 用户手册 接线图 27 附录三 交流配电单元 前视图 直流配电单元 技术要求: 若用户选择标准配置,则黄 色虚线框内的空开不进行安 装,并且请勿拆除相应信号 线的扎带和热缩管 1-J3-L/2-J1-L/2-J4-L/10-L3-6 19 QFD L1 L2 L3 N 3 5 7 2 2 2 2 2 W80 W80 1 1 2 3-V- W01 11 10 SPD QF1 18 QFB 6-8 16 KM2 W80 1 14 B- 15 RB 2 7-41 1 2 QFB4 2 QFB3 1 QFB2 QFB1 1 2 2 13 PE BUS+ 1 2 13-2 W07 3-V+ 4 7-35/7-47 12-2 W07 W80 7-49/7-50 X5-1/X6-1 W80 5-DI-2/5-DI-16 至模块正极排 图10 NetSure 731 A91-S2 接线示意图 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 PL 1 1 7-32/7-44 W80 12 0V 至用户保护地 2 7-20 7-22 1 W80 7-39 6-7 6-6 6-5 W80 PE排和正排 W80 8-J1-18 8-J1-20 1 2 1 PL NPL W01 2 8-J1-16 8-J1-12 1 2 8-J1-14 8-J1-10 1 2 7-45 7-43 2 2 1 11-N 11-L2 W01 11-L3 7-40 7-42 N N 10-N-8 1-J1-N/1-J2-N 1-J3-N/1-J4-N W80 NPL 11-L1 2-J1-N/1-J2-N 2-J3-N/2-J4-N 2-J5-N 1 17 KM1 2 W80 7-31/7-46 1 至模块负极排 14 PL W07 2 1 QFD20 QFD7 2 QFD19 2 QFD18 2 QFD17 2 1 QFD15 1 QFD16 1 8-J1-6 8-J1-4 1 8-J1-8 8-J1-2 1 QFD12 8-J1-19 1 QFD11 8-J1-17 1 QFD9 8-J1-15 1 QFD8 8-J1-11 1 QFD10 2 2 8-J1-13 1 8-J1-9 1 QFD13 QFD14 NC COM NO 1 QFD5 8 QFD6 6 8-J1-7 4 QFD4 2 8-J1-5 PE QFD3 L3 L2 QFD1 L1 W80 W80 8-J1-1 1 8-J1-3 1-J1-L/1-J4-L/2-J2-L/10-L1-2 QFD2 W01 1-J2-L/2-J5-L/2-J3-L/10-L2-4 2 接线图 28 附录四 附录四 原理图 信号转接板 W14I5X2 用户接口板(IB2) PD2 监控 M830B J1 Monitor 19 9 18 17 8 16 6 15 14 5 13 12 3 11 1 7 20 10 1 2 J11 J12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 MB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 2 3 1 1 2 4 J2 4 2 J3 J4 J5 OB 49 50 J6 J7 J8 J9 X6-1 X5-1 QFD7 QFD7 非重要负载输出 NPL 交流防雷器 QFD14 RS485-1B RS485-1A AC SPD QFD14 RS485-2B RS485-2A COM NC 负载下电接触器 KMD1 LLVD Contactor H5 QFD1 H6 J41 J24 DC+ J14 DC- QFD6 L L J4 H5 电池下电接触器 U14 J13 DCN U13 FL1 600A/25mV L N H4 J12 DC- J22DC+ H3 H8 电池组1 Battery string 1 N L H3 J2 H7 DC SPD DC- J21DC+ 直流防雷板 U12 U11 J11 DC- DC+ H1 J2 L H2 电池组2 Battery string 2 QFB2 电池组3 Battery string 3 QFB3 电池组4 Battery string 4 N QFB4 N DC- H6 J15 DC- J25DC+ DC+ H1 J1 L H1 H2 CAN+ CAN- J42 J5 L N QFA1 L1 L2 L3 N QFB1 N U13 U12 J12 DC- J22DC+ J3 L J3 H3 J11 DC- J21DC+ H9 KMD2 BLVD Contactor J23DC+ J13 DC- J23DC+ H4 J4 H4 L J1 J42 CAN+ CAN- H2 L1 L2 L3 N PE 交流输入 Mains Input PL QFD6 N N J14 DC- J41 J24DC+ CAN- QFD1 重要负载输出 CAN+ U15 CAN+ CAN- H5 正排 Positive Busbar L1 L2 L3 N 图11 NetSure 731 A91 S1/S3 电源系统原理图 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 原理图 29 附录四 信号转接板 W14I5X2 信号接线端子 监控 M530B 16 15 5 14 4 13 3 12 2 11 1 1 6 J2 17 16 7 15 14 18 13 8 12 11 10 19 9 9 8 7 20 6 10 5 4 J1 Monitor 3 2 1 2 OB 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 DI输入 16PIN X6-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 6 5 4 8 7 9 10 11 X5-1 12 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 MB QFD7 QFD7 非重要负载输出 NPL DO输出 12PIN×2 RS485-2B RS485-2A QFD14 RS485-1B RS485-1A 交流防雷器 AC SPD QFD14 KMD1负载下电接触器 LLVD Contactor COM NC J41 J24DC+ QFD6 L N QFD6 H5 J4 H9 J23DC+ U13 L N U13 KMD2 电池下电接触器 BLVD Contactor J3 H4 电 池 组 1 Battery string 1 L N U12 U12 J12 DC- J22DC+ H3 H7 H3 H1 H2 J2 J22DC+ J12 DC- L N J2 FL1 600A/25mV H8 DC- DC SPD J21DC+ L N U11 U11 DC+ DC- U15 J15 DC- J25DC+ L1L2L3N H2 CA N + CA N - J42 J5 L N QFA1 电 池 组 2 Battery string 2 QFB2 电 池 组 3 Battery string 3 QFB3 电 池 组 4 Battery string 4 QFB4 H6 H1 J1 H1 QFB1 直流防雷板 J11 DC- DC+ J21DC+ U14 J14 DC- U14 H4 J23DC+ J13 DCL N J3 H3 J11 DC- J1 H2 J42 CA N+ CA N- 重要负载输出PL J13 DC- J41 DC+ J14 DC- L N J4 H4 L N 交流输入 Mains Input L1 L2 L3 N PE QFD1 H6 H5 QFD1 CA N+ CA N- H5 正排 Positive Busbar L1L2L3N 图12 NetSure 731 A91 S2 电源系统原理图 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 原理图 30 附录五 附录五 有毒有害物质或元素标识表 31 有毒有害物质或元素标识表 有毒有害物质或元素 部件名称 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴联苯醚 Pb Hg Cd Cr6+ PBB PBDE 机柜/插框/铜排 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 整流模块 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 监控模块 × × ○ ○ ○ ○ 配电器件 × ○ × ○ ○ ○ 制成板 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 五金件 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 线缆 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量在 SJ/T-11363-2006 规定的限量要求以下 ×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 规定的限量要求 维谛技术有限公司一直致力于设计和制造环保的产品,我们会通过持续的研究来减少和消除产品中的有毒有害物质。以下部件或者应 用中含有有毒有害物质是限于目前的技术水平无法实现可靠的替代或者没有成熟的解决方案: 1.焊料含有铅 2.铜合金中含有铅 3.开关的触点含有镉 4.背光灯管中含有汞;玻璃含铅 关于环保使用期限的说明:本产品的环保使用期限(已标识在产品本体),是指在正常的使用条件和遵守本产品的安全注意事项的情 况下,从生产日起本产品含有的有毒有害物质或元素不会对环境、人身和财产造成严重影响的期限 适用范围:NetSure 731 A91 插框系列电源系统 NetSure™ 7100 系列-48V 直流插框电源 用户手册 Safety Precautions To reduce the chance of accident, please read the safety precautions very carefully before operation. The "Caution, Notice, Warning, Danger" in this book do not represent all the safety points to be observed, and are only supplement to various safety points. Therefore, the installation and operation personnel must be strictly trained and master the correct operations and all the safety points before actual operation. When operating Vertiv products, the safety rules in the industry, the general safety points and special safety instructions specified in this book must be strictly observed. Electrical Safety I. Hazardous voltage Danger Some components of the power system carry hazardous voltage in operation. Direct contact or indirect contact through moist objects with these components will result in fatal injury. Safety rules in the industry must be observed when installing the power system. The installation personnel must be licensed to operate high voltage and AC power. In operation, the installation personnel are not allowed to wear conductive objects such as watches, bracelets, bangles, rings. When water or moisture is found on the Subrack, turn off the power immediately. In moist environment, precautions must be taken to keep moisture out of the power system. "Prohibit" warning label must be attached to the switches and buttons that are not permitted to operate during installation. Danger High voltage operation may cause fire and electric shock. The connection and wiring of AC cables must be in compliance with the local rules and regulations. Only those who are licensed to operate high voltage and AC power can perform high voltage operations. II. Tools Warning In high voltage and AC operation, special tools must be used. No common or self-carried tools should be used. III. Thunderstorm Danger Never operate on high voltage, AC, iron tower or mast in the thunderstorm. In thunderstorms, a strong electromagnetic field will be generated in the air. Therefore the equipment should be well earthed in time to avoid damage by lightning strikes. IV. ESD Notice The static electricity generated by the human body will damage the static sensitive elements on PCBs, such as large-scale ICs. Before touching any plug-in board, PCB or IC chip, ESD wrist strap must be worn to prevent body static from damaging the sensitive components. The other end of the ESD wrist strap must be well earthed. V. Short circuit Danger During operation, never short the positive and negative poles of the DC distribution unit of the system or the non-grounding pole and the earth. The power system is a constant voltage DC power equipment, short circuit will result in equipment burning and endanger human safety. Check carefully the polarity of the cable and connection terminal when performing DC live operations. As the operation space in the DC distribution unit is very tight, please carefully select the operation space. Never wear a watch, bracelet, bangle, ring, or other conductive objects during operation. Insulated tools must be used. In live operation, keep the arm muscle tense, so that when tool connection is loosened, the free movement of the human body and tool is reduced to a minimum. VI. Dangerous energy Warning More than 240VA system capacity, keep away from hazardous energy and avoid bridge connection. Battery Danger Before any operation on battery, read carefully the safety precautions for battery transportation and the correct battery connection method. Non-standard operation on the battery will cause danger. In operation, precautions should be taken to prevent battery short circuit and overflow of electrolyte. The overflow of electrolyte will erode the metal objects and PCBs, thus causing equipment damage and short circuit of PCBs. Before any operation on battery, pay attention to the following points: Remove the watch, bracelet, bangle, ring, and other metal objects on the wrist. Use special insulated tools. Use eye protection device, and take preventive measures. Wear rubber gloves and apron to guard against electrolyte overflow. In battery transportation, the electrode of the battery should always be kept facing upward. Never put the battery upside down or slanted. Battery installation requires reliable grounding. And battery is connected before accessing the battery protection device. Others I. Sharp object Warning When moving equipment by hand, protective gloves should be worn to avoid injury by sharp object. II. Cable connection Notice Please verify the compliance of the cable and cable label with the actual installation prior to cable connection. III. Binding the signal lines Notice The signal lines should be bound separately from heavy current and high voltage lines, with binding interval of at least 150mm. Contents Chapter 1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Composition and Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 1 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Safety Regulation.................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Preparation ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Mechanical Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Electrical Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 5 2.4.1 Power System Cabling Method ................................................................................................................. 5 2.4.2 Connecting AC Input Cables ..................................................................................................................... 7 2.4.3 Connecting Load Cables ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.4.4 Connecting Battery Cables ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.4.5 Connecting Signal Cables ......................................................................................................................... 8 Chapter 3 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 Installation Check and Startup ............................................................................................................................ 10 3.2 Basic Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Alarm Check And System Operation Status Check ............................................................................................ 11 3.4 Final Steps .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................ 13 4.1 Controller Alarms And Fault Handling ................................................................................................................. 13 4.2 Rectifier Fault Handling ....................................................................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Rectifier Fan Replacement ...................................................................................................................... 17 Appendix 1 Technical And Engineering Data .................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix 2 Installation Instruction Of Battery Rack .......................................................................................................... 22 1. Installation Instruction Of Two-Layer And Four-Layer Battery Rack ..................................................................... 22 2. Installation Instruction Of Three-Layer Battery Rack............................................................................................. 24 3. Fixing The Battery Rack ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Appendix 3 Wiring Diagram............................................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix 4 Schematic Diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 31 Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 1 Overview This chapter introduces model composition and configuration and features of NetSure 731 A91-S1, NetSure 731 A91-S2 and NetSure 731 A91-S3 (abbreviated as 'power system' hereinafter). The power system is part of the NetSure 7100 series. 1.1 Composition and Configuration Composition The power system is composed of power distribution、rectifier modules and controller module. Take NetSure731 A91-S1 for example, the internal structure is shown as Figure 1-1. Non-prority load Prority load Positive terminal Earthing screw AC input terminal N AC input terminal L3 AC input terminal L2 AC input terminal L1 Battery MCB Controller Rectifier Figure 1-1 NetSure 731 A91- S1 system instruction Configuration The configuration of the power system is listed in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Configuration of power system Item Controller NetSure 731 A91-S1 Mode: M830B Model: Model: R48-3500e3 R48-3000e3/R48-3500e3 Maximum configuration:9 pieces Maximum configuration:9 pieces Model: Rectifier AC power distribution 3P+N+PE/380-415Vac 3P+N+PE/380-415Vac 3P+N+PE/380-415Vac AC output MCB PL: 63A/1P×2 MCB 32A/1P×2 MCB 16A/1P×2 MCB NPL: 63A/1P×3 MCB 32A/1P×3 MCB 16A/1P×2 MCB / PL: 63A/1P×2 MCB 32A/1P×2 MCB 16A/1P×2 MCB NPL: 63A/1P×3 MCB 32A/1P×3 MCB 16A/1P×2 MCB / PL: 63A/1P×2 MCB 32A/1P×2 MCB 16A/1P×2 MCB NPL: 63A/1P×3 MCB 32A/1P×3 MCB 16A/1P×2 MCB / Battery MCB 4×125A/1P 4×125A/1P 4×125A/1P AC SPD DC SPD Cover 1 piece 1 piece Standard 1 piece 1 piece Standard 1 piece 1 piece Standard DC power distribution NetSure 731 A91-S2 Mode: M530B NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack NetSure 731 A91-S3 Mode: M830B R48-3000e3 Maximum configuration:9 pieces User Manual 1 2 Chapter 1 Overview Item BLVD controller control mode NetSure 731 A91-S1 Controller without power-losing mode NetSure 731 A91-S2 Controller without power-losing mode NetSure 731 A91-S3 Controller without power-losing mode Main Features The rectifier uses the active Power Factor Compensation(PFC) technology and the power factor is up to 0.99. The power system has wide AC input voltage: 85Vac~300Vac.(Module single phase input voltage) 。 The rectifier uses soft switching technology, raising the efficiency above 95.3%. The rectifier has Ultra-low radiation. With advanced EMC design, the rectifier meets international standards such as CE、NEBS and YD/T983.Both the conducted and radiated interference reach Class B.(R48-3500e3 module reach Class B,R48-3000e3 module reach Class A) The rectifier safety design complies UL, CE and NEBS. The rectifier is of high power density. The rectifier is hot pluggable. It takes less than1 min to replace a rectifier. The rectifier has input over-voltage protection. The overvoltage protection point is set to 307.5V, which can be automatically restored. The rectifier has two optional over-voltage protection methods: hardware protection and software protection. The latter one also has two optional modes: lock-out at the first over-voltage and lock-out at the second over-voltage. The controller module has perfect battery management. The management functions includes BLVD, temperature compensation, auto voltage regulation , stepless current limiting ,battery capacity calculation and on-line battery test, etc. History alarm records:M530B controller supports 200 history alarms and 5000 history data records, M830B controller supports 4000 history alarms and 60000 history data records. Battery test data: M530B controller can record up to 5 sets of battery test data. M830B controller can record up to 10 sets of battery test data. The power system is of network design. Providing multiple communication ports (such as RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet and CAN), which enables flexible networking and remote monitoring. The power system has perfect lighting protection at both AC side and DC side. The power system has complete fault protection and fault alarm functions. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Chapter 2 Installation Instruction 3 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction 2.1 Safety Regulation Certain components in this power system carry hazardous voltage and current. Always following the instructions below: 1. Only the adequately trained personnel with satisfactory knowledge of the power system can carry out the installation. The most recent revision of these safety rules and local safety rules in force shall be adhered to during the installation. 2. All external circuits that are below 48V and connected to the power system must comply with the requirements of SELV as defined in IEC 60950-1. 3. Make sure that the power (mains and battery) to the system is cut off before any operations can be carried out within the system cabinet. 4. The power cabinets shall be kept locked and placed in a locked room. The key keeper should be the one responsible for the power system. 5. The wiring of the power distribution cables should be arranged carefully so that the cables are kept away from the maintenance personnel. 2.2 Preparation Unpacking inspection The equipment should be unpacked and inspected after it arrives at the installation site. The inspection shall be done by representatives of both the user and Vertiv Tech Co., Ltd. To inspect the equipment, you should open the packing case, take out the packing list and check against the packing list that the equipment is correct and complete. Make sure that the equipment is delivered intact. Cables The cable should be selected in accordance with relevant industry standards. It is recommended to use the RVVZ cables as AC cables. The cable should reach at least +70°C temperature durability. With cable length shorter than 30 meters, the Cross-Sectional Area (CSA) calculation should be based on the current density of 3.5A/mm2. The suggested CSA value is no less than the Table 2-1. Table 2-1 AC cable CSA selection AC MCB rated current 100A Max. AC input current 64A Min cable CSA 25mm2 Max cable CSA 50mm2 The CSA of DC cable depends on the current flowing through the cable and the allowable voltage drop. To select the battery cable CSA, see Table 2-2,select the DC load cable CSA according to the Table 2-3. Table 2-2 Battery cable CSA selection Battery MCB rated current Max. battery current Min cable CSA Max cable length( volt drop: 0.35V with max. CSA) 7m 125A 100A 35mm2 Note: 1. The specs are applicable at ambient temperature of 25°C. 2. The battery cable should reach at least +90°C heat durability. It is recommended to use double-insulated copper-core flame retardant cable as battery cable. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 4 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction Table 2-3 DC load cable CSA selection Load route Max. output Min. cable Max cable length ( volt drop: Max. cable Max cable length ( volt drop: 0.35V rated current current CSA 0.35V with min. CSA) CSA with max. CSA) 63A 63A 16mm2 5m 25mm2 8m 32A 32A 10mm2 6m 25mm2 15m 16A 16A 6mm2 8m 25mm2 31m Note: The specs are applicable at ambient temperature of 25°C. If the temperature is higher than this, the CSA of the cable should be increased. To prevent the air switching capacity is too large, the load doesn't work when overload. Recommended the capacity of the air switching is up to 1.5~2 times of the load peak. The CSA of the system grounding cables should be consistent with the largest power distribution cables. The CSA value is no less than 25mm2. AC distribution、DC distribution interface definition see Table 2-4. Table 2-4 AC distribution、DC distribution interface definition Connector name AC power distribution DC power distribution Connector specifications Wiring instruction AC input MCB H type terminal, max. cable CSA 50mm2 AC power line Grounding busbar One M8 bolt, OT type wiring terminal, max. cable CSA 35mm2 Connected to the grounding bar of the building Battery output MCB H type terminal, max. cable CSA 50mm2 Connected to the battery port Negative output MCB H type terminal, max. cable CSA 25mm2 Connected to the users negative load port Positive busbar Terminal subrack terminal:cable CSA ≤ 50mm2 Connected to the users positive load port 2.3 Mechanical Installation Note 1. The cabinet or rack that installed in the subrack must provide fireproof and electric protection casing, or install in cement or other difficult to burn, at the same time keep enough distance to other combustible material. 2. For the convenience of maintenance, users should maintain a clearance of 800mm at the front of the power system. 3. Subrack cannot be installed against the wall, it must leave enough space for heat dissipation. Installed on the battery rack Fix the subrack power system to the battery rack through the connectors with M6 bolts, as show in Figure 2-1. Power system M6 screw M6 screw Connector Connector Battery rack Figure 2-1 Cabinet and rack installation NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Chapter 2 Installation Instruction Installed in cabinet Insert the subrack power system to the matching cabinet, as shown in Figure 2-2. Power subrack Figure 2-2 Installed in the cabinet system The engineering graphics of the subrack power system as shown in Figure 2-3. R3.5 7 76.2 37.7 101.6 355.2 101.6 10 465.1 482.6 Figure 2-3 Installation size of 731 A91-S1/S2/S3(unit::mm) Note 1. Tighten the captive screw of the MFU Panel by the cross head screwdriver when there is no operation. 2. Also tighten the handle by the cross head screwdriver. 3. Please plug in the new modules or installing a new panel after removing the rectifier module. 2.4 Electrical Installation 2.4.1 Power System Cabling Method Cabling from the top of the power system The top cover is rubber ring top cover. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 5 6 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction Rubber ring top cover for MFU unit cabling : Use the electrician knife incise the "十" mark on the rubber unit. As shown in Figure 2-4. Cabling from the cable outlet area and then fixed to the cable--bunding plate and the top edge by using cable ties. Lates unit Cable outlet area Figure 2-4 Cable entry illustration of the MFU unit Cabling from the side of the power system Use a cross head screwdriver to remove two screws which fix the cabling panel at side of cabling area, then the cable can be led out from the cabling area, as shown in Figure 2-5. Warning 警告 When the subrack is installed independently on the outside (not installed in the rack). Using system side outlet. The clearance of the outlet hole must be sealed after connecting the cable to prevent it from touching the live part of the frame. Screw Screw Cable hole Cable hole Figure 2-5 Side cabling NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Chapter 2 Installation Instruction 2.4.2 Connecting AC Input Cables Danger Danger 1. Switch off all MCBs before the electrical connection. 2. Only the qualified personnel can do the mains cable connection. For NetSure 731 A91-S1 power system, the position of the connection terminals are shown in Figure 2-6.After connecting AC cables, fixing cables on top or side cable banding area by using cable ties. Earthing screw AC input terminal N AC input terminal L3 AC input terminal L2 AC input terminal L1 Figure 2-6 Illustration of NetSure 731 A91-S1 connection terminal Note 1. Recommended tightening torque of user grounding screw is 11N*M. 2. In case system earthing cable lessen, please add another fixing point except for the earthing screw. 2.4.3 Connecting Load Cables Connect the negative load cable to the upper terminal of load MCB and then connect the positive load cable to positive terminal. As shown in Figure 2-7. Non-prority load Prority load Positive terminal Figure 2-7 Illustration of the load cable connection terminal NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 7 8 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction 2.4.4 Connecting Battery Cables Note 1. The batteries may have dangerous current. Before connecting battery cables, make sure that the battery MCBs at the battery side are switched off. 2. If there are no battery MCBs at the battery side, users should disconnect any one of the connectors between battery cells to avoid live state of the system after installation. 3.Be careful not to reversely connect the battery. Otherwise, both the battery and the system will be damaged. 4.It's forbidden to disassemble battery cables in the up of the battery MCB when the battery input port is still connected. 1. Connect one end of the negative battery cable to the upper terminal of battery MCBs. Connect one end of the positive battery cable to the DC positive bus bar. 2. Connect copper lugs to the other end of the battery cables. Bind the connecting parts with insulating tape, and put them beside the battery. Connect the cables to the battery when the DC distribution unit is to be tested. As shown in Figure 2-8. Positive terminal Battery MCB Figure 2-8 Illustration of the battery connection terminal 2.4.5 Connecting Signal Cables Connecting NetSure 731 A91-S1/S3 Signal Cables The standard configuration of the system is M830B controller. The MA4C5U31 user interface board is used for M830B. M830B controller and MA4C5U31 user interface board cable connection is show in the following: Signal cable Terminal block User interface board (DI/ DO board) Figure 2-9 Netsure 731 A91-S1 user interface board illustration NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Chapter 2 Installation Instruction MA4C5U31 User Interface Board can provide 8 DI and 8 DO. For alarm type and corresponding relay, users can set it by background software according to the actual situation. Connecting Communication Signal Cable The communication port of M830B controller is shown in Figure 2-10. 以太网口 Ethernet port USB USB口 Figure 2-10 M830B controller communication port Connecting NetSure 731 A91-S2 Signal Cables The standard configuration of the system is M530B controller. NetSure 731 A91-S2 user interface board position as shown in Figure 2-11. Signal cable User interface terminal (DI/ DO board) Figure 2-11 Netsure 731 A91-S2 user interface board illustration Connecting Communication Signal Cable The communication port of M530B controller is shown in Figure 2-12. 以太网口 Ethernet port USB USB口 Figure 2-12 M530B controller communication port NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 9 10 Chapter 3 Commissioning Chapter 3 Commissioning The controllers can be used in the power system are M830B、M530B. This section introduces commissioning after installation. During installation test, the corresponding safety rules should be adhered to. The system has been tested before out of the factory, user doesn't need to test on site. 3.1 Installation Check and Startup Before the test, inform the chief manufacturer representative. Only trained electrical engineer can maintain and operate this equipment. In operation, the installation personnel are not allowed to wear conductive objects such as watches, bracelets, bangles and rings. During operation, parts of this equipment carry hazardous voltage. Misoperation may result in severe or fatal injuries and property damage. Before the test, check the equipment to ensure the proper earthing. Installation check must be done before testing. Then the batteries can be charged for the first time. Make sure that the AC input MCBs, battery MCBs and load MCBs are switched off. Make sure that all the devices are properly installed. Installation check Check all the fuse and cables. Are the models correct? Check the busbar connections, input and output cable connection, and connection between the power system and the system grounding. Check if the number and connections of the batteries are correct. Check the polarity of the battery string with a voltmeter. Make sure all the communication cables and alarm cables are connected to the controller module. Check that the temperature sensor, if any, has been installed. OK Comments Startup preparations Make sure that all the MCB are switched off and all the fuses are removed. OK Measure the AC input voltage. Make sure the input voltage is within the allowable range. Check that communication and alarm cables are connected to the signal transfer board. Check that the temperature sensor, if any, has been installed. Check that the battery string circuit is not closed. Connect the disconnected batteries to the battery string circuit. Make sure that the MCB disconnected to the battery cables are switched off. Check the battery signal cables connection and MCB cables connection. Measure with a voltmeter across the connection points of each battery and make sure that the polarity is right. For a lead-acid battery with 24 cells, the voltmeter should read 2.0 ~ 2.1V/cell or 48 ~ 51V/battery. If the voltage of certain cell is lower than 2.0V, that cell must be replaced. Check with an ohmmeter that there is no short circuit between the positive & negative distribution bus bars, or between the positive & negative battery poles (Note: Pull out all modules before the check and restore them after the check). Comments Umin= V Umin= V Startup OK Switch on the system AC input MCB. Insert one rectifier. The green LED on the rectifier will be on and the fan will start running after a certain delay. The controller module will show that the power supply voltage is 53.5V. Check the system voltage and busbar polarity with a voltmeter. The voltage difference between the measured value and displayed value should be less than±0.2V. Start and stop each rectifier of the system by inserting and unplugging the rectifier. Check their output voltages. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Comments Chapter 3 Commissioning 11 3.2 Basic Settings When the system is put into service for the first time, the parameters of controller module must be set based on the actual system configuration, such as battery number, capacity, user’s charge current limit and other functional requirements. Only after that can the controller module display system operation information and control the output. M830B controller password is 640275. System parameter settings are shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 M830B controller parameter settings Parameter Default settings 300Ah Enabled Enabled 44.0V 43.2V Y 1 Contactor type Path NCU home page—Settings—Battery charge—Battery 1 capacity LCD—Settings—LVD Settings—LVD1 enabled LCD—Settings—LVD Settings—LVD2 enabled LCD—Settings—LVD Settings—LVD1 Volt LCD—Settings—LVD Settings—LVD2 Volt Web—Advanced Settings—System—LVD Group—AC Fail Required LCD—Settings—Bat. Settings—Basic Settings—Num Batt Shunts LCD—Settings—Bat. Settings—Basic Settings—Battery 1—Shunt Current/Shunt Voltage Web—Settings—LVD—Contactor type Walk-in LCDSettingsRect SettingsWalk-in on Y Walk-in T LCDSettingsRect SettingsWalk-in T 128S Capacity LVD1 enabled LVD2 enabled LVD1 LVD2 AC Fail Required Num Batt Shunts Batt shunts settings 600A/25mV Monstabillity Note: The above battery protection voltage should be set according to the battery manufacturer's requirements. The battery capacity should be set according to the actual configuration. M530B controller password is 640275. System parameter settings are shown in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 M530B controller main parameter settings Parameter Path Default settings System Type Quick Settings System Type 48V/SET Capacity Quick Settings Capacity 150Ah LVD2 SettingsBat. SettingsLVD Settings LVD2 Volt 43.2V LVD1 SettingsBat. SettingsLVD Settings LVD1 Volt 44.0V Batt shunts settings Settings Basic Settings Batt Shunts 1 N Batt shunts settings Settings Basic Settings Batt Shunts 2 Y BLVD contactor Bat. Settings LVD Settings BLVD Volt 43.2V AC Phase SettingsInput SettingsAC PH 3-PH Walk-in SettingsRect SettingsWalk-in on N Walk-in T SettingsRect SettingsWalk-in T 8S Note: The above parameters need to be adjusted according to the actual situation. 3.3 Alarm Check And System Operation Status Check Alarm check Check that all functional unit can trigger alarms that can be displayed on the controller. OK Pull out one rectifier. The ‘Rect N Com Failure’ alarm should be triggered. Insert the rectifier in. The alarm should disappear. Repeat the same procedures on other rectifiers Switch off battery MCB 1. The ‘Batt1 Failure’ alarm should be triggered. Switch on the MCB. The alarm should be cleared. Repeat the same on battery MCB 2, MCB 3 and MCB 4. Switch off a load MCB connected to a load route. The alarm ‘Load Fuse N Failure’ should be triggered. Switch on the MCB, and the alarm should be cleared. Repeat the same on the other load MCBs Remove all the battery MCBs. Keep only one rectifier in operation. Through the controller module, adjust the rectifier FC voltage to make it lower than the alarm point. The alarm ‘DC Voltage Low’ should be triggered NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Comment 12 Chapter 3 Commissioning OK Keep the rectifiers in operation. Set through the controller module the battery management parameter to ‘Manual’. Enter the maintenance menu at the controller module. Select ‘Disconnect’ and confirm it. The battery protection contactor should be open, and the ‘BLVD’ alarm should be displayed at the controller module Note: when the preceding alarms are generated, the controller module will give alarms after approximately 3s. Comment System operation status check There should be no alarms during normal system operation. The system operation status can be conducted through the controller module. OK The system model is correct. The controller should display the correct AC voltage The controller should be able to display the DC voltage. The difference between the displayed voltage and that measured at the busbar should be less than 1% The controller should display the battery current. The difference between the displayed and measured battery current should be less than 1% Check the number of the rectifier through the controller . The number should be consistent with the actual number. Check the voltage, current, current limiting point of rectifiers through the controller. They should agree with the actual parameter. For the system configured with temperature sensor, the controller should be able to display the battery ambient temperature. Hold the probe of the temperature sensor with hand and watch the controller which should display the change of temperature. Comments 3.4 Final Steps OK Make sure that materials irrelevants to the equipment have been all removed. Rehabilitate the power equipment and close the cabinet door. Fill in the installation report and hand it over to the user. Record all the operations in the file , including operation time and operator name. Comments If any defect is found in this equipment, inform the personnel responsible for the contract. If repairing is needed, please fill in the FAILURE REPORT and send the report together with the defective unit to the repairing center for fault analysis. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 13 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting This chapter describes the handling of alarms, as well as the routine maintenance of the system during system daily operation. The maintenance personnel must have adequate knowledge about the subrack power system. Note 1. The maintenance must be conducted under the guidance of related safety regulations. 2. Only trained personnel with adequate knowledge about the subrack power system shall maintain the inner part of the subrack. 4.1 Controller Alarms And Fault Handling The controller alarms are classified into three types: major alarm, observation alarm and no alarm. Major alarm: This type of alarms have strong impacts on the system performance. Whenever these alarms are generated, users are supposed to handle them immediately. The red major alarm indicators will be on. Observation: When this type of alarm is raised, the system maintains normal output for a while. If the alarm occurs during watch time, it should be handled immediately. If the alarm occurs during non- watch- time, handle it during watch time. The yellow observation alarm indicators will be on. No alarm: If alarms are set as ‘no alarm’ by the users, when these alarms occur, the green alarm indicators will be on and the system works normally. If an unnecessary alarm occurs during the operation of the controller, set it according to the following method. Take the alarm of ‘Rect Lost’ for example: For M830B controller: MAIN MENU —> Settings —> Alarm—>Clear Module Loss Alarm. For the submenu of "Clear", you can select "Rect Lost" to clear corresponding alarm. For M530B controller: MAIN MENU —> Settings —> Alarm—> Alarm Control—> Clear. For the submenu of ‘Clear’, you can select ‘Rect Lost’ to clear corresponding alarm. The handling methods of normal alarms are given in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Alarm description and action to correct Index Alarm 1 Mains Failure 2 AC Voltage High 3 AC Voltage Low 4 SPD alarm 5 DC Volt High Handling method If the failure does not last long, the battery will power the load. If the cause is unknown or the failure lasts too long, a diesel generator is needed. Before using the generator power to supply the subrack power system, it is suggested to run the generator at least five minutes to minimize the impact on the subrack power system Check if the AC over-voltage value is too low. If yes, change the value. A mild over-voltage does not affect the system operation. However, the rectifiers will stop working operation when the mains voltage is more than 305V. If the mains voltage is above the AC over-voltage value, the mains grid should be improved Check if the AC Under- voltage point is too high. If yes, change the value. When the mains voltage is lower than 176V, the output power of the rectifiers will be derated. And if lower than 80V, the rectifiers will stop working. If the mains voltage is under the AC under-voltage value, the mains grid should be improved Check the SPD condition. If the SPD is damaged, replace it Check the DC over-voltage value through the controller. If the setting value is inappropriate, correct it. Otherwise, find out the rectifier that has caused the alarm: 1. Ensure that the batteries can operate normally. 2. Switch off the AC input of all rectifiers. 3. Power on the rectifiers one by one. 4. If the over-voltage protection is triggered when a certain rectifier is powered on, that rectifier is the faulty one. Replace it NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 14 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Index Alarm 6 DC Volt Low 7 Load Fuse Alarm, Batt Fuse Alarm 8 LVD2 9 Rect Failure 10 Rect Protect 11 Rect Fan Fails 12 13 Handling method 1. Check if the alarm is caused by mains failure, if yes, disconnect some loads to prolong the operation of the whole system. 2. Check the DC under-voltage value set through the controller. If the set value is inappropriate, correct it. 3. Check if any rectifier is inoperative, or has no output current. If yes, replace it. 4. Check if the total load current exceeds the total rectifier current during float charge. If yes, disconnect some loads or add more rectifiers to make the total rectifier current bigger than 120% of the total load current with one redundant rectifier. Check if the corresponding MCB is switched off. If the MCB is open, find out the fault and remove it. Otherwise, the alarm circuit is faulty. Please contact Vertiv. 1. Check if there is mains failure, and the battery voltage is lower than the value of ‘LVD2’. 2. Check whether the battery is disconnected from the system manually. The rectifier with the fault indicator (red) on is faulty. Power off the rectifier, and then power it on after a while. If the alarm persists, replace the rectifier. Check if the mains voltage is above 305V or under 80V. If the mains voltage is under the AC under-voltage value or above the AC over-voltage value, the mains grid should be improved. Pull out the rectifier to check if the fan is obstructed. If yes, clean it and push the rectifier back. If the fan is not obstructed or if the fault persists after cleaning, replace the rectifier. Check if the communication cable is connected properly between rectifier and controller. If yes, restart the rectifier. If the alarm persists, replace the rectifier. Check if the temperature of the temperature sensor is too high. If yes, find the causes and cool down the battery compartment. Rect Not Respond High temperature Controller fault handling The symptoms of usual controller faults include: power indicator(green) off. LCD doesn't display( if connected to the host system, it may cause an external alarm). Check whether the system bus voltage is normal. If not, check whether the terminal of the controller is in normal connection. If both are in normal, the controller is faulty, please see the following procedures to replace the controller. M830B replacement: 1.Check the new controller for damage. 2.Security preparation Put one end of the effective grounding strap at the wrist and the other end attached to a suitable ground. 3.Loosen the captive screw of the controller, as shown in Figure 4-1 Captive screw Figure 4-1 M830B Controller replacement 4.Push the new controller into the system and tighten the captive screw of the controller 5.After controller startup, refer to 3.2 Basic Settings M530B controller replacement: 1. Check the new controller for damage. 2. Security preparation Put one end of the effective grounding strap at the wrist and the other end attached to a suitable ground. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 15 3. Loosen the captive screw of the controller, as shown in Figure 4-2. Captive screw Figure 4-2 M530B Controller replacement 4.Push the new controller into the system and tighten the captive screw of the controller 5.After controller startup, refer to 3.2 Basic Settings 4.2 Rectifier Fault Handling Alarm handling The symptoms of usual rectifier faults include: power indicator ( green ) off, protection indicator ( yellow) on, protection indicator blink , fault indicator (red) on and fault indicator blink, the indicator locations as shown: Figure 4-3 Local Indicator Locations Table 4-2 Rectifier Troubleshooting Symptom Related alarm Power Indicator (Green) Off No alarm Power Indicator (Green) flashing No alarm Possible cause(s) 1. No input/output voltage. 2. Internal input fuse open. The rectifier is being identified by the controller Rect protection AC input voltage abnormal Rect over temperature 1. Fan blocked 2. Ventilation path blocked at the inlet or vent 3. Ambient temperature too high or the inlet too close to a heat source Protection(yellow) Protection indicator flash (yellow) Rect protection Current sharing imbalance Rect protection Power factor compensation internal under voltage or over voltage Rect communication fail Rectifier communication fail NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack Suggested action(s) Make sure that there is input/output voltage Replace the rectifier Make sure the AC input voltage is normal 1. Remove the object that blocks the fan 2. Remove the object at the inlet or vent 3. Decrease the ambient temperature or remove the heat source Check whether the rectifier communication is normal. If not, check whether the communication cable is in normal connection. If the communication is normal while the protection indicator is on, replace the rectifier Replace the rectifier Check whether the communication cable is in normal connection User Manual 16 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Symptom Related alarm Possible cause(s) Suggested action(s) Reset the rectifier. If the protection is triggered again, replace the rectifier Rect HVSD Rectifier over-voltage Rect fail Rectifier module addresses contradictory. Replace the rectifier module. Severe load sharing imbalance. positive and negative deviations of average current ≤ 2.5A Check whether the rectifier communication is normal. If not, check whether the communication cable is in normal connection. If the communication is normal while the protection indicator is on, replace the rectifier Rect Fan Fails Fan fault Replace the fan. Fault indicator on(red) Fault indicator flash (red) R48-3000e3/R48-3500e3 Replacement Rectifier modules can be inserted or removed with power applied (hot swappable). Note: Each rectifier module locks into a module mounting shelf by means of a latch located on the bottom of the module. The latch and rectifier module handle are interactive. Pushing the handle up into the module’s front panel causes the latch to extend to the locking position; pulling the handle down out from the module’s front panel causes the latch to retract. Danger DANGER! Take care when removing a rectifier module that was in operation, as rectifier module surfaces could be very hot. Warning WARNING! To prevent damage to the latching mechanism, ensure the handle is in the open position when installing or removing a rectifier module. NEVER hold the handle in the closed position when installing a rectifier module into a shelf. Procedure Refer to Figure 4-4 as this procedure is performed. 1. Performing this procedure may activate external alarms. Do one of the following. If possible, disable these alarms. If these alarms cannot be easily disabled, notify the appropriate personnel to disregard any alarms associated with this system while this procedure is performed. 2. Loosen the captive screw on the module’s handle. Pull the handle down out from the module’s front panel (this will also retract the latch mechanism). 3. Grasp the handle and pull firmly to remove the module from the shelf. 4. Place the replacement rectifier module into the mounting position without sliding it in completely. 5. Loosen the captive screw on the module’s handle. Pull the handle down out from the module’s front panel (this will also retract the latch mechanism). 6. Push the module completely into the shelf. 7. Push the handle up into the module’s front panel. This will lock the module securely to the shelf. captive screw on the handle. Tighten the 8. Certain functions (i.e. rectifier current limit, rectifier addressing) may require adjustment when adding or replacing a rectifier module. 9. After the rectifier modules are physically installed in the mounting shelf(s), they are ready for operation immediately after power is supplied to them. Verify that the rectifiers are operating normally. 10. Enable the external alarms, or notify appropriate personnel that this procedure is finished. 11. Ensure that there are no local or remote alarms active on the system. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 17 Figure 4-4 Installing Rectifier 4.2.1 Rectifier Fan Replacement Each Rectifier uses a fan (P/N:32010485) for cooling. If fan replacement should become necessary, perform the following procedure. Refer to Figure 4-4 as this procedure is performed. Warning WARNING! In a system with NO redundant Rectifier, battery must have sufficient reserve to power the load(s) while the Rectifier is removed for fan replacement. Note: When performing any step in this procedure that requires removal of existing hardware, retain all hardware for use in subsequent steps. Procedure 1. Performing this procedure may activate external alarms. Do one of the following. If possible, disable these alarms. If these alarms cannot be easily disabled, notify the appropriate personnel to disregard any alarms associated with this system while this procedure is performed. 2. Remove the Rectifier from the shelf. Refer to a previous procedure for step-by-step instructions. 3. On this Rectifier; remove the front panel by removing the screws securing the front panel to the chassis, and by unplugging the fan from the printed circuit card. 4. For proper orientation of the new fan, observe the location of the fan wires and the air flow arrows on the old fan. 5. Remove the old fan from the front panel by removing the two screws and clips securing the fan. 6. Install the new fan onto the front panel using the two screws and clips previously removed. Ensure the fan wires and air flow arrows match the orientation of the old fan. 7. Install the front panel with the new fan onto the chassis by plugging the fan cable into the printed circuit card, and securing the front panel with the screws previously removed. NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 18 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 8. Replace the Rectifier into the shelf. Refer to the previous procedure for step-by-step instructions. 9. Enable the external alarms, or notify appropriate personnel that this procedure is finished. 10.Ensure that there are no local or remote alarms active on the system. Figure 4-5 Fan replacement NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Appendix 1 Technical And Engineering Data Appendix 1 Technical And Engineering Data Table 1 Technical data Parameter category Environmental AC input Parameter Description Operating temperature -5℃ ~ +40℃ Storage temperature -40℃ ~ +70℃ Relative humidity 5%RH~95%RH Altitude Pollution level Others ≤2000m(derating is necessary above 2,000m) Level 2 No conductive dust or erosive gases. No possibility of explosion AC input system 3P+N+PE/380V; AC input type TN,TT Input voltage range 85Vac ~ 305Vac(Module phase voltmeter) Input AC voltage frequency 45Hz ~ 65Hz Maximum input current 64A(With 3500e3 module) 55A(With 3000e3 module) Power factor Overvoltage level Nominal output voltage ≥0.99 Level Ⅱ -48Vdc Rated output voltage -53.5Vdc(If it is used for outdoor,the rated voltage is -54V) Output DC voltage -43.2 ~ -57.6Vdc DC load output ≤ 400A/58V Battery charging current ≤ 143A/58V(With 3500e3 module) Maximum output current DC load output ≤ 400A/58V Battery charging current ≤ 66A/58V(With 3000e3 module) DC output Note: in 45℃, full load output, above 45℃, the power derating 2% per ℃. Voltage set-point accuracy ≤1% Maximum efficiency ≥95.3% Noise (peak-peak) (rated output) ≤200mV(0 ~ 20MHz) Weighted noise (rated output) ≤2mV(300 ~ 3400Hz) AC input alarm and protection AC input over-voltage alarm point M830B: Default: 275 ± 5Vac, configurable through controller M530B: Default: 280 ± 5Vac, configurable through controller AC input over-voltage alarm recovery point Default: 270 ± 5Vac, 10Vac lower than the AC input over-voltage alarm point M830B : AC input under-voltage alarm Default: 165 ± 5Vac, configurable through controller point M530B: Default: 180 ± 5Vac, configurable through controller M830B: AC input under-voltage alarm Default: 170 ± 5Vac, 5Vac higher than the AC input under-voltage alarm point recovery point M530B: Default: 190 ± 5Vac, 10Vac higher than the AC input under-voltage alarm point AC input over-voltage Default: 307 ± 2.5Vac. The return difference ≥ 10Vac and can not exceed 15V, protection point configurable through controller AC input over-voltage 295 ± 5Vac by default, 10Vac lower than the AC input over-voltage alarm point protection recovery point AC input under-voltage Default: 80 ± 5Vac, configurable through controller protection point AC input under-voltage Default: 95 ± 5Vac, 10Vac higher than the AC input under-voltage alarm point protection recovery point NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 19 20 Appendix 1 Technical And Engineering Data Parameter category DC output alarm and protection DC output alarm and protection Parameter DC output over-voltage alarm point DC output over-voltage recovery point DC output under-voltage alarm point DC output under-voltage recovery point DC output over-voltage protection point Default: -58.5 ± 0.3Vdc, configurable through controller Default: -58 ± 0.2Vdc, 0.5Vdc lower than the over-voltage alarm point Default: -45.0 ± 0.3Vdc, configurable through controller Default: -45.5 ± 0.2Vdc, 0.5Vdc higher than the under-voltage alarm point Default: -58.5 ± 0.2Vdc, configurable through controller LLVD Default: -44.0 ± 0.3Vdc, configurable through controller BLVD Default: -43.2 ± 0.3Vdc, configurable through controller The rectifiers can work in parallel and share the current. The unbalanceness is better than ± 5%. 176Vac input, The rectifier output is 100% power 85Vac~154Vac input, the rectifier adopts two-stage linear power limiting. Below 80Vac,the rectifier low pressure power off. Current sharing Derate by input (at 45°C) Walk-in Fan speed adjustable Over-voltage protection Rectifier Temperature power limiting EMC Description The output voltage can rise slowly when the rectifier start up. The walk in time is configurable through the controller. Rectifier fan speed can be set to auto or full speed. The rectifier provides over-voltage hardware and software protection. The hardware protection point is 59.5V ± 0.5V, and it requires manual resetting to restore operation. The software protection point is between 56V and 59V (0.5V above output voltage, 58.5V by default), and can be set through the controller There are two software protection modes, which can be selected through the software at the host: 1. Lock out at the first over-voltage Once the output voltage reaches protection point, the rectifier will shut off and hold that state. It requires manual resetting to restore the operation 2. Lock out at the second over-voltage When the output voltage reaches the software protection point, the rectifier will shutdown, and restart automatically after 5 seconds. If the over-voltage happens again within a set time (default: 5min. Configurable through controller), the rectifier will shut off and hold that state. It requires manual resetting to restore the operation Manual resetting: Resetting can be done manually through the controller, or by removing the rectifier from system The rectifier can start in -40°C; For R48 3000e3 module: Below 45°C, the rectifier with full power (3000 W) output. From 45°C ~55°C, the rectifier with linearly derating to 2900W. From 55°C ~65°C, the rectifier with linearly derating to 2250W. From 65°C ~70°C, the rectifier with linearly derating to 0W. For R48 3500e3 module: Below 45°C, the rectifier with full power (3500 W) output. From 45°C ~55°C, the rectifier with linearly derating to 3380W. From 55°C ~65°C, the rectifier with linearly derating to 2625W. From 65°C ~70°C, the rectifier with linearly derating to 0W. Conducted emission Class A Radiated emission M830B controller) Harmonic current emission Voltage fluctuation and flash EFT EN61000-3-12 EN61000-3-11 Level 4 EN/IEC 61000-4-4 ESD Level 3 EN/IEC 61000-4-2 Surges Radiation Conduction Level 4 Level 3 Level 3 EN/IEC 61000-4-5 EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EN/IEC61000-4-6 EN300386(Class B is met when configuring 3500e3 module and NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Appendix 1 Parameter category Lightning protection features Parameter At AC side At DC side Safety regulation Acoustic noise Technical And Engineering Data 21 Description The AC input side can withstand five times of simulated lightning surge current of 20Ka at 8/20µs, for the positive and negative polarities respectively. The test interval is not smaller than 1 minute. It can also withstand one event of simulated lightning surge current of 40Ka at 8/20µs.( At least two modules per phase) The DC input side can withstand five times of simulated lightning surge current of 20Ka at 8/20µs, for the positive and negative polarities respectively. The test interval is not smaller than 1 minute. (At least two modules) Conform to IEC60950-1 standards ≤ 60db (A) (When the ambient temperature is lower than 25°C) At temperature of 25°C ± 5°C and relative humidity not bigger than 90%RH, Insulation resistance Others Insulation strength MTBF ROHS Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Weight (kg) apply a test voltage of 500Vdc. The insulation resistances between AC circuit and earth, DC circuit and earth, and AC and DC circuits are all not less than 2MΩ (Remove the SPD, controller and rectifiers from the system before the test.) AC loop to DC loop can withstand 50Hz. AC to DC circuits: 3,000Vac; or 4,242Vdc for one minute, leak curren≤10mA , without puncturing and electric arcing; AC circuit to earth: 50Hz, 1,500Vac; or 2,121Vdc for one minute, leak curren≤10mA , without puncturing and electric arcing ; DC circuit to earth: 50Hz, 500Vac; or 707Vdc for one minute, leak curren≤10mA , without puncturing and electric arcing ; Auxiliary circuit without connecting to the main circuit directly: 50Hz,500Vac; or 707Vdc for one minute, leak curren≤10mA , without puncturing and electric arcing ; > 200,000hr Compliant with R6 requirement Standard dimensions of the 352mm×483mm×400 subracks: M830B: 43.4mm×210.3mm×85.9mm Controller: M530B: 43mm×86mm×210mm R48-3000e3: 41mm×84.5mm×330mm Rectifier: R48-3500e3:41mm×84.5mm×330mm Subrack (package,rectifier and ≤60; controller are all included) Subrack (without package,rectifier and controller ≤40; included) NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 22 Appendix 2 Installation Instruction Of Battery Rack Appendix 2 Installation Instruction Of Battery Rack 1. Installation Instruction Of Two-Layer And Four-Layer Battery Rack Packing list Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3 Figure 1 Accessory 4 Accessory 5 Accessory Table 2 Packing list of the battery rack Battery rack Two-layer battery rack Accessory Four-layer battery rack Accessory 1 2 4 Accessory 2 8 14 Accessory 3 2 4 Accessory 4 2 2 Accessory 5 0 2 Expansion bolt 4 pieces 4 pieces Fastener 1 set 1 set Installation procedures 1. Installation procedures of two-layer battery rack 1) Install accessory 1 and accessory 2 according to Figure 2 (a). 2) Install accessory 3 according to Figure 2 (b). Accessory 1 Accessory 3 Accessory 2 (a) (b) Figure 2 Installation procedure of accessory 1 ~ accessory 3 NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Appendix 2 Installation Instruction Of Battery Rack 3) Install accessory 2 and accessory 4 according to Figure 3. Accessory 4 Accessory 2 Figure 3 Installation procedure of accessory 2 and accessory 4 2. Installation procedures of four-layer battery rack 1) Install accessory 1, accessory 2 and accessory 3 according to Figure 2 (a) and Figure 2 (b). 2) Install accessory 5 according to Figure 4 (a). 3) Install accessory 2 and accessory 4 according to Figure 4 (b). Accessory 4 Accessory 2 (a) (b) Figure 4 Installation procedure of accessory 2, accessory 4 and accessory 5 NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 23 24 Appendix 2 Installation Instruction Of Battery Rack 2. Installation Instruction Of Three-Layer Battery Rack Packing list Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Figure 5 Accessory 3 Accessory 4 Accessory Table 3 Packing list of the battery rack Accessory Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3 Accessory 4 Expansion bolt Fastener Accessory number 2 6 3 2 4 pieces 1 set Installation procedures 1. Install accessory 1 and accessory 2 according to Figure 6 (a). 2. Install accessory 3 according to Figure 6 (b). Accessory 2 Accessory 1 Accessory 3 (a) (b) Figure 6 Installation procedure of accessory 1 ~ accessory 3 NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Appendix 2 Installation Instruction Of Battery Rack 3. Install accessory 2 and accessory 4 according to Figure 7. Accessory 2 Accessory 4 Figure 7 Installation procedure of accessory 2 and accessory 4 3. Fixing The Battery Rack 1. Fix the battery rack to the ground according to the installation dimensions shown in Figure 8. The fixing bolts are accessories. 575 480 600 600 Figure 8 Installation dimensions (unit: mm) 2. Fix the subrack power system onto the top of the battery rack. Refer to 2.3 NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack Mechanical Installation User Manual 25 Appendix 3 Wiring Diagram Appendix 3 Wiring Diagram Top view Monitor motherboard socket (upper) J23 DC+ J4 J41 J14 DC- J24DC+ L N U11 H5 U12 H1 U13 H3 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 U14 H4 18-QFB2-1 1 PA1 Lower module backplane 8-J2-2 J13 DCL N Front view W80 18-QFB3-1 11-L1 11-N J12 DC- J22 DC+ J3 L N DC- H2 18-QFB1-1 J2 DC+ 11-L3 11-N 7-2 7-4 11-L2 11-N L N W01 CAN+ J11 DC- J21 DC+ J1 W01 CAN- CAN- CAN+ J42 11-L1 11-N W80 W01 2-J41-CAN2-J41-CAN+ W80 W01 Top view 18-QFB4-1 Upper module backplane 6 M830B W80 J4 L N X6-1 U13 U14 H4 13-BUS+-1 W80 X3 W80 W80 14-PL-1 H3 U12 X5-1 5-J2-1 H1 U11 5-J2-4 5-J2-2 5-J2-3 H2 U15 13-BUS+-3 W80 X2 W80 H5 17-2 J13 DC- J23 DC+ L N 17-1 L N H6 16-2 11-L2 11-N J11 DC- J21 DC+ J2 DC+ DC- Fornt view 16-1 L N 11-L1 11-N 11-L3 11-N 11-L2 11-N J1 J15 DC- J25 DC+ L N J41 J14 DC- J25 DC+ Monitor motherboard socket (lower) CAN+ J5 W01 W01 J3 J12 DC- J22 DC+ CAN- CAN+ CAN- J42 W01 11-L3 11-N W01 W01 W01 1-J41-CAN1-J41-CAN+ W80 W02 1 2 2 PA2 1A RS485-1B 1B 7-8 RS485-2A 2A 7-6 W80 RS485-2B 2B 5 5 RS485 RS485 7-14 Signal adapter board 7-9 W80 W80 14-PL-1 11-NC 11-COM 15-RB-1 15-RB-2 5-RS485-2A 5-RS485-2B 5-RS485-1A W80 W80 W80 14-B--1 W80 7 W80 W80 The front door of the subrack is grounded J1 W07 Front view of the frame 9 8 PA8 W80 DOOR Open the front door 3 PA3 RACK W07 RS485-1A W80 19-QFD20-1 19-QFD19-1 19-QFD18-1 19-QFD17-1 19-QFD16-1 19-QFD15-1 19-QFD14-1 19-QFD13-1 19-QFD12-1 19-QFD11-1 1-J42-CANX4 12-4 14-PL-2 SPD VV+ 1-J42-CAN+ User interface board DC SPD 5-RS485-1B DC SPD 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 W07 User interface board 1 Note: W07 is the screw connecting line betwween the front door of J2 8-J2-2 the socket frame and the inner base case of the socket frame. 6-9/8-J2-1 W80 4 2 J2 W80 1 3 J11 J12 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 5 PA5 NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 26 Appendix 3 Wiring Diagram AC power distribution unit Front view DC power distribution unit 1-J3-L/2-J1-L/2-J4-L/10-L3-6 1 13-2 12-2 W07 1 7-35/7-47 2 3 X5-1/X6-1 W80 W807-49/7-50 To the positive busbar of the module Figure 1 8-J1-20 2 2 QFD20 8-J1-18 QFD19 8-J1-16 QFD18 8-J1-12 8-J1-14 8-J1-10 2 W07 W80 W80 NetSure 731 A91-S1/S3 wiring diagram NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual PL 1 1 7-32/7-44 7-20 7-22 2 13 BUS+ 2 2 QFD15 7-43 14 B- 15 RB 2 7-39 6-8 1 2 0V 4 2 2 1 PL 7-41 6-7 1 2 QFB4 6-6 1 2 QFB3 6-5 QFB1 1 W80 3-V+ 2 2 1 16 KM2 1 W07 1 3-V- 2 To user protection 1 W80 PE bar and positive busbar 12 PE 1 1 18 QFB W01 10 QF1 1 1 2 1 W01 11 SPD W80 NPL QFB2 10-N-8 1-J1-N/1-J2-N 1-J3-N/1-J4-N 17 KM1 2 W80 11-N W01 11-L1 11-L2 11-L3 7-42 7-40 2-J1-N/1-J2-N 2-J3-N/2-J4-N 2-J5-N 1 QFD16 2 8-J1-6 8-J1-2 2 1 QFD14 8-J1-8 2 1 8-J1-4 8-J1-17 2 1 QFD13 2 8-J1-19 8-J1-13 2 1 NPL NN W80 1 W80 7-45 2 8-J1-15 8-J1-9 2 1 QFD11 2 1 QFD12 2 1 QFD9 1 8-J1-11 8-J1-5 1 W80 QFD10 2 8-J1-7 8-J1-1 8-J1-3 1 QFD8 8 QFD7 4 6 QFD6 2 QFD5 PE QFD4 L3 NC COM NO L2 L1 L2 L3 N 3 5 7 QFD3 L1 1 QFD2 1-J1-L/1-J4-L/2-J2-L/10-L1-2 QFD17 19 QFD 1-J2-L/2-J5-L/2-J3-L/10-L2-4 QFD1 W01 W80 W80 7-31/7-46 1 To the negative busbar of the module 14 PL 27 Appendix 3 Wiring Diagram 1-J41-CAN1-J41-CAN+ J14 DC- U4DC+ J5 L N J15 DC- J41 U5DC+ X6-1 5-DO-21 5-DO-20 5-DO-19 5-DO-15 5-DO-14 5-DO-13 5-DO-9 5-DO-8 5-DO-7 5-DO-3 5-DO-2 5-DO-1 H6 U11 H1 U12 U13 H3 H4 U14 H5 5-DO-24 5-DO-23 5-DO-22 5-DO-18 5-DO-17 13-BUS+-1 W80 W80 X5-1 W80 14-PL-1 DC- H2 5-DI-15 5-DI-11 13-BUS+-3 W80 L N U15 17-2 L N 17-1 11-L2 11-N J13 DC- U3DC+J4 J3 16-2 J12 DC- U2DC+ L N 16-1 J2 DC+ 11-L1 11-N 11-L3 11-N 11-L2 11-N U1DC+ Front view Monitor motherboard socker (lower) CAN+ J11 DC- W01 W01 CAN- CAN+ CAN- L N W01 11-L3 11-N W01 W01 J1 W80 W80 W02 J42 6 M530B Top view Lower module backplane 5-DO-16 1 PA1 5-DO-12 U14 18-QFB2-1 H4 5-DO-11 U13 H3 5-DO-10 U12 H1 8-J2-2 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 H5 U11 5-DI-3 J41 U4DC+ 5-DO-6 J14 DC- 5-DO-5 L N 5-DO-4 J4 L N 5-DI-13 J13 DC- U3DC+ J3 18-QFB3-1 18-QFB1-1 2-J41-CAN2-J41-CAN+ 11-L1 11-N 11-L3 11-N J12 DC- U2DC+ L N DC- 5-DI-5 J2 DC+ 5-DI-9 U1DC+ 5-DI-1 J11 DC- H2 W80 CAN+ L N W01 CAN- CAN+ CAN- J1 W01 11-L2 11-N W01 11-L1 11-N 7-2 7-4 W80 W01 J42 Front view Monitor motherboard socket (upper) W80 5-DI-7 Top view 18-QFB4-1 Upper module backplane 2 PA2 7 M530B 14-PL-1 11-NC 11-COM W80 5-RS485-2B 5-RS485-2A 15-1 15-2 5-RS485-1A Front top view (open the panel) 5-RS485-1B 1-J42-CAN- User interface board 1-J42-CAN+ DC SPD 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 14-B--1 W80 V+ RS485 DI8 15 5-DI-14/13-BUS+-2 6-25 13 12-4 14-PL-2 11 9 7 3 PA3 5 DI2 3 2 1 NO 5-DI-8/5-DI-12 6-22 5-DI-6/5-DI-10 6-21 5-DI-4/5-DI-8 6-20 W80 NC DO6 M NO NC DO5 M NO 7-33 W80 J1 6-50 6-48 23 6-46 22 6-49 21 6-47 20 6-45 19 6-44 18 NO 6-38 6-36 11 6-34 10 NC 9 NC 24 DO4 M DO3 M W80 NO NC 6-42 6-40 16 6-43 15 6-41 14 6-39 13 DO2 M 17 12 8 7 6 5 NO 4 NC 3 DO1 M NO 2 1 6-37 6-35 6-33 6-32 6-30 6-28 6-31 6-29 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 19 17 15 13 11 9 5 3 1 7 8 W80 PA8 6-19 5-DI-4/13-BUS+-2 The front of the suback is ground Front view frame Open the front door 9 门接地 W07 W80 J2 8-J2-2 1 Note: W07 is the screw connecting line betwween the front door of the socket frame and the inner base case of the socket frame. 2 6-9/8-J2-1 W80 6-27 5-DI-2/5-DI-6 4 DI1 DO7 M 6-23 6 DI3 NC 5-DI-10/5-DI-14 8 DI4 NO 6-24 10 DI5 NC DO8 M 5-DI-12/5-DI-16 14 DI7 DI6 W07 2B RS485 12 W07 RS485-2B W80 DOOR V- W80 5 16 DC SPD SPD 7-6 5 7-36 RACK 1B 2A RS485-2A 19-QFD10-1 19-QFD9-1 19-QFD8-1 19-QFD7-1 19-QFD6-1 19-QFD5-1 19-QFD4-1 19-QFD3-1 19-QFD2-1 19-QFD1-1 RS485-1B 7-8 19-QFD20-1 19-QFD19-1 19-QFD18-1 19-QFD17-1 19-QFD16-1 19-QFD15-1 19-QFD14-1 19-QFD13-1 19-QFD12-1 19-QFD11-1 Signal adapter board 1A RS485-1A W80 5 DO 6-18 5 DI NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 28 Appendix 3 Wiring Diagram AC power distribution unit Front view DC power distribution unit 1-J3-L/2-J1-L/2-J4-L/10-L3-6 1-J2-L/2-J5-L/2-J3-L/10-L2-4 19 QFD 10-N-8 1-J1-N/1-J2-N 1-J3-N/1-J4-N 8-J1-20 8-J1-18 1 2 QFD19 1 2 1 2 QFD20 8-J1-16 8-J1-12 1 2 1 2 PL NPL W01 8-J1-14 8-J1-10 1 2 QFD18 7-45 7-43 1 2 2 1 11-N 11-L2 11-L3 7-40 7-42 W01 11-L1 NPL 2-J1-N/1-J2-N 2-J3-N/2-J4-N 2-J5-N 1 2 QFD17 W80 QFD15 17 KM1 QFD16 8-J1-6 1 2 8-J1-8 1 2 QFD14 8-J1-4 W80 QFD13 1 2 QFD12 1 2 8-J1-2 8-J1-19 8-J1-17 1 2 QFD10 8-J1-15 1 2 QFD9 1 2 QFD8 8-J1-11 1 2 QFD7 1 2 8-J1-13 8-J1-9 8-J1-7 1 2 QFD5 1 2 W80 W80 NN W80 1 2 QFD6 8 QFD4 4 6 QFD3 2 QFD2 PE QFD1 L3 L2 NC COM NO L1 8-J1-5 L1 L2 L3 N 3 5 7 8-J1-1 1 8-J1-3 1-J1-L/1-J4-L/2-J2-L/10-L1-2 QFD11 W01 3-V- W07 W01 11 10 SPD QF1 18 QFB 6-8 16 KM2 W80 W80 1 14 B- 15 RB 2 7-41 1 2 QFB4 1 2 QFB3 1 2 QFB2 QFB1 PE bar and positive busbar 7-39 6-7 6-6 6-5 W80 12 13 PE BUS+ 2 7-20 7-22 1 W80 0V To user protection 1 2 2 W07 3-V+ 4 13-2 12-2 W07W807-49/7-50 1 7-35/7-47 2 3 X5-1/X6-1 W80 5-DI-2/5-DI-16 To the positive busbar of the module Figure 2 NetSure 731 A91-S2 wiring diagram NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 7-32/7-44 2 PL 1 1 W807-31/7-46 1 To the negative busbar of the module W80 14 PL 29 Appendix 4 Appendix 4 Schematic Diagram W14I5X2 PD2 J1 M830B Monitor 20 10 19 9 18 8 17 7 16 6 15 5 14 4 13 3 12 2 11 1 1 2 1 3 J2 4 2 J11J12 OB J3J4J5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 J6J7J8J9 X6-1 MB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X5-1 QFD7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 QFD7 NPL QFD14 RS485-1B RS485-1A AC SPD QFD14 RS485-2B RS485-2A COM NC KMD1 LLVD Contactor H5 QFD1 J41 J24 DC+ J14 DC- PL QFD6 QFD6 L L N N U14 J14 DC- J41 J24DC+ CAN- J4 H9 H5 H4 J4 H4 U14 H4 J12 DC- J22DC+ H3 H8 Battery string 1 N L H3 J2 H7 DC- J21DC+ DC SPD U12 N H6 J15 DC- J25DC+ DC+ H1 J1 L H1 DC- J1 H2 CA N + CA N - H2 CAN+ CAN- J42 J5 L N QFA1 L1 L2 L3 N Battery string 2 QFB2 Battery string 3 QFB3 Battery string 4 QFB4 N U11 J11 DC- DC+ H1 J2 L H2 L Mains Input QFB1 N U13 U12 J12 DC- J22DC+ J3 L J3 H3 J11 DC- J21DC+ FL1 600A/25mV L N N U13 J13 DC- J23DC+ J13 DC- J23DC+ KMD2 BLVD Contactor J42 L1 L2 L3 N PE QFD1 CAN+ H6 CAN- U15 CAN+ H5 Positive Busbar L1 L2 L3 N Figure 3 Schematic diagram of NetSure 731 A91 S1/S3 NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual Schematic Diagram 31 Appendix 4 Schematic Diagram W14I5X2 Signal terminal M530B 16 6 15 14 5 13 12 3 11 1 1 17 J2 7 16 18 15 14 8 13 19 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 20 6 10 5 4 J1 Monitor 3 2 1 2 4 2 OB 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 DI input 16PIN X6-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 6 5 4 8 7 9 10 11 MB NC MNONC MNONC MNONC MNO X5-1 12 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 QFD7 QFD7 NCMNONCMNONC MNONC MNO NPL DO output 12PIN×2 RS485-2B RS485-2A QFD14 RS485-1B RS485-1A AC SPD QFD14 COM NC KMD1 LLVD Contactor U14 J14 DC- J41 J24DC+ QFD6 J4 H9 H5 H4 J4 H4 J23DC+ J3 H4 Battery string 1 L N U12 U12 H3 J2 H1 H7 DC- J21DC+ DC SPD L N U11 U11 J11DC- DC+ FL1 600A/25mV H8 J12 DC- J22DC+ H3 J22DC+ J12 DC- L N J2 H2 J11 DC- J21DC+ U13 L N U13 J13 DC- J23DC+ J13 DCL N J3 H3 L N H6 DC- U15 J25DC+ DC+ H1 J1 H1 L1 L2 L3 N H2 CA N+ CA N- J42 J5 L N QFA1 QFB1 Battery string 2 QFB2 Battery string 3 QFB3 Battery string 4 QFB4 J15 DC- H2 J42 CA N+ CA N- PL KMD2 BLVD Contactor J1 Mains Input L1 L2 L3 N PE QFD1 QFD6 L N L N U14 J14 DC- J41 J24DC+ CA N- H6 H5 QFD1 CA N+ H5 Positive Busbar L1 L2 L3 N Figure 4 Schematic diagram of NetSure 731 A91 S2 NetSure™ 7100 SERIES -48V DC Power Subrack User Manual 32