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Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Ecology Questions

Pg 307 # 6, 9, 11
6.) When two things are complementary, they balance each other. Explain why photosynthesis and
cellular respiration are considered complementary processes.
Vocab: photosynthesis, cellular respiration, carbon dioxide, water, energy, glucose, oxygen,
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are considered complementary processes. This is because they
can balance each other out by giving the other process what it needs. During the photosynthesis
process, light energy gets transformed into chemical energy. The chemical energy is stored as glucose, a
type of sugar that is the food source for all plants and living things. Plants use cellular respiration to
break down compounds to access stored energy compounds. During Cellular respiration, chemical
energy gets transformed into other forms of energy like kinetic energy and heat. When the stored
energy gets released, it can be used for life functions. Photosynthesis stores energy and depends on
cellular respiration to release it and give it the substances it needs. During cellular respiration, glucose
and oxygen get used while carbon dioxide and water are produced. Plants need the carbon dioxide and
water that get produced to photosynthesize and produce glucose and oxygen. So, one process produces
the substances that the other needs, which means they are complementary- balance each other out.
Both processes cannot be carried out without the substance that the other produces. If the plants don’t
produce glucose and oxygen when they photosynthesize, cellular respiration can’t take place. If cellular
respiration can’t take place, then it can’t produce carbon dioxide and water for the plants to
photosynthesize. They balance each other out.
9.) The term greenhouse gases have been used in the media to discuss the negative impacts of climate
change. Are greenhouse gases bad for our climate or necessary? Justify you answer
Vocab: greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect, climate change, atmosphere, human activity, natural
greenhouse gases,
Greenhouse gases are gases that absorb solar energy into Earth’s atmosphere, and they are bad for our
climate. Having too many of these gases will cause the earth’s climate to be warmer and increase global
warming. However, it is necessary to have some natural greenhouse gases in the atmosphere because
they cause the greenhouse effect. Which is the process that absorbs solar energy in Earth’s atmosphere
and warms it. This process traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere to keep its surface warm, and without its
effect, the earth would be too cold to live on. Even though greenhouse gases are necessary to keep our
planet warm, they are bad for our climate because too much gets released into the atmosphere by
human activities. Carbon dioxide is a natural greenhouse gas that is released from living organisms and
other sources, but it is also released by human activities. Such as when fossil fuels, natural gas, and coal
are burned. Since so much extra carbon gets released into the atmosphere, it adds to the natural
greenhouse gases we already have. This causes more heat to be trapped in the atmosphere because a
higher concentration of greenhouse gases will absorb more solar energy. This results in warmer
temperatures, which can negatively affect the environment. Warmer temperatures cause sea ice to melt
in the Arctic and Antarctic. A lot of polar organisms depend on sea ice to survive, such as polar bears.
The effects of excess carbon (greenhouse gas) can also cause land ice to melt, sea levels to rise, change
in ocean chemistry, and change in ecosystems. Carbon dioxide isn’t the only greenhouse gas that gets
released, but since it is the one that is released most into the air by human activities, it makes
greenhouse gases to be bad for the climate. And melting ice can further affect the climate because
methane is released if the permafrost melts.
11.) For many First Peoples, the Sun is a symbol of renewal. What are some ways in which the Sun brings
about renewal?
Vocab: renewal, sunlight, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, growing, energy, great ocean conveyer
Renewal is like restoring something or making it new, so the Sun can bring about renewal when living
organisms use the Sun’s energy to grow. When a plant hasn’t been in the sunlight in a while, it becomes
all dark and life-less, when it goes into the Sun, it becomes ‘renewed’. When the plant uses the Sun’s
energy to photosynthesize, it now has a source of energy, which helps the plants grow and gives them
life. The plant gets renewed because it can now grow better and can be restored to a better state. The
sun can also bring about renewal to people spiritually or mentally. When people see nice plants, they
sometimes feel happy, or their mood can instantly change. It helps them refresh themselves and heal
from anything that is bothering them. (This is for some people.) The sun can bring about renewal to
many things because we’re all interconnected. For example, Sun-> plant->human the sun can bring
renewal to the plants, and the plants can bring renewal to people.
Pg 317. #3, 6
3.) What role does the amount of energy available for transfer from one organism to the next play in the
number of organisms in a food chain?
Vocab: food chain, producers, consumers, decomposers, energy pyramid, trophic level
A food chain is a diagram that can show how food energy is passed from one living thing to another, so it
can show which organism eats another organism. Every time energy gets transferred, energy also gets
lost to the environment, so the amount that is available to the next trophic level is 90% less. So, the role
the amount of energy available plays is the limit because only about 10% of the food energy for a
producer gets passed on to a consumer that eats it. And only about 10% of that food energy is passed on
to the next consumer. This limits the number of links there are in a food chain, which is usually three or
four links. In an energy pyramid, each level shows the amount of energy that is available to that level of
the food chain. Since less and less energy is available to the next group of consumers, it eventually stops
and ends the food chain at a certain point. As the energy pyramid gets higher, there will be a lesser
number of consumers at each level. This is because they have less energy available to them. Organisms
at the bottom of the food chain have more food available to them than the ones at the top because
there is less energy being lost.
6.) Discuss whether a food chain can carry on after the removal of one of the organisms from the chain.
A food chain is a model that can show how energy is passed on from one organism to another. I don’t
think a food chain can carry on after the removal of one of the organisms from the chain because the
organism that is dependent on the organism that got removed may die of starvation. That could disrupt
the food chain because the consumers after the one that died of starvation won’t have enough energy
to survive. This means if one of the organisms gets removed from the food chain, the following
consumers could go extinct. Even if the organism that depended on the one that got removed had
another source of food energy, it would still most likely die of starvation because it could be harder to
look for that food source. All the organisms in a food chain depend on each other, so if one of them died
off, the others would slowly follow. Death disrupts the balance of the food chain.
Pg 335. # 4, 7, 9, 11
4.) How is the melting of permafrost related to the release of greenhouse gases?
Vocab: permafrost, greenhouse gases, climate change, global warming, methane gas,
Permafrost is permanently frozen ground, and it’s related to the release of greenhouse gases because
when it melts, it could release large amounts of methane gas, which is a greenhouse gas. Methane is a
by-product of cellular processes that are used by some microbes to take energy from food in the place
of oxygen. It is also a natural greenhouse gas. If the permafrost melts, it releases methane which can
trap more heat in the earth’s atmosphere. More greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere
can also result in permafrost melting because greenhouse gases can accelerate climate change, which
can increase the temperature and put permafrost at a higher risk of melting. Greenhouse gases can add
to climate change because of all the excess carbon dioxide being released into our atmosphere.
7.) Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the nitrogen cycle and phosphorus cycle
9.) Would biomagnification be possible without bioaccumulation occurring? Explain.
Vocab: biomagnification, bioaccumulation, pollutants,
Biomagnification is when the concentration of pollutants in the tissues of organisms that are higher in
the food chain increase because of the amount of consumption. This effect is not possible without
bioaccumulation, which is the process when pollutants collect in the cells and tissues of organisms.
Biomagnification increases the concentration of pollutants that have been collected in the
bioaccumulation process. The pollutants build up further because the predators consume a lot of
organisms that have pollutants already collecting in their cells. So, bioaccumulation needs to take place
inside the body for the number of pollutants to be magnified. Biomagnification and bioaccumulation
work together to magnify certain pollutants, which is why bioaccumulation needs to occur.
11.) Explain how fertilizer in run-off could affect at least three of Earth’s spheres
Vocab: fertilizer, phosphorus, nitrogen, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere.
Fertilizer run-off is when the chemicals in a fertilizer escape into lakes, ponds, oceans etc. The
hydrosphere is affected by this because the excess fertilizer run-offs into lakes, which can leak toxic
chemicals to wildlife. When there is too much fertilizer, it can kill plants, which affects the biosphere.
The run-off that leaks into lakes contribute to algal blooms, which suffocate the aquatic organisms
causing them to die. Fertilizer run-off can also affect the atmosphere because of the greenhouse gases it
emits into the air. Since nitrogen is the main ingredient in fertilizers, greenhouse gases get released
every time farmers use fertilizers. This affects Earth’s atmosphere because more solar energy gets
absorbed by the greenhouse gases on Earth’s surface.
Pg. 357 #10, 12, 13, 15, 16,21, 24, 27
10.) Use a Venn diagram to compare these two models of energy flow in ecosystems: food chains and
food webs.
12.) Use a flowchart to explain how fisheries in the Artic Ocean could be affected by global warming
13.) Show your understanding of the link between the Sun and the transfer of energy from one area to
another or one organism to another in each of the following four cases. Write a descriptive paragraph.
a.) the polar easterlies move cold air from polar regions back toward the equator.
The number one source of energy on Earth is the Sun, and it is linked to many things, like the polar
easterlies moving cold air from polar regions back toward the equator. The Sun can transfer energy from
one area to another via the Global Wind Systems, which is the outcome of unequal heating on Earth’s
surface. When the Sun strikes the earth’s surface, it is at an angle, which results in the earth’s surface
being heated unequally. Unequal heating results in wind or moving air because when the sun heats the
air, it rises and new, cooler air sinks into its place. This process is how the polar easterlies (one of the
major global wind systems) move cold air from polar regions back toward the equator. When the sun
heats the air near Earth’s surface, it rises, and new air comes to fill in the ‘empty spot’. These are
convection currents, and they happen repeatedly all-around Earth. This cycle moves around in a circle,
which is how cool and warm air moves around Earth. The polar easterlies move cold air from polar
regions back toward the equator because the Sun is the source of convection currents.
b.) the Kuroshio current moves heat toward the north pole.
The main source of surface currents is the winds, which can move thermal energy around the earth. The
Kuroshio current can move heat toward the north pole because of the Sun, which supplies the energy
for the winds. Since the surface currents are closer to the sun, they’re warmer. In all the ocean basins,
currents such as the Kuroshio Current, flow in the westerly direction. Once they reach the landmass, the
water will turn toward the pools. The water is changing direction because of the Coriolis Effect, which is
the change in direction of moving air, water, or other objects on Earth’s surface. This is due to Earth’s
rotation. Since water and air can’t move as fast as the Earth's rotations, it causes them to not move in a
straight line, but instead in circles. As the Kuroshio current travels, it carries heat energy with it, so it can
redistribute heat to the north pole. The Sun supplies the heat for the current to move heat toward the
north pole.
c.) the great ocean conveyer belt moves cold water from higher latitudes to lower latitudes
The great ocean conveyer belt can move cold water and warm water around the globe. When cold
denser water sinks, warmer water takes its place. The same thing goes for saltier water and less salty
water. These motions create the ocean conveyer belt. The conveyer belt moves cold water from higher
latitudes to lower latitudes because places with lower latitudes are warmer since the Sun concentrates
more on those areas. Unequal heating from the sun causes the belt to move cold water. If there was a
change in temperature that causes the deep ocean water to become warmer, the water won’t get as
dense because it’s not cold, so that means it won’t sink and let other waters take its place. This causes
the conveyer belt to break down and it won’t be able to move water around. So there needs to be a
balance between the Sun’s energy and the water.
d.) a bear eats salmon
In a food chain, we start with a producer that gets its food energy from the Sun through
photosynthesizing. Photosynthesis is when plants use the Sun’s energy to make their food. They
transform light energy into chemical energy, which is stored in energy-rich compounds such as glucose.
The animal next in the food chain eats the producer for its source of food, that is how it gets its energy.
When a bear eats a salmon, energy gets transferred to it. Only 10% of its energy is transferred through,
which isn’t a lot so that means bears must eat more so they get enough energy. The salmon got its
energy from the organism before it, and that organism got its energy from the organism before it as
well. Ultimately, they start with the producer, which got its energy from the Sun. And if it weren’t for
the Sun none of the other organisms after the producer would have gotten any energy because, if there
were no producers, the consumers wouldn’t have a source of energy, and the next group of consumers
wouldn’t have a source of energy too. Each organism transfers energy to other organisms when they get
eaten, and the starting point of energy was the Sun.
15.) Describe the role evaporation and condensation play in Earth’s water cycles
Vocab: evaporation, condensation, water cycle, precipitation, groundwater, collection,
Evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. This happens when the Sun heats liquid water and helps it
evaporate. When a liquid evaporates, it rises because warm air rises, and as the water vapour cools, it
condenses. Condensation is when water vapour becomes liquid. This is the opposite of evaporation, and
it only happens when the vapour can cool. The role these two play in the water cycle is to form clouds
and return water to the earth. The water cycle is the continuous movement of water above or below the
earth’s surface. The three processes of the water cycle are evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
Precipitation is water that falls from the clouds and onto the ground as water droplets. Without
evaporation, the water wouldn’t have a way to leave Earth and form clouds for the water vapour to
condense. Condensation is how clouds form, so without it, there would be no source for the water to go
back into the earth. Precipitation would not be possible. So, the role evaporation and condensation play
are to form clouds and allow rain to fall for nature to thrive.
16.) Explain the processes that prevent polar regions from steadily cooling off and areas on or near the
equator from heating up over time.
The global wind system is what keeps these polar regions at bay because of their constant movement.
When the Sun’s light strikes Earth’s surface, warm air rises while cooler air sinks because it is denser.
These create the winds that move cool and warm air around Earth. The major wind system prevents
polar regions from steadily cooling off and areas on the equator from heating up over time. The
convection currents, which are the movement of air sinking and rising, combined with the Coriolis Effect
are what enable it to move around the globe. The Coriolis Effect is when the direction of moving air
changes due to the Earth’s rotation. Since the wind cannot move as fast as the Earth’s rotation, it does
not move in a straight line but in a curve. This causes thermal energy to get evenly distributed around
Earth. It also moves the cool air towards areas near the equator which stops them from heating up over
21.) Consider the statement “Nothing is more important to Earth than the Sun.” Write an argument that
supports the statement using concepts presented in this unit.
The earth and all living things function purely because of the Sun. The Sun is the number one source of
energy for anything because we are all connected, so everything leads back to the Sun. The Earth needs
the Sun to function properly and to give life to the living things on Earth. The earth needs the Sun to
grow plants and give food to other organisms. The Sun is used to carry out photosynthesis which is used
to store energy-rich food for plants to eat. These plants provide food for other consumers to eat like us,
and since we live on Earth, we are a part of it too. The Earth also needs the Sun to keep itself warm,
without it Earth would be freezing. The solar energy from the Sun gets absorbed in the greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, which traps heat and keeps our Earth warm. If the Earth didn’t get any
sunlight, all the organisms living on it would freeze to death. The Earth also needs the Sun to carry out
the water cycle, which consists of evaporation (needs the Sun), condensation, and precipitation. If the
water cycle can’t be carried out, plants would die off because there would be no rain to fall on them and
give them the nutrients they need to survive. The earth needs the Sun to form winds, which is a result of
unequal heating from the Sun. There would be no energy for the convection currents to distribute air
around the Earth. We also wouldn’t be able to get our vitamin d, but that's another topic. The Earth
needs the Sun to survive and function properly.
24.) Wolverines are strict carnivores. Explain how the nutrients in a living plant might become part of
the body tissue of a wolverine.
The nutrients in a living plant might become part of the body tissue in a wolverine because the
organisms the wolverine eats may have eaten plants. This causes the nutrients of a plant to be
transferred to the wolverine and end up in its body tissues. In a food chain, the animals before the
wolverine may have been eating plants, and when the wolverine eats them, their energy gets
transferred to the wolverine. And those nutrients build up in the body tissue of the wolverine. Since a
wolverine is higher up in the food chain, it will most likely consume more consumers, so that means if it
eats organisms that eat plants, more plant nutrients will be transferred.
27.) A gardener left grass clippings on her lawn after mowing it. She discovered that the lawn looks
healthier than it did when she raked up and removed the clippings. Explain
This happens because the grass clippings can act as a fertilizer, so they can provide the same nutrients
and make the grass look healthier. These clippings can act as a fertilizer because they contain nitrogen,
which is the main ingredient in fertilizers. The nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil can change the nitrogen
from the clippings into a form the grass can use. Nitrogen is a nutrient that cycles in our ecosystem, and
it helps build protein, which is what all cells need. So the reason why the grass grew better when there
were grass clippings left on it is because of the nitrogen that is in the clippings. The nitrogen-fixing
bacteria allows the grass in the ground to use it and grow.