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Digital Image & Video Processing Practical List

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Semester: VIII
Subject: Digital image and video processing
List of Practical
Histogram Equalization: Read an image and perform Histogram Equalization of the input image and
analyze the result. Pg No 251)
Hard Thresholding: Read a grayscale image and convert it into a binary image using hard thresholding.
Make the threshold value as a user defined parameter. Vary the threshold and observe the result. (Pg
No 254)
Gray Level Slicing: Perform gray level slicing a) without preserving the background
b) with background
(Pg No 256, 257)
Non linear transformation: Write a MATLAB code to perform Logarithmic Transformation, Exponential
transformation and power law transformation. Comment on the results obtained. (Pg. No 257, 258, 259)
Mean Filter or Average Filter or Low pass filter: Read an image, convolve the image with the mask
1 1 1
× 1 1 1 and show that it performs averaging operation which results in blurring of image. Also,
1 1 1
analyze the impact of increasing the size of mask to 5 x 5. (Pg No 263)
Arithmetic operations: Write a MATLAB code to perform image addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. Also show the impact of blending two images. (Pg No 297, 298, 299, 300, 301)
Edge Detection: Read an input image and compute the edges in the image using different edge
detectors like Robert, Prewitt, Sobel, Log and Canny. Comment on the result obtained. (Pg No 390)
Extraction of colour component: Read an RGB image and extract the three colour components, red,
green and blue. (Pg No 587)
Filtering of colour image corrupted by salt and pepper noise: Read a colour image. Corrupt the image
by salt-and-pepper noise. Try to restore the corrupted image using a median filter. (Pg No 597)