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Down Syndrome Case Studies: Challenges & Education

Show1)Emily Perl + Charles= Jason Kingsley (1974-NYC) pg 171
Social problems impact on individuals life.189 -killing children.Mongoloid-discrimination,
would never learn to speak, think, walk, be creative, never have an imagination, cannot
distinguish from other adults his parents-doctor said-unwanted child. Absurd to predict
newborns ability simply from his analysis. School discrimination. 179 about discrimination.
Erickson hidden his baby because others may think he produced an idiot, social reputation
would decreased.
He had not have social intelligence, but could count in many languages which is not so
important in real life.Hugged everyone- children did not like, parents also even wanted to pull
their children from camping because of Jason. In football playing did not know in which
group he was- children sniggered him. I hate this face, can you find a face in store? In
teenage years he was not invited to parties, spent Saturdays at home by watching TV. Has no
Can’t drive- slow reaction, no judgment, verbal ability,
Work- not smart enough to do what you want to do
Prone to depression- after death of his dad
Bureaucracy in centre therapist- edu, time, money were needed
Introspective, outrospective
Difficulties for parents:
Socioeconomic status
Not Italy, but Holland
Children’s sad questions
What can be learned: EI 183
Civic value-character formation- responsibility to their child, persistence- risk taking and
bringing child to centre, room décor, music, exercise making, sewed a quilt in order Jason
could experience a new sensation, alphabet teaching, TV appeared.
Care for others, empathy- giving hope to another parents by counseling them. Positive titled
brought individual happiness to Emily and to other parents also.
Respect for parents every time- they provided every 4 rights of children, now its time to do
my responsibility for them.
Dignity of Jason- accomplishments- book writing, living life, performing in front of people
by answering to their questions
Positive education- welcome to holand, give a baby to live half full glass of life
Children thrive on attention, engagement, stimulation and hope.
2) Elaine Gregory(23)+ husband = Joe (2,5 y.o); Lynn (1970) pg 184
Make fun of a child just he is different
Discrimination:Obstetrician said that their daughter is a Mongoloid idiot.
Health problems: Did not sit up till 12 month, did not walk till 2 years
Education: reads on a first grade level, do basic math, fine motor is better than cognitive
Social: due to low development being with children younger than them, did not know about
What can be learned
Civic values- Elaine served as an assistant director NYDC- telling about DS to other parents,
counseling them. Pg 185
Citizenship edu- educating non- disabled with disabled make non- disabled humane pg 186
Joe liked his sister
3)Betsy Goodwin+ Barton Goodwin= Carson (1978, NYC)
Institutionalize, obstetrician- what if you simply forgot about this child?
Cannot understand that others feel, think differently
Feels different- loves dancing it makes equal
Being pity
What can be learned
Civic values/citizenship- Betsy established with her social worker friend Arden, National DS
society 1979. Organizing conference for scientists. Millions for focusing on education
strategies for DS children. Building community for children and parents DS. pg 188-187. .
Rejection from amniocentesis.
Siblings with DS grew up sensitive and thoughtful
4)Deirdre Featherstone+ Wilson Madden= Catherine pg 191
Difficulties for children
Develop slowly, slow to make eye contact, slow to sustain it, slow with imitative behaviors,
do not make two or three word phrases until they are 3-4, fail to grasp fundamental grammar
Stubborn, defiant, aggressive,disturbed according to studies pg 194
In addition to physical challenges, they have behavioral issues-ADHD, depression, anxiety pg
195- treatment which are harsh. Solution teach public to refer good to DS people.
Difficulties for parents:
Harder for father, no physical relationship with a child for 9 months.
Someone else depending on you and therapy three times a week for speech, occupational
therapy, physical therapy, craniosacral therapy- full schedule, hard to leave house for mom
Saying husband that he can go
Sometimes good mother, sometimes not- how you educate yourself question is.
What can be learned
Civic values- father responsible, says that will not leave, just slower to adapt to DS than his
wife, telling advice to other parents with children autism
Positive education- Finding positive things in her daughter- she became the nice, kind,
thoughtful, sensitive person she met ever.
Trying to raise with enough personal strength and self esteem in order she liked herself as she
is- no surgery.
She is patient- kaprizderge chydait- pg 193. Trying to build self-esteem, not block
Education of child is important than breathing-kindergarten, babysitter
5) Michelle Smith+ Jeff = Dylan pg 195
Difficulties for child
Intestinal crises- lended in hospital repeatedly, needed 3 major operation in 11 months, 2
percent survival chance gave doctors. DS became secondary
Gas problems- peers do not want to play
Abortion-decrease in number of DS people
Simply teach parents inform them about the experience of parenting a child with DS.
15million dollars spent on the new test of DS might have gone to instead toward muchneeded research on the biochemistry
Fetus damage-amnioscentisis
No drug company thought about developing therapies for DS pg 201
Difficulties for parents
Pressure for mothers-199 pg-last sentence
His husband could not handle- blaming her if amnio. He had 8 months of depression.
If not educated parent-hard, even do not know what you do not know
Every single trait she is weak, lead to development of it because of her son
What can be learned
Changed perfectionism to mothering
Read 11 books in the first two weeks about dealing with-treatment for DS child. Found DS
moms, they told about EI
Jeff returned, loves his child
Before she was critical, judgmental-did not like disabled person, now not like this
Citizenship, civic- help people , not using talents to make money- consults new parents, says
to keep their children with DS, pg 198
6) Angelica Roman- Jimenez (27) + =Erica (1992) 1st child pg 201
Difficulties in children
Gross, fine issue- run, jump fast, grasp
Ear issues
Poor judgement- firstly should shake hand, can not hug everyone, not everyone is nice, no
stranger anxiety
No invitation for parties
Difficulties in parents
Wondered how to say people about her child
Friends looked as a death
Realizes she is alive, needs our love and attention
High hopes and dreams shattered when child borne with disability
What can be learned:
Her father’s-support: Does she have fingers, toes? Yes. We will deal with it, give
unconditional love to her. God gave this child for a reason- you can handle. Ayat write.
Giving a chance to zip op her coat, tying shoelace- after psychologist asked about bed
Moral growth- Erica’s disability
Breast cancer- but win because of Erica- she made her stronger
Help others and grow from this experience- positive thinking
7)Susan Arnsten Russel (22) + Jan Delli Bovi= Adam Delli Bovi
Difficulties of children
Autism in 26 he has mental age of 4-5b y.o children
He can not read more, make phone calls, what to do in emergencies-if house were on fire, and
he was watching TV he would not live
Traffic light- walk defending knows, but doe s not look around and see that a car might be
Upper-respiratory infections
Deaf in his left ear
Vision weak- eye patch, then glasses
Fungal conditions of skin- bathing issue everyday not allowed
Being far from parents- visit one facility and place their children there no attention to quality
Pg 211- face abuse at residential facilities- sexual, beat, taunted were not fared employees
who did it- victims cannot talk, have extreme impairment.
When parents die they need to things which they have never done before.
Adult DS who live with parents lack of peer communication- not learn skills related to
friendship- 212 pg evidence one girl had high school friends, but after graduating no. Worked
in Walmart but less communication.
Difficulties of parents pg 207
Patience- negotiation- adolescence when pull the fire alarms
Was not portable
Lives with him all his life
Adam was not sociable- communication was nonverbal
Sibling- annoyed night care, may need attention
Placement made life easier, but not emotionally-feels guilty,
Pragmatic challenges when researching placement facilities when their children 19-21 and
applying to preferred ones
What can be learned pg 205
Positive education- She immediately started looking at how she can use this challenge for
something good, she did not give herself time to grieve. Her parents thought that it was a
tragedy, but she had to make it into opposite.
Citizenship edu- she started volunteering in a day-care center and became involved with EI.
Sibling- defended him pg 206, Teegan annoyed about having to take care of him on a specific
Value of Adam- being helpful, that’s why was volunteer in soup kitchen. Adam was role
model. Pg209