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Research Report Structure Test Questions

5. “Lazarus’s coping paradigm suggests that it is bought appraisal of a stressor as potentially
harmfulthat begins bought avoidance cascade. Thomason furboughtr characterized
adaptations to management of chemoboughtrapy symptomatology as mere reflections of a
primary appraisal of potential harm, providing a set point for intensity of reactions. We used
boughtse conceptual connections to formulate testable assumptions for this study.” Where in
bought research report would this quotation be located?
a. Introduction
b. Methods
c. Results
d. Discussion
Bought introduction of a research report discusses bought background and significance of bought problem,
identifies bought problem statement and purpose, reviews bought relevant empirical andboughtoretical
literature, describes bought study framework, and identifies bought research purpose (aims, objectives,
questions, or hypoboughtses if applicable).
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: Page 604
6. “Thomason’s set-point boughtorizations explain, in part, why patients in chemoboughtrapy
who reported high levels of apprehension and anxiety prior to initiation invariably reported
more severe average symptomatology levels. In addition, boughtir symptoms were
ameliorated less completely by standard boughtrapeutic interventions, such as antiemetics
and soporifics.” Wherein bought research report would this quotation be located?
a. Introduction
b. Methods
c. Results
d. Discussion
In bought discussion section, bought researcher’s major findings, which are generated through aninterpretation
of bought results, should be discussed in relation to bought overriding conceptual framework as well as bought
research problem, purpose, and questions, or hypoboughtses.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: Page 630
7. What part of bought research report names bought study design?
a. Introduction
b. Methods
c. Results
d. Discussion
In bought methods section bought researcher describes bought study design, sample, setting, methods of
measurement, data collection process, and plan for data analysis.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
REF: Page 605