How to Become: Bachelor's Degree: Typically you would need a Bachelor's Degree in chemist ry, biology, or genet ics. Just a Bachelor's degree w ill probably get you a laboratory assist ant job w it h lit t le advancement . Master's Degree: Acquiring a Master's Degree w ill definitely open more doors for advancement . W it h a Master's Degree , you could be a genet ic counselor or a laboratory assist ant w it h more promot ions. Ph.D, M.D, D.O: For t hose w ho w ish to lead t heir ow n research and project s must obt ain one of t he listed degrees. Geneticist noun an expert in or st udent of heredit ary and t he variat ion of inherit ed charact erist ics. Qualities: ~ Logical ~Oral & Writt en Communication Skills ~Curiosity * ~ Genetic counselor's should be compassionate and have interpersonal skills. What they might do: History & Future The first Genet icist w as Gregor Mendel in 1856 and he st udied t he st at ist ical t rait s from parent to child. His work w as merely a hypot hesis unt il advanced techniques proved his work in later years. ` -Manage laboratory teams and monitor t heir work. -Present t heir research findings to ot her people in t he scient ific field. -Review t he work of ot her scient ist s and maybe at tend conferences -prepare research report s based on t heir scient ific findings. -Secure funding and sponsors, and w rite grant applicat ions SALARY: A 2016 survey revealed t hat t he annual genet icist salary is $80, 200 w it h 10% earning more t han $121, 360. The average salary depends on t he experience, locat ion, educat ion and specialt y. PACKAGE 2