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CEO Habit for Top Performance: Prioritizing Sleep

The Habit that CEOs must have
for Top Performance
All of us are creatures of habit.
In fact, studies conducted by neurobiologists show that 40% to 95% of our actions are governed
by our habits. The success of our business is greatly affected by them.
Our nervous system helps form our habits because of the neural pathways -- the connections
between the different parts of our brain via the neurons. A study conducted in 2007 by Oxford
University revealed that adults have fewer neurons compared to newborn babies.
This is because, as people grow older, they tend to discard those connections, neurons, they
seldom use. What are left are those connections that are related to the formation of habits.
How to Develop Habits that will Help You
Our habits naturally begin to develop when we are still very young. However, we can develop
new habits.
Dr. Stephen Covey in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” talks about the 4 legs
that hold up the table of a new habit, shown in the diagram below.
1. Know WHAT to do
2. Know WHY to do it
3. Know HOW to do it
4. You gotta WANT it
Where they intersect in the diagram is the synergy of creating a new habit or behavior in your
life. We all have good and bad habits. What new habits would be good for you to develop?
When I want to replace bad habits with productive ones, I use these 7 steps:
Identify the habit you want to develop.
Get very clear about the 4 steps above and write the content down for each step.
Commit to the journey of WHY you want to create the new habit.
Create an action plan and “Just DO IT,” scheduling it into your calendar.
When you lose motivation go back to the WHY to find your desire to WANT to keep it
6. Positively encourage yourself, rewarding yourself at each milestone you pass.
7. Get the support of family and friends to cheer you on.
The Most Underrated Habit for Top Performance
One of the most important systems of our body is the hormonal system. Our body secretes
hormones that can control our behaviors, two of them are Cortisol and Melatonin.
Our brain releases Cortisol in the morning. It’s referred to as the get-up-and-go hormone. When
night falls, the hormone Melatonin is released that makes us feel sleepy. It’s also the growth and
repair hormone that rejuvenates our body while we are asleep.
This hormonal cycle is called the sleep/wake cycle and when it’s disrupted, we are prevented
from performing to our full potential.
Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. - Thomas Dekker
Rising early has been prescribed by Aristotle, and Benjamin Franklin even wrote a book about it
and said “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man/woman healthy wealthy and wise.”
When we look at the science behind it, it makes sense and all hangs on putting our head down
early. To maximize our energy levels, mental focus, and performance, science recommends the
After lunch, cut all stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and nicotine. They raise Cortisol
levels when they should be dropping and prevent us from sleeping deeply and getting the
necessary rest.
After 8:00 pm, lower the lights, turn off the TV and all screens (if you can) to wind
down at the end of the day, and get to bed so that you get 8 hours of sleep.
The physical body repairs itself when sleeping between the hours of 10:00 pm & 2:00 am and the
mind between 2:00 am & 6:00 am. If you are able to sleep between these hours then you are
maximizing your recovery phase and optimizing your ability to be productive.
Dr. Covey spoke about productivity versus productivity capability. He referred to this as P vs PC
and how important it is to keep them in balance.
What comes first, the goose (PC) or the golden egg (P)?
The goose lays golden eggs and if you don’t take care of the health of the goose then it will stop
laying the treasure. So just as in this metaphor, we must take care of our capability to produce so
that we can be productive. This is the heart of being effective.
The challenge is for you to just do it.
If you want to achieve top performance then cultivate this sleeping habit that I mentioned above
for 28 days. Notice ALL the benefits of being more healthy and productive.
What would those benefits be for you? Do you want them or are you happy settling for the
status quo?
Timothy Carroll
The son of an entrepreneur, Timothy was raised in an environment where leadership values were
prized, and no one was surprised when, later in life, Timothy started a successful business of his
own. An avid sportsman from childhood, Timothy mastered Barefoot Waterskiing. He went on
to compete at four World Championships. By his early 20s, Timothy had already started
fashioning his own philosophy of leadership as a way of being – something that stems not from
external forces, but from personal patterns of thought and behaviour.
After working in the personal/professional development industry in Australia and studying
cognitive behavioural sciences and self-actualizing psychology, Timothy founded the Carroll
Consultancy Group. Today, he is a recognized expert in organisational and behavioural change,
and has helped some of the world’s most successful organisations dramatically develop their
people and performance. Timothy has also worked with PGA of Sweden and the Swedish Golf
Federation and continued to coach a number of elite athletes. In 2008, he served as performance
coach at the Beijing Olympics.
Timothy believes you should never stop learning, and he has continually sought out the best in
the world to learn from. He has devoted his career to sharing his insights with people who aspire
to lead in the corporate world and the world of sports. Timothy’s genuineness, experience,
passion for growth and “Down Under” personality make him a natural and comfortable person to
work with.
To learn more, visit the website or follow Carroll Consultancy Group on social media: