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Exampleof QQTPDiscussion
Ml QQTP Discussion: Models of Cultural Competence
For this Module 1 Discussion, first read the following article:
• Di Stefano, G., Cataldo, E., & Laghetti, C. (2019}. The client-oriented model of cultural com etence in healthcare
organizations. International Journal of Healthcare anagem,ent,
While reading, take notes so you can gather information for your post. For example, as a question comes to mind
be sure to write it down. Same for the quotation, when one comes along that strikes you, write it down.
When you are done reading, take time to reflect on that reading material so that you can formulate a post to the
discussion area by Thursday of the first week of the module that includes the following:
• post a questionthat invites analysis, synthesis, or evaluation of the reading material or makes
connections between the readings and previous discussions or readings. Your classmates will answer
this question.
• provide a quotation, one that is especially pertinent or relevant to the main points of the reading
and one that will prompt significant discussion;
• post a Talkingpoints that you think with initiate discussion amongst your classmates. These points
should show tnat you have thought seriously and critically about the readings. These should let your
classmates "see inside your head" as to what you think, accept, reject about the reading
material. Your talking point should cover different topics from the readings. The purpose of
formulating and posting these is to help you organize your thoughts and focus your ideas.
Now, let's get the discussion going - you need to respond to at least 2 of your classmates' initial discussion posts by
either answering their questions or discussing their quotation or one of their talking points. In addition, you need
to monitor your own discussion thread and respond by dialoguing with peers and/or provide a summary at the end
of the module. Remember, this is a discussion area and it is polite to respond when you receive a post. Be sure to
enter the disc4ssion regularly throughout the entire discussion. Do not wait until the last few days of the module
to become active.