12:26 TillBIIUVAW UNIVEksrt'Y INSTinn"E OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 1077 Chaltra Eum. BE Lnel l'ro&,.mmc BEi Yar/Part I F.UMarkl I 10 I Pus Marki I 32 I Tim, I /II -. l 3 hn. Subj«t: • Electric Circuits and Machine (EE 460) ✓ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words u far u practicable. ✓ ✓ ✓ Attempt&!, qua/ions, dJL qw.,tlons carry ,quo/ .-lu. , . _ n,ltablt dala /f M«ssary. 1. Explain the phenomena of resonance in parallel circuit and also derive thc expression for resonance frequency and thc impedance 11 resonance. 2. Find currents and voltages across each clements 11 t • 0--. Also find dV..'dl and dlJ dt for t•O+. + . . 4.5V • , . •, 10 20 4H . 2F '--~-·--- t• , ~ • 60V ~ . . 3. Find the expression of cuncnl and voltage across inductor for t > 0 using direct solution method. 11v· IF 4. In the nelWOfk lhown, the switch it cl.-! 11 t • O. widl Ibo ;..i.,.ork previously w,enerslled. For the element value pven on diagnm, find Ibo expression for mesh cumnta i1(I) and i,(t), by Laplace Tnufonnation ,ndbod. ·➔~~ 5. Find Z parameters of the two port network shown and c:heclc its reciprocity. 2 I 211 111 2n I' f 4V 1 I~ 10 2' 1/2 6. A wrought iron bar 40cm long and 3cm in diameter is bent into a circular shape as in following figure. It is then woun d with 800 turns of wire. Clllcul11tc the cum:nt requi red to produce a flux of0.35m Wb in the magnetic circuit in the following cases. a) No air gap b) With an air gap of 1mm; asswnc the follow ing data for the magneti:mion iron Hin AT/m 2500 3000 3500 4000 Bin T 1.55 1.59 1.6 1.615 7. A IO KVA , 200/400 V, 50 Hz single phase transf OC test (hv winding open) SC test (Iv winding shoit ~ircu itcd) onner iave the following test result s: : 220V, : 22V, Find param eters ofequivalent circuit as referred 1.3A 30A 120W 200W to Iv windi ng. 8. Derive the emf equation and torque equation of de machine, defining comspaDdin& tams involved. 9. Describe the torque speed characteristic of three phase torque, maximum torque and operating region. Also induction motor show ing starting show the effect of rolOr resislancc in the T-S characieristics with a conclusion. 10. What are initial conditions? Explain the proce dure to evaluate the initial condition . ••• 2/ 2 DUlli rT"Uf t"\1,t,f rRl'\1 , ,.... , , . __ ll HI i.-..c.: w-.. , ..., , , _ 1, 11 u•h11t1N ( 0111m l 1,..-,,..... f.. • l .> 4,,,.,. ... ~ e J • f••• , ......... . .ci ✓ Atttmpl A11 q11estlons. ✓ ✓ fi\ t.:lr IA' w--C,. .IJ hr U ~ l ~& TMjig11res /11 1he marg/11 mdicat~ £1111 M«rks Assume suilahlc dau, if nr-cessary I. What do you mean by resonance in electric circuit? Derive the condi lion for series resonance. Also determine lix expression ofb:md \\idth. (2+2+4) 2. For the circuit shown bclO\\, find cum:n15 and vollagcs across each clemc111s at l " o+. Also find the value of chari;c .ii I O 18) 0 , 3 An cxponcnti3l source V(l} = 20c·11 is suddcnl) applied 01 lime I • 0 to a series RLC circuit compris ing R = 4 ohms, L ~ I II lllld C = I 3 F. Ob1oin the expression for the current i(t) in Lhc circuit u.sing Laplooe Transform method. 4. For the tW<' ron n1:1wor\. sho,m below, find h•p.iram ctcr nnd T' parameter. Also d,cck for reciproc ity of network . 181 (81 0.3 \ '1 5. a) Dcri\·c the equivale nt Y-rar:imeters of two numbrr of I\\O pon network when connected in parnlld. b) Find the cxp1ession of inductor c1•rrcn1 fort .., (I u, ing clJ,~,r~I method. 20A t s~ II son [4) 141 6. An iron ring has me!an leng th of" 2m and cro ss-s ectional are a of 0.01 ni2. It has a radial air gap of 4 mm . The ring is wou nd wit h 250 turn s. Wh at de cur ren t wou ld be needed in coil to pro duc e a flux den sit)' of 0.5 Tes la in the co~e? (~ -= 400 0) 7. Fol low ing resu lts wer e obt aine d from test on a tran sfor mer of rati ng 8 kV A, 400/120V, 50H z. Ope n circ uit Tes t (LV side ): I 20 V, 4A, 75 W Sho rt circ uit Tes t (Irv side): 9.5 V, 20A, l l 0 W Cal cula te equ ival ent circ uit par ame ters referred to LV and HY side and dra w equivalent circ uit of sam e. [ 8] 8. Exp lain how rota ting mag neti c field is pro duc ed in cen tral spa ce of thre e pha se indu~tion mo tor. Sho w that mag nitu de of rota ting m:1gneti c fiel d is 1.5 tim es maximum flux density. [SJ 9. A shu nt gen erat or del ive rs SOKW at 250 V anlt 400 rpm. The ann atur c resistance is 0.0 20 and field resistan ce i~ 50Q . Cal cula te the ind uce d emf by ann atur e nnd clec1ricnl efficiency. f8) l O. Derive the exp ress ion of torq ue dev eloped shu nt mot ors can be rev erse d? [8] in arm atur e of De motor. How the dire ction of 14+4] ·"iui i~ TRIBH UVAN UNIVERSITY JNSTITIJTE OF ENGINEERING lkcul ar I F■IJ Marks 110 BE Level 32 Progr am me BEL. BEX. BCT PH1 Marks 1 J hrs ' Time Year / Part , II / I Exam inati on Con trol Division 2079 Bbad ra 1) Subject: • Elec1ric Circu it 'Iltco ry (EF. 50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ own Candidates arc required to give their answers in their ons. questi dJ!. Auempt T~jig ures in the ,nargin indicate f ull Marlts. Assume suitable data ifnecessary words as far as practicable. circuit? Define half power frequencies I . a) What do you mean by resonance in RLC series ssion for them. expre obtain and t and bandwidth in RLC series circui 2 . .rz, -d:!i_ , -di-, and d i., at t - 0'. . .t sho wn .rn t I1c Ii1gure bet ow, Iirnd 11, 2dt b) For the crrcur dt dt f4+4 ) 18) 100 2 mH ton ~ voltage across cap3Citor for 2. a) U~ing classical method, find current and circuit shown below. 1 > O i.n the (81 1•0 100 20 0 100 V : ) 200 IOµF ssion of current through inductor for b) tr the switch is closed at t • 0, find the expre IO ms using classical method. after or induct I > 0. Also calculate the voltage across l- _J::-71,s11'n ~ ><IV IOV- 200 , -u T__ ... _____ __r expression of current and voltage across 3. a) ~sing ~plac e T~s~ orm method find the O. = 1 at closed s 1 mductor 1fthc SWJtch 1- 0 X [ _....,. J, o- - ' 10e·>• Q 18] I IOQ ~ _ __ __ _ 1H '--- 1 L __Jr ooF [8) b) Using Laplace transform method, find the loop currents i1 and shown in the following figwe. h fort > 0 in the circuit l8) G ...:i,; C: ln 7 4. a) Find the voltage ratio transfer function of given TPN. ·.~-~ -c: (81 30 -- _:_r___L - £8) b) For the transfer function below, draw the asymptotic Bode plot. G(s) =< 50(s + IO) s(s +-2O)(s 2 + 2s + 225) 5. a) Obtain trigonometric Fourier series of voltage waveform shown in figure below and plot the line spectra [8] :. . . . . . ....... ··iol·~~~. .:. . . .. ... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. ; -....L.-.......---->- - I I 0 I 3 ,__...,__ ......_ _ ;__7 .. ......... ..... .. .. ·.:.io.... ....... .......... .... .. .. ................ b) Calculate [Y] and [g] parameters of the given circuit and also check whether the network reciprocity and symmetry. ('8] 2 v, ">-- -- --02 v, ••• 2/2 nml l'' A.'-' V"M t.ut.1i ln N,rr m.rrr Of ENG(NEEJUNO [um iaat ioa Coatrot Olt lllN ,,.. ,._ , . Ir.& , _ .- . . . t ~ 2°'9 Ch•nn V _ea _ r_l_P_a_ rt_1""" tl_/ _11_ ~..J.!l..l!" 31u1·. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·-·--· -._l _ _ _ __S_ub --'~ect: - Electrical Machines I ( EE 55 J ✓ Candi dates are requir ed to give their answe rs in their ✓ Attempt &J. questions. ✓ The figures in the margin indicate F111/ Mark s. ✓ ) - - - -----own words as far as practicable. Assume suitable data ifnecessa,y. I. a) Expla in the hysteresis loop of a magnetic mater ial used in electr ical machi ne. Prove that the area of the loop is propo rtional to the energ y loss per cycle per unit volum e. b) A 8 kVA. 400/1 20 V, 50 Hz single phase transf onner on test gives the following results: O.C. test: S.C. test: l20V 9.5V 4A 20A 75W I !OW (carried on LV side) (carried on HV side) Calculate the equivalent circle parameters referred to HV side. 2. a) A 2 MV A, Delta- star, 33/6.6 kV. three phase trans fo rmer has primary and secondary resistance of 8 Ohm and 0.08 ohm per phase. llle percentage impedance is 7 percent. Calcu late the voltag e regula tion at full load at 0.75 pf laggin g. [8} [8] [8] b) Expla in the opera ting princi ple of a single phase Lransf ormer and derive the emf equat ion. [8) 3. a) What is back emf in de motor ? Expla in the rolea of back emf in de motor. [8) b) A 4 pole shunt gener ators with a lap would bas armature resistance of 0.1 ohm and field circuit resist ance of SO ohm. The gener ator suppl y powe r to six filament lamps of rated 200 V 600 Watt each. The brush conta ct drop is 1 V per brush. If generator terminal voltag e is 220 V after lamps a.re conne cted then find annat ure CWTC llt and gener ated emf. [8] 4. a) A 230 V de series motor draws a line current of 100 A from mains while running at 1000 rpm. Its armat ure resistance is 0.1S Ohms nnd field resistance is 0.1 Ohms. When the moto r draws cwten t of25 A. calcul ate the speed. [)OJ b) A de shunt moto r is opera ting at a co~ta nt speed suppl ied with rated voltage. Due to an accident, the field termin al of the motor gets 'disconnected. What will happen on the motor perfo rmanc e? Discu ss on the implication. s. (61 5. a) Deriv e the condi tion for maximl.llD torque of an induction motor. Draw the Torqu e-slip chara cteristics of induction motor for differ ent supply voltag e. (8) b) A 40 kW, 3-pha se slip ring induction motor of negligible stator impedance at a speed of 0.96 times synch ronous speed at rated torque . The slip at maxim um torque is 4 times the full-lo ad value. If the rotor resista nce of the motor is increased by 5-times, determine. [8] i) The speed, powe r outpu t and rotor coppe r loss at rated torque. ii) The speed correspondi ng to the maxim um torque . · ••• ..... taatlUWAMUffWIISffT INl1TTtJT£ Of ..OrNEDING lsualaade■ C.arnl DiYiliie• .,. Yarl , - . a• ,St \fat • EJedriml Machin II I lta. J ta"'' ✓ Candidates are required to give th~ir answers in their own words as far as practjcable. ✓ Attempt All questioru. ✓ . The figuru In the margin indlcale F.U Marg. ✓ Assume suitable data if~t¥ssary. I. a)~ lain hysteresis pbeno~coon with ac excitation. ~ )/A'fenomagnetic core with a relative permeability of 4~00 is. shown below, The ~dimensional area as shown and depth of core is 7cm. The air gap 1s o.o.sc~ on left and 0.07cm on right side. The effective area o f gap is 5% larger due t~ fiingmg e~ect If cum:nt in coil is 1OA, calculate flux in left. right and middle part .a long with Oux density in each air gap. 1::;10:::::::_ -_ .,--i-"'"""'!_ ,_ T 30cm (8) [8] --'1'-----•1- ..,,---t-j'---tl 1 _ ......,,______ _ _~--i - · o.os- 1 7CIII ,___ _ __ _ ___:.......:.;;_ _ _ _ ___, ..L 2. a)1 A lOOKVA. 2200/220V trmsformer wheo tested gave the following raults: ~ OCtest: 400W lOA 220V ::;7 SC test: 80IW 30A 90V Co~pute all the parametclS of the equivalent cirouil to HV sides of the transformer. Draw the equivalent cirouils also. 6 / .,..,eel . (8] SO KVA. 440CVl20V transfaaper with • equ1--va-,... ... impedance of ' (O.OH:j0.02.)obm is &o operate in parallel with a 2SX.VA.4400l'J20V lnmfonner with an equivalent i.mpe-tePae (0.02~0.04) ohm. The twu II el,aoas are coMected in parallel and madetD amy a l.oad of 6fKVA ;b) A (i) Find the lndivldall lrlDSfonner cqm;nts _ 3. / yi) What percent oftbe med capacity 11\used in IIICbJ!lmlf'~ er? .:· tfExplain the voltage build up process fn.de shun~ erator and d~-f ine the meaning of ~ ~·· cal resistance and critical speed. · (8) (8) . .·A de compolllM;' generator has to suppl~ a ~nt of 120A to the load at 120V. The shunt field, senes field and armatwc wmd101 resistances a r e ~ Q._OS ohm and O.Johm respectively. Calculate the emf generated by the annature in following two cases: the (8) (i) Jong shunt connection (ii) Short shunt-connection 1/ 2 ·4 . . a) / . · the op era tin g pin cip le of a DC motor ,_an d clarify die functions aeg mc nts an d car bo n of brushes in de motot. l>) A 22 0V de -~ mo tor ha s annatutc win din g resistance of wi nd ing rai sta nc e··o 0.O I oh m and field f· ll0 oh ms . It Nn S at a spe ed of 14 00 rpm res ista nce of 30 oh ms • lal1f load. If • is in series with the field increased by lOo/e, calcul wi nd ing m l load torque ate the is speed of the motor. S. Explain the isolal cd mo . de an d gri d ~ e d gen era lOr. mo de or thr ee ph ase induction / • b), A 400V, 4-p ole , SOHz. , 3 pa -. sli p ring illduc: tioo mo 1or ba s a ddla coa winding and a sta r coa ncc ted rot or winding. nected sta tor At standstill the 'VOit.iF sli p rin gs is 19 0V. Th llc:twceo the tw o e s\a lor impedance is (0. S+j2.S ) olma. The NC rca cta nce II standstill lar aai stl Dc e and axe 0.06 obm and 0.3 ma im um torque of ISO oh m ~ l y ad it develops a _ N-m. Calcula&c: (i) Sli p al wh ich mo tor de velops the maximum torque. (ii) To rqu e, po we r ou q,u t at full l~ k l a d sli p is 0JM. ~~tor (8] connected •f new (8] [8) [8) I• 2 /2 1'J_,1N N'I UWltU ITY II) ..... Nlfn. Tru C. m,.klDG;BJUNO n [.ua iaad N Coatrel otvW.. .,. ---=- --=- ~ - £1~ ,..;; --Ji n M.dirle•I~ '!Op._.~• ._ o• ✓ Candidates are ttqUITed ✓ Attempt d!J. queslio,u. The figures in the margin indicate FuUMork.s. Assume suitable data ffnecessary. ✓ ✓ -_-_-_ __ _ . u Ir a pndlc•N" emf? On what factors do these I. a) What is meant by statically and dynamically induced [8] each. depend? Give practi ~ examp le of is bent into circular shape. It _p) A wrought iron bar of 30 cm long and 2 cm in diameterrequire d to produce a flux of current the te is wound 600 turns of winding. Calcula no air gap b) with an air gap with a) cases: two ng followi the in core the in mwb 0.05 (8] of 4mm. Given that µ, = 4000. [8] gave the following results: 2. j) A 20 kVA, 250/25 00 V transfonner when tested O.C. test (L.V. side): 105 W,1.4 A, 250 V. S.C. test(H.V . side): 320 W, 8 A, 120 V. referred to the L.V . side and Compute all the parameters of the equivalent circuit as side. H.V. to also draw the resultant circuit as referred load. Derive the conditi on for b) Explain how the efficiency of a transformer varies with [8] maximum efficiency. or. Also, explain the meanin g of 3. a) Explain the voltage build up process in de generat (6+2] ce. resistan critical speed and critical the load at 250V. The armature _!l., A de short shunt compound generator delivers 6kw to have resistance of 0.1 Cl, 0.2 Cl g windin winding. series field winding and shunt field (8] re. armatu by ed generat emf the te and 250 n respectively. Calcula (8) torque equatio n of a D. C motor. 4. a) Explain workin g principle of D.C. motor. Derive resistance of 0.2 ohm and field b) A 250V d.c shunt motor has annature winding 32 Amp. and runs at a speed of of current a draws It ohm. 125 of ce resistan - winding with the field and the load series in ted coMec is 1500 r.p.m. lfa resistance of75 ohm [8] speed of the motor? new the be will what 20%, by ed increas is torque on the shaft (8) e. Explain T-S characteristic of three phase induction machin 5. a) 1> has a star connected stator A 400V, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase slip ring Induction Motor voltage betwee n the two the ill, standst At g. windin rotor ted connec star a and winding rotor resistance and The ohm. 0.8+j3 is nce impeda slip rings is 200V. The stator ively. The motor produces a respect ohm 0.2S and ohm 0.08 are ce reactan ill standst [4+4) torque of IO Nm at starting. Calculate: (i) Maximum torque that can be developed by the motor. . (ii) Calculate the torque developed by the rotor at 1430 rpm ••• 1/ 1