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Pilot Training Contract - FLYTEAM Ltd.

Pilot training contract
Which has been settled down – taking into consideration Commission Regulation (EU) No
1178/2011 on Aircrew Regulation and all relevant Hungarian provisions of the Act about
Adult training nr.: LXXVII-2013 ¬ between:
hereinafter: Training Organization (TO), and between:
Name:………………... ……………………………………..
Place and date of birth: ……………………………………..
Address:……………... ……………………………………..
Phone number:………. ……………………………………..
E-mail:………………. ……………………………………..
hereinafter as Student, with the following circumstances:
General circumstances:
Training:……………………......................... Privat Pilot Licence (PPL A)
Place of practical training (airport):………... Szeged Airport (LHUD)
Payment method:…………………………... pay in installments
Price of practical training:…………………. …7990… EUR
Minimum flight hours:…………………....... 45
Aircraft used on practical training:…….…... Diamond DA20/DV20
The TO – with the consent of the participant – ensures the other party that the content of
the application form and its annexes is to be handled confidentially and with discretion,
according to the all legal requirements. This obligation of the TO is in force for the
participants study data as well for the period required by the law.
The TO provides all necessary circumstances for the training and it is in possession of the
required approvals of the competent authority for the course.
The Student certifies with his or her signature, that he or she meets the pre-entry
requirements and holds the necessary licenses required – if applicable – for the given
course in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 on Aircrew
Regulation - Annexes I to IV - Flight Crew Licensing (FCL) and Medical (MED)
In case the Students holds a non EASA Part FCL license it is the Students obligation to
convert the license to EASA Part FCL license via the competent authority prior to the
course. Any intention of the Student to convert acquired EASA Part FCL license’s to non
EASA Part FCL license is also the task of the Student.
The Student certifies with his or her signature, that he or she is aware of the required
information concerning the course provided by the TO.
The above mentioned minimum practical flying hours are the minimum requirement to
apply for authority exam. According to the Students instructor’s assessment of the
Students competency further hours may be required prior to the TO endorsement for
authority exam.
In case the Student interrupts his or her training for a period of 30 days or longer, he or
she will be obliged to take refresher flying hours (minimum 1).
The Student agrees that his or her progress in the training is scheduled by his or her
instructor according to his or her competencies. In case the Student cannot meet the
minimum theoretical knowledge required for his or her practical training the training may
be interrupted by his or her instructor.
10. The student accepts the obligation of the ATO to report to CAA and EASA if a student
endangers any flight operation intentionally or unintentionally (i.e.: due to medical, or
psychological reasons) which might affect the students future aviation career.
11. The student accepts that for safety reasons solo flights might be carried out with a safety
pilot on board the aircraft if deemed necessary by the head of training.
12. The Student acknowledges that prior to the start of the course he or she has to pay 1000
EUR deposit to the TO.
13. The price of the course does not include the required medical assessment, authority
exams and landing fees on airports other than the TO base airports (LHUD, LHTL).
14. The TO provides the opportunity to pay the course fee in instalments while upcoming
practical training fees have to be payed always in advance.
15. In case a Student is unable to show up on a scheduled practical training and does not
notify it to the TO 24 hours in advance of the training occasion, he or she has to pay 20
EUR to the TO.
16. International training flights not required by the training on the Students request are
subject to extra fees which fee is depending on the destination country, and the chosen
17. In case a Student terminates his or her training on his or her request the prepaid training
fees 70% may be reimbursed by the TO.
18. The Student has to transfer the necessary exam fees to the authority at least 10 days in
advance of the exam.
19. The Student can pay training fees in cash our via bank transaction according to the
following details of the TO:
FlyTeam Ltd. 6728 Szeged Bajai út Repülőtér
OTP BANK: 11735005-20548575-00000000
Swift: otpvhuhb
Iban: hu75-11735005-20548575-00000000
20. Further disciplinary obligations in relation to the training: the Student must:
a. have a local phone number for the easy availability;
b. not tow or move the aircrafts by themselves;
c. have all the course entry requirements passed prior starting the training;
d. acquire permission from the supervising instructor prior any solo flight;
e. have passed all home exams, type rating, medical examination and an
instructor check ride before the first solo flight;
f. keep the study environment clean and tidy;
g. inform the assigned instructor the day before until 20:00 in case the student
intends to cancel the flight. If the cancellation in not done until the specified
time or the student doesn’t present oneself, the flight will be charged;
h. not cheat at any exams during the training. Violation of this rule may result in
total elimination from the training;
i. acknowledge minimum training hours are based on the relevant Part_FCL
regulation, although the instructor has the right to determine that the applicant
may have not reached the sufficient level to be released to the CAA check ride
at the minimum required flight time thus further flight hours may be required
based on individual skills and capabilities;
j. accept that due to operating limitations flights cannot be initiated if the
temperature exceeds 33°C. If it exceeds 31°C, only cross-country flights are
allowed. This value is based on the local METAR temperature.
21. This Contract shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of
Hungary. The Contracting parties submit all their disputes arising out of or in connection
with this Contract to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Municipal Court of Szeged.
Date: ____________________
FlyTeam Ltd.