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Computer Networks: Classification by Transmission Technology

Computer Networks
Classification of Computer Networks
Part 1
Classification of computer
There is no generally accepted taxonomy
into which all computer networks fit
Two dimensions stand out: transmission
technology and scale
Classification of computer
When classified by transmission technology, there
are broadly two types networks
Broadcast networks
Point-to-point networks
Broadcast networks
Broadcast networks
Broadcast systems have:
A Single/Shared communication channel - shared
by all the computers/hosts on the network.
Packets sent by any host are received by all others.
Broadcast networks
Two broadcast networks (a) Bus (b) Ring
Broadcast networks
Ethernet Frame
Broadcast networks
Modes of communication
Unicast (one-to-one) communication: frame
is received by only one host; Unicast address in
the address field
Broadcast (one-to-all) communication: frame
is received by all hosts:. Broadcast address
(special code) in the address field
Multicast (one-to-many) communication :
frame is received by a subset of the hosts.
Group address (different from the unicast
address) is entered in the address field. A host
can subscribe to any or all of the groups
Broadcast networks
Upon receiving a packet
Each host checks the address field if the destination
address matches one of the three addresses:
unicast, multicast, broadcast.
How does each host determine whether an
address is unicast, multicast or broadcast?
If it matches, it is received else the packet is
ignored (coz intended for some other host )
Broadcast networks
Broadcast networks have some limitations
Number of computers that can be attached to the shared
medium is limited.
The geographical area that can be covered by the network
is often limited
How then can we facilitate communication between hosts that
are distant from one another?
Point-to-point networks.
Point to point networks are scalable and can grow to a
large number of nodes.
Point-to-point networks
Point to point Networks
In point-to-point networks
Individual pairs of computers are connected, not necessarily
They can be linked indirectly via a communications network
(network of intermediate nodes connected using point-to-point
A packet being transmitted may visit many intermediate nodes.
Point to point Networks
Relationship between hosts and subnet
Point-to-point networks
Data moves from source through the network of
intermediate nodes to destination(s), switching
from one p2p link to another.
Multiple routes of different lengths possible
between any two computers.
Point-to-point networks
Modes of communication:
Unicast communication: mostly point-to-point
transmission with one sender and one receiver.
Multicast or broadcast communication is possible
but complex to achieve in point-to-point networks.
Point-to-point networks
A general rule:
Smaller geographically localized
networks tend to use broadcasting
Larger networks tend to use point-topoint
Classification of computer
Broadcast networks
Point to point networks
A single communication channel that is
shared by all the machines on the network
Multiple communication channels. Pairs of
computers are linked indirectly via a network
of intermediate computers.
Frames sent by any machine are received
by all others. A frame is accepted by
intended recipient(s) and discarded by others
(non in
tended recipients)
Communication is received only by intended
recipient(s). Communication is typically
achieved by transmitting data from source to
destination(s) through the network of
intermediate nodes
Often a single route between any two
Often multiple routes of different lengths are
possible between any two computers.
Unicast, multicast and broadcast
communication are all possible.
Unicast, multicast and broadcast
communication are all possible. However it is
difficult to achieve multicast and broadcast
Used in smaller geographically localized
Used in larger networks
Switching: Connecting end nodes via
network of transit nodes
Each Node transmits data from one
interface e.g. A to another interface
Route: sequence of nodes on the path
from the source to the destination nodes.
E.g. route 2-1-5-4,
Fig. 2.12. Switching via the network of transit nodes
Switching tasks:
Determining information flow
► Source
and destination addresses determine a
single flow for each pair of end nodes.
Routing of information flow – typically selects one
route based on appropriate criteria
Flow forwarding (local flow recognition and
switching)► Transit
nodes perform local interface switching.
Requires switching table.
Flow multiplexing and demultiplexing – merging and
separating flows – mixed flow
Fig. 2.14. Switch