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Cover Letter & CV: Microelectronics Internship Application

Cover Letter
Ruikun Gu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,611731
2006 Xiyuan Road
16 Mar 2023
Mr Humza Ahmed
Human Resources and Internship Lead
45 Regent Street
Aberdeen AB11 9R1
Dear Mr Humza Ahmed,
I am currently a two-year grade student at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
majoring in Microelectronic and would like to apply for an internship with AbsolEnergy, as advertised on
the AbsolEnergy website.
Net Zero target appeals to my heart owing to its combination of IT, electric engineering, environment,
communication and organization. It has a global significance and relates to a series of issues like global
warming. I have a strong aspiration in Net Zero via applying my electronic technology.
While at the first year of university, I have enjoyed solving those filled with challenge and difficulty. I have
accomplished quantities of C projects together with my team, which enables me to master project practical
At the second year of university, in my roles as a member of an volunteer activity aiming at helping the
elderly use smartphones effectively, I equips with good organization skill. In addition, I take participation
in National College Students Embedded Chip and System Design Competition, which let me have a better
understanding on embedded processors. Furthermore, because I am studying at the Chinese Foreign
Cooperation College, I have a high English level with grade above 75 points.
I enclose a copy of my CV and hope very much to be invited for interview.
Yours sincerely
Ruikun Gu
2006 Xiyuan Road
Mobile 15730303279
Chengdu, Pidu district
E-mail 2720673G@student.gla.ac.uk
Social media facebook.com/in/Smith Adam
Modern microelectronic undergraduate with demonstrated academic grades and lab expertise,
seeking a graduate role in developing practical experience in electric field.
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Glasgow College,
Subjects: semiconductor Physics, embedded processors, microelectronic circuits,
English for communication and engineering career skills
Subjects: physics Ⅱ, probability and mathematical statistics, circuits analysis and
design, physics experiment Ⅱ
Comprehensive GPA: 3.7
Subjects: calculus, linear algebra, physics Ⅰ, physics experiment Ⅰ, C language
Comprehensive GPA: 3.3
Work Experience
March 2023
National College Students Embedded Chip and System Design Competition,
Member of the three-member group, preparing entry for the final competition.
Having designed an intelligent disability assistance kit including intelligent
crutch, smart watch and smart gloves. Used laser sensors, Bluetooth, and
HiSilicon development boards to achieve intelligent interconnection
functions.Gathered a lot of relevant professional skills and wrote outline
technical specification.
October 2022
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Volunteer Association
Participated in an activity that assist the elderly use the smartphones. Obtained
enough communication. Skills and cultivated the characteristic of patience and
the ability to organize the activity.
March-December 2022 Experiments for physics and circuits analyse and design
Assembled experimental equipment as required in physics experiments.
Analyzed errors and found solutions to increase accuracy successfully. Grasped
the use of oscilloscope, waveform generator, filter and amplifier. Simplified the
electric devices into the basic circuits model.
C/C++(proficient), MATLAB(master), English (strong)
Competent user of MS Office; Familiar with Dreamweaver, Illustrator
China C1 driver's license
QQ(strong), Facebook(proficient), Tiktok(strong)
Responsible for speech contest to obtain good order for college
Responsible for embedded group to finish a project in a high quality
Sports: Ping-pong-a member of school team; taking part in some province competition
Body building- a member of fitness club; maintaining a low body fat rate
Maintenance: Replaced the smartphone battery and screen; repaired the lamp; installed the Harmony
system on the ASUS computer
Referees’ details available on request