Intervent ion W hen a loved one is not receptive to the idea of getting treatment, and the negative consequences of the addiction continue to mount, it may be appropriate to consider conducting an intervention. W hile some may attempt to confront their loved one with a DIY intervention, the outcome will most likely not be what they were hoping for and could even make matters worse. A professional interventionist is well trained in managing the specific issues and intense emotions that are common during an intervention. PHP Part ial Hospit alizat ion Program After the rigorous schedule of a residential program, clients will still need structure as they begin to prepare themselves to return home. PHP provides an organized plan for clients to help prevent relapse while giving continued support through group and individual therapy. Detox Our inpatient program begins with us understanding each of our patient?s circumstances and needs. Our multidisciplinary team of highly-qualified addiction specialists will evaluate your medical history, mental health, and substance use, and use that information to design an individualized and comprehensive rehabilitation plan tailored to address your specific needs and challenges. IOP The first step after arriving at our facility is intake and detoxification. During intake, our team of addiction specialists will get to know you and help you get familiar with the facility and staff. After being admitted, treatment starts with detoxification. Medically-assisted detoxification is a comprehensive process and we take an evidence-based approached in the comforts of our detox house. Resident ial In t en sive Ou t pat ien t Pr ogr am Our IOP provides structure and support without the strict schedule of the PHP level of care. During outpatient treatment, individuals often live at home or a sober living facility while attending therapy and treatment at our facility multiple times a week all while being able to maintain more independence while attending school, work, or participating in other activities. After Care KS Rehab believes support shouldn't end when a treatment program does. Our after care program provides the continuous support through activities and case management that clients need to stay accountable and active in their recovery. Coping techniques and life skills are taught how to deal with everyday life situations throughout the treatment process, After care helps clients to stay accountable and healthy in their everyday life after they leave our facilities.