B E N N E T T, C O L E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA B LI S H E D 1838 T I M E S O F I N D I A . C O M | M U M B A I | PA G E S 6 | P R I C E R s. 2.50 ➤An Celebrating ➤ educator tells us TODAY’S EDITION ➤ “I hate you”, “Leave me ➤ With four golds, India celebrity birthdays how to inculcate self from April 1-7 in our regulation skills PLUS:lives Famous daily and people the who journal importance of it alone...” – things children shouldn’t tell their parents PLUS: Three comics to read with your siblings enjoyed a dream run at IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships. We bring you the glory PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 STUDENT EDITION SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2023 Newspaper in Education LATEST BUZZWORDS EXPLAINED A new-age relationship term, situationship defines a relationship where you are together but not quite! A “situationship,” is essentially a relationship without any commitment. This arrangement allows individuals to experience the benefits of being in a relationship and being single simultaneously. A relationship is a situationship if the relationship is undefined, there’s no consistency, no talk of the future and the connection is superficial. Many modern-day relationships are situaionships as people feel that the biggest advantage of a such an arrangement is that it carries less responsibility, as relationships can consume a significant amount of emotional energy. A situationship can become stressful if each partner has different expectations from the relationship. CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 Pics: Istock RETHINK PERSONALITY TRAP 7 YOUR TYPE There are personality traits that make an individual more susceptible to fatigue or burnout. Understand your type. Are you a… SUPPORTER: One who keeps giving to others but forgets to top up their own energy reserves. MOOD DEPLETER: You focus on past events and on what you could have done differently. FUTURISTIC: You focus too much on the future and don’t live in the present. OVERTHINKER: You focus far too much on your thoughts and are constantly in fight or flight mode, which is a huge brain drain. CAPTIVE: If family or friends are going through a tough time, you have a tendency to absorb their emotions, sapping your energy. FATIGUE FIGHTER: Learn who you are, and how much “me” time you need to recharge. Create emotional boundaries. WITH ONE IN FOUR OF US SAYING WE FEEL EXHAUSTED MOST OF THE TIME, FATIGUE IS A COMMON PROBLEM. BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS F eeling tired is a common complaint, with a recent YouGov survey finding 25 per cent of us are exhausted most of the time. Perhaps you think tiredness is the trade-off for studying, pursuing hobbies and leading an active social life. But nutritionist Karina Antram, who wrote a book, “Fix Your Fatigue: Five Steps to Regaining your Energy”, says, “Tiredness, whether mild or debilitating, is your body trying to tell you something. It’s saying that whatever you’re doing to keep it operating each day isn’t working. Something is not right, and the symptoms you’re feeling — from sluggishness and brain fog to headaches and gut problems — are your body’s way of screaming to be heard.” WHY AM I TIRED? Being tired doesn’t just come down to sleep. There are many different factors that can contribute. Envisage a bowl with a hole in it. Even if the hole is tiny, any water will gradually seep out. It’s the same with energy. Any “holes” we have in our life — aspects of our current situation that use up a lot of our energy — will cause energy leaks. Some energy leaks apply to most of us (stress, work, family, financial pressures) but there are others you may not have considered, such as smoking, social media and sitting all day. The modern lifestyle that most of us lead – balancing work with family and constant technology – can be a serious energy leak. To understand why you are experiencing fatigue, you need to look into all the possible energy leaks. But there are many smaller sources of stress that can build up without us realising, for example from overworking, Fatigue Fighter: Create your own stress tool kit. This will also help you recover quickly when it strikes. Think of whom to call for support, a meal that can act as a ‘pick-me-up’ or an activity that relaxes you. TRAP 2 BREATHING The way you breathe not only affects how you feel but has a direct impact on your nervous system. Taking shallow breaths can increase anxiety and affects how you respond to stress because it reduces the amount of oxygen that can get into cells. It increases heart rate and raises blood pressure, both of which can impact on energy levels. Fatigue Fighter: Deep breathing can be transformative. Try the “4-7-8” breathing technique. Close your mouth, inhale through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for seven seconds and then exhale through your mouth for a count of eight. TRAP 3 GUT HEALTH Imbalance of bad and good bacteria in the gut is not just a digestive issue, it can also heavily impact energy, making you sluggish. Fatigue Fighter: Research shows that 30 plants a week is the optimum amount to include for a healthy microbiome. Try and add spices, herbs, fruits and vegetables in your diet. TRAP 4 EXERCISE Daily movement not only uses energy but creates it. So moving your body is a quick and easy way of picking yourself up when you’re feeling tired. However, overdoing it with excessive exercise can have a negative effect. Regular exercise in moderation creates “good” stress. Fatigue Fighter: Stretching and balancing exercises are great ways to move when you are exhausted or unwell. Try the tree pose. TRAP 5 AGE Fatigue can occur at any age due to the different milestones of life, but one thing we all have in common is that energy naturally wanes as we age. One of the causes of this is micronutrient deficiencies or lack of essential vitamins and minerals due to a decrease in absorp- tion as we get older. Fatigue Fighter: Over-50s really need to support bone health, as well as energy production. Find a quality multivitamin to take daily. TRAP 6 THE SEASONS You won’t meet many people who say they have more energy in the winter than in the summer. Most of us tend to feel t h e need to hibernate in the colder months. This is because in winter the body is asking us to conserve energy. Fatigue Fighter: Take a short walk outdoors first thing in the morning to expose yourself to natural light, and top up your vitamin D levels. TRAP 7 LACK OF CONNECTION Connection is the key to happiness. For many of us, lockdown and social distancing reduced the strength of our connections, and for people who gain energy from others, this negatively impacted energy levels. And while the world has never been more connected through social media, there has been an increase in loneliness. Fatigue Fighter: Try to get back in touch with someone you have drifted apart from. TRAP 8 PURPOSE AND GOALS Whether you are ambitious and driven or not, everyone needs to have a purpose. Purpose is about having something to focus on that is greater than yourself. If you TRAP 1 STRESS If you were asked to describe a stressful experience, you would probably talk about a major life event like Board exams. HEALTH 2 3 4 M WHAT IS METABOLISM? Metabolism is termed as the rate at which your body burns calories. Our mitochondria which are the tiny cellular engines creating energy for the body are a vital part of our metabolism. How quickly and efficiently the mitochondria can turn nutrients such as glucose into energy reflects metabolic health. If your mitochondria are inefficient, you store glucose as fat. This is what a sluggish metabolism does. DOES LIFESTYLE AFFECT YOUR METABOLISM? Lifestyle plays a huge role in de- termining your metabolism. The right lifestyle changes can improve your metabolism whereas the wrong ones can cripple it. From your eating patterns and habits to activity levels and the way you train (exercise), water intake, sleep habits and even the quality of thoughts that cross your mind impact your metabolism in a huge way. Nutrition and eating habits, in par- TRAP 10 YOUR CHRONOTYPE We each have inner clocks — our chronotype — that control energy, mood and sleep. Knowing your chronotype will ensure you develop an understanding of when to use and conserve your energy throughout the day at the right times. You can either be an early bird or a night owl. This dictates what time of the day you prefer to exercise, eat and sleep. Fatigue Fighter: Regulating your routine will help you to work out which chronotype you are. And understand yourself better. Wherever possible, go to bed at the same time each day. DAILY MIRROR MIND MATTERS ticular, can also affect our metabolism. While certain foods can give a boost to our metabolism, some can also make it sluggish. Here are eating habits you could adopt to aid your metabolism: Eat more spices: Consuming spices can positively boost metabolism. Spices are heat producing in nature and capable of boosting metabolism. For e.g. cinnamon, cumin, black pepper, cayenne pepper, bishops weed, fennel seeds, star anise. Hydrate more: Lack of hydration can also drastically reduce metabolism and even a 1 per cent drop in hydration is enough to do that. Drink warm water: This is also a step towards healthy metabolism. Warm water aids in increasing the body temperature, which then increases the metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic rate will allow your body to burn more calories. Eat in alignment with circadian rhythm: According to the circadian rhythm, our metabolism is at its peak during the afternoon and hence it’s easier for us to digest a meal (which is lunch) around noon. As the day proceeds, our metabolism starts to dip. So, if one wishes to eat an indulgent meal or a dessert, the best time to do so is lunchtime. Give up fad diets: Just like overeating can harm metabolism, undereating or crash dieting can also disrupt your metabolic fires. Fad diets that call for eating extremely small portions of meals and literally starving can slow down metabolism. The answer to this, however, is not eating more. Eating every two to three hours doesn’t necessarily mean a high metabolism. In fact it can send your digestive system on an overdrive by making it constantly produce acids and digestive enzymes. The idea is to eat in a way that suits your lifestyle in a balanced way. Having said that, nutrition is just a speck of what works in favour of our metabolism. One must also focus on sleep (most important aspect), exercise and emotional health to attain the best metabolic health. 1 etabolism has truly become a buzzword in the field of weight loss. While some people go from pillar to post finding ways to boost metabolism, some thank their genes. don’t have a “why” – a reason to get up in the morning and crack on with your day – it can have a serious impact on energy. Fatigue Fighter: Set yourself a big goal. The idea is to choose something that feels totally out of reach, but that excites you. It will ignite your imagination and boost energy levels. 5 Instead of expecting something and falling into the trap of familiarity, appreciate that which is already there Y our mind will not let you be happy as we are wired to look for faults and failures and not to focus on the feeling of fulfilment. Take delight in small things in life, like a smile on a child’s face or the morning sun on your face, or a lick by your pet. The Keys to a Feeling of Contentment: Start small:It’s okay to take baby steps to truly understand how to feel fulfilled in life. You won’t be able to achieve an unwavering sense of fulfilment overnight, but with constant effort, it can become your new normal. Even if you start small, remember to set and stick to goals. Include a short priming exercise in your morning routine. Every small action you take contributes to a greater sense of fulfilment. Gratitude Journal: The simple practice of reflecting on what you are grateful for can lead to a happier, more content life. To record your thoughts, all you need is a few moments of your time and a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is not like a regular diary where you write random thoughts about your day; here, you write about the things you’re grateful for— big or small. Every small action you take contributes to a greater sense of fulfilment. Focus on the good emotions: You can’t be happy all the time. But you can definitely practice focusing on all the good things life has provided you with. Start your day with a smile even if you don’t feel like it; say a small thank you to the Universe for all. Your entire attitude on life can be changed by adopting a positive mindset. Learn to Forgive: Practice letting go of grudges and bitterness. Forgiveness is an intentional and purposeful decision to let go of feelings of resentment 1 2 3 4 or vengeance toward an individual or group. It requires patience and, above all, strong determination. In this process, don’t be too harsh on n yourself. Choose the peo-ple you spend d time with: Yourr feeling of self-worth is also dependent on the kind of people you surround yourself with. Be with people who can help you to achieve your goals. Because your tribe will either fuel your self-doubt or fuel your confidence. Remember; always be with people who will help you stay in action despite your self-limiting doubts. Finding a balance in life: Living and maintaining a balanced life is extremely crucial for your health and wellbeing in a fast-paced, modern world. Learning how to feel fulfilled entails finding a middle ground. Align your life with your value system, give it your all, and learn to be satisfied with the results. 5 6 7 Accept that you can’t change everything: We have no th control over everyco thing or anyone — th neither situations n nor n people around us u — let us accept this. You cannot t influence somei one else’s actions. action Part of feeling fulfilled is when you start focusing on your actions rather than someone else’s. Stop comparing yourself with others. Remember, a comparison is the fastest way to be unhappy and unfulfilled as there would always be people more successful than you or richer, better looking than you. If you keep comparing your life with others, you will find endless reasons to be unhappy. Get out of this as early as possible. LEARN TO LIVE IN THE PRESENT: Like forgiveness, this also requires a lot of practice. We have a tendency to drift in the past but always remember past is done and dusted. Similarly, your thoughts for the future could not become a restricting factor like what will be, what could be, what might be, etc. Don’t let your life be dictated by emotions attached to past events or future potential outcomes. Live in the present day 02 PEOPLE A page celebrating historical figures, young achievers, artists, writers. We look at those in news, who have their birthdays in the week and just inspiring personalities whom you can learn from SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2023 Pics: Istock THE PLANETEER Kenyan environmentalist who championed grassroots-led green movement WANGARI MAATHAI BIRTHDAY: APRIL 1, 1940 W A FAIRY TALE STORY DANISH AUTHOR OF 150 FAIRY TALES, LET’S GET TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE MAN WHO IS PART OF EVERYONE’S CHILDHOOD HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN BIRTHDAY: APRIL 2, 1805 She was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Maathai played an active part in the struggle for democracy in Kenya, and belonged to the opposition to Daniel arap Moi’s regime. angaari Muta Maathai was born on April 1, 1940 in Nairobi, Kenya. As the first female scholar from East and Central Africa to study for a doctorate in biology, she also became the first female professor in her country. In 1977, she started a grass-roots movement aimed at countering the deforestation that was threatening the means of subsistence of the agricultural population. The campaign encouraged women to plant trees in their local environments and to think ecologically. The Green Belt Movement, as it was called, spread to other African countries, and contributed to the planting of over thirty million trees. Maathai authored four books: “The GreenBelt Movement,” “Unbowed: A Memoir,” “The Challenge for Africa” and “Replenishing the Earth.” According to the Green Belt Movement, “Professor Maathai was internationally acknowledged for her struggle for democracy, human rights, and environmental conservation, and served on the board of many organisations.” Maathai’s mobilisation of African women was not limited in its vision to work for sustainable development; she saw treeplanting in a broader perspective which included democracy, women’s rights, and international solidarity. In the words of the Nobel Committee: “She thinks globally and acts locally.” MAYA ANGELOU BIRTHDAY: APRIL 4, 1928 The world’s foremost expert in chimpanzees, Jane Goodall has made lasting contributions to science and environmentalism JANE GOODALL BIRTHDAY: APRIL 3, 1934 1 2 3 4 Jane Goodall was first introduced to chimpanzees when she was a baby. Her father presented her with a toy chimpanzee when she was one year old. She named it Jubilee. Goodall observed animals from a young age. Once, she sat for five hours in her family’s chicken coop to watch a hen lay an egg. When Goodall graduated from high school, she couldn’t afford college tuition. Instead, she worked for years as a secretary, a waitress, and a filmmaker’s assistant. Goodall first travelled to Africa when she was 23 years old to visit a friend in Kenya. There, she met famous anthropologist Dr Louis S B Leakey who hired Goodall as his assistant. He later sent her to Tanzania. Shortly after working in Tanzania, Goodall made two revolutionary observations about chimpanzees: 1) that they used tools, a behaviour previously 5 attributed only to humans; 2) chimpanzees were not vegetarian. Following these discoveries, National Geographic sponsored Goodall’s work, sending photographer Hugo van Lawick to document Goodall and the chimpanzees. Van Lawick and Goodall married in 1964. Goodall entered Cambridge University as a PhD candidate in 1962 – one of the first PhD students accepted by the university without a college degree. She graduated in 1966 with a PhD in Ethology. Despite being recognised as the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees, Goodall’s work has not escaped controversy. Some scientists disapproved that Goodall named chimpanzees rather than assigning them numbers. Others criticised her for using feeding stations arguing that she disrupted natural feeding patterns. Her books became so popular that the chimpanzees she worked with became known. When one of the chimpanzees died — old Flo — the “London Times” printed an obituary. 6 7 8 A legendary author, poet, activist and all around inspiring woman, Maya Angelou touched the lives of many through her work. Here are some of her most inspiring and uplifting quotes. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” “It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself: to forgive. Forgive everybody.” “I’ve learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same thing as ‘making a life’.” “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” “If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.” “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demon- 1 2 3 4 9 “I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.” 5 6 7 8 strating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” “No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.” 10 1 Experts believe that a lot of Andersen’s stories were autobiographical. Like the tale of “The Ugly Duckling” reflects Andersen’s own feelings of alienation, as he was teased for his appearance and high-pitched voice when he was a boy. There’s also evidence that Andersen placed his characters in desperate and hopeless situations to reflect his own personal traumas, which included being raised in poverty, losing his father, and having to briefly work in a factory at age 11 to support his mother. According to UNESCO, Andersen is the eighth most-translated writer in the world, trailing right behind Vladimir Lenin. Though his works have been reproduced in more than 125 languages, not all of them have been faithful retellings. Some of the translations make his writing seem simplistic and only seen as children’s stories. Story goes that Andersen and Dickens has a fallout thanks to the former’s bad behaviour at the author’s house. Andersen met his literary hero, Charles Dickens, at an aristocratic party in 1847. And a decade later he visited the Dickens home in Kent, England. The visit was meant to last two weeks at most, but Andersen ended up staying five weeks. During this time, he was a bad guest who threw tantrums, crossed boundaries much to the chagrin of the Dickens family. Once Andersen left, Dickens wrote and displayed a note that read, “Hans Andersen slept in this room for five weeks—which seemed to the family AGES!” This visit effectively ended their friendship. He was a man of phobias. He was afraid of dogs. He didn’t eat pork because he worried he would get a stomach bug. He kept a long rope in his luggage while travelling, in case he needed to escape a fire. He even feared he would accidentally be declared dead and buried alive. On his bed each night, he would prop a note that read: “I only appear to be dead.” He never got his own fairy tale ending. At different points in his life, he fell for a number of women but his feelings were unrequited each time. The Danish government declared Andersen a “national treasure” when he was in his late sixties, around the same time that he started showing symptoms of the liver cancer that would ultimately claim his life. The government started constructing a statue of the author in the King’s Garden in Copenhagen to commemorate his 70th birthday. Andersen died four months after his birthday. 2 3 THE ACTOR WHO MADE IRON MAN A HOUSEHOLD NAME HAS HAD A TROUBLED JOURNEY BUT HAS MANAGED TO BEAT ALL ODDS In his short life, Raffaello Sanzio nown di Urbino popularly known as Raphael left behindd an incredible legacy clude the iconic School of Athens. BIRTHDAY: APRIL 4, 1965 MIC MICHELANGELO’S R RIVAL RAPHAEL BIRTHDAY: APRIL 6, 1483 LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON Raphael had art in his blood. d. His father, Giovanni Santi, wass a court painter in Raphael’s hometown Urbino. Santi painted altarpieces and portraits for the court of Urbino, but died when Raphael was 11 years old. This left him an orphan, as his mother had passed when he was only eight years old. ARTISTIC JOURNEY ROBERT DOWNEY JR R obert John Downey Jr. has had a super successful run in Hollywood but for a long time he was battling issues of substance abuse and lawsuits but only to come back stronger than before. Named by “Time” Magazine as among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2008, and making it to the “Forbes” 20131015 list as Hollywood’s highestpaid actor, Downey has had a brilliant comeback from rock bottom. Here are some lesserknown facts about him. B the time Raphael arBy rived in Rome in 1508, Michelangelo had already been hard at work for Pope Julius II for three years. Eight years Raphael’s senior and alrready established, Michelangelo ended up working an next door to the young upnex start. While Raphael worked on the Pope’s Pope library in the Stanza della Segnatura, Michelangelo was working close by on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Raphael’s painting technique garnered much attention and praise, to the dismay of Michelangelo. This sparked an intense rivalry between the artists. A CLIMATE WARRIOR Downey is passionate about fighting climate change and is committed to using new technology to build a sustaina- A CHARMER By the time he was 17, Raphael was alRaphael is remembered for his charming ready considered a fully trained artist, personality. His affable manner was perbut he wasn’t yet ready to start his own haps cultivated during his time surroundpractice. He followed what artists of that ed by the court of Urbino. In contrast, Mitime did – became an assistant in an eschelangelo was known for his sullen and tablished workshop. He moved to Perugia brooding nature. His manners earned him to work under one of the foremost masa good standing with the elite who commisters of the early Renaissance – Pisioned his work, but it also made him a etro Perugino. Perugino was great leader for his own team of an early adopter of oil paintartists. Raphael built up a studio For a brief ing and found success of 50 assistants. period, Raphael working for Pope Sixtus became the leading IV to paint the walls of architect in Rome and in the Sistine Chapel. Raph1514, he was asked to ael’s early style closely He died on his 37th birthday design the famous St. mimics Perugino, but (April 6, 1520) for reasons that Peter’s Basilica in Raphael soon surpassed aren’t entirely clear. Historians Vatican City his master. In fact, Perugino have listed pneumonia, pulmowas originally asked by Pope nary disease, and exhaustion from Julius II to paint the Stanza of the being overworked as possible theories. Incendio del Borgo at the Vatican but he Whatever the reason, his early death was switched his choice to Raphael. That a tragedy. In the two weeks leading up to his room now is part of what is now collecpassing, he put his affairs in order and retively called the Raphael Rooms and inquested to be buried in the Pantheon. DIED YOUNG RAVI SHANKAR BIRTHDAY: APRIL 7, 1920 1 A Bengali Brahmin, he was born Robindra Shankar on April 7, 1920 in Varanasi, the youngest of four brothers, and spent his first 10 years in relative poverty, brought up by his mother. He was almost eight before he met his absent father, a globe-trotting lawyer, philosopher, writer and former minister to the Maharajah of Jhalawar. Shankar began his career as a dancer at the age of 10, when he went to Paris to join his brother’s 2 4 5 6 ble future. He introduced The Footprint Coalition, an organisation he co-founded to clean up the planet. The actor has also signed a book deal to release a book that will help people reduce their carbon footprint. TURNED HIS LIFE AROUND The late 90s was a difficult period for the actor as he was arrested on several accounts between 1996 and 2001 due to substance abuse issues. He was even sentenced to prison for RISKY CASTING AS IRON MAN After years of drug abuse, alcoholism, and arrests, he was considered a risk as his public image had taken a beating. Director and friend Jon Favreau backed him up strongly for the role – and his 2008 movie “Iron Man” set the course for future Marvel movies. three years. After spending one year in prison, Downey was granted an early release, and he decided to turn his life around within a few years. PRACTICES MARTIAL ARTS He has been sober since 2003 and what truly helped turn his life around was martial arts. The actor has been practicing martial arts for many years, particularly Wing Chun, a martial art once practiced by Bruce Lee, who went on to invent his Jeet Kune Do technique. The training coincided with his recovery and helped him become grounded, open to others, and more sensitive. SAVED BY A MUSIC VIDEO During his bad phase, studios were dropping him from roles due to his conflicted image with the public. During this time, Elton John stepped up to help him get a positive arc for his career. In 2001, John wanted Downey to star in his music video for “I Want Love”. It was directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson within a day and became a critical success. (Uday Shankar) troupe. Eight years later, he came back to India and committed his life to sitar. He apprenticed under the tutelage of Ustad Allauddin Khan, more fondly known as Baba, who taught Shankar the instrument. Shankar composed music for several movies and even served as a music director at All India Radio. He was befriended by the lead guitarist of The Beatles, George Harrison, who took sitar lessons from the maestro. Shankar composed a ‘mournful’ new raga after Gandhi’s assassination, which later became the soundtrack for the movie “Gandhi”. Shankar’s two daughters, Anoushka Shankar and Norah Jones are exceptional musicians in their own right. The legend was also the recipient of the country’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna in 1996. He also won the Grammy three times. Shankar maintained residences in both India and the United States. He passed away in San Diego on December 11, 2012. 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 HISTORICAL FIGURES WHO JOURNALLED Leonardo da Vinci Frida Kahlo Marie Curie Anne Frank Mark Twain Charles Darwin Lewis Carroll Thomas Edison AND WHY YOU SHOULD TOO JENNIFER ANISTON Since she was thirteen years old, Aniston has kept diaries and thinks of them as her treatment appointments. She usually has a plain journal that she is said to keep in a safe at home. In her old interviews she has said that she rarely reads her old journals but uses them to curate her thoughts and feelings. EMMA WATSON “I think your thoughts are so much less frightening when they’re tangible when you can see them on a page in front of you,” Watson said in an interview. She’s a very organised journal keeper and has at least ten separate personal diaries: a dream diary, a yoga diary, diaries on people she has met and things they’ve said to her, and advice they’ve given her. She says that the journals are a safe environment for her to explore her creative side. ARIANNA HUFFINGTON Acclaimed businesswoman, syndicated columnist, author Arianna Huffington also launched “Thrive Journal”, to which she attributes much of her success to. In it, she lays out what she believes to be the key elements of self-reflection. These include: auditing your life; setting goals for each part of your life and finding gratitude in each day. JOSEPH GORDONLEVITT Joseph Gordon-Levitt considers keeping a notebook vital to his devel- opment and success. For him journalling is a tool for self-reflection. In an interview he said: “I like to write. I’ve gone through different phases in my life of writing in a journal more or less frequently, but it’s something I turn to, especially when I’m trying to work through something that’s vexing WHY JOURNAL Helps to deal with big feelings; Improves writing skills; Enhances communication skills; Reduces stress; Sharpens memory and stimulates cognitive function; Encourages achievement of goals; Cultivates mindfulness; Promotes good habits me.” He has also mentioned that journaling helps him think more clearly. MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY A self-proclaimed journalling evangelist, Matthew McConaughey feels that more men should journal to be more introspective about their feelings through the power of writing. In an Instagram video, the actor addresses the men to start journaling. “Look I’ve had a lot of my male friends, dudes, say, ‘Nah I don’t want to journal, man. Dudes don’t journal.’ Yeah we do and I’ll tell you why. Any of you dudes out there [who] work daily to be better men, have places you want to go, things you want to achieve in life — be better fathers, be better friends, be better at our career — write them down.”