cmutsvangwa: Wastewater Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Water Engineering, NUST 11/10/2006 11-1 FACULTATIVE PONDS Facultative Ponds The bacterial reaction include both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition and hence the term facultative pond. It is a dual layer system operating aerobically near the surface and anaerobically at the bottom (Fig. 3). Aerobic digestion of the putrescible organic biodegradable materials from the incoming wastewater will occur in the upper layer is both quicker and efficient and preferably should include most of water depth in the pond. Waste organics in suspension are broken down by bacteria releasing nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients, and carbon dioxide. Algae use these inorganic compounds for growth, along with energy from sunlight, releasing oxygen to solution. Dissolved oxygen is in turn taken by the bacterial, thus closing the symbiotic cycle. Some of the biodegradable material comes from the bottom anaerobic layer due to partial anaerobic digestion. Fig. 3 The basic biological reactions of bacteria and algae in a facultative pond The oxygen is received from the atmosphere through the water interface of the shallow pond and the photosythetically produced oxygen from the activity of the masses of algae. Heavy blooms of algae result in the rise of pH of water which is not conducive to aerobic microorganisms. And all available oxygen can be stripped from the pond during the night by the respiring algae. Aeration can be increased by making use of the prevailing wind. Wind breaks up stratification by creating turbulence. Stratification is the development of distinct thermal layers in the water 1 Chapter 11 WSP_Facultative ponds cmutsvangwa: Wastewater Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Water Engineering, NUST 11/10/2006 11-2 with the less dense warm liquid being on the top and the denser cold liquid at the bottom. Any stratification will limit the aerobic treatment due short circuiting as the incoming wastewater is warmer thereby short-circuiting across the surface and discharged partially treated wastewater without the benefit of the normal retention period. This situation is aggravated by algae and therefore the major axis of the pond should be in the direction of the prevailing wind. No trees and solid fences should be allowed within 150 m of pond edge. The settleable solids are deposited at the bottom to form a layer of sludge and if temperature is greater than 15o-19oC anaerobic digestion will commence. The decomposition yields inorganic nutrients and odorous compounds like hydrogen sulphide and organic acids. The latter are generally oxidised in the aerobic surface thus preventing their emission to the atmosphere. The partial anaerobic digestion is due to the limited sludge thickness of about 0.25 m. Facultative ponds are either designed for incoming anoxic effluent from the anaerobic ponds or from the raw wastewater. Facultative ponds are built in series because the BOD of a well-mixed facultative pond should not exceed 60 mg/l. If the BOD of the pond is appreciably in excess of 60 mg/l then it will no longer be facultative but anaerobic, and if there is a pond in series following a similar pond producing a 60 mg/l BOD effluent then it will nearly certainly be fully aerobic. The optimum depth is approximately 1.5 m so as to prevent the growth of rooted plants but not so deep to prevent solar radiation penetrating through most of the ponds depth. The shallower the pond the more extensive is the water-air interface and greater is the direct absorption of the atmospheric oxygen. Design approaches for the facultative ponds There are several design approaches for the facultative ponds and some of them are as follows: Hermann & Gloyna Equation McGarry & Pescod First Order Complete mix Equation Hermann & Gloyna Equation. The equation is based on experimental results from a series of ponds and related to the variation in temperature by the Arrhenius type equation. Hermann & Gloyna equation considered the optimum temperature for the operation of ponds to be 35oC and required retention period at this temperature to achieve 90% BOD reduction to be 7 days. The pond area can be calculated from: - L Q t r (35) i 1.072 (35−T ) f ' f 200 D t r(35) =Optimum retention time at 35oC A= Where: 2 Chapter 11 WSP_Facultative ponds (5) cmutsvangwa: Wastewater Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Water Engineering, NUST 11/10/2006 11-3 1.072 D Q T Li =Arrhenius coefficient =Depth of pond =Inflow =Design temperature =Influent BOD mg/l f and f’ are factors to correct for any toxicity of the wastewater to algae present and to correct for the oxygen demand by sulphur bacteria McGarry & Pescod MaGarry and Pescod (1970) suggested a simple relationship between pond loading at the point of failure and the temperature: λ f = 11.2(1.054)T Where: λf Tf (6) f =Maximum pond loading at the point of failure, kg BOD5/ha.d =Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit By using the maximum permissible loading before pond failure occurred is not a good practice to design, and therefore the equation was later modified by Mara (1997) to a liner relationship: λ s = 20T − 120 (7) in which T is in degrees Celsius. Recently Marks (1993) has suggested that for Zimbabwean conditions the equation should be: λ s = 20T − 90 (8) The surface BOD loading is given as: λs = Where: Li Q A 10 Li Q , kg/ A (9) = influent BOD, mg/l =Inflow, m3/day =Area in m2 Therefore the area required becomes: A= 10 Li Q , m2 20T − 90 (10) 3 Chapter 11 WSP_Facultative ponds cmutsvangwa: Wastewater Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Water Engineering, NUST 11/10/2006 11-4 A= Li Q , m2 2T − 9 (11) The retention time in the pond as: θf = Where; D Qm Af D Qm , days (13) =Pond depth, m =Mean flow, m3/day The mean flow is the mean of the influent and effluent flows. The latter being the former less net evaporation and seepage thus the retention time becomes: θf = Af D [ 1 Qi + Qe 2 (13) ] If the seepage is negligible, Qe is given by Qe = Qi − 0.001 A fe (14) Where e is the net evaporation in mm/day. Equation becomes: θf = [2Q i 2Af D − 0.001A f e ] (15) A minimum value of 5 days should be adopted for temperatures below 20oC and 4 days for temperatures above 20oC. This is to minimise hydraulic short-circuiting and to give algae sufficient time to multiply. Example 2 Determine the sizes for the WSP system using the MacGary and Pescod approach. Design data in example 1 is also applicable. Without anaerobic ponds the area required is; A= 430 × 40600 2 × 14 − 9 =918842 m2 With anaerobic ponds, the influent BOD is reduced by 48% and therefore the area will be; 4 Chapter 11 WSP_Facultative ponds cmutsvangwa: Wastewater Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Water Engineering, NUST 11/10/2006 11-5 A= 224 × 40600 2 × 14 − 9 θf = [2Q i =478652m2 2Af D − 0.001A f e ] = θf = 2 × 478652 × 1.5 [2 × 40600 − 0.001× 47865 × 5] =18.2 days Say 19 days. (The net evaporation has been assumed to be 5 mm/day). First Order Complete mix Equation This is a rational approach based on the following assumptions: The pond is a completely mixed reactor There is a continuous inflow of raw wastewater and a continuos outflow of treated effluent. There will be an instantaneous immediate perfect mixing of the influent with the whole pond contents with no loss by evaporation or seepage. The mean hydraulic retention time is given as: θf = V AD = Q Q (16) The design equation is given as follows: A= Where: Q( Li − 60) 18D(1.07 ) T − 20 T , m2 (17) = Mean temperature of the coldest month in oC. References 1. Ellis K., (1995), Unpublished Lecture Notes in Wastewater Engineering, Loughborough University, UK 2. IWPC, (1972), Manual for Small Works, UK 3. Mara D., (1976), Sewage Treatment in Hot Climates, John Wiley, UK 4. Mara D., (1997), Design of Waste Stabilisation Ponds in India, Lagoon Technology, UK 5. Smith .M., (1995), Unpublished Lecture Notes in Wastewater Engineering, Loughborough University, UK 5 Chapter 11 WSP_Facultative ponds