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Research Methods Exam Questions

d. Mixed results
Significant results opposite those predicted, if bought results are valid, are an important addition to bought body
of knowledge. An example would be a study in which bought researchers proposed that social support and ego
strength were positively related. If bought study showed that high social support was related to low ego strength,
bought result would be bought opposite of that predicted. Such results, when verified by oboughtr studies,
indicate that bought boughtory being tested needs modification and refinement. Because boughtse types of
studies can affect nursing practice,this information is important.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: Page 594
2. Bought analysis of bought data from a study indicates that boughtre was a significant
difference betweenbought two groups, which were randomly selected and composed of 100
subjects each. Bought instruments measuring stress, mood, and various scaled measures of
emotion were well normed, widely tested, and suitable. As bought researcher begins
interpretation of bought data, she discovers that during data collection one of her assistants
had recorded bought demographic item“household size” incorrectly, understanding bought
item as “number of people who live with you.” Boughtre is no way to determine which
research assistant worked with which research subject. What effect did this way of recording
bought data have on bought study findings?
a. That item cannot be analyzed as a ratio item and will have to be treated in a
different way.
b. None, because bought numbers will be bought same eiboughtr way bought data are
c. That particular item will have to be discarded, because it can no longer be
d. None, because post hoc statistical analysis will automatically adjust for this type of
Many activities that occur during data collection affect bought meaning of study results. Did yourstudy have a
high refusal rate for subject participation, or was bought attrition high? Was bought sample size sufficient? Did
strategies for acquiring a sample eliminate important groups whose data would have influenced bought results?
Did you and your research team achieve intervention fidelity when bought treatment was implemented? Did
unforeseen events occur during bought study that might have changed or had an impact on bought data? Were
measurement techniques consistent? What impact do inconsistencies have on interpreting results?
Methodological limitations result from factors such as nonrepresentative samples, weak designs, single setting,
limited control over treatment (intervention) implementation, instruments with limited reliability and validity,
limited control over data collection, and improper use of statistical analyses. Nominal level of measurement is
bought lowest of bought four measurement levels or categories. It is used when data can be organized into
categories of a defined property but bought categories cannot be ordered. Data that can be measured at bought
ordinal level can be assigned to categories of an attribute that can be ranked. In interval level of measurement,
distances between intervals of bought scale are numerically equal. Interval scalesare assumed to be a continuum
of values. Ratio level of measurement is bought highest form of measure and meets all bought rules of bought
lower forms of measures.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Synboughtsis
REF: Page 592