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Study Guide Two

PHIL B103: Introduction to Logic
Study Guide for Quiz 2
The quiz will be in class on Thursday, 4/6
• The quiz will focus on the content from February 14th through March 23rd on the
syllabus (i.e., the sections we covered from §4.4 through §9.5, as listed on the syllabus).
Some of the previous content will be relevant as well.
• Like the previous test, the problems on the quiz will be like your homework problems, though they will all be handwritten on paper (no use of the LPL programs).
• You should be able to give the truth tables for ∧, ∨, ¬, →, and ↔, and be able to test
whether sentences are equivalent or imply each other using truth tables.
• You should be able to translate English sentences into fol and translate fol into English,
including some basic sentences involving ∃ and ∀, such as the four Aristotelian forms.
Make sure to study tricky expressions like only if and unless.
• You should be able to do proofs using all of the Fitch rules we have covered so far. The
proofs on the quiz will be fairly short (less than 10 steps), but there may be a longer
proof as extra credit.
• You should be able to give a basic definition of soundness and completeness.