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Amazon Checklist

Product created by Fiverr User alexvlaston
If you want to reach high numbers for your Amazon Business, it’s not going to be
a walk in the park as the most courses sellers are promoting it. You have to push
hard every day to have a perfect good-looking listing, keep in touch with your
customers and bring as many people to your page. This is a real business that will
require more than 8 hours per day if you want to achieve success.
In this short guide you will find the steps that we check daily to ensure that our
business goes in the right direction.
Thank you for purchasing,
Let’s start!
Daily Checklist.
1) Message the buyer that has ordered your product. Thank him, give him the
order number and wish him well. I usually send this message:
“Dear ( Name ),
Thank you for purchasing our ( product name ). We are grateful to you for
choosing us and we will do anything that stands in our power to ensure you
the best customer support related to our product.
Here is the order ID – (order id) - and if you need further assistance, we will
be happy to help you until you are completely happy with your purchase.
Kind regards,
Customer Support”
Note: It is very important to try and form a relationship with your buyer
from the start. I use short messages that will capture everything I have to say
because usually buyers don’t even read these messages so you have to be
short and on point.
2) Check reviews and messages and respond accordingly. Answer nice to your
reviews no matter what the customer might say.
If I get a bad review, I answer this way:
“Dear (customer user),
Thank you for your feedback. It really helps us improving our product.
Please contact us using the seller central message and we will find a way for
you to be happy with your purchase. Our rule is that all our customers must
be happy with the products we provide, no exception.
Kind regards,
Customer Support”
Note: The customer may not reach out to you, usually they never do. But the
other people reading the reviews will find out that you have a nice customer
support and more trust will be built.
3) Check the feedback. Most users offer feedback to you as a user thinking they
are offering a product review. Send them back an email and ask them nicely
to write that same text at the product – Send them the link to your product.
“Hello (username),
Thank you for your nice feedback! Would you be so kind to say the same
thing about our product – (Product link) – It will mean the world for us.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
Customer Support”
4) Answer any questions you may receive on your product.
5) Check for Customer Returns and Refunds and message the buyer:
“Dear (Name),
We noticed that you requested a refund for our product (Product name +
order ID). We would love to know what was wrong about it or what made
you to resend the product. Customer satisfaction means a lot to us and we
strive to improve ourselves and our product every day. Your help will be
much appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Customer Support
6) Ask for Reviews – I usually ask for reviews after 10 days since the customer
has received the product. I consider this time enough for him to test it and
still have the fresh remembering of buying it from you. This is what I’m
“Dear (Customer name),
Thank you again for buying the (product name) from us - (Product link +
order id). We would like to invite you in the 1% club. This means that you
can join the special 1% club where customers like you leave reviews to
guide other potential customers. People rely very much on reviews when
buying but only 1% of the buyers write product reviews. This way you can
contribute to our great community and you can impact the quality on the
market. You can help us with a review at the below link and we will be very
grateful because it really impacts our way of selling ( Product Link )
Kind regards,
Yours faithfully
Customer Support
7) Check your keyword rankings – Don’t be logged in when doing this or log
in from other device because your Amazon Account and IP may skew
8) Check your inventory – Make sure you have enough inventory and calculate
when you should run out of it.
9) Social Media Posts: *First post as early in the morning 6AM – 8 AM
Facebook – 3
Twitter - 2
Instagram – 3
Respond to private messages and comments on social media.
Weekly Checklist:
1) Check out your traffic and your ordered unites and calculate your
Conversion Rate – This video helped me understand page views better
2) Social Media and Personal Website
- Create 1 blog article per week about your niche and poste it on your
social media. Make everything possible to get the subscribed to your
- Create a facebook group with people where you can offer them coupons
and discounts and you can talk freely with them.
- Follow other groups related to your niche and post there. Try to get them
to your group
- Make an audit. See how many interactions and how many people have
followed you in the last week. Try to top that number in the next week.
3) Check your PPC Campaigns. See what’s working and not. Remove the
keywords that don’t bring sales and add new ones and so on.
4) Check your facebook ads: Depending on your niche, you can make big sales
with just 5$ a day. Select your perfect audience using Facebook Audience
Insights and then start with sales ads. This video helped me to find my
perfect audience and you can also subscribe to all of the videos:
5) Post video stories on Instagram – Check weekly followers and message the
people who are liking your posts the most – This is a powerful developing
platform that can offer your brand and product a great exposure. Also,
Instagram ads are quite cheap right now and you can do them from your
Facebook business platform.
6) Check your competitor’s listings. See if you can improve anything, pictures,
text, etc. Do what your competitor does best.
7) Talk to your supplier at least once per week. You need to build trust.
Eventually, have a back-up supplier just in case.
I hope you will follow these steps daily and weekly. It’s hard to follow them daily,
but after a while it paid of and I hired someone to do them for me. I hope you will
do the same.
Thank you for purchasing this schedule.
Yours faithfully,