Uploaded by John Healey

Buffalo Lesson Plan: Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion

Teacher/Author Name: John Healey
Grade Level/Class: 8th American History
Lesson Title: Buffalo Lesson
Discipline (e.g. history, geography): History
Unit Topic: Manifest Destiny/Westward
Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals):
Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as or very similar to
the content standard; however, it could be narrower. Objectives may be stated in the form of critical questions students should be able to answer
or framed using SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To…). Outcomes should be stated in the form of: Through this lesson, students will demonstrate
they have learned _____ by doing _____. Use clear, strong verbs!
SS.G.6-8.2 identify the location of places and regions in the world and understand their physical, political, and cultural characteristics
SS.G.6-8.4 explain how the environment and geographic features have affected people and how people have affected the environment throughout
Montana, the United States, and the world
IEFA EU 5 There were many federal policies put into place throughout American history that have affected Indian people and continue to shape who they
are today. Many of these policies conflicted with one another. Much of Indian history can be related through several major federal policy periods: •
Colonisation/Colonial Period, 1492-1800s • Treaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-1871 • Reservation Period – Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 •
Tribal Reorganisation Period, 1934-1953 • Termination and Relocation Period, 1953-1968 • Self-Determination Period, 1975-Present
Relationship to Unit Structure (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction):
How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this instructional
sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence?
We previously learned about the ways in which the U.S. acquired the territory that becomes the lower 48
states. Our most recent Unit was Manifest Destiny. The Removal of Plains tribes as well as the Buffalo was a
large focus.
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
What myths or inaccuracies shape preconceptions for students? Where do misconceptions about the content come from?
-Students may have a misconception that the near extinction of the Bison was a product of United States western expansion.
Instructional Materials/Resources (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources): List materials
and resources required by teacher and/or students. For published materials, including online resources, use complete APA citation format.
Any materials under 10 pages in length should be included in complete form with the unit (i.e. scan and insert electronically).
Article describing the historic Importance of the Buffalo to Plains Tribes
graphic showing the different uses for each part of the buffalo
Article explaining the near extermination of the buffalo
Formative Assessment
Methods and Instructional Strategies (Detailed, Step-By-Step Procedure)
(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Underline names of social studies specific method/s (APPLY YOUR PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE) used
Step by Step Procedure
Step 1. Review Manifest Destiny, have students briefly recall United States motives,
advantages, and consequences of American Western Expansion (5-10 min)
Step 2 Begin class by having students read the article accessed via Seesaw describing
the historic importance of the buffalo for Plains tribes. (5 min)
Step 3 Have students form small groups and list as many uses for buffalo as they can
think of, share after 5 min (10 min)
Step 4 While sharing, provide students the graphic showing the uses of the buffalo
Step 5 Have student draw on Seesaw the different parts of the buffalo and what
those parts would be used for
Step 6 Have students read the Smithsonian Article detailing the near extermination
of the buffalo. (10min)
Step 7 Briefly review the specific reasons the article describes as contributing causes
to the near extermination. (5min)
Step 8 Have students complete the formative assessment and post it to seesaw
(remainder of class period)
Differentiation According to Student Needs (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students):
Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural or linguistic needs, and gifted & talented learners. Note SPECIFIC
considerations for this particular lesson plan (don’t copy and paste this section from lesson to lesson).
Students with text to audio accommodations can access their devices
Management Considerations (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students): Describe your plans for
managing the learning environment before, during, and after this specific lesson. Include info regarding preparation of materials and resources,
grouping of students (PIES), distribution of materials, use of physical space, etc. Note possible behaviour challenges and your planned responses.
I plan to be observing students learning during work time, and stepping in to guide progress, ask questions,
and prompt discussion when necessary.
Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning): Identify ways you will
monitor student understanding throughout the lesson. Be sure your assessments align with your standards, outcomes, & activities. Provide
detailed materials (e.g. prompts, rubrics, questions, etc.) for each assessment.
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