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Network Project Report: Peer-to-Peer & Client-Server

“Create a small Network install, configure various devices and perform at least one peer-to-peer
service and client/server service over it.”
1. Narawade Vighnesh Santosh
(Mr. Dhumal Mam)
This is to Certify that the project report entitled
“Create a small Network install, configure various devices and perform at least one peer-to-peer service
and client/server service over it.”
Was successfully completed by Student of Second semester Diploma in computer
Name of Students
Enrollment No.
Narawade Vighnesh Santosh
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in Computer
Engineering and submitted to the Department of Computer of Samarth Polytechnic, Belhe
work carried out during a period for the academic year 2022- 23 as per curriculum.
Name of Guide
Name of HOD
(Mrs.Miss Dhumal K.R.)
(Mr. Navale S.K.)
Name of Principal
( Mr. Kapile A. S.)
This project is done as a Third semester project, as a part course titled
“Create a small Network install, configure various devices and perform at least one peerto-peer service and client/server service over it.”
We are really thankful to our course the Principal Prof. Kapile A. S. and the
HOD Prof. Pokharkar M.S. Samarth Polytechnic, Belhe for his invaluable
guidance and assistance, without which the accomplishment of the task would
have never been possible. We also thank Prof. Tannu R.R. for giving this
opportunity to explore into the real world and realize the interrelation without
which a Project can never progress. In our present project we have chosen the
“Create a small Network install, configure various devices and perform at least one peerto-peer service and client/server service over it. ”
We are also thankful to parents, friend and all staff of Computer
engineering department, for providing us relevant information and necessary
clarifications, and great support.
Narawade Vighnesh Santosh
Name Of Chapter
Chapter 1 Synopsis
Page No
1.1. Project Title
1.2. Internal Guide
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 Types
Peer to peer Network
Client Server Network
Chapter 4 Difference between Peer-to-peer & Client server
Chapter 5 Application
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Chapter 1:- Synopsis
1.1:- Project Title:-
Create a small Network install, configure various devices and perform at least
one peer-to-peer service and client/server service over it.
1.2. Internal Guide :1.Subject Teacher
Chapter 2:- Introduction
In peer-to-peer (P2P) networking, a group of computers are linked together
with equal permissions and responsibilities for processing data. Unlike traditional
client-server networking, no devices in a P2P network are designated solely to
serve or to receive data.
Chapter 3:- Types
1.Peer-to-peer Network:-
A peer to peer network has no
dedicated servers. In a peer to peer network, a number of workstations (or clients) are
connected together for sharing devices, information or data. All the workstations (clients)
are considered equal. Any one computer can act as client or server at any instance. This
network is ideal for small networks where there is no need for dedicated servers, like
home networks, small business networks, or retail shops. The Microsoft term for peer to
peer network is “Workgroup”.
There is no limitation for the number of computers in a peer to peer network. But peer to
peer implementations are meant for small networks. Typically, a Workgroup contain less
than 10 workstations.
Commonly used :Workstation Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows 10 Desktop,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation,
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop,
Ubuntu Desktop,
Fedora Workstation,
elementary OS etc.
*Anvantages Of Peer-to-peer network:1. The failure of one computer won’t disrupt the rest of
the system.
maintaining a server.
operating system.
be useful.
2.You get to avoid the expense of having and
3.Peer to peer networks don’t require a network
4.This system doesn’t require advanced knowledge to
5.Very easy setup of this network
6. This network is Less Expensive
*Disadvantages of Peer-to-peer network:1. The files or resources are not centrally
organized with a P2P network
2. Virus introduction risks rise with a peer
to peer network.
3.P2P networks often have very little
4.There is no way to back up files or
folders centrally.
5. P2P networks often suffer from
performance issues.
6. The structure may allow remote access
to some terminals.
How is Peer to Peer Network connected ?
 Diagram Of Peer-to-peer network:-
Each computer connected through the peer to peer
network contributes to the function of the network. Either a USB cable or a Copper
wire can be used for the connection purpose. Any of the computers are not benefited,
all of them are equal peers working together for the desired result.
During recent times, peer to peer is been very popular due
to their ability to share copyrighted contents such as musics and videos. Especially
businesses are benefited from peer to peer network due to their connectivity and
sharing of resources. However as in all networking models, peer to peer networks too
posses advantages as well as disadvantages. By looking at the pros and cons, the users
can decide how beneficial are the P2P network.
Client Server Network:In
relationships, certain computers act as servers and others act as clients.
A server is simply a computer
that provides the network resources and provides service to other computers when they
request it. A client is the computer running a program that requests the service from a
server. Local area network (LAN) is based on client server network relationship.
A client-server network is one on
which all available network resources such as files, directories, applications and shared
devices, are centrally managed and hosted and then are accessed by the client.
Client server networks are
defined by the presence of servers on a network that provide security and
administration of the network.
*Anvantages Of Client Server network:
It is very secure.
Gives better performance.
It has centralized backup.
It is very reliable
*Disadvantages of Client Server network: It requires professional administration.
 It is more hardware and software
 It requires expensive dedicated
Types of Servers
The different types of servers are given below −
File server − These servers provide the services for storing, retrieving and
moving the data. A user can read, write, exchange and manage the files with the
help of file servers.
Printer server − The printer server is used for controlling and managing printing
on the network. It also offers the fax service to the network users.
Application server − The expensive software and additional computing power
can be shared by the computers in a network with the help of application servers.
Message server − It is used to co-ordinate the interaction between users,
documents and applications. The data can be used in the form of audio, video,
binary, text or graphics.
Database server − It is a type of application server.
How is Client Server Network connected ?
 Diagram Of Client Server network:-
In client server computing, the clients requests
a resource and the server provides that resource. A server may serve multiple clients at
the same time while a client is in contact with only one server. Both the client and server
usually communicate via a computer network but sometimes they may reside in the
same system.
Examples of Directory Servers are:Microsoft Active Directory,
NetIQ eDirectory,
Fedora Directory Server,
OpenLDAP .
Chapter 4:- Difference between Peer-to-peer & Client server Network
Peer-to-peer network
Client Server Network
On other hand in case of Peer-to-Peer
network, the source and destination nodes
are not directly connected. Instead, the
intermediary nodes (mainly switches) are
responsible for transferring the message from
one node to the next..
In telecommunication Client-Server Network
is a type of network where a dedicated path
is implemented in which two network nodes
establish a dedicated communications
channel (circuit) through that network before
the nodes may communicate.
On other hand in case of Peer-to-Peer no
such dedicated path is implemented as the
path used in this switching is consist of
several nodes between the sender and
receiver and each node is responsible for
transferring the message from one node to
the next.
In Client-Server Network a dedicated path
consist of mainly two nodes at each end i.e.,
sender and receiver is implemented which is
entirely responsible for the transmission of
On other hand in case of Peer-to-Peer each
node acts as sender and receiver and stores
the incoming information before sending to
the next node. This makes each node in this
switching capable to recover the information
if it gets lost due to any reason.
As there are only two nodes in case of ClientServer Network hence centralized server is
used to store the data in the path or at the
node end. Message generated at the sender
side get transmitted to the receiver directly
through the centralized sever where
information stored or retransmitted in the path
through the node.
On other hand if information get lost in Peerto-Peer network then the corresponding node
could resend the information as it has
information stored.
In case of Client-Server network as node did
not save the information during the
transmission, there is no option to resend it if
gets lost due to some reason until the sender
or centralized server send it again.
On other hand Peer-to-Peer does not reserve
the entire bandwidth in advance it consumes
bandwidth node per node as per the
requirement and releases the bandwidth
when gets free.
Client-Server Network reserves the full
bandwidth in advance as there are only two
nodes and dedicated path for transmission.
On other hand Hierarchical addressing is
implemented in case of Peer-to-Peer as there
is hierarchical connection between the nodes
used in this type of switching.
Geographical addressing is used in ClientServer Network based on the geo-location of
both the nodes.
Chapter 5:-Applications:-
1.Peer-to-peer Network:
Different applications of P2P networks enable users to
share the computation power (distributed systems), data (file-sharing), and
bandwidth (using many nodes for transferring data). P2P uses an individual's
computer power and resources, instead of powerful centralized servers.
2.Client server network:
In principle, a client/server application consists of a client
program that consumes services provided by a server program. The client requests
services from the server by calling functions in the server application. In a
distributed computing environment, where the client program and the server
program execute on different machines and possibly even on different platforms,
the client and server communicate through a communications layer that is often
called middleware.
Chapter 6:- Conclusion
Peer-to-peer network:By presenting each user within the network as both
a client and a server, P2P networking allows for applications and services to provide benefits
such as real-time distributed processing, communication, collaboration, and content distribution.
Client server network:In the recent time, all the applications worked on
the client server system. In conclusion, the client server system covers both areas of
networking and management due to its flexibility in structure.