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Water Quality Analysis Lab Report: pH, Color, Turbidity, Solids

Experiment No. : 1,2,3,4
Experiment Name: Determination of pH, Color, Turbidity, and Solids in water.
1. Measure pH from drinking water according to Bangladesh ECR (1997).
2. Find True color and Apparent color (Pt-Co Unit).
3. Measure Turbidity (NTU).
4. Measure Total solids, TS (mg/l), Total Dissolved Solids, TDS (mg/l), Total
Suspended Solids, TSS (mg/l)
1. pH meter.
2. Spectrophotometer
3. Turbidity Meter
4. Balance, Beaker, Measuring Cylinder, Filter paper, Funnel, Dropper, etc.
Water Sample Collection:
Location: Mirpur DOHS Lake-1, Mirpur DOHS-1216, and Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Time: 3:15 PM
Date: 20 January 2023
1. Buffers Solutions of known pH value (pH 4.01, pH 7.00, pH 10.01)
2. Standard potassium chloro-platinate solution (15 Pt-Co Unit).
3. Formazin Polymer standards (500 NTU)
The Procedure of Water Sample Collection:
We collect a water sample from Mirpur DOHS Lake-1 is located close to Mirpur Cantonment, Mirpur
DOHS-1216, and Dhaka, Bangladesh.
First, we all go to the side of the lake with a 2-liter bottle and there we go to the middle of the lake in a
small boat and open the bottle and submerge the bottle 20 cm depth, and filled the bottle with water in two
steps and close the mouth of the bottle properly. Then we left the middle lake by boat.
Remarks: We added a new experience by collecting water samples which will play an important role in
our later life. And everyone celebrated the time very well.