Uploaded by Tyra-Joelle Ndatchi

St. Joan of Arc School Newsletter - March 31, 2023

March 31, 2023
Greetings to all our SJOA Families,
Below, you will find links to important information as well as dates for upcoming school events.
(* Please use your mouse to hover over any links and press the CTRL key and shift key to access
the attached)
Next week’s MEMO…
Monday April 3 – School Mass at Maria Goretti Church 8:50 AM; TSO Music Trip, Lockdown Drill
Tuesday April 4 – CEMC Euclid Math Contest
Wednesday April 5 – Empty your Backpack presentation; Fire Drill
Thursday April 6 –
Friday April 7 – Good Friday – no School
1. See all the great news happening here: https://www.tcdsb.org/o/stjoanofarc
On Monday April 3rd we will be hosting our Easter School Mass at St. Maria Goretti Church.
The mass will start promptly at 8:50 AM. Students are to attend mass at St. Maria Goretti
Church. Students are to sit with their 1st period teacher. Parents please note: attendance is
taken at mass. Once mass is finished students will walk safely back to the school. The Church
Mass Schedule will be followed on this day.
959 Midland Avenue Scarborough, Ontario M1K 4G4
Tel. (416) 393-5554
3. PROCESSING AND REGISTRATION for Academic Year 2023-24
Processing and Registration may be delayed if one or more of the following items are
1. Proof of address
2. Course choices not received
3. Activity fee payment
If you have not paid the student activity fee for 2023-24 kindly arrange for payment on
SCHOOL CASH online https://www.schoolcashonline.com/
at your earliest convenience. As we start for the new school year, we would like to continue to
offer the same programs and activities as in the past years as well as look to add new events.
Graduation fees are due on March 31, 2023. Note: Payment can be made online through School
Cash Online. https://www.schoolcashonline.com/
Enjoy your weekend.
R. Noble
959 Midland Avenue Scarborough, Ontario M1K 4G4
Tel. (416) 393-5554