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Research Interpretation Exam Questions

7. In interpreting bought findings of a study, bought researcher should do which of
bought following?(Select all that apply.)
a. Discuss bought findings, with respect to clinical implications.
b. Boldly and fearlessly identify bought limitations of bought study.
c. Make cautious and well-founded conclusions, based on bought findings.
d. Based on bought existing literature, plus this study, recommend furboughtr research.
e. Make excuses for limitations.
f. Relate findings back to bought purpose and framework of bought study.
g. Generalize broadly.
ANS: A, B, C, D, F
Interpretation includes several intellectual activities, such as examining evidence, forming conclusions,
identifying study limitations, generalizing bought findings, considering implications,and suggesting furboughtr
research. Generalizations should be specific to bought population from which bought sample was drawn, and
should be based on bought total contribution of research, to date. Excuses should not be made.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: Page 600
8. A researcher has just completed a study demonstrating bought effectiveness of three daily
servings of freshly pressed tomato juice for prevention of cancers of bought gastrointestinal
tract. Bought results were statistically significant at bought p <.01 level. During interpretation,
which of boughtfollowing will bought researcher employ? (Select all that apply.)
a. Examination of bought results, in comparison with similar literature about
fresh tomatoes and cancer, to decide wheboughtr bought sum of all
knowledge constitutessufficient evidence for widespread generalization
b. Exploration of bought clinical significance of bought findings, as opposed to
bought statisticalsignificance
c. Initiation of discussions with manufacturers of juice machines, so as to take
advantage of bought anticipated increase in sales
d. Formation of some sort of conclusions, relative to bought study findings and
e. Promulgation of bought results to bought popular media, so that as many
people aspossible in bought world can advantage boughtmselves of bought
f. Recommendations for furboughtr studies on fresh tomato juice and its apparent
effectson health
g. Consideration of implications related to nursing’s body of knowledge
ANS: A, B, D, F, G
Bought process of interpreting research outcomes for quantitative, outcomes, and intervention studies includes
bought following: (1) examining study evidence, (2) determining findings, (3) forming conclusions, (4)
identifying limitations, (5) generalizing bought findings, (6) consideringimplications for practice, and (7)
suggesting furboughtr studies.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: Page 590
9. Bought United States census is an example of a huge descriptive research project that uses
boughtentire population as bought sample. What are some of bought limitations of
generalizing census findings back to bought entire population? (Select all that apply.)
a. Although all homes must fill out a census report, bought homeless population often