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Essay Critique: Leadership & Management Analysis

Task 3. Critique
The essay presented shows some flaws in the evidence provided. First, though
the managerial guidelines presented are from a reliable journal, The Leadership Quart
erly, which is a peer-reviewed journal with a significantly high impact factor as of J
anuary, 2023 ("The Leadership Quarterly", 2023). However, the article is dated as pu
blished in 1999, and has the possibility of falling short to address current issues in
workplaces nowadays. In order to critically assess the validity of given opinions, the
date of opinions made must be considered. In this case, the date of publication must
be addressed to inspect whether the framework is outdated. When viewing the prim
ary sources via ScienceDirect, there is a vast body of research that has cited the arti
cle over time. It can be observed that additional research that has been published in
a recent period should be considered as well. However, the essay author does not ad
dress current research findings. The development of transformational leadership is bei
ng discussed with newly emerging factors, such as newcomers in an organisation.
Next, the source credibility of evidence itself has limitations as well. The auth
or does mention the change in management in the post COVID-19 era, but the logica
l support for recent trends seems to be weak in comparison to the preexisting literatu
re. The evidence that is presented from the World Economic Forum can be questione
d of validity and reliability as its board members are consisted of managerial position
s (World Economic Forum, 2023) and can be biased towards a managerial perspective
. Other sources can be questioned in a similar manner as well. Furthermore, the articl
e cited from Management Review is extracted from a magazine that has discontinued
publication since 2000 (Ettorre, 2000). The source’s academic reliability is also questi
onable as it is a magazine. After 2000, there is no updated information following the
cited article. Thus, the evidence that is presented in the article once again shows little
validity. As the author built his opinion upon statistical evidence from this source, it
seems unproven whether the logical reasoning behind his opinions is indeed accurate.
Furthermore, the author of the source is the manager of the institute that published th
e article, therefore it must be critically viewed whether the statements are not biased
from a managerial point of view (Weathersby, 1999). As the article does not show hi
gh academic reliability, the logical foundations of the author’s opinion seem to be unc
Regarding the characteristics of sources, the theoretical background featured in
the paper focuses largely on Taylor’s theory of Scientific Management. As this is a s
econdary research source, primary sources should be addressed as well in order to gu
arantee that the author of the secondary source did not construe initial findings in a
way that favors the author’s opinion.
Above all, a gap was observed within the logic that connects the switching of
managers to be a positive change for an organization to be “nimble”. Even if the af
orementioned articles are indeed valid and reliable, there is no evidence presented that
supports frequent change of managers to be causal of transformational leadership, an
d beneficial to an organization and its employees. The framework presented in the art
icles discusses that transformational leadership has four key principles: idealised influe
nce, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualised consideration (
Bass and Steidlmeier, 1999). These contain implications that employees must trust and
be supportive of their managers or leaders. In the case of newly appointed leaders, i
t is uncertain whether employees will accept and trust them as a true transformational
leaeder. However, the paper relies on the sources above and draws the conclusion th
at managers switching firms and managing employees with different skill sets will be
beneficial to the company and its employees. It may seem probable that frequent cha
nge can strengthen an organization’s ability to adapt to abrupt changes in industry en
vironment. However, the author of the paper mentions the key principles of transform
ational leadership but shows no evidence that managers who have switched their caree
r will succeed in showing these key principles. Whether these managers have been pr
oved to gain support from employees and persuade the organization members remains
unclear. The author describes that such changes of managers will grant a competitive
point of being “nimble”. However, being “nimble” infers that a group quickly adopt t
o change. Thus, it is questionable whether managers or leaders switching between “sk
ill sets” will gain the support of employees and be able to gain their trust, and thus
idealised influence. In some cases, employees may even feel distrust towards a manag
er who has switched firms in a short period and consider the manager to be a tempo
rary figure. In this case, it would be difficult to agree that frequent changes in mana
ger appointment will strengthen an organisation’s power. For the author to show logic
al connection between the proposed evidence and conclusion, there should be addition
al information that shows the exemplars of a newly appointed manager showing transf
ormational leadership through the differentiated skills that have been gained through v
arious work experiences. As there is no prominent methodology that supports the con
clusion the author reached, it can be questioned whether the information proposed is
In summary, the essay presented has several shortcomings in terms of the va
lidity of resources as well as logical development. Secondary sources are used without
thourough inspection of primary sources, and some sources are outdated or lack cont
inuity to observe recent changes. The logical steps taken towards the conclusion are a
lso unclear as there is no clear methodology in the research performed, other than a
concise literature review. Thus, for the author to improve logical support on his opini
on, the aspects mentioned above should be addressed as well.
Bass, B.M. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to shar
e the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 18(3), pp.19-31.
Ettorre, Barbara. "Farewell." Management review, vol. 89, no. 3, 2000, pp. 1. ProQues
t, https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/farewell/docview/206696867/se2.
"The Leadership Quarterly." ScienceDirect, www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadershipquarterly. Accessed 5 Jan. 2023.
Weathersby, George B. "Leadership vs. management." Management review, vol. 88, no.
3, 1999, pp. 5.
World Economic Forum, www.weforum.org/about/world-economic-forum/. Accessed 5 J
an. 2023.