Traditional vs. Transformative Family Engagement Traditional Family Engagement School is welcoming to families for certain events and specific purposes, such as parent-teacher conferences and student performances Families attend school-wide gatherings, especially student performances Communication with families is passive and impersonal, mainly through fliers and emails Occasional participation from a stand-out parent leader, without broader involvement Families contribute volunteer time Transformative Family Engagement School has a welcoming environment for families of all backgrounds at all times, from the front door to the front office to the classrooms Families attend school-wide gatherings, enrichment classes, leadership trainings, and much events to weigh in on school decisions Communication with families is active and personal, including face-to-face outreach, home visits, phone calls, and community tours Strong core of parent leaders who are involved on an ongoing basis, and broad participation from the larger parent body Families contribute volunteer time, relationships and social capital that help mobilize local institutions, leaders, and families; and advocacy for sustained and increased resources for school Only certain constituencies of School is engaged in ongoing efforts to reach out families are involved in school and bring in families from constituencies who are not as involved School staff deliver information; Families deliver information as well, for example families receive it by conducting workshops and trainings for school staff and other families Family outreach and meetings are Translation and interpretation in the school conducted only in English community’s main languages are provided for all family-facing materials and meetings Families are on their own to manage School provides the logistical support – the logistics of getting involved childcare, interpretation, food, transportation, flexible meeting schedules - that is necessary for families to be active participants Families who can navigate school School provides information and leadership policy and bureaucracy participate in training necessary to build families’ capacity to decision-making, and others do not participate meaningfully in school decisions