Gross income special inclusions.mmap For example: s 7, s 8(4)(a) & s 24I(3) (n) any amount in terms of any other provision of the Act to be included in income (a) annuity (case law), "living annuity" (s1) or "annuity amount" (other than from policy of insurance refer par (d)(ii) of GI definition) Policy for death, disablement or severe illness of employee or director (less loans already taxed) Exempt: s10(1)(gH) if premiums not deducted under s 11(w) give up capital in exchange for these payments you never see the capital again (m) key-person policies Test if the principal continues to exist as a debt or is liquidated when the transaction takes place. If it is liquidated the payments constitute an annuity.’ Hogan extinguish the capital Annual, repetitive, chargeable "living annuity" and par (d)(ii) will be dealt with in the "Individuals" lecture later in the year 10(2) No exemptions apply if annuity and 10(1)(h) 10(1)(k) 10A (lC) government grant received ito s 12P 10C (b) alimony, allowance or maintenance Possible exemption: s 10(1)(k) and s 10B (jA) disposal of any asset manufactured , produced, constructed or assembled Labour brokers and personal service providers SPECIAL INCLUSIONS in "gross income" (SILKE Ch. 4) amount STIPULATED in the agreement if not stipulated then use FAIR AND REASONABLE VALUE Natural persons by virtue of employment (cA) and (cB) restraint of trade Payer's deduction in terms of s 11( cA) Individuals' lecture later in the year: (c) services, employment, holding of any office ( Stevens v C:SARS) (d) relating to office or employment (e) and (eA) fund benefits (f) commutation of amounts due (i) cash equivalent of fringe benefits AMOUNT USE, or Accrual of right to have improvement effected IN PRACTICE (do in tests): Same time as deduction granted for lessee, THUS completion of improvements (divorce settlements after 21 March 1962) TIME Deduction for lessee in terms of s 11( g) Section 11(h) relief (h) right to have leasehold improvements effected (obligation vs permission) the person receiving includes RIGHT of use (g) premium not just for land and building "distinct from and in addition to, or in lieu of, rent" Lessee's deduction in terms of s 11( f) person paying imparting (or undertaking to impart) (gA) scientific , technical, industrial or commercial knowledge ("know-how") assistance with application or utilization of such knowledge (or undertaking to assist with application or utilization of such knowledge Payer's deduction in terms of s 11( f) Exemptions Deductions Copyright (c) University of Pretoria 2021, All rights reserved. show inclusions and exemption seperately Recipient effectively not taxed, and payer receives no deduction (k) dividend or foreign dividend IF similar to assets for manufacture, sale or exchange burden of proof on the taxpayer Exempt: s10(1)(u) does not matter whether its capital or revenue in nature!!!!!! received by not a sole proprietor = normal def capital in nature