Uploaded by mehaj1976


I have made my writing suit the task and kept on task for at least 100 words.
I have included detail to interest the reader such as descriptive words (sometimes).
I have spelt simple words correctly and sounded them out appropriately.
I have used capital letters and full stops correctly most of the time.
I have used clear and neat handwriting (most of the time).
I have written in the correct tense (past, present or future) most of the time.
I have tried to use different punctuation such as exclamation marks and question marks.
I have tried to break my writing up into sections.
I think I have done all of them.
I have organised my work clearly (a clear beginning, middle and end).
I have used capitals, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks correctly.
I have used lots of different connectives to link sentences and ideas (next, then etc.)
I have used some technical words which suit the subject I am writing about.
I have used quotes (speech) and punctuated it mostly accurately.
I have used a suitable headline.
I have written in the correct tense most of the time.
I have used a topic sentence to explain what my paragraph will be about.
I think I have done all of them.
Your teacher thinks this is a _________________ piece of work.
_______________ thinks this is a ______________ piece of work.
Look at the boxes which haven’t been ticked yet and choose one to use as your target for
next week.
My target:
_______________ target for you to improve your writing next time:
I have written in the correct impersonal style and have thought about the audience.
I have used both time connectives and cause and effect connectives throughout.
I have used brackets to give extra information or explain a technical term.
I have used paragraphs correctly with a topic sentence each time.
I have a clear structure to my writing with a beginning that introduces the writing and a
summary which sums everything up at the end.
My spellings are mostly correct and I have confidently used commas.
I have used adventurous language (adjectives, verbs and adverbs).
I have used the 5W’s in my introduction.
I think I have done all of them.
I have used varied sentence openers which are extended.
My spellings are nearly all correct and I have use varied grammar correctly (!’?”:;-())
I have used the passive voice frequently.
I have used varied and interesting vocabulary throughout in noun phrases and adverbials.
I have confidently used different types of sentence (compound, complex and simple).
I have used quotes (speech) and punctuated it correctly and introduced it correctly.
I have used the correct formal, impersonal writer-voice throughout.
I have used adverbial phrases throughout.
I think I have done all of them.
Your teacher’s target for you to improve your writing next time:
DATE: ________________________
FOCUS: ________________________