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EMS'2022 Conference Proceeding: Energy & Material Sciences

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Physics
‫المؤتمر الدولي لعلوم الطاقة والمواد‬
16-17 November 2022
Supported by:
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EMS 2022
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Physics
‫المؤتمر الدولي لعلوم الطاقة والمواد‬
November 16 - 17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria.
Book of Abstract
Prof. Dr. Fateh Mebarek-Oudina
ISBN: 978-99319447-8-2
SKIKDA, 2022
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Honorary chairs
Pr. T. BOUFENDI (President of Skikda University)
Pr. A. KABIR (Dean of Science Faculty)
General chair
Organizing committee
F. Mebarek-Oudina,
K. Dhif,
F. Lakhfif,
D. Belatrache,
S. Louidi,
B. Madi,
S. Hamrelaine,
I. Tabet,
F. Annane,
R. Daira,
F. Chaouit
S. Boulekhsaim, A. Fekrache...
Scientific commitee
Pr. T. Boufendi (Skikda University, Algeria)
Pr. A. Bouchoucha (Constantine 1 University, Algeria)
Pr. M. Benhaliliba (USTOMB, Oran, Algeria)
Pr. F. Bouras (El Oued University, El Oued, Algeria)
Pr. N. Brihi (Jijel University, Jijel, Algeria)
Pr. M. Kadja (Constantine 1 University, Constantine, Algeria)
Pr. S. Benissad (Constantine 1 University, Constantine, Algeria)
Pr. A. Harrouz (Adrar University, Adrar, Algeria)
Pr. L. Adjlout (USTOMB, Oran, Algeria)
Pr. K. Belmokre (Skikda University, Algeria)
Pr. B. Boudjemaa (Skikda University, Skikda,Algeria)
Pr. A. Kabir (Skikda University, Algeria)
Pr. S. Louidi (Skikda University, Algeria)
Pr. K. Khounfais (Skikda University, Algeria)
Pr. R. Younes Bouacida (Skikda University, Skikda, Algeria)
Pr. A. Meftah (Skikda University, Skikda, Algeria)
Pr. Y. Kabar (École nationale polytechnique
de Constantine, Constantine, Algeria)
Dr. A. Gacem (Skikda University,Skikda, Algeria)
Dr. Y. Boudinar (Skikda University,Skikda, Algeria)
Dr. D. Benmenine (Kasdi MerbehUniversity, Ouargla,
Dr. S. Djellab (Skikda University, Skikda, Algeria)
Dr. I. Nouicer (Centre de Développement des Energies
Renouvelables, Algiers, Algeria)
Dr. A. Badia (Blida1 University, Blida, Algeria)
Dr. N. Saifi (Kasdi Merbeh University, Ouargla, Algeria)
Pr. S. Chouf (Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria)
Dr. A. Rebiai (El Oued University, El Oued, Algeria)
Dr. A. Laouer ( Jijel University, Jijel, Algeria)
Dr. A. Aissa (Mascara University, Mascara, Algeria)
Dr. A. Belaadi (Skikda University, Skikda, Algeria)
Dr. A. Bedjaoui (Skikda University,Skikda, Algeria)
Dr. B. Bouchhit (Skikda University,Skikda, Algeria)
Dr. S. Boulehrouz (Khenchela University, Algeria)
International Scientific commitee
Prof. Dr. S. Harikrishnan (Kings Engineering College, Tamil Nadu,
Prof. Dr. S. Rahman (Sunway University, Malaysia, and Lancaster
University, UK)
Prof. Dr. O. Manca (Università degli Studidella Campania, Italia)
Prof. Dr. B. A. Schrefler (University of Padova, Padova, Italy)
(Institute for Advanced Study of Technical University of Munich,
Garching beiMunchen, Germany)
Prof. Dr. D. Baleanu (Institute of Space Sciences, Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. Dr. N. H. Abu-Hamdeh (King Abduaziz University, Saudi Arabia)
Prof. Dr. Ali J. Chamkha (Kuwait College of Science and Technology,
Prof. Dr. G. S. Seth (Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad,
Dhanbad, India)
Prof. Dr. M. Sankar (University of Technology and Applied Sciences,
Prof. Dr. Hakan F. Öztop (Fırat University, Elazig, Turkey)
Prof. Dr. M. Rahimi-Gorji (Ghent University, Gent, Belgium)
Prof. Dr. A. M. Pavlenko (Politechnika Świętokrzyska, Kielce, Poland)
Prof. M. Magherbi (University of Gabès,Gabès, Tunisia)
Prof. Dr. Z. Saghir (Ryerson University,Toronto, Canada)
Prof. Dr. I. E. Sarris (University of West Attica, Athens, Greece)
Prof. Dr. A. I. Ismail (Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca, Saudi Arabia)
Prof. Dr. B. Kundu (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
Prof. Dr. Hussein A. Muhammed (Curtin University, Perth, Australia)
Prof. Dr. M. Sheremet (Tomsk State University, Russia)
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
Prof. Dr. A. M. Aly (South ValleyUniversity, Luxor University, Egypt)
Prof. Dr. R. Djebali (University ofJendouba, Jendouba, Tunisia)
Prof. Dr. S. M. Abo-Dahab (SouthValley University, Luxor University,
Prof. Dr. O. Y. Latyshev (Int. Mariinskaya Acad. Moscow, Russia.)
Prof. Dr. Tilemachos K Koliopoulos (University of West Attica, Greece)
Prof. Dr. S M Sohel Murshed (Department of Mechanical Engineering
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Dr. I. L. Animasaun (Federal University of Technology, Akure, Negeria)
Dr. T. Gul, (City University of Science and Information Technology,
Peshawar, Pakistan)
Dr. B. Mahanthesh (Christ University, Bangalore, India)
Dr. B. Souayeh (King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia)
Dr. Hussein Togun (University of Thi-Qar, Iraq)
Dr. S. U. Khan (COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus,
Dr. N. A. Shah (Sejong University, South Korea)
Dr. A. Abidi (King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia)
Dr. G. Rasool (College of International Students, Wuxi University, Wuxi,
Jiangsu, China)
Dr. H. Vaidya (Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, India)
Dr. S. El-Sapa (Damanhour University, Damanhūr, Egypt)
Dr. M. Saqib (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia)
Dr. O. Ojjela (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, India)
Dr. K. Ramesh (Symbiosis Institute ofTechnology, India)
Dr. R. Ennetta (National School of Engineers, Gabes University, Tunisia)
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Topic 1: Energy Transition & Renewable Energies
ID: EMS-100
pp. 53
Innovative Materials for Solid Hydrogen storage dedicated to Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicles
ICB-PMDM/FR FCLAB, UBFC University, UTBM University, France
ID: EMS-101
pp. 54
Experimental investigation of a hybrid solar-geothermal desalination process
Yacine SADAOUI, Rassim BELAKROUM, Lotfi ZIANI, Abdelhafid GHERFI, Noureddine CHERAD
ID: EMS-102
pp. 54
Durability study of stabilized earth based on recycled clay mud
ID: EMS-103
pp. 54
Development of Multifunctional Additives Based on Alkenyl Succinic Anhydrides for Diesel and Biodiesel Fuel.
ID: EMS-104
pp. 55
Application of electroluminescence technique to the characterization of conventional solar cells.
Yougherta CHIBANE, Yacine KOUHLANE, Amani AMIRAT, Djoudi BOUHAFS
ID: EMS-105
pp. 55
Etude théorique des interactions dans le complexe d'inclusion Trans-Anéthol@β-Cyclodextrine ainsi que l'effet du
solvant sur le spectre d'émission et d'absorption.
ID: EMS-106
pp. 55
Vector Control of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Incorporate in Wind Energy Conversion System with fuzzy
logic controller MPPT
DIB Razik, KHOUDIR Abed, KOUZI Katia,
ID: EMS-107
pp. 56
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Fuzzy direct torque control (DTFC) of a polyphase machine based wind energy conversion system
DIB Razik, KHOUDIR Abed, KOUZI Katia,
ID: EMS-108
pp. 56
Determination of the performance of a wind turbine with P.V.C blades intended for rural use
ID: EMS-109
pp. 56
Study of the effect heat treatments on the dopes segregation in polycrystalline silicon films
S. Silini, S. Yousfi, B. Hadjoudja, A. Chibani
ID: EMS-1010
pp. 57
La valorisation des coproduits agroalimentaires pour la production de Biosurfactants par Bacillus megaterieum et son
application dans la récupération des boues pétrolières
ID: EMS-1011
pp. 57
Production du biogaz par co-digestion
ID: EMS-1012
pp. 58
Study of an organic macromolecule obtained from Algerian petroleum
ID: EMS-1013
pp. 58
Use of Clove seed extract as eco-friendly corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in sodium chloride environment.
ID: EMS-1014
pp. 58
Valorisation energetique des boues des stations de traitement des eaux usees (step) et production du biogaz
N. Nedjah, N. Arabi, M.Baccouche
ID: EMS-1015
pp. 59
Experimental investigation of biodiesel blending effect on the mechanical performance and emissions of a diesel engine.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS- 1016
pp. 59
Experimental investigation of the geometry effect on a Savonius VAWT performance
Lotfi Lakhdhar, Mohamed Salah Idrissi, Ridha Ennetta
ID: EMS- 1017
pp. 60
Aerodynamics investigation on the three-dimensional flow in inside and outside of solar tunnel greenhouse
M. Aissa, S. Laouar, B. Dadda
ID: EMS- 1018
pp. 60
Modeling and simulation of a heliostats field of a mini solar tower in Adrar region (Algeria)
DOUAK Mohamed, ZAROUAL Aouachria
ID: EMS- 1019
pp. 60
Cathodic protection system supplied by PV panels and controlled in automatic
ID: EMS-1020
pp. 61
Réalisation d’un Système d’Alarme Combiné Infrarouge /Micro Radar
BOUAM Nawras, KOUDIAH Noureddine
ID: EMS-1021
pp. 61
Contribution à l’Etude des Propriétés Structurelles des Matériaux pour le Backsheet d’un module PV.
ID: EMS-1022
pp. 62
Analyse Expérimentale des Performances d’un Prototype d’une Tour Vortex
ID: EMS-1023
pp. 62
Etude du comportement à l’impact à faible vitesse d’un composite Alfa/green-epoxy
Mokhtar KHALDI, Mohamed Mokhtar BOUZIANE, Alexandre VIVET, Kaouter HAMAMOUSSE, Habiba
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS- 1024
pp. 62
Analyse Expérimentale de l’Influence de l’Hybridation sur le Vieillissement Hydrique d’un composite partiellement
Mokhtar KHALDI, Foudil KHELIL, Mohamed Mokhtar BOUZIANE, Alexandre VIVET, Habiba BOUGHERARA
ID: EMS-1025
pp. 63
Vertical axis wind turbine: simulation with the sliding mesh
ID: EMS-1026
pp. 63
Photosensitizers for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: A Comparative Study of Twelve Natural Pigments Extracted From
Different Sources.
Yasmine HALIMI, Zakaria BOUZID
ID: EMS-1027
pp. 64
Analysis and Interpretation of Wind Speed Data Distribution Based on Eight Statistical Laws: A Comparison Study
Zakaria BOUZID, Yasmine HALIMI, Meymoun BELAOUI, Nassera GHELLAI
ID: EMS-1028
pp. 64
Characterization of solar panels degraded with nature influence
Nadir HACHEMI, Fatna TAIBI, elfahem SAKHER, Ahmed BOURAIOU, Ammar NECAIBIA, Rachide TIGRINE,
ID: EMS-1029
pp. 65
Effect of Agitation Timing on Bioethanol Production from Cassava Peels using Separate Hydrolysis and Co-fermentation
Adewale Allen SOKAN-ADEAGA, Godson R.E.E. ANA and Abel Olajide OLORUNNISOLA
ID: EMS-1030
pp. 66
Modeling and simulation of organic photovoltaic cells
ID: EMS-1031
pp. 66
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Optimisation de la puissance par MPPT pour une chaîne photovoltaïque
ID: EMS-1032
pp. 66
Influence of curing type and climate on accelerated carbonation of precast concrete
Ben Khadda BEN AMMAR
ID: EMS-1033
pp. 66
Reduction of formation of B-O defects in Si type “P” wafers by the guttering process
ID: EMS-1034
pp. 67
Wind Energy Resource Assessment at Noumerat Region in The North of the Algerian Sahara
ID: EMS-1035
pp. 67
A review on Synthesis, Characterization and Biomedical Applications of Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles
Nourelhouda BOUNEDJAR, Redha AHMEDI
ID: EMS-1036
pp. 68
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Study on the effect of the AHA green inhibitor on the surface reactivity of an
AISI 304L stainless steel in industrial environments.
Nourelhouda BOUNEDJAR and Yamina BOUNDINAR
ID: EMS-1037
pp. 68
Study and modeling of an organic photovoltaic cell transparent in the visible
ID: EMS-1038
pp. 69
Integral PI controller for wind energy conversion system based on a doubly fed induction generator
ID: EMS- 1039
pp. 69
Direct active and reactive power regulation of DFIG using intelligent modified sliding-mode control approach
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-1040
pp. 69
Control Strategies of Wind Turbine Based on Variable Speeds Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with a Battery
Storage System for Standalone
ID: EMS-1041
pp. 70
Performance analysis of a renewable energy system for agricultural load
Aicha SOUFI, Zehor ALLAM
ID: EMS-1042
pp. 70
Aerodynamic design adaptation of medium wind turbine for low wind speed region: case of study Algerian north regions
ID: EMS-1043
pp. 70
Étude Analytique et Mécanisme de la Formation des Dépôts de la Poudre Noire dans la Chaine de Transport et de la
Production de GPL Algérien
Sadjia LAMRAOUI, Zaher IHDENE, Rabah KADI, ASalaheddine OUDJ
ID: EMS-1044
pp. 71
Study of green hydrogen production in Constantine city
ilyes.nouicer@gmail.com ; i.nouicer@cder.dz
ID: EMS-1045
pp. 72
Theoretical study of electronic and optical properties of CuAlxGa1-xTe2 for photovoltaic applications
A. Kassaa, N. Benslim, A. Otmani, A. Shankar, Abeer E. Aly
ID: EMS-1046
pp. 72
Numerical Investigation on the melting process of metal foam/NEPCM Composite inside a latent heat storage Unit
ID: EMS-1047
pp. 72
Control of properties morphological and opto-electronic of nanostructured Silicon for Solar Cells
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Leila HARKAT, Ghania FORTAS, Nabil KHELIFATI, Boudjemaa BOUAOUINA, Chahinaz NASRAOUI, Amar
ID: EMS-1048
pp. 73
Simulation numérique d’un capteur hybride photovoltaïque thermique à air
N. Aderghal, A. Ghellab, Boubechou, A. Bouchoucha
ID: EMS-1049
pp. 73
Developing renewable energies for an energy transition in Algeria, what about it?
ID: EMS-1050
pp. 74
Combining Experimental data Measurements and CFD Based Approach for Wind Flow Analysis over the Region of
Hassi R’mel
fares.meziane1981@gmail.com; f.meziane@cder.dz
ID: EMS-1051
pp. 74
Renewable Energies in Dubai of the Future
International Mariinskaya Academy named after M.D. Shapovalenko, Russia.
ID: EMS-1052
pp. 75
L. Mokhtari, Z. Nemouchi
ID: EMS-1053
pp. 75
Comparative analysis of type 1 and type 2 fuzzy logic controllers based MPPT technique for a variable-speed wind
turbine system
Sara Kadi, Habib Benbouhenni, Emad Abdelkarim
ID: EMS-1054
pp. 76
Dimensionnement d’un système hybride photovoltaïque-biomasse connecté au réseau pour l’alimentation d’une ferme
Mokhtari Narimane, Bekkouche Benaissa, Nadra Rechidi-Sidhoum.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-1055
pp. 76
Artificial intelligence in the optimization of connected agricultural systems
Djebbar Narimane, Ait Mekideche, karkar Nora, Chemali Hamimi
ID: EMS-1056
pp. 77
Effect of geometrical parameters on the performance of flat plate solar thermal collector
ID: EMS-1057
pp. 77
Study of degradation kinetics of Opuntia Ficus Indica flour /Talc reinforced Poly (lactic acid) bio-composites.
ID: EMS-1058
pp. 77
Physical and thermal characterization of bio-based FGM core sandwich walls for engineering insulation
Abdelmadjid SI SALEM, Sara MEDJMADJ, Souad AIT TALEB
ID: EMS-1059
pp. 78
Comparative study between the performance of zeolites and zeolite based composite in the removal of heavy metals from
the environment
Roufeida BENHENDA, Djamel NIBOU
ID: EMS-1060
pp. 78
A Novel Device based on Brilliant Green Dye Related to Solar Cell
ID: EMS-1061
pp. 79
CFD Analysis Of Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal Solar air Collector with multi-inlet
I. Tabet, A. khelifa , M. Chieul, C. Zemmali, N. Fourah
ID: EMS-1062
pp. 79
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Contact Metallization of N-Type Silicon Solar Cells Using Screen Printed Silver and Aluminum Pastes
Abdelghani BOUCHEHAM, Lyna GOUDJIL, Chirraz GHEDDOU, Abbes MARREF, Rachid CHALAL, Chahinez
Nasraoui, Lyes Benharrat, Boutaleb Labdelli, Abdelkader Djelloul, Ahmed Bahaeddine Bensedira, Mohamed Kezrane
ID: EMS-1063
pp. 79
A Numerical Investigation of the effect of viscous droplet in Diesel Spray condition
Feyçal Lakhfif, Zoubir Nemouchi
Topic 2: Materials
ID: EMS-201
pp. 80
Enhancement of the silicon nanowires performances on energy storage
ID: EMS-202
pp. 80
Structural and optical properties of ZnO: Al thin films perpared by pyrolysis spray method
ID: EMS-203
pp. 80
Etude bibliographique sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l'argile de bentonite
Youcef DAHMRI, Fayçal DJAZI, Sami GUIZA
ID: EMS-204
pp. 81
A theoretical study of the structural, electronic and mechanical properties of the ternary β-Ti-15Nb-xSi alloys for
biomaterials applications
ID: EMS-205
pp. 81
Caracterisation of MgO Thin Film Prepared by Sol-gel Dip-coating Method
ID: EMS-206
pp. 82
Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Half-Heusler compound TmPtBi: Using Wien2k
Oussama ADDOU, Amina TOUIA, Karima BENYAHIA
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-207
pp. 82
A comparative study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of YFeO3, Dy0.0625Y0.9375FeO3 and Dy0.125 Y0.875
FeO3 orthoferrites: ab initio study
ID: EMS-208
pp. 82
Paleozoic, evoluation from stratigraphic play to free gas condensed reservoir of Iraq
H.Al-Hadidy ABOOSH, Q. Mahdi ADNAN
ID: EMS-209
pp. 83
An experimental investigation of the water bypass phenomenon in artificial porous samples based on sand and PVC
Zakaria ADJOU
ID: EMS-2010
pp. 83
Co-adsorption of organic pollutants on calcium bentonite
ID: EMS-2011
pp. 84
Corrosion behavior of ZnO thin films in 3.5% NaCl solution
ID: EMS-2012
pp. 84
Carbon nanotubes synthesis via gas condensate pyrolysis over Fe/Al 2O3 catalyst
ID: EMS-2013
pp. 84
Synthesis and nonlinear Optical Properties Thin Films of new Coordination Complexe deposited by Spin- Coating
ID: EMS-2014
pp. 85
Study by XRD and Raman spectroscopy of annealing temperature effect on the formation of ZnO micro/nanostructured
thin films for hydrophobic applications
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2015
pp. 85
Effect of deposition temperature on structural, optical and electrical properties of Zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films deposited
by chemical bath deposition
ID: EMS-2016
pp. 85
Formation of the YFeO3 pervoskite obtained by ball milling.
ID: EMS-2017
pp. 86
Study of Rayleigh velocity variations in AlAs, GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs materials
ID: EMS-2018
pp. 86
Carbon nanotubes as adsorbents for asphaltenes removal from crude oil
Mustapha MILOUDI, Djamila BOUFADES
ID: EMS-2019
pp. 86
Study of a sedimentation tank
ID: EMS-2020
pp. 87
Structural and electronic properties of PbxSr1-xSeyTe1-y quaternary alloys via first-principle calculations
ID: EMS-2021
pp. 87
Unsophisticated two-step synthesis of pristine tin sulfides (SnS2) thin film via spray-coated approach.
ID: EMS-2022
pp. 87
Theoretical prediction of structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of the chalcopyrite CoFeS2 material: A DFT
ID: EMS-2023
Microstructure and magnetic proprieties of nanostructured Ni-P coatings
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
pp. 88
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2024
pp. 88
Optical, structural and surface morphology studies of silicon nanowires grown via plasma enhanced chemical vapor
Siham DJOUMI, Fatiha KAILA, Pere ROCA, Cabarrocasb, LARBI Chaheda
ID: EMS-2025
pp. 89
Investigations of Rayleigh velocity and acoustic impedances of cubic structure-metals
ID: EMS-2026
pp. 89
Synthèse, Caractérisation structurale et propriétés thermiques d’un Nouveau polymère de coordination à base de calcium
et l’acide cinnamique.
ID: EMS-2027
pp. 90
Structural, elastic and electronic properties of the ternary pnictides with alkali metal: a first principles study
Sihem SAIED, Said MAABED, Mohamed HALIT
ID: EMS-2028
pp. 90
Contribution in developing a method to quantifying residual stress in 2024 T3 alloy generated by FSW process
ID: EMS-2029
pp. 90
Synthesis and characterization of bulk MgB2 superconductor
ID: EMS-2030
pp. 91
Oxygen gas sensing properties of TiO2 and nanocomposites TiO2/ SnO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel method
Farida MEDJALDI, Abderrahmane BOUABELLOU
ID: EMS-2031
pp. 91
FPLAPW Study of thermodynamic and electronic Properties of Cd1-xZnx Te alloy
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2032
pp. 91
Synthesis and characterisation of keggin type vanadophosphomolybdate
ID: EMS-2033
pp. 92
Crystallographic analysis of poly crystalline silicon substrates
ID: EMS-2034
pp. 92
Structural, mechanical and thermal properties of Mg3Y alloy: a DFT study
ID: EMSC-2035
pp. 92
Corrosion behavior of Aluminum-based ternary thin films
Moufida BAHROUNE, Fatma GUENFOUD, Abdelhamid SAKER
ID: EMS-2036
pp. 93
Thermal analysis of crystallization phenomenon in Na2O-ZnO-P2O5 glass
ID: EMS-2037
pp. 93
Angular distributions in the double ionization (e,3e) of argon: effect of a short range potential
ID: EMS-2038
pp. 94
Interaction de configuration dans les réactions (e, 3e) de l’Argon
Omar ZAIDI, Abdelaziz MANSOURI
ID: EMS-2039
pp. 94
The microstructure evolution of copper oxide with the thermal annealing
ID: EMS-2040
Elaboration and characterisation of chitosan-hydroxyethyl cellulose based films
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2041
pp. 95
The spectral photosensitivity and the ημτ product of the a-Si: H layers prepared by the DC magnetron sputtering method
at different total flow rates (DT=hydrogen flow rate +argon flow rate)
ID: EMS-2042
pp. 95
Study of the physical properties of the linear polymer (Isobornyl Acrylate co-2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate)
Mohamed El-Amine
ID: EMS-2043
pp. 95
Theoretical calculations of second order optical properties of bis-TTF compounds
Dalila KAMLI, Douniazed HANNACHI
ID: EMS-2044
pp. 96
Spark Plasma Sintering and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured TiCrC Carbide
Mohsen MHADHBI, Frederic SCHOENSTEIN, Noureddine JOUINI
ID: EMS-2045
pp. 96
Valorization of zeolite waste in the elimination of iron and zinc in a binary system
ID: EMS-2046
pp. 97
First-principles study of structural Properties and spontaneous polarization of CsPbI3 in different crystal phases (α, β, γ,
ID: EMS-2047
pp. 97
Electric and Optical Characterization of Biofilm based on Casein
ID: EMS-2048
pp. 97
Magnetic properties of BaTi0.875M0.125O3 (M ≡ Fe, Cr): An ab initio study
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2049
pp. 98
Optical, structural and surface morphology studies of silicon nanowires grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor
Siham DJOUMI, Fatiha KAILA, Pere ROCA, Cabarrocasb, Chaheda LARBI
ID: EMS-2050
pp. 98
Review and synthesis of the Mechanical behavior of heterogeneous steel /aluminum joints welded by resistance by point
ID: EMS-2051
pp. 98
Study the kinetics of thermally stimulated luminescence and the TL response of dosimeter based on beryllium oxide BeO
ID: EMS-2052
pp. 99
Effect of RF Discharge Plasma Treatment on TiO2 Thin Films Deposited By Spin Coating Sol-Gel Technique
Lazhari-Ayoub NAAS, Boudjemaa BOUAOUINA, Kamel MOKEDDEM, F. BENSOUICI, Seddik Elhak ABAIDIA
ID: EMS-2053
pp. 99
CoS2/rGO nanocomposites synthesis and caracterisation
Nour el houda ARABI, Nawel NEDJAH, Yasmina BENCHEIKH, Mostefa BACCOUCHE
ID: EMSC-2054
pp. 99
Corrosion Behavior and Properties of Nuclear Fuels Materials, for Experimental Research Reactors
ID: EMS-2055
pp. 100
Effect of solvent on the physical properties of zinc oxide thin films: elaboration and characterization
Sarra BERRA, Abdelhafid MAHROUG, Samir HAMRIT
ID: EMS-2056
pp. 100
Caractérisations Microstructurales des Alliages Al-Cu-Mg de Fusion HF
ID: EMS-2057
pp. 100
Morphological study of the potential influence on the palladium/polypyrrole composite films
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2058
pp. 101
Characteristics and Optical Properties of Fluorine Doped SnO2 Thin Films Prepared By Sol–Gel Dip-Coating Technique.
ID: EMS-2059
pp. 101
Classical molecular dynamics investigation of the glass-forming ability of TeO2
ID: EMS-2060
pp. 201
Correlation between Second Ionization Potential and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Bivalent Transition-Metal
Complexes: A Quantum Chemical Study
ID: EMS-2061
pp. 102
Studies on optoelectronic properties of Aluminum-Cobalt co-doped tin Oxide (Al-Co: SnO2) nanomaterial thin films
prepared by sol-gel spin-coating method.
Teldja BOUCHERKA, Meriem TOUATI, Noureddine BRIHI
ID: EMS-2062
pp. 103
Propriétés structurales, électroniques, magnétiques et optiques du semi-conducteur magnétique dilué Zn1-xCoxO (x=0,
0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
Kouider SOULEH, Fethi REJEM, Brahim LAGOUN, Hamza LIDJICI, Abderrahmane CHERIET
ID: EMS-2063
pp. 103
Structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of undoped and Mn doped NiO thin films synthesized by solgel method.
Meriem TOUATI, Teldja BOUCHERKA, Azzeddine BARBADJ, Noureddine BRIHI.
ID: EMS-2064
pp. 104
Synthèse et caractérisation d’un nouveau polymère conducteurs à base du Furane et Cinnamaldehyde par voie oxydative
Massillia AIT RADI, Zakaria CHERIFI, Nabahat SAHLI
ID: EMS-2065
pp. 104
Conductivité thermique d’un matériau à base de terre comprimée
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Khalfallah MEKAIDECHE, Feth-Ellah Mounir DERFOUF, Abderrahim LAIMECHE, Nabil ABOU-BEKR
ID: EMS-2066
pp. 104
Study of the physicochemical and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 nanopowders Synthesized by the sol-gel method
ID: EMS-2067
pp. 105
Etude par analyse enthalpique Différentielle l’effet des rayonnements gamma sur le polyméthacrylate de méthyle
Samia DERBIL, Naima KHEMICI-DOULACHE, Mohammed Wafik KHEMICI, Nassreddine HAINE
ID: EMS-2068
pp. 105
Experimental identification of structural and interface defects controlling the conduction through the ZnO/Si interface.
ID: EMS-2069
pp. 106
Effect of annealing temperature on lattice stabilization and enhancement of luminescence of GYAG: Ce solid solution
prepared by sol-gel route.
ID: EMS-2070
pp. 106
Growth and Characterization of tin sulphide Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis
Kenza KAMLI, Zakaria HADEF
ID: EMS-2071
pp. 106
Synthesis and characterisation of CuO thin films for solar cells applications
Zakaria HADEF, Kenza KAMLI
ID: EMS-2072
pp. 107
Structural and optical properties of CuO thin films
ID: EMS-2073
pp. 107
Investigation of the effect of N content on the mechanical properties of TiAlN/DLC protective multilayer
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2074
pp. 107
Layer Number Effect on BiMnO3 Thin Films Prepared by Sol gel method
ID: EMS-2075
pp. 108
Étude théorique des propriétés structurelles, électroniques et thermodynamiques du composé FePd 3
ID: EMS-2076
pp. 108
A study on the structure and magnetotransport properties of La0.7Ca0.18Ba0.12Mn0.95Sn0.05O3 polycrystalline simple
ID: EMS-2077
pp. 109
Preparation, structural and electrical investigations of La 1-xBaxCrO3 (x=0.3) perovskite chromite
ID: EMS-2078
pp. 109
Doped Transition Metals effects on Zirconium Surface based Cladding: Hydrogen adsorption Pickup
ID: EMS-2079
pp. 110
Investigating effect of GGA+U on the electronic structure of the Ba2TmRuO6 double perovskite
ID: EMS-2080
pp. 110
Very low temperature electrical interactions and relative behavior deduced from R-T curve under zero and one Tesla of
Nickel doped manganite.
ID: EMS-2081
pp. 110
Effect of Zr doping in Sr sites on the structural and electrical properties of Bi 2Sr1.6-xZrxLa0.4 CuO6+δ compounds (x
=0.0, 0.2 et 0.4)
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2082
pp. 111
Structural, Microstructural and Electrical transport properties Investigation of the co-doped La0.8-xPrxCa0.2-xBaxMnO3
(x = 0.1) Manganite
ID: EMS-2083
pp. 111
Elaboration of semiconducting materials based on polpyrrole and polypyrrolidone
ID: EMS-2084
pp. 112
Synthesis, green control and characterization of Platium & Platium-caping nanoparticles
ID: EMS-2085
pp. 112
Approche expérimentale et thermodynamique de l’inhibition de la corrosion de l’acier en milieu acide
ID: EMS-2086
pp. 112
Electrodeposition of Palladium nanoparticles on TiO2 nanotubes for efficient photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical
water oxidation performances
ID: EMS-2087
pp. 113
Ab initio study of dielectric and born charge effectif properties on the Sb substitution for yttrium compound
ID: EMS-2088
pp. 113
Novel theoretical prediction of physical properties of Mnn+1SiCn (n=1, 2 and 3): ab-inition calculations.
ID: EMS-2089
pp. 114
Fragilisation par l’Hydrogène de l’acier inoxydable duplex AISI310 chargé en solution aqueuse 0.1N H2SO4 à 20°C
ID: EMS-2090
pp. 114
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Efficient Synthesis of phosphonylated amino-compounds, theoretical study and antibacterial activities evaluations
Anis BOUCHAMA, Abdelkader HELLAL, Mohamed MERSELLEM, Imene KIROUANI, Ines HADDADI, Houdheifa
ID: EMS-2091
pp. 114
La1.4Sr1.6Mn 2O7 double layered lanthanum manganite: Preparation, structural, electrical and magnetoresistive
experimental investigations
ID: EMS-2092
pp. 115
Ab-initio study of the structural, magnetic and magneto-optical properties of Ni ultrathin films on (1×1) Rh (001) in the
pseudomorphic regime.
ID: EMS-2093
pp. 115
Evolution with temperature of point defects concentration in Fe2ZrX (X=V, Y, Tc, Ru): DFT and Wagner-Schottky
ID: EMS-2094
pp. 115
Critical study of the effect of the potential use of limestone powder in a new alternative material for Portland cement
called: Geopolymer.
Hichem ALIOUI, Tarek CHICKER, Fatma SAIDAT, Khaled BOULAICH, Oualid Mahieddine HAMDI
ID: EMS-2095
pp. 116
Optimisation of the deposition tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminium thin films and study of their optical and electrical
ID: EMS-2096
pp. 117
Bending behavior of eco-friendly graded sandwich beams for building masonry: Experimental approach
Sara MEDJMADJ, Souad AIT TALEB, SI SALEM Abdelmadjid
ID: EMS-2097
pp. 117
La dégradation des polluants organiques par vermiculite modifiée
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2098
pp. 117
Development and preparation of hybrid material biosiliceous composite as catalyst
ID: EMS-2099
pp. 118
Tribological performance evaluation of the piston-ring-liner system in different engine operating parameters and using of
the mixed lubrication conditions
ID: EMS-2100
pp. 118
Investigation of microstructural and Photoluminescence properties of Co doped CuO films fabricated using AirPneumatic Spray Pyrolysis method
ID: EMS-2101
pp. 118
Syhnthetises and caracteristion of CuCoCr nanomaterials prepared by mechanical alloying
Fatna TAIBI, Nadir HACHEMI, Elfahem SAKHER, Lhouaria BOUDAOUED, Billel SMILI, Stefano BELLUCCI,
ID: EMS-2102
pp. 119
Preparation and characterization of copper/aluminium doped zinc oxide bi-layers for photovoltaic applications
ID: EMS-2103
pp. 119
Thickness effect on structural and electrical properties of SnS orthorhombic structure growth by spray pyrolysis
ID: EMS-2104
pp. 119
Chemical synthesis and characterization of polyaniline -Fe2O3 composites powder
ID: EMS-2105
pp. 120
One-step synthesis of polypyrrole and polypyrrole/ Zinc oxide hybrid composite, and evaluation of their structural,
morphological, optical, and electrical properties.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2106
pp. 120
Theoretical investigation of the structural, electronic, optical, elastic and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary
diamond-like semiconductors Cu2MgSiS4 and Cu2MgGeS4
ID: EMS-2107
pp. 121
Structural and optical properties of Er 3+ doped BaTiO3 powders prepared by hydrothermal method
ID: EMS-2108
pp. 121
Synthesis, structural investigation and catalytic properties of La0.8Ln0.2FeO3 (Ln = La and Sr) simple perovskite ferrite
for environmental applications
Nabil MAHAMDIOUA, Ali BOUKHEMKHEM, Asmaa MERROUCHE, Roumeysa Djama, Fatima-Zohra BOUASLA
ID: EMS-2109
pp. 121
Elaboration and structural study of a lanthanium-strontium based ortho-ferrite for degradation of methyl orange
Asmaa MERROUCHE, Fatima-Zohra
ID: EMS-2110
pp. 122
Reproducibility analysis of the structural and microstructural features of the solid state reaction-produced La0.6Sr0.4FeO3
Nabil MAHAMDIOUA, Nedjla ROUIDI, Ibtihal BELLAL, Akram Ballouti
ID: EMS-2111
pp. 122
Structural study and décolorisation efficiency by the Fenton process of the LaFe0.5Cr0.5O3-δ orthoferrite prepared by
solid state reaction
ID: EMS-2112
pp. 123
Structural Rietveld refinement study of the La0.8Bi0.2Fe0.5Ti0.5O3-δ Ferrite fabricated by solid state reaction at 1250 °C
Nabil MAHAMDIOUA, Hasna AFER, Takoua REMAL, Ibtihal BELLAL
ID: EMS-2113
pp. 123
Preparation and characterization of polyvinyl alcohol/Polypyrrole/Cu-Ni polymer film via solution casting method.
Application in electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2114
pp. 124
Hydrogels based on biomaterials as scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Mohamed CHAALA, Fatima Zohra SEBBA, Maria GLORIA VILLORA CANO, Guzman CARISSIMI, Marta G.
ID: EMS-2115
pp. 124
Statistical analysis of fatigue test in fiberglass reinforced polyester composites using Weibull distribution
ID: EMS-2116
pp. 124
Highlighting the defects of a carbon composite for orthopedic use using SEM
ID: EMS-2117
pp. 125
An overview on Structural and Tribological Properties of Nanostructured Ti-Nb-Zr System for Biomedical Applications
Marwa DAHMANI, Naouel HEZIL, Mohamed-Cherif BENOUDIA, Mamoun FELLAH, Adel SAOUDI, Chaima
ID: EMS-2118
pp. 125
Modelisation of the effect of temperature on the rheological behavior of a drilling polymer at different concentrations
ID: EMS-2119
pp. 125
Theoretical study of CH4 adsorption and dissociation on Ni cluster supporetd on CuNi (100) surface
ID: EMS-2120
pp. 126
Étude de la résistance à la fissuration sous contrainte environnementale des mélanges LDPE/PP
ID: EMS-2121
pp. 126
Influence of barium on the structural, magnetic, and optical properties of magnesium ferrite
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2122
pp. 127
Structural, elastic, electronic and optical propertiesof the newly synthesized selenides Tl2CdXSe4(X = Ge, Sn)
ID: EMS-2123
pp. 127
Elaboration and characterization of piezoelectric materials by molten salt method for PVDF composite application
Oulfa CHERIET, Mohamed Redda BOUDCHICHA, Amani Ahlem TSRIAT
ID: EMS-2124
pp. 127
Valorisation de terre d’excavation dans les briques de terre comprimée
ID: EMS-2125
pp. 128
The disorder effect on electronic and optical properties of CdSxTe1-x ternary semiconductor alloys
Khadidja SASSOUI, Fadila MEZRAG
ID: EMS-2126
pp. 128
Evaluation of Platinum group Production from Technetium targets in nuclear reactors
ID: EMS-2127
pp. 128
The proposition of analytical expression HM–(√P/S) in microindentation pile-up deformation mode
ID: EMS-2128
pp. 129
The theoretical process of the realization of hybrid superconducting materials
ID: EMS-2129
pp. 129
Structural characterization of thin film of CuO obtained by spray pyrolysis and annealed for 2 hours with the aim of using
it in photovoltaic cells
Rima MANAA, Nourredine BRIHI, Radouan DAIRA, Bouzid BOUDJEMA
ID: EMS-2130
pp. 129
Electrical and optical characterization of Zn doped CuO obtained by spray pyrolysis for application in renewable energy
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2131
pp. 130
Optical and electrical of thin films of CuO deposited by spray pyrolysis technique: Influence of three time of annealing
Radouane DAIRA, Bouzid BOUDJEMA
ID: EMS-2132
pp. 130
First principal investigation of the structural and electronic properties and thermodynamic stability of AlP 1-xSbx alloys in
zinc blende structure
ID: EMS-2133
pp. 130
Density functional theory study of the fundamental properties of the ternary GaP 1-XSbX alloys
ID: EMS-2134
pp. 131
Theoretical prediction of structural and elastic properties of the Ca 2InN material
Loubna DEBACHE, Youcef MEDKOUR, Fatima DJEGHLOUL, Makhlouf KHAROUBI, Abdelkrim ROUMILI
ID: EMS-2135
pp. 131
Preparations and characterization of thin films CuIn 3Se5 / Cu2SnSe3
ID: EMS-2136
pp. 132
Experimental investigation of optical gap variations with heat treatment of RF sputtered anatase TiO 2 films
ID: EMS-2137
pp. 132
Effect properties of copper oxide thin films on the water contact angle
Madiha ZEROUALI, Radouane DAÏRA, Bouzid BOUDJEMA, Sabrina IAICHE
ID: EMS-2138
pp. 132
Synthesis by sol gel method of Lu3Al5O12: Ce3+garnet nano-scintillator material: Effect of Li+ ions co-doping
Zohra AKHRIB, Lakhdar GUERBOUS, Abdelmadjid BOUHEMADOU, Allaoua BOUKERIKA, Ahmed Rafik TOUIL,
Badis RAHAL, Youcef LARBAH, Mohamed TAIBECHE, Abdelmounaim CHETOUI and Lyes BENHARRAT
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2139
pp. 133
DFT study of the effect of interstitial additions on physical properties of 𝛼- Fe-based alloys
ID: EMS-2140
pp. 133
Improving the electrical properties of GaAs by Neutron Transmutation doping: Application in photovoltaic cells
ID: EMS-2141
pp. 133
Magnetic and structural properties of nanostructured FeNi and FeCu mechanical alloyed
Amirouche BOUAMER, Abderrahmane YOUNES, Rachid AMRAOUI
ID: EMS-2142
pp. 134
Effect of sanitary ceramic waste on the physical properties of vitreous china bodies
ID: EMS-2143
pp. 134
Exploration of the structural, mechanical and electronic properties of Ti1-x OsxN alloys.
ID: EMS-2144
pp. 134
Electromaagnetique et Mecanique Proerieté de l’Alliage Nanostructuré AlTi élaboré par Mécansynthèse
Abderahim ABADA et Abderrahmane YOUNES, Amirouche BOUAMER
ID: EMS-2145
pp. 135
Changing the Mechanical Properties of the Compressed Earth Block when Adding Salt and Fibers
Abdelkader FIDJAH, Mohamed RABEHI, KEZRANE Cheikh, Mohmmed OMRANE, Mohammed BOUCHERBA,
ID: EMS-2146
pp. 135
Caractérisation mécanique de la rupture des canalisations en PEHD
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2147
pp. 136
Analyse des propriétés nanomécaniques du polyméthacrylate de méthyle par indentation
Soufiane BENAISSA, Samir HABIBI, Djameleddine SEMSOUM, Hassen MERZOUK, Abdelnour MEZOUGH
ID: EMS-2148
pp. 136
Structural, hyperfine and magnetic properties of ball milled Fe47.5 Co50Ni2.5 powders
ID: EMS-2149
pp. 136
Formation and Characterization of CuInSe2 Electrodeposited Thin Films annealed in Vacuum
Yassine HADDAD, Ameur ZEGADI
ID: EMS-2150
pp. 137
Effet de l'oxyde d'aluminium sur le comportement magnétique et électromagnétique de l’alliage nanostructuré Fe-Co.
Abderrahmane YOUNES, Abderahim ABADA, Rachid AMRAOUI, Amirouche BOUAMER and Mounia GUESSOUM
ID: EMS-2151
pp. 137
Study the Properties of Materials, Bio-Composite and How to Use it for Energy
ID: EMS-2152
pp. 138
Effects of synthesis parameters on zeolite mordenite cristallization
ID: EMS-2153
pp. 138
Optical Property of CuO Layers Obtained by Thermal Oxidation
ID: EMS-2154
pp. 138
Structural, magnetic and thermal studies of the mechanically alloyed Co60Cr 35Ti5 mixture
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2155
pp. 139
Comportement à la corrosion de l’interface substrat/rechargement obtenue par soudage Manuel
Djilali ALLOU, Sarra DJEMMAH
ID: EMS-2156
pp. 139
Doping effect on iron oxypnictides: An ab initio inverstigation
ID: EMS-2157
pp. 139
Mesure de l’état de surface de l’acier (42CD4)
Fethi REMLI, Khadidja BOUHADJA, Fares Mohammed Laid REKBI
ID: EMS-2158
pp. 140
Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on structural and mechanical properties of Zr-Ni thin film metallic glass
ID: EMS-2159
pp. 140
The effect of iron (Fe) doping on the martensitic transformation and the magnetic properties of Ni50Mn37-xSn13Fex (x =
0.5, 1, 1.5) magnetic shape memory alloys
ID: EMS-2160
pp. 141
Tuning the martensitic transformation temperatures and enhancing the magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic NiMnSn
melt-spun ribbons by cobalt doping
ID: EMS-2161
pp. 141
Study of TiO2 thin film deposition by sol-gel spin-coating method: effect of rotation speed and annealing temperature on
optical, electrical and wettability properties.
ID: EMS-2162
pp. 142
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Improvement of structural, mechanical and tribological properties of V-N and C-N obtained by cathodic magnetron
Sara FARES, Linda AISSANI, Abderrahmane CHERIET, Akram ALHUSSEIN
ID: EMS-2163
pp. 142
Electronic properties of Bulk and monolayer MoS2
ID: EMS-2164
pp. 142
Investigation of the outcome of annealing temperature on
structural and optical properties of titanium dioxide
ID: EMS-2165
pp. 143
The influence of ultraviolet radiation on the mechanical behavior of the PEDH80 polymer
Nouredine HADDAD, Ahmed BELBAH
ID: EMS-2166
pp. 143
Effect of heat treatment on friction stir processed AA2024 reinforced with MoAlB MAB phase.
Abdessabour BENAMOR, Nabil CHIKER, Riad BADJI, Salim KHELOUF, Hiba BENAMOR, Younes BENKHEDA,
Mohamed HADJI
ID: EMS-2167
pp. 143
Material fatigue: case of Ball Bearings
ID: EMS-2168
pp. 144
Effect of Mg doping on the physical properties of ZnO thin films by sol/gel assisted spin coating
ID: EMS-2169
pp. 144
Relation entre facteur d'orientation des fibres et propriétés mécanique d’un rotor composite
SERRADJ HALIMA, .Benmansour Toufik
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Topic 3: Fluid dynamics and Nanofluids
ID: EMS-300
pp. 145
An Update on Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
S M Sohel Murshed
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
ID: EMS-301
pp. 145
Insinuation of radiative Bio-convective MHD flow of Nano Casson Fluid with activation energy and swimming
ID: EMS-302
pp. 146
Numerical investigation on nanofluid heat transfer performance by Fluent/Ansys
ID: EMS-303
pp. 146
Heat transfer enhancement in a shell ad tube heat exchanger using ag-mgo-hybrid nanofluid
ID: EMS-304
pp. 147
Numerical study of mixed convection using hybrid nanofluid through a 3D horizontal concentric annulus heated by a
constant heat flux
ID: EMS-305
pp. 147
Simulation numerique de l’ecoulement autour des helices marines contrarotative
ID: EMS-306
pp. 147
Étude numérique de l'effet d’une nouvelle conception d'un mélangeur statique de type Kenics sur l'amélioration de
transfert thermique
ID: EMS-307
pp. 148
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Numerical Analysis of Rayleigh Benard Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure filled with a Nano-fluid
ID: EMS-308
pp. 148
Numerical study of the effect of rheological behavior and the geometry of the helical screw on energy consumption and
the flow of fluid in laminar regime
Youcef KAMLA, Ourdia BENABDELLAZIZ, Mohamed CHACHI, Houari AMEUR, Abdessalam HADJEB
ID: EMS-309
pp. 148
Numerical Study of natural convection in square cavity using copper-water nano-fluid
Badis MERADI, Meriem AMOURA, Djamal eddine GHERSI
ID: EMS-3010
pp. 149
A numerical comparative study of fluid flow past circular and mixed staggered tube bundle
A. Khelil, M. Bedrouni, M. Brakia, S. Nechad
ID: EMS-3011
pp. 149
Numerical Simulation of Heat transfer in a Synthesis Flask with hybrid nanofluid.
Hicham SALHI
ID: EMS-3012
pp. 149
Numerical study of natural convection coupled to a magnetic field in a wavy cavity partially heated from below and filled
with nanofluid Al2O3-water
ID: EMS-3013
pp. 150
Etude numérique d'un écoulement turbulent autour d'un obstacle à géométries variables soumis à un écoulement
transversal et d’un jet impactant soufflé d'un système de plusieurs diffuseurs.
ID: EMS-3014
pp. 150
Investigation numérique d’un jet de nanofluide impactant une paroi mobile chauffée
ID: EMS-3015
pp. 151
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Etude Expérimentale de l’Influence de la Position du Diffuseur Central Dans un Système Multi Jet d’Air à Diffuseur
Munis de Lobes
ID: EMS-3016
pp. 151
Etude Numérique de l’Influence du Nombre de Jets Périphérique Dans un Système de Jet d’Air Multiple à Diffuseur
Munis de Lobes
ID: EMS-3017
pp. 152
Numerical simulations of 3-D laminar flow forced convection in a heated horizontal channel filled with hybrid nanofluid
containing magnetite-Fe3O4 and CNT dispersed in water base liquid
ID: EMS-3018
pp. 152
Mixed convective heat transfer utilizing CNT-TiO2/kerosene hybrid nanofluids in a heated horizontal annulus
ID: EMS- 3019
pp. 152
L’effet des nanofluides dans la performance des échangeurs de chaleur
ID: EMS-3020
pp. 153
Volume concentration effect on the mixed convection of the ZnO/water nanofluid an inclined annular space
ID: EMS-3021
pp. 153
Ameliorations des performances d’un capteur solaire plans a air
Mohamed Chakib MALTI, Sidi Mohammed YOUSFI, Khaled ALIANE, Hassoun Zakaria SARI
ID: EMS-3022
pp. 154
CFD Modeling of a Spherical Cum Solar Collector
ID: EMS-3023
pp. 154
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Investigation numérique de l’effet de la stratégie de nids d’abeilles sur les pertes convectives dans la lame d’air d’un
capteur solaire plan
Alaeddine MEKAHLIA, Latra BOUMARAF, Chérifa ABID
ID: EMS-3024
pp. 154
The effect of magnetic field on turbulent nanofluid (Fe3O4-water) flow under a constant heat flux
Ayoub BENNIA, Mohamed Najib BOUAZIZ, Sidahmed ALLICHE
ID: EMS-3025
pp. 155
Simulation and study of turbulent flow around a downward march
Lamia BENAHMED, Khaled ALIANE, Hassoun Zakaria SARI
ID: EMS-3026
pp. 155
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Behaviour Index Influence on the Thermal Characteristics of the Turbulent Forced
Convection of Ostwald de Waele Fluids
ID: EMS-3027
pp. 155
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Features of Turbulent Forced Convection of Ostwald de Waele Fluid through a
Heated Pipe
Mohamed ABDI, Meryem OULD-ROUISS, Nour Elhouda BELADJINE, Manel AIT YAHIA, Fatima Zohra
ID: EMS-3028
pp. 156
Numerical Analysis on Natural Convection of Hybrid Nanofluids in a Horizontal Eccentric Annulus
ID: EMS-3029
pp. 156
The Steady Flow Characteristics of Pseudoplastic and Dilatant Fluids across a Rotating Grooved Cylinder
Manel AIT YAHIA, Nour Elhouda BELADJINE, Amina OULD MOHAMED, Mohamed ABDI, Fatima Zohra Nedjda
ID: EMS-3030
pp. 157
Heat exchange effect on flow behavior through a convergent-divergent nozzle
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3031
pp. 157
Numerical prediction of vapor volume Fraction in a VVER Fuel Bundle under Critical Heat Flux Conditions
ID: EMS-3032
pp. 158
Unconfined Laminar Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer around a circular cylinder in unsteady regime
ID: EMS-3033
pp. 158
Etude numérique de l'écoulement turbulent dans une jonction en T en utilisant l'approche RANS
ID: EMS-3034
pp. 158
Heat transfer analysis by Cu-MgO/Water hybrid Nano-fluid and partial discrete heating
ID: EMS-3035
pp. 159
The use of a Non-Newtonian Ferrofluid, a porous medium, and a sinusoidal magnetic field to improve heat transfer
ID: EMS-3036
pp. 159
L’effet de la forme des chicanes sur le comportement dynamique et thermique d’un écoulement dans un échangeur de
chaleur par CFD
ID: EMS-3037
pp. 160
Approche par CFD de refroidissement des composants électroniques par nanofluide.
ID: EMS-3038
pp. 160
Effects of Cu nanoparticles on melting process with phase-change in thermal energy storage systems
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3039
pp. 160
Turbulence effect on dynamic and thermal quantities in a Y-shaped micro pipe
ID: EMS-3040
pp. 161
Experimental operation of heat exchangers subject to variable boundary conditions
Khelil FOUDIL, Fatima BENAOUM, Abdelghani BALTACHE, Zinelabidine HARCHOUCHE
ID: EMS-3041
pp. 161
Experimental study of free and forced thermal convection on rectangular and tubular fins.
Khelil FOUDIL, Fatima BENAOUM, Abdelghani BALTACHE, Zinelabidine HARCHOUCHE
ID: EMS-3042
pp. 161
Numerical study of the flow of a non-newtonien fluid in a horizontal pipe
ID: EMS-3043
pp. 161
Optimization and simulation of a new cooling system by an earth-air heat exchanger assisted by a wind catcher under the
arid climate.
Nadia SAIFI, Riad HORR, Mohammed ZELACI, Djamel BELATRACHE
ID: EMS-3044
pp. 162
Mixed convection assessment in an unusual cavity with a heat source opened to a horizontal channel
ID: EMS-3045
pp. 163
Reynolds number effect on entropy production in a non-Newtonian fluid flow in a porous inclined channel with circular
ID: EMS-3046
pp. 163
Etude numérique du transfert de chaleur du nano-fluide d’un écoulement laminaire dans un canal avec cavité concave
Salah Eddine DIR, Zoubir NEMOUCHI, Radhia KADJOUDJ
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3047
pp. 164
Rayleigh-Bénard Convection with volumetric radiation at high Rayleigh number
ID: EMS-3048
pp. 164
Simulation numérique de la convection naturelle dans l’écoulement d’un nanofluide dans un milieu poreux en présence
d’un champ magnétique et d’une source de chaleur
ID: EMS-3049
pp. 165
Inlet boundary conditions considerations for enhanced computational fluid dynamics
Moustafa MAAMMEUR, Abdallah BENAROUS, Ahmed BETTAHAR, Abdelkarim LIAZID
ID: EMS-3050
pp. 165
Investigation numérique des écoulements générés par un agitateur de type ancre modifié
Youcef KAMLA, Ourdia BENABDELLAZIZ, Mohamed CHACHI, Houari AMEUR, Abdessalam HADJEB
ID: EMS-3051
pp. 166
A reduced order method with PGD for the analysis of an elliptical bore journal bearings
ID: EMS-3052
pp. 166
Flow Analysis of bell Nozzle Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
ID: EMS-3053
pp. 166
Analysis of the decontamination of a partitioned ventilated enclosure
Yasmine HAMRIOUI, Rayene LAKROUNE, Zouhira HIRECHE, Lyes NASSERI, Rachid NEBBALI, Djamel Eddine
ID: EMS-3054
pp. 167
Ventilation of granular storage silos: Mass and thermal coupling phenomenal
Rayane LAKROUNE,Yasmine HAMRIOUI, Djamel Eddine AMEZIANI
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3055
pp. 167
Numerical Simulation of Viscous Fluid Flow in A Tank Agitated by a Two-Blade for Different Diameters
ID: EMS-3056
pp. 167
Effect of Overall heat transfer coefficient for 1D non-isothermal fixed bed reactor model for hydrogen production by
steam methane reforming
Bellal Mohamed NAZIM, Saouli OUACIL, Masbah AFLAH, Abdelhamid DARDECHE
ID: EMS-3057
pp. 168
Étude Expérimentale du Ressaut Hydraulique Contrôlé par Marche Positive Evoluant dans un Canal Rectangulaire
Mouatassim Billah ZIDANI, Samir KATEB, Sofiane SAGGAI
ID: EMS-3058
pp. 168
Influence of Thermal Treatment and Electrolyte Temperature Properties of high-strength low-alloy steels (HSLA) API
X60 and X70
ID: EMS-3059
pp. 169
Effect of Adding Hydrogen to Methane-Air Flames, Application to Gas Turbines
Sofiane OUALI, Yacine HALOUANE
ID: EMS-3060
pp. 169
A numerical study on the natural convective in Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material slurry
ID: EMS-3061
pp. 169
Etude de l’Ecoulement Stationnaire Bidimensionnel du Nanofluide Eau+Al2O3 dans une Cavité Rectangulaire
Ahmed Anis HAOUAM, Latra BOUMARAF, Chérifa ABID
ID: EMS-3062
pp. 170
2D numerical simulation of hydrogen-methane premixed flames
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3063
pp. 171
Comportement Tribothermique d’un Couple Glissant Sec Aluminium-Acier
ID: EMS-3064
pp. 171
Melting Process and Heat Transfer Performance in PCM Filled Cavity with Fins
Abdelghani LAOUER
ID: EMS-3065
pp. 171
Numerical simulation of Newtonian viscous fluids in a tank agitated by an anchor-type mobile - effect of the inclination
of the blades
ID: EMS-3066
pp. 172
Study of Heat Transfer and Thermal Comfort in a Vented Cavity Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method with Multi
Relaxation Time (LBM-MRT)
Assia ARAB, Nabil HIMRANE, Yacine HALOUNE, Zouhira HIRECHE, Djamel Eddine AMEZIANI
ID: EMS-3067
pp. 172
Effect of Fuel Injection Velocity on Combustion and Emission of NO in a Diesel Engine
ID: EMS-3068
pp. 172
Analyse d’effet des paramètres thermique et mécanique sur l'usure d'un contact dynamique Cuivre -Acier
ID: EMS-3069
pp. 173
Numerical Study of Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer of Al 2O3 -Water Nanofluid in a Rectangular Channel with
Constant Heat Flux
ID: EMS-3070
pp. 173
Nanoparticles characteristics impact on the convective motion of MgO-Al2O3 Water based Hybrid nano-fluid
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Chabani.ines97@gmail.com; f.mebarek_oudina@univ-skikda.dz
ID: EMS-3071
pp. 174
DOE of heat transfer and entropy generation in channel micro micro-heat exchanger driven by a coflow
Ridha DJEBALI, Mokhtar FERHI
ID: EMS-3072
pp. 174
Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Vortex Generators in Inclined Tubes
ID: EMS-3073
pp. 175
Enhancement of the absorbance and Control of a New Au/SiO2 Optical Nano-robot swims in viscous fluid using
Backstepping Adaptive-based Strategy
ID: EMS-3074
pp. 175
Heat Transfer in Fluid Flow Between Parallel Plates Porous Channel
ID: EMS-3075
pp. 176
The Eulerian - Lagrangian Approach For Three-Dimensional Diphasic Turbulent Flows in a waste water pipe
ID: EMS-3076
pp. 176
Optimization of an Adsorption Solar Refrigeration Machine Using a Nanofluid as Adsorbate
f.mebarek_oudina@univ-skikda.dz ; kbourrich@gmail.com
ID: EMS-3077
pp. 177
Effect of crucible size on heat transfer during the Czochralski growth of Nd:YAG crystal
ID: EMS-3078
pp. 177
Etude numérique de l’effet de chicanne sur l’intesification d’échange thermique
B. Litouche, B. REBAI
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Topic 4: Modeling and Simulation
ID: EMS-400
pp. 178
Buoyant heat transfer of nanofluids in a vertical porous annulus: a comparative study of different models
ID: EMS-401
pp. 178
Vibration analysis of thin and thick plates interacting with a liquid by the finite element method using DKMQ element
ID: EMS-402
pp. 179
Finite element model for vibration analysis of functionally graded rectangular plates
ID: EMS-403
pp. 179
Erosion investigation study inside contraction geometry
Zied TURKI, Naceur SELMI, Mouldi CHRIGUI
ID: EMS-404
pp. 179
An efficient lead free perovskite based solar cell simulated using SCAPS-1d
Mohammed ElSaid SARHANI, Mohamed Abdelilah FADLA, Mohamed Lamine BELKHIR, Bachir BENTRIA, Tahar
ID: EMS-405
pp. 179
ID: EMS-406
pp. 180
Thermoelastic stability analysis of imperfect functionally graded plates
Najah JOUEID, Souhir ZGHAL, Mouldi CHRIGUI, Fakhreddine DAMMAK
ID: EMS-407
pp. 180
Thickness effect on optical transmission properties of Zinc Oxide thin films deposited on different substrates
ID: EMS-408
pp. 181
Effect of coating thickness the Al2O3 on mechanical contact with 316l and Ti6Al4v substrates
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Abdelyamine BOUKHOBZA, Hichem AMRANI, Kamel FEDAOUI, Lahcen MEBARKI, Karim ARAR, Lazhar
ID: EMS-409
pp. 181
Simulation of the behavior of the ship's propellers under different mechanical and environmental stresses
ID: EMS-4010
pp. 181
Variation of the temperature and melting fraction of n-octadecane during charging of LTES unit in the temperature range
305.7 -310.7 K.
ID: EMS-4011
pp. 182
Plasmonic properties of silver nanoparticles self-organized in a TiO2 matrix: Discrete Dipole Approximation calculations
and Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
ID: EMS-4012
pp. 182
3D Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Tunnel Construction on Adjacent Pile Foundation
Tamir AMARI, Mohamed Nabil HOUHOU
ID: EMS-4013
pp. 183
Instabilité Linéaire des Ondes interfaciales à Courtes Crêtes de Gravité Capillarité Généré par Une réflexion Oblique sur
une Paroi Verticale
ID: EMS-4014
pp. 183
Ab-initio study of the physical properties of the two phases Pyrite and Fluorite phases of Titanium Dioxide TiO2 at zero
pressure and under the effect of pressure.
Mohamed lamine BELKHIR, Ahmed GUEDDOUH
ID: EMS-4015
pp. 183
A comparative study of aerodynamic performances between rectangular and tapered wing shapes
ID: EMS-4016
pp. 184
Détermination du taux de renouvellement d'air optimal d'une serre de culture de tomate refroidie par ventilation naturelle
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4017
pp. 184
L'influence des Conditions Extérieures sur les Vibrations des Plaques Orthotropes Minces avec et sans Amortissement
Sofiane CHORFI, Brahim NECIB, Abdellah DRAIDI
ID: EMS-4018
pp. 184
Experimental investigation of the effect of ethanol addition to gasoline on a SI engine performance and NOx emissions
Mehrez GASSOUMI, Zouhaier BOUTAR, Ridha ENNETTA, Hakan S. SOYHAN
ID: EMS-4019
pp. 185
Thermodynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Production by a Thermochemical Cycle powered by different thermal sources
ID: EMS-4020
pp. 185
Minimisation d’´energie d’un système fortement coupl´e par la m´ethode de Monte-Carlo : ”Etude des configurations les
plus stables”
ID: EMS-4021
pp. 186
Octagonal Monolithic Planar Transformer Design and Modeling for RF Microsystems
Mokhtaria DERKAOUI, Yamina BENHADDA, Thierry LEBEY
ID: EMS-4022
pp. 186
Shear Flow Effects on Salt Finger Growth at High Buoyancy Ratio: A Numerical Study
ID: EMS-4023
pp. 186
The effect of the contact radius on the arc duration and arc energy
ID: EMS-4024
pp. 187
Influence of the electronic stopping power on ion track formation in crystalline InP: A simulation study
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4025
pp. 187
Full quantum-mechanical investigation of Cesium - Neon far wing photoabsorption and photoemission spectra
ID: EMS-4026
pp. 187
Étude structurale, énergétique et électronique des systèmes binaires à 2D par la DFT : CN, GeN et BN
Saloua TAZEKRITT, Abdelhafid KELLOU, Malika GALLOUZE
ID: EMS-4027
pp. 188
Simulation des propriétés mécaniques du matériau supraconducteur Ho123
ID: EMS-4028
pp. 188
Investigation of Chromium doping effect on electrical properties of GaAs semiconductor as a thermoelectric device
ID: EMS-4029
pp. 188
Etude de l'influence des fissures sur le comportement vibratoire des poutres FGM par voie analytique et numérique
Yassine ADJAL, Amar SEMMANI, Zouaoui SEREIR
ID: EMS-4030
pp. 189
Experimental and numerical study of the performance of concrete, which has been developed, based on different forms of
diatomite for the thermal insulation of buildings.
ID: EMS-4031
pp. 189
Plasma Argon excited by dielectric barrier discharge for biomedical applications
ID: EMS-4032
pp. 190
Evaluation of Platinum group Production from Technetium targets in nuclear reactors
ID: EMS-4033
pp. 190
Distortion effect in (e,2e) processes for atomic and molecular targets
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4034
pp. 190
LES study of Injection Duration Impact on RCCI Engine.
Fathi HAMDI, Kambale MONDO, Mouldi CHRIGUI
ID: EMS-4035
pp. 191
A novel HSDT for the dynamics behavior of (SUSBO4/SI3N4) FG plate on elastic foundation
Hayat SAIDI, Al- Juborry FIRAS ISMAEL, Mohamed BOURADA, Abdelouahed TOUNSI
ID: EMS-4036
pp. 191
Optimisation en poids des panneaux en composite stratifié avec des raidisseurs en forme iso.
Amar SEMMANI, Zouaoui SEREIR, Yassine ADJAL
ID: EMS-4037
pp. 192
Numirical and experimental invesitigation of the effect of added mass on damping ratio and frequency of carbon-epoxy
laminate composite.
ID: EMS-4038
pp. 192
Etude comparative des performances des systèmes transcritiques au CO2 à simple et à double évaporateur utilisant un
ID: EMS-4039
pp. 192
Numerical simulation of turbulent non-premixed diffusion flame with pdf combustion model.
ID: EMS-4040
pp. 193
Study and Hydrodynamic Simulation of a New Horizontal Settling Tank.
ID: EMS-4041
pp. 193
Modelling and analysis of nanosatellite dynamic in launch environment
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4042
pp. 193
Performance parameters analysis of a novel vortex tower model
ID: EMS-4043
pp. 194
Using MAX Phases Materials in Heat Transfer Applications
ID: EMS-4044
pp. 194
Investigations of Optimized Amorphous Silicon Field Effect Transistors
ID: EMS-4045
pp. 194
Modeling of the temperature distribution and solidified track in single pass selective laser melting process
ID: EMS-4046
pp. 195
Excitation of symmetry-protected GMR modes of all-dielectric bidimensional grating
Lylia DJEMAIAI, Abdelaziz MEZEGHRANE, Abderrahmane BELKHIR, Fadi Issam BAIDA
ID: EMS-4047
pp. 195
Implementation of the generalized Drude-Lorentz model in a FDTD code for nano-optical applications
Thinhinane ZEGHDOUDI, Abdelaziz MEZEGHRANE, Abderrahmane BELKHIR, Fadi Issam Baida
ID: EMS-4048
pp. 196
DFT Calculations of Structural stability, thermal properties, phase transitions and Energetics of ZrV2Hx Laves phases
doped with 3d elements (Ti, Zr, V, Ni, Cr and Mn).
Lyacine RABAHI, Leila ROUAIGUIA, Abdelhafid KELLOU
ID: EMS-4049
pp. 196
Study of photonic crystals based on Zinc Sulphide for filtering and guiding in optical telecommunications
ID: EMS-4050
pp. 196
Free vibration of functionally graded sandwich plates using the p-version of the finite element method
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Hakim BENTRAR, Sid Ahmed BELALIA, Sidi Mohamed CHORFI
ID: EMS-4051
pp. 197
Improving the performance of an ejector refrigeration system
Wissem Eddine ABBACI, Latra BOUMARAF
ID: EMS-4052
pp. 197
Étude paramétrique de problèmes de contact et de fissuration en mode I
Abdellah BENCHEKKOUR, Nazihe TERFAYA, Mohammed ELMIR
ID: EMS-4053
pp. 197
Synergetic Controller for Braking Vehicle System (ABS)
ID: EMS- 4054
pp. 198
Axial behaviour of partially confined column with embedded FRP: Parametric study
Sonia DJENAD, Abdelmadjid SI SALEM, Souad AIT TALEB, M. Amin BOUZIDI
ID: EMS- 4055
pp. 198
Optimisation de la répartition des aubes d'un rotor de turbine en utilisant un Nouvel algorithme sous-programme
ID: EMS-4056
pp. 198
Numerical modeling of thermal kinetics of a gold nanoparticle heated by ultrashort pulsed laser and cooled in water
Selma MEDIENE, Assia Rachida SENOUDI
ID: EMS-4057
pp. 199
Finite element method for modeling the plasma equilibrium with nonlinear toroidal current
ID: EMS-4058
pp. 199
Experimental Designs to Optimize the graphene production by elecrochimical exfoliation of graphite
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4059
pp. 200
Study of CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell using SCAPS-1D
ID: EMS-4060
pp. 200
Damage prediction of steel pipe elbows subjected to bending and pressure loads
ID: EMS-4061
pp. 200
Numerical simulations of highly dispersive Chirped Vector Soliton in optical fibers with variable coefficients
Siham AZIEZ, Djahida LERARI, Derradji BAHLOUL
ID: EMS-4062
pp. 201
Prediction of material properties of cold-sprayed copper coatings using finite element based indentation and optimization
ID: EMS-4063
pp. 201
Structural and electronic properties of MCaF3 (M=K and Rb) compounds
ID: EMS-4064
pp. 201
Green's function formalism and its applications in mathematical physics
ID: EMS-4065
pp. 202
Ab-initio investigation of Structural and magnetic Properties of Ba2HoCu3O7
Hadjer BOUARARA, Saleh KHENCHOUL and Abdelnasseur GUIBADJ
ID: EMS-4066
pp. 202
Section Efficace de la Double Ionisation de l’Hélium avec le Modèle de l’Onde Distordue
ID: EMS-4067
pp. 203
Study of the Parameters Influencing the Breakdown of the Air in the Vicinity of an Electrical Discharge
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4068
pp. 203
Artificial Neural Network Modeling of the Effect of Corrosion in a Lead-Acid Battery
ID: EMS-4069
pp. 203
Efficient multi-year economic energy planning of an advanced battery Storage- A case study
ID: EMS-4070
pp. 204
Modelisation of Eddy Current Effects on Synchronous Machines
ID: EMS-4071
pp. 204
Détermination des contraintes transversales et axiales des plaques sandwiches en FGM via la théorie de déformation de
cisaillement d’ordres élevés (HSDT)
Billel REBAI
ID: EMS-4072
pp. 204
Study of the magnetic exchange coupling phenomenon in FM/NM/FM tri-layers of sensors (GMR/TMR), DFT modeling
and optimization.
ID: EMS-4073
pp. 205
Using two-dimensional graphene lenses to increase the effectiveness of solar panels.
ID: EMS-4074
pp. 205
Analyse numérique d’un Matériaux Composites Sollicité à un Impact à Basse Vitesse
ID: EMS-4075
pp. 205
Study of sample density effect on gamma energy efficiencies using Monte Carlo simulation
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4076
pp. 205
Investigation of Boron Diffusion From Bsg Layers For P+ Emitter Elaboration
Abdelghani BOUCHEHAM, Ahmed Bahaeddine BENSEDIRA, Abbes MARREF, Chahinez NASRAOUI, Lyes
ID: EMS-4077
pp. 206
Parametric Analysis and Optimization of Process Parameters for Turning Operations based on Response Surface
Methodology (RSM)
ID: EMS-4078
pp. 206
Modeling and Correction of Technological Defects on the Dynamic Behavior of Microstructures
ID: EMS-4079
pp. 207
A novel HSDT for the dynamics behavior of (SUSBO4/SI3N4) FG plate on elastic foundation
Hayat SAIDI, Ismael Al- Juborry FIRAS, Mohamed BOURADA and Abdelouahed TOUNSI
ID: EMS-4080
pp. 207
Numerical Study of Electric Glow Discharge Vicinity
ID: EMS-4081
pp. 207
Simultaneous pipe length in a Fluid distribution Networks
ID: EMS-4082
pp. 208
Analyse comparative modale des plaques composites à fibre de carbone et de verre supportées par une combinaison
ID: EMS-4083
pp. 208
Structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of double perovskite Sr 2ZrMnO6 an Ab initio calculations
Sara MENDER, Salima LABIDI, Abderrahmane CHERIET
ID: EMS-4084
pp. 208
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Modeling and simulation of a Small Modular Reactor core (SMR) with OpenMC code
Karima ZICHE, Naima AMRANI, Salah-Eddine BENTRIDI
ID: EMS-4085
pp. 209
Embedded systems and artificial intelligence for modelling connected objects
AIT Mekideche, Narimane DJEBBAR, Hamimi CHEMALI, Nora KARKAR
ID: EMS-4086
pp. 209
Experimental and Numerical Impact Investigation of Honeycomb Sandwich Composite: Fracture Mechanics &
Composite Face-sheets
ID: EMS-4087
pp. 210
Visual object tracking using the bat algorithm
ID: EMS-4088
pp. 210
Embedded IOT application for Biofeedback Reeducation based on ARM Cotrex-M4
Zinedine MENNANI, Abdelaziz Kerbouche, Nora KARKAR, Hamimi CHEMALI, Mohsen HADDOUD
ID: EMS-4089
pp. 210
Etude Numérique Et Expérimentale De Comportement Mécanique D’un KAYAK En Matériaux Composite
ID: EMS-4090
pp. 211
3D thermal simulation during heterogeneous FSW welding of Magnesium and Aluminum alloys
ID: EMS-4091
pp. 211
Rainflow Cycle Counting and Fatigue Analysis With Random Loading
Zengah.S, Khaldi.M, Aid.A, khelil.F, Benguediab.M
ID: EMS-4092
pp. 211
Studies of the effects of particle size on drug loading of new copolymers based on poly (glycolide-co- ε-caprolactone) for
the controlled release system
Asma ZIANE, Kaddour GUEMRA
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4093
pp. 212
Numerical Study on Convective Heat Transfer of Hybrid Nanofluid in a Circular Channel
Topic 1: Energy Transition & Renewable Energies
ID: EMS-100
Plenary Talk
Innovative Materials for Solid Hydrogen storage dedicated to Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicles
ICB-PMDM/FR FCLAB, UBFC University, UTBM University, France
Abstract :
Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies have strong potential to play a significant role in the new energy system that
must be defined in the coming years. A future hydrogen based society in which hydrogen is the primary energy vector
will soon become a reality. Hydrogen is viewed as an energy storage solution for many of the energy problems over the
world. There are currently three main technologies for storing hydrogen as: compressed gas, liquefied cryogenic fluid, or
solid in a metal hydride [2]. For automotive applications, most car manufacturers have decided to not use liquid hydrogen
as an embedded storage mostly due to the high energy cost of hydrogen liquefaction, which today can add as much as
50% to the cost of H2 [3-4]. The high-pressure storage [300-750bar] causes security and societal acceptance problems.
Otherwise, the metal hydride storage offers the possibility to operate at lower pressure [1-10bar] with a very interesting
energy efficiency. The metal hydrides provide a safe way of handling hydrogen. Therefore, an important number of
studies has been carried out to develop this technology in the last years.In this work, a review of potential hydrides for
hydrogen storage in mobile applications will be presented. Performances of these new materials will be examined and
correlated to the manufacturing process. In order to investigate the effectiveness of these materials, the capacity of
hydrogen absorption of these new materials will be compared with traditional hydride alloys used for hydrogen storage.
[ 1]
[ 2]
[ 3]
[ 4]
A. Chaise, “Etude expérimentale et numérique de réservoirs d'hydrure de magnésium,” thesis, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble I,
Lovins AB. Twenty hydrogen myths. Rock Mountain Institute, 2005; www. rmi. Org.
Züttel A. Hydrogen storage methods. Naturwissenschaften 2004; 91:157–172.
Sandi G. Hydrogen storage and its limitations. The Electrochem. Soc. Interface 2004; 13(3):40–44
Professor Nouredine FENINECHE
Head of Additive Manufacturing and Powders Research Group
Head of Industrial Relations, Mechanical Engineering and Design Department
Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, FRANCE
Professor Nouredine FENINECHE has obtained his PhD Thesis in Mechanical Engineering and Materials from the
University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), Juin 1990, France. His main Research activities and expertise are
focused on: New and innovative materials for energy and hydrogen storage using both Ab initio calculations and
experimental elaboration: Elaboration of Nanomaterials for IT-SOFC Fuel Cells. Magnetic thin films for Sensors and
actuators, DMS materials for spintronic applications, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Coatings intended for magnetic
shielding using HVOF and cold spraying, Magnetic materials processed by Selective laser Melting SLM and 3D and 4D
ID: EMS-101
Experimental Investigation of a Hybrid Solar-Geothermal Desalination Process
Yacine SADAOUI1, Rassim BELAKROUM1, Lotfi ZIANI2, Abdelhafid GHERFI1, Noureddine CHERAD2
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Univ. Ouargla, Fac. Des Sciences Appliquées, Lab. Dynamique, Interaction et Réactivité des Systèmes, Ouargla 30000,
Univ. Ouargla, Fac. Des Sciences Appliquées, Ouargla 30000, Algeria
Abstract :
Today, the application of renewable energy in the world is widespread in various fields such as water desalination.
This work presents an experimental investigation of a novel green desalination method. The operating principal of the
proposed desalination unit is based on evaporation/condensation process using both solar and shallow geothermal energy.
By evaporating saline water in, for example, a parabolic trough solar collector and letting the water vapor flow in a buried
vertical pipe, freshwater will condensate as the vapor is cooled by the ground. In order to assess the freshwater production
capacity of the proposed green process, a lab scale prototype has been developed. Different parameters were measured at
different points, such as temperature, humidity and water vapor velocity. The experiment measurements demonstrate that
the proposed system has interesting performance and important freshwater productivity.
Keywords: Humidification dehumidification (HDH); Geothermal energy; Ground heat exchanger; Solar collector;
ID: EMS-102
Durability Study of Stabilized Earth Based on Recycled Clay Mud
Material, Processes and Environment Research Unit, M'Hamed University Bouggara Boumerdés35000, Algeria.
Abstract :
The valorization of sediments among the recommendations in numerous studies carried out on the fate of sediments
as well as on the preservation of water resources and the protection of the environment. Several ways of this can be
envisaged: the use of silt in the construction sector constitutes a relevant solution coming to remedy the problems of
siltation of dams. The aim of the work carried out is to recycle the sediments from the KoudiatAcerdoune de Bouira dam
to develop earth bricks stabilized by cement. Several geotechnical and chemical tests for identification of sediment. In
addition, the treated walls were exposed to climatic conditions in order to link their durability. The results of the present
study show that the exposure to the Mediterranean climate, the diagnosis reveals that the walls built with cement are less
affected by the damage. In return, a few defects including the surface roughness for a year.
Keywords: Sediment; Geotechnical tests; Chemical tests; Durability.
ID: EMS-103
Development of Multifunctional Additives Based on Alkenyl Succinic Anhydrides for Diesel and Biodiesel Fuel
Anissa MOUSSIDEN, Souad HAMMADOU Née Mesdour, Djamila BOUFADES, Omar KADDOUR
Nowadays fuel blending components produced from renewable sources (biodiesel, mixture of iso- and normal
paraffin produced from triglycerides, gasoline and diesel produced from synthesis gas etc.) are an important part of the
blending pool. The use of fuels produced from renewable resources is supported by several EU directives (2003/30/EC
(Biofuels), 2009/28/EC (Renewable Energy Directive) and 2009/30/EC (Fuel Quality Directive). Their blending is
allowed up to 7% by the EN 590 :2009 diesel fuel standard. The application of biodiesels causes several problems due to
their properties which are different from that of the fossil diesel fuel: higher cold filter plugging point (CFPP), higher
viscosity, hydrolysis (corrosion), storage stability problems, lower energy content etc. As a result new challenges rose to
ensure the high quality of diesel fuel and the proper function of the engine by applying high performance multifunctional
additives in the diesel fuel and engine oil.Alkenylsuccinic anhydrides were prepared by reaction Alpha olefin and maleic
anhydride. The range in which the temperature, reaction time, and molar ratio varied was determined in a preliminary
study. The optimal reaction conditions for obtaining the maximal yield (around 80%) of alkenyl succinic anhydride: a
temperature of 180-200°C, molar ratio of 1.5, and a reaction lasting 8 h. The products were purified, characterized by
F.T.I.R and 1H-NMR analysis. The efficiency of the prepared compounds as antioxidants and was investigated.
Keywords: Multifunctional additive; Alkenyl succinic anhydride; Antioxidant; Diesel; Biodiesel.
ID: EMS-104
Application of Electroluminescence Technique to the Characterization of Conventional Solar Cells.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Yougherta CHIBANE1, Yacine KOUHLANE2, *, Amani AMIRAT1, Djoudi BOUHAFS3
Laboratory of Semiconductors (LSC), Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria
Laboratory of Advanced Systems and Materials (LSMA), Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria
Research Center in Semiconductor Technology for the Energetic (CRTSE), Algiers, Algeria,
Developments in the photovoltaic industry have made it possible to considerably reduce the thickness of siliconbased solar cells while increasing their absorption surfaces to optimize their yields. Standard characterization techniques
such as current-voltage (I-V) measurements are essential for analyzing the overall quality of solar cells. However, these
techniques cannot provide precise information on their electrical properties from the viewpoint of their spatial
resolution. Recently, new imaging techniques capable of analyzing the spatial resolution of silicon wafers and solar cells
have rapidly become attractive characterization tools for research and the photovoltaic industry. Electroluminescence
(EL) characterization is one of the most popular imaging methods for analyzing silicon solar cells and modules. The main
advantages of EL imaging are its simplicity and ability to produce maps of electrical activity using very short acquisition
times, which also allows it to be applied in industrial environments. The intensity of EL images at a given point is related
to material properties, such as minority carrier diffusion length. In this work, standard silicon solar cells will be tested by
a simple electroluminescence setup. The information provided by EL imaging will be examined to locate different
inhomogeneities in our samples. Additionally, an approach by simulation will be performed and compared with EL
imaging results, to verify the reliability of the configuration of our EL setup. The simplicity and inexpensive nature of the
developed setup should allow a more widespread use of luminescence techniques for the characterization of silicon solar
Keywords: Solar cell; Silicon; electroluminescence; LTspice.
ID: EMS-105
Etude Théorique des Interactions dans le Complexe d'inclusion Trans-Anéthol@β-Cyclodextrine ainsi que l'Effet
du Solvant sur le Spectre d'Emission et d'Absorption.
Houria BOUCHEMELLA1, Fatiha MADI2, Leila NOUAR
Laboratoire de chimie computationnelle et nanostructure, Département de Génie des procédés, Faculté des sciences et
Technologie, Université 08 Mai 1945, Guelma, Algérie.
Laboratoire de chimie computationnelle et nanostructure, Département des sciences de la matière, faculté des
mathématiques de l'informatique et des sciences de la matière et Technologie, Université 08 Mai 1945, Guelma, Algérie.
Résumé :
Dans ce présent travail, la structure et la stabilité du complexe d'inclusion formé par le Trans-Anéthol et la βcyclodextrine (β-CD) ont été étudiées théoriquement par différentes méthodes de calculs computationnels dans la phase
gaz et dans le solvant de façon implicite (modèle CPCM).La complexe T-An@β-CD a fait l'objet d'une optimisation
géométrique en utilisant les fonctionnelles de la DFT : B3LYP et ωB97XD avec une base moyenne 6-31G. Du point de
vue énergétique le complexe s'avère stable avec une énergie supérieure à -30Kcal/mol dans le vide et dans l'eau
(ωB97XD/6-31G.Les propriétés du complexe d'inclusion T-An@β-CD, y compris les spectres UV-Vis, la force de
l'oscillateur (f), l'énergie de transition, l'énergie de l'écart (EHOMO-ELUMO) sont calculées pour donner un aperçu des
propriétés d'absorption et d'émission des molécules étudiées. L'étude TD-DFT/B3LYP/6–31G indique que la transition
majeure sur les spectres UV-visible du Trans-Anéthol libre se produit entre π → π*. La présence de la β-CD modifie
largement les propriétés spectroscopiques, en plus de la transition π → π* celle n → π* se produit et le micro
environnement du Trans-Anéthol est largement modifié.L'analyse théorique effectuée par NBO a permis de dénombrer et
visualiser des liaisons de type hydrogène et Vander Waals expliquant la stabilité du complexe.Un bon accord entre les
déplacements GIAO/1HNMR expérimentaux et calculés a été observé.
Mots-clés : Trans-Anéthol; ß-Cyclodextrine; Absorption, Emission; TD-DFT; GIAO/1HNMR.
ID: EMS-106
Vector Control of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Incorporate in Wind Energy Conversion System
with fuzzy logic controller MPPT
Razik DIB1*, Abed KHOUDIR 1.2, Katia KOUZI 2
Electrical Engineering Department University Frères Mantouri Constantine , Algeria 2Laboratory of Semiconductors and
Functional, Materials, Electrical Engineering Department University of Laghouat, Algeria
Abstract :
Currently, variable speed wind systems based on the Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (BDFIM) are the
most used in Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS). The main features of BDFIM are high reliability due to its
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
brushless operating, lower capital and operational costs. This work presents a field-oriented control scheme for a BDFIG
acting as a variable-speed generator. The presented vector control is determined on the power-winding stator-flux frame
and can be employed to control both the torque and the reactive power. In addition, use of wind speed sensors by an
anemometer, and fuzzy logic controller maximize wind energy extraction Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) MPPT is proposed.
Several simulation results under different operating conditions are provided to prove the effectiveness of the presented
scheme. The obtained results show the efficiency and validity of the proposed control strategy.
Keywords : Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (BDFIM); Wind Energy Conversion; System (WECS); Tip Speed
Ratio (TSR); Maximum power point tracking (MPPT).
ID: EMS-107
Fuzzy Direct Torque Control (DTFC) of a Polyphase Machine based Wind Energy Conversion System
Razik DIB1, Abed KHOUDIR1.2, Katia KOUZI,2
Electrical Engineering Department, University Frères Mantouri Constantine, Algeria.
Laboratory of Semiconductors and Functional, Materials, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Laghouat,
Abstract :
This paper has focused on the concept of direct control of torque applied on the double star induction machine by
using the artificial intelligence technique. Which provide a high dynamic response of electromagnetic torque with
robustness against parametric variations Our contribution lies in the development of control methodologies to improve
the direct control of the couple so , we have modeled the dual-star induction machine (MASDE) and its power supply
consists mainly of two voltage inverters controlled by PWM current hysteresis , And presented a comparison between
two control strategies namely classic DTC and the fuzzy DTC applied to the MASDE. The validity of the effectiveness
of the control presented were illustrated by simulation results.
Keywords: Asynchronous dual star machine (MASDE); Direct torque control (DTC); Pulse Width Modulation(PWM).
ID: EMS-108
Determination of the Performance of a Wind Turbine with P.V.C Blades Intended for Rural Use
Akram ADJLOUT a,*, Omar IMINEb,Omar LADJEDEL a
Laboratoire d’Aéro-Hydrodynamique Naval, Département de Génie Maritime, Université des
Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, USTO-MB, Oran, Algérie
Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, USTO-MB, Oran,
Laboratoire d’Aéronautique et Systèmes Propulsifs, Département de Génie Mécanique.
Abstract :
In this research, a horizontal axis wind turbine with three blades for the production of domestic electricity on farms
was numerically simulated. The geometries of the tested wind turbines were produced using SolidWorks software. The
Gambit and Fluent 16.0 codes were used respectively to generate the different meshes and to calculate the different
parameters. The resolution of the averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) using a finite volume method was
performed. The k-ε two-equation model was chosen for the turbulence calculation.the simulations were performed for the
wind turbine with post and two blade diameters 3 and 6 mm The configurations of the studied rotors produce a maximum
torque and a maximum power coefficient at two different rotation speeds, this defining the limits of a rational operating
domain. The presence of the post also contributes to the increase in torque and consequently to the mechanical power
produced by the wind turbine.
Keywords : Horizontal axis wind turbine; Solid Works; Fluen; Mesh; Power coefficient; Torque.
ID: EMS-109
Study of the effect heat treatments on the dopes segregation in polycrystalline silicon films
Laboratory of Semiconductors, Department of Physics, University Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria
Abstract :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
In this work we are interested in studying the effect of the heat treatments on the dopant segregation at the grain
boundaries in the polycrystalline silicon films. The obtained results have shown that the heat treatments reduce the
number of segregation sites at the grains boundaries, and consequently they limit the structural changes that can appear
there and the quantity of the dope atoms that can accumulate in these boundaries. In addition they are more and more
dopant that are found inside the grains when the temperature of the heat treatment increases. On the other hand, we
established that the arsenic atoms have a strong tendency to the segregation than the boron atoms, and we have noticed a
strong migration of arsenic atoms from the boundaries towards the grains under the effect of the heat treatments. It was
also shown that the segregation of arsenic atoms at the grains boundaries is about 4 times higher than that of the boron
Keywords: Segregation; Grains boundaries; Heat treatm.
ID: EMS-1010
La valorisation des coproduits agroalimentaires pour la production de Biosurfactants par Bacillus megaterieum et
son application dans la récupération des boues pétrolières
Amina BENCHOUK1*, Kahina IGHILAHRIZ1, Nabila SEGHIR2 et Yacine BELKEBIR2
La direction centrale recherche et développement SONATRACH. Avenue du 1er Novembre - 35000 Boumerdes
Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj de Bouira, Département des Sciences Biologiques.
Résumé :
Les Biosurfactants sont des produits microbiens avec de vastes avantages tels que la faible toxicité et l’activité
élevée à des températures extrêmes, mais surtout, ils sont biodégradables et compatibles avec l'environnement et en plus
d'une large gamme d'applications en particulier leur utilisation dans la bioremédiation. Malgré ces multiples avantages et
applications des Biosurfactants, la production et la commercialisation de ces composés restent coûteuses, ceci est
principalement dû à l'utilisation de milieux synthétisés chimiquement pour la croissance de micro-organismes
producteurs. L’objectif de cette étude est d’utiliser des substrats renouvelables moins chers issus de l’industrie
agroalimentaire pour la production de ces biomolécules par la bactérie Bacillus megaterieum isolée à partir des boues
pétrolières. Diverses matières ont été testées en tant que nutriments pour la croissance bactérienne, notamment les
épluches de la pomme de terre, l'eau de cuisson du riz, les coproduits de la biscuiterie et les gousses de caroube. Tous les
milieux qui ont été développés à partir de ces matières sont économiques et parfois gratuits par rapport au milieu de
culture de référence. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le milieu à base des gousses de caroube et des épluches de
pomme de terre et coquilles d’œufs favorise la croissance de la bactérie et la production de Biosurfactants à raison de
0.15 mg/ml et 0.32 mg/ml. Les tests d’émulsification et de déplacement d’huile ont permis de sélectionner ces deux
milieux comme de bons substrats favorisant une emulsification huile-eau dans des proportions allant jusqu'à 30 à 56.7
%. L’application de ces biomolécules dans la récupération de l’huile pétrolière piégée dans les boues a permet de
récupérer entre 0.7 % à 0.74 % pour les milieux sélectionnés.
Mots-clés : Bacillus megaterieum; Coproduits agroalimentaires; Biosurfactants; Boue des bacs de stockage.
ID: EMS-1011
Production du Biogaz par Co-Digestion
Kahina IGHILAHRIZ 1*, Amina BENCHOUK1, Réda MEHAMLI 2, Zakaria RABTI2, Linda CHACHOU2
Direction Centrale Recherche et développement, SONATRACH
Université des sciences et de la technologie Houarie Boumedienne
Résumé :
Le présent travail a comme objectif d’étudier la faisabilité de produire du biogaz à partir des rejets du forage
pétrolier. La méthode suivie se basera sur la co-digestion anaérobique humide en intervenant la boue de forage ainsi que
des déchets organiques à savoir : Fumier de bovin, les épluches de pomme de terre et les coquilles d’œuf. Les
expériences ont été conduites dans deux digesteurs caractérisés comme suit : T1 est composé du fumier de bovin et des
déchets alimentaires avec un rapport 80%/20%, T2 est composé des déchets organiques et de la boue de forage
50%/50%. Les substrats ont été mélangé 2h au préalable avant leur insertion dans les digesteurs, le taux d’humidité a été
maintenue à 70%. Une analyse des différents substrats a été effectuée, le rapport C/N du fumier de bovin était le plus
élevé avec une valeur de 30.41 suivi par les épluches de pommes de terre (22.54%), coquille d’œuf (3.90%) ainsi que le
rapport des rejets du forage pétrolier (2.84%). Les expériences ont été menées durant 30 jours, avec un suivi du volume
du biogaz produit, pH de la solution ainsi que le dénombrement bactérien. Le volume du biogaz cumulé dans le digesteur
T1 a atteint 300 mL contre 60 mL dans le second digesteur pour un volume réactionnel de 300 mL. Bien que, la présence
du polluant a ralenti le processus de production du biogaz, le résultat obtenu reste encourageant. Par ailleurs, dans
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
l’optique d’améliorer le résultat, d’autres expériences doivent être menées pour optimiser les paramètres qui peuvent
mener vers un meilleur rendement du gaz.
Mots clés : Biogaz; Boue de forage pétrolier; Co-digestion anaérobique; Déchets organiques.
ID: EMS-1012
Study of an organic macromolecule obtained from Algerian petroleum
Nadia HADJ KADDOUR 1, Boumediene BOUNACEUR 1, and Mortada DAAOU 1, 2
Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, B.P 1524, El M'Naouer, 31000 Oran, Algérie.
Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed-Boudiaf, El Mnaouar, BP 1505, Bir El Djir, 31000 Oran,
Abstract :
Asphaltenes, a complex aromatic molecular mixture, are largely contained in petroleum and coal processing
residues. Since oil is transported in pipelines and metal equipment in general, these compounds can precipitate in the
presence of ferric ions combined with acidic conditions, blocking and obstructing the free flow of the petroleum.
Determining and predicting the flocculation threshold for various parameters is a major concern for the petroleum
industry. Several methods are used to estimate when flocculation or precipitation of asphaltenes begins. Therefore, its
experimental detection methods are of practical interest to minimize the obstruction of porous spaces and thus increase
the production flow. The main objective of this work is to solubilize the asphaltenes. We investigated the effect of adding
a natural inhibitor, resins, on the precipitation of asphaltenes, both extracted from a petroleum residue collected at the
Arzew refinery. Generally, the resins act as peptizing agents and their separation from petroleum leads to the
precipitation of asphaltenes. In this sense, the resins seem to offer a transition between the more polar (asphaltenes) and
the relatively nonpolar fractions (oils) in the petroleum, which made it possible to maintain the asphaltenes in solution.
Toluene and n-heptane were used, respectively, as dispersants and flocculants to determine the onset of asphaltene
precipitation using a UV visible spectrophotometric method.
Mots-clés : Petroleum; Flocculation; Spectrophotometry; Asphaltene; Resin.
ID: EMS-1013
Use of Clove Seed Extract as Eco-Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in Sodium Chloride
Laboratory of Anti-Corrosion - Materials,Environment& Structure, Faculty of Sciences, 20 Aout 1955-Skikda
University, PO Box 26,route d’El-Hadaiek Skikda 21000 Algeria, Skikda.
20 aout 1955-Skikda University, Skikda, Algeria.
20 aout 1955-Skikda University, Skikda, Algeria.
Abstract :
Nowadays, the carbon steel is widely used in various industries such as construction, automobile and petroleum
(heat exchangers, pipelines, etc.) industry because of its excellent mechanical properties, low cost and easy availability
for fabrication. Nevertheless, it may be exposed to a process of corrosion in aggressive environment. The use of inhibitors
is one of the most effective practical and economic ways for the protection of metallic surfaces against corrosion.
However, the toxicity of the usual inhibitors, has prompted the search for green corrosion inhibitors from natural sources
and biomass wastes.The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of clove seed extract(essential oil)as an ecofriendly inhibitor on the C-1026 carbon steel corrosion in 3% NaCl solution enriched with essential oil at different
concentration. The corrosion behaviour of the alloy was evaluated by weight loss, electrochemical measurements as:
polarization resistance (Rp), potentiodynamic polarization (PD) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and
the adsorption isotherms. The results of the present investigation demonstrated significant corrosion protection of carbon
steel by clove seed extract in aqueous media.
Keywords : Green corrosion inhibition; Carbon steel; EIS/polarisation; Clove seed extract; Aqueous media.
ID: EMS-1014
Valorisation Energetique des Boues des Stations de Traitement des Eaux Usees (step) et Production du Biogaz
Ecole Supérieure de Technologies Industrielles (ESTI) - Annaba /Algérie,
Laboratoie Métallurgie Physique et Propriétés de Matériaux ( LM2PM), Université Badji Mokhtar –Annaba/Algérie
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Résume :
Ces dernières années, L’Algérie s’est engagée dans une politique d’efficacité énergétique et développement
durable, elle a pour objectif premier, de contrôler et réduire ses consommations en énergie, cette consommation d’énergie
a connu une croissance accrue, principalement due à l’amélioration du niveau de vie des citoyens, à cet effet,
l’investissement dans la recherche d’autres sources d’énergie essentiellement de type renouvelables s’avère une solution
intelligente et économique dans une démarche vers une transition énergétique durable et diversifiée.L’objectif de cette
étude est le traitement et la valorisation énergétique des déchets riches en matières organiques par la digestion anaérobie,
grâce à ce procédé, il est possible de produire un combustible à haute valeur énergétique, appelé : Le biogaz et
réduire les nuisances de la charge organique de ces déchets.Les expériences menées au laboratoire, en utilisant comme
substrat de la digestion anaérobie, la boue des STEP, nous a donné les résultats suivants : le pH est autorégulé dans le
digesteur avec des valeurs optimales comprises entre 6 et 7 mais un ajout de bicarbonate de soude peut être nécessaire
pour le maintenir. Les expériences menées ont montrés que le pH au-dessus de 5 montre un excès d’AGV et
d’ammoniaque dans le digesteur. La concentration en acide gras volatils (AGV) doit être inférieures à 2 g/l, une
température stable optimale pour les micro-organismes épurateurs de 37°C et un rapport AGV/TAC inférieur à 1.5. Avec
Le choix optimisé d’une dilution de 80% est nécessaire pour atteindre une production maximale en méthane. Le substrat
de digestion issue des boues de la station d’épuration des eaux usées (STEP) présentent un rendement assez bon en biogaz
pour les temps de séjours inférieur à 25 jours. Ceci est dû au caractère biodégradable de ces boues.La digestion anaérobie
de la boue des stations d’épuration des eaux usées a permis d’avoir un abattement de la DCO de l’ordre de 90%. , avec
un pourcentage de gaz-méthane dans le biogaz s’élève à 60-75%. Ce résultat est encourageant, permettant ainsi
l’élimination de la charge polluante d’une STEP tout en produisant une valeur énergétique de cette charge polluante.
Mots-clés : Energie; Transition énergétique; Déchets; Digestion; Biogaz.
ID: EMS-1015
Experimental Investigation of Biodiesel Blending Effect on the Mechanical Performance and Emissions of a Diesel
Fakher HAMDI1, Mehrez GASSOUMI1, Zouhaier BOUTTAR1, Ridha ENNETTA1and Hakan Serhad SOYHAN2
Mechanical Modeling, Energy & Materials, National School of Engineers, Gabes University, Zrig, 6029, Gabes,
Engineering Department, Mechanical Engineering, Sakarya University, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey.
Abstract :
The main objective of this research work is to study, experimentally, the blending effects of biodiesel fuel on both
mechanical and thermochemical characteristics of a diesel engine. Biodiesel was produced by direct esterification of
sunflower oil. This experimental investigation was carried out on a single cylinder four-stroke and air-cooled diesel
engine under 1⁄2 load. We have investigated the effects on engine performance i.e., power (BTP), efficiency (BTE),
mean pressure (BMEP) and fuel consumption (SFC) of biodiesel blends varying from 0 to 20 % of pure
diesel. Experimental results showed that the SFC decreases gradually as the percentage of biodiesel increases and the
rotation speed decreases until the SFC reaches 28% for B20 at low speed of 980 rpm comparatively to pure diesel. The
SFC was not influenced by the biodiesel blends under a speed of about 2000 rpm then an increase of 13% was reached at
a speed of about 3000 rpm. The addition of biodiesel improved the engine brake power (BTP) and an enhancement of
6.8% for all blends was obtained at high speed (3000 rpm). Similar result was observed for the engine brake efficiency
(BTE) at the whole engine speeds. An enhancement of 9% in BTE was obtained at high-speed exceeding 3000 rpm. An
increase in BMEP compared to that given by B0 was also observed, with a variable rate depending on percentage of the
additive as well as the rotation speed. This increase reaches its maximum at a speed of 2500 rpm, with a percentage of
13% for B10 and B15. Concerning the engine emissions, the addition of 5% of biodiesel generated an increase in CO
emissions, compared to pure diesel, that achieved 40% at high speed. However, the emission of NO 2 was reduced by
55% at the same conditions.
Keywords: Diesel engine; Sunflower biodiesel; Emissions, SFC; BTP; BTE; BMEP.
ID: EMS-1016
Experimental Investigation of the Geometry effect on a Savonius VAWT performance
Lotfi LAKHDHAR1, Mohamed Salah IDRISSI and Ridha ENNETTA1
Mechanical Modelling, Energy and Materials, National School of Engineers, Gabes University, Zrig, 6029, Gabes,
Abstract :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Nowadays, renewable energy has shown an enormous capability of generating clean energy. Savonius wind turbine
is one of the most competitive technologies to produce electricity especially in urban areas. This study deals with an
investigation of a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) Savonius type.An experimental investigation has been carried out
through creating a model of the rotor using 3D printer.The Savonius turbine have a circular section of 200 mm diameter
and a height of 200 mm divided in two equal parts (stages). The angle between the two parts could be adjusted by 15°
from 0 to 90°. The rotor has been tested in a wind tunnel to study its performance.The main finding of this work was that
the power coefficient (Cp) increased by increasing the angle between the two parts of the rotor. The best enhancement
(34%) was obtained at an angle of 90° compared to the conventional Savonius (at 0°).
Keywords: Savonius; Wind turbine; Power coefficient; Wind tunnel; Energy.
ID: EMS-1017
Aerodynamics Investigation on the Three-dimensional Flow in Inside and Outside of Solar Tunnel greenhouse
Renewable Energy Applied Research Unit (URAER)/ Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER), 47133,
Ghardaïa, Algeria.
Abstract :
A greenhouse microclimate study presents a significant challenge in the scientific research area. The pressure
parameter variation inside and outside the greenhouse can be the most important, which simultaneously associates the air
motion and temperature variation. A pressure variation can be a remarkable change under external factors such as air
velocity and solar-ray intensity. This sensitive parameter is not furthermost highlighted in the literature study
comparatively to the temperature, humidity, and dioxide of carbon concentration parameters inside the
greenhouse. Computational fluid dynamic study has considered in this work. The Fluent software post-processing based
on the Navier-Stokes fluid dynamics equations resolved by the finite volume method taken into account the LES
Smagorinsky turbulent model. Focused on the pressure coefficient parameters development on the inside and outside
that can be acting considerably in greenhouse materials used on the engineering construction technics, like that a
polyethylene or Plexiglas’s cover matter kind, in this study
Keywords: Irradiation; Pressure; Tunnel greenhouse; Wind speed.
ID: EMS-1018
Modeling and Simulation of a Heliostats Field of a mini Solar Tower in Adrar region (Algeria)
Mohamed DOUAKa*, Aouachria ZAROUAL b
Univ Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, Laboratory of Applied Energetic Physical, Faculty of Material Sciences, Univ. Batna 1,
Univ Batna 1, Laboratory of Applied Energetic Physical, Faculty of Material Sciences, Univ. Batna 1, Algeria
The objective of this study is the dimensioning of a heliostat field of a 10 KWe solar tower in the Adrar region of
Algeria. The heliostats are distributed according to a staggered radial arrangement and where the mathematical
formulation has taken into account the blocking factor of the sun's rays, the safety distance between two adjacent
heliostats and the surface density criterion. The field of heliostats was dimensioned for a height of 18 m, an optical
efficiency of 69% and a surface of heliostats equal to 2.25 m2. The size and shape of the field have been optimized for an
acceptance angle of 24° and a receiver tilt of 41°. The calculation is carried out by program in FORTRAN language,
which one developed to simulate this holistic field.
Keywords: Heliostats; Sizing; Radial layout; Acceptance angle; Receiver tilt; Modelling.
ID: EMS-1019
Cathodic Protection System supplied by PV Panels and Controlled in Automatic
SONATRACH Direction centrale recherché et développement DC RD
Abstract :
The Corrosion is a phenomenon that damages transport and storage structures such as pipelines for Oil and Gas
industry, water and other products. Therefore, that is mandatory to provide all possible means to protect and prevent
against this phenomenon [1]. Among the solutions deployed, the cathodic protection systems at the impressed current are
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
very often used [2]. In the regions without electrification, cathodic protection (CP) facilities are powered by photovoltaic
panels. This paper deals with the modelling and simulation of the cathodic protection system supplied by PV panel [3].
View the remoteness of the Algerian SONATRACH installations, a technical control is proposed by simulation in order
to gives an overview on the automatic control of the cathodic system and the different elements constituted vis PV panels,
MPPT DC/DC converter and cathodic DC/DC converter control in automatic.
Keywords: Modelling and simulation; Automatic control; Cathodic protection.
ID: EMS-1020
Réalisation d’un Système d’Alarme Combiné Infrarouge /Micro Radar
Nawras BOUAM 1, Noureddine KOUDIAH 2
Département de Génie Electrique Faculté de Technologie de l’Université Yahia Farès de W/Médéa
Centre de Recherche Nucléaire de Birine, B.P.: 180 Aïn Oussera W/Djelfa : Tél.: 027 80 98 06/ 027 80 98 04,
Résumé :
Dans ce travail, nous proposons la conception et la réalisation d'un système d'alarme consiste en un couplage de
deux capteurs de mouvements de différentes technologies avec une carte Arduino pour créer une alarme de sécurité. Ce
système détecte la présence d’un intrus dans une pièce et envoi un signale à l’Arduino, l’Arduino crée ensuite un son
d’alarme à l’aide d’un buzzer pour effrayer l’intrus et avertir les propriétaires. La méthode utilisée repose sur le fait
d’installer des capteurs à multi-paramètres (infrarouge, mouvement et Micro-radar), et les relier à un module centralisé
qui gère l’ensemble de ces détecteurs et déclenche, en fonction de la situation, une certaine signalisation d’alarme et lance
un message sur LED et agit convenablement à chaque événement détecté. Plusieurs tests ont été effectués avec succès,
figures ci-dessous, afin de vérifier le bon fonctionnement de notre dispositif.En présence d’un intrus au voisinage du
capteur, le capteur PIR détecte ces radiations infrarouges et transmis l’information au système d’alarme. Ce dernier
envoie automatiquement une alerte sous forme d’un signal et un message à travers le LCD et de signaux comme indique
les figures (1, 2 et 3).
Mots clés : Système d’alarme; Capteurs; Infrarouge /micro radar; Buzzer; Carte Arduino.
ID: EMS-1021
Contribution à l’Etude des Propriétés Structurelles des Matériaux pour le Backsheet d’un module PV.
Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, USTHB
Faculté de physique, laboratoire physique des matériaux, Equipe matériaux diélectriques et polymères
Centre de recherche en technologie des semi-conducteures pour l’énergétique
Division D.D.C.S
Résumé :
Face aux enjeux actuels (besoins énergétiques croissants, réchauffement climatique, indépendance énergétique, ..), il
devient nécessaire de se détourner progressivement des énergies fossiles polluantes au profit d’énergies alternatives plus
respectueuses de l’environnement. Ces énergies étant pour la plupart intermittentes (éolien, solaire, hydroélectrique), il
faut se diriger vers un mix énergétique dans lequel le photovoltaïque (PV) aura très certainement un rôle prépondérant
aux vues de ses avantages indéniables : un faible impact environnemental, une source d’énergie abondante et une énergie
de plus en plus compétitive. Un module photovoltaïque est l’élément constitutif d’une installation PV. Il se compose
d’un ensemble de cellules avec des caractéristiques électriques aussi identiques que possible les unes des autres,
connectées entre elles puis encapsulées dans un polymère transparent. L’encapsulant majoritairement utilisé est
l’éthylène-acétate de vinyle, ou l’EVA. Un module PV contient aussi un backsheet qui une double fonction, à savoir,
protéger les composants électroniques des agressions extérieures et fournir un fonctionnement sécurisé au vu des fortes
tensions utilisées. Les back-sheets peuvent être composés de verre ou de polymères. Bien souvent, un back-sheet est
constitué d’une structure laminée de polymères stables en température et sous humidité et relativement résistants aux UV.
Le support polymère le plus courant, le Tedlar® de DuPontTM, composé d’un laminat de trois couches : une couche de
poly-fluorure de vinyle (PVF) coté cellule, suivi d’une couche de polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET) et une seconde couche
de PVF. Cet empilement offre une excellente résistance aux agressions environnementales ainsi qu’une bonne tenue
mécanique et une adhésion optimale pour un back-sheet. Une bonne maitrise de ce back-sheet impose une bonne
connaissance des propriétés structurelles d’un élément essentiel qui est le fluorure de polyvinyle (PVF) ; c’est l’objet du
présent travail. Le fluorure de polyvinyle (PVF) est un polymère thermoplastique semi-cristallin qui présente de
nombreuses propriétés intéressantes : résistance aux UV, une excellente résistance aux intempéries, une faible
perméabilité aux gaz et des propriétés mécaniques exceptionnelles. Il est également inerte vis-à-vis d'un grand nombre de
produits chimiques et de solvants courants et agent de coloration, durabilité extérieure. Les résultats obtenus ont révélé
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
que le film PVF présente une morphologie rugueuse dont la rugosité a été estimée par un profil-mètre optique. Quant aux
mesures de DRX, elles ont révélé la présence d’une phase cristalline unique de plan hexagonal et une grande cristallinité
avec des cristallites de taille moyenne d’environ 15nm.
Mots clés : PVF; DRX; Rugosité; Cristallinité.
ID: EMS-1022
Analyse Expérimentale des Performances d’un Prototype d’une Tour Vortex
Nuclear Research Center of Birine B.P 180 Ain-Oussera 17200, Djelfa-Algeria
Résumé :
Le besoin d’une énergie propre dans le monde devient important. A cet effet la recherche des sources énergétique
sera plus en plus avancée. Certaines des sources d'énergie ont été identifiées comme une énergie renouvelable, la plupart
d'entre eux du soleil, la géothermie ou de mouvements dans les courants d'air ou des vagues d'eau. Chaque source a ses
propres avantages ainsi que son champ d’application. La puissance des tornades est possible, mais elle n'a pas été
exploitée dans le cas réel. La tour de vortex atmosphérique est une combinaison des deux principes de tornades et de la
cheminée solaire. Le vortex libre est le tourbillon situé loin du centre, circule plus vite que l’air dans le centre. Le vortex
forcé est la rotation de l’air comme un corps solide et ceci est utilisé pour créer des tourbillons. Les propriétés
thermodynamique du vortex sont la pression, la température et la vitesse. Un moteur tourbillon atmosphérique est une
machine conçue pour produire et contrôler un tourbillon de genre tornade. L’objectif de ce travail consiste en une
réalisation d’un prototype d’une tour de vortex. On propose de mettre en marche un système de génération d’un
tourbillonnaire pour but d’augmenter l’énergie cinétique de l’air chaud. Cette énergie cinétique permet d’actionner une
mini-turbine pour produire de l’énergie électrique. Des mesures de plusieurs paramètres à savoir les pressions, des
vitesses, humidité, températures et puissances ont été enregistrées par plusieurs tests. Le comportement du vortex généré
artificiellement par l'injection du fumé aux entrées de la tour a été visualisé au niveau de la sortie de la cheminée.
Keywords : Energie renouvelable; Prototype; Ecoulement d’air;Génération de vortex artificiel; Différence de
température; Vitesse; Humidité; Pression; Puissance.
ID: EMS-1023
Etude du comportement à l’impact à faible vitesse d’un composite Alfa/green-epoxy
Mokhtar KHALDI1, Mohamed Mokhtar BOUZIANE1, Alexandre VIVET2, Kaouter HAMAMOUSSE3, Habiba
Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara, Algeria.
CIMAP, F-14032 Caen; CNRS, UMR 6252, CEA, Ensicaen; Normandie University, France.
LSCMI, BP 1505 EL M’Naouer, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Mohamed Boudiaf Oran, Algeria.
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Les fibres végétales offrent des propriétés mécaniques spécifiques élevées couplées à un faible coût et une large
disponibilité à l'échelle mondiale. Du fait de leurs avantages et leur respect de l'environnement, l’utilisation de ces fibres
dans les applications industrielles ne cesse d'augmenter. Afin d'utiliser ces fibres comme renfort dans les composites pour
des applications structurelles, une compréhension complète et une prédiction correcte de leur comportement sont
nécessaires.Dans le présent travail, nous avons, premièrement, mené une étude expérimentale sur un matériau composite
complètement biosourcé à base de fibres végétales d’alfa et de résine green-époxy afin de déterminer les propriétés
mécaniques et physiques de ce matériau. Deuxièmement, les résultats expérimentaux ont été utilisés pour alimenter un
code de calcul par éléments finis pour simuler des essais d’impact à faible vitesse. Les résultats trouvés montrent que le
taux de fibre joue un rôle déterminant dans l’amortissement des chocs.
Mots-clés : Fibres d’alfa; Matériau biosourcé; Propriétés mécaniques; Essais d’impact.
ID: EMS-1024
Analyse Expérimentale de l’Influence de l’Hybridation sur le Vieillissement Hydrique d’un composite
partiellement biosourcé.
Mokhtar KHALDI1, Foudil KHELIL1, Mohamed Mokhtar BOUZIANE1, Alexandre VIVET2, Habiba BOUGHERARA3
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara, Algeria.
CIMAP, F-14032 Caen; CNRS, UMR 6252, CEA, Ensicaen; Normandie University, France.
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Le palmier doum est un arbre très abondant au nord de l’Algérie. Son utilisation est limitée dans le secteur de
l’industrie artisanal. Afin de pouvoir élargir le domaine d’exploitation de cette ressource fibreuse dans le domaine des
matériaux composites, dans un premier temps, une élaboration d’un composite biodégradable à base de feuilles de
palmier doum a été réalisée par le procédé de moulage par pression. Ensuite, une caractérisation par essais de flexion
trois-points a été menée sur des éprouvettes, de différentes fractions massiques de feuilles de doum, pour déterminer les
propriétés mécaniques. Pour réduire la sensibilité de notre composites à l’humidité, nous avons opté pour une hybridation
par des fibres de verre. Les résultats obtenus ont montrés que l’hybridation des feuilles de doum par des fibres de verre a,
non seulement, réduit la sensibilité du doum à l’humidité mais elle a aussi amélioré les propriétés mécaniques à savoir, le
module d’élasticité et la résistance à la flexion.
Mots-clés : Palmier doum; Matériaux composites; Hybridation; Module d’élasticité; Résistance à la flexion.
ID: EMS-1025
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: Simulation with the Sliding Mesh
Alaeddine ZEREG1, Nadhir LEBAAL2, Mounir AKSAS3, Bahloul DERRADJI3, Ines CHABANI4, Fateh MEBAREKOUDINA5
Laboratory LPEA, Department of Physics, University of Batna 1, Batna, Algeria
Laboratory ICB-COMM, University of Technology Belfort-Montbéliard, Belfort, France
Higher National School of Renewable Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development, Batna, Algeria.
LRPCSI Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria.
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
For a constant rotation speed and fixed free-stream velocity case, the investigation of the flow behavior of a vertical
axis wind turbine (VAWT) is very chaotic, hence, making it difficult to estimate the aerodynamic performance with
precision. The aim of this work consists on demonstrating the behavior of the blades and fluid interactions under
various turbine speeds. Through the exploitation of the Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) and other
fluid flow regulating equations, a 2D simulation of the VAWT with three blades based on the NACA0015 has been
performed. Studies are done on the power coefficient at various tip speed ratios (TSR). Using the sliding-mesh approach,
the dynamic performance of the turbine is also predicted with a reasonable level of precision. Overall, it seems that the
technique yields findings that are acceptable and adequate for understanding the performance of the turbine.
Keywords: Vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT); Sliding-mesh; Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS);
ID: EMS-1026
Photosensitizers for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: A Comparative Study of Twelve Natural Pigments Extracted
From Different Sources.
Yasmine HALIMI1,*, Zakaria BOUZID1,2
URMER, Faculty of Sciences, Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Sciences, Benyoucef Benkhedda University of Algiers 1
Abstract :
The aim of this study is the realization and characterization of Grätzel cells (DSSC or dye sensitized solar cells)
based on twelve dyes sensitizers belonging to several natural sources. In this context, we have selected in the category of
trees and plants leaves the following dyes: eucalyptus, rosemary, oleander, and spinach. In the category of flowers:
oleander. In the category of fruits and vegetables: blackberries, red cabbage, onion, and strawberry. In the category of
spices: turmeric, ginger, and saffron. For the extraction, we followed two experimental protocols. The first one allowed to
obtain eleven samples, whereas the second one was only applied on blackberries. The used solvents to isolate the dyes are
ethanol, acetic acid, distilled water, and acetone. For the assembly of our sensitized solar cell, we have also selected
specific components among the set of samples prepared based on their best performances. The coated semiconductor
(titanium dioxide) on the substrate inside the photoanode was deposited by the Doctor Blade method. Regarding the
electrolyte, we have used the one based on distilled water as a solvent containing the iodide/triiodide redox couple and the
di-Ammonium oxalate monohydrate as additive. For the final component, we have used a graphite pencil onto the counter
electrode. We were able to obtain our results by the use of: XRD, spectrophotometer, SEM, conductometer, and I-V
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
characteristic. The highest performance was achieved by the eucalyptus used on the titanium white layer diluted once
more with distilled water: 3.15mA for ISC, 755mV for Voc, and an efficiency of 1.17%. The obtained values are
promising to further scrutinize the eucalyptus extract for applicability in dye sensitized solar cells by improving its
Keywords : Dye sensitized solar cells; Titanium white; DSSC; Grätzel cells; Doctor Blade method;iodide/triiodide
Redox couple; Capsaicin.
ID: EMS-1027
Analysis and Interpretation of Wind Speed Data Distribution Based on Eight Statistical Laws: A Comparison
Zakaria BOUZID1, 2,*, Yasmine Halimi1, Meymoun BELAOUI1, Nassera GHELLAI1, 3
Materials and Renewable Energies Research Unit, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tlemcen
Faculty of Sciences, Benyoucef Benkhedda University of Algiers 1
Institute of Applied Science and Technology, University of Tlemcen
Abstract :
Basically, heat travels from an area of higher temperature to a lower temperature. When the heated air increases in
volume, it becomes lighter and rises in the sky. This rising warm air meets falling cold air. This temperature difference
between these two air masses creates what is called the wind, which is an inexhaustible natural source of energy and one
of the first to be used by humanity. By mastering the wind force, man was able to sail, discover new lands, flies kites and
turns windmills to grind grain into flour. Today, wind energy is used to generate electricity using wind turbines. The wind
turns the blades placed at the top of a mast. This movement allows the rotation of a central axis (the rotor) connected to a
generator. The mechanical energy of the wind is thus transformed into electricity. Furthermore, wind speed is not
constant over time. This allows to have four sections of variations: inter-annual, annual, daily, and short term (usually
ten-minute averages are determined using a sampling rate of about 1 second). The study of temporal variation of wind
speed represents a crucial interest for any wind project, and the choice of the period on which this study will be based
greatly affects the precision of the results. In order to statistically analyse variations in wind speeds, many studies have
been carried out to establish laws and relationships that can quantify them. In the wind field, the literature reveal that the
two parameters Weibull distribution law is the most successful. Indeed, it is often used to estimate and predict the
frequency distribution of wind speeds during a certain period and generally gives quite satisfactory results. In our study,
we will present seven other statistical laws that are not used as much as Weibull for the study of wind energy. Also, we
will make a comparative analysis between their respective precisions. These laws are: Rayleigh distribution, inverse
Gaussian distribution, Gamma distribution with two parameters and another with three parameters, truncated normal
distribution, normal distribution of square roots, and log-normal distribution. As each of these laws has its own
parameters, we will use a parametric method to calculate them: the maximum likelihood method. Our study is applied on
two sites located in southern Algeria: El Golea and Tindouf. By reconstructing a typical year containing hourly wind
speed data for these two regions, our results led us to conclude that the Weibull law was not always the best suited for the
statistical study of data frequencies. For examples, by using the RMSD test (Root-Mean-Square Deviation), in Tindouf
with an RMDS ~ 4.106×10 ³ it is the Normal Truncated law with two ⁻ parameters ( = 5.504 and β = -1.382) which
presents a better distribution of the different ɑ speeds frequencies of the wind regime blowing in this region, and in El
Golea with an RMDS ~ 0.593×10 it is the Weibull law with two parameters (k = 1.837 and c = 4.428 m.s ²) ⁻⁴⁻which best
presents the distribution of the different speeds frequencies of the wind regime which blows in this area.
Keywords : Wind energy; Wind speed; Wind distribution; Weibull; Statistical distribution laws.
ID: EMS-1028
Characterization of Solar Panels Degraded with Nature Influence
Nadir HACHEMI1,*, Fatna TAIBI1, Elfahem SAKHER1, 2,*, Ahmed BOURAIOU3, Ammar NECAIBIA3, Rachide
laboratory of energy environment and information system (leeis), department of material science, faculty of science and
technology, university of adrar, national highway no. 06. Adrar 01000, algeria;
laboratory of saharan natural resources, faculty of science and technology, university of adrar, national highway no,06,
adrar 01000, algeria
unite de recherche en energie renouvelables en milieu saharien, urerms, centre de developpement des energies
renouvelables, cder, 01000, adrar, algeria
departmente of mathematics and sciences, faculty of humanities and sciences, prince Sultan University, riyadh 11586,
saudi arabia;
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
infn-laboratori nazionali di frascati, via e. Fermi 54, 00044 frascati, italy
Abstract :
In recent years, scientists and researchers have focused on the renewable energies of all kinds, especially solar
energy. Adrar is considered among the best regions in the world that have the appropriate conditions for solar energy
production, but the solar panels are exposed to damage with time by the influence of external factors, and this causes a
deterioration (degradation) in the level of energy production. During this research, we will focus on the structural and
microstructural causes, of the degradation types, that affect the components of solar panels.
Methods used: in this study, we separated the components of the sample carefully. Our study is divided into two parts;
the first part, deals with the analysis of the panel’s components by x-ray diffraction and its study by the xpert highscor
software, and the second part is concerned with describing the electrical properties (electrical resistivity) of photovoltaic
panels pursuant to various temperatures.
Results: in our study that we conducted in the physics laboratory at Ahmed draya university,
From the study of electrical properties, we notice that the increase in electrical resistivity is directly
proportional to the different temperatures adopted during the experiment, so that the higher the temperature, the higher
the electrical resistivity of the solar cell.
From x-ray diffraction analysis, we notice that the samples are completely different in terms of their
different constituent phases, with the presence of silicon in all samples, with different percentages in each of them; al is
present in each of the samples s1, s2 and s3. In s3 characterised by the three phases silicon, al and sio2, this last phase is
found only in this sample. In sample 4, it shows the presence of new phases is ag with a ratio of 3.8 % and the mo phases
is 0.1 %. We also note that these two phases are found only in this sample.
Keywords: Renewable materials; Renewable energies, Solar energy; Solar panels; Degradation; Microstructural,
Structural; X-ray diffraction; Electrical resistivity.
ID: EMS-1029
Effect of Agitation Timing on Bioethanol Production from Cassava Peels using Separate Hydrolysis and CoFermentation Technique
Adewale Allen SOKAN-ADEAGA*1,2, Godson R.E.E ANA 2 and Abel Olajide OLORUNNISOLA 3
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, Lead City University,
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan,
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Department of Wood Products Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Abstract :
The quest for a sustainable and renewable energy sources to lessen greenhouse gases emission has led to widespread
global interest in biofuel production from crop residues. Cassava peels is a viable substrate for bioethanol production, yet
this have not been fully optimized. This study was therefore designed to assess the effect of agitation timing on
bioethanol production from Cassava Peels (CP) using Separate Hydrolysis and Co-fermentation (SHCF) technique. The
study was experimental and laboratory based. Cassava Peels (CP) were sourced from cassava processing centre at the
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. The CP was mechanically pre-treated by sun-drying and
milling. The milled CP was divided into three groups (Bottle 4, 5 and 6) each of 20g and subjected to two-stage
hydrolysis using 70% 13.M H2SO4 to obtained sugar solution. Equivalent amount of yeast solution was added to each
sugar solution and treated as follow: Bottle 4 (B4) [0hr i.e no shaking], Bottle 5 (B5) [3hrs shaking with electric shaker at
200 revolutions/min (200 revmin -1)] and Bottle 6 (B6) [6hrs shaking at 200 revmin -1]. Fermentation was carried out at
30oC for 72 days. Samples were taken from the fermenting broths every 24 hours for Total Soluble Solid (TSS), pH,
Fermentation Efficiency (FE), Ethanol Productivity (EP) and Ethanol Yields (EY) determination respectively. Data were
analysed using descriptive statistics, one–way ANOVA and New Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at p=0.05. The TSS and
pH readings of the treatment groups before and after fermentation were: B4 – TSS(27.15 ± 0.15, 17.25 ± 0.07 oBx),
pH(5.50 ± 0.00, 4.53 ± 0.04); B5 – TSS(27.32 ± 0.08, 14.78 ± 0.12 oBx), pH(5.50 ± 0.00, 4.74 ± 0.06); and B6 –
TSS(27.17 ± 0.07, 10.24 ± 0.08 oBx), pH(5.50 ± 0.00, 4.77 ± 0.05) (p<0.05). The values of the FE and EP were: B4
(15.17±0.07%, 0.122±0.001gL-1h-1); B5 (15.70±0.18%, 0.126±0.002gL-1h-1); and B6 (18.80±0.14%, 0.151±0.001gL-1h-1).
The FE and EP values of B6 were significantly higher than those of B4 and B5 respectively. The mean ethanol yield at
24hrs of fermentation were B4 (47.45±0.76mL/kg), B5 (52.84 ± 1.17 mL/kg) and B6 (60.34 ± 1.14mL/kg) while those at
48hrs were B4 (63.81 ± 1.13mL/kg), B5 (69.93 ± 1.49mL/kg) and B6 (82.42 ± 2.21mL/kg) respectively. The maximum
ethanol productions were attained by the treatment groups at 72hrs of fermentation, the mean ethanol yield being: B4 85.19 ± 1.22mL/kg, B5 - 90.86 ± 2.50mL/kg and B6 -.117.34 ± 1.19mL/kg. Mean ethanol yields obtained at 72 hours of
fermentation were significantly different from those obtained at 24rs and 48hrs respectively. Agitation at 200revmin -1 for
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
6hrs gave the optimal fermentation efficiency, ethanol productivity and ethanol yield. Thus, bioethanol quality and yield
of cassava peels were improved by the established condition.
Keywords: Cassava peels; Bioethanol production; Agitation timing; Fermentation efficiency; Renewable energy.
ID: EMS-1030
Modeling and Simulation of Organic Photovoltaic Cells
Amina NAMOUNE1, Abla CHAKER1, Izzeddine SAOUANE1,2
Energetic Physics Laboratory, Mentouri Constantine University 1, Algeria.
Department of Matter Sciences, Laarbi Tebesi University, Tebessa, Algeria.
Organic solar cells have attracted a lot of attention due to their interesting properties, such as their flexibility and the
fact that they may be realized over huge areas. However, their stability and efficiency must be considerably improved
compared to their current state. A nominal efficiency of about 10% will be the main goal for the next few years. We
present conjugated polymer solar cells and describe the possibilities for improving the efficiency and stability of the
Keywords: Organic cell; Organic semiconductor; Modeling; Simulation; Efficiency.
ID: EMS-1031
Optimisation de la Puissance par MPPT pour une Chaîne Photovoltaïque
Karima CHEBLI*
*Département de génie Électrique, Faculté de Technologie, Université de skikda , skikda, Algérie
Résumé :
L’optimisation de l’énergie dans une chaîne de conversion photovoltaïque reste un sujet d’étude Le suivi du point de
puissance maximale (MPPT) est considéré comme la solution la plus appropriée pour assurer l’extraction de la puissance
maximale qu’un générateur photovoltaïque peut fournir. L’algorithme Perturbe and observe (P & O) est le tracker MPPT
bien connu; il montre un rôle important et décisif dans le développement des systèmes photovoltaïques (PV). Dans cet
article nous présentons l’étude par simulation du fonctionnement d’un système photovoltaïque (PV) équipé du contrôle de
l’optimisation de la puissance maximale quelles que soient les conditions climatiques et ceci notamment le contrôle de la
surveillance de la puissance maximale MPPT appelée Perturbation et Observation (P&O).
Mots-clés: Solaire; Effet photovoltaïque; Contrôleur MPPT; Simulation.
ID: EMS- 1032
Influence of Curing Type and Climate on Accelerated Carbonation of Precast Concrete
Ben Khadda BEN AMMAR
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Biskra, Algeria
Abstract :
The aim of this experimental study was to characterize the open porosity of the concrete by using the capillary
absorption test of the ordinary and steamed concretes subjected to accelerated carbonation. To achieve this, six types of
concretes based on two cements (CEMI 42.5 and CEM II/B 42.5) were tested, the w/c ratio varies from 0.4 to 0.6 and the
influence of carbonation has been studied. The results obtained show that carbonation is beneficial for concrete alone as
long as it reduces its porosity and shows the effects of the water/cement ratio on the open porosity.
Keywords: Steamed concrete; W/c ratio; Carbonation; Initial Absorption.
ID: EMS-1033
Reduction of Formation of B-O defects in Si type “P” Wafers by the Guttering Process
Research center in semiconductor technology for the energetic (CRTSE). 02, Frantz Fanon Street, les sept merveilles
Box: 140, Algiers 16038, Algeria.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
University Ahmed ZABANA Relizane, street Bourmadia, W. Relizane.BP 48000, W. Relizane. (Algeria)
Coating Materials and Environment Laboratory, University of Mhamed Bougara-Boumerdes (UMMB), Algeria.
Nowadays, boron-doped P-type silicon wafers are the most widely used in the photovoltaic industry, especially with
the introduction of Si-Cz with high lifetimes [1]. However, the lifetime of minority charge carriers, the main indicator of
the electrical quality of crystalline silicon wafers, is limited by degradation under illumination and at high temperature
(LeTID), generalized, by metastable defects BO [2-5] and the formation of FeB pairs as well as other metallic
elements. The Si-Cz and P-type silicon wafers used in this work are characterized by a resistivity ρ≈2.8 Ω.cm, circular in
shape with 10 cm in diameter; an initial thickness is of the order of 360 μm. The surface is well cleaned before the onestep homogeneous guettering process, which serves to eliminate the formation of B-O pairs, another plate without
guettering as a reference to make the comparison. An infrared thermometer controls the temperature of the wafers in
order to remain within a range of 75 to 85°C (LETID conditions).The results obtained are shown in Fig 1.We observe
that the LeTID degradation of platelets having undergone guettering is greater (37%) than that without gettering (10%).
On the other hand, the lifetime of the wafers without guettering shows a remarkable increase of 20% from the first 10
minutes after exposure to light at 75°C. This is explained by the dissociation of FeB pairs under the effect of temperature
(70-80) °C and illumination in the wafers without guettering. In platelets with guettering this increase was not observed
and the degradation is continuous from time t=0. This proves the effectiveness of guettering, which reduced the
concentration of iron in the volume of treated platelets. After this short period of 20 min, the generation of metastable
BO complexes increases and LID degradation becomes predominant. The additional LeTID related degradation observed
in guettered wafers is likely due to the partial dissolution of precipitates of other metallic elements that are responsible for
the drop in lifetime during the LeTID cycle.
Keywords: Guettering; LETID; Degradation; Boron-doped.
ID: EMS-1034
Wind Energy Resource Assessment at Noumerat Region in The North of the Algerian Sahara
Unit Research in Materials and Renewable Energy, URMER,University of Tlemcen, Algeria
Wind has been proven as a cost effective and reliable energy source. Technological advancements over the last
years have placed wind energy in a firm position to compete with conventional power generation technologies.
Numerous works indicated that Algeria was characterized by the most important wind potential; in particular, the first
approach is the establishment of Atlas and wind map in Algeria. In this context, we can quote the contribution to the
updating of the card of the wind of Algeria, adding the study of Hassi R’mel South of the country to the Atlas of the wind
by Challali and al [1]. The second approach is the assessment of wind potential and the design of wind energy conversion
systems. In this context, we can mention the studies by Himri et al [2] and the work on the evaluation of wind resources at
different sites in Algeria (Boudia et al [3], Benmedjahed et al [4]).The object of this paper is to evaluate the Wind
potential in the north of the Algerian Sahara in the site Noumerat , according to months, seasons and entire years and
contribute to the updating of the Wind map in Algeria at 10 m from the ground, using hourly data for wind collected over
a period of more than 30 years. The wind data analysis was done using the Weibull function at 10 m from the ground.
Then we did the statistical analysis, which includes several fundamental properties, such as Weibull parameters, mean
wind speed and average power density. The results give that the city of Noumerat has a middle wind potential with the
annual mean wind speed V= 4.2146 m / s at 10 m from the ground. As for the temporal study, it gives that summer is the
best windy period.
Keywords: Wind energy; Wind resource; Assessment wind potential; Weibull parameters.
ID: EMS-1035
A review on Synthesis, Characterization and Biomedical Applications of Functionalized Graphene Oxide
Nourelhouda BOUNEDJAR1, Redha AHMEDI1.
Faculty of exact science, department of chemistry, laboratory of valorisation and technology of sahara resources
(VTRS), university of el oued, Algeria
Abstract :
In recent years research in nanotechnology was directed towards studying the prospects of graphene oxide as
nonmaterial’s driven from graphite, where it has succeeded in attracting the interests of the scientific community due to
its unique properties and its wide range of applications in biomedical, biotechnology, solar cells, biosensors, transistors,
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
photothermal therapy and diseases diagnosis, although for several decades research has been carried out on the subject
only few reviews was conducted towards the biomedical field applications, particular on the nano-composite based of
graphene oxide, and the impact of graphene oxide synthesizes on environment and human health risks.This reviews aims
on connecting every aspect of knowledge around the subject by analyzing and gathering new and former researches.
where was found multiple contradictory studies which we will be discussing, We will also explain the fundamentals of
graphene oxide , functionalization and characterization , reduction of graphene oxide, synthesis of graphene oxide, the
application of graphene oxide in biomedical, nanocomposite driven from graphene oxide , graphene oxide application in
photo-thermal therapy, and as drug carrier, the effects on environment, and human health risks, even that graphene and
graphene oxide industry is still nascent yet the impact factor of risks shown in multiple researches reveals the importance
of monitoring the usage of graphene oxide waste to be specific on the wastewater microbial community. As conclusion
we discuss the challenges and the future perspectives associates on the application of GO in biomedical as well as the
challenges that face the industrial scale production of graphene oxide and the fear of production limitation by high
prestige’s industrial companies.
Keywords: Graphene oxide; Graphene; Nano-material; biomedical; Nano-composites; Photo-thermal; Therapy;
characterization; Synthesis, Environment; Human health risks; Toxicity.
ID: EMS-1036
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Study on the effect of the AHA green inhibitor on the surface reactivity
of an AISI 304L stainless steel in industrial environments.
Nourelhouda BOUNEDJAR1 and Yamina Boundinar2
Faculty of exact science, department of chemistry, laboratory of valorisation and technology of Sahara resources
(VTRS), Eloued University, Algeria
University of 20 august 1955 Skikda Algeria
Stainless steels are used in important applications as a material of construction in various aggressive environments
such as in the chemical industry, desalination and waste from water treatment factories, and in the petroleum industry due
to its excellent resistance to general corrosion, suitable for high temperature mechanical properties, good maneuverability,
and readability, and it is often exposed to acidic environments. These acidic media are widely used in industry and in
numerous industrial processes, particularly in metal pickling baths, cleaning of industrial facilities, stimulation of oil
wells, and petrochemical processes, these treatments lead to partial deterioration of surfaces metallic. During these
operations, the use of corrosion inhibitors is necessary. Given the carcinogenic nature and their harmful effect on the
environment, the use of mineral inhibitors such as chromates is almost prohibited. These molecules have been substituted
by synthetic organic compounds, most of which are petroleum derivatives, which are harmful to human health and the
environment. For these reasons, research has been directed towards other methods such as using non-harmful and organic
plant origin (oils and plant extracts), non-toxic and biodegradable. Their development is giving promising results day by
day. In this research, we study the effect of Artemisia Herba Alba plant extract on corrosion stainless steel AISAI 304L in
a solution of hydrochloric acid 1 M, where Artemisia Herba Alba plant was freshly collected from M’sila in eastern, the
study was conducted by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method. The experimental results show that the extract
is a good corrosion inhibitor and the protection efficiency increased with increasing concentration of the extract. The
extract behaved as an anodic-type corrosion inhibitor with the highest inhibition efficacy at 1200ppm.
Keywords: Corrosion; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS); Stainless Steel; Green Inhibitor (AHA).
ID: EMS-1037
Study and modeling of an organic photovoltaic cell transparent in the visible
Energetic Physics Laboratory, Frères Mentouri Constantine University 1, Algeria.
Department of Matter Sciences, Laarbi Tebesi University, Tebessa, Algeria.
Abstract :
In the context of renewable energy production, organic photovoltaic cells have certain advantages such as low
manufacturing cost and the possibility of obtaining large surfaces on flexible and transparent substrates.
The main objective is to define the influence of temperature, illumination, thickness of the active layer on the electrical
characteristics of the transparent organic photovoltaic cell in the visible.
Keywords: Organic cell; Organic semiconductor; Transparent cell; Efficiency.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-1038
Integral PI controller for wind energy conversion system based on a doubly fed induction generator
Hamza GASMI1*, Habib BENBOUHENNI2, Sofiane MENDACI3, Walid KANTAS4, Essaadi TARFIA4
1-Laboratoire de Contrôle Avancé (LABCAV), Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Université 8 Mai
1945 Guelma, Guelma, Algeria;
2-Systèmes Intelligent Embarques, CERIST, Chelef;
3-Laboratoire d'Automatique et Informatique de Guelma (LAIG), Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation,
Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Guelma, Algeria;
Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Guelma (LGEG), Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Université
8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Guelma, Algeria;
New field-oriented control (FOC) for wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on a doubly fed induction
generator (DFIG), is presented in this paper it is based on proportional integral controllers (PII) and a pulse width
modulation (PWM) technique. In order to minimize active and reactive power ripples and enhance power quality, this
study introduces a robust FOC strategy called FOC-PII, the fundamental idea behind the proposed strategy is the
combination of a proportional integral controller with an integral controller.The main objective of this paper is to
compare the performance of the proposed strategy to that the traditional FOC strategy in different tests, including variable
wind speed and DFIG parameters variation.The major benefits of this strategy is decrease in harmonic distortion of the
stator currents, active and reactive power.The simulation results using Matlab/Simulink demonstrated that the proposed
FOC-PII strategy improved the traditional FOC strategy in the minimization of currents harmonic distortion (52.63 %)
and notable minimization of ripples in both active power (76.06%) and reactive power (50 %).The proposed FOC-PII
strategy is also very resistant in the case of DFIG parameters variation.
Keywords :Field-oriented control; wind energy conversion system; doubly fed induction generator; pulse width
modulation; active power; reactive power; FOC-PII.
ID: EMS-1039
Direct active and reactive power regulation of DFIG using intelligent modified sliding-mode control approach
Systémes intelligents Embarques, CERIST, Chlef;
Laboratoire Controle Avancé (LABCAV), Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Université 8 Mai 1945
Guelma BP 401, Guelma 24000, Algeria
Abstract :
This paper presents a new direct active and reactive power control (DARPC) of grid-connected doubly fed induction
generator (DFIG)-based dual-rotor wind power systems. The designed DARPC technique employs a intelligente modified
sliding-mode controller (IMSMC) to directly calculate the required rotor control voltage so as to eliminate the power
ripples and the instantaneous errors of reactive and active powers without involving any synchronous coordinate
transformations. Thus, no extra current control loops are required, thereby simplifying the system design and enhancing
the transient performance. The rotor inverter is controlled by traditional pulse width modulation, which eases the designs
of the power converter and the AC harmonic filter. Simulation results on a 1.5-MW grid-connected DFIG system are
provided and compared with those of the traditional DARPC with proportional-integral controllers. The designed DARPC
technique provides enhanced transient performance similar to the traditional DARPC technique and reduce more the
current, active power and torque ripples.
Keywords : Direct active and reactive power control; Doubly fed induction generator; Intelligente modified sliding-mode
controller; Pulse width modulation; Dual-rotor wind power system.
ID: EMS-1040
Control Strategies of Wind Turbine Based on Variable Speeds Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with a
Battery Storage System for Standalone
1, 2 ,3
Department of Electrotechnical Engineering, University Mentouri, Constantine 1, Algeria
Abstract :
Nowadays, the wind energy source presents an important place in electrical power generations to meet the energy
demands of standalone loads or in grid-connected applications because of its reliability and efficiency. However, this
source has some integration difficulties for energy system generation due to intermittent nature of the power. By
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
conserving energy and minimizing power fluctuations, battery storage technologies have been adopted by the majority of
researchers to overcome this issue. In this work, the control strategies of a wind turbine based on variable speed
permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) with a battery storage system for standalone are investigated. The
considered system consists of a 40 KW wind turbine, a PMSG, a battery storage, AC variable loads, and power
conditioning systems. The main objective of this study is to ensure proper control and coordination of the system with
controlled energy storage system. The presented work here proposes an intelligent technique for tracking the available
power from the system using an artificial neural network method (ANN) and traditional PI regulator to control the
inverter and battery storage, which were created using Matlab/Simulink. The obtained results confirm that the control
strategies are effective under rapidly changing wind speeds.
Keywords : Wind turbine; Control strategies; Wind speed; Standalone loads; Energy storage system.
ID: EMS-1041
Performance Analysis of a Renewable Energy System for Agricultural Load
Aicha SOUFI1,*, Zehor ALLAM2
URMER Research unit, Faculty of Sciences, University of Abou-bekr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria
University of Ziane Achour, Djelfa
Abstract :
Energy is a crucial factor for achieving economic, social and industrial growth. Globally, electricity demand in
remote areas is rely primarily on conventional energy resources (coal, oil, gas, etc.). However, the use of fossil fuel based
generation systems leads to environmental and social problems such as global warming, acid rain, health problems for
human beings, etc. These problems can be solved in part by the use of renewable energy sources, including solar energy,
wind energy, biomass and geothermal energy. In this regards, Solar Photovoltaic systems can provide sustainable access
to electricity to rural inhabitants to run agricultural activities such as greenhouses, drying, water heating and dairy farms.
This study aims at analyzing the application of photovoltaic (PV) standalone power generation system in rural area of
Algeria where agricultural activities exist. The location considered for the study is Oum el-Alou, a village of Tlemcen in
west Algeria. In this work, energy demand is considered, and the PVsyst software is used to model a stand-alone
photovoltaic device. Based on the simulation results, the sizing of the solar panel and inverter model can be selected with
the required load demand. The sizing method is highly dependent on the geographic location of the site. Analysis of
performance ratio and the system’s detailed configuration also been done.
Keywords: Solar energy; Stand Alone PV system; Performance analysis; PVsyst simulation; Agriculture.
ID: EMS-1042
Aerodynamic Design Adaptation of Medium Wind Turbine for low Wind Speed Region: Case of Study Algerian
North Regions
Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables BP. 62 Route de l’Observatoire Bouzaréah 16340, Alger, Algérie.
The high benefit of wind energy related by the high performance of installed wind turbine. Which is the best
adaptation of wind blade design as first responsible about harvesting of wind energy. This paper presents a method of
linear chord and twist optimization of blade geometry for 500KW wind turbine. The method aims to adapted the blade
shape to north Algerian region for maximum power production. Where the mean wind speed varies between 3.5m/s to
5.5m/s at 10m and 50m of high. The scenarios of performance analysis are done by Qblade software. The results gave an
optimal linear blade shape of 32m of length with maximums equals 1.75m and 8deg of root chord and twist. This blade
ensures 9.5% of gain as mean power production for most province in north of Algeria. Also, The new blade design mass
lighter by 22% than the preliminary design.
Keywords: Wind turbine; Wind blade; Chord; Twist; Power; Energy production.
ID: EMS-1043
Étude Analytique et Mécanisme de la Formation des Dépôts de la Poudre Noire dans la Chaine de Transport et de
la Production de GPL Algérien
Sadjia LAMRAOUIa,b, Zaher IHDENEa , Rabah KADIa , ASalaheddine OUDJb
Direction Centrale Recherche et Développement, Avenue du 1 er novembre Boumerdes 35000, Algeria.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Université de Blida 1, Laboratoire de génie chimique, Faculté de Technologie, B.P 270, Route de Soumaa, Blida,
Résumé :
Les particules d’oxydes et sulfures de fer dans les dépôts générés dans laproduction de GPL sont généralement
dénommés : Poudre noire [1, 2].Cette poudre particulaire se forme tout au long du processus de pipeline, de la production
et deformations, à travers les puits de forage, aux conduites de collecte, dans les réservoirs pour laséparation des fluides et
le long des conduites de transport. Après séparation, la poudre noire continue de s'accumuler dans les usines à gaz et les
raffineries, les réservoirs de stockage, et enfinjusqu'à l'utilisateur final[3].Il génère plusieurs impacts économiques :
perturbations de la production, détériorations desinstruments et machines, coûts supplémentaires (exploitation,
maintenance…), qualité des produitsfinis et impacts sécuritaire et environnemental : poudre inflammable (sous certaines
conditions),génération de quantités importantes de déchets[4,5]. Le présent travail viseprincipalement une investigation
analytique et réactionnelle concernant lanature et la quantité des dépôts formés en quelques positions représentatives en
transport et enproduction du GPL, la finalité recherchée à travers notre démarche analytique s’appuie en majeurepartie
sur :Les Déports particulaires issus des puits et réservoirs, les Déplacements des fluides etagglomération des dépôts, la
Corrosion des canalisations….Dans cette optique, plusieurs expériences ont été réalisées sur quelques échantillons réelles
mis ànotre disposition par la DCRD /SONATRACH etissus des dépôts en activité de transportproduction de gaz naturel :
échantillonnage, traitements, séparations au préalable et caractérisationpar procédures normalisés en termes de : l’étude
minéralogique par DRX, l’étude de compositionpar FX, l’étude granulométrique et analyses physico-chimiques. Les
résultats de l’étude sontencourageant dans la mesure ou plusieurs indicateurs de source de formation ont été
élucidées.Mots clés : Poudre noire, GPL, mécanisme de formation, dépôts particulaire,granulométrie, minéralogie,
composition, oxydes de fer, sulfures de fer.
[1] T. S. Khan, M. Alshehhi, S. Stephen, and L. Khezzar, “Characterization and preliminary root causeidentification of black powder
content in a gas transmission network – A case study,” J. Nat. Gas Sci.Eng., vol. 27, pp. 769–775, 2015, doi:
[2] S. Hassan, Y. Khuraibut, and S. Kuthe, “Black Powder in HP pipelines,” Mater. Perform., no.February, 2019.
[3] J. S. Smart, “Black powder movement in gas pipelines,” NACE - Int. Corros. Conf. Ser., no. 11089,pp. 1–18, 2011.
[4] R. Venkatadri, D. Ph, and M. Brayden, “Scientific Technical Report Removal of Black Powderand Other Contaminants in LPG /
LNG Furnace Feeds,” 2015.
[5] T. H. Wines, D. Ph, and P. Corporation, “Scientific , Technical Report Black Powder Removal from
Transmission Pipelines: Diagnostics and Solutions,” 2009.
ID: EMS-1044
Study of Green Hydrogen Production in Constantine City
Renewable Energy Developpement center (REDC), Hydrogen Division (HD), Multi-sources and storage team, B.P.
62,Observatory Road, 16340, Algiers, Algeria.
Abstract :
Green hydrogen is one of the most energy vector can be using to replace the a classical energy(such as : coal,
petroleum, natural gas, oil shales, and heavy oils) or increase the rate of thisenergy in energetic mix. However, the
development of renewable energy technologies andsystems is essential and crucial. Fluctuating power of renewable
energy can be problem for sizingphotovoltaic systems (PV) with water electrolysis processes which can affect the
efficiency andthe cost of the whole system. Thus, it is necessary to overcome several issues related to the directuse of
fluctuating power. The objective of this work is to see the effect of the inclination of themodule on the hydrogen
production rate in Constantine city. Several systems (32 systems) weredesigned and compared to see the influence of
several input parameters such as: ambienttemperature, irradiation as well as the series/parallel number (Ns/Np) of the
electrolyser onhydrogen production rate with constant hydrogen production (HPRC), direct coupling (HPRD), overall
system efficiency and global annual losses (GAL). The obtained results indicate thatmaximizing the HPRD and system
efficiency while minimizing Ns/Np and GAL with less PVmodules (NPV) and batteries (NBT) is a multi-objective
optimization problem. Several systems(32 systems) were compared to see the influence of several input parameters such
as: ambienttemperature, irradiation as well as the series/parallel number of the electrolyser on the hydrogenproduction
rate, overall system efficiency and losses. finally, as a result we found that the bestinclination for the city of Constantine
to have the maximum energy production is 25°, but themaximum rate of hydrogen production is for an inclination of 60°
with HPRD = 49607,44 m3 forNs = 14, Np = 20 (GAL = 0.15 %) and HPRD = 46068.02 m 3 for Ns = 13, Np = 13 (GAL
= 0.18%).
Keywords : Industrial manufacturing application (IMA); Green Hydrogen; Renewable Energy; PEMEW; Excess
electricity (EE); optimization; Constantine city.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Reference :
[1] Mas R, Berastain A, Antoniou A, Angeles L, Valencia S, Celis C. Genetic algorithms-basedsize optimization of directly and
indirectly coupled photovoltaic-electrolyzer systems. EnergyConversion and Management 2022; 270: 116213.
[2] Zhou J , Wu Y , Zhong Z , Xu C, Ke Y , Gao J. Modeling and configuration optimization ofthe natural gas-wind-photovoltaichydrogen integrated energy system: A novel deviationsatisfaction strategy. Energy Conversion and Management 2021; 243: 114340.
[3] Mah AXY , Ho WS , Hassim MH , Hashim H , Ling GHT, Ho CS, Muis ZA. Optimizationof a standalone photovoltaic-based
microgrid with electrical and hydrogen loads. Energy 2021;235: 121218.
[4] Zhang W, Maleki A , Pourfayaz F , Shadloo MS. An artificial intelligence approach tooptimization of an off-grid hybrid
wind/hydrogen system. International Journal of HydrogenEnergy 2021; 46: 12725-12738.
[5] Yang Y, Ma C , Lian C, Zhang Y , Pang X. Optimal power reallocation of large-scale grid-connected photovoltaic power station
integrated with hydrogen production. Journal of CleanerProduction 2021 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2021; 298: 126830 .
ID: EMS-1045
Theoretical study of electronic and optical properties of CuAl xGa1-xTe2 for photovoltaic applications
Departement of Physics, 20 August 1955 University Skikda, BP26, 21000 Skikda, Algeria
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P. O. Box 64, Cheraga 16014, Algiers, Algeria
Department of Physics, Badji Mokhtar University Annaba, BP. 12, 23200, Annaba, Algeria
Department of Physics, Kurseong College, Darjeeling, 734203, India
Department of Basic Science, Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, El ShoroukAcademy, Cairo, Egypt
Ab Initio calculations based on Density Function Theory (DFT) were performed to predict the structural and
electronic properties of the studied CuAlxGa1-xTe2 with (x = 0, 0.5 and 1) semiconductors. The simulations have been
quantified using the Wien2k quantum computational package by employing the Full-Potential Linearized Augmented
Plane Wave (FP-LAPW) method. The obtained results revealed that the variation of the lattice parameters and gap energy
with the increase of Al content were in close agreement with the experimental results.
Keywords: CuAlxGa1-xTe2; photovoltaic; GGA-mBJ approach; Ab initio calculations.
ID: EMS-1046
Numerical Investigation on the melting process of metal foam/NEPCM Composite inside a latent heat storage Unit
Laboratory of Energy, Mechanics and Engineering, Faculty of Technology, UniversityM’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes,
National School of Marine Sciences and Coastal Development (ENSSMAL), UniversityCampus of Dely Ibrahim Bois
des Cars Dély, 16320 Ibrahim, Algeria.
This study numerically investigated the melting process of Nano Enhanced phase changematerial (NEPCM)
embedded in a metal foam at different porosities. The compositeNEPCM/metal foam is filled inside a rectangular heat
storage, under different inclination angles.The results indicated that when the porosity is reduced from 0.96 to 0.88, the
complete meltingtime is shortened by 14.29 %. Furthermore, when the inclination angle is varied from 0° to 90°,the
melting time is reduced by 3.69%. It was concluded that the melting rate of the NEPCM-filled metal foam system can be
further increased by adopting higher inclination angles andmetal foams with lower porosity.
Keywords: Phase change material; Metal foam; Inclination angle; Melting process; Nanoparticles.
ID: EMS-1047
Control of properties morphological and opto-electronic of nanostructured Silicon for Solar Cells
Leila HARKAT1,2, Ghania FORTAS2,*, Nabil KHELIFATI2, Boudjemaa BOUAOUINA2 , Chahinaz NASRAOUI2, Amar
Departement de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université M'hamed Bougara de Boumerdes (UMBB), Boumerdes,
Centre de Recherche en Technologie des Semi-conducteurs pour l’Energétique, Bd. 2 Frantz Fanon, les sept merveilles,
Algiers, Algeria.
Abstract :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
A great attention has been devoted to the synthesis of black silicon due to their exceptional anti-reflective ability and
light trapping pattern in solar cells [1]. In this work, an investigation of blacksilicon fabricated via MACE (Ag-assisted
chemical etching) is carried out by using one-step ofprocess (HF/AgNO3). Different parameters etching is varied in the
aim to determinate theirs influenceon the morphological and opto-electronic characterization of the resulting
nanostructures. Themorphology of black silicon changes with the concentration of HF and the etching time. The
SEMphotos show that the length of the nanowires increases with the etching time. Moreover, at shortetching times, the
structure of the nanowires is well defined, aligned vertically to the surface havingthe same thickness. On the other hand,
at long etching times, the structure of the nanowires becomesmore pointed and disordered. The nanowires have different
lengths. The effect of the HF concentrationis also studied, the SEM photos show the higher HF concentration, the smaller
diameter of thenanowires is produced and the spacing between the nanowires becomes less important. The silvernitrate
concentration has a great impact on the distribution and density of the nanowires. The opticalproperties of the black
Silicon samples as a function of the etching parameters were studied byreflectance measurements. A significant decrease
in reflectance in the whole wavelength range from 350 nm to 1200m, when the etching time is increased.
Keywords: Black silicon; MACE (Ag-assisted Chemical etching); Solar Cells; Opto-electronicproperties.
ID: EMS-1048
Simulation Numérique d’un Capteur Hybride Photovoltaïque Thermique à Air
Département de Génie Mécanique, Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie, Université de Jijel BP 98 Ouled Aissa Jijel
18000 ALGERIE.
Laboratoire d'Energétique Appliquée et des Matériaux, Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie, Université de Jijel BP
98 Ouled Aissa Jijel 18000 ALGERIE.
Laboratoire de Mécanique, Campus Chaabat-Erssas, Université Mentouri, Constantine 25000 ALGERIE.
Résumé :
Dans cette recherche, nous avons élaboré une étude numérique sur les caractéristiques thermiques d'un panneau
solaire hybride HPVT qui utilise l'air comme fluide de refroidissement. Ensuite, nous avons utilisé le code de calcul
COMSOL Multiphysics pour simuler notre problème. Les calculs ont été effectués en fonction du débit d’air, puis les
résultats ont été comparés à ceux issus d'une étude expérimentale réalisée à l’université de Jijel pour la journée du 27 Mai
2017. Nous avons pu déterminer et comparer les températures de la cellule, de l’air à la sortie du canal, la puissance utile
ainsi que les rendements. La température de l'air à la sortie du canal a été comparée et les résultats ont révélé une bonne
cohérence. Les résultats ont en outre démontré que le rendement et la fluctuation de la température de la cellule et de l'air
à la sortie du canal sont considérablement influencés par le débit massique d'air. Le rendement global varie d'une valeur
minimale de 41,88 % à une valeur élevée de 50,67 % pour un débit massique de 0,10465 kg/s.
Mots clés : Capteur HPVT; Débit massique d’air; Température de cellule; Rendement électrique; COMSOL
ID: EMS-1049
Developing renewable energies for an energy transition in Algeria, what about it?
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (STU), Faculty of Geography and Regional Planning /FSTGAT
USTHB Algiers
Research and Study Laboratory in Urban Planning and Development (LREAU) / FSTGAT – USTHB, Alger, Algeria
Extravagant modernization, alarming global warming, depletion of resources ... the alarm of thedanger for humanity
has been sounded for decades, but the planet is starting to rebel, and thestakes are high, unlimited and infinite resources
are only utopia.The situation is increasingly critical, to which a cure must be found urgently; from now on, theneed for a
change is irrevocable: a global energy transition turned towards sustainability isrequired, by developing alternatives to the
current methods of production, consumption anddistribution of energy, which would be more sustainable, cleaner and
more environmentallyfriendly.In Algeria, the energy sector is strategic, but it represents, since the day after the
independence ofthe country, the basis of the national economy, with an almost total dependence onhydrocarbons. To face
such a situation of anxiety, the urgent need for a change of paradigm isobvious, thus, the question of energy in the
Algerian policy is no longer posed. The State hasrecently become aware of the importance of engaging the national
strategy on the path of anenergy transition to a cleaner and sustainable mix to ensure energy security.Putting in place an
ambitious strategy of energy transition, based on a powerful energy mix, thedevelopment of energy efficiency and a
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
revolutionary program of development of renewableenergy. But the policy is new, and the strategy is still timid; due to a
lack of means andexperience in the matter, the State is facing several obstacles, with little visibility on the steps
tofollow.The question that arises in our research is therefore: what can this passage represent for Algeria,what
opportunities? What is preventing this process? What are the obstacles for the 100%renewable energy in Algeria in the
framework of a national energy transition?This work deals with the question with an explanatory approach of the vision
of the Algerianstrategy of development of renewable energies for an energy transition, through a systemicanalysis of the
existing potentialities, the specificity of the Algerian case facing the question ofthe energy transition, highlighting the
objectives drawn by the policies and the various know-how set up in order to deal with the question. Our objective is to
identify the various obstacles that hinder the transition to a cleaner energymix, to clarify the nature of the link between the
gradual shift to renewable energy and theenergy transition, and propose a remedy.
Keywords: Renewable energies; Energy transition; National policy.
ID: EMS-1050
Combining Experimental data Measurements and CFD Based Approach for Wind Flow Analysis over the Region
of Hassi R’mel
Fares MEZIANE1, Farouk CHELLALI2, Ilyes NOUICER1 and Nordine KABOUCHE1
Centre de Dévelopment des Energies Renouvelables, CDER 16340, Algiers, Algeria.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University Ziane Achour 17000, Djelfa, Algeria
Understanding wind behavior with respect to terrain topography is animportant task for decision making before
installing wind energy operating systems in agiven region. As a random phenomenon, wind characteristics vary along the
atmospheric boundary layer height, and particularly affected by terrain topography andground roughness. The present
work deals with combining in-site measurements andComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach to analysis the
influence of thetopography on wind flow behavior over the region of Hassi R'mel during spring seasoncharacterized by
strong winds and sandstorms. Three measurement stations have beeninstalled at Hassi R’mel, Telghemt and Delaa during
spring season 2012 at 25 m aboveground level, to have multiple measurement points that helping to characterize this area
in terms of wind potential. Then, WindStation software based on CFD diagnostic solverCanyon was used to establish
wind maps according to cardinal and ordinal directions tobetter understand the topography effects on the wind flow, as
well as to identify windysites for wind farm installation and power management. The obtained results pointedout that the
studied sites have a significant wind potential, and wind at Hassi R’mel siteis deflected by 45° compared to Telghemt and
Delaa sites. The energy produced duringspring season was found to vary between 342.06 MWh and 3996.6 MWh for
large-scalemachines, 15.34 and 21.58 MWh for small-scale machines, between 142 and 186.47MWh for mid-scale
machines. The low cost of energy is occurred by the E115 large-scale wind turbine with 19 c$/kWh.
Keywords: Wind behavior; Topography; Wind energy; Roughness; CFD; Windstation; Windy sites; Site assessment.
ID: EMS-1051
Renewable Energies in Dubai of the Future
Oleg Yu. LATYSHEV1, Fateh MEBAREK-OUDINA2, Polina A. Latysheva3, Mauro Luisetto4, Gaber Ibrahim5
Prof. Dr., President of International Mariinskaya Academy named after M.D.Shapovalenko, Russia.
Département of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Skikda, Algeria
Academician-secretary of the department of «ENERGETICS» (44) ofInternational Mariinskaya Academy named after
M.D. Shapovalenko.
Executive Director of International Mariinskaya Academy named after M.D.Shapovalenko
Dr., Honorary Vice-President of International Mariinskaya Academy named after M.D.Shapovalenko
Prof. Dr., Professor of the Alexandria University, Egypt, Honorary Vice-President ofInternational Mariinskaya Academy
named after M.D. Shapovalenko
According to the Strategy of the Mariinskaya Academy, Dubai will use several simultaneously
implementedrenewable energy projects in the future.
Project "Solar City". Strategically, every square centimeter of the area of each building in the exterior and interior, as well
as the roofs of the autobahns and any other structures should generate electricity from solar panelstransformed into
cladding, decor and all hard surfaces. Project "Mighty Wind". Wind turbines should be included in all structural elements
of buildings and otherstructures, the presence of which will allow maintaining the proper level of safety for residents,
workers and thecomfort of their stay in the building. Project "Green noise". Special membranes will collect the energy of
the noise emitted by the human voiceand the voices of animals and birds, as well as artificial sources of noise, and will
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
allow the use of this energy flow forhuman needs.Vibrolight project. Noise is often either accompanied by vibration or is
its consequence. It can alsobe used to receive vibrational energy and convert it into electrical energy. Green Light Project.
Sunlight and the light of lamps in the room is intended to become a secondary resource,which at the moment, for the most
part, is not used in any way. But built into all surfaces of the home interior, solar panels of various colors and
configurations allow the same light to be used repeatedly. Project "House asset"; or "House plus energy". Ideally, "Home
Plus Energy" should use the entire range of renewable energy sources - both directly and indirectly. Perhaps, for example,
not every home can have a biofuelstation installed. But in this case, all the missing fuels must come from centralized
stations.The Road to Home project. Unlike many high-profile projects, it is much better not to put solar panels underthe
wheels of cars, where they will quickly become unusable, but to make autobahn roofs with an adjustable angle, forwhich
the solar panels placed on them must be of a much lighter design. On the road, only a rail should be left forrecharging
cars and electric vehicles while driving.
The Sandstorm Energy project. The Sandstorm Energy project has something in common and can, ifnecessary, form a
single whole with the Mighty Wind and Vibro Light projects. Heat from hot sand and friction from thesurface of
buildings can heat water for steam turbines, and noise and vibration energy can be converted intoelectricity.
Project 'Biolight'. The combination of primary and secondary energy flows becomes possible due to theintroduction of a
cycle of the most complete processing of raw materials, as well as the direction of the steam leavingthe plant to steam
Project 'Cleansing Stream'. If the wastewater reaches the turbines directly at the treatment plant, theaccompanying
methane can be burned to generate electricity.
Project 'Emotions of entertainment». The need to search for renewable sources of energy can and shouldbe consequently
somewhat reduced by adjusting educational programs around the world, thanks to which a personwill more clearly
understand his real needs instead of immersing his numerous funds, time and effort into 'an endlesswardrobe and just as
much' endless refrigerator. Resources, with the realization that real needs are much less thanimagined, will require much
less.Thus, the development of renewable energy projects in Dubai can gain significant momentum if the above andother
similar projects are consistently implemented, which can be discussed in the following works.
ID: EMS-1052
Effect of Fuel Injection Velocity on Combustion and Emission of NO In A Diesel Engine
Département de mécanique, Université de Skikda , Algeria.
LEAP, Département de mécanique, Université Mentouri Constantine, Algeria
The study and understanding of turbulent flames propagating in internal combustion engines have become an
absolute imperative to improve performance and reduce emissions of pollutants. In reality, in the case of diesel engines
the processes of injection of spray, combustion and the formation of the air- fuel vapor mixture are complex and little
known. To solve this problem, it is necessary to address both the numerical and the experimental points of view.
The work that we present in this paper is structured in two parts. In the first part our efforts focused on the validation of
the KIVA II code, incorporating the turbulent combustion model PaSR (Partially Stirred Reactor). The performance of
PaSR model was successfully evaluated by using experimental results available in the literature for a direct injection
diesel engine, Caterpillar 3401. The second part of the work is devoted to the application of PaSR model for studying the
effect of fuel injection velocity on the combustion and the emission of pollutant species NO (nitric oxide) in the
Caterpillar 3401 engine. The results of this section show that the amount of NO produced increases with increasing
injection velocity.
Keywords: Turbulent combustion; Models of combustion; Diesel engine, PaSR; Injection velocity.
ID: EMS-1053
Comparative Analysis of Type 1 and Type 2 Fuzzy logic controllers based MPPT technique for a variable-speed
wind turbine system
Laboratory of Power Equipment Characterization and Diagnosis, University of Science and Technology Houari
Boumediene,Algiers, Algeria.
Unité de Recherche sur les Systèmes Intelligents Embarqués, Centre de Recherche sur l’Information Scientifique et
Technique CERIST, Algiers, Algeria.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Department of Electric Engineering Aswan University, Egypt.
Department of Electric Engineering Buraydah Private Colleges Qassim, KSA; Department of Electric Engineering Aswan
University, Egypt.
Department of Electric Engineering Buraydah Private Colleges Qassim, KSA.
This paper presents a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique based on type 2 fuzzy logic control of a
single wind turbine system driven doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). Traditional MPPT technique using traditional
proportional-integral (PI) controller presents many drawbacks such as stability of the system and steady-state
performance. In order to obtain a high-performance variable-speed wind turbine, an MPPT technique based on a type 2
fuzzy logic controller used in this work. Simulation is performed using Matlab software to validate the effectiveness of
the proposed MPPT technique. Simulation results show the competence of the proposed MPPT technique particularly on
the high quality of the provided mechanical power compared to an MPPT technique using PI and type 1 fuzzy logic
Keywords: Type 2 fuzzy logic controller; Proportional-integral controller; Maximum power point tracking technique;
Doubly-fed induction generator; Type 1 fuzzy logic controller.
ID: EMS-1054
Dimensionnement d’un système hybride photovoltaïque-biomasse connecté au réseau pour l’alimentation d’une
ferme agricole.
Department of electrical engineering; Faculty of electronics and computer science; university of science and technology
Department of electrical engineering; Faculty of science and technology Mostaganem.
Department of agronomy; Faculty of natural and life sciences Mostaganem.
Les énergies renouvelables sont devenues un maillon important pour le développement économique aux niveaux
mondial et national, Dans cette étude, un système solaire hybride photovoltaïque-biogaz connecté au réseau pour
l'électrification est conçu pour la ferme d’élevage de l’université de Mostaganem, située dans la commune de HassiMaméche. Le potentiel du fumier des vaches disponibles dans la ferme pour la digestion anaérobie et le potentiel solaire
pour la conversion photovoltaïque sont évalués. La demande de charge électrique quotidienne dans la ferme a été estimée
à 31.5kWh/j. Les résultats de la simulation réalisée par le programme du logiciel Homer, montrent que le système de
configuration qui comprend un système photovoltaïque de 9kw et un générateur de biogaz d’une capacité de 1.5kW, est la
configuration de système d'alimentation hybride qui sera utilisé pour répondre à la charge électrique quotidienne de la
ferme. Le système solaire hybride photovoltaïque-biogaz produit une électricité annuelle suffisante, de 10194kWh/an. La
consommation d’énergie par les charges de courant alternatif est de 99.6%de la production annuelle totale d’électricité.
Le reste de l’énergie produite estimée à 0.4%, sera soit, distribuée à une ferme voisine, soit, vendu au réseau électrique
Mots clés : Energies renouvelables; Photovoltaïques; Biomasse; Biogaz: Système énergie hybride connecté au réseau;
ID: EMS-1055
Artificial Intelligence in the Optimization of Connected Agricultural Systems
Narimane DJEBBAR1, Mekideche AIT 2, Nora KARKAR 3, and Hamimi CHEMALI 4
1,2,3, 4
University Ferhat Abbas of Setif, faculty of engineering Department of Electronic, Laboratories of Growth and
Characterization of New Semiconductors( lCCNS) and intelligent system (LSI).
Because of its broad range of applications, embedded perception and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) are two of
the most frequently raised issues. Following an object necessitates the coordination of several tasks, including detection,
modeling, and control. Historically, the agricultural sector has been plagued by a slew of issues, including inaccurate
forecasting data, poor irrigation, and the use of incorrect planting and harvesting methods, as well as poor soil quality. All
of this, of course, has a negative impact on overall performance. The use of the Internet of Things(IoT) in agriculture can
significantly reduce the risks of receiving contemporary, high-precision data in real time from the fields where they are
installed. Specialists can make critical decisions based on the information they get, such as when to irrigate, harvest, and
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
so on. The risks are minimized and farmers are able to make more precise decisions, not only during the production
process, but also while planning.
Keywords: AI; Embedded Systems; IoT; Security; FPGA.
ID: EMS-1056
Effect of Geometrical Parameters on the Performance of Flat Plate Solar Thermal Collector
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Mohamed Seddik Ben
yahiya, 18000 Jijel, Algeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Mohamed Seddik Ben
yahiya, 18000 Jijel, Algeria
Abstract :
Flat plate solar collector (FPSC) is a simple type of heat exchanger used to absorb energy from sun rays to increase
the temperature of inner fluid. Due to its simple design and their lower maintenance costs, this device is of growing
interest in domestic and industrial areas. Therefore improvement in their geometrical conditions would definitely result in
saving conventional fuel and cost. In this paper, we propose a numerical study of a solar collector to assess the influence
of the design parameters as materials of cover and absorber, their inter- distance, diameter of pipes and insulation
thickness on efficiency. To achieve the goal, a three dimensional mathematical thermal model, in stationary state, is
developed and solved numerically by a program written in the MATLAB software. The result of the numerical model was
compared with a literature study to prove the reliability of the current model. Through the results obtained, we have
confirmed that as the factors of transmission of the cover and of absorption and of the absorber are greater, the collector
will have a better performance. On the other hand, a better thermal conductivity of the absorber and lower insulation lead
to better performance.
Keywords: Flat plate solar collector; Solar energy; Thermal energy; Thermal efficiency; Steady state.
ID: EMS-1057
Study of degradation kinetics of Opuntia Ficus Indica flour /Talc reinforced Poly (lactic acid) bio-composites.
Naila BOUDAOUD 1, Azzeddine GHARSALLAH1, Abdelheq LAYACHI1,2 ,Hamid SATHA1
Laboratoire des Silicates, Polymères et Nanocomposites, Université du 8 Mai 1945, Guelma 24000, Algeria.
Institut des Sciences et Techniques Appliquées (ISTA), Université des Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Constantine
25000, Algeria.
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to examine the non-isothermal degradation kinetics of neat PLA,
PLA/Talc, and PLA/Talc/Opuntia Ficus Indicas (OFI-F) at four different heating rates (β). Using the Kissinger technique,
the non-isothermal degradation kinetics of neat PLA and their bio-composites were modeled. The bio-composites are
characterized by wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Talc particles added to
the PLA matrix at a concentration of 10 wt% have a negligible effect on the thermal stability of bio-composites when
compared to neat PLA, according to non-isothermal degradation results on those materials. Loading Talc/OFI-F mixture
into the PLA matrix results in a decrease in the activation energy, which means that the bio-composites needs less
activation energy than neat PLA and PLA/Talc to degrade thermally which means that it’s less thermally stable.
Keywords: PLA, Bio-composite; Activation energy; Thermal degradation.
ID: EMS-1058
Physical and thermal characterization of bio-based FGM core sandwich walls for engineering insulation
Abdelmadjid SI SALEM 1,2, Sara MEDJMADJ 1, Souad AIT TALEB 2
Laboratory of Construction Engineering and Architecture (LGCA), University of Bejaia, 06000, Algeria
Civil Engineering department, University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi Ouzou, Tizi Ouzou 15000, Algeria
Abstract :
In general cases, the structure facades and walls separation are made with brick materials, this lead to overestimate
the structure own-weight and the time of realization, also the thermal and acoustic insulations are not really enough
satisfactory. In this respect, the main objective of this work consists to investigate the physical and thermal
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
characterization of plaster/cork functionally graded core sandwich structures with identical polymer skins bonded with
an epoxy resin for use in construction as separation walls or facades of structures in civil engineering. Indeed, the newly
proposed core design consists to combine two compatible building materials namely: a plaster matrix in the tensile zone,
following a functional transition to reach a cork phase on the core compressive one. Thermal conductivity, water
absorption, hydrostatic weighing and porosity measurements of all tested specimens were provided and discussed to
highlight the functionally graded core configuration compared to conventional one. All the obtained results were
promising compared to literature ones. In this respect, the emphasized results confirm the effectiveness of the innovative
graded core panels, in terms of physical properties and thermal insulation.
Keywords: Sandwich walls; FGM core; Thermal insulation; Physical characterization.
ID: EMS-1059
Comparative study between the performance of zeolites and zeolite based composite in the removal of heavy
metals from the environment
Roufeida BENHENDA 1, Djamel NIBOU 1
Laboratory of Materials Technology, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers , Algeria
Industrial discharge of Cr(VI) in the environment especially in wastewater is a major concern, because chromium in
its hexavalent oxidation state is a strong carcinogen. And can lead to respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. In recent
years, numerous depollution strategies and approaches have been Tested. These include membrane processes, adsorption,
electrolysis, ion exchange, photocatalysis, and chemical precipitation processes. In this study, we investigate the use of
Na-Y zeolite particles and Na-Y/TiO2 composites in the removal of cr (VI). In order to determine the effectiveness of the
adsorption and photodegradation by both materials. The composite NaY/ TiO2 is synthesized using the Co-precipitation
method. Followed by a characterization study using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) an X-ray
diffractometer And the FTIR spectrometer. The influence of initial parameters such as pH, composite and adsorbent dose,
initial concentration of chromium, temperature, and contact time will be studied for both adsorption and photoreduction
processes. In addition to kinetics studies, an estimation of thermodynamic parameters ΔG°, ΔH°, and ΔS is determined.
Finally, a mechanism of adsorption-reduction of Cr(VI) is suggested.
Keywords: Zeolites; Composite; Adsorption; Photodegradation ; Heavy metals.
ID: EMS-1060
A Novel Device based on Brilliant Green Dye Related to Solar Cell
1, 2
Film Device Fabrication–Characterization and Application FDFCA Research Group USTOMB, 31130, Oran, Algeria.
Physics Faculty, USTOMB University BP1505, Mnaouer 31130, Oran, Algeria.
Smart–Lab, 21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey.
Novel dye brilliant green (BG) based devices are fabricated using a low–cost spin coating process on a p–type
silicon substrate. The front gold contact is deposited onto BG thin film at a high vacuum. The current-voltage
measurements in dark and under various light intensities at room temperature are performed. Experimental data are
exploited, and electrical parameters are extracted describing a non–ideal diode behavior of the BG–based device. The
Cheung and Norde approximations and thermionic emission theory are utilized to extract the suitable electrical
parameters, including ideality factor (n), barrier height (Φb), series resistance (RS), open-circuit voltage (VOC), short
circuit current (ISC), and interface state density (Dit).The capacitance-voltage (C–V)and conductance–voltage (G–V)
characteristics of Au/BG/p–Si/Al heterostructure are described in the dark and room temperature. Furthermore, the
influence of resistance series and the interface states on the operation of the diodes in the dark and illumination modes is
also emphasized.
Keyword. Brilliant green dye organic diodes; Cheung’s method; Current-voltage characteristic; Capacitance–voltage;
Photovoltaic parameters.
[1] D. A. Aldemir, M. Benhaliliba, C.E. Benouis, Optik222 (2020) 16548
[2] A. M. Alsharari, S. I. Qashou, A.A.A. Darwish, M.M. El-Nahass, Thin Solid Films 704 (2020) 137977
[3] M.M. El-Nahass, W.M. Desoky, Optik 171 (2018) 44-50
[4] S.E. Meftah, M. Benhaliliba, M. Kaleli, C.E. Benouis, C.A. Yavru, A.B. Bayram, Physica B 593 (2020) 412238
[5] M.E. Aydin , F. Yakuphanoglu, Microelectron. Eng. 85 (2008) 1836–1841
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
[6] M. Benhaliliba, Optik, 217 (2020) 164832
ID: EMS-1061
CFD Analysis of Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal Solar air Collector with multi-inlet
Département de physique, faculté des Sciences, Université 20 Août 1955 skikda , Algérie
Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables, URAER, Centre de Développement des Energies
Renouvelables, CDER, 47133, Ghardaïa, Algeria
Département de Génie Electrique, Faculté de Technologie, Université 20 Août 1955 Skikda, Algérie
Abstract :
The solar energy is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels that consume and harm the environment and increasing
the cell temperature of the photovoltaic device reduces its electrical performance. Photovoltaic thermal PVT system is a
suitable technology for improving electrical performance and obtaining useful heat, which improves overall efficiency. In
this paper, several scenarios are simulated and evaluated in terms of thermal and electrical performances of the new
hybrid configuration and compared with each other to find the optimal design in terms of energy produced and energy
efficiency generated Using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method in ANSYS 20.
Keywords: Solar energy; Solar collector; Hybrid PVT.
ID: EMS-1062
Contact Metallization of N-Type Silicon Solar Cells Using Screen Printed Silver and Aluminum Pastes
Abdelghani BOUCHEHAM1,*, Lyna GOUDJIL2, Chirraz GHEDDOU2, Abbes MARREF1, Rachid CHALAL1, Chahinez
Research Center in Semiconductors Technology for Energetics/DDCS, Algiers, Algeria
Ecole National Polytechnique, Algiers
Yahia Fares University/Department of mechanical engineering/LMP2M, Medea, Algeria
N-type silicon based solar cells have, in general, two highly doped regions, boron doped region on the front and
phosphorus doped one on the rear side, which play the role of emitter and Back Surface Field, respectively. Each
junction requires a specific metal or alloy for contact metallization: aluminum or silver/aluminum alloy for contacting p+
junction and silver for n+ one. We report in this study, the morphological and the structural evolution of screen printed
silver and silver/aluminum alloys through a set of rapid thermal processes. It is shown from SEM, XPS and XRD
analysis that the rate of aluminum in Ag/Al alloy affects significantly its properties.
Keywords: Silicon solar cells; Contact metallization; Screen printing; Silver and aluminum pastes, Silver/aluminum
[1] Qian Ma, Shenghua Ma, Jintao Bai and Hui Wang, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 47500
[2] S. Riegel et al. Energy Procedia 21 (2012) 14 – 23
ID: EMS-1063
A Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Viscous Droplet in Diesel Spray Condition
Feyçal LAKHFIF a,*, Zoubir NEMOUCHIb,
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université du 20 Août 1955 Skikda, Algérie
LEAP, Département de Génie Mécanique, Université des Frères Mentouri Constantine1, Algérie
Abstract :
This work presents a numerical simulation of Diesel Spray. The objective is on the use of droplet models to evaluate
the potential of integrating the effect of viscous droplet into different spray models. This model is realistic in terms of
their efficient implementation in spray simulations, and represents the important physical processes, and applicability
under Diesel Spray condition. Droplet motion depends on the drag coefficient, the main models proposed are the submodel ETAB and CAB for secondary atomization with a modification on the correction of the drag coefficient in droplet
motion, which takes into account the droplet viscous and deformation. Diesel Spray is represented by dual fuel as n79
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
heptane and toluene. This model is based on detailed mechanisms, with 68 species and 280 elemental reactions. The
results were validated and compared with experimental ECN data Network, with particular attention to liquid and vapor
penetration lengths, for non-reacting flow and ignition delay and flame lift off length for reacting flow. The results show
that numerical model shows very encouraging results. The effects of drag coefficient is sensor on combustion spray
characteristics, such liquid penetration length, ignition delay and lift of flame. This model is able to predict the
penetration of liquid and vapor in non-reaction flow, and shows in good agreement with experimental ECN data. - The
prediction of the ignition delay and lift off of flame length is good, limited to low temperature combustion (NTC region)
for reacting flow.
Keys : Diesel spray; Droplet; Drag coefficient; Deformation; Combustion
Topic 2: Materials
ID: EMS-201
Enhancement of the Silicon Nanowires Performances on Energy Storage
Khaled DERKAOUI1,2, Toufik HADJERSI1, Mohamed KECHOUANE2
Semiconductor Technology Research Center for Energetic (CRTSE), 2, Frantz Fanon, Algiers-7 Merveilles, PO
Box 140, Algiers, Algeria
Department of Materials & Compounds, Faculty of Physics, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria
The strong growth of connected objects in the market has led to an increasing need for mobile electrical energy
sources. For this, supercapacitors are currently attracting increasing attention as potential candidates for energy storage
and conversion. The advantage of supercapacitors is that they have a high power density and a long lifetime compared to
batteries. In recent years the supercapacitors based on manganese dioxide MnO2 has been the subject of many studies due
to the interesting physicochemical properties of this material. In the present work, we deposited MnO 2 films by chemical
bath deposition (CBD) method on silicon substrates and silicon nanowires (SiNWs) obtained by metal-assisted chemical
etching to realize an electrode of a supercapacitor. Firstly, we have studied the influence of the deposition time on the
different properties. Indeed, the morphology, the chemical composition, the crystalline phases as well as the
electrochemical performances were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled to the analysis by Energy
Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), cyclic voltammetry (CV), Galvanostatic ChargeDischarge (GCD) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). This study allowed us to find that the MnO2 film
deposited for 15 min followed by annealing at 200°C presents the best electrochemical performances with a specific
capacitance of 1.32mF/cm2 at 5mV/s. We also showed that the formation time of the silicon nanowires has a significant
effect on the morphological and electrochemical properties. This allowed us to conclude that MnO2-coated SiNWs is a
promising way to fabricate high-performance supercapacitors.
Keywords: Supercapacitor; Nanocomposites; Silicon nanowires; Manganese dioxide.
ID: EMS-202
Structural and optical properties of ZnO:Al thin films perpared by pyrolysis spray method
Sarra ACHAICHIA and Abdelkader HAFDALLAH
*Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée et Théorique (LPAT), Université Larbi Tebessi - Tebessa, 12002 Tebessa, Algerie
In the present work and in the order to obtain conducting transparent layers, ZnO thin films were deposited by
pyrolysis spray technique on glass substrates. Our interest is on the investigation of the doping level influence on the
structural and optical properties of the Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) films are investigated in terms of the preparation
conditions of ZnO thin films. The doping concentration in the films varied between 0 and 7 wt%. The optical
characterization of deposited films was carried out using UV-Vis spectrometry in the spectral range 300-1100 nm. The
analysis of the transmittance spectra allows us to deduce the films thicknesses and optical band gaps. Hence, the values of
the gap were found to be between 3.4 to 3.1 eV. X-ray diffraction patterns confirm that films are nanocrystalline and
exhibit the (002) direction as a preferred orientation.
Keywords: ZnO; Thin films; Pyrolysis spray; Poping; Transmission.
ID: EMS-203
Etude bibliographique sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l'argile de bentonite
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Youcef DAHMRI1*, Fayçal DJAZI2, Sami GUIZA3
Université du 20/08/1955- SKIKDA, Algérie, Laboratoire de recherche sur la physico-chimie des surfaces et interfaces
Département Génie Chimique Procédés. Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieure de Gabés. Université de Gabés, Tunisie
Résumé :
La qualité de l’eau qu’elle soit destinée à la consommation humaine, à l’irrigation ou tout simplement rejetée dans la
nature, vers les rivières, les océans ou le sol, est devenue un problème capital et un souci majeur pour les pouvoirs
publics, les instances et organismes nationaux et internationaux. Le rejet brutal et massif de résidus toxiques dans le
milieu naturel a conduit à l’apparition de nombreux risques pour l’équilibre du milieu naturel et des écosystèmes, ceci a
donc stimulé et encouragé l’amélioration des techniques de dépollution existantes et le développement de nouveaux
procédés, permettant de satisfaire et de se conformer aux normes internationales.L’adsorption est l’une des techniques les
plus adoptées pour cette élimination de polluants, à cause de sa grande capacité d’épurer les eaux contaminées. La
présente étude s’inscrit dans cette perspective en essayant de faire une étude sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques de
l'argile bentonite d'origine Algérien afin d’utiliser pour éliminer certains polluants organiques et inorganiques, par
Mots-clés : Polluants organiques ; Bentonite ; Argiles naturelle.
ID: EMS-204
A theoretical Study of the Structural, Electronic and Mechanical Properties of the Ternary β-Ti-15Nb-xSi Alloys
for Biomaterials Applications
Technology Laboratory of Communication, University of Saïda - Dr. Moulay Tahar, 20000, Saïda, Algeria.
Laboratory Physico-Chemistry of Advanced Materials, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes - Djillali Liabes, 22000 Sidi Bel
Abbes, Algeria.
Abstract :
In this study, using the density functional theory (DFT) implemented in the CASTEP code, we have performed a
computational study of the structural, electronic, elastic and mechanical properties of the β phase of the ternary Ti-15NbxSi alloys (x=0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6). The exchange and correlation functions in the generalized gradient approximation
(GGA) proposed by Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof were used. Due to it having been successfully applied in various doped
materials; we have used a virtual crystal approximation (VCA) to replace one part of Ti by 15% of Nb and x% of Si. For
the electronic calculations, we have calculated both the band structure and the density of state (DOS). Our results show
that the compounds are all metallic and they are stable and fulfill the stability conditions. In addition, our results of the
elastic properties prove the stable nature of the pure and doped compounds. The mechanical results, which include both
bulk modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio, which are in excellent agreement with the available theoretical and
experimental results. Furthermore, all alloys were studied to demonstrate the required ductile mechanical behavior of
biomaterials. We hope that this study will help as a predictive guide for relevant experimental applications that can
benefit from the properties of available biomaterials.
Keywords: DFT; β-phase; Ti-15Nb-xSi; elastic properties; VCA.
ID: EMS-205
Caracterisation of MgO Thin Film Prepared by Sol-gel Dip-coating Method
Redha AOUATI*,1, Halima DJAABOUBE1, Abderrahmane BOUABELLOU1, Yacine BOUACHIBA1,2
Laboratoire Couches Minces et Interfaces, University Frères Mentouri Constantine1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria.
Laboratoire Technologie des Matériaux Avancés, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine Malek BENNABI, BP
75A RP Ali Mendjeli – Constantine, Algeria
Magnesium oxide (MgO) thin film was successfully developed for the first time in our laboratory on glass substrates
by sol-gel dip-coating method. We have investigated the structural, optical and morphological properties of the film. Xray diffraction study revealed that the film was polycrystalline with face centered cubic structure along (200) and (220)
directions. The transmittance was found in the range of 80 %. The optical band gap was found in the range 3.90 eV. The
microstructure was found to islands shapes distributed on homogeneous surface. EDX analysis confirmed the presence of
Magnesium (Mg) and Oxygen (O) elements. Also, the films has good stoichiometric.A good agreement was found
between our results and other results obtained by other research work.
Keywords: MgO; Thin films; Sol-gel; Dip-coating; Caracterisation.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-206
Structural, Electronic and Magneticproperties of Half-Heusler Compound TmPtBi: Using Wien2k
Oussama ADDOU1, Amina TOUIA1, Karima BENYAHIA1
Materials Science and Applications Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Ain Temouchent,
Belhadj Bouchaib. BP 284, 46000 Ain-Temouchent, Algeria.
The calculation of the first principle was used to study the structural, electronic, magnetic and thermodynamic
properties of the alloy TmPtBi using full-potential linearized augmented plane waves (FP- LAPW) method based on the
density functional theory (DFT). For the exchange and correlation potential the generalized-gradient approximation GGA
(PBE). The ground state properties, such as lattice constant (a0), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B′) are
reported. The computed band structure for TmPtBi alloy exhibit metallic character. Eventually . Most of the magnetic
properties of TmPtBi material are not available in the literature; this makes the present work as a detailed study and opens
the path for other future accurate theoretical studies to find the promising substitute for the interesting and more efficient
spintronics device in industry.
Keywords: FP-LAPW; GGA-PBE; TmPtBi; Ferromagnetic (FM) and non-magnetic (NM).
ID: EMS-207
A comparative study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of YFeO3, Dy0.0625Y0.9375FeO3and Dy0.125 Y0.875
FeO3 orthoferrites: ab initio study
Laboratory of Materials Discovery, Unit of Research Materials and Renewable Energies, LEPM-URMER, University of
Tlemcen, Algeria.
b Institute of Science and Technology, University Center of Maghnia – Tlemcen, Algeria.
Centre de Recherche en Technologies des Semi-conducteurs pour l’Energétique (CRTSE), 2, Bd Frantz Fanon, BP 140
Alger 7- Merveilles 16038, Algerie.
First-principles calculations based on density functional theory are carried out to study the structural, electronic and
magnetic properties of YFeO3, Dy0.0625Y0.9375FeO3and Dy0.125Y0.875FeO3 (DYFO) perovskite systems. The study is achieved
using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method with VASP code. Electronic properties of several
compounds are considered through analysis of electronic density of states while for magnetic properties four magnetic
configurations (FM, A-AFM, C-AFM, and G-AFM) are considered. Results obtained in this work predict a
semiconductor behavior of YFeO3 and a semi-metallic behavior of DYFO. Moreover, by doping rare earth element Dy,
system exhibits different changes in magnetic order and electronic structure.
Keywords: Perovskites; Magnetic properties; Electronic structure; Optical properties; DFT; Super-exchange.
ID: EMS-208
Paleozoic, Evoluation from Stratigraphic Play to Free Gas Condensed Reservoir of Iraq
H.Al-Hadidy ABOOSH1 and Q. Mahdi ADNAN2
Imam Ja'afar Al-Sadiq University, Iraq
Abstract :
The Paleozoic sequence of Iraq is hydrocarbon-prospective in the particularly in the Western Desert part of the
country,The Khabour Formation" Ordovician "represents one of the main Paleozoic reservoir targets,, sweet gas and
condensate were discovered in sandstone in the K1 to K4 members of the Khabour Formation The shale of the lower
Hoseiba Member of the Silurian Akkas Formation caps the reservoir in the K1 member of the Khabour Formation. IntraKhabour shales provide the caprocks for the older Khabour.Romana formation Early Ordovician Tremadoc is source
rocks are highly-mature, marine, organic-rich rocks with total organic carbon content (TOC) values of 0.9–5% by weight
suggested that these could have generated, in part,Akkas formation Silurian and Permocarboniferious are missing in
North outcrops Iraq.The upper paleozoic in west Iraq Khleisia Group “Devonian-carbonferious sequences” are complete
section Permain Missing non deposition, the sequence are comlete in North Iraq as Outcrops.Based on the analysis of
Core 11 (2,337–2,346 m) in the uppermost Khabour K1 member in Akkas-1 (Figure 6), the average porosity is 7.6%,
average permeability is 0.13 mD and average density is 2.69 gm/cc. In the Khabour K2 member four cores were analyzed
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
for reservoir properties: Core 13 (2,369– 2,378 m), Core 14 (2,378.8–2,387.8 m), Core 15 (2,387.8–2,397 m) and Core 16
(2,492–2,504.3). The core analysis indicated an average porosity of 6.6%, average permeability of 0.08 mD and average
density of 2.69 gm/cc and particularly in the Western Desert near Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Syria.The Khabour free gas
reservoir occurs in the Upper Ordovician K1–K4 members and consists of sandstones with a fracture porosity of up to
7.6% and permeability of 0.13 mD. The Akkas reservoir occurs in the upper Qaim Member of the Silurian Akkas
Formation and consists of sandstones that have a porosity of 6.5% and permeability of 0.2 mD.The source-rock
component of the petroleum system consists of several potential organic-rich shales including the regionally widespread
Silurian Akkas “hot shale”. In the Akkas-1 well, two hot shale units have a combined thickness of 61 m (210 ft) and total
organic carbon (TOC) values that reach 16.6%. Several reservoirs and seals present exploration targets in the Western
Desert of Iraq. In the Akkas field, light (specific gravity of 42o API), sweet oil and gas (no H2S) were discovered in 1993
in the Akkas and Khabour formations, respectively.
Keywords : Paleozoic; Khabour; Akkas; Free condense.
ID: EMS-209
An Experimental Investigation of the Water bypass Phenomenon in Artificial Porous Samples based on Sand and
Zakaria ADJOU
Department of Hydrocarbon Production, Kasdi Merbah University, Ouargla, Algeria
The precipitation of organic deposits observed in light oil reservoirs is considered to be the origin of the decreasing
of the interfacial tension and, hence the capillary forces responsible for oil trapping. In this study, a mixture of surfactant
solutions has been injected into micromodels, which were initially saturated with simulated-oil under oil-wet conditions.
First, the core-flooding experiments were carried out to evaluate the incremental oil recovery, water percentage and
wettability alteration in a spot glass designed-micro model by using sand and PVC as organic deposits. The experimental
results show that the oil-wet index was about - 0.283 by using Amott device cells which contain sand and PVC materials.
Moreover, the glass and PVC capillary designed-micromodel illustrated that it is possible to achieve the ultimate residual
oil saturation of about 66.49 %. Thereafter, it has been demonstrated that the mixture of anionic and nonionic surfactants
with propanol as a co-solvent can increased the oil recovery to 90.71℅. Further, the obtained results revealed that the
combination surfactants is capable of changing the contact angle from 112° to 39° while surfactant solution restore the
wettability from -0.283 to 0.372. The results of this work can be used to better understanding the surfactant- oil
displacements in fractured reservoirs.
Keywords: PVC ; Water-flooding; Wettability alteration; Oil recovery; Surfactant injection.
ID: EMS-2010
Co-adsorption of organic pollutants on calcium bentonite
Imene FEDDAL a,c, Youssra BOUMEDIENEb, Goussem MIMANNE c, Safia TALEBc
Abdel Hamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem 27000, Algeria
Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria
Laboratory of Materials & Catalysis, Faculty of Exact Sciences Djillali LIABES University (UDL)
Abstract :
Water is an indispensable element for the existence of living beings. Its role is fundamental for the economic
development of human civilization, given its use in many sectors including industry and agriculture. This vital resource is
well known for its great fragility. Hence the need to improve effective means for its protection against pollution. Heavy
metals and organic dyes are among the pollutants that constitute a great risk to the environment and human health due to
their resistance to biodegradability. Nowadays, clays are widely studied by many researchers. The interest granted these
last years to the study of clays by many laboratories in the world is justified by their abundance in nature, the importance
of the surfaces which they develop, the presence of electric charges on this surface and especially the exchange of
interfoliar cations.The objective of our work, is to study the Co adsorption of textile dyes that are known in the industrial
environment methyl green and yellow bemacid on a raw calcium bentonite. The kinetic and thermodynamic study of the
co-adsorption of methyl green and bemacid yellow have been studied, we can deduce from these experiments that the
mixture co-adsorption follows kinetics of pseudo second order, and according to the thermodynamic study and the study
of the probability we can say that we have a physisorption.All these conclusions, demonstrate the excellent capacity of
elimination of the dyes present largely in the industrial effluents, by the Algerian clay because the exploitation of this
kind of materials is very interesting from the economic point of view and their availability in great quantity.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Keywords: Materials; Clay; Dyes; Co-adsorption; Environment.
ID: EMSC-2011
Corrosion behavior of ZnO thin films in 3.5% NaCl solution
Department of technology, Faculty of technology, Skikda University, Algeria
LEREC, Department of Physics, Badji-Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria
Abstract :
Corrosion of a material in an aqueous medium is an electrochemical process. Also, the electrochemical techniques,
and particularly the impedance techniques, are well suited to estimating the corrosion rate. The techniques mentioned
below require the use of a three-electrode cell including a working electrode, a counter electrode and a reference
electrode. The measurement chain consists of an electrochemical interface (GAMRY instruments 600) controlled by a
computer. The results are then processed using the Echem Analyzes software. The electrochemical behavior of thin layers
of zinc oxide is carried out at from a saline solution (3.5% NaCl) with potentiostat/galvanostat. All of our syntheses were
carried out at a temperature of 25°C without agitation particular hydrodynamics. Samples prepared with a deposition time
of 3600 seconds (immersion time in the NaCl solution), are studied with a scan in voltage between – 1.5 V and + 1.5
V.The layers used in this study were prepared by a simple chemical spray method.The crystallographic properties were
also studied using X-rays to confirm the structure of the layers.
Keywords: Thin films; Corrosion; Tafel; ZnO and Spray pyrolysis.
ID: EMS-2012
Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis via Gas Condensate Pyrolysis over Fe/Al2O3 Catalyst
Laboratory of petrochemistrey synthesis, Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry, UMBB-Boumerdes
Abstract :
Owing to the rapid expansion of preparing a low-cost and pure carbon nanotubes (CNTs) from large available raw
materials as cheap carbon precursors and catalyst depositions via chemical vapor deposition process (CVD), pyrolysis of
Algerian condensate gas over Fe/Al2O3catalyst was used in this study. Examination by SEM and HRTEM revealed that
the CNTs grown under optimum conditions had diameters of 10 nm. Conclusively, the pure and uniformed CNTs can be
produced with high yield by the conversion of available-cheap resources via CVD-method. This method is practical,
realistic, feasible in industrial scale and thus can reduces the cost manufacture of CNTs, which may help increase the
impact of these remarkable materials in many fields.
Keywords : Gas condensate; CVD; Carbon nanotubes; Fe/Al2O3 catalyst.
ID: EMS-2013
Synthesis and nonlinear Optical Properties Thin Films of new Coordination Complexe deposited by Spin- Coating
Samiha ARROUDJ a,*, K. Bouchouitb, S. Bouacidac, A. Bouraioud, B.Sahraouie
Faculté des Sciences et Technologie, Université Abess Lghrour Khenchela, Algérie.
Ecole Normal Supérieure de Constantine, Ville Universitaire, Ain El Bey Ali Mendjeli, Constantine, Algérie
Département Sciences de la Matière, Université Oum El Bouaghi, Algérie.
Unité de Recherche de Chimie de l′Environnement et Moléculaire Structurale, CHEMS,
Université Constantine1, Algérie.
LUNAM Université, Université d′Angers, CNRS UMR 6200, Laboratoire MOLTECH-Anjou, 2 Bd
Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex, France.
This paper explores the synthesis, structure and thin films of new coordination complexe deposited by spin coating.
The compound was characterized by X-ray crystallizes in a space group P-1 of triclinic system with cell parameters :a=
6.1718(3)Ao, b = 6.5395(3)Ao, c = 8.5379(4)Ao, α = 109.199(3)°, β =102.822(3)°, γ = 97.484(3)° and V = 309.49(3)o at
temperature (293 K). The crystal coordination complexe dissolved in dichloromethane (30 mg/ml). Spin deposition with
controlled thickness was used to fabricate thin films of studied molecules on BK7 glass slides. The principle of deposition
is based on a homogeneous spreading out of the solution on the rotating substrate with an angular speed of 800-1000 rpm.
After the deposition, thin films were heated in a 70°C oven for 30 min in order to eliminate any remaining solvent. The
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
thicknesses of the layers were around 200 nm. Their third order NLO properties were measured using the third harmonic
generation technique on thin films at 1064 nm.
Keywords: X-ray, Thin films; Coordination complexe; Spin-Coating ; NLO;THG.
ID: EMS-2014
Study by XRD and Raman spectroscopy of annealing temperature effect on the formation of ZnO
micro/nanostructured thin films for hydrophobic applications
Zehira BELAMRI1, Djamel HAMANA1, 2
Laboratoire de transformations de phases, université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1,Route Ain El-Bey , Constantine
25000, Algérie.
Ecole Nationale polytechnique de Constantine, PB 75 RP Ali Mendjeli, Constantine 2500, Algérie.
Abstract :
In this present work, the fabrication of hydrophobic metallic surface was carried out by electrodeposition of ZnO
thin film on aluminum substrate. Structural analysis by XRD and Raman spectroscopy show the temperature effect on the
formation of the ZnO thin films, and affirm that the increase of annealing temperature leads to the formation of
considerable amount of ZnO on the Aluminum substrate. EDX analyzes give the chemical composition of this film and
confirms the presence of zinc and oxygen in an almost stoichiometric composition. The morphological characteristics
observed by SEM of this film show the coexistence of micro-nanoparticles in the form of deformed flowers which leads
to hydrophobicity of elaborated thin film.
Keywords: ZnO micro-nanoparticules; Deformed flowers; Hydrophobic surface.
ID: EMS-2015
Effect of deposition temperature on structural, optical and electrical properties of Zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films
deposited by chemical bath deposition
Renewable Energies Laboratory (LER)/ Jijel University, Algeria
ICTEAM/ Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
Abstract :
Zinc sulfide (ZnS) present interesting properties, which give it place in solar cells application as window or buffer
layer. In this study, ZnS thin film buffer layer was prepared by a chemical bath deposition technique. The effect of
deposition temperature on the structural, chemical, morphological, optical, and electrical properties of ZnS thin films
were investigated. Different substrates were used and their effect on the chemical bath deposition of Zns were also
presented. Structural determination by XRD method showed that the ZnS thin film exhibit a polycrystalline cubic
structure with (0 0 2) preferential orientation. SEM images demonstrated that the morphology of ZnS thin films depend
greatly on deposition temperature. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy reveals some amount of hydroxide
adsorbed on the films surfaces. All of films had high transmittance with an average of 75 % in the visible region.The
band gaps of all samples were in range of 3.47–3.78 eV.The resistivity is found to be in the order of (104 (Ω.cm)-1).
Keywords: Chemical Bath Deposition; Zinc sulfide; Buffer layer; Thin films.
ID: EMS-2016
Formation of the YFeO3 Pervoskite Obtained by Ball Milling.
Laboratoire Magnétisme et Spectroscopie des Solides (LM2S), Université Badji-Mokhtar de Annaba, B.P.12, Annaba,
Abstract :
Ball milling of rare earth oxide precursors with Fe2O3 (hematite) is also used since diffusive processes and are
accelerated under ambient conditions. Rare earth orthoferrites (ReFeO3) with orthorhombic perovskite structure have
attracted both scientists and technologists due to their exceptional and thrilling chemical and physical possessions. In this
work, Fe2O3/ Y2O3 composite powder has been fabricated by high-energy ball milling. Powder mixtures were milled
during different times 1, 5 h in a planetary ball mill where hardened steel vials were rotated at about 700 rpm under
argon atmosphere and a ball to powder weight ratio of 13:1. Phase evolution of the milled powder mixtures analyzed
during the mechanical treatment by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential thermal analysis (DSC). Results showed
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
that for the Fe2O3- Y2O3 composite, starting powders are Fe2O3, Y2O3. After 1h of milling, the perovskite YFeO3 is
observed, with the presence of nano-crystalline Fe2O3 and Y2O3 phases. The formation of hydroxide of yttrium Y(OH)3 .
Increasing the milling time (5h) the YFeO3 phase is more important, and the hematite with the hydroxide of
yttrium. Thermal analysis showed the presence of two exothermic peaks at 700 and 800°C for the composite milled for
1h that related to the YFeO3 phase. Increasing the milling time to 5 h, a peak exothermic is observed around 600°C is due
the complete formation of the YFeO3 pervoskite.
Keywords: Orthoferrite; Ball milling; Pervoskite; XDR; DSC
ID: EMS-2017
Study of Rayleigh Velocity Variations in AlAs, GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs Materials
Laboratoire des Semi-Conducteurs, Département de Physique, Facultés des Sciences, Université Badji-Mokhtar, BP.12,
Annaba, DZ-23000,
Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles, ESTI, Annaba, DZ-23000, Algeria.
Abstract :
High power electronic and optoelectronic devices, used under specific conditions, in modern control and conversion
systems are based on III-V semiconductor materials characterized by attractive physical properties. Among these
materials AlxGa1-xAs alloys, with variable Al fraction, are the best candidates for future and potential applications due to
their excellent optical, electrical, and mechanical properties as well as their high gain values and exceptional performance
as highly efficient solar cells. These alloys, formed from AlAs and GaAs binary compounds, show high values of optical
absorption and the possibility of adjusting their energy band gap by changing the content of Al for effective solar energy
conversion. Therefore, in this context, we study Rayleigh velocity as an elastic parameter of Al xGa1-xAs alloys via a
simulation program based on the nondestructive scanning acoustic microscopy technique under normal operating
conditions. We first calculated the reflection coefficient as a function of the incidence angle. Then, we deduced acoustic
materials signatures, representing the output signal, V, versus the defocusing distance, z. Finally, we treated periodic V(z)
curves via fast Fourier transform, FFT, analysis. Thus, we determined spatial periods, Δz, from V(z) curves as well as
Rayleigh velocities, VR. It was found that when the Al molar fraction increases the main peak of each FFT spectrum
undergoes a shift from its initial position leading to a variation in spatial periods and consequently Rayleigh velocities
increase from 3000 to 3500 m/s. This variation was quantified and found to take a polynomial dependence on Al content.
Moreover, it is worth noting that Rayleigh wave velocities are related to elastic constants through well-known formula.
Therefore, the dependence of VR on Al content in AlxGa1-xAs alloys is of great importance in the determination of surface
defects, stress deformation, shape recovery, modeling and parts design for electronic and optoelectronics devices.
Keywords: GaAs; AlAs; AlxGa1-xAs; Acoustic microscopy; Rayleigh velocities.
ID: EMS-2018
Carbon Nanotubes as Adsorbents for Asphaltenes Removal from Crude Oil
Mustapha MILOUDI1 , Djamila BOUFADES1
Department of hydrocarbons production, Faculty of Hydrocarbons, UKMO-Ouargla
Abstract :
Asphaltenes are the heaviest and the most polar fraction of crude oil and are defined as a solubility class.
Precipitation and deposition of asphaltenes during production and pressure changes in a mature field, processing and
transportation of oil is a major challenge faced by oil industry. The adsorption of asphaltene on the surface
of nanoparticles in the crude oil industry is a significant issue . In this regard , carbon nanotubes have been recently
recognized as effective asphaltenes adsorbents from toluene solution. In this study, the CNTs were synthesized by
Algerian gas condensate via catalytic pyrolysis. Asphaltene adsorption isotherms and kinetics , thermodynamic were
offered. The CNTs were examined by FTIR, XRD, SEM, HRTEM , TGA and the solutions were characterized by CGMS and UV-visible, Adsorption was studied as a function of three independent parameters: adsorption time (5 - 240
min), (100 -750 rpm) , amount of CNT (0.01 –0.3 g). The results showed that CNT have a higher surface area and can
be considered as an appropriate choice for asphaltene removal from crude oil with adsorption rate of 100%.
Key-words : Asphaltenes; deposition; CNT; Adsorption; Kinetics.
ID: EMS-2019
Study of a Sedimentation Tank
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
University of Science and Technology USTOMB, Oran, Algeria.
This article presents a reflection, both theoretical and experimental, on the phenomenon of decanting of sediment.
This research is applied on a test bench of reservoir of sedimentation HM 142 which allows representing the precipitation
of solids of a suspension liquid. In this context, we have faced mainly several scenarios, the fresh water to which is mixed
with a suspension of concentration determined composed of chalk in water, passes through a settling basin in transparent
plastic. These scenarios are designed for the effects of different factors such as the speed, the trajectory or the path of
disposal, etc. ... In carrying out the experience, there have been a number of particles, which may not decant and, that
slide along the surface of bac, therefore to stop these particles, it was placed a chicane in, the pan in different positions in
lengths. and heights to change the height of penetration of very fine particles in the decanter. The results obtained make to
involve an objective judgment on the effectiveness of the performance of strategies for settling of waters.
Keywords : Decantation; Disposal; Material in suspension; Flow; Bulkhead
ID: EMS-2020
Structural and electronic properties of PbxSr1-xSeyTe1-y quaternary alloys via first-principle calculations
Fairouz CHOUIT1, 2, Chahra SIFI 2, Hayet BENZEROUK1 ,Hocine MERRADJI 2, Sebti GHEMID2
Department of Technology, Faculty of Technology , 20 Aout 1955 University, P.O. 26, road El-Hadaiek, Skikda, 21000,
Laboratoire de Physique des Rayonnements, Département of Physics, Faculty of Science, Badji Mokhtar University,
Annaba, Algeria
The first-principle calculations based on density functional theory have been used to study the structural and
electronic and optical properties of rock-salt PbTe, PbSe, SrTe, SrSe and their quaternary alloy Pb1-xSrxSeyTe1-y. The
calculations were performed using the non relativistic full-potential linearized-augmented plane wave FP-LAPW method.
The exchange-correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew–Burke and
Ernzerhof (PBE-GGA).The results show the band gap of Pb1-xSrxSeyTe1-y alloy are direct and the band gap will increase
with the increment of strontium and selenium composition.
Key words: FP-LAPW; Semiconductors; Electronic properties; Quaternary alloy.
ID: EMS-2021
Unsophisticated two-step synthesis of pristine tin sulfides (SnS2) thin film via spray-coated approach.
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Belhadj Bouchaib, Ain-Temouchent, Algeria
Laboratory of Theory and Simulation of Materials, Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences, University of Oran1 Ahmed
Ben Bella, Oran, Algeria
Laboratory of materials (LABMAT), National Polytechnique School (ENP) of Oran, Algeria
Platform of Physico-Chemical Analysis (PTAPC-Laghouat-CRAPC), Laghouat, Algeria
Laboratory of Materials Sciences and Applications (LSMA), University of Ain-Temouchent Belhadj Bouchaib, faculty
of sciences and technology, Algeria
Abstratct :
In the present work, we explored the consequence of solvent evaporation temperature on the SnS2thin films
synthesised from programmable lab-scale spray pyrolysis machine on glass substrate. Thiourea (SC(NH2)2) and tin
chloride (SnCl2) are the key chemical reagents used for this experiment under atmospheric conditions. The synthezied
films was studied through a series of characterisation methods, including by Raman spectroscopy, atomic force
microscope (AFM), UV-Vis spectrophotometer, and photoluminescence measurements and X-ray photoelectron
spectroscope (XPS). The obtained results show that pristine SnS2 can be successfully formed. Our films are found to be
dense and optically low transparent in the 300-1300 nm range with associated band gaps energy ranging from 2 eV to
2.22 eV. Further, Pl analysis show three peaks at 419 nm, 531nm and 715 are due to direct band gap transitions Finaly,
the XPS analysis of all the three as-grown SnS2 thin films confirm the films formation and showed them to be
Keywords: Tin Sulfides (SnS2); Spray Coated; Rman, AFM; Uv-visible, (XPS); Band gap.
ID: EMS-2022
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Theoretical prediction of structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of the chalcopyrite CoFeS 2 material:
A DFT study
Physics department, Physico-chemistry of Materials and Environment Laboratory, Ziane Achour University of Djelfa, BP
3117, Algeria.
Chalcopyrites are promising materials in the fields of electronics, optoelectronics and photonics because of their
potential and excellent electronic, linear and non-linear optical properties. Recently this type of material has been widely
used in photovoltaic solar cells based on thin layers films or as multi-junction solar cells [1]. For this reason we have
chosen the ternary alloy CoFeS2 as prototype of the chalcopyrite materials [2], where the structural, electronic, optical
and elastic properties are predicted for the first time in this work.The alloy CoFeS2 has tetragonal stable structure; first we
have calculated the equilibrium parameter by minimizing the total energy as function of unit cell volume fitted to the
Birch-Murnaghan equation of states (EOS) [3]. However, the lattice parameters a andc, bulk modulus B and its first
pressure derivative B’ are determined using three approximations PBE-GGA, PW-LDA and WC-GGA. After that, we
have calculated the electronic properties of this alloy by TB-mBj scheme, the bandgap is found to be equal to 0.9 eV and
the band structure shows a direct bandgap semiconductor. Moreover, the density of states (DOS) spectrums for spin up
and spin down present a small shift indicating the magnetic character of this alloy.The optical properties such as the real
and imaginary parts with the refractive index of the chalcopyrite CoFeS2 alloy are also calculate, the results show that the
material have a high dielectric constant ε=187.21 and high refractive index about n=13.81.The last part of our work is
devoted to investigate the elastic properties where the Cij satisfied the stability criteria of the tetragonal structure indicate
that the studied alloy is mechanically stable with ductile manner (B/G>1.75). The calculations are performed by the
density functional theory (DFT) with full potential linearized augmented plane waves (FP-LAPW) method implemented
in Wien2k package [4, 5].
Keywords: DFT; FP-LAPW; CoFeS2; Semiconductor; Magnetic material
ID: EMS-2023
Microstructure and magnetic proprieties of nanostructured Ni-P coatings
Univ Annaba, Fac. Sci., Dept. Phys., LM2S, BP12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria.
CSC, Route de DelyBrahim BP 64, Ch´eraga 16002, Algiers, Algeria
Dept. Fisica, Universitat de Girona, Campus Montillivi, Girona 17071 Spain.
Abstract :
Nanostructured Ni‒P coatings were prepared by electrodeposition at different applied potential and deposition time.
Morphology, structure, microstructure, and magnetic properties have been studied by scanning electron microscopy,
X‒ray diffraction by using a structural refinement program (MAUD) based on the Rietveld method and vibrating sample
magnetometer respectively. The results show that the deposits are dense, regular and uniform. The Rietveld refinement of
the XRD patterns reveals the formation of Ni(P) solid solution with two structures Ni(P)‒1 and Ni(P)‒2 dispersed into an
amorphous matrix, or a mixture of Ni2P, (P)‒1 and Ni(P)‒2. Moreover, the amorphous fraction increases with increasing
deposition potential and the coercivity and magnetization are plating condition dependent.
Keywords: Nanostructured; Amorphous; Coatings; Electrodeposition; Ni-P; X-raydiffraction;
ID: EMS-2024
Optical, Structural and Surface Morphology Studies of Silicon Nanowires Grown via Plasma Enhanced Chemical
Vapor Deposition
Siham DJOUMI*a, Fatiha KAILa, Pere Roca CABARROCASb, Larbi CHAHEDa
Université Oran1, El M’naouar, BP1524, 31100, Oran, Algérie
CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91128, Palaiseau, France
Abstract :
In the present study, silicon nanowires (SiNWs) have been grown on different substrates by Tin catalyst coating
with a thickness of 1 nm via plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The surface characteristics of the
prepared Si NWs were performed with field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), atomic force microscopy
(AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis. The optical properties have been studied by analysing the
reflectance. The FE- SEM images reveal that the prepared SiNWs were tapered and clearly show a change in the
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
morphology and the density with the substrates. The SiNWs grown on the different substrates had quite different
structural characteristics. The presence of strong Si diffraction peaks in all these patterns indicates the as-grown SiNWs
are highly crystalline in structure. These results are confirmed by the Raman analysis. The values of roughness and
roughness average of the deposited SiNWs exhibit variations as the substrate changes. The low reflectance and zero
transmittance of SiNWs lead to higher absorbance in the visible wavelength range. The results presented in this work can
be used to aid selection of appropriate substrates for SiNW growth, depending on specific applications and may be a
potential candidate for high efficiency photovoltaic solar cells and other optic devices.
Keywords: Silicon nanowires; Tin (Sn); Plasma-assisted VLS.
ID: EMS-2025
Investigations of Rayleigh velocity and acoustic impedances of cubic structure-metals
Leila TOUATI TLIBAa, Ilhem HADJOUBa, b, Abdellaziz DOGHMANEa, Zahia HADJOUBa
Laboratoire des Semi-Conducteurs, Département de Physique, Facultés des Sciences, Université Badji-Mokhtar, BP.12,
Annaba, DZ-23000
Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles, ESTI, Annaba, DZ-23000, Algeria.
Abstract :
The ultrasound efficiency in the field of non-destructive characterization of materials is widely proven. In fact, they
constitute an important tool for the determination of the state of stress of certain elements in industrial assemblies. The
propagation velocities of these surface acoustic waves, SAW, strongly depend on the elastic constants of the materials.
Therefore, it becomes possible to determine these constants ultrasonically. In this context, we have studied the SAW
propagation polycrystalline materials and more precisely in cubic metals. Thus, this work focuses on the determination of
the relationships between acoustic properties and materials structures. To do so, we considered several metals with cubic
structures: CC (Cr, V, Mo, W, Nb,Ta, Ba) and FCC (Cu, Pd, Pt, Ag, Th, Ce, Sr). It is put into evidence that the acoustic
response of these metals shows that the Rayleigh velocity, VR, decreases exponentially as a function of the interatomic
distance, a, according to the relationship: VR = C1+ C2exp(βa); where β represents a characteristic constant. This behavior
can be justified by the crystal structures of these metals. Moreover, we have quantitatively determined the influence of
the interatomic distance on different types of acoustic impedances: longitudinal, transverse and that of the solid, Zsol. It is
found that the impedance behavior is of the form: ρ/Zsol = A + Ba, where ρ is the materials density and A and B, are
characteristic constants. These results are of great importance in the evaluation of the elastic structure-parameter
interdependence in materials and subsequently, in the determination of the elasticity and stiffness of metals.
Keywords: Cubic metals; interatomic distance; Rayleigh velocity; SAW; Acoustic impedance.
ID: EMS-2026
Synthèse, Caractérisation structurale et propriétés thermiques d’unNouveau polymère de coordination à base de
calcium et l’acide cinnamique.
Nassima BENDJELLAla, Samia MOKHTARIa, Chahrazed TRIFAa, Chaouki BOUDARENa
Unité de Recherche de Chimie de l’Environnement et Moléculaire Structurale,
CHEMS, Université Mentouri-Constantine, 25000 Algeria
Abstarct :
En chimie de coordination et ingénierie cristalline, de nombreux facteurs influencent la construction de polymères
de coordination qui dépendent fortement des ligands organiques utilisés. Le judicieux choix de ligands organiques
multifonctionnels est une approche efficace pour la construction de complexes métal-organiques avec des architectures et
des fonctions uniques [1-5]. Les ligands carboxylates sont d’excellents candidats avec leurs modes de coordination
polyvalents et variable degré de déprotonation induite par différentes quantités d’alcali [6-9]peuvent également jouer le
rôle de donneurs ou d’accepteurs de liaisons hydrogènes pour la construction d’architectures supramoléculaires. Une
attention considérable a été consacrée à la conception et synthèse de polymères de coordination à base d’alcalino-terreux
qui est affectée par de nombreux facteurs. Ainsi, en raison de leurs architectures fascinantes et leurs applications
potentielles dans les domaines de la catalyse, science des matériaux et biochimie [10-12].Récemment, un acide
carboxylique important appelé acide cinnamique (Hcin) dérivé biologiquement de la phénylalanine a été utilisé [13]
malgré sa simplicité structurelle très peu d’étude de complexes incorporant cet acide [14-15] avec un ligand N-donneur.
Un nouveau polymère de coordination 3D de formule [Ca(C10H7O2)2(C10H8N2)]n a été synthétisé par voie hydrothermale.
Caractérisé par spectroscopie FT-IR, UV-Vis et analyse thermogravimétrique (ATG) et analyse de diffraction par rayons
X sur poudre (PXRD). Sa structure cristalline a été déterminée par diffraction des rayons X sur monocristal, ce composé
cristallise dans le groupe d’espace Pbcn avec les paramètres de maille a = 27.0933(11) Å, b = 11.2988 (4) Å, c = 7.8989
(3) Å, V = 2418.03 (16), et Z = 4 (R1= 0.061). L’édifice cristallin de cette structure peut être décrit sous forme de chaines
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
infinies par paires tout le long de l’axe c, chaque centre métallique Ca est huit coordonné par six atomes O via les
différents modes de coordination des ligands cinnamate et par deux atomes N à partir des ligands phenanthroline,
résultant la formation d’un réseau tridimensionnel.
Keywords: Acide cinnamique; Polymères de coordination tridimensionnels.
ID: EMS-2027
Structural, Elastic and Electronic Properties of the Ternary Pnictides with Alkali Metal: A First Principles Study
Sihem SAIED, Said MAABED, Mohamed HALIT
Département des sciences de la matière, Faculté des sciences, Université Amar Télidji 03000 Laghouat
Abstract :
First-principles calculation were carried out to study of the structural, elastic and electronic properties of polar
intermetallic compounds Na2AuPn (Pn = As, Sb).We have used the plane wave pseudopotential approach to solve the
system based on density functional theory. All calculations where performed within the generalized gradient
approximation GGA-PBESol for exchange correlation potential. The obtained equilibrium structural parameters are well
in good agreement with the available experimental data. The elastic properties show a brittle character for Na 2AuAs
while the Na2AuSb is ductile. The obtained results indicate that both compounds will show rather weak stiffness and can
be considered soft and easily compressible. Data from electronic structures calculations reveal the herein considered
materials are narrow semiconductors (direct gap for Na 2AuAs and indirect gap for Na2AuSb). Further, analysis of
Mulliken charges and band populations for both systems shows covalent interactions between Au and Pn atoms in the
zigzag chains along the c- axis.
Keywords: Density functional calculations; PP-PW method; Band structure; Elastic properties; Elastic moduli; Polar
intermetallic compounds.
ID: EMS-2028
Contribution in Developing a Method to Quantifying Residual Stress in 2024 T3 Alloy Generated by FSW Process
Laboratory of metal materials forming (LMF2M), Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Badji Mokhtar University Annaba,
BP.12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria
Research Laboratory of Advanced Technology in Mechanical Production, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Badji
Mokhtar University Annaba, BP.12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria
The present work is a contribution in developing a method to quantifying residual stress generated during friction
stir welding (FSW) of two 2024 T3 aluminium sheets. The method consists in gradually applying weights on the
deformed sheet until it regains its flat shape. The residual stress is obtained from the corresponding flatting force.
Measurements of the residual deformations are achieved using precision dial comparators as a function of the force
applied. Results are expressed in terms of residual displacements in the transversal plane of the sheet as a function of the
applied load. The elasticity phenomenon residual stress is verified when unloading the sheet. Analytical model of the
residual displacement has been proposed to quantify the residual stress. The proposed model can be very useful for
numerical simulation of the residual stress generated by FSW process.
Keywords: Aluminium; FSW; Residual deformation.
ID: EMS-2029
Synthesis and characterization of bulk MgB2 superconductor
1-Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université du 20 Août 1955-Skikda, BP 26, Route d'El-Hadaiek,
Skikda 21000, Algerie.
2-Département de Mécanique, Faculté des Sciences et de l’Ingénieries, Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Algérie.
3- Laboratoire d’Etude et de Recherche des Etats Condensés (LEREC), Département de Physique, Université d’Annaba,
In this study a series of MgB2 samples have been synthesized by conventional method as well as by Self
Propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS) under controlled argon atmosphere. The blends (Mg+2B) were
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
homogenized and mechanically activated in (Pulverizette 6 Fritsch) in argon atmosphere for 4h. The high-temperature
self-propagating synthesis was started by applying a single current pulse of magnitude 100 A to the electrodes. For
comparison, the direct high temperature synthesis of (Mg+2B) mixture was carried out in a furnace (CARBOLITE) at
(800°C–1000°C) for 1 h in pure Ar atmosphere.The influence of several parameters which are the stoechiometry, the
mechanical activation, the mode of ignition and thermal cycles were also studied. The results indicate that the interaction
between solid-solid magnesium and boron is made at 532.1°C, 565.2°C. The scanning electron micrographs shows that
the samples synthesized by SHS and by conventional method have quite different morphologies. This result is closely
related to experimental conditions of synthesis. A nanomaterial MgB2 was obtained. This result may be in reasonable
agreement with the average values of crystallite sizes calculated from the analysis of XRD. The critical temperature of
superconducting transition is of the order of the 35K(-238.15°C) for MgB2 (figure1).
Keywords: Superconductors- Synthesis; Self Propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS); Sintering; Structural
properties; Superconducting properties; MgB2.
ID: EMS-2030
Oxygen Gas Sensing Properties of TiO2 and Nanocomposites TiO2/ SnO2 Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method
Farida MEDJALDI1, Abderrahmane BOUABELLOU2
Thin Films and Interfaces Laboratory, University of Frères Mentouri Constantine, Constantine 25000, Algeria.
Abstract :
TiO2 and SnO2 oxides have several advantageous properties such as availability, good thermal stability, low cost,
easy to elaboration, high band gap and excellent optical quality. Recently, some studies have reported the mixing of TiO2
with various metal oxides such as the coupling of TiO2 with SnO2 which has attracted a particular attention. In this study,
TiO2 and SnO2/TiO2 thin films are fabricated on glass substrates using a sol-gel dip coating technique. The gas sensing
properties of these films under an oxygen atmosphere are carefully examined. The optical properties of the films were
characterized by UV-visible spectrophotometer and prism coupler spectroscopy (m-lines). The surface morphology and
structure of the films were analyzed using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman microscopy, respectively. The
results show that the TiO2 thin films crystallize in anatase phase and TiO2/SnO2 nanocomposites crystallize in a mixture
of anatase and rutile TiO2 phases. The absorption of SnO2/TiO2 thin films exposed by oxygen gas is higher than that of
the films no exposed by oxygen gaz. However, the variation in absorption of TiO 2:SnO2 nanocomposite is larger than that
of pure TiO2 samples. The improved gas sensing performance of the TiO2/SnO2 nanocomposites may be attributed to the
increased active surface area, the increased adsorption of the target gas molecules, as well as efficient electron–hole
charge separation and transfer. The TiO2 and TiO2/SnO2 films are single mode waveguides at 632 nm for both TE and
TM polarisation; the guided modes have established stored value of the refractive index and thickness.
Keywords: TiO2; TiO2/SnO2 nanocomposites; Gas sensors; M-lines.
ID: EMS-2031
FPLAPW Study of thermodynamic and electronic Properties of Cd1-xZnx Te alloy
Laboratoire de Physique des Rayonnements, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Annaba,
Université de Annaba, Algeria.Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 -BP, 325 Route Ain el Bey, 25017 , Algeria
Abstract :
The present work performs self-consistent ab initio full potential-linearized augmented plane wave method to study
the thermodynamic and electronic properties of Cd1-xZnxTe (CZT). For this, we have used the linearized augmented plane
wave method (FP-LAPW) as part of the density functional theory (DFT) implemented in the Wien2k code with the
generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the approximation by Becke-Johnson modied by TranBlaha (TB-mBJ).
The ground-state properties were determined for the bulk materials CdTe, ZnTe and their alloy. It is found that the
structural parameters, i.e. lattice constants and bulk moduli follow a linear function of the composition x. In addition, the
band structure of the binary compounds: CdTe and ZnTe in the zinc blend structure, it is clear from the band structure
plots that these alloy can be referred to as semiconductors with direct band gap at Γ point. The calculated band gaps
energies of Cd1-xZnxTe for different concentrations x are summarized, where available experimental and other theoretical
data are shown.
ID: EMS-2032
Synthesis and Characterisation of Keggin type Vanadophosphomolybdate
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Lynda MOUHEB1, Leila DERMECHE1,2, Nadine ESSAYEM3 and Cherifa RABIA2
Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences, Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquée et de Génie Chimique, (UMMTO),
15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie.
Laboratoire de Chimie du Gaz Naturel, Faculté de Chimie, USTHB, BP32, El-Alia, 16111Bab-Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie.
Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon, Université Lyon 1-UMR 5256 -CNRS- 2, avenue
Albert Einstein, F-69626 Villeurbanne Cedex.
Keggin type polyoxometalates (POMs) are nano compounds metal-oxygen with high molecular weights. Their
application covers several research areas, in particular catalysis. In this work, we chose to prepare Keggin-type cesium
hetopolysalts based on molybdenum and vanadium which evolves with the aim of replacing costly, polluting and norecyclable catalysts. Vanadium substituted polyphosphomolybdate with Keggin structure H4PMo11VO40 Cs4PMo11VO40
and CsAPMo11VO40 (A: Sb or Sn) were prepared by precipitation. The catalysts were characterized by FT-IR, TG-TD
analysis, XDR and MEB. This study exhibit that the partial substitution of the cesium ions hardly affects the structure of
the Keggin anion and whatever the composition of the counter ion, the heteropolysalts are thermally stable. The physicochemical analysis of the studied materials showed that they present Keggin structure so confirming their thermal stability.
These are potential candidates for catalytic and photocatalytic applications. They are stable and have redox properties,
which can vary according to their chemical composition.
Keywords: Keggin-type polyoxometalates; Catalysts; Heteropolyacids; Characterization.
ID: EMS-2033
Crystallographic analysis of poly crystalline silicon substrates
Sana YOUSFI1, Salima SILINI2, Baghdadi CHOUIAL, Bouzid HADJOUDJA, Alloua CHIBANI
LSC, Faculté de technologie, Université de Skikda 21000, Département de physique, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba,
Abstract :
This work is a part of the development of the photovoltaic subject in the laboratory of semiconductors. A method of
polycrystalline silicon ingots preparation was developed for the manufacture of solar cells. The preparation parameters
have been optimized. Samples of good crystalline quality were obtained with resistivity values that fit perfectly with the
solar cells requirements. With the aim to orient the sample preparation by a mono crystalline seed having an orientation
favorable to photovoltaic performance, a study of the crystallographic orientations of grains on the surface of ingots was
made. The results show that the orientations are scattered with no privileged direction. However, we note that the
orientations (111) (220) (331) and (400) dominate the others, with an advantage for the directions (220) and (111). A
sample preparation which uses a mono crystalline seed of orientation (111) was initiated. The results show that at the
beginning of the crystallization this orientation develops preferentially then disappears for the benefit of the other
orientations. In the prospect of using these ingots in the manufacture of solar cells.
Key words: Polycrystalline silicon; Photovoltaic cells; Crystallographic orientations.
ID: EMS-2034
Structural, mechanical and thermal properties of Mg 3Y alloy: a DFT study
Theoritical Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Physics USTHB, BP 32 Bab-Ezzouar Algiers, Algeria
Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI), BP 64, Cheraga, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
DFT Calculations, based on Pseudo-potential Density Functional Theory method are applied to investigate the
structural, mechanical and thermal properties of the Mg3Y compound. The cell parameters, bulk modulus and heat of
formation are carried out and compared to the available theoretical and experimental results. From elastic constants
analysis, the results revealed that the Mg3Y alloy is a ductile material and is mechanically stable at 0 K, within the cubic
structure (tu cites ta structure). Finally, the quasi-harmonic Debye’s Model is applied to include the temperature effects.
The volume expansion, heat capacity and Helmholtz free energy evolution with temperature and pressure are predicted
and discussed as part of the present work.
Keywords: Mg3Y; DFT Calculations; Mechanical properties; Thermal properties.
ID: EMSC-2035
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum-based Ternary Thin Films
Moufida BAHROUNE1, Fatma GUENFOUD2, Abdelhamid SAKER3.
Department of Preparatory Classes in Science and Technology, National School of Mines and Metallurgy Amar Laskri
–Annaba, Algeria.
Laboratory of Physico-Chemistry of Materials (LPCM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology,
Chadli Bendjedid University (UCBET), El Tarf 36000, Algeria.
Laboratory of magnetism and spectroscopy of solids (LM2S) – Faculty of Sciences – Badji Mokhtar University,
Annaba, Algeria.
Protection of steel parts from corrosion is of ground importance for the industry as mechanical resistance is to be
maintained. Corrosion protection by metal coatings using wet processes is still widely applied. However, such processes
are not environmentally friendly because of the required disposal of heavy metal containing effluents. This is particularly
true for hard chromium plating [1]. Physical vapour deposition (PVD) processes thus appears as an interesting alternative
as wet technologies where coating is deposited from water-based electrolytes like hard chromium plating. For this
reason, aluminium-based ternary coatings were deposited by d.c magnetron sputtering and investigate in order to answer
the mechanical [2] and physico-chemical requirements.
Keywords: Cathode sputtering magnetron; thin films; nanostructure; corrosion; Aluminium alloys.
ID: EMS-2036
Thermal Analysis of Crystallization Phenomenon in Na2O-ZnO-P2O5 Glass
Halima RAMDANI 1,*, Yousf Islem BOUREZG1, Mohamed KHARROUBI1, Foudil SAHNOUNE2
Physico-chemistry of Materials and Environmrnt Laboratory, Ziane Achour University of Djelfa, BP 3117, Algeria
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohamed Boudiaf of M’sila, 28000 M’sila, Algeria
In this work, new Phosphate glass with chemical composition of Na 2O-ZnO-P2O5 Na2ZnP2O7 was synthesized by
melt quenching method. A differential thermal analysis (DTA) was used to study the crystallization kinetics of elaborate
sample under non-isothermal conditions at different heating rates. For this glass, Kissinger formula was applied to
determine the crystallization parameters such as the activation energy of crystallization (E) and the morphological
parameters (n and m). The results showed that the activation energy of crystallization was 125,59 KJ.mol -1 and the
deduced growth morphology parameters n and m were both close to 3 indicating that a three-dimensional of crystals
growth with bulk nucleation and interface reaction from a constant number of nuclei.
Keywords: Phosphate glass; Crystallization kinetics; Activation energie; DTA,
ID: EMS-2037
Angular distributions in the double ionization (e,3e) of argon: effect of a short range potential
Amine HERBADJI and Abdelaziz MANSOURI
LPQSD, Department of physics, Faculty of Science, University Sétif-1, 19000, Setif, Algeria
The double ionization process is of great importance to understand dynamics and the electronic correlations in the
structure of atoms and molecules. In this work, we used a correlated wave function to describe in the final state and in the
initial state. The interaction between the projectile and the target is a pure Columbic potential plus a short range potential.
The study is made in the high range the electron projectile and low energies for the ejected electrons. Calculations are
made in the first-Born approximation. The projectile in the initial and final channel being described by a plane wave. In
this case the three final ion states (3P, 1D and 1S) of Ar++ (3p4) have been investigated. To compare our model with the
experiment, we investigate the double ionization of argon atoms, by electron impact in the experimental conditions of El
Marji et al. [1] where the incident electron energy is fixed at 5500 eV and the scattered angle Ɵs = 0.45°. The ejected
electron energies are chosen to be E1=E2=10eV.The correlations between ejected electrons are described by Gamow
factor. Fivefold cross sections) FDCS (are calculated as a function of theangle of the first ejected electron, the second is
fixed by the experiment study. As an example, we present in figure 1, the FDCS for the cases 1S,1D,3P and 1S+1D+3P
(2CWSR) of the angle of the second ejected electron (Ɵ2=155°). We compare our theoretical result with experimental
data [1].
Key words: Double ionization; FDCS; Argon; Distortion; Short range.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2038
Interaction de configuration dans les réactions (e, 3e) de l’Argon
Omar ZAIDI1, Abdelaziz MANSOURI1
Abstract :
Dans les différents processus de la physique, les collisions sont parmi les plus importants phénomènes, en particulier
la collision de particules chargées avec des cibles atomiques ou moléculaires, qui constitue l'une des méthodes de
recherche les plus pertinentes qui donnent des informations sur la structure de la matière. Plusieurs modèles théoriques
ont été développés pour décrire l’ionisation (simple ou double) des cibles par impact d’électrons. Nous nous proposons de
mieux décrire la structure de la cible au cours de la double ionisation de l’atome d’argon. La section efficace
quintuplement différentielle FDCS est calculée en utilisant une fonction d’onde corrélée dans l’état initial de la cible. Les
deux électrons éjectés dans l’état final sont décrits par deux ondes coulombiennes 2CW. Les corrélations entre les
électrons éjectés sont décrites par une onde coulombienne approximée de deux manières : par un facteur de Gamov et un
facteur de Ward et Macek. Les résultats de nos modèles théoriques sont comparés aux travaux expérimentaux de Jia et al
[1]. Les calculs sont faits dans le cas d’une géométrie coplanaire, l’énergie de l’électron incident Ei = 561.4 eV, diffusé
dans une direction : θs = 6.5°. Les électrons dans le canal de sortie sont éjectes avec de faibles énergies E1 = E2 = 9 eV.
La FDCS est calculée en fonction de l'angle du premier électron éjecté, la direction du second est fixée par l'étude
expérimentale. Nous présentons sur la figure 1, une des situations étudiées, la FDCS pour θ2 = 120°.
Mots clés: Double ionisation; FDCS; Argon; Corrélation.
ID: EMS-2039
The microstructure evolution of copper oxide with the thermal annealing
Leila AMIOUR1 and Djamel HAMANA 2
Research Unit of Materials Science and Applications, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of Mentouri
Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine, Nouvelle Ville Universitaire Ali Mendjeli Constantine
Abstract :
The influence of thermal annealing on microstructural and optical properties of copper oxide thin films has been
investigated. The nanowires copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) were synthesized by wet chemical method. The aqueous
solution was prepared by mixing 1M NaOH and 0.1M M(NH4)2S2O8 and 30 ml of distilled water. The copper substrate
(99.99%) was well polished, then immersed into the growth solution for 10 min, rinsed with distilled water, dried in the
air, and finally annealed at different temperatures for 1h in air. The microstructural and morphological properties have
been studied by different experimental methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM). The cupric oxide (CuO) and cuprious oxide (Cu2O) were observed on this surface of the thin
films annealed at different temperature. The morphology and the optical properties of these two oxides were found to
depend on annealing temperature.
Keywords: Cupric oxide (CuO); Cuprious oxide (Cu2O); Chemical method; XRD; Raman spectroscopy and SEM.
ID: EMS-2040
Elaboration and characterisation of chitosan-hydroxyethyl cellulose based films
Macromolecular Research Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria
Abstract :
In both military and civilian settings, uncontrolled hemorrhage is the leading cause of prehospital trauma deaths.
The major risk factors for the lethal triad of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy are severe hemorrhage and trauma.
As a result, much emphasis has been placed on the development of hemostatic agents capable of stopping bleeding and
stabilizing the casualty prior to transport to a hospital. Accordingly, the use of biomaterials known for their coagulating
effects such as gelatin, rice starch, oxidized cellulose and chitosan is well known. These biomaterials have been used for
their natural origin, their abundance as well as their biodegradability. The aim of this work is to develop an effective
chitosan-based hemostatic material used as a wound dressing, using chitosan a bioactive material which has hemostatic
properties, as well as hydroxyethyl cellulose, a water-soluble polymer which aims to improve the mechanical properties
of chitosan. Thus, films containing chitosan and hydroxyethyl cellulose were prepared by the solution casting method,
and their characterization by FTIR and UV-VISIBLE was carried out.
Keywords: Biomaterials; Hemostasis; Coagulation; Chitosan; Hydroxyethyl cellulose.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2041
The spectral photosensitivity and the ημτproduct of the a-Si:H layers prepared by the DC magnetron sputtering
method at different total flow rates (DT=hydrogen flow rate +argon flow rate)
USTHB, Faculty of Physics, materials and components department, physical materials laboratory, thin film and
semiconductor team, BP 32 el alia 16111 Babezzouar Alger.
Higher School of Food Sciences and Agrifood Industries, ahmed hami doch beaulieu, 16200 El Harrach, Algeria ville,
Abstract :
Improvement the quality of the material generally involves increasing its sensitivity to light and reducing its density
of defects in the gap. The present work concerns the opto-electronic characterization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon
(a-Si:H) films. The a-Si:H is deposited in a thin layer by the DC magnetron sputtering method. A samples series is
prepared at different total flow rates (DT), the other deposition parameters are kept constant (P= 130 W, td= 25 min and
Td= 300°C). The total flow rate varies from 5 sccm to 9 sccm. The results obtained by the current-temperature (I-T)
characterizations of the samples deposited at different total flow rates showed an anomaly at the total flow rate of 7sccm
and corresponds to a drop in conductivity and photoconductivity in white light. Apart from this particular point, the
conductivity and the photoconductivity are quite stable as a function of the total flow except at the highest flow (9sccm)
for which a reduction in these quantities is visible. All samples prepared at different total flow rates are photoconductive
and their sensitivity ranges from 300 to 5000. The knowledge of the spectral photosensitivity S-ε0 at an energy and the
absorption coefficient at this same energy allows us to determine the important optoelectronic characteristic of the
material which is the product ημτ. The chosen energy ε 0=2 eV is more than the gap which allows us to know the
absorption coefficient α(ε0) at this energy by Optical Transmission. The values obtained of the ημτ product (1×10-6 −
7×10-5 cm2.V-1) indicate that the layers of a-Si:H deposited, within the framework of this work, are of good
photoconductive quality relative to the values reported in the literature. For good layers of a-Si:H, the values of ημτ lie
between 10-6and 10-5 cm2.V-1. Samples deposited at total flow rates of 6 sccm and 8 sccm are selected as the best samples
of this series from a photoconductivity point of view. This property makes these samples good candidates for their use in
multilayer devices.
Keyword: Spectral photosensitivity; ημτ product; a-Si:H layers; Total flow rates.
ID: EMS-2042
Study of the physical properties of the linear polymer (Isobornyl Acrylate co-2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate)
Laboratory of Research on Macromolecules (LRM), Faculty of Sciences, University of Abou Bekr Belkaïd Tlemcen,
13000, Tlemcen, Algeria
Univ. Lille, CNRS, INRAE, Centrale Lille, UMR 8207 - UMET - Materials and Transformations Unit, Lille, France
Abstract :
Polymeric materials have been used in the development of civilisations and have brought modernity to our society
in various fields (biomedical, automotive, aeronautics, building, etc.), but technology is constantly evolving and requires
the creation of high-performance materials. These polymers are mainly functional such as the polyacrylates which can be
improved by adding other initial polymers (copolymers, terpolymers, etc.). Poly (Isobornyl Acrylate) has recently
received considerable attention due to its interesting properties and depending on the choice of application, poly (IBoA)
is usually combined with other polyacrylates. In this study, linear copolymers based on Isobornyl Acrylate (IBoA) and 2Ethylhexyl Acrylate (2-EHA) were elaborated by photopolymerisation (UV-visible irradiation). Subsequently, the
samples were characterised by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), in
order to study their physical properties and extend their field of application.
Keywords : Polymeric materials; Copolymers; Polyacrylates; Poly (Isobornyl Acrylate); Physical properties.
ID: EMS-2043
Theoretical Calculations of Second Order Optical Properties of Bis-TTF Compounds
Dalila KAMLI *,1, Douniazed HANNACHI2
Laboratoire d'Electrochimie, d'Ingénierie Moléculaire et de Catalyse Redox (LEIMCR), Département d’Enseignement de
Base en Technologie, Faculté de Technologie, Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif-1, Algeria
Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Setif-1, Setif, Algeria.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
The study of organic molecules with electron releasing and withdrawing groups linked through a π- conjuged system
for nonlinear optics is motivated by their potential applications in electrooptics devices 1. Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)
derivatives have attracted considerable attention of their use as organic optical2-4.Our study consists of two parts. In the
first part, bis-TTF molecules containing donor/acceptor groups in different positions were investigated theoretically. The
Density functional theory (DFT) and time dependent -DFT (TD-DFT) calculations were performed. Quantum chemical
parameters such as the energy ELUMO, EHOMO, gap energy ( EL-H ), dipole moment, chemical hardness, electronegativity,
softness), global electrophilicity, global nucleophilicity, the strength of electron-donating capacity (δd) and electronwithdrawing capacity (δa) and the strength of donor-acceptor pairs ( d-a) of the substituted groupswere calculated and
discussed with the help of b3lyp/6-311g(d,p) and cam-b3lyp/6-311g(d,p). In the second party, DFT calculations are
performed to study the non-linear optical (NLO) properties of push-pull bi-TTFderivatives.Static and dynamic
polarizability (α, Δα), second- third order NLO processes, hyper-Rayleigh scarttering and the depolarization ratio are
calculated.The DFT study display that, there is good correlation betweenstrength of electron-donating/accepting capacity
and the nonlinear optical properties. This investigations show that these bi-TTF of acceptor substituted groups have
largesthyperpolarizability values than the of donor substituted group. On the other hand,the hyperpolarizability values of
title compounds are increased significantly withe an increase of the number of acceptor and donor group and COCN and
NMe2 exhibit a largest value, respectively. In addition, the introduction of acceptor COCN unit at the trans positions for
bi-TTFderivatives can obtain the strongest NLO responses, which is attributed to the enhancement of electron acceptor
ability δa.
Keywords: Bis-TTF-Ge; Donor, Acceptor; DTF; TD-DFT; NLO.
ID: EMS-2044
Spark Plasma Sintering and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured TiCrC Carbide
Mohsen MHADHBI1, Frederic SCHOENSTEIN2, Noureddine JOUINI2
Laboratory of Useful Materials, National Institute of Research and Physicochemical Analysis, Tunisia
Laboratory of Sciences of Processes and Materials, CNRS-UPR 3407, Paris 13 University/Sorbonne Paris City, France
Abstract :
In this work, a nanostructured Ti0.8Cr0.2C powders were prepared by through mechanical alloying (MA) at room
temperature and under argon atmosphere, from elemental Ti, Cr, and C powders without any additive. The MA process
resulted in the formation of nanostructured (Ti,Cr)C powders with an average crystallite size of 20 nm. The obtained
nanopowders were then consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) for 5 min at 1800 °C and under a pressure of 80
MPa. Microstructural changes and phase constituents of the powders before and after consolidation were mainly
characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the grain
size is large, the relative density of the bulk samples can reach over 98 % and the Vickers hardness can reach 2345 HV.
The sintered samples have superior mechanical properties achieved by increasing sintering temperature and pressure.
Furthermore, XRD measurement proofed that SPS is a feasible technique to retain the original phase compositions and
grain sizes.
Keywords:TiCrC; Nanostructure; Mechanical properties; Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS).
ID: EMS-2045
Valorization of zeolite waste in the elimination of iron and zinc in a binary system
Soumia BENSAFI1,2, Samira AMOKRANE1 and Djamel NIBOU1
Laboratory Materials Technology / Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering / University of Science and
Technology Houari Boumediene
Research Unit on Analysis and Technological Development in Environment (URADTE),
Scientific and Technical Research Center on Physico-Chimical Analyses (CRAPC), Bou-Ismail, Tipaza, Algeria.
Abstract :
The removal of iron and zinc from aqueous solutions by zeolite waste was investigated. The characteristics of
zeolite waste were determined by XRD, FRX, BET, SEM, EDS, FTIR, DTA and TG techniques. The effects of solution
pH, initial iron and zinc concentration C in binary system, solid/liquid ratio R and temperature T were studied in batch
experiments. The Freundlich and the Langmuir models have been applied and the adsorption kinetics followed both
adsorption isotherms. A comparison of kinetic models applied to the adsorption of iron and zinc ions on the zeolite waste
was evaluated for the pseudo first-order and the pseudo second-order kinetic models. It seems that these models were
found to correlate the experimental data. Intra particle diffusion model was also used. The thermodynamic parameters
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
namely the enthalpy ∆H°, entropy ∆S° and free energy ∆G° of adsorption of Fe +3 and Zn+2 ions on zeolite waste were
Keywords: Adsorption; Iron; Zinc; Zeolite waste; Kinetic study; Thermodynamic study.
ID: EMS-2046
First-Principles Study of Structural Properties and Spontaneous Polarization of CsPbI3 in Different Crystal
Phases (α, β, γ, δ).
Rekia LARBI1, Omar SAHNOUN 1,2, and Naoul CHALIL1
Laboratory LPQ3M , University de Mascara, Algeria
Laboratoire AML ,Université de Sidi Bel Abbes , Algeria
Abstract :
Over the past few years, we have witnessed the occurrence and progress of the CsPbI 3 semiconductor material as a
superstar in photovoltaic fields. By the virtue of its excellent photoelectric properties and solution processability, the allinorganic CsPbI3 solar cell has the possibility of production at the industrial level, taking into account the low production
cost and high photoelectric conversion efficiency. The stability issues are considered as the main obstacles for its further
development. In particular, the phase transitions follow different pathways as the temperature increases and/or decreases,
a phenomenon that is anomalous and remains poorly understood. In this review, The ground-state structural and
electronic properties of ferroelectric BiFeO3 are calculated using density functional theory within the generalized
gradient approximation (GGA), Perdew--Burke--Ernzerhof (PBE) approximation .we distinguish four different phase
structures from the bond lengths, bond angles and symmetries. However, both past and contemporary measurements are
shown to be consistent with the modern theory of polarization, suggesting that the range of reported polarizations may
instead correspond to distinct switching paths in structural space. A large ferroelectric polarization is predicted.
Keywords : Ferroelectric; Structural properties; Perovskites; DFT
ID: EMS-2047
Electric and Optical Characterization of Biofilm based on Casein
Laboratoire de Physique des Couches Minces et Matériaux pour l’Electronique, Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella,
Laboratoire de synthèse organique appliquée, Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Algerie.
Abstract :
Over the past few years, biopolymers captivated the attention of the scientificcommunity. This family of materials is
known to be sustainable and ecofriendly. Among thesebiopolymers, the casein based on bio-sources such as proteins is a
major candidate for thedevelopment of different biomaterials.In the present work, different films based on casein were
synthesized via wet process from milk.First electrical characterization was performed using an hc 3000 Hall effect
measurementequipment based on the Van Der Paw technique. After that optical absorption proprieties aremeasured using
spectrophotometer UV-Visible SHIMADZU UV-3600. Our findings arepromising for new applications of biopolymer
Keywords: Biopolymer; Casein; Electrical characterization; Optical characterization.
ID: EMS-2048
Magnetic properties of BaTi0.875M0.125O3 (M ≡ Fe, Cr): An ab initio study
Laboratoire de Physique des Couches Minces et Matériaux pour l’Electronique (LPCMME), Université Oran1 Ahmed
Ben Bella, Oran, Algérie.
During the latest years, perovskites oxides have known a great interest due to their remarkable physical properties.
Barium Titanate BaTiO3 is a typical ferroelectric perovskite oxide in its tetragonal phase. Inequivalent displacements of
Titanium, Barium and Oxygens give rise to a spontaneous polarization. Numerous studies have shown that substitution
of Titanium by another transition metal would lead to a new interesting property as multiferroism. In order to investigate
the effect of Transition metal substitution on structural, electronic and magnetic properties of BaTiO3, ab initio
calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) and spin polarized Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA)
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
were conducted. The Hubbard correction in added to consider the strongly correlated 3d electrons of Fe (GGA+U). To
reproduce the BaTi0.875Fe0.125O3 and BaTi0.875Cr0.125O3 systems labelled BTFO and BTCO respectively, 2x2x2 supercells
with 40 atoms are constructed. Forces are relaxed until a convergence criterion of 10-4eV/Å is reached. Our results for
polarization of BTFO and BTCO supercell showed a decrease from a value Pz = 25.5 µC/cm2for bulk BaTiO3 to a value
of 9.0 µC/cm2and 8.6 µC/cm2for substituted systems respectively. On the other hand, an enhancement of magnetization
was observed for both supercells. The total magnetic moment of BaTi0.875Fe0.125O3 was found M= 3.70 µB whereas for
BaTi0.875Cr0.125O3 a lower value of M= 1.96 µB is found. Our results are promising for new devices based on tuned
magnetic materials.
Keyword: Perovskites; BaTiO3; polarization; substitution; multiferroics; DFT; magnetic.
ID: EMS-2049
Optical, structural and surface morphology studies of silicon nanowires grown by plasma enhanced chemical
vapor deposition
Siham DJOUMI*a, Fatiha KAILa, Pere RocaCABARROCASb, Larbi CHAHEDa
LPCMME, Université Oran1, El M’naouar, BP1524, 31100, Oran, Algérie
CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91128, Palaiseau, France
Abstract :
In the present study, silicon nanowires (SiNWs) have been grown on different substrates by Tin catalyst coating
with a thickness of 1 nm via plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The surface characteristics of the
prepared Si NWs were performed with field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), atomic force microscopy
(AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis. The optical properties have been studied by analysing the
reflectance. The FE- SEM images reveal that the prepared SiNWs were tapered and clearly show a change in the
morphology and the density with the substrates. The SiNWs grown on the different substrates had quite different
structural characteristics. The presence of strong Si diffraction peaks in all these patterns indicates the as-grown SiNWs
are highly crystalline in structure. These results are confirmed by the Raman analysis. The values of roughness and
roughness average of the deposited SiNWs exhibit variations as the substrate changes. The low reflectance and zero
transmittance of SiNWs lead to higher absorbance in the visible wavelength range. The results presented in this work can
be used to aid selection of appropriate substrates for SiNW growth, depending on specific applications and may be a
potential candidate for high efficiency photovoltaic solar cells and other optic devices.
Keywords: Silicon nanowires; Tin (Sn); plasma-assisted VLS.
ID: EMS-2050
Review and synthesis of the Mechanical behavior of heterogeneous steel / aluminum joints welded by resistance
by point
Fouad TERNANE a, Nadjia BENACHOURa, Mustapha BENACHOUR a, Fethi SEBAAa
Ingeniery of Mechanical Systems and Materials Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tlemcen, Algeria.
Abstract :
In this article, a synthesis has been made of work to date on resistance spot welding of aluminum with steel. Since
aluminum alloys and steel cannot be easily welded by fusion due to their radically different thermal physical properties.
From the experimental tests have shown the effect of the welding parameters on the Mechanical behaviors of
heterogeneous steel / aluminum assemblies welded by resistance by points which was evaluated using resistance tests as
well as We studied the effect of the interfacial reaction layer on the tensile strength of the joints. The results indicate that
both the tensile shear strength and the diameter of the joint clamp increase with increasing welding current to some
extent. When the welding current exceeds a certain value, the diameter of the joint nugget tends to return stability, tensile
and shear strength decreases. The results also indicate that the tensile strength of the joint is related to the fraction of the
fraction of the discontinuous reaction layer.
Keywords: Resistance Spot Welding; Welding Parameters; Heterogeneous Assembly; Failure Mechanisms.
ID: EMS-2051
Study the kinetics of thermally stimulated luminescence and the TL response of dosimeter based on beryllium
Oxide BeO
Chahrazed BENKHELIFA 1,2, Faycal KHARFI 1,2, Messaouda BOULANOUAR 1
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Department of physics, University of Ferhat Abbas-Sétif 1, Campus El-Bèz, 19000 Sétif, Algeria
Laboratory of Dosing, Analysis and Characterization with High Resolution (DAC-HR), Campus El-Bèz, 19000 Sétif,
Abstract :
Beryllium oxide (BeO) is an important luminescent material used in personal, medical and environmental dosimetry.
The glow curve of BeO has a single main TL peak at about 180°C and its response as a function of doses is linear up to
1Gy. In the course of this work, BeO was stimulated thermally and optically for different doses, two peaks appear at
about 220°C and 330°C, and the OSL signal reaches its maximum for 4 Gy. The TL glow curve was fitted using GlowFit
to deconvolute the TL parameters such as the activation energy E and frequency factor s,and the linearity of dosimeter
was tested in the range from 0,24 to 4,5 Gy.
Key words: Luminescent materials; Dosimetry; TL; GlowFit.
ID: EMS-2052
Effect of RF Discharge Plasma Treatment On TiO2 Thin Films Deposited By Spin Coating Sol-Gel Technique
Lazhari-Ayoub NAAS1, Boudjemaa BOUAOUINA1, Kamel MOKEDDEM1, F. BENSOUICI2 , Seddik Elhak ABAIDIA1
Department of physics, LRME, M’hamed Bougara University, Boumerdès 35000, Algeria.
Department of materials science, Abbas Laghrour University, Khenchela 40004, Algeria
Abstract :
In this study, TiO2 thin films were prepared on glass substrate via spin-coating sol-gel method using Tetraethylorthotitanate Ti(OC2H5)4 as precursor source of Ti. The effect of nitrogen R.F discharge pressure on TiO 2 films was
investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis showed typical peaks of TiO2 anatase phase. UV visible analysis exhibit
transparency in the range 75–90%, the energy band gap slightly decreases from 3.48 to 3.25 eV when the nitrogen
pressure treatment in plasma increases. The four probe measurements show a decrease of electrical resistivity from 35 to
17 Ω.cm. The wettability test shows a super-hydrophilicity of TiO2 thin films. However, a negligible effect in
photocatalytic activity of nitrogen-doped TiO2 thin films has been achieved.
Keywords: TiO2 thin films; Spin-Coating; Plasma treatment; Photocatalysis.
ID: EMS-2053
CoS2/rGO Nanocomposites Synthesis and Caracterisation
Nour el houda ARABI12., Nawel NEDJAH1,2,,Yasmina BENCHEIKH3, Mostefa BACCOUCHE1
LM2PM : Laboratoire de Métallurgie Physique et Propriétés des Matériaux de l’Université Badji Mokhtar d’Annaba
ESTIA : Ecole Supérieure de Technologies Industrielles Annaba
Centre de Recherche en Technologie des Semi-conducteurs pour l'Energétique (CRTSE), 2 Boulevard Frantz Fanon, BP
140 Les 7 Merveilles, 16038, Alger, Alger, Algérie
Résumé :
In this study, CoS2/rGo nanocomposites were fabricated by adopting a simple and easy hydrothermal method in one
pot. Furthermore, its morphology and properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning
electron microscope, diffusive reflectance ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and
electrochemical measurements. According to the SEM analysis, CoS2 nanoparticles anchor on the both sides of reduced
graphene oxide nanosheets in such a way that the nanoporous structure with a large amount of void spaces can be
prepared. The enhanced electrochemical performance is indicative of a positive synergistic effect between rGO and CoS 2.
These results suggest the importance and great potential of graphene based composites in the development of highperformance energy-storage systems.
Keyworld : Nanocomposites; rGO-CoS2 ; Hydrothermal method; Energy-storage.
ID: EMS-2054
Corrosion Behavior and Properties of Nuclear Fuels Materials, For Experimental Research Reactors
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Laboratory, Military Academy of Cherchell, DP/ Houari Boumediene, BP 48
Cherchell Terre 42006 /Tipaza, Algeria.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratory of Sciences and Material Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology, Houari Boumediene, BP32
El Alia. 16111 Algiers, Algeria.
Division réacteur. CRND. Draria. 16050 Alger. Algérie.
This work involves the study of electrochemical corrosion of the nuclear fuel cladding material of the experimental
NUR (Nuclear Research) reactor at Draria (Algiers, Algeria). We have used electrochemical techniques at high
temperature and high pressure (up to 90°C and 120 bar) while maintaining the PH=7 under conditions similar to the stays
of the fuel plate in the reactor (OCP, Polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy). We have obtained a
slight increase of the corrosion’s potential at 45°C beyond 110 min, potential stability at -0.82 V/SCE. At 60°C a
potential stability at Ecorr= -1.15 V/ECS, and at T= 90°C the potential of the electrode evolves towards more
electropositive values before stabilizing rapidly at a potential of -1,18 V/ECS from 58 min of immersion. Other
experimental techniques have been used such as specular reflectivity of neutrons, optical microscopy, and scanning
electron microscopy (SEM/EDS) and X-ray diffraction before and after corrosion.
Keywords: Nuclear fuel; Aluminum nuclear grade; Electrochemical corrosion; Neutron reflectivity; X-ray
diffraction;electron microscopy MEB / EDS.
ID: EMS-2055
Effect of solvent on the physical properties of zinc oxide thin films: elaboration and characterization
Sarra BERRA*, Abdelhafid MAHROUG, Samir HAMRIT
Laboratory of Materials Physics and Its Applications, University of M’sila, 28000 M’sila, Algeria.
Abstract :
In this work, we developed ZnO thin films on glass substrates by sol gel-spin coating technique using 2- propanol
(2-PrOH), methanol (MeOH), 2-methoxyethanol (2-ME) and ethanol (EtOH) as solvents. The effect of solvent on the
structural, morphological and optical properties of the films was studied. Our study shows that high crystallinity of ZnO
thin films with dense, clear and homogeneous morphology and good optical properties were obtained by using 2Propanol (PrOH) as a solvent in ZnO precursor solutions. It is worth noting that the fabricated Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin
films, which presented good properties, can be used for different potential applications such as solar cells and gas
Keywords: Sol-gel spin coating technique; Zinc oxide thin films; Structural properties;
Optical properties;
ID: EMS-2056
Caractérisations Microstructurales des AlliagesAl-Cu-Mg de Fusion HF
Laboratoire de Magnétisme et Spectroscopie des Solides (LM2S), Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, BP 12
Annaba, 23000 Algérie.
Résumé :
Notre travail a porté sur l'étude des paramètres caractéristiques microstructuraux des alliages à base d'aluminiumAlCu-Mg. Un ensemble d'alliages Al-X m.%Cu –X m.%Mg (X = 2, 20) ont été solidifiés rapidement sous vide par la
technique de fusion électromagnétique à haut fréquence (HF) .à partir de pastilles de mélanges homogènes compactés à
froid de poudres de grande pureté (supérieure à 99%) d'aluminium , cuivre et de magnésium. Les analyses
microstructurales ont été réalisées par diffraction de rayons X (DRX) et microscopie optique (Gx900) et microscopie
électronique à balayages. L’identification des rais qui apparaissent dan alliagesAl 2m.%Cu-2m.%Mg donne un solution
solide de la phase CFC α-Al (Cu, Mg) de paramètre cristallin a=(0,4049) Pour l alliage Al20m%Cu20m%Mg On
remarque que l’apparition d’une nouvelle phase intermétallique AlCuMg de structure Hexagonal est de paramètre
cristallin a=5.090 et c=18.928 où le pic le plus intense correspondant à cette phase suivant le plan (222), avec de la phase
intermétallique S-Al2CuMg et la solution solide α-Al Pour les alliages Al2 m%Mg-2m%Cu une microstructure
equiaxes de taille de grain d’environ 80 µm de la phase cfc α-Al Pour les alliages Al20m %Cu-20m%Mg les
morphologies se forme dendritiques et conformé cette résultat par la micrographie MEB de cet alliage.
Mots clés: Technique de fusion HF; Alliages d'aluminium; Diffraction des rayons X; Microscopie optique; MEB.
ID: EMS-2057
Morphological Study of the Potential Influence on the Palladium/Polypyrrole Composite Films
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Imene CHIKOUCHE1, 2 and Charif DEHCHAR1,3.
Laboratoire de croissance et caractérisation de nouveaux semi-conducteurs,
Faculté de Technologie, Université Sétif 1, Algérie.
Département des Sciences de la Matière, Faculté de Technologie,
Université de Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algérie.
Département de Génie des Procédés, Faculté de Technologie,
Université 20 août 1955, Skikda, Algérie.
Abstract :
The increasing thirst for energy due to the increase in the world's population and the increasing difficulty in
extracting fossil fuels, that are becoming ever scarcer, require new sources of energy that must be non-polluting,
renewable and accessible in order to maximize their distribution without environmental damage [1-3]. The fuel cell is one
of the future solutions that have been immersed in recent years and which preserve the environment.This study proposes
to examine the influence of the electrodeposition potential imposed for the preparation of palladium/polypyrrole
composites. To do this, the evolution curves of the current as a function of time resulting from different oxidation
potentials are studied and the microstructure of the composite films obtained is examined by AFM. These materials are
developed for application as an electrode material, particularly on the anode side for a direct oxidation glucose fuel cell.
Keywords: Electrodes; Polypyrrole; Applied potential; Materials.
ID: EMS-2058
Characteristics and Optical Properties of Fluorine Doped SnO2 Thin Films Prepared By Sol–GelDip-Coating
Research Unit in Optics and Photonics -Center For Development Of Advanced Technologies, Université de Sétif 1
campus El-Bez, 19000 Sétif, Algeria
Research Center of Semiconductor Technology for Energy-2, Bd Frantz Fanon, BP 140,Alger 7 Merveilles 16038,
Algiers, Algeria.
Fluorine doped tin dioxide (F: SnO2) thin films are a special kind of material that exhibithigh electrical conductivity
and at the same time a good transmittance in visible region making it suitable for solar cell applications [1]. To study the
effect of doping on optical and conducting properties of F: SnO2 thin films, a series of investigations were made. The thin
films were deposited on a glass and p-type silicon substrates using a chemical solution of SnCl2.2H2O, NH4F and Ethanol
[2] by means of a sol-gel dip-coating technique, which offers better thickness control and uniformity. The rate of fluorine
doping is adjusted by the amount of NH4F added to the solution. The influences of doping concentration on the crystal
growth, electrical and optical properties were investigated. In second party, we fabricated FTO/Si heterojunctions and
studied the influence of fluorine doping rate on their current-voltage characteristics. It is shown that doping with 5%
fluorine, allowsobtaining a thin layer of FTO with electrical, optical and structural properties ideally suited for application
as emitter in heterojunction solar cell.
Keywords: Fluorine Doped Tin dioxide (F: SnO2); Dip-coating Technique; Solar Cell; Electrical Conductivity;
Transmittance and Band gap.
ID: EMS-2059
Classical molecular dynamics investigation of the glass-forming ability of TeO2
Khadidja ELKOBRA, Belkacem BENZAHRA, Zollo GIUSEPPE2
Department of Genie Physics , University of Science and Technology of Oran (USTO) Laboratory of computational
atomistic modeling,
Department of Fundamental and Applied Physics for Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome.
Abstract :
Tellurium Dioxide (TeO2 ) is an attractive semiconductor oxide material due to its unique physical andchemical
properties that are suitable for various technological applications. TelluriumDioxide (TeO2 ) is a conditional glass
network former. Using the double roll quenching technique it is possibletoobtain TeO2 glass to a limited extent. The
addition of dopants facilitates the formation of the TelluriumDioxide glass with slower cooling rates and thus higher
yield. These modified tellurite glasses areparticularly interesting and have potential for use in mid-infrared optical
applications. Indeed, TeO2 based glasses have been intensively studied evidencing their stability, high dielectric constant,
chemical durability and water resistivity, high nonlinear refractive index (~2.0), high transmissioninthe near and mid101
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
infrared regions (700–1700 nm), high solubility for trivalent lanthanide ions, lowmelting temperature, high thermal and
chemical temperatures, and high nonlinear optical properties. As a conditional glass lattice former, Tellurium Dioxide
TeO2 has a low phonon energy (~ 760cm-1 ) that explains the low multi-phonon relaxation and small non-radiative decay
rates of luminescent ionshosted in the glass, especially for mid-infrared transitions. The large refractive index enhances
bothabsorption and emission and contributes to the refractive index matching between TeO2 nanocrystalsand the glass
matrix allowing the synthesis of transparent glass-ceramics in the visible ranges. Basedon the above properties, it is
interesting to investigate TeO2 glasses from the atomistic point of viewtorelate the macroscopic properties to the
microscopic atomistic structure of this material.The classical MD approach is particularly appropriate in these cases
because it allows simulations on a larger scaleand on a longer time scale so that quenching protocols can be applied. In
our research we haveemployed DL_POLY a molecular dynamic simulation package, the model for TeO2 glass
wasobtained by creating a simulation box containing Te and O particles (cores and shells) whose initial edge of the box is
44.988 Å. Suitable model interatomic potentials are employed in the frameworkof the Born model of ionic solids to
implement a core-shell description able to represent classicallythepolarizability of a material ; in order to reach the most
realistic amorphous structure and dynamics of Tellurium Dioxide TeO2 . Our system contains the largest number of
particles compared to the latest literature, 5184 atoms distributed between 864 Tellurium atoms (864 cores and 864
shells) and1728Oxygen atoms (1728 cores and 1728 shells) was simulated using a longer timestep 0.0006 ps , inorder to
verify the validity of the potentials employed on a larger system size and on a longer timescale .Different dynamics
stages, from the structure optimization to the quenching have beenperformed so far using two different protocols for the
glass preparation , two different coolingratesemployed has confirmed the glass-forming ability of molten, supercooled
Keywords : Glass forming ability; Classical molecular dynamics;Tellurium Dioxide; Structure.
ID: EMS-2060
Correlation between Second Ionization Potential and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Bivalent Transition-Metal
Complexes: A Quantum Chemical Study
Meriem ZAIDI1, Douniazed HANNACHI1, Henry CHERMETTE2
1: Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Setif-1, 19000 Setif, Algerie
2: Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS UMR 5280, Institut des Sciences Analytiques, 69622
Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Abstracts :
Discovering new materials with excellent nonlinear optical responses has recently become a very interesting
research topic in the different domains of materials science. Currently, density functional theory (DFT) has been shown to
be a powerful tool in the explanation and prediction of the performance of novel nonlinear optical (NLO) materials.
Quantum chemical calculations using DFT/TD-DFT with the B3LYP exchange − correlation functional are reported to
study the NLO properties of 26 bivalent transition-metal (TM) complexed by six acyclic hexadentate ligands providing
pyridyl/pyrazine − amide-thioether/ether coordination and differing by the nature of the methylene dichalcogenate spacer
between the rings. However, the geometry parameters and the theoretically predicted UV − vis absorption spectra of the
optimized compounds M(II)Li are in excellent agreement with the experiment, when available, the trends among the
nature of the TM, the importance of the ligand spacer, and of the substituents of the pyridine/pyrazine amide ligand are
discussed. To the best of our knowledge, our work evidences for the first time that the hyper-polarizability, second
harmonic generation, and hyper-Rayleigh scattering response of TM coordination complexes can be correlated to the
second ionization potential of metal and spin state of complexes.
Keywords: DFT; Nonlinear optical properties (NLO); Spin states; SHG.
ID: EMS-2061
Studies on optoelectronic properties of aluminum-cobalt co-doped tin oxide (Al-Co: SnO2) nanomaterial thin
films prepared by sol-gel spin-coating method
Teldja BOUCHERKA1, Meriem TOUATI2, Noureddine BRIHI3
Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanomatériaux (LPMCN), Département de Physique, Faculté des
Sciences Exactes et Informatique, Université Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia- Jijel, cité Ouled-Aïssa B.P. 98 Jijel 18000,
Abstract :
Transparent and conducting pure and Aluminum-Cobalt co-doped tin oxide (Al-Co: SnO2) thin films were
deposited on glass substrates by sol gel spin coating technique in which the Aluminum doping rate fixed at 2 at.% and
the cobalt doping rate was equal to 2 and 4 at. %. The influences of Al-Co co-doping on structural, optical and electrical
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
properties of SnO2 thin films were studied by x-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Visible spectroscopy, photoluminescence
spectroscopy and four-probe point measurements. The structural analysis revealed that the deposited films were
polycrystalline with tetragonal rutile structure. The average crystallite size decreased from 6.7 to 4.5 nm with increasing
cobalt rates. High transmittance, greater than 85%, was found for all the films in the visible and near infrared region and
the band gap was increased from 3.8 to 3.9 eV. The room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra were shown that
all the films have four emission peaks located at 403 (3.07eV), 418 (2.97eV), 485 (2.55eV) and 528 nm (2.35 eV), which
attributed to the different luminescent centers such as oxygen vacancies, VO0, VO+and VO++, and interstitial tin Sni. All
the films have low electrical resistivity varying between 8.10-3and 2.10-2 Ω cm and figures of merit of the order of 10-3.
thereby, our experimental data may be promising for optoelectronic applications.
ID: EMS-2062
Propriétés structurales, électroniques, magnétiques et optiques du semi-conducteur magnétique dilué Zn1-xCoxO
(x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
Kouider SOULEH 1, Fethi REJEM 1, Brahim LAGOUN 1 , Hamza LIDJICI 2, Abderrahmane CHERIET 1.
Laboratoire de physique de matériaux, Université de Laghouat.0300 Laghouat, Algérie.
Laboratoire d’Analyse et de commande des systèmes d’énergie et réseaux électriques
Université de Laghouat 0300 Laghouat, Algérie
Résumé :
L’objectif de ce travail était à la prédiction de nouveaux matériaux pour des applications dans le domaine de la
spintronique, appelés semi-conducteurs magnétiques dilués (DMS). Pour cela, nous avons étudié les propriétés
structurales, électroniques, magnétiques et optiques du matériau semi-conducteur magnétique dilué Zn1-xCoxO à
différentes concentrations (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) dans les trois phases hypothétiques, à savoir les structures Zinc-blende,
Rocksalt et Wurtzite. L’investigation des différentes propriétés de ce matériau a été faite en utilisant la méthode des ondes
planes augmentées linéarisées à potentiel total (FP-LAPW), ce qui est implémentée dans le code WIEN2k dans le cadre
de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité DFT, en utilisant les approximations GGA et TBmBJ.Dans l’ensemble, Les
résultats obtenus pour les paramètres structuraux du ZnO non dopé dans les trois phases hypothétiques sont en très bon
accord avec les valeurs expérimentales et théoriques disponibles dans la littérature. Pour les autres concentrations
(x=0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), nos résultats sont des prédictions qui peuvent servir de référence pour des études futures. Les
analyses de la structure de bande électronique et de la densité d’états ont montré que le composé étudié pour toutes les
concentrations et les structures étudiées sont de nature semi-conductrice. On a pu constater une augmentation
considérable du moment magnétique total le DMS Zn1-xCoxO pour toutes les structures choisies dans ce travail. La
principale contribution dans le moment magnétique est apportée par l’atome du métal de transition (Co) dans chaque
composé. En ce qui concerne les propriétés optiques, notamment pour les constantes diélectriques statiques, on a constaté
que par le passage du ZnO (x = 0) au (x = 0,25, 0,50, 0,75) puis au CoO (x= 1) pour les structures Zinc-blende, Rocksalt
et Wurtzite, il y a une augmentation des constantes diélectriques statiques avec l'augmentation de la concentration x.
Mots clés : Semi-conducteurs magnétiques dilués; DFT; Calcul ab-initio.
ID: EMS-2063
Structural, Morphological, Optical and Electrical Properties of Undoped and Mn Doped NiO Thin Films
Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method
Meriem TOUATI, Teldja BOUCHERKA, Azzeddine BARBADJ, Noureddine BRIHI.
Laboratoire Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanomatériaux (LPMCN), Département de Physique, Faculté des
Sciences Exactes et Informatique, Université Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia Jijel, cité Ouled-Aïssa B.P. 98 Jijel 18000,
Abstract :
In this work, Nickel oxide (NiO) pure and doped manganese (Mn) thin films were prepared by the sol-gel technique
combined with spin coating on glass substrates. Mn was introduced With different concentrations of 1, 3 and 5 at. %. The
structural, optical, and electrical properties of the prepared films were investigated by X-ray diffraction, UV-visible
spectroscopy and four-point probe method. The prepared samples were polycrystalline with a cubic-type structure and
have a preferential orientation according to the direction (111) at 2θ=37,33° to x-ray diffraction patterns. The crystallite
size of the deposited thin films, calculated using Debye-Scherer formula, was found in the range between 9,81 and 19,76
nm. The surface morphology our films exhibited nanocrystalline grains with spherical shaped with randomly oriented
morphology. These thin films showed a high transmittance (80%) in the visible wavelength area of 300 to 800 nm. The
optical band was found to be in the range of 3.63–3.68 eV and urbach energy varying between 303.34–320.61 meV. The
room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra showed the same position of peaks for each emission, these
emissions confirmed the presence of point defects such as nickel vacancies (VO) and oxygen interstitials (Oi). The
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
resistivity measurements had revealed that the lowest resistivity value of about 2.83 (Ω.cm) was obtained for the sample
doped with Mn 3 at. % concentration. Thereby, our experimental data may be promising for application in the domain of
nanotechnology such as on optoelectronic application.
Keywords: Nickel oxide; Thin films; Sol–gel, Mn doped NiO; Photoluminescence; Optoectronic.
ID: EMS-2064
Synthèse et caractérisation d’un nouveau polymère conducteurs à base du Furane et Cinnamaldehyde par voie
Massillia AIT RADI,1 Zakaria CHERIFI 1,2 et Nabahat SAHLI.1
Loboratoire de Chimie des Polymères LCP, Université Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella, Oran, Algérie.
Centre de recherches scientifiques et techniques en analyse physicochimique CRAPC, Tipaza, Algérie.
Résumé :
Les polymères conducteurs électriques désignent des macromolécules qui ont la propriété du transport de charges,
ils se caractérisent par la présence d'un système π-conjugué sur leur chaîne principale. Le polymère seul n'est pas autant
conducteur (semi-conducteur), en effet, la conductivité n'apparaît qu'à l'introduction de « dopants », des espèces
chimiques liées au polymère induisant un excédent de charge sur la chaîne, assurant ainsi la conductivité interchaines
[1].Parmi les polymères conducteurs électrique, le polyfurane et ses dérivés ont fait l'objet d'une grande attention en
raison de leur conductivité électrique élevée, de leur bonne stabilité environnementale et de leur relative facilité de
synthèse. Cependant, ils sont limités dans leur utilisation pratique en raison de leur structure fragile et de leur insolubilité,
ce qui entraîne des difficultés de traitement. La copolymérisation pourrait être une voie souhaitable car la liaison
chimique entre un nouveau monomère et le polymère conjugué peut améliorer la stabilité chimique du polymère
[2]. Dans le présent travail, nous présentons une nouvelle approche pour synthétiser le poly[(furane)-co(Cinnamaldéhyde)] (PFCIN) en une seule étape et une courte durée de temps, en utilisant le FeCl3 comme oxydant qui à
la fois servi à induire la copolymérisation et doper le polymère. Le PFCIN a été caractérisé par spectroscopie FT-IR, UV
et ATG.
ID: EMS-2065
Conductivité Thermique d’un Matériau à base de Terre Comprimée
Khalfallah MEKAIDECHE1, Feth-Ellah Mounir DERFOUF1, 2, Abderrahim LAIMECHE1, Nabil ABOU-BEKR1
Université de Tlemcen, laboratoire Eau et Ouvrages dans Leur Environnement– EOLE,
Université de Saïda-Dr Moulay Tahar, département de Génie civil et Hydraulique,
Résumé :
Ce travail présente une étude expérimentale sur les propriétés thermiques d’une terre naturelle compactée. Il s’agit
d’un sable argileux de la région de Béni-Saf (Ouest de l’Algérie). Les essais ont été réalisés sur des échantillons à l’état
brut et traité à 4% de chaux. Ces échantillons ont été compactés statiquement à 4 MPa et à une vitesse constante de 1
mm/min puis séchées au laboratoire à l’air libre (T=23C°, HR=50%) à différentes périodes.Les résultats montrent
clairement l’influence du processus de séchage sur les propriétés thermiques des matériaux. Une amélioration de la
conductivité thermique des échantillons après une période de séchage de 28 jours a été observée. D’autre part, les
échantillons stabilisés présentent une conductivité thermique inférieure à ceux non stabilisés (en terre crue), ce qui
implique une meilleure isolation apportée par ce matériau.
Mots clés : Terre comprimée; Chaux; Séchage; Conductivité thermique.
ID: EMS-2066
Study of the physicochemical and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 nanopowders Synthesized by the sol-gel
Souad LAGHRIB *, Mokhtar BOUDISSA 1, Naziha BENASKEUR 2
Laboratory ENMC, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences, University Setif 1, Algeria.
Laboratory ENMC, Physics Department , Faculty of technology, University Setif 1, Algeria.
Nucleair Research Centre Of Birine, BP180, Ain Oussara, Djelfa, Algeria.
Abstract :
In this work we report the synthesis of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) powders by sol –gel route in two solutions (acidic
and neutral). The powders obtained after drying were well ground in a mortar, then calcined for 2 hours at different
temperatures: Without annealing, 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 600°C and 700°C. The study of the effect of annealing
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
temperature and of the nature of the solution on the structural, morphological and photocatalytic characteristics was
carried out by different characterization techniques: XRD, SEM, FTIR and photocatalytic characterization. For the X ray
diffraction (XRD) analysis For TiO2 powders synthesized in a neutral solution: the temperature at the start of
crystallization is around 300°C. For TiO2 powders synthesized in an acidic solution: crystallization begins around 400°.
For both solutions, crystallization was in the anatase phase with a preferential orientation (101). The crystallinity of the
powders synthesized in a neutral solution is better in comparison with the one synthesized in the acidic solution. The
(MEB) observation shows that the morphology of TiO2 particles changes with temperature and the nature of solution. In
the two different solutions, the average size of the grain particles is of nanometric order and varies between 17 nm and 39
nm for the acidic solution and between 16 nm and 12 nm for the neutral solution. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) made it
possible to observe all the existing chemical bonds in TiO2nanopowders (C = O, O-H, CO2 and Ti-O-Ti). At high
temperature, the disappearance of certain binding was observed for both solutions. The molecule causing the Ti to appear
is undoubtedly the one detected by the peak located around 500 cm-1 indicating the vibration of the Ti-O-Ti molecule. It
is however important to point out the fact that no CO and CO and OH bonds were detected in the spectra of the TiO2
powders obtained in neutral solution after annealing at 600°C and 700°C. The photocatalytic effect of BM in the
presence of TiO2 powders obtained in a neutral solution is greater than in the presence of those in an acidic solution. This
is explained by the fact that in a neutral solution, the size of the crystallites is more or less small compared to that of the
acidic solution. The latter presented an anatase structure formed of grains of size of the order of 11 nm. These results are
consistent with observations made in the study of X ray diffraction and microscopic observation.
Keywords: Nanopowders; TiO2; Sol-gel; Annealing; Temperature; Photocatalysis.
ID: EMS-2067
Etude par Analyse Enthalpique Différentielle l’Effet des Rayonnements Gamma sur le Polyméthacrylate de
Méthyle (PMMA).
Samia DERBIL1*, Naima KHEMICI-DOULACHE2, Mohammed WAFIK KHEMICI2, Nassreddine HAINE2,
Equipe matériaux diélectriques et polymères, Laboratoire physique des matériaux, ENS, Kouba-Alger
Equipe matériaux diélectriques et polymères, Laboratoire physique des matériaux, Faculté de physique USTHB, Alger.
L'impact des rayonnements ionisants sur les matériaux polymères continue d’attirer de grandes attentions. Plusieurs
expériences et analyses ont été réalisées afin de connaître l’interaction des rayonnements avec la matière et
particulièrement leurs effets sur les polymères comme : le polypropylène (PP), le Polycarbonate (PC), le polyéthylène
téréphtalate (PET) par différentes techniques expérimentales. Chaque polymère, selon ses propriétés chimiques et
physiques, présente un comportement différent vis-à-vis des rayonnements.Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons à
l’étude de l’effet des rayonnements gamma sur les propriétés calorimétriques du polyméthacrylate de méthyle (PMMA)
qui se présente, dans le cas de notre travail, sous la forme de films minces, de 50µm d’épaisseur, irradiés à la
température ambiante par un rayonnement gamma avec différentes doses (0-500KGy), à l’aide d’une source de Cobalt
(60Co) avec un débit moyen de 22.35 Gy/min, L’échantillon est déposé à 10cm de la source. Nous avons focalisé, dans le
cadre dans cette contribution, notre intérêt sur les propriétés calorimétriques, en utilisant l’analyse enthalpique
différentielle DSC. Cette dernière permet la détection des différentes transitions de phase pouvant être endothermiques
ou exothermiques, se produisant lors d’une transformation de phase ou d’une évolution structurale (vieillissement
physique). Les thermogrammes de DSC, enregistrés entre la température ambiante et 220°C, avec une vitesse de
chauffage de 10°C/min, montrent l’absence de pics de fusion pour tous les échantillons avec l’apparition de sauts
endothermiques associés au phénomène de transition vitreuse. L’évolution de la température de transition vitreuse (Tg)
qui n’est autre que le point d’inflexion du saut endothermique observé, indique une nette diminution avec la dose des
radiations; elle passe de 96,13°C dans le cas du PMMA non irradié à 91°C environ pour le PMMA irradié par une dose
de 100kGy. Cette diminution peut être expliquée par l’augmentation de la mobilité moléculaire dans le PMMA irradié;
des résultats similaires ont été énoncés dans la littérature. Il est à noter que l’ordre de grandeur des valeurs de Tg
trouvées après irradiation montre que l’irradiation n’a pas affecté la tacticité du matériau.
Mots-clés : PMMA; Irradiation γ; DSC.
ID: EMS-2068
Experimental Identification of Structural andInterface Defects Controlling the Conduction Through the ZnO/Si
Department of Materials & Compounds, Faculty of Physics, USTHB, BP 32, 16111 Algiers, Algeria. 2 Laboratory of
Microelectronie and Nanostructures, Faculty of Sciences, Monastir, Tunisia.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
In this work, we investigated the photoluminescence properties of zinc oxide thin films deposited by DC reactive
sputtering at 100°C, under Ar+O2 controlled ambient gas. As function thickness, the structural and optical
characterizations indicate respectively that the film crystallinity improves and the transparency remains constant. The
photoluminescence spectra reveal some defects in the deposited ZnO thin films, such as zinc vacancies and oxygen
interstitial responsible induced the blue emission. In some deposition conditions, the obtained thin film can be used in
UV detection.
Keywords: ZnO thin films; Dc reactive sputtering; Photoluminescence.
ID: EMS-2069
Effect of annealing temperature on lattice stabilization and enhancement of luminescence of GYAG: Ce solid
solution prepared by sol-gel route.
Lydia ZAIDI1, Allaoua BOUKERIKA2, Karima HAMMOUM1
University of Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou (UMMTO) B. P. N°17 RP, 15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria
Nuclear Research Center of Algiers (CRNA), 02, Boulevard Frantz Fanon, B.P. 399, Algiers (16000), Algeria
Cerium-doped gadolinium-yttrium aluminum garnet with chemical composition Gd2.37Y0.6Al5O12: Ce0.03 (commonly
called GYAG:Ce) have been synthesized using the sol-gel method. The effect ofannealing temperature between 800 and
1500 °C on lattice stabilization, evolution of secondary phases and the luminescence properties was studied and
discussed. The obtained powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR) and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). XRD results show no diffraction peaks for sample annealed at 800°C
confirming that the sample is amorphous. A dominant hexagonal GdAlO3 structure mixed with a small proportion of
Gd3Al5O12 was found in powder annealed at 900°C. Furthermore, the dominant garnet phase mixed with secondary
perovskite phase was observed for powder annealed at 1100°C. Additionally, GdYAG: Ce powders were stable with pure
garnet phase at higher temperatures (1300 and 1500 °C). Infrared spectra indicate the presence of many bands between
400 and 800 cm-1 attributed to vibrations of metal-oxygen (Gd–O, Y–O and Al–O) for the nanopowders annealed above
900°C. Moreover, there are no metal-oxygen bands in the annealed sample at 800°C, which may be linked to the
formation of an amorphous phase. The photoluminescence spectra of the samples exhibited a green-yellow emission band
centred at 534 nm, corresponding to the 5d → 4f transition of the Ce3+ ions. The intensity of the luminescence gradually
improved with the rise in annealing temperature and reached a maximum at 1500°C.
Keywords: Garnet phase; Sol-gel;Annealing temperature; Stability; Luminescence.
ID: EMS-2070
Growth and Characterization of tin sulphide Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis
Kenza KAMLI 1,*, Zakaria HADEF 1,2
Department of physics, Faculty of Sciences, University 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algeria
Department of physics, Faculty of Sciences, University 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algeria
Tin sulphide semiconductors are used in various applications and specifically in solar cells. They are relatively
inexpensive compared to other thin films used in the photovoltaic technology. Tin sulphide thin film has been
promisingly proposed for this field application as an absorber, buffer or window layer. In this work, we study the effect
of substrate temperature on the structural optical and electrical properties of tin sulphide thin films deposited on glass
substrates using spray pyrolysis technique. The phase of SnS are identified using X-Ray diffraction. A single phase
without impurities is observed for the elaborated samples. The band gap energy and others optical parameters are
calculated using absorbance/transmittance data giving by spectrophotometry. The semiconductor aspect of our films are
showed by Hall effect method.
Keywords: Tin sulphide; Spray pyrolisis; Characterization techniques; Sollar cells.
ID: EMS-2071
Synthesis and characterisation of CuO thin films for solar cells applications
Zakaria HADEF 1,*, Kenza KAMLI 1,2
Department of physics, Faculty of Sciences, University 20 Août 1955- Skikda, Algeria.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Department of physics, Faculty of Sciences, University 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algeria.
Cupric oxide (CuO) is one of oldest known semiconductor due to these unique features such as low cost, non
toxicity and the abundant availability of copper in nature. CuO thin films were deposited by spray pyrolysis technique on
glass substrates heated to 300°C. The effect of films thickness on the structural, optical and electrical characteristics have
been investigated. X-ray diffraction patterns show that the films are polycrystalline and monoclinic in structure. The
optical band gaps (1.45 to 1.76eV) are also determined from the optical transmission spectra. The obtained results, also,
indicate that the thickness increasing (longer periods of deposition time) have permitted the improvement of electrical
characteristics of our films (decrease of the resistivity).
Keywords: Copper Oxide; Thin films; Structural properties; Optical properties; Electrical properties.
ID: EMS-2072
Structural and Optical Properties of CuO thin Films
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université 20 Août 1955- Skikda, Algérie.
Laboratoire de Magnétisme et de Spectroscopie des Solides LM2S, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences,
Université Badji-MokhtarAnnaba, B.P 12, 23000 Annaba, Algérie.
LRPCSI, Université 20 août 1955-Skikda, B.P. 26, Route d’El-Hadaiek, 21000, Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
Among the transition metal oxides, the nanostructure copper oxides (CuO) have attracted much interest due to the
promising applications of these materials in the applied science and technology.in this work, pure CuO and Fe-doped
CuO nanostructures with different weight ratios (0-10%) were deposited on heated glass substrate by using a simple and
low cost spray pyrolysis technique. The as-deposited thin films were carried out at fixed substrate temperature of 350°C.
The Structural and optical properties of the films were investigated. The X-Ray Diffraction spectra showed that all
samples exhibit polycrystalline nature corresponding to monoclinic crystal structure with two preferred orientations
along the (-111) and (111) axis and confirmed that Fe ions incorporated successfully into CuO crystal lattice by
occupying Cu ions sites. The bandgap energy of the pure CuO was 4.0 eV. This value decreases considerably with the
variation of Fe content.
ID: EMS-2073
Investigation of the effect of N content on the mechanical properties of TiAlN/DLC protective multilayer
Fouaz LEKOUI1,3*, Salim HASSANI1, Mohammed OUCHABANE1, Rachid AMRANI2,3, Walid Filali4, Elyes Garoudja4,
Driss DERGHAM1 and Slimane OUSSALAH5.
Division milieux ionisés & Laser, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées, Cité 20 Août
1956, Baba Hassen, Alger, Algeria
Département des sciences de la matière, Université Alger1 Benyoucef Benkhedda, Alger, Algeria
LPCMME, Département de physique, Université d’Oran 1, Oran, Algeria
Plateforme Technologique de Micro-fabrication, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées, Cité 20 Août
1956, Baba Hassen, Alger, Algeria
Division Microélectronique & Nanotechnologies, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées, Cité 20 Août
1956, Baba Hassen, Alger, Algeria
DLC thin films were deposited by PECVD technique on stainless steel (42CD4) substrates. These substrates were
coated by TiAlN films with different N content (0, 13, 29, 35) % to establish the optimal TiAlN layers properties for the
growth of DLC films. This work presents a study of the variation of DLC mechanical properties with the N amount of the
TiAlN interlayers. Raman analysis shows the apparition of G and D bonds, which indicate the vibration mode of sp2
domains of DLC. Mechanical hardness (H) of DLC/TiAlN layers was determined through nanoindentation
measurements. It has been found that the hardness increase with nitrogen adding, however it decreases with the N amount
rise from 26.7 GPa for DLC/TiAlN(13%N) films to 17.5 GPa for DLC/TiAlN(35%N) films. The elasto-palstic indexes
show that the films are resistant to plastic deformation and exhibit a high resistance to the cracks.
Keywords: DLC thin films; PECVD; Raman analysis; Nanoindentation; Elasto-plastic properties.
ID: EMS-2074
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Layer Number Effect on BiMnO3 Thin Films Prepared by Sol gel Method
Abstract :
Perovskite oxides have drawn enormous interest in solar energy research because of their application in a
fundamentally new approach for the direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity. Among known, BiMnO3 is the
most fundamental one utilized as a photovoltaic materials. In the context, BiMnO3 thin films were deposited onto glass
substrate using Sol gel and dip coating technique. The obtained films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and spectrophotometer UV-Vis. The morphological characterization shows
smooth and continuous films. XRD reveals monoclinic structure for all films with preferred grains orientation along the
[110] direction. The optical proprieties of BiMnO3 thin films, such as absorption and transmittance response was also
Keys words: BiMnO3 thin films; Sol gel; Optical properties; Gap energy.
ID: EMS-2075
Étude Théorique des Propriétés Structurelles, Electroniques et Thermodynamiques du Composé FePd3
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algérie
Département de Technologie, Faculté de technologie, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algérie.
Une étude théorique des propriétés structurelles, électroniques et thermiques du composé intermétallique FePd3dans
les structure L12 et D022, pour les états non magnétique (NM) et ferromagnétique (FM), est présentée. Cette étude est
effectuée en utilisant la méthode linéaire des ondes planes augmentées avec un potentiel total (FP-LAPW). Les effets
d'échange et de corrélation sont traités en employant l'approximation généralisée du gradient dans le schéma de Perdew
(PBE-GGA).D'après les calculs, les résultats concernant les constantes du réseaux (a,c), le module de compressibilité (B)
et son dérivé (B ')sont en bon accord avec les résultats théoriques et expérimentaux publiés dans la littérature. D'après les
valeurs des enthalpies de formation, la phase FM-L12 est la plus stable. De même, la structure de bande électronique
observée révèle la nature métallique du composé. Nous présentons également les propriétés thermiques des deux
structures en examinant la température de Debye et la capacité thermique spécifique.
Mots clés : FP-LAPW; FePd3; L12, D022; Intermétalliques.
ID: EMS-2076
A Study on the Structure and Magnetotransport Properties of La0.7Ca0.18Ba0.12Mn0.95Sn0.05O3 Polycrystalline
Simple Perovskite
Laboratory of Materials Studies LEM, Department of Physics, University of Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel, 18000,
Laboratory of Non Destructive Testing LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Mohamed Seddik Ben
Yahia, Jijel, 18000, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, AIB University, Bolu14280, Turkey
The mixed-valence lanthanum based manganites with general formula (La,A)MnO3 (A is an alkaline or lanthanide
ion) have attracted much attention for the rich physical properties and various technological applications [1,2]. In this
work we prepared by solid state reaction and studied the structure and magnetotransport properties of polycrystalline
compound La0.7Ca0.18Ba0.12Mn0.95Sn0.05O3. The Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction pattern using Fullprof
program, confirms the high quality and shows the orthorhombic structure of the compound, with Pnma as space
group.Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity in the range 10-300 K is realized by four probe method. The
resistivity curves present a metal-insulator transition at TMI=155 K. Applied magnetic field decreases the resistivity values
and so gives the magnetoresistive character to the compound. Magnetoresistance (MR) curve shows a peak, with
maximum value of 30% under one tesla, just below T MI (130 K) then decreases with increasing temperature. The fitting
results show that the electrical resistivity curves are well fitted by Mott’s variable range hopping (3D-VRH) model above
the Debye temperature (θD/2). The resulting density of states (DOS) values were found to be 1.29×1021 (eV-1 cm-3) and
1.303×1021 (eV-1 cm-3) with applying zero and 1 tesla respectively. The increase of the DOS explained the decrease of the
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
resistivity with applying magnetic field. The estimation of the mean hopping energy (Eh) and the mean hopping distance
(Rh), in the suitable range of temperature, shows that the E h increases with increasing temperature whereas Rh decreases.
This result is in accordance with the used 3D-VRH model [3].
ID: EMS-2077
Preparation, Structural and Electrical Investigations of La1-xBaxCrO3 (x=0.3) Perovskite Chromite
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, AIB University, Bolu14280, Turkey
In the frame of this work, Ba doping effect in A-site of LaCrO3 chromite on structural and electrical properties was
experimentally investigated. For this, the bulk polycrystalline sample with formula La 1-xBaxCrO3 (x=0.3) were prepared
using solid state reaction method. The structure was characterized by X-ray diffraction and the refinement of the
diffractogram using FullProf software, showed an orthorhombic distortion with Pnma space group. The crystallite size
was estimated using Scherer method which is found nano-metric and it takes value around 51.76 nm. Semiconductor
behavior of the resistivity curves is obtained for the prepared sample, in the range 175-300K. Using different previous
mathematic models, fitting of these curves shows that the adiabatic small polaron hopping is the best model to fit the
results above Debye temperature (θD/2), whereas below it, 3D-Mott’s variable range hopping (VRH) fitted well our
results. As a result of the curves fitting, the density of state (DOS) was found to be 3.426 1020 ev-1.cm-3. The carrier mean
hopping distance (Rh) was also calculated and found to be decreased with increasing temperature from 1.67 nm to 1.45
nm. While, Mean hopping energy increases from 0.145 to 0.228 eV. In one hand, such orders of the DOS, the Rh and Eh
values and in other hand the behavior of the Rh and Eh with increasing temperature confirms that the VRH governs the
electrical conduction behavior. To more describe the electrical properties of the samples, we calculated the temperature
sensitivity factor, which found to be around 2222.27 K. These values are in accordance with previous works.
ID: EMS-2078
Doped Transition Metals effects on Zirconium Surface based Cladding: Hydrogen adsorption Pickup
Laboratory of Coatings, Materials, and Environment (LRME), Mhamed Bougara University of Boumerdes (UMBB),
Nuclear Research Center of Draria (CRND), Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
In purpose to enhance hydrogen storage absorption capacities on materials surfaces such as Zr (0001), Ab initio
calculations were performed to investigate the impact of additional impurities. It was figured out that HCP and FCC
adsorption sites are energetically the most stable, while both the incorporation sites, the Octahedral and Tetrahedral sites
(inOcta and inTetra) have been determined to be energetically the more favourable for the H incorporation but less stable
compared to the HCP and the FCC adsorption sites. Moreover, it was found that the presence of Sn or Si increases the
Eincorp(H) at the inOcta site, while Fe, Ni, and Nb remarkably raise the energy at inTetra site, with respectively higher
values. On the other hand, Sn and Si drastically decrease the Eincorp(H) at the inTetra site. Additionally, at low coverage
of Θ=0.11ML, Sn, Fe, and Si-doped Zr surfaces obviously reduce Eads(H) at the FCC site. The obtained results when a
monovacancy is present induces a decrease of the Eads(H) at the FCC site. We provide for the first time the required
substitution energy (Esub) of additional impurities on the Zr surface. As a result, Nb required the highest Esub to be
replaced in the topmost layer of Zr (0001) followed by Sn, while the Esub of Cr was found to be the lowest among all the
impurities. These outcomes may support experimental searches for producing Zr alloys. A qualitative study has been
provided to estimate the favorable adsorption sites for hydrogen Eads(H) and the incorporation sites Eincorp(H). Besides,
it is found that low coverage Θ=0.11ML decreases the Eads(H) at the FCC site, unlike at the HCP site where the results
indicate an increase in the Eads(H). Moreover, at Θ=0.25ML, it is found that the presence of Sn or Si increases the
Eincorp(H) at the inOcta site, while Fe, Ni, and Nb remarkably raise the energy at inTetra site, with respectively higher
values. On the other hand, Sn and Si drastically decrease the Eincorp(H) at the inTetra site. Additionally, at low coverage
of Θ=0.11ML, Sn, Fe, and Si-doped Zr surfaces obviously reduce Eads(H) at the FCC site. The computed Eincorp(H) at
the inOcta site was found to be the lowest when doping with Cr or Si is in effect. The distance between the topmost Zr
layer and hydrogen dZr-H when H occupies the inTetra site is always the shortest even in the presence of these additional
impurities, indicating that H atoms remain always close to the Zr subsurface layer. The inTetra site is generally unstable
for the hydrogen incorporation site in low coverage. However, with Cr-doped Zr surface, hydrogen incorporation in the
inTetra site is considered a less favorable site.
Keywords: Ab initio; Zr (0001); Coverage; Hydrogen adsorption; Substitution energy; Incorporation.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2079
Investigating effect of GGA+U on the electronic structure of the Ba2TmRuO6 double perovskite
Wafa GUENEZ1, Faïçal CHEMAM2
Tebessa university, 12000 Tebessa, Algeria
Tebessa university, 12000 Tebessa, Algeria
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate new double perovskite oxides, searching for new promising functional material with
properties of interest for high density storage applications. The crystal structure and electronic properties of the rareearth-based double perovskite Ba2TmRuO6 was investigated through full-potential linearised augmented plane wave
method (FP - LAPW) within the context of density functional theory (DFT) in Wien2k code. We used generalized
gradient approximation GGA and GGA+U and SOC approache . The obtained DFT optimized structure was cubic (space
group: Fm-3m), and the calculations (GGA + U) shows half-metallic behavior .
Keywords: DFT; AFM; Double perovskite; Half-metal; WIEN2k.
ID: EMS-2080
Very low temperature electrical interactions and relative behavior deduced from R-T curve under zero and one
Tesla of Nickel doped manganite.
Sadek BOUFLIGHAa, Nabil MAHAMDIOUAa, Faiza MERICHEb , Fatih. DENBRIa, Nevin SOYLU-KOC c, Cabir
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
LEM, Department of Electronic, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, AIB University, Bolu14280, Turkey
Structural and electrical transport properties at low temperature of elaborated bulk La 0.7Ca0.18Ba0.12Mn0.95Ni0.05O3
manganite are investigated. The X-ray diffractogram refinement shows that the compound crystallizes in an orthorhombic
structure with Pnma space group. Electrical characterization was carried out via resistivity measurement using four probe
techniques. The low temperature T-curves present an upturn behavior at Tupturn: 110 K and 90 K for zero and one tesla
curves respectively. The resistivity behavior changes with applying magnetic field, which is reflected by the models of
fitting results. For the zero tesla curve, no combination of useful terms representing the residual resistivity, weak
localization, electron-electron, electron phonon and electron magnon interactions fits well the experimental resistivity
curve. Whereas, it is well fitted by a model with a combination of residual resistivity, weak localization, electronelectron, electron phonon interactions. At temperature range 72-130K the quality of resistivity fitting curve without
magnetic field using the same model is improved. The decrease of the Tupturn can be explain by weak localization effect
and the vanishes of the resistivity curve can be due to apply magnetic field. Fitting results show that the decrease of the
resistivity values is affected mainly by the values of resistivity due to weak localization and the electron-electron
interactions. The residual resistivity does not change considerably which is in accordance with the literature.
Keywords: Manganites perovskite; Structure; XRD; Four probe method; Electrical resistivity; Resistivity upturn;
Models; Very low temperature.
ID: EMS-2081
Effect of Zr doping in Sr sites on the structural and electrical properties of Bi2Sr1.6-xZrxLa0.4 CuO6+δ compounds (x
=0.0, 0.2 et 0.4)
Faculty of Science Exacts and Computer, LEND Laboratory, Med Seddik Benyahia University Jijel 18000 - Algeria
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, LEND Laboratory, Med Seddik Ben Yahia University
Jijel 18000 – Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, AIB University
Bolu 14280 - Turkey
Abstract :
The effect of zirconium substitution on strontium sites in Bi 2Sr1.6La0.4CuO6+δ compound of Bi-2201 phase on
structural and electrical properties has been investigated. Undoped and two doped samples were prepared by the
conventional solid state route. The X-ray diffraction investigations showed that the phase in undoped sample is identified
to be Raveau Bi-2201 phase, known as phase B, whereas it is completely transformed, in the substituted samples, to phase
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
A, known as Bi-2201 semiconductor phase. Electrical resistivity, measured by the four-probe technique, present the
superconductor state, in the undoped sample, below TC,on=28.98 K. The results showed the quench of superconductivity
in the doped samples and a semi-conducting behavior is observed. This result can be attributed to the localization of
charge carriers (hole-filling) and to the excess oxygen intercalation. The fitting of the electrical resistivity curves using
various existent models, in the semi-conducting range of the doped samples, is found to be well fitted by a two
dimensional variable range hopping mechanism (2D-VRH). The characteristic temperature T0 is found to be increased
from 55.98 K to 74.92 K for the samples doped with x=0.2 and 0.4, respectively. The depth of length localization a H is
calculated and found to be decreased.
ID: EMS-2082
Structural,Microstructural and Electrical transportproperties Investigation of the co-doped La0.8-xPrxCa0.2xBaxMnO3 (x = 0.1)Manganite
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu 14280, Turkey
This work investigates the structural, microstructural, and electrical transport properties of the La0.8-xPrxCa0.2xBaxMnO3 (x=0.1) manganite compound. Polycrystalline powders were synthesized by the conventional solid state
reaction route. Powder X-ray diffraction study followed by refinement of XRD data using Jana2006 software confirms
that the compound crystallizes in the rhombohedral structure of space group R3c without any secondary phases. Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) used to observe the surface morphology of the polycrystalline sample revealed that the
surface morphology is micro-granular and the grain size is about ∼1.5 µm. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) was carried
out to ascertain the elemental composition on the surface of the prepared sample. This spectrum allowed to detect the
presence of all compositional elements for our sample and no impurities were detected. Electrical resistivity was
measured using the four-probe method in the range of 10-300 K, under zero and 1 tesla magnetic field. The temperature
dependent electrical resistivity ρ(T) reveals that the sampleexhibits insulating behavior. To investigate the conduction
mechanism that can describe the ρ(T) of sample, the high temperature resistivity curve in the insulating region were fitted
by following two different models: Mott’s 3D Variable range hopping mechanism (3D-VRH) and the Adiabatic small
polaron hopping model (ASPH).
Keywords: Manganite; Structure; Electrical resistivity; Mott’s 3D Variable range hopping mechanism.
ID: EMS-2083
Elaboration of Semiconducting Materials based on Polpyrrole and Polypyrrolidone
Macromolecular and Thiomacromolecular Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry,
University of Sciences and Technology (USTHB), BP 32, El Alia, Algiers 16111, Algeria.
Abstract :
Over the last three decades, the semiconducting polymer materials are widely used in different fields of science and
industry and continue to attract much attention. It has been shown that they can be potentially used in multidisciplinary
areas such as the conversion of the solar energy into several forms. Thus, the elaboration of organic semiconductor
materials has found interest from both academic and industrial points of view, where a significant number of scientific
works are regularly published [1,2].However, the rigidity and the strong interchain interactions of conjugated double
bond backbone imply that these intrinsic conductive polymers are generally infusible and insoluble in most organic
solvents. The principal inconvenient of these polymers is that they have the poor mechanical properties. Unfortunately,
these drawbacks often hinder their large-scale applications.In this contribution, we have firstly assessed
thermodynamically the possibility to blended the polypyrrole (PPy) with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) using group
contribution model in order to calculate the solubility parameters of two polymers. Our principal goal in this work is to
combine two types of polymers, conductor and insulation, in order to produce the semiconducting materials possessing a
large scale and improved properties. All binary blends of PPY/PVP were obtained by in situ polymerization. They have
studied by means of DSC, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetry (TGA). Their conductivity
was also measured using four-point technique. The phase behavior and miscibility of these blends were examined
according to their glass transition temperatures (Tgs). Moreover, the possible specific interactions, such as hydrogen
bonding, was studied qualitatively and quantitatively by FTIR. The thermal and conductivity properties of these materials
were also explored using TGA and Four Point probe method. As an example, Figure 1 displays the global FTIR spectra of
PANI, PVP and their mixtures in different compositions, respectively.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2084
Synthesis, Green Control and Characterization of Platium & Platium-Caping Nanoparticles
Hamza KELLOUa,b ,Salem BOUDINARa, Abdelhafid SOUICIb, Nassima BENBRAHIMa
Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux (LPCM), Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou, BP 17, RP
Tizi-Ouzou 15000, Algeria.
Laboratoire de Physico-chimie des Matériaux et Catalyse (LPCMC), Université Abderrahmane Mira de Béjaia, CP
06000, Béjaia, Algeria.
Abstract :
In this study, Platinum nanoparticles (Pt-NPs), were synthesized by chemical method, using NaBH4 and Arabic Gum
(GA) as the reducing agent and the capping agent, respectively, using different concentration of GA. The obtained PtNPs were characterized by several techniques. The SEM observation of nanopowders, shows the formation of particles
with nanometer sizes. The FT-IR confirmed the Pt and Pt-capping species, by the bands of GA in addition of the
characteristic peaks of Pt. UV-Vis spectrum for Pt and Pt-covered NPs correspond to the results found in the literature (in
solution) and for the solid UV-Vis, the absorption of the NPWs synthesized with GA are enhanced. Finally, as an
application, we monitored the effect of Pt-coveredNPs on 2-Aminophenol (2AP) dissolved in water under UV lamp
irradiation (210 nm).
Keywords : Pt and Pt-caping Nanoparticles; Chemical synthesis; Optical properties; 2-Aminophenol.
ID: EMSC-2085
Approche expérimentale et thermodynamique de l’inhibition de la corrosion de l’acier en milieu acide
Karim MADJOUR 1*, Baya BENFEDDA 1, Hassiba LARIBI 2, Salem BOUDINAR 1, Aziz KADRI 1
Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux (LPCM), Université Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi Ouzou, Algérie
Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Département de Génie des Procèdes, Faculté de Technologie, Université de Blida 1
Résumé :
La dégradation des structures en acier suite aux procédés de décapage par des solutions acides, est un problème
majeur auquel sont soumises des installations métalliques dans diverses industries. Ce phénomène constitue donc, l’une
des activités les plus préoccupantes de la communauté scientifique tant de point de vue académique qu’industriel. En
termes de lutte contre la corrosion, la protection par inhibition est l’une des meilleures méthodes les plus pratiquées dans
le secteur industriel. A cet égard, de nombreuses études ont porté et sont encore en voie d’expansion sur la recherche de
nouvelles substances inhibitrices respectueuses de l’environnement et relativement plus efficaces. Le présent travail
s’inscrit dans ce cadre. Le but envisagé consiste à tester l’activité inhibitrice d’un bio-polymère, dérivé de la chitine, visà-vis de la corrosion de l’acier en milieu acide chlorhydrique. Le comportement à la corrosion de l’acier dans l’acide
chlorhydrique a été examiné en faisant explorer deux paramètres expérimentaux, en l’occurrence, la concentration en
inhibiteur et la température du milieu corrosif.Pour évaluer l’activité inhibitrice, nous avons utilisé les méthodes
électrochimiques, la gravimétrie et la microscopie électronique à balayage. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que
l’efficacité inhibitrice, la vitesse de corrosion et la résistance de polarisation dépendent fortement de la concentration en
inhibiteur et de la température du milieu. De plus, ces résultats révèlent que le mode d’action de l’inhibiteur en question
est régi par son adsorption sur la surface de l’acier. Ce comportement a été confirmé par les analyses morphologiques où
une couche protectrice plus au moins adhérente s’est formée à la surface de l’acier. Le calcul de certains paramètres
thermodynamiques a permis d’affirmer la spontanéité du processus d’adsorption et sa stabilité. Par ailleurs, l’isotherme de
Langmuir modélise mieux l’adsorption ainsi observée.
Mots clés : Acier; Corrosion; Inhibiteur vert; MEB.
ID: EMS-2086
Electrodeposition of Palladium nanoparticles on TiO2 nanotubes for efficient photocatalytic and
photoelectrochemical water oxidation performances
Mouloud Mammeri university of Tizi Ouzou Algeria.
Abstract :
Palladium nanoparticles (Pd NPs) have been considered as one of the most promising materials for
photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performances, due to the existence of the localized surface plasmon resonance
(LSPR). Several procedures in heterostructure engineering promise for effectively improving the optical properties of
TiO2 nanotubes (TiNT) for solar energy harvesting applications.In the present work, TiNT (prepared by electrochemical
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
anodization method) decorated with Pd NPs (Pd/TiNT) was prepared through electrodeposition process in a bath
containing (10Mm of PdCaCO3 + 0.1 H2SO4), aiming to improve both photocatalytic and water oxidation efficiency in
the visible region.The characterization of Pd/TiNT heterostructure was provided by using scanning electronic microscope
(SEM), UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS). Combination of TiNT with Pd NPs showed a remarkable enhancement of the absorbance in the
visible light range.Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (MB) and photoelectrochemical water oxidation under
visible light irradiation were investigated. The results demonstrated that Pd/TiNT heterostructure with controlled
sphyrical Pd NPs size ringing between 205 and 326 nm exhibits a significant optical absorption through LSPR and a good
photocurrent response which is may be related to the improving separation of the photo-generated electrons.
Keywords : TiO2 nanotubes; Palladium nanoparticles; Optical absorption; Localized surface plasmon resonance;
ID: EMS-2087
Ab initio study of dielectric and born charge effectif properties on the Sb substitution for yttrium compound
Ahd LOUAFI1,*, Yassine CHAOUCHE1
Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée et Théorique, Larbi Tebessi University, Route de Constantine 12002 Tebessa,
Using the first principal calculation, we present a theoretical search of structural properties of the YP 1−x Sb x alloys
using the DFT, where (x) is the concentration of Sb changed between 0 and 1 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5,0.75 and 1) within the
generalized gradient approximation these compounds have a rock-salt structure (B1) at normal conditions and under high
pressure can transform into the CsCl structure (B2). Firstly, the effect of adding the composition Sb on the lattice
parameter is studied and compared with the Vegard’s law. We have studied the Born effective charge and dielectric
constant at high symmetry points, Γ, L and X of YP1−x Sb x alloys using dualspace Gaussian pseudo-potential and plan
waves (PP-PW).The pseudopotential is implemented in ABINIT code.
Keywords: Ab initio calculations; Yttrium alloys; Vegard’s law; Sb composition; Born effective charge; Dielectric
ID: EMS-2088
Novel Theoretical Prediction of Physical Properties of Mnn+1SiCn (n=1, 2 and 3): Ab-inition Calculations
Fouâd KERAMSIa, Moued MEBREKb,c, Mohamed BERBERb,c
Département de Physique, Institut des Sciences de la Nature et de Vie & Sciences Exactes (SNV-SE), Université
Ahmed ZABANA de Relizane, 48000 Relizane, Algeria
Centre Universitaire Nour Bachir El Bayadh, 32000 El Bayadh, Algeria
Laboratoire d’Instrumentation et Matériaux Avances, Centre Universitaire Nour Bachir El-Bayadh, BP 900 route, 32000
Aflou, Algérie
In this work, we have studied the structural, electronic, elastic, and thermodynamic properties of the new Max
phase’s class Mn2SiC, Mn3SiC2 and Mn4SiC3 (Mnn+1SiCn with n = 1, 2 and 3), using the linearly augmented plane wave
method (FP-LAPW) based on density functional theory [1]. The exchange-correlation potential is treated with the local
density approximation LSDA [2]. The formation energies calculated for all compounds showed that these compounds are
thermodynamically stable. We found that the ferromagnetic (FM) configuration is more stable than the non-magnetic
(NM) one, at their lattice parameters for all three compounds. Cohesive energy confirms the structural stability of all
structures. The total magnetic moment increases with an increasing value of n. The band structure indicates that the three
materials are electrically conductive. For the density of state, we see that there is no gap for these three materials; they
exhibit a metallic nature which results from the fact that the Mn-3d states are dominant at the Fermi level. The peak of
hybridization of the Mn–3d, and C–2p states leads to a strong covalent bond than that between the Mn–3d and Si–3p
states in the low energy domain. 3p electrons in silicon elements can effectively alter the covalence and iconicity of bonds
that govern compressibility, ductility, and even superconducting properties. The chemical bond in three compounds is a
combination of covalent, ionic, and metallic nature. The main factors governing the electronic properties are the hybrid
states Mn–3d, Si– 3p, and C–2p, and the bond (p–d) stabilizes the structure. The elastic constants are calculated and the
conditions of the criterion of mechanical stability are checked. In addition, we have calculated the bulk, and shear
modulus, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and anisotropy index. The quasi-harmonic Debye model was used to study
the temperature dependent thermodynamic properties of the Mnn+1SiCn (n = 1, 2, 3) compounds.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2089
Fragilisation par l’Hydrogène de l’Acier Inoxydable Duplex aisi310 Chargé en Solution Aqueuse 0.1N H2SO4 À
Amar ABBOUB 1, Ahmed ABOURA 2
Labo. Département de Genie mécanique, Université Mustapha stambouli, Mascara, Algerie.
Enseignant chercheur. Département de Genie mécanique, Université Ahmed Zabana, Relizane, Algerie.
Résumé :
L’objectif de ce présent travail est d’étudier la fragilisation par l’hydrogène de l’acier inoxydable type duplex
AISI310 chargé en solution aqueuse à 0.1N H2SO4 à la température ambiante 20°C. Des travaux expérimentaux réaliser
sur des éprouvettes d’essais normalisées pré-chargées par la méthode de chargement électrolytique avec des différentes
durées de chargement en heures. Ces résultats donnés sous forme des courbes expérimentales à relever après un test
mécanique de fracture par la machine de traction à une charge constante et des vitesses de déplacement lente
(έ=20mm/min) afin de déduire le comportement mécanique, ductilité et plasticité en relation du mécanisme de la
fragilisation par l’hydrogène (FPH).
Mots-clés : Acier inoxydable; Caractéristiques mécaniques; Traitements thermiques; Fragilisation par l’hydrogène FPH.
ID: EMS-2090
Efficient synthesis of phosphonylated amino-compounds, theoretical study and antibacterial activities evaluations
BOUCHAMA Anis1, HELLAL abdelkader1,2, MERSELLEM mohamed3, KIROUANI imene 1,2,HADDADI ines1,2,
LAYAIDA houdheifa 1,2, MADANI abdelghani4
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie des Matériaux Moléculaires et des Complexes (LEMMC). Département Génie des
procédés, Faculté de Technologie, Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif-1 Algérie.
Département de chimie, Faculté des sciences, Université Ferhat Abbas-Sétif-1, Algérie.
Environmental Process Engineering Laboratory (EPEL), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Sciences and Technology
Med BOUDIAF Oran 31000, Algeria.
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et Matériaux, Département de Génie des Procédés, Faculté de Technologie, Université
Ferhat Abbas, Sétif-1, 19000- Algérie.
Abstract :
Due to their structural similarity with natural α-amino acids, flexibility, and structural diversities due to the presence
of phosphonate groups, α-aminophosphonic acid derivatives are known biologically active molecules. In the present
work, some Aminophosphonates were synthesized using microwave heating method, by condensation of the aromatic
aldehydes and diethylphosphite with different aromatic primary amines. They were characterized by means of spectral
data and subsequently subjected to the in vitro antibacterial activities against gram positive and gram negative strains of
microbes. It was observed that the compound with electron withdrawing substituents exhibited good antibacterial
activities against almost all the micro organisms. Moreover, the effect of the substituents on the compounds and their
reactivity has also been studied by Density Functional Theory (DFT) using the hybrid B3LYP/6–31 G method.
Key words: Microwave; Aminophosphonates; DFT; Antibacterial activity.
ID: EMS-2091
La1.4Sr1.6Mn2O7 double layered lanthanum manganite: Preparation, structural, electrical and magnetoresistive
experimental investigations
Laboratory of Non Destructive Testing (LEND), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Mohamed
SedikBenYahia of Jijel, BP 98 OuledAissa, Jijel, Algeria.
Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, AIB University, Bolu, 14280, Turkey.
Double layered manganites have attracted more and more the scientific community attention for their interesting
properties namely colossal and giant magnetoresistance and for their various technological applications as sensors,
bolometers, magneto-transistors, and as reduction catalyst [1]. In this work, we present structural, electrical and magnetotransport experimental study of La1.4Sr1.6Mn2O7 double layered lanthanum manganite prepared by solid state reaction
route. The structural investigation, realized via X-ray diffraction and Reitveld refinement revealed that the sample
crystalized in the tetragonal structure with I4/mmm space group. The magneto-electrical properties are studied via the
electrical resistivity measurement in a large temperature range [6K, 300K] without applied magnetic field and under one
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
tesla. The sample exhibits the magnetoresistive character and presents the metal-ferromagnetic to insulator-paramagnetic
transition at 97.08 K (0T) and 108.85 K (1T). The simulation of the magneto-electrical curves using existent models
revealed that the electrical conduction is governed by a combination of the residual, weak localization and electronelectron interactions in metallic state, whereas it is governed firstly by Mott’s variable range hopping then small polaronic
mechanism in the paramagnetic insulating state. The calculated magnetoresistance from the experimental curves shows
that its value reaches 32% under 1 tesla at 37 K, and then decreases gradually with increasing temperature to 300K. The
applied magnetic field decreases considerably, in the low temperature range, the residual resistivity and the resistivity
factors, which explain the magnetoresistive character. Whereas it decreases the Mott’s activation energy and hence
increases the density of state near the Fermi level in the high temperature range which in turn explain the increase of the
electrical conductivity and hence the magnetoresistive character.
ID: EMS-2092
Ab-initio Study of the Structural, Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Ni Ultrathin Films on
(1×1)Rh(001) in the pseudomorphic Regime..
Laboratoire de Physique Quantique et Systèmes Dynamiques (LPQSD)
University of Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 (UFAS1)
Abstract :
By means of the first principle calculation, we have investigated the structural, magnetic and magneto-optical
properties of the ultrathin films of Nin/Rh(001) with (n=1, 2, 3…). Calculations are performed within the framework of
relativistic approach using DFT theorem with local spin density approximation (LSDA). To calculate the band structure,
we have used the Spin-Polarized Relativistic (SPR) Linear Muffin-Tin Orbitals (LMTO) with the Atomic Sphere
Approximation (ASA) method. The Hamiltonian and the overlap matrices corresponding to Dirac equation are expressed
in terms of the basis set of the so-called relativistic muffin-tin orbitals centered on the atomic sites. The crystalline
structure is calculated by a relaxation process of the studied system. A body centered tetragonal (bct) pseudomorphic
crystalline structure with a tetragonality ratio c/a larger than unity was found. The magnetic calculations revealed that the
inter-plane coupling is ferromagnetic with an enhanced magnetic moment. Using the Kubo-Greenwood linear response;
the dispersion of the optical conductivity tensor as a function of the frequency of the incoming electromagnetic radiation
is calculated from the energy band structure and the polar magneto-optical Kerr effect spectra are given over a photon
energy range extended to 11eV. The microscopic origin of the most interesting features of Kerr rotations are interpreted
by interband transitions. Unlike thin layers, the Kerr response showed that the anisotropy in the ultrathin films is
characterized by a magnetization which is perpendicular to the film plane.
Keywords: Pseudomorphic relaxation; Ferromagnetism; Kerr effect; LMTO.
ID: EMS-2093
Evolution with temperature of point defects concentration in Fe2ZrX (X=V, Y, Tc, Ru): DFT and WagnerSchottky modeling
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Faculté de Physique, USTHB, BP 32 El Alia, 16111, Bab Ezzouar, Alger, Algeria.
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P. O. Box 64, Cheraga 16014, Algiers, Algeria.
Abstract :
The evolution with temperature of the point defects concentration in the cubic C15-ZrFe2 Laves phase was
investigated in the presence of several ternary additions X (X=V, Y, Tc, Ru). The Heats of formation of the different
point defects were carried out at 0K by means of DFT calculations. The Wagner-Schottky Model, based on substitutional
and interstitial sublattices configuration within the canonical ensemble, was applied to investigate temperature effects on
the defects concentration. The main results show a strong dependency of the C15-Fe2Zr stability on the point defect type.
Energetically, the RuFe antisite is the most stable defect at low temperatures (0K) whereas the VaFe, VaZr and YFe are the
least stable ones. At finite temperatures, it was found that antisites are the dominant constitutional defects on both sides of
stoichiometry in the C15-ZrFe2 compound.
Keywords : A Point Defects; B Laves phases; C DFT; D Wagner-Schottky model.
ID: EMS-2094
Critical study of the effect of the potential use of limestone powder in a new alternative material for Portland
cement called: Geopolymer.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ALIOUI Hichem*1; CHICKER Tarek2; SAIDAT Fatma3; BOULAICH Khaled4; HAMDI Oualid Mahieddine5
Laboratory of Civil engineering and Environmental. University of Mohamed Seddik Benyahia -Jijel ,BP 98, Ouled
Aissa 8000 ,Algeria
Laboratory of Civil engineering and Environmental .University of Mohamed Seddik Benyahia -Jijel ,BP 98, Ouled
Aissa 8000 ,Algeria
Laboratory of Civil engineering and Environmental.University of Mohamed Seddik Benyahia -Jijel ,BP 98, Ouled
Aissa 8000
Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Materials (LAEM), Mohamed Seddik Benyahia University of Jijel, BP 98, Ouled
Aissa 8000, Algeria
Laboratory of Environment, Water, Geomechanics, and Engineering. University of Science and Technology Houari
Boumediene (USTHB). Bab Ezzouar 16111 Algeria
Abstract :
Geopolymer (GP) represent one of the available materials that could replace PC in terms of economy, ecology and
mechanical performance. Its production requires two components: the source precursor such as (slag, glass powder and
metakaolin …); the alkaline liquids, the most widely used are sodium hydroxide and silicate. Due to its availability, low
cost, and more friendly to the environment, the use of limestone powder (LP) as a cementitious material in GPs has been
the subject of numerous studies. However, the results are often contradictorily. This paper presents a critical study to
provide an overview of previous researches on the effect of the potential use of LP as a primary or supplementary
material with (low/high calcium) content precursors. Also, to understand the effect of its content and chimicomineralogical composition on the fresh and hardened properties. The most results of literature review agrees that the use
of less than 35% LP as a substitute material is recommended to improve the flow and strength properties. The general
finding indicate that, the problems associated with the fast-setting times and low workability of GPC and mortar can be
resolved by using LP. In one hand, the use of LP as the main materials considered as an unreactive filler in the GP
medium which retarded the reaction kinetics and gives a low compressive and flexural strength. On the other hand, its use
as a replacement material to make geopolymer may be regarded as a valuable alternative to PC with optimum fresh and
strength properties. Other research needs are also suggested.
Keywords: Geopolymer; Available materials; Limestone powder; Fresh; Strengths.
ID: EMS-2095
Optimisation of the deposition tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminium thin films and study of their optical and
electrical proprieties
Hacene BENDJEFFAL1*, Hadjer MAMINE1 , Toufek METIDJI3, Abdelkrim DJEBLI3, Yacine BOUHEDJA2
Laboratoire de chimie physique et biologie de matériaux (LPCBM), ENSET-Skikda, Algeria.
Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba 23000 Algeria.
Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Analyses Physico-Chimiques, Tipaza, Algeria.
Abstract :
The idea of synthesis of hybride materials based on organometallic complexes with optical, electrical, magnetic,
and/or biological properties stimulates the scientific activity of laboratories across the world because of their novelties.
These organometallic complexes are considered very important materials. From a technological point of view, they are
found in different areas such as catalysis, electronics, optoelectronics, and photovoltaic. One of the most promising
strategies is based on the concept of hybrid molecular materials, resulting in the preparation of thin films of transiton
metal complexes which can solve several problems in various areas such as solar energy, information storage, catalysis,
pollution sensor. The elaboration of metallic-complexes thin layers has been studied using various deposition techniques,
such as ALD (atomic layer deposition), MSA (molecular self-assembly), RFC (radio frequency co-sputtering),
Langmuir–Blodgett technique (LB), spin-coating, CBD (chemical bath deposition), CVD (chemical vapor deposition),
and SILAR technique (successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction). However, the SILAR technique is a simplified
and not expensive depositon method used for the synthesis of thin films with very good homogeneity and controled
thikeness. the mechanism of thechnique is sensitive to many operational factors, including bath temperature, metal-ligand
stoichiometric ratio, solution pH, and immersion time. The objectives of this work were, firstly, the synthesis of
complexes based on transition metals to elaborate thin films of light-sensitive properties, height quality and controlled
thickness, as well as the deposition of these thin layers on micro-glass slides using the chemical methods. Secondly, we
attempted to optimize influencing parameters such as bath temperature, metal-ligand stoichiometric ratio, solution pH,
and immersion time. To study the effects of these parameters on the structural, morphological, and optical properties of
Al(III) quinolines thin films, we used various analytical methods such as UV-Vis spectrophotometry, and infrared
spectrophotometry, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The optical study showed
that the complexes [Al(8-HQ)2(H2O)3] have strong absorbance in UV area at 275 nm, corresponding to a π-π* or n-π*
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
electronic transition between the HOMO and the LUMO with an optical band gap’s energy varied in the range (3.1 and
3.4 eV). The raise of thin films' gap energy is due to the increases in their thickness.
Keywords: Complexes; Aluimnium; 8-HQ; Thin films; Optica; Electrical properties.
ID: EMS-2096
Bending Behavior of Eco-Friendly Graded Sandwich Beams for Building Masonry: Experimental Approach
Sara MEDJMADJ1, Souad AIT TALEB 2 and Abdelmadjid SI SALEM 1,2
Laboratory of Construction Engineering and Architecture (LGCA), University of Bejaia, 06000, Algeria
Civil Engineering department, University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi Ouzou, Tizi Ouzou 15000, Algeria
Abstract :
This study investigates the mechanical behavior of eco-friendly and functionally graded core sandwich beams with
identical polymer skins and epoxy resin as adhesive. The main objective of this work consists to develop a sandwich
member based on an FGM core with the use of natural construction materials to improve mechanical properties for use in
construction as masonry or facades of structures in civil engineering Indeed, three sets of specimens according to the core
materials degradation were prepared for the 3-point bending tests, namely: 100% plaster, plaster with cork inclusion and
FGM with a plaster matrix phase, a transition phase and a cork phase. The overall and observed behavior under 3-point
bending of the designed sandwich beams were explicitly emphasized and confronted with the recent literature
advancement. All the obtained outcomes were promising compared to literature ones. In this respect, the key findings
confirm the effectiveness of the innovative graded core panels, in terms of bearing strength, ductility and flexural
Keywords: Sandwich beams; Eco-friendly core; Mechanical behavior; 3-point bending; Bearing capacity.
ID: EMS-2097
La Dégradation des Polluants Organiques par Vermiculite Modifiée
Université Mohamed Boudiaf de M’sila
Les colorants organiques synthétiques sont des composés utilisés dans de nombreux secteurs industriels tels que
l'automobile, la chimie, le biologique... Il n'est pas rare de trouver 15-20% de colorants lors du processus de teinture et
parfois jusqu'à 40% de soufre et de colorants réactifs, avec la plupart des effluents rejetés dans Parfois dans des raceways
sans traitement préalable. Ces sécrétions colorées posent un problème esthétique, mais aussi sanitaire car un grand
nombre de ces pigments sont toxiques. Comme tous les composés organiques dangereux pour l'homme, les colorants
synthétiques nécessitent un traitement spécial.Dans cette étude nous avons choisi la vermiculite comme une argile
adsorbant de colorant (vert de malachite ). Pour améliorer sa capacité d’adsorption, nous avons modifié cette argile par un
alkyl ammonium (Hexadecyltrimethyl Ammonium) sachant que les Alkyls Ammonium possèdent des affinités
particulière vers les colorants.L’influence des différents paramètres d’adsorption de ces colorants par cette argile tels que
: le PH de la solution, la dose d’adsorbant, salinité, et le tensioactif (SDS) ont été étudiés.
Mots-clés : Colorants; Vermiculite; Argiles; Adsorption; Dépollution.
ID: EMS-2098
Development and Preparation of Hybrid Material Biosiliceous Composite as Catalyst
REZIG Walid1
Laboratoire des Sciences, Technologie et Génie des Procédés LSTGP ; Département de Génie Chimique ; Faculté de
Chimie ; Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohamed Boudiaf USTO-MB ; BP 1505 El M’naoueur Bir
El Djir 31000 Oran, Algeria.
Abstract :
The Titanium prepared ferric diatomite modified called “TDF” was made a surface modification treatments
including Fe(NO3)3.9H2O then TiO2 degussa P25 deposition on raw diatomite .In the Fe(NO3)3.9H2O treatment, surface
silica of diatomite and TiO2 degussa P25 were partially dissolved in the Fe(NO3)3.9H2O by means of x-ray fluorescence
(XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC ), and UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy ( DRS ).The surface area of TDF is 855 m2/g.The surface
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
modification also increased the point of zero charge ( pHPZC ) values to 6 for titanium prepared ferric diatomite modified “
TDF ” was Eg= 1.1 eV by UV-visible DRS technique.
Keywords: Titanium; Ferric; Diatomite, PHPZC ; Band gap.
ID: EMS-2099
Tribological Performance Evaluation of the Piston-Ring-liner System in Different Engine Operating Parameters
and Using of the Mixed Lubrication Conditions
Ecole Supérieure en Génie Electrique et Energétique ESGEE Oran, Algeria,
Laboratory of Gas Combustion and Environment Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sciences and
the Technology of Oran, L.P 1505 El -Menaouer, USTO 31000 Oran, Algeria.
Abstract :
Piston ring friction losses account for approximately 20% of the total mechanical losses in internal combustion
engines. A reduction in piston ring friction would therefore result in higher efficiency, lower fuel consumption and
reduced emissions. The goal of this paper is to develop a one-dimensional numerical simulation program by using of GTSuite simulation software to study the effect of the main engine operating conditions such as the engine load and the
engine speed on the tribological performance (such as oil film thickness, frictional force, power losses) of the lubricant in
the piston-ring-liner assembly. In this paper, it can be concluded that the engine speed and load had an important effect
on oil film thickness, friction force and friction power losses between the top ring and cylinder liner.
Keywords: Lubrication; Power losses; Oil film thickness; Compression piston ring; Cylinder liner; Diesel engine.
ID: EMS-2100
Investigation of Microstructural and Photoluminescence Properties of Co doped CuO Films Fabricated using AirPneumatic Spray Pyrolysis Method
Laboratory of Materials: Elaborations-Properties-Applications, Jijel University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis,
Université de Tunis El Manar, Tunis 2092, Tunisia
Département génie des matériaux, Université polytechnique hauts-de-France, Valenciennes
59313, France.
LIME, Faculty of Science and Technology, Jijel University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Jijel University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Copper oxide (CuO) is an important and valuable semiconductor material with brilliant physico-chemical
characteristics such as antioxidant, highly stable, low cost and non-toxic. In this paper we report a study of thin films of
pure copper oxide and Co doped copper oxide have been prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis. The films were deposited
on glass substrates on which a layer of tin oxide has been previously deposited in order to improve the adhesion of the
layers at (300°c and 450°c). The films were doped with Cobalt (Co) by 2%. The samples were characterized by X-Ray
Diffraction (XRD), UV-visible Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence. XDR result revealed that all the prepared films
correspond to the monoclinic structure of CuO, and had two strong peaks of the CuO films appear at 35.55° and 38.73°
which correspond to diffraction from planes (-111) and (111) respectively. UV-visible Analysis spectroscopy showed that
the increase in the deposition temperature led to the decrease in the transmittance of the layers, and the calculated direct
band gap value is 2.33 eV. Photoluminescence revealed emission peaks representing band-band transitions of oxygen
vacancies and intrinsic defects due to doping.
Key words: CuO thin film; Co doping; XRD; Photoluminescence.
ID: EMS-2101
Syhnthetises and caracteristion of CuCoCr nanomaterials prepared by mechanical alloying
Fatna TAIBI1*, Nadir HACHEMI2, Elfahem SAKHER3, 1, Lhouaria BOUDAOUED3, 2, Billel SMILI5, Stefano
Laboratory of Energy Environment and Information System (LEEIS), Department of Material Science, Faculty of
Science and Technology, University of Adrar, National Highway No. 06. Adrar 01000, Algeria;
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratory of Saharan Natural Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Adrar, National Highway
No,06, Adrar 01000, Algeria
Unité de Recherche en Energie Renouvelables en milieu saharien, URERMS, Centre de Développement des Energies
Renouvelables, CDER, 01000, Adrar, Algeria
Department of Mathematics and Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh
11586, Saudi Arabia;
INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Via E. Fermi 54, 00044 Frascati, Italy
The nanostructured CuCoCr powder, is synthetized by mechanical alloying from elemental Cu, Co and Cr
micrometre sized powders by mean of Fritsch Pulverisette 7 planetary spherical mill. This study investigates the milling
time impact’s on the development of structural and microstructural parameters. Rietveld analysis of X ray diffraction
patterns is used to obtain phase composition and structural and microstructural parameters such as, lattice parameters,
average crystallite size, microstrain and stacking faults probability (SFP) have been obtained in the formwork of
Highscore and MAUD softwares.
Keywords: Nanomaterials; Powders; Mechanical alloying; Structural; Microstructural; X-ray diffraction, CuCoCr.
ID: EMS-2102
Preparation and characterization of copper/aluminium doped zinc oxide bi-layers for photovoltaic applications
Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux Guelma, Département Sciences de la Matière, Faculté des Mathématiques,
d’Informatique et des Sciences de la Matière, Université 8 Mai 1945, Guelma, DZ-24000, Algeria,
Laboratory of Sciences of Processes and Materials (LSPM), CNRS-UPR 3407, Paris 13 University, Sorbonne Paris Cité,
99-Jean-Baptiste Clément Av. Villetaneuse 93430, France
Laboratoire des Semi-Conducteurs, Département de Physique, Facultés des Sciences, Université Badji-Mokhtar, BP.12,
Annaba, DZ-23000, Algeria
Abstract :
Aluminium doped ZnO films, AZO, which represent an important class of large gap semiconductors, are receiving
a considerable interest due to their good properties for promising multiple nano- and micro-technology applications.
Moreover, the combination of single elements and AZO layers opened up a new research approach for integrated circuit
design and device fabrication. In this context, the double-aim of this work consists of preparing and characterizing
optimized layers. To do so, several steps were carried out: (i) mutli-source configuration of RF magnetron sputtering
system was used, (ii) the preparation conditions were optimized, (iii) bi-layers, composed of copper and AZO, were
deposited and (iv) the obtained sample were structurally characterized and analyzed. Thus, successfully prepared
Cu/AZO bi layers showed a würtzite hexagonal structure with a preferential orientation in the axis c (002). Cu
monolayers were found to be homogenous. Moreover, the presence of Cu led to an improvement of optical properties;
which is of great importance for future applications in photovoltaics and coating as transparent electrodes in solar cells.
Keywords: ZnO; Cu/AZO bi-layers; RF sputtering; Optical properties; Photovoltaics.
ID: EMS-2103
Thickness Effect on Structural and Electrical Properties of SnS Orthorhombic Structure Growth by Spray
Meriem MESSAOUDI1,* and Messaouda KHAMMAR2
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P. O. Box 64, Cheraga 16014, Algiers, Algeria;
Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies CDTA, 20 Août 1956, Baba Hassen ،16081, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
Binary, tin sulphide (SnS) semiconductor material has been intensely studied as a promoting materiel in the field of
energy conversion. Besides its natural abundance of constituents, the low fabrication cost, its stability and non-toxic
nature. SnS thin film is potential candidate as absorber layer due to its p-type conduction, direct band gap above 1.5 eV
that match with the solar spectrum and high absorption coefficient in the visible range. The current study investigates the
effect of thickness from 302 nm to 1970 nm on the structural and electrical properties of SnS thin films grown by
chemical spray pyrolysis technique, onto glass substrates. Aqueous solution containing tin chloride [SnCl 2.2H2O] and
thiourea [CS (NH2)2], were used as precursor materials. The structural characterization shows that the SnS film have an
orthorhombic structure of preferential orientation on the (210) plane with 1280 nm thickness. A secondary phase of Sn 2S3
is present in 1970 nm film thick. The surface morphology indicated the film surface is rough and compact for low
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
thickness, but film surface is homogeneous with 1280 nm thickness. The electrical conductivity measurements indicate
that SnS thin films with 1280 nm thickness have the best electrical conductivity value of 2,645x10-3 (Ω.cm)-1; it exhibit ptype conduction.
Keywords: Materials; SnS; Conversion energy; Electrical properties; Thin films.
ID: EMS-2104
Chemical Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline -Fe2O3 Composites Powder
Ouafia BELGHERBI1, 2, Lamria SEID2, Leila LAMIRI1, Dalila CHOUDER2
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P.O.Box 64, 16014 Cheraga, Algiers, Algeria
Laboratoire d’Energétique et Electrochimie du Solide (LEES), Université Sétif-1, Sétif, Algeria
Abstract :
In this study, we are interested in the elaboration by chemical method of new polyaniline/iron oxide composite
material in the form of powder by varying the concentration of the oxide in order to improve its physicochemical, optical,
and catalytic properties.The morphological and optical properties of prepared materials (PAni/Fe 2O3) have been
investigated. Morphological analysis carried out through Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled EDX revealed that the
composites exhibits uniform dispersion of Fe2O3 particles in to the polyaniline matrix. The UV-visible spectroscopic
characterization clearly shows a shift in the absorption bands of the polyaniline. From this, it appears that the addition of
Fe2O3 leads to the modification of the structure of the material and to the obtaining of a new composite. The synthesized
composites can be used as an effective alternative adsorbent for wastewater treatment.
Keywords: Conductive organic polymer; Polyaniline; Iron oxide; Chemical oxidation.
ID: EMS-2105
One-step Synthesis of Polypyrrole and pPolypyrrole/ Zinc Oxide Hybrid Composite, and Evaluation of their
Structural, Morphological, Optical, and Electrical Properties.
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P.O. Box 64, Cheraga 16014, Algiers, Algeria
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et Matériaux, Département de Génie des Procédés, Faculté de Technologie, Université
Ferhat Abbas Sétif, Sétif 19000, Algérie
Abstract :
Polypyrrole (PPy) and polypyrrole-Zinc oxide (PPy-ZnO) hybrid composite have been successfully synthesized by
in-situ chemical polymerization. Synthesized (PPy-ZnO) was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) to determine molecular vibration and functional groups, ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis), Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM) and the electrical conductivity measurements, were also performed to characterize the
structure and properties of the PPy-ZnO hybrid.
Keywords: Hybrid composite; Zinc oxide; Polypyrrole; Structural properties.
ID: EMS-2106
Theoretical investigation of the structural, electronic, optical, elastic and thermodynamic properties of the
quaternary diamond-like semiconductors Cu2MgSiS4 and Cu2MgGeS4
Lamis FOUDIAa, Khelifa HADDADI a
Research Unit of Emergent Materials, University of Ferhat Abbas - Setif 1, 19000 Setif, Algeria.
Abstract :
Structural, electronic, chemical bonding, optical, elastic and thermodynamic properties of quaternary diamond-like
semiconductorsCu2MgSiS4 and Cu2MgGeS4 were investigated through density functional theory and quasi-harmonic
Debye model (QHDM). The optimized structural parameters of the two studied compounds agree well with those
obtained experimentally. Electronic band structure calculation showed that these materials are direct band gap (Γ−Γ)
semiconductors. The calculated energy bang gap using LDA-CAPZ (GGA-WC) is equal to 2.007 (1.820 eV) and 1.262
(0.964 eV) for Cu2MgSiS4 and Cu2MgGeS4, respectively. By analyzing the total and partial densities spectra and also
based on the results of the Mulliken population analysis, we have demonstrated that the bonding of Cu 2MgSiS4 and
Cu2MgGeS4 are characterized by a mixture of covalent-ionic character. Dielectric function, refractive index, extinction
coefficient, optical reflectivity and electron energy loss are calculated for different light polarizations. Single-crystal and
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
polycrystalline elastic constants and some related properties namely isotropic sound velocities, Debye temperature
acoustic Grüneisen parameter, Vickers hardness and minimum thermal conductivity at high temperature have been
computed. The studied material is characterized by a relatively high hardness. It is found that the studied compounds
exhibit a striking elastic anisotropy. The analysis of B/G ratio indicated that the examined materials might classify as
ductile. The computed Debye temperature is about 369 and 342 K for Cu2MgSiS4 and Cu2MgGeS4, respectively.
Keywords: Ab-initio; Diamond-like semiconductors; Electronic properties; Optical properties.
ID: EMS-2107
Structural and optical properties of Er 3+ doped BaTiO3 powders prepared by hydrothermal method.
University of Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
University of Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
Abstract :
Barium Titanate (BaTiO3: BTO) is a semiconductor of perovskite structure [1] with a great material potential mainly
due to its wide band gap which is very useful in electronic and optoelectronic applications [2].In this work, pure and
doped barium titanate (BaTiO3: x Er) powders with different concentrations of Erbium (x= 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%) were
synthesized by the hydrothermal method.The characterization of the structural and optical properties of these samples
was performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD ), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV-Visible
spectrophotometry.X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy confirmed the formation of BaTiO 3, the results showed
that all samples crystallized under the cubic structure and allowed the determination of the crystallite size.The band gaps
of the samples were determined from the UV-vis absorption and the effect of Er3+ doping was discussed in this study.
Keywords: XRD; Er3+ doping, BaTiO3; Semiconductor; Optical properties.
ID: EMS-2108
Synthesis, structural investigation and catalytic properties of La 0.8Ln0.2FeO3 (Ln = La and Sr) simple perovskite
ferrite for environmental applications
Nabil MAHAMDIOUAa, Ali BOUKHEMKHEMb, Asmaa MERROUCHEa, Roumeysa DJAMAa, Fatima-Zohra
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Laboratory Interactions Materials-Environment (LIME), University of Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel, Algeria
Laboratory of Materials: Elaborations-Properties-Applications, Jijel University, Jijel, 18000, Algeria
As part of this work, we investigated the structural, microstructural, and catalytic properties of LaFeO 3sample. The
sample was prepared using solid-state reactions route. Using Fullprof software, Rietveld refinement of the obtained
diffractogram revealed a single phase orthorhombic structure with the Pbnm space group. The experimental Goldschmidt
tolerance factor t=0.93, which is close to the theoretical value, confirms this orthorhombic distortion. Other structural
parameters influencing physical properties, such as bandwidth (W) and Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion, were calculated and
found to be 0.08 and 0.03, respectively. The porosity of the prepared samples was determined to be approximately 21.8
%.The Scherrer formula was used to calculate the crystallite size (D) of the sample. According to the result, the D value is
39.6 nm. Fourier infrared transmittance spectroscopy results confirm the deformation angle Fe-O-Fe via the appearance
of the peak at 332 cm-1 while the stretching vibration Fe-O are clearly observed at 546 cm-1. The surface morphology was
examined using scanning electron microscopy. The micrographs indicate the granular character of the samplesurface with
different grainsize and shape. Moreover, it shows agglomerations of grains in the entire of the surface. The purity of the
sample was cheeked by Energy Dispersion X-ray (EDX) analyses which confirmed the presence of all constituent
elements and no impurity element was detected. The prepared catalysts were tested in Fenton like degradation of aqueous
solution containing 100 mL of MO dye at 35, 45, 55 and 65 °C ( C0=60 mg/L, PH=3, mcatal=1g/L, VH2O2= 150 µL).
Results showed high activity for all catalysts with low iron leaching in the reaction medium.
Keywords : Orthoferrite; Perovskite; Structure; XRD; SEM; EDX; Envronment; Dye; Catalytic.
ID: EMS-2109
Elaboration and Structural study of a Lanthanium-Strontium Based Ortho-Ferrite for Degradation of Methyl
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Nabil MAHAMDIOUAa, Ali BOUKHEMKHEMb, Roumeyssa Djamaa, Asmaa MERROUCHEa, Fatima-Zohra
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Laboratory Interactions Materials-Environment (LIME), University of Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel, Algeria
Laboratory of Materials: Elaborations-Properties-Applications, Jijel University, Jijel, 18000, Algeria
Because of its appealing ferroelectric, catalytic, optical, and magnetic properties, perovskite-type LaFeO3 oxide has
recently received a lot of attention. It has the potential to be used in solid oxide fuel cells, environmental catalysts,
magneto-optical devices, and magnetic data storage devices. In the present work, Lanthanum is partially doped with the
divalent element Sr to form La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 sample which is synthesized via the ceramic method. The crystal structure was
refined by applying the Rietveld method using the Fullprof softwareIt demonstrates that the sample crystallized into an
orthorhombic crystal structure with no second phase (space group Pbnm). The tolerance factor, bandwidth, and Jahn
Teller distortion were calculated and found to be 0.94, 0.090, and 0.026 respectively. The Scherer method was used to
determine the crystallite size of the sample, which was found to be 21.79nm. In this work, the porosity is also calculated
and found to be around 22.4 %. The FTIR spectrum revealed the presence of two characteristic peaks, which correspond
to the deformation angle Fe-O-Fe at 338 cm-1and the stretching vibration Fe-O at 558 cm-1. SEM was used to investigate
the morphology of the inspected sample. Its image depicts a granular morphology with varying sizes and shapes, whereas
the EDS analysis demonstrates the purity of our sample. The Fenton like degradation of MO dye were carried out in batch
system using 100 ml of 60 mg/L of dye solution, using 1g/L of catalyst at and at an initial pH=3 and using the
stoichiometric quantity of H2O2. The catalyst showed a high activity in all studied temperatures including at 35°C, with
low iron leaching in the reaction medium.
Keywords: Ferrites; Perovskite; Structure; EDS; XRD; Fenton Process.
ID: EMS-2110
Reproducibility Analysis of the Structural and Microstructural Features of the Solid State Reaction-Produced
La0.6Sr0.4FeO3 Orthoferrite
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Abstract :
The interest in the rare earth ferrites RFeO3 (R = rare earths) is stimulated by their growing usage in magnetic
recording devices, information storage, electronic devices, pollution and catalysis. In the present work microcrystalline
lanthanum-strontium ferrites La0.6Sr0.4FeO3 with perovskite structure was obtained by using solid state reaction technique.
The sample was prepared three times with the same conditions (LSFO-A, LSFO-B, LSFO-C). The recorded
diffractograms refined by Fullprof program illustrate that all the samples possesses a single phase orthorhombic with
Imma space group. The Rietveld refinement of the crystal structure from the powder XRD confirms La 0.6Sr0.4FeO3 is
distorted at octahedral site of FeO6. The calculated average crystallite sizes using the Scherrer’s equation of the samples
were found to be 20.62, 20.02 and 21.45 nm. The porosity of all samples was calculated and found to be 13.57%, 22.46%
and 6%.The recorded FTIR spectrum displayed two characteristic bands located around ~ 380 and 600 cm -1 which are
attributed to the bending mode (modulation of Fe-O-Fe bond angle) and the stretching mode (modulation of Fe-O bond
length). SEM micrographs show the granular character of the sample and the gain size was estimated and found to rage
between 0.3 et 1 μm. The appearance of these vibrating modes proves that our compounds adopt the perovskite structure
ABO3. The comparison of the structure and microstructure parameters values of the three samples was established and
discussed, and we conclude that the results are well reproduced.
Keywords: Reproducibility; Ferrite; Perovskite; XRD; FTIR; SEM
ID: EMS-2111
Structural Study and Décolorisation Efficiency by the Fenton Process of the LaFe0.5Cr0.5O3-δOrthoferrite Prepared
by Solid State Reaction
and Fethi CHOUIKHc
Laboratory Interactions Materials-Environment (LIME), University of Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel, Algeria
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Laboratory of Materials: Elaborations-Properties-Applications, Jijel University, Jijel, 18000, Algeria
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
In recent years, rare earth orthoferrites have received a lot of attention due to their unique structural, magnetic, and
catalytic properties that have made them useful in various technological domains. Because of its clean approach, catalysis
is regarded as one of the best processes for environmental purification in industries. In this study we focused on the
structural and catalytic properties of a LaFe0.5Cr0.5O3 sample prepared using the traditional ceramic method. To
characterize the samples structural and catalytic properties, XRD, FTIR were used. XRD data refinement reveals
orthorhombic distortion with Pbnm space group. The tolerance factor and orthorhombic distortion factor were also
discovered to confirm this orthorhombic distortion. The crystallite size for the prepared sample was estimated using the
Scherrer and Williamson-Hall methods, and the values were 45.84nm and 71.84nm, respectively, with a micro-strain of
around 9.87*10-4. Furthermore, the Archimedes method was used to calculate the porosity of the sample and noticed to be
37.96%. The main perovskite absorption bands were observed in IR spectra at 388.6 cm -1 and 576.6 cm-1, which
corresponded to Fe-O-Fe bending or deformation of FeO6 octahedral and the Fe-O stretching vibration, respectively. The
catalytic activity was evaluated in the Fenton like oxidation of MO dye, using an aqueous solution at an initial dye
concentration of 20 mg/L. The pH was maintained at 3 during the reaction with the stoichiometric quantity of H2O2 and a
catalyst concentration of 1g/L. Results showed an improvement in the catalytic activity with an increase in temperature
from 35 to 65 °C, with a low iron leaching into the reaction medium less than 1.5 mg/L.
Keywords: Ferrite;Structure; Fenton like; Oxidation; Dye.
ID: EMS-2112
Structural Rietveld Refinement Study of the La0.8Bi0.2Fe0.5Ti0.5O3-δ Ferrite Fabricated by Solid State Reaction at
1250 °C
Nabil MAHAMDIOUAa, Hasna AFERa, Takoua REMALa, Ibtihal BELLALa
LEND, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Abstract :
Lanthanum based perovskite oxides are important class of material widely studied for their fascinating physical
properties and variety of applications in vast field. Lanthanum ortho-ferrite LaFeO3 has been utilized in a wide range of
applications such as magnetic memory devices, sensors, hard disk drives, transducers, electrolytes and electrodes in solid
oxide fuel cells. In the current study, La0.8Bi0.2Fe0.5Ti0.5O3 perovskite was fabricated via solid-state route. The prepared
ferrite was systematically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transforms infrared (FT-IR)
spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction with Rietveld refinement confirmed that the sample crystallized in a orthorhombic, and a
Fd-3m cubic phase was detected as an impurity phase. Based on the refinement results, it is found that the experimental
tolerance factor value is in accordance with the theoretical one, which confirmed the minor FeO 6 octahedron distortion.
The structure is visualized in three dimensions and the distortion was well presented. The estimated crystallite size, using
Scherrer technique, is found to be around 28.22 nm. Moreover, the obtained value of dislocation density (δ) confirmed the
high crystallinity of our compound. The FTIR spectrum of prepared lanthanum ferrite identified a set of absorption peaks
attributed to stretching vibrations of Fe-O and O-Fe-O of FeO6 octahedral of perovskite ABO3.
Keywords: Ferrite; Perovskite; Solid state reaction; Structure; Rietveld refinement.
ID: EMS-2113
Preparation and characterization of polyvinyl alcohol/Polypyrrole/Cu-Ni polymer film via solution casting
method: Application in electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid
Lamria SEIDa *, Belgherbi OUAFIAa,b , L. AROUIa
Laboratoire d’Energétique et d’Electrochimie du solide. Département de Génie des Procédés. Faculté deTechnologie.
Ferhat Abbas University, 19000 Sétif, Algeria
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P.O.Box 64, 16014 Cheraga, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
Polyvinyl alcohol/Polypyrrole/Cu-Ni films were prepared by solution casting technique using chemical oxidative
polymerization of pyrrole. This technique produces conductive, flexible and free standing polymer composite films.
Various techniques of characterization (IR, UV, ATG – ATD and MEB-EDX), were applied to analyze copper and nickel
interaction with the PVA/PPy were obtained. Also in this study, the electrochemical reactivity of the elaborate electrode,
denoted PVA/PPy/Cu-Ni was examined by cyclic voltammetry with respect to the oxidation of ascorbic acid in acid
medium. The results obtained affirm that PVA/PPy/ Cu0.85 Ni 0.15 has higher electrocatalytic activity than the
PVA/PPy/ Cu0.50Ni 0.50 and PVA/PPy/ Cu0.15Ni 0.85.
Keywords: PVA/PPy/Cu-Ni; Casting technique; Films; Ascorbic acid.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2114
Hydrogels based on Biomaterials as Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering.
Mohamed CHAALA1, Fatima Zohra SEBBA2, Maria GLORIA VILLORA CANO3, Guzman CARISSIMI4, Marta G.
FUSTER5, Mercedes GARCÍA6.
Oran 1 University.J9PM+WXG, ES-Senia Oran Algeria
Oran 1 University.J9PM+WXG, ES-Senia Oran Algeria
Campus Espinardo Murcia University
Campus Espinardo Murcia University
Campus Espinardo Murcia University
Campus Espinardo Murcia University
In 1869, Jacques-Louis Reverdin (1842-1929) made an important discovery, grafting the skin or skin
transplantation. Brown et al. developed their two-layer skin grafting technique in 1929. Since these discoveries, grafting
has become an essential technique in dermatology. However, sometimes skin grafting is difficult or impossible, in which
case dermatologists use tissue regeneration using synthetic materials. Hydrogels are synthesized by different methods and
used in various fields including pharmacy, agriculture, texture and the medical field(1).In this work we will demonstrate
tissue regeneration by biodegradable and biocompatible hydrogel based on Silk fibroin. The characterizations and the
analyzes by deferent techniques unravel the modification that we made to the latter to improve its physicochemical
characteristic for used well in the biomedical field as much as tissue scaffolding.
Keywords: Silk fibroin; Hydrogel; Tissue engineering.
ID: EMS-2115
Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Test in Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester Composites using Weibull Distribution
Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Department, AbdelHafid Boussouf University Center, Mila, 43000, Algeria.
Civil Engineering Department, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, 23000, Algeria.
Abstract :
A composite material based on a polyester resin and fiberglass reinforcement was manufactured by the contact
molding method with a fiber percentage of 40%. This material underwent a cyclic fatigue loading and 3-point bending at
slow speed. The experimental results were used to plot the S-N curve based on a linear function, Hwang & Han's relation
and Basquin's hypothesis. A probabilistic analysis based on the Weibull distribution with two and three parameters was
used in order to adjust and predict the fatigue behavior of the material used in the study. This analysis made it possible to
plot the S-N curve for different levels of reliability (Ps = 99%, Ps = 90%, Ps = 50%, Ps = 36.8% and Ps = 10%), in order
to identify first time to failure for material reliability and safety limits.
Keywords: Fatigue; Fiberglass; polyester; Weibull distribution; Releabily probability.
ID: EMS-2116
Highlighting the Defects of a Carbon Composite for Orthopedic using SEM
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, LR3MI Badji Mokhtar Annaba UniversitySidi Amar Annaba, Algeria
Annaba Graduate School of Industrial Technologies Plaine Ouest Annaba, Algeria
Abstract :
Our university research project in collaboration with a company specialising in the production of orthopaedic
prostheses aims to improve the performance of its equipment. Our study consists of making specimens in carbonorthocryl composite materials and testing them mechanically to determine their performance. To this end, we have carried
out static tensile tests. In order to gain a better understanding of the material, we carried out a microscopic study to
determine the various degradations caused by the effect of static tension. The results of the microscopic study show that
the material has suffered all the degradations known from the study of composite materials. We counted resin breakage,
intralaminic, translaminar and interlaminar delamination, decohesions and fiber breakage. All these degradations have
several origins which we must seek to improve the characteristics of the prostheses. We have already detected poor
wetting between the fibers and the resin. It should be noted that the resin and the fibers are supplied by the same supplier.
We are currently studying the influence of the moulding technique. In conclusion we can say that despite the various
degradations caused by the effects of static traction, the carbon-orthocryl composite material keeps a good resistance.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-2117
An overview on Structural and Tribological Properties of Nanostructured Ti-Nb-ZrSystem for Biomedical
Marwa DAHMANI1, Naouel HEZIL2, Mohamed-Cherif BENOUDIA1, Mamoun FELLAH3, Adel SAOUDI4, Chaima
National High School of Mines and Metallurgy Amar LASKRI, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Annaba, Algeria
Abbes Laghrour University, Mater Sciences, Khenchela , Algeria
Abbes Laghrour University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khenchela , Algeria 4 PCARC Physico-Chemical
Analysis Research Center (PTAPC Annaba) Annaba, Algeria 5Badji Mokhtar University, Department of Metallurgy,
Annaba, Algeria
Abstract :
The main properties relevant to the long-term stability of orthopedic implants are significant wear resistance and
non-toxicity. Materials used in biomedical implant applications areexpected to be highly non-toxic and should not cause
any inflammatory or allergic reactionsinthe human body (composed of biocompatible elements). This paper’s aimis to
highlight thecurrent state of knowledge on the structural, mechanical, and tribological properties of newlydeveloped TiNb-Zr alloys prepared by the mechanical alloying (MA) method fromelemental pure powders of Ti, Nb, and Zr for
biomedical implant applications. Accordingtotheliterature reviews results analysis, the Ti, Nb, and Zr are non-toxic and
non-allergenicbiocompatible metals, and the addition of Nb and Zr to Ti favored the formationandstabilization of the βphase, as well as improved mechanical compatibility between thealloyand the bone (having a low elastic modulus to
avoid the stress shield effect in bone fixation). Moreover, the wear resistance of the Ti-Zr-Nb is higher than that of pure
Ti and close tothat of the Ti-6Al-4V. These features make the new nanostructured Ti–Nb–Zr alloy systemagoodcandidate
for use in the biomedical field, especially for applications requiring lowelasticmodulus with good wear resistance.
Keywords: Ti-Nb-Zr alloy; Mechanical alloying; Structural properties; Wear resistance; Biocompatibility.
ID: EMS-2118
Modelisation of the effect of temperature on the rheological behavior of a drilling polymer at different
Laboratory for the valorisation and recycling of materials for sustainable development, Faculty of Mechanical and
Process Engineering, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumedienne, BP 32, El-Alia, Bab Ezzouar 16111,
Alger, Algeria.
Central Research & Development, Deposit Department, SONATRACH, Avenue du 1er Novembre 35000, Boumerdes,
Abstract :
Oil drilling is part of the set of operations necessary to locate and extract from the reservoir rock the hydrocarbons
present in the subsoil. The success of a drilling operation is ensured by several factors, including the choice of drilling
fluids. The knowledge and control of the rheological properties of these drilling fluids have a major impact on the success
of the drilling operation. The behavior of the drilling mud is directly related to the polymers used as suspending agents or
filtra reducers.The objective of this work is to study the rheological behavior of a polymer (a polysaccharide, namely
xanthan gum) used as drilling fluid. The study of the effect of the concentration of xanthan gum (0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%)
on the rheological behavior of water-polymer systems was studied as well as the effect of temperature and salinity
(addition of KCl and NaCl).The Herschel-Bulkley model is the most adequate to describe the rheofluidic behavior of this
type of polysaccharide. For the water-based drilling mud, the results show that the addition of xanthan gum and salt
(NaCl) increase the viscosity. At 0.4% xanthan we note an apparent viscosity of 5.05 Pa.s, while the apparent viscosity
increases to 44.35 Pa.s for the drilling mud formulation based on xanthan and NaCl.
Keywords: Drilling mud; Rheology; Xanthan gum; Salt; Temperature.
ID: EMS-2119
Theoretical Study of CH4 Adsorption and Dissociation on Ni Cluster Supporetd on CuNi (100) Surface.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratoire de Physique Quantique et Systèmes Dynamiques, Chemistry Department,
Sciences Faculty, Ferhat ABBAS Setif-1University, 19000 Setif, Algeria.
Abstract :
The density functional theory calculations based on plane-wave basis and pseudopotential (DFT GGA PW91) are
employed to simulate the dissociative adsorption of CH4 on the Ni cluster supported on CuNi (100). To begin, we
obtained the most stable adsorption configurations of CHn (n = 0–4), and H species, based on energetic analysis at 0.25
monolayer coverage. In our calculations, the most stable site for CH4 adsorption is the top Ni cluster with two hydrogens
oriented toward this atom. The fragments of methyl, methylene, methyn, hydrogen, and carbon have a strong preference
to bond on top Ni-surface. We investigated the most stable co-adsorption of CHn+ H (n = 0-3) and found that CHn (n= 0–
3) stabilizes on the top Ni-surface whereas hydrogen prefers the top Cu site. In addition, the complete methane
dehydrogenation is thermodynamically favorable. The results revealed that the addition of Ni cluster aboveon theCuNi
(100) surface improves significantly the adsorption energies of different species and thethermodynamics properties of
complete dissociation of methane. In the light of these first results, the Ni cluster supporetd on CuNi (100) would be an
efficient catalyst for methane complete dissociation.
Keywords: CH4 dissociation; Ni doped Cu(100) surface; DFT; Catalysis; Ni; Adsorption.
ID: EMS-2120
Étude de la résistance à la fissuration sous contrainte environnementale des mélanges LDPE/PP
Université de Farhat Abbas Sétif 1
Les polyoléfines sont connues pour présenter une résistance variable à l'ESC, qui dépend principalement de leur
structure chimique. Le projet de recherche prendra en compte les mélanges de différents composants polyoléfines sans et
avec des agents de compatibilisant : de hautement à modérément à faiblement résistants à l'ESC, et étudiera le
comportement du mélange vis-à-vis de l'ESC en fonction de la composition dans différents milieux ESC. Les mélanges
de polyoléfines seront caractérisés non seulement du point de vue de la résistance chimique (par FTIR, DSC, /TGA...)
mais aussi du point de vue des propriétés mécaniques/thermiques (tension, rhéologie...) et de la morphologie...Les
polymères sont depuis longtemps utilisés dans des applications industrielles en raison de la vaste gamme de qualités qu'ils
présentent et de la simplicité avec laquelle ils peuvent être traités. D'autre part, les exigences spécifiques des applications
deviennent de plus en plus strictes, ce qui oblige les producteurs à développer des matériaux encore plus complexes. Les
industries mélangent divers polymères depuis des décennies afin de créer un mélange qui combine les caractéristiques
bénéfiques des polymères parents, ce qui permet d'obtenir un matériau de haute performance adapté à des applications
supérieures et nouvelles.La fissuration sous contrainte environnementale (ESC) dans les polyoléfines est étudiée depuis
des décennies et a été initialement observée dans les polyoléfines dans les années 1950 par Richard. Malheureusement,
les informations sur l'ESC pour les systèmes de films bi-composants sont rares. L'ESC est la cause la plus fréquente de
défaillance de ces liners liquides. Des trous d'épingle apparaissent sur les films, qui sont précédés d'une défaillance
catastrophique. Par conséquent, il est essentiel de créer des liners liquides avec un ESCR élevé. La rupture fragile des
thermoplastiques est connue sous le nom d'ESC. Ces matériaux sont généralement ductiles, mais lorsqu'ils sont exposés à
un produit chimique tensioactif et soumis à une contrainte, ils se brisent de manière fragile.
Mots clés : Fissuration sous contrainte (ESC); Mélange; Polyéthylène; Polypropylène; Agent de compatibilisant.
ID: EMS-2121
Influence of Barium on the Structural, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of Magnesium Ferrite
Abdennour HEBBAZ *,1, Mehdi BELHANI1and Tarek TAHRAOUI1
Materials Science and Engineering, National Higher School of Mining and Metallurgy, Algeria
Abstract :
Barium-doped MgFe2O4 powder was synthesized by the coprecipitation method, structural, magnetic, and optical
properties of the samples were determined. X-ray diffraction patterns show the formation of a cubic spinel structure of
MgFe2O4 plus a secondary phase of hematite (α-Fe2O3), and crystallite size for the spinel MgFe2O4 and
Mg0.95Ba0.05Fe2O4 is 14.787 nm and 15.073 nm respectively, the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
confirm the formation of the spinel structure by showing the higher frequency mod (581.95 cm-1- 578.39 cm-1), and lowfrequency mod (441.80 cm-1- 436.74 cm-1) refers to the tetrahedral and octahedral complexes, the vibration sample
magnetometer (VSM) result confirms the soft magnetic behavior of MgFe2O4 and Barium doped MgFe2O4 with
remanent magnetization (Mr) of 4.7269 emu/g and 4.5189 emu/g respectively, the optical band gap (Eg) was calculated
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
using Tauc method from the UV-vis spectroscopy absorption results, and it shows a value of 1.72 eV for the MgFe2O4
and 2.34 eV for the Barium doped sample.
Keywords: MgFe2O4; Barium doped MgFe2O4; Coprecipitation; Magnetization; Optical bandgap.
ID: EMS-2122
Structural, Elastic, Electronic and Optical Propertiesof the Newly Synthesized Selenides Tl2CdXSe4(X = Ge, Sn)
Laboratory for Developing New Materials and Their Characterizations, Department of Physics, Faculty of
Science,University of Ferhat Abbas, Setif 1, 19000 Setif, Algeria
Abstract :
Density functional theory calculations were performed to explore the structural, elastic, electronic and optical
properties of two newly synthesized compounds Tl2CdGeSe4 and Tl2CdSnSe4. The calculations were performed
relativistically, including the spin-orbit coupling (SOC). The computed equilibrium structural parameters are in excellent
agreement with available measurements. Note that the calculations of all the considered properties were performed with
the theoretically obtained equilibrium lattice parameters. The predicted monocrystalline and polycrystalline elastic
constants reveal that the studied compounds are soft, ductile, mechanically stable and substantially structurally and
elastically anisotropic materials. Our calculations using the Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson and GGA-PBEsol
potential with the inclusion of SOC show that Tl2CdGeSe4 and Tl2CdSnSe4 are direct bandgap semiconductors. The
inclusion of SOC is found to reduce the fundamental bandgap of Tl2CdGeSe4 with TB-mBJ from 1.123 to 0.981 eV and
that with GGA-08 from 0.431 to 0.305 eV and that of Tl 2CdSnSe4 from 1.097 to 0.953 with TB-mBJ and with GGAPBEsol from 0.398 to 0.271 eV. The l-decomposed atom-projected densities of states were calculated to identify the
contribution of each constituent atom to the electronic states in the energy bands. The upper valence subband
predominantly comes from the Se-4p states, while the bottom of the conduction band mainly originates from the Se-4p
and Ge-4p/Sn-5p states. The frequency-dependent linear optical parameters, viz., the complex dielectric function,
absorption coefficient, refractive index, reflectivity and energy-loss function, were calculated for electromagnetic waves
polarized parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis in a wide energy window. An attempt was made to identify the
microscopic origin of the peaks and structures observed in the calculated optical spectra.
Keywords: DFT 1; SOC 2; GGA-PBEsol 3.
ID: EMS-2123
Elaboration and Characterization of Piezoelectric Materials by Molten Salt Method for PVDF Composite
Oulfa CHERIET 1,3 *, Mohamed Redda BOUDCHICHA 2,3 , Amani Ahlem TSRIAT 3,3
Département génie Mécanique, Ecole National Polytechnique de Constantine, Algérie.
Département génie des Matériaux, Ecole National Polytechnique de Constantine, Algérie.
Laboratoire de Technologies des Matériaux Avancés, Ecole National Polytechnique de Constantine, Algérie.
With the awareness of the environmental and health hazards of lead, research has been conducted in recent years on
the development of lead-free alternatives with properties comparable to those of lead zirconate titanate (PZT), such as
materials based on bismuth iron titanium (BFT), barium titanium (BT), sodium bismuth titanium (BNT), etc.In this study,
we are interested in elaborating piezoelectric powders (PZT, NBT-0.06BT and BFT-0.3BT) via molten salt method and
studying the characterization in order to choose the best material to fabricate a ceramic/polymer (PVDF) composite. In
this work, we present the structural and morphological characterization of the powders and the electrical study during the
application of periodic bending stresses on the piezoelectric composite. The results obtained by the XRD show that our
materials are of perovskite structure with morphotropic phase (rhombohedral-tetragonal(MPB)) for PZT at 750°C and in
the high temperatures for NBT-0.06BT and BFT-0.3BT, they are well dense and homogeneous size distribution not
exceeding 200 nm according to SEM images. Moreover, the results of the composite study show good electrical
responses, which confirms the effectiveness of the composite during application.
Keywords: Piezoelectric material; NBT; PZT; BFT; Piezoelectric composite.
ID: EMS-2124
Valorisation de Terre d’Excavation dans les Briques de Terre Comprimée
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratoire de génie de construction et d’architecture, Faculté de technologie, Université de Bejaia, Algeria
Laboratoire de génie de construction et d’architecture, Faculté de technologie, Université de Bejaia, Algeria
Résumé :
L’élargissement de construction des grandes villes génère chaque année de millions de tonnes de terres de déblais
(excavés) qui sont issues des terrassements nécessaires à la construction des immeubles ou extraites lors des forages ou
d’infrastructures.Cet article porte sur la valorisation des terres d’excavation dans les briques de terre comprimée
(BTC).L'objectif de cette étude est d'étudier les caractéristiques thermomécaniques des BTC à base de cette terre. Nous
avons opté pour une contrainte de compactage de 5 MPa .Les essais réalisés indiquent que les résistances à la
compression Rc des BTC et leurs conductivités thermiques λ sont améliorés et représente la valeur moyenne obtenu de
Rc de 1.5 MPa avec une conductivité thermique de 0.79 (W /m.k).
Mots-clés : Brique de terre comprimé; Contrainte de compactage; Conductivité thermique; Résistance mécanique.
ID: EMS-2125
The Disorder Effect on Electronic and Optical Properties of CdSxTe1-x Ternary Semiconductor Alloys
Khadidja SASSOUI1, 2, Fadila MEZRAG1, 2
Laboratory of Materials Physics and Its Applications, University of M'sila, 28000 M'sila, Algeria
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of M'sila, 28000 M'sila, Algeria
Abstract :
The electronic and optical properties of the ternary alloy system CdSxTe1-xin the zinc-blende structure are
investigated. The calculations are performed using a pseudopotential approach (EPM) under the virtual crystal
approximation (VCA). The electronic structure, band gaps, refractive index and the high-frequency have been obtained
for the materials of interest and the effect of composition disorder on all several features being studied here is examined
and discussed. The obtained results for zinc-blende CdSxTe1-xternary alloys agree generally well with those reported in
the literature.
Keywords: Pseudopotential method; Electronic structure; Optical properties; CdSxTe1-x alloys.
ID: EMS-2126
Evaluation of Platinum group Production from Technetium Targets in Nuclear Reactors
Physics department, Faculty of Sciences, Ferhat ABBAS, Setif-1, University, Setif, Algeria
Dosing, Analysis and Characterization in High Resolution Laboratory, Ferhat ABBAS, Setif-1 University, Setif, Algeria
Abstract :
Platinum metals play a decisive role in a large number of technological fields and in different applications due to
their specific characteristics and despite their high prices. In this paper we simulated numerically the production of some
platinum metals as Ruthenium, Rhodium and Palladium by neutron irradiation of long lived radioactive Technetium-99 in
BR-2 reactor using ShainSolver 2.34 Code. The concentration and the evolution of this metals amount produced under
irradiation are also presented.
Keywords: Simulation; Platinium metals; ChainSolver code; BR-2 Nuclear Reactor.
ID: EMS-2127
The Proposition of Analytical Expression HM–(√P/S) in Microindentation Pile-Up Deformation Mode
D.-E. Semsoum 29000, Algeria LGIDD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mustapha Stambouli University of
S. Habibi , 48000, Algeria Laboratory of Industrial Engineering and Sustainable Development (LGIDD, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Ahmed Zabana University of Relizane.
M.sadoun, 29000 Algeria. Department of of Mechanical Engineering,Faculty of Science and Technology, Mustapha
Stambouli University Mascara,
Abstract :
In this article, the characteristic curves of microindentation measured on Cu 99 were analyzed on the basis of the
analytical expression proposed by Habibi et al. (J. Mater. Res, 2021, 36 (15): 3074-3085). The ratio of applied load to
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
square displacement, P/(h+h0)2, was discovered to be nonconstant during the loading segment of the microindentation
test. An empirical expression for the determination of Martens hardness as a function of indentation load, contact
stiffness, and reduced modulus of elasticity by analyzing indentation load curves has been proposed for pile-up mode
strain with the corrections imposed by the tip defect, the compliance of the instrument, and the axial axisymmetry
coefficient of the Vickers indenter. The results from microindentation tests on this examined ductile material show
excellent agreement.
Keywords: Microindentation; Martens hardness; Pile-up; Empirical; Cu99.
ID: EMS-2128
The Theoretical Process of the Realization of Hybrid Superconducting Materials
Laboratory of Computational Physics of Materials (LPCM), Djilali Liabes University Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria.
University Ahmed ZABANA Relizane, street Bourmadia, W. Relizane.BP 48000, W. Relizane, Algeria.
Abstract :
In science there are materials that conduct electricity without resistance under a transition temperature this
phenomenon is called superconductivity, superconducting materials vary such as cuprates, pnictides [1] and hydrogenrich compounds (called hydrides) [2]. SC hydrides have been well explained by the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)
theory [3], where the SC is driven by a condensate of electron pairs, called Cooper pairs, due to electron-phonon
interactions. Hydrogen is a good candidate for high-Tc SC according to Ashcroft [4]. Metallic hydrogen with light
atomic mass is expected to have high vibrational frequencies, thus providing high Tc through electron-phonon coupling
(EPC) therefore metallization of hydrogen is very difficult to achieve experimentally, as it requires pressures too high
above 400 GPa [5-6]. While in 2004 experimenters can perform SCs in hydrides at relatively lower pressures that are
currently accessible using static compression techniques [7]. Experiments have been performed to confirm that sulfur
hydride compressed H3S exhibits a Tc of 203 K at pressures around 150 GPa [8]. The objective of this work to know the
microscopic mechanism of superconducting hydride materials in the first place, then to contribute to the exploration of
new SC hydrides at high pressure. And in order to achieve our goals, we will use a first-principle method based on DFT
theory. This theory helps us to predict the electronic, chemical, and phononic properties of hydride materials.
Keywords: Materials Hydrides; Superconductivity; DFT; TC; Electronic properties.
ID: EMS-2129
Structural Characterization of Thin Film of CuO obtained by Spray Pyrolysis and Annealed for 2 hours with the
Aim of Using it in Photovoltaic Cells
Rima MANAA1, Nourredine BRIHI1, Radouane DAIRA2, Bouzid BOUDJEMA2
Department of exact sciences and informatics, Laboratory of condensed matter physics and nanomaterials, University
Mohamed Sedik ben yahia Jijel
Department of physics, University August 20, 1955 of skikda, Road of El Haddeik LP 26, Physico Chemistry of
Surfaces and interfaces Research Laboratory of Skikda (LRPCSI), Algeria
Abstract :
The objective of this work is the development and characterization of copper oxide films CuO for application in
solar cells and gas detectors. We used the chemical spray pyrolysis method to develop these films because of its
simplicity and low cost. After their development, the films were annealed for 2 hours in a temperature of 450 0 C. And to
study the optical and electrical characteristics we have used, the UV-Vis spectrophotometry, Hall effect and the four point
method. We found that our films are absorbent in the visible range where transparency begins in the NIR range, with an
optical gap that varies from 1.2 to 3.1 eV, Inaddition, the films have an electrical resistivity in the range 0.18 to 45.5 K Ω.
Keywords: CuO thin film; Spray pyrolysis technique; Annealing.
ID: EMS-2130
Electrical and Optical Characterization of Zn Doped CuO obtained by Spray Pyrolysis for Application in
Renewable Energy
Nihad ALLOUCHE1, Radouane DAIRA1, Bouzid BOUDJEMA1
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Department of physics, University August 20, 1955 of skikda, Road of El Haddeik LP 26, Physico Chemistry of
Surfaces and interfaces Research Laboratory of Skikda (LRPCSI), Algeria
Abstract :
Zn doped CuO films with different doping rate of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 % were prepared by spray pyrolysis technique.
The electrical and optical properties of Zn doped CuO were studied by, UV–Vis double-beam spectrophotometer and 4
points. The results indicate that the single phase CuO is formed and the average grain size films increases with increasing
doping rate. The results also exhibit that the lowering of bandgap and the increase of electrical resistivity of Zn doped
CuO films with the increase of doping rate, which are attributed to the improvement of the grain size and the anisotropic
electrical property. According to the electrical and optical properties, the biggest figure of merit is achieved for the film
with the appropriate doping rate of 8%.
Keywords: Thin films; Zn doped CuO; Spray pyrolysis; Band energy; Resistivity.
ID: EMS-2131
Optical and Electrical of Thin Films of CuO Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis Technique: Influence of Three Time of
Annealing Process
Radouane DAIRA1, Bouzid BOUDJEMA1
Department of physics, University August 20, 1955 of skikda, Road of El Haddeik LP 26, Physico Chemistry of
Surfaces and interfaces Research Laboratory of Skikda (LRPCSI), Algeria
Abstract :
This work about the synthesis of the thin films of CuO on glass using a technique of chemical spray pyrolysis, then
study the effect of the annealing time on the optical and electrical properties is discussed. The thickness of the CuO thin
films obtained, with three annealing times in a temperatures of 450 0C, increase with the increase of the annealing time.
The values of bandgap energy (Eg) of the films were calculated using the absorbance data recorded by a
spectrophotometer (UV-VIS). The calculated Eg was about 3.5 eV which decreased with increasing of annealing
temperature, and the electrical resistivity varies from 18.97 to 4.58 KOhm.cm for the films grown at different annealing
Keywords: CuO thin film; Spray pyrolysis technique; Annealing; Band gap energy; Resistivity.
ID: EMS-2132
First Principal Investigation of the Structural and Electronic Properties and Thermodynamic Stability of
AlP1-xSbx Alloys in Zinc Blende Structure
Département de Physique, université 20 Août 1955, Skikda, Algeria
Laboratoire LPR, Département de Physique, Université d’Annaba, Algeria
Laboratoire LPR, Département de Physique, Université d’Annaba, Algeria
Abstract :
Structural and electronic properties and thermodynamic stability of AlP1-xSbx ternary alloys in zinc blende structure
are investigated by employing the first-principals calculation based on the density functional theory. We have evaluated
AlP1-xSbx ternary alloys for using special quasi-random structures for a number of ordered structure and compositions.
The generalized gradient approximation of Perdew et al.(PBEsol-GGA) was used as the exchange correlation potential
to calculate the structural properties at different antimony concentrations x. The electronic properties of these ternary
alloys were predicted using the Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson(TB-mBJ) scheme, adding the potential contribution
from spin-orbit interaction (SOI) of electron. The enthalpy of mixing is calculated in the whole composition range. The
obtained phase diagrams indicate a significant phase mixibility gap.
Keywords: Ternary alloys; Density functional theory; Spin-orbit interaction; Band structure; thermodynamic stability .
ID: EMS-2133
Density Functional Theory Study of the Fundamental Properties of the Ternary GaP1-XSbX Alloys
Département de Physique, université 20 Août 1955, Skikda, Algeria,
Laboratoire LPR, Département de Physique, Université d’Annaba, Algeria
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
In this work, we have investigated the properties of GaP1-xSbx ternary alloys for a number of ordered structure and
compositions in a series of first principles calculations within the density functional theory, making use of full-potential
linearized augmented plane-wave method, as implemented in the WIEN2k code. The exchange-correlation effects was
treaded within the generalized gradient approximation in the form (GGA_PBEsol) in order to calculate ground-state
properties and optimize the structure parameters and for electronic properties the modified Becke-Johnson (mBJ)
potential has been chosen, adding the potential contribution from spin-orbit interaction (SOI) of electrons. Our
investigation on the effect of composition on lattice constant, bulk modulus and gap energy shows almost nonlinear
dependence on the composition. The GaP1-xSbx alloys remain semiconductors with a positive energy gap for the whole
concentration range. The spin-orbit splitting ∆ௌௌincreases with Sb composition with a marginal bowing parameters.
Debye model is successfully applied to determine the Debye temperature θD and heat capacity CVfor temperatures up to
600K for a given pressure.
Keywords: Ternary alloys; FP-LAPW; Spin-orbit interaction; Band structure; Thermal properties.
ID: EMS-2134
Theoretical prediction of structural and elastic properties of the Ca 2InN material
Loubna DEBACHE1, 2*, Youcef Medkour1, 2, Fatima DJEGHLOUL1, 3, Makhlouf KHAROUBI1, 3, Abdelkrim.
Laboratory for Studies of Surfaces and Interfaces of Solid Materials (LESIMS), Ferhat ABBAS University
Setif1, Setif, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Ferhat ABBAS University Setif1, Setif, Algeria
Department of Basic Education in Technology, Ferhat ABBAS University Setif1, Setif, Algeria
The present work explores the structural and elastic properties of the orthorhombic Ca2InN material [1]. Using the
pseudopotential plane-wave method in the framework of the density functional theory within the generalized gradient
approximation GGA-PBE sol [2]. The calculated results of the lattice constants and internal coordinates are in very good
agreement with the experimental findings, the deviation is less than 2.7%.. The computed single crystal elastic constants
show that C33 is slightly higher than C11, indicating that the studied crystals are more resistant to compressional strains
along the c-axis than a-axis
Keywords:Pseudo-potential plane-wave; Density functional theory; Generalized gradient approximation; Elastic
ID: EMS-2135
Preparations and Characterization of Thin Films CuIn3Se5 / Cu2SnSe3
Laboratoire d’Etude de Surfaces et Interfaces de la Matière Solide (LESIMS), Département De Physique, Faculté des
Sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar- Annaba, Algérie
Laboratoire d’Etude de Surfaces et Interfaces de la Matière Solide (LESIMS), Département De Physique, Faculté des
Sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar- Annaba, Algérie
Laboratoire d’Etude de Surfaces et Interfaces de la Matière Solide (LESIMS), Département De Physique, Faculté des
Sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar- Annaba, Algérie
Abstract :
Copper-based semiconductor CuIn3Se5 / Cu2SnSe3 were studied from the flash technique development and
structural characterization, morphological and optical. Massive ingot CuIn3Se5, compounds of defects ordered CuIn3Se5
(OVC, ODC) and ternary Cu2SnSe3 were prepared by the zone melting method. Then we prepared layers from CuIn 3Se5
and Cu2SnSe3powders to obtain films according to the CuIn3Se5 / Cu2SnSe3 configuration. The powders and thin films
were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine the structure. The structural characterization by XRD showed
that the powder is CuIn3Se5 chalcopyrite structure with the orientation (112) while the Cu2SnSe3 powder has the cubic
structure of preferred orientation (111) and with an additional binary phase Cu3Sn2. The study by scanning electron
microscope (SEM) allowed us to know the morphology of the surface of our layer. The chemical composition of the thin
film was determined using energy dispersive analysis by X-ray (EDX). Quantitative analysis showed that the layer, very
deficient in copper, is unequal.The optical characterization was performed using a spectrophotometer (UV-VIS-IR) in
the spectral range 250-3000 nm. Analysis of transmission and reflection spectra allowed us to determine the width of the
band gap: Eg = 1.49 eV.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Keywords: CuIn3Se5 / Cu2SnSe3 layer; CuIn3Se5; chalcopyrite; Thin films; semiconductor; (OVC); optical properties.
ID: EMS-2136
Experimental investigation of optical gap variations with heat treatment of RF sputtered anatase TiO2 films
Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux Guelma, Département Sciences de la Matière, Faculté des Mathématiques,
d’Informatique et des Sciences de la Matière, Université 8 Mai 1945, Guelma, DZ-24000, Algeria,
Laboratory of Sciences of Processes and Materials (LSPM), CNRS-UPR 3407, Paris 13 University, Sorbonne Paris Cité,
99-Jean-Baptiste Clément Av. Villetaneuse 93430, France
Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, University of Bejaia, Bejaia 06000, Algeria
Laboratoire des Semi-Conducteurs, Département de Physique, Facultés des Sciences, Université Badji-Mokhtar, BP.12,
Annaba, DZ-23000, Algeria
Abstract :
Recently, titanium dioxide, TiO2, has received a great scientific interest due to its remarkable chemical, electrical
and optical properties as well as its transparency, non-toxicity, cheapness, biocompatibility and chemically stability.
With a large band gap and a high refractive index, TiO2 is a potential candidate for optical applications. In this context,
we experimentally investigate the variations of these parameters with heat sample treatments. To do so, we first prepare
thin layers of TiO2 on glass substrates by RF magnetron sputtering under optimized conditions. Then, we investigate the
impact of the annealing temperature on the optical properties of the obtained samples. Thus, UV-Visible
spectrophotometry revealed that all TiO2 films have good visible transparency, which decreases slightly with increasing
annealing temperature. Moreover, it was found that the optical gap value of the as-deposited TiO2 film is about 3.50 eV,
whereas this value increases with annealing temperatures, i. e., 3.52, 3.54 and 3.56 eV, for films annealed at 400, 500 and
600 °C, respectively. This behavior is in good agreement with literature. The obtained results open up several
perspectives in optoelectronic applications.
Keywords: TiO2; Optical properties; RF sputtering; Annealing; Optoelectronics.
ID: EMS-2137
Effect Properties of Copper Oxide Thin Films on the Water Contact Angle
Madiha ZEROUALI1, Radouane DAÏRA1, Bouzid BOUDJEMA1, Sabrina IAICHE2
LRPCSI, University 20 Août 1955-Skikda, P.B. 26, Route d’El-Hadaiek, 21000, Skikda, Algeria
LASPI²A,University Abbes Laghrour–Khenchela 40000, Algeria
Abstract :
In this work, copper oxide thin films were deposited by pneumatic spray pyrolysis method on a microscopy glass
substrate, heated at 400°C. These films are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR)
and water contact angle. According to the XRD all peaks confirm the formation of the phase tenorite of monoclinique
structure, the deposited were polycrystalline copper oxide CuO with directions along (111) plane, the size of crystaites
between 14 and 23nm of FTIR spectroscopy confirms the presence of CuO phase agrees will result XRD. The water
contact angle values in all samples are greater than 90°as we can see from these results that all the samples are
hydrophobic films.
Keywords: Copper oxide; Thin films; Spray pyrolysis; Water contact angle; Hydrophobic films.
ID: EMS-2138
Synthesis by sol gel method of Lu3Al5O12: Ce3+garnet nano-scintillator material: Effect of Li+ ions co-doping.
Zohra AKHRIB1,*, Lakhdar GUERBOUS2, Abdelmadjid BOUHEMADOU1,Allaoua BOUKERIKA2, Ahmed Rafik
TOUIL3, Badis RAHAL2,Youcef LARBAH2, Mohamed TAIBECHE2, Abdelmounaim CHETOUI4 and Benharrat
Laboratory for Developing New Materials and their Characterizations, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,
University of Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Setif, Algeria
Laser Physics Department/ Physics Division/Nuclear Research Centre of Algiers (CRNA), 02, Boulevard Frantz Fanon,
B.P. 399, Algiers (16000), Algeria.
LASICOM Laboratory, Department of physics, Faculty of sciences, Saad Dahleb Blida1 University, Blida (9000),
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Research Center on Semiconductor Technology for Energetic, CRTSE, 2 B Frantz Fanon, PB 140, 7M, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
Lu3Al5O12: Ce3+ is actually among of the very known inorganic scintillator. Such scintillator is known as single
crystal, but it is not well known at nanomaterial scale, which constitute a drawback for many applications involving
atypical. Among of synthesis route used to prepare homogenous nanomaterials, the sol gel is the very popular and low
cost one. In this work, cerium (Ce3+)-activated lutetium aluminum garnet (Lu3Al5O12) nano-scintillator powders co-doped
by different content of Li+ ion (LuAG: 0.5 at% Ce3+,Li+) have been successfully synthesized using sol–gel method. In this
contribution, the synthesis method has been presented and explained. Also, the structural checking of LuAG: Ce 3+, Li+
has been made by XRD technique. The structural parameter in function of Li+ concentration has been extracted and
discussed. It was found that LuAG: Ce3+, Li+ remains belongs to the cubic garnet structure with Ia3d as space symmetry
group and exhibit a nanosized crystallites.
Keywords: Scintillator; Nanomaterial; Lu3Al5O12: (Ce3+Li+); Co-doping; Sol-gel; XRD.
ID: EMS-2139
DFT study of the effect of interstitial additions on physical properties of 𝛼-Fe-based alloys
Theoretical Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Physics, USTHB, BP 32 El Alia, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria.
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P. O. Box 64, Cheraga 16014, Algiers, Algeria.
Abstract :
In this work we report the effect of interstitial additions (C, N) on structural and magnetic properties of the𝛼-FeX
alloys, withX= Cr, Mn, Cu and Mo, applying the pseudo-potential Density Functional Theory (PP-DFT). The obtained
results show that the stability and structural parameters of the present alloys are sensitive to their chemical compositions
as well as to substitution and insertion. Magnetic properties of these alloys are governed by C and N additions. The
magnetic moments obtained at each atom depend strongly on the presence or absence of interstitial atoms. The C, N or
both CN additions into octahedral sites does not affect magnetic coupling between atoms, while the individual magnetic
moments values are affected by interstitial atoms in these alloys.
Keywords: 𝛼-Fe alloys; Transition metals; Magnetic moments; DFT.
ID: EMS-2140
Improving the electrical properties of GaAs by Neutron Transmutation doping: Application in photovoltaic cells
Nuclear Research Centre of Birine, Ain Oussera-Djelfa, Algeria
Nuclear Research Center of Draria, B.P. 43 Sebala- El Achour–Draria, Algiers, Algeria
In solar-power engineering, better semiconductor characteristics are needed for photovoltaic system development.
Thus, solar cells energy’s conversion efficiency can be permanently improved. The most successful way to raise this
efficiency is related to the use of neutron transmutation doping technique.In this work, we simulate by SCALE6.1 code
the possibility of improving the electrical properties of GaAs photovoltaic cells, by neutron transmutation doping
technique. Hence, we simulate the Radial Resistivity Gradient (RRG) through the GaAs wafers for several neutron
fluence values.The obtained results show that the RRG decreases with increasing the fluence. For the two cases of high
initial resistivity (25 ohm.cm) and low initial resistivity (5 ohm.cm), the RRG reduction rate is greater and reaches the
acceptable value (RRG < 5%) for reasonable fluence values: 7.25E14 n/cm 2 and 4E15 n/cm2, respectively. Accordingly,
the improvement of the electrical properties of these semiconductors will be feasible.
Keywords: Neutron transmutation; Fluence; SCALE6.1; RRG; Semiconductor.
ID: EMS-2141
Magnetic and structural properties of nanostructured FeNi and FeCumechanical alloyed
Amirouche BOUAMER1, Abderrahmane YOUNES1, Rachid AMRAOUI1
Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI), PO Box 64, 16014, Cheraga, Algiers, Algeria.
Abstract :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
The present work is a comparative study, between the nanostructured FeCu and FeNipowder alloys milled until 10
hours in order to study the effect of the change in chemicalcomposition on magnetic properties of nanostructured FeCu
and FeNi powder alloys. Theobtained samples were synthesized by the mechanical alloying process. XRD results
indicatethe appearance of the nanostructured FeCu and FeNi alloys after 10 hours of milling. Theresults obtained by
magnetic measurement showed that the Coercivity increases from 7.14, 83.2and 103.49 Oe for Fe, FeNi and FeCu,
respectively. While The saturation magnetizationincreases from 9.25, 139.41 and 122.28 emu/g for Fe, FeCu and FeNi,
Keywords: FeCu and FeNi nanostructured; Mechanical grinding; SEM; SM; DRX.
ID: EMS-2142
Effect of Sanitary Ceramic Waste on the Physical Properties of Vitreous ChinaBodies
Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Materials (LEAM), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, ProcessEngineering
Department, University of Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel (18000), Algeria.
Sanitary ceramic is the most common type of ceramic products in the world, which is used by every person in every
building in daily life. The industry of sanitary ceramics requires a variety of natural resources that are depleted with
timeand increase in production. For this reason, in recent years, the search for newresources or investment in some
industrial waste that have a similar composition tothat of the raw materials to integrate them into the sanitary ceramics is
beingconsidered. Sanitary ceramic waste is one of the most common waste products in steelproduction. The recycling and
valorization of sanitary ceramic waste is considered tohave environmental, technical and economic advantages due to
their role in reducingthe heat of combustion of sanitary products, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions,energy
consumption and the preservation of raw resources. This work presents anexperimental investigation of the collection and
treatment of sanitary ceramic wastefor use as raw material in the manufacture of vitreous china bodies. A
progressivesubstitution of feldspar by this industrial waste and its effects on the physicalproperties of vitreous china
bodies has been studied.
Keywords: Sanitary ceramic waste; Vitreous china bodies; Recycling; Physicalproperties.
ID: EMS-2143
Exploration of the structural, mechanical and electronic properties of Ti 1-x Os x N alloys.
Abstract :
The super hard materials are used in a myriade of industrial applications;these include abrasives, cutting tools,
coatings where wear prevention, andscratch resistance At present, considering he high cost of the synthesis oftypical
superhard materials such as diamond, c-BN and c-BC 2 N, newsuperhard materials are of high demand for the practical
industrialapplications. Intense theoretical and experimental efforts have beenfocused on the possibility of finding new low
compressibility materialswith hardness comparable to diamond Nowadays, this exploration mainlyfocuses on the
following aspects: compounds composed of light elements,such as boron, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen (B–C–N–O
systems), such ascubic BN, B4C, B6O, C3N 4 , and BC2N.From what we say above,to continue the way to search for new
superhard materials , we propose tostudy the Ti 1-x OsxN where we calculated the structural, mechanical andelectronic
properties of the Ti1-xOsxN compounds by using the ab initio(FP-LAPW) method as implemented in the Wien2k code .
This method isbased on the DFT within approximation of generalized gradientapproximation (GGA) The elastic
properties confirm that the compoundsin their structural stable phase have distinct mechanical features.Furthermore, the
mechanical moduli revealed that the studied compoundswere anisotropic-ductile materials. The analysis of the Vickers
hardnessclassified the compounds as superhard materials. The electronic structuresindicated that the compounds exhibit
metallic behavior with mixedcovalent and ionic bonds. In addition, the temperature and pressure effectson different
properties were investigated, revealing low mechanicalproperty loss. Consequently, the results obtained in this study
suggest thatthese materials are potential candidates for high-temperature mechanicalapplications.
Keywords: Super hard materials; Ti1-xOsxN; FP-LAPW; Wien2k code; DFT.
ID: EMS-2144
Electromaagnetique et Mecanique Proerieté de l’Alliage Nanostructuré AlTi élaboré par Mécansynthèse
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Abderahim ABADA 1, * et Abderrahmane YOUNES 2 et Amirouche BOUAMER2
Laboratoire des sciences aéronautiques, Institut aéronautique, Université Saad Dahleb Blida,
Centre algérien de recherche en technologies industrielles (CRTI), BP 64, 16014, Cheraga, Alger, Algérie
Résumé :
Depuis une trentaine d’années, les matériaux nanostructurés (ou nanométre) connaissent un intérêt grandissent, en
raison de leurs propriétés physiques souvent plus intéressantes que celles des matériaux massifs de même composites. De
nombreux méthodes d’élaboration des nanomatériaux, se sont développées, parmi cet méthode la mécanosynthése ou
broyage mécanique. La mécanosynthése qui consiste généralement à broyer des poudres micrométrique (1 à 30nm) de
plusieurs alliages pour les incorporer pour produire des matériaux nanométriques. Les alliages à base d’Aluminium de
Titane on été très étudiés car ils présentent un grand intérêt pour les applications structurales à haute température (faible
densité, résistance spécifique levée, meilleure tenue mécanique et plus grande à d’oxydation, résistance à haute
température). Dans ce travail nous avons étudié le mélange de poudre Al-Ti est broyé dans un broyeur planétaire, le
temps de broyage été un facteur d’étude de l’évolution structurale de ce composé. Des caractérisations par DRX, MEB,
Courant de Foucault, la Dureté et la corrosion sont employées pour déduire les propriétés de ce composé.
ID: EMS-2145
Changing the Mechanical Properties of the Compressed Earth Block when Adding Salt and Fibers
Abdelkader FIDJAH 1, Mohamed RABEHI 2, KEZRANE cheikh1,Mohmmed OMRANE3, Mohammed BOUCHERBA 4,
Samir HOUAMED 5, Djabir LAZIZ 4
Laboratory of Development in Mechanics and Materials (LDMM) ‐ University of Djelfa,17000, Algeria
Civil Engineering Department, University of Djelfa, 17000 Djelfa, Algeria
Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Djelfa 17000, Algeria.
Southern Public Works Laboratory (LTPS) Ghardaïa
Southern Public Works Laboratory (LTPS) Ouargla
Abstract :
The Man used natural materials in construction and reconstruction , use clay and sand, treesand plants to build
houses, with the progress of time, it became clear that the defects of thesematerials are deteriorating with time,it is not
resistant to natural factors such as wind, floodand earthquake ,recent studies have focused on studying the effect of
adding other materials toclay and sand in order to increase the percentage of hardness, in other areas, they used salt
incertain proportions to increase the durability and hardness of the bricks, in this context, we areconducting a study on
bricks composed of natural materials, clay and sand,we change thepercentage of salts from 00% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
and we study some mechanicalproperties such as density, Young’s modulus and breaking strength of the bricks
made,basedon the results, it becomes clear that the increase in the mortar increases the hardness of thebricks from 28% to
42%, the density decreases between 4% to 10%, and the Young’smodulus increases between 12% to 20%, in order to get
the best sample, we choose the mostsolid sample and add glass and palm fibers to it,we change the percentage of palm
and glassfibers 01% 02% 03% 05% 10%, after examining the results, we found that the addition ofpalm fibers increases
the hardness between 32% to 47%, reduces the density from 3 to 5%,and increases the Young’s modulus by 10% to
14%.the addition of glass fibers increases thehardness between 34% and 52%, the density decreases by 2% to 4%, and the
Young'smodulus increases from 13% to 17%. This shows us the positive effect of using industrialplant fibers for the
Compressed earth brick with salt added.
Keywords : Compressed earth brick; Salt glass fibre; Palm fibre; Mechanical properties.
ID: EMS-2146
Caractérisation mécanique de la rupture des canalisations en PEHD
Laboratoire d’Elaboration et de Caractérisation des Matériaux et Modélisation (LEC2M), Université Mouloud
MAMMERI de Tizi Ouzou. BP 17 RP. Tizi-Ouzou 15000
Abstract :
La sécurité des canalisations de transport d’eau potable est une question d’intérêt public de première importance. Le
nombre de ruptures par année est un critère en fonction duquel on mesure la fiabilité de la conduite. La présence des
défauts dans une canalisation est inévitable. Ces défauts peuvent être internes telles les microfissures, les pores, les
inclusions de particules fragiles, ou externes dus à la présence d’entaille (macro fissures) résultant du processus de
construction, d’une corrosion ou un endommagement causé par des tiers. Les canalisations de transport sont fabriquées en
béton, en acier ou en polymères. Parmi ces derniers, on peut citer le polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD), qui représente
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
une part non négligeable dans le réseau de distribution d'eau potable. Notre travail consiste à déterminer la taille de la
fissure à partir de laquelle le défaut devient instable. Nous avons réalisé des essais de traction sur des éprouvettes SENT
en PEHD. La comparaison de l’énergie dissipée mesuré pour chaque essai avec l'énergie de l'échantillon non déchiré nous
a permis d’optimiser à partir de quelle taille de défaut la chute d'énergie devient importante montrant une instabilité du
Mots-clès : Canalisation; PEHD; Taille de la fissure.
ID: EMS-2147
Analyse des propriétés nanomécaniques du polyméthacrylate de méthyle par indentation
Soufiane BENAISSA, Samir HABIBI, Djameleddine SEMSOUM, Hassen MERZOUK, Abdelnour MEZOUGH
Université Mustapha Stambouli, Mascara
Résumé :
Ce travail se concentre sur les facteurs qui expliquent les tendances variation des propriétés mécaniques comme le
module de Young (E), la dureté de contact (H) et force d'indentation (P). L'évolution de E et H avec la profondeur (h) et P
montre un point d'inflexion de 2,77 nm aux faibles pénétrations, séparant deux zones : le premier croissant et le second
décroissant. Cela s'explique respectivement par le durcissement superficiel induit par la préparation de la surface du
matériau, et le existence d'un gradient de dureté de surface dénoté par un effet de taille d'indentation (ISE) observée à très
faible profondeur. En outre, de plus, une critique profondeur de pénétration de 9,71 nm en dessous de laquelle l'effet de
surface domine la variation de la charge pénétrante est détectée. Différences de résultats E et H entre les modes
dynamique et statique sont de 8,46% et 6,44% induisant une surestimation de 35 MPa en valeur E, et une sous-estimation
de 1,23 MPa en valeur H.
Mots clés : Échelle nanométrique; Module ; Dureté; Profondeurs d'indentation.
ID: EMS-2148
Structural, Hyperfine and Magnetic Properties of Ball Milled Fe47.5Co 50Ni 2.5 Powders
Laboratoire de Magnétisme et de Spectroscopie des Solides (LM2S), Département de Physique – Faculté des Sciences,
Université de Annaba, B. P. 12 (23000)-Algérie.
Departament de Fisica, Universitat de Girona, Campus Montilivi, Girona 17071, Spain.
Abstract :
Nanocrystalline Fe47.5Co50Ni2.5 alloy was synthesized from elemental Fe, Co and Ni powders ina high energy
planetary ball mill Fritsch P7, using hardened steel vials and balls. Structure, hyperfine and magnetic properties of the
ball milled powders were studied using X-ray diffraction, 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry and vibrating sample
magnetometer. The Rietveldrefinement of the XRD patterns reveals the formation of three solid solutions: bcc α-Fe
type,bcc FeCo and hcp Co-type after 48h of milling. The Mössbauer spectrometry confirms theformation of Fe and Corich environments. The saturation magnetization and coercivity are ofabout 179.66 emu/g and 117.74 Oe, respectively,
after 48h of milling.
Keywords: Nanostructure; Fe-Co-Ni; X-ray diffraction; Mössbauer spectrometry; VSM.
ID: EMS-2149
Formation and Characterization of CuInSe2 Electrodeposited Thin Films annealed in Vacuum
Yassine HADDAD1, Ameur ZEGADI1
Laboratoire Croissance et Caractérisation de NouveauxSemiconducteurs (LCCNS), Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif
1,19000 Sétif, Algeria
Abstract :
Solar cells based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 alloys as the absorber layer continue to attract attention inresearch and industry
[1]. In order to reduce production costs, several deposition techniques have beenemployed, one of which is the
electrochemical way [2,3]. CuInSe2 thin films were grown by a one-stepelectrodeposition on Mo substrates. The prepared
films were annealed at 300, 400 and 500o C for 30 minin vacuum. Cyclic voltammetry tests were firstly used to
investigate the electrodeposition mechanism.The structural, morphological and composition properties of these films
were investigated using scanningelectron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) with an energy dispersive Xray spectrometer.The XRD results showed that the films exhibit polycrystalline tetragonal CuInSe 2 phase with
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
(112)orientation. According to the EDX results, the Cu/In ratios of the films were respectively 0.3, 0.6 and 1.12for Se/In
starting ratios of 1, 1.66 and 2, respectively.
Keywords: CuInSe2; CuInGaSe2; Thin films; Photovoltaic cells; Electrodeposition.
1. Takahito, N .: Device design for high-performance bifacial Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells under front and rearilluminations. Sol Energy
218, 76-84(2021).
2. Kaelin, M.: Low cost processing of CIGS thin film solar cells. Sol Energy 77, 749-756(2004).
3. Qu J.Y.: Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorbers prepared by electrodeposition for low-cost thin-film solar cells. Rare Met 36,729-736(2017).
ID: EMS-2150
Effet de l'Oxyde d'Aluminium sur le comportement magnétique et électromagnétique de l’alliage nanostructuré
Abderrahmane YOUNES1, Abderahim ABADA2, Rachid AMRAOUI1, Amirouche BOUAMER1and Mounia
Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI), PO Box 64, 16014, Cheraga, Algiers, Algeria
Laboratory of aeronautic science, Aeronautic institute, University of Saad Dahleb Blida,Algeria
Houari Boumediene University (USTHB), Bab Ezzouar Algiers, Algeria
Résumé :
L'alliage FeCo nanostructuré présente d'excellentes propriétés par rapport aux matériaux conventionnels de même
concentration en raison de l'impact de la taille des cristallites. Le FeCo et le FeCo/Al 2O3 nanostructurés ont été
synthétisés à partir de Fe, Co et Al2O3 par mécanosynthèse. Ce travail vise à étudier l'effet de l'alumine sur les propriétés
électromagnétiques et magnétiques des alliages nanostructurés de FeCo. L'approche adoptée dans cette étude est
d’impliquer l'utilisation de ces techniques de contrôle non destructif (CND) afin d’étudier l'évolution de leurs propriétés
microstructurales, magnétiques et électromagnétiques pendant l'élaboration et de trouver la relation entre les propriétés
structurelles et le CND. Les propriétés structurelles et magnétiques ont été caractérisées par un microscope électronique à
balayage (MEB), un diffractomètre à rayons X (DRX) et un magnétomètre à échantillon vibrant (VSM). Les propriétés
électromagnétiques par courant de Foucault de FeCo nanostructuré dépendent de leur composition structurelle et
chimique. L'ajout de l'alumine, les changements de phases et la taille des grains sont les paramètres qui affectent la forme
du diagramme d'impédance. La partie imaginaire L/L0 est toujours supérieure à 1, ce qui montre que le matériau conserve
ses propriétés magnétiques. Cependant, l'ajout d'alumine modifie les propriétés électromagnétiques du système FeCo.
Mots-clés : Matériaux nanostructurés; Mécanosynthèse; FeCo nanostructuré; Effet de l’alumine; Propriétés structurelles
et magnétiques; Caractérisation par courants de Foucault.
ID: EMS-2151
Study the Properties of Materials, Bio-Composite and How to Use it for Energy
Lakhdar HAFSI1, Moussa GUEBAILIA2
Laboratory of Exploitation and Valorization of Natural Resources, Kasdi Merbah Ouargla University, Algeria
Kasdi Merbah Ouargla University (Algeria)
Abstract :
Biocomposites did not exist 50 years ago and the word biocomposite was never uttered inthe beginning of twentieth
century. In the last two decades, biocomposites are widely used inmedical and engineering fields. In this work, we are
only interested in the study of the mechanical behavior of abio-composite material consisting of an epoxy resin matrix
reinforced with 45% by mass ofnatural fiber filled with 15% cork powder.They are obtained in the form of ISO 527-4
plates by a molding process, whichinevitably conditions the distribution of the fibers and consequently the behavior of
thematerials studied. For this, several samples were cut in two directionstransverse and longitudinal.The effect of distilled
water on the mechanical characteristics is addressed in static andfatigue stresses, Doing tensile experiments with different
values to know the resistance of thebio-composite, Static tests in three-point bending until rupture allows us to choose the
levelsof stress for the conduct of fatigue tests with imposed deflection. In fatigue, endurance curvesas a function of the
number of cycles are plotted by adapting the end of test criteria N3, N6,N12 which represent respectively a drop in
rigidity of 3.6 and 12%., allows us to define thematerial damage kinetics. The results obtained highlighted the influence
of humidity on themechanical behavior and the lifetime of the material studied.Biocomposites materials, which were
formed by a matrix (resin) with the reinforcement of ,natural fibers such as wood fibers (soft wood, hard wood,
newspaper, and magazine fibers)and nonwood fibers (kenaf, flax, jute, hemp, coir, cotton, sisal, and pineapple).These
composite materials exhibit ultimate mechanical, thermal, and biodegradableproperties. Because of the presence of these
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
superior properties, the composite materials havesignificant applications in various fields such as automobile, aerospace,
naval, construction,and packaging.
Keywords : Bio-composites; Natural Fiber; Materials; Renewable Energy Technology.
ID: EMS-2152
Effects of synthesis parameters on zeolite mordenite cristallization
Ikram YSSAAD1, Fatiha HAMIDI1
Laboratory of Functional and Nano-structured Eco-materials (LEMFN), Department ofMaterials Engineering, Faculty of
Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of Oran, Mohamed Boudiaf USTO-MB, B.P.1505 El menaouar, Oran,
Abstract :
Mordenite was synthesized by hydrothermal crystallization of a sodiumaluminosilicate gel with the following
stoichiometric composition: 7 Na2O; Al2O3; 25 SiO2 ; 580 H2O at temperatures ranging from 170°C-190°C. The synthesis
parameters controlling thesize and morphology of the mordenite crystals such as the Si/Al ratio of the gel as well as
thealkalinity have an influence on the size and morphology of the mordenite crystals. Gels with a low ratio (SiO2 /Al2O3
=10) lead to needle-like crystals and higher ratios (SiO2 /Al2O3 =25) leadto prismatic crystals. Pure and well-crystallized
mordenite crystals are obtained for alkalinities(OH - /SiO 2 =0.35) and higher alkalinity values (OH - /SiO2 =0.6) lead to
the formation of otherphases such as hydroxysodalite. The effect of temperature on the crystallization of mordenitewas
studied in the range 160-190°C. Pure and well-crystallized mordenite crystals areobtained at temperatures of 160 and
170°C after reaction times of 96 hours and 48 hours,respectively. On the other hand, for higher temperatures (190°C) the
appearance of otherphases is observed.
Keywords: Zeolite; Mordenite; Crystallization; Kinetic; Cristal size; Morphology; Alkalinity.
ID: EMS-2153
Optical Property of CuO Layers Obtained by Thermal Oxidation
LRPCSI, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda.
Abstract :
In order to ensure a healthy and sustainable energy future, the international scientificcommunity is showing a certain
interest in the field of solar energy. The exploitation of thissource is carried out using solar cells by direct conversion of
solar radiant energy intoelectrical energy. Indeed, photovoltaic conversion may depend on a semiconductor with anenergy
gap that allows it to absorb the solar photon in the UV-Visible. Therefore, in recentyears, metal oxides such as: Tin
oxides (SnO2), Zinc oxydes (ZnO) and Copper oxides(CuO/Cu2O) have gained much attention in research science for
their applications in variousoptoelectronic fields (gas sensor, transparent electrodes, basic elements for photovoltaic
cells,etc.Thin-film copper oxides are materials of choice for the development of low-cost solarcells based on abundant
elements. Indeed, copper, which is part of the family of noble metalsalso a transition element, is used in a very wide range
of electronic applications due to its highelectrical conductivity, its low cost and the fact that it is not toxic. CuO and Cu2O
representthe thermodynamically stable single phases of copper oxides, as well as other metastablephases as an example:
Cu2O3, Cu3O2 and Cu4O3.In the present work, we are particularly interested in the study of copper II oxide (CuO) asa ptype semiconductor material with a band gap between 1.3 and 2.1eV offering diversity inoptoelectronic properties.
Making it attractive for its photovoltaic applications. This is why thismaterial has aroused the interest of many researchers
who have used different methods for itspreparation such as vacuum evaporation. CuO layers obtained by thermal
oxidation in ambientair at a temperature of 300°C from layers of copper deposited on glass substrates by thetechnique of
vacuum evaporation. This choice of this method is justified by its simplicity ofimplementation; inexpensive and harmless
to the environment.The DRX patterns revealed A single CuO phase, polycrystalline, monoclinic structurewith preferential
orientation along (111) planes is formed. This direct transformation of Cuinto CuO was confirmed by FTIR
spectroscopy.The UV-visible spectroscopy revealed that the CuO films have an acceptable absorptionand the band gap
energy variation were influenced by the nonstoichiometry of the CuO films.
Keywords: Oxidation; Copper oxide CuO; DRX; UV-visible et FTIR.
ID: EMS-2154
Structural, magnetic and thermal studies of the mechanically alloyed Co60Cr 35Ti5 mixture
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratoire de Magnétisme et de Spectroscopie des Solides LM2S, Département de Physique, Université Badji Mokhtar
Annaba, B.P. 12 Annaba 23000, Algeria.
Département des Sciences de la Matière, Faculté des Sciences, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algeria.
Dept. De Fisica, Universitat de Girona, Campus Montilivi, 17071 Girona, Spain.
Abstract :
Nanostructured Co60Cr35Ti5 powder were mechanically alloyed and their structural, magnetic,thermal changes were
investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Vibrating samplemagnetometer (VSM) and differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), respectively. The XRDresults after 24h of milling exhibit disordered hcp-Co(Cr) solid solution,
unreacted Cr andCo2 Ti type amorphous. The saturation magnetization and the coercivety values reveal that theobtained
powder is a magnetic material. The DSC scans shows the existence of endothermicand exothermic peaks in the
temperature range 50-1100°C. The large peak (50-600°C) can beattributed to the structural relaxation and recovery,
however the exothermic peaks in the range(600-1100°C) are related to different phase transitions. The endothermic peaks
at about (900-1100°C) can be related to the ferromagnetic/ paramagnetic transition temperature (curie temperature/Tc) of
the Co2Ti –type structure.
Keywords: Mechanical alloying; Co-Cr-Ti alloys; X-ray diffraction; DSC; Magneticproperties.
ID: EMS-2155
Comportement à la corrosion de l’interface substrat/rechargement obtenue par soudage Manuel
Djilali ALLOU1, Sarra DJEMMAH1,2
Scientific Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI), PB 64, Chéraga, Algiers, Algeria.
Materials Technology Laboratory, LTM, USTHB, PB 32, Bab Ezzouar Algiers, Algeria
Résumé :
Toutes les hétérogénéités donnent naissance à des couples électriques, à commencer par celles qui résultent des
différences de structure composant le matériau lui-même. Cet article traite du comportement électrochimique de
l’interface l’acier faiblement allié 25CD4 dans une solution électrolytique de NaCl à 3.5%, recharger avec une électrode
base Ni (inconel182), par le procéder de soudage manuel a l’électrode enrobé (MMA). Des tests de corrosion ont été
effectués sur un potentiostat / galvanostat à température ambiante, sous une électrode de référence Ag/AgCl avec. Les
résultats obtenus grâce aux courbes de tafel montrent que le processus de corrosion peut être divisé en deux parties
mettant en évidence l'agressivité des ions Cl-. Pour ce qui est des mesures de spectroscopie d'impédance électrochimique
(EIS). Elle montre que la résistance au transfert de charge du rechargement Inconel 182 est supérieure à celle de
l'interface substrat /Inconel 182 et du substrat. Un circuit équivalent a été déterminé pour représenter le processus de
corrosion sous cet électrolyte.
Mots-clés : 25CD4; Corrosion ; NaCl 3.5%; Interface; Inconel182.
ID: EMS-2156
Doping Effect on Iron Oxypnictides: An AB Initio Inverstigation
Materials Computational Physics Laboratory, Djillali Liabès University, Sidi Bel Abbès 22000, Algeria
Materials Physico-mechanical and metallurgical Elaboration and Characterisation Laboratory, Abdel hamid Ibn Badis
University, Mostaganem 27000, Algeria
A first principle comparative study of the material PrFeAsO in its pure and doped state has been reported in this
work using the linearized plane wave method as part of the functional theory of density. We examine magnetic stability,
structural and electronic properties before and after holes doping with strontium at the Praseodymium site with a rate of
25%. When these materials are doped, the structural and magnetic transitions are suppressed and superconductivity
appears. The LSDA+U results reveal that the insertion of the dopant atom induces changes in interatomic distances and
bond angles, which are responsible for the phenomenon of superconductivity in this family of compound.
Keywords: Superconductivity; DFT study; Band structures; Fe-pnictides; Fermi surfaces.
ID: EMS-2157
Mesure de l’état de surface de l’acier (42CD4)
Fethi. REMLI1, Khadidja.BOUHADJA1, Fares Mohammed Laid. REKBI2
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées CDTA, Cité 20 Août 1956, BP N°17 Baba Hassen, 16303,
Centre de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles CRTI, BP 64, Route de Dely Brahim, Chéraga, Alger 16014.
Abstract :
Le développement des instruments et des méthodes de mesure d’état de surface à permet l’évolution des techniques
de contrôle de la qualité de surface des produits issus de l’industrie. Dans ce papier, une étude sur l’état de surface, les
méthodes de mesure et les instruments de mesure est présentée. Le travail a été effectué sur des pièces en acier (42CD4)
usinées sur une machine 5axes à grande vitesse UGV. Le travail est conclu par une comparaison entre la mesure par un
rugosimètre et la mesure par microscopie à force atomique (AFM).
Mot-clés : Etat de surface; Instruments de mesure; Usinage; AFM; Ultrasons.
ID: EMS-2158
Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on structural and mechanical properties of Zr-Ni thin film metallic glass
LRPCSI, Faculty of Sciences, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, 21000 Skikda,Algeria.
Nuclear Research Center of Draria, BP 43, Sebbala, Draria, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
Metallic glass (MG) is called an amorphous alloy, characterized by random atomic configurations [1], which
contribute to the most important mechanical properties; high strength, high fracture toughness, as well as good wear and
corrosion resistance [2, 3]. Different publications suggest that MG could be used in various applications, such as
structural material in nuclear irradiation environments [4]. However, limited studies on the effect of irradiation on Zrbased metallic glasses indicate that further research is necessary to understand the performance of these materials in
nuclear installations. In the present communication, we report the effect of swift heavy ion irradiation (0.71MeV/u at a
fluence of 5×1012 and 1×1013ions/cm2)on the structural and mechanical properties of the thin films of zirconium nickel
(Zr-Ni) which have been deposited on the silicon substrate using the magnetron sputtering technique. After irradiation,
the Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction (GIXRD) analysis revealed that the irradiated films maintained their amorphous
structure. Surface morphology studies by atomic force microscopy show that the unirradiated film has a surface
roughness of 0.948±0.18 nm and it decreases with an increase in ion fluence, indicating ion-induced surface smoothening.
The evolution of the hardness and Young’s modulus as a function of the fluence will also be presented. Our study
demonstrates that swift heavy ion irradiation decreases the surface roughness, and decreases the mechanical properties of
the films due to radiation-induced defects.
Keywords: Metallic glass (MG); Swift heavy ion irradiation; Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction (GIXRD); Atomic
force microscopy (AFM); Mechanical properties.
[1] A. Inoue, Stabilization of metallic supercooled liquid and bulk amorphous alloys, Acta Mater. 48 (2000) 279–306.
[2] W.L. Johnson, Bulk amorphous metal-An emerging engineering material, Jom. 54 (2002) 40–43.
[3] M.F. Ashby, A.L. Greer, Metallic glasses as structural materials, Scr. Mater. 54 (2006) 321–326.
[4] L. Shao, B.P. Gorman, A. Aitkaliyeva, N. David Theodore, G. Xie, Nanometer-scale tunnel formation in metallic glass by helium
ion irradiation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (2012) 041901. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4734399.
ID: EMS-2159
The effect of iron (Fe) doping on the martensitic transformation and the magnetic properties of Ni50Mn37-xSn13Fex
(x = 0.5, 1, 1.5) magnetic shape memory alloys
W. YOUNSIa ; S. LOUIDIb, c* ; J. J. SUNOLd
Département des Sciences et Techniques, Faculté de Technologie, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algérie.
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algérie.
Laboratoire de Magnétisme et de Spectroscopie des Solides LM2S, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences,
Université Badji-MokhtarAnnaba, B.P 12, 23000 Annaba, Algérie.
Dep. de Fisica, Universitat de Girona, Campus de Montitlivi, 17071 Girona, Spain.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
The effect of iron (Fe) doping on the martensitic transformation and the magnetic properties of Ni50Mn37-xSn13Fex (x
= 0.5, 1, 1.5) magnetic shape memory alloys in form of ribbons is investigated. The ribbons were obtained by the arcmeting followed by melt-spinning processes. The melt-spun ribbons were characterized by means of XRD, DSC and
VSM. The results show that the crystalline structure of Ni 50Mn37-xSn13Fex (x=1, 1.5) is cubic L21 which correspond to the
austenite phase. However, the crystalline structure of Ni 50Mn37-xSn13Fex (x= 0,5) is a mixture of cubic L21 and the
modulated 10M structure indicating the coexistance of austenite and martensite phases at room temperature. Moreover,
the addition of Fe shifts the martensitic transformation to lower temperatures and the Curie point of the austenitic phase
TCA to higher temperatures which leads to the enhancement of the magnetism of the austenitic phase, and a large value
of the magnetization jump (ΔM) is detected (from 3.3 emu/g for Fe1 to 17 emu/g for Fe1.5 under 50 Oe applied magnetic
field). The isothermal magnetization curves reveal the exchange bias effect at low temperatures, which confirms the
coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic coupling in our samples. The exchange bias effect is found to
increase with the increase of Fe content.
Keywords: Heusler alloys; Martensitic transformation; Magnetic properties; Exchange bias effect ; Iron doping.
ID: EMS-2160
Tuning the martensitic transformation temperatures and enhancing the magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic
NiMnSn melt-spun ribbons by cobalt doping
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algérie.
Laboratoire de Magnétisme et de Spectroscopie des Solides LM2S, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences,
Université Badji-MokhtarAnnaba, B.P 12, 23000 Annaba, Algérie.
Département des Sciences et Techniques, Faculté de Technologie, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algérie.
Dep. de Fisica, Universitat de Girona, Campus de Montitlivi, 17071 Girona, Spain.
Abstract :
The effect of cobalt doping on martensitic transformations and the magnetic properties of Ni 50-xCox Mn37Sn13 (x = 1,
2, 3) magnetic shape memory alloys obtained by melt spinning in the form of ribbons is studied. The crystallographic
structure of all of the ribbons at room temperature is austenite cubic L2 1. SEM micrographs indicate the formation of
textured ribbons with columnar grains growing up perpendicular to the ribbon plane. For all of the ribbons, DSC cyclic
scans reveal the martensitic transformation on cooling and the reverse austenitic transformation upon heating below room
temperature. In addition, they indicate that the martensitic transformation temperatures decrease with an increasing cobalt
content. Thermomagnetic curves reveal the coexistence of AFM and FM exchange interactions at low temperatures.
Likewise, the magnetization change (∆M) between the martensite and austenite phase, as well as the austenite Curie
temperature (TCA), increase with increasing cobalt content in the ribbons. Structural transformations are also sensitive to
the external applied magnetic field. This fact suggests that the structural transformation temperatures of the ribbons could
be tuned to the desired functional temperature by controlling the cobalt amount through the replacement of Ni as well as
by changing the applied magnetic field, which could lead to an enhancement of the magnetic properties.
Keywords: Heusler alloys; Martensitic transformation; Magnetic properties; Cobalt doping.
ID: EMS-2161
Study of TiO2 thin film deposition by sol-gel spin-coating method: effect of rotation speed and annealing
temperature on optical, electrical and wettability properties.
K. Mokeddem1,2, S. Midoun1, B. Bouaouina1, F. Bensouici3 and S. E. Abaidia1
Département de Physique, LRME, Université M’hamed Bougara, Avenue de l'independence, Boumerdès, Algérie
Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Faculté de Physique, USTHB, BP 32 El Alia, 16111 Bab-Ezzouar, Alger,
Département Sciences des Matériaux, Université Abbas Laghrour de Khenchela 40004, Algeria
Abstract :
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films were deposited on glass substrate using “sol-gel spin coating” technique. The
effects of rotation speed and annealing temperature on the optical, electrical and wettability properties of TiO 2 thin films
were investigated. Four samples were deposited with different rotation speeds, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 rpm and were
annealed at two temperatures, 300 and 450°C. Photocatalytic efficiency was also assessed. For the characterization of the
deposited samples, UV-Visible-NIR spectroscopy have been used for the optical characterization, the four-point
technique have been used for the electrical characterization and the measurement of the contact angle have been used for
the characterization of the wettability. The optical characterization shows that the transparency of the deposited films
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
reaches 90%, the thickness of the films decreases while their refractive index increases when the speed of rotation
increases. The Tauc optical gap varies slightly around 3.5 eV. Increasing annealing temperature has a similar effect on
thickness and refractive index as increasing rotation speed. The measurement of the contact angle shows that the samples
obtained after annealing at 300°C for one hour are hydrophilic. Exposing the samples to UV light renders the samples
Keywords: Thin film; Titanium dioxide: TiO2; Sol-gel; Spin coating.
ID: EMS-2162
Improvement of structural, mechanical and tribological properties of V-N and C-N obtained by cathodic
magnetron sputtering
Sara FARES1, Linda AISSANI2-3, Abderrahmane CHERIET 4, Akram ALHUSSEIN5
Laboratoire Microstructures et Défauts dans les Matériaux, Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Route Ain El Bey,
Constantine 25017, Algeria.
Laboratory of active components and materials, Larbi Ben M'hidi University Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
Department of matter sciences, Abbes Laghrour-Khenchela University, Algeria.
Laboratoire d’étude de développement des matériaux semi-conducteur et diélectriques, Université Laghouat. Algeria.
ICD–LASMIS, Université de Technologie de Troyes, Pôle Technologique Sud Champagne, 26 Rue Lavoisier, 52800
Nogent, France.
Group III nitrides have attracted significant attention thanks to their exceptional corrosion-resistant coatings and
hard wear performance. The chemical and physical properties of M-Nwhere (M = V, C)have been the focus of numerous
experimental studies due to its high melting points, resistivity, thermal conductivity, and hardness. From these
perspectives, a study of a thermal treatment effect on the structural, mechanical and tribological properties of the
VN/XC100 system for different thickness is performed. The films were deposited by cathodic magnetron sputtering with
25%N2 pressure in the mixture gas. The samples were annealed in interval temperature between 700 to 1000°C since 1h,
it forms the vanadium nitrides films VN and carbon nitrides films CN. Then the pieces are characterized by X-ray
diffraction( XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical properties are analyzed by nanoindentation test. The tribological
properties of the coatings are evaluated by using a scratch test and oscillating (TRIBO tester) test.
Keywords: Vanadium nitrides films; Carbon nitrides films; Cathodic magnetron sputtering; Structural properties;
Mechanical properties; Tribological properties.
ID: EMS-2163
Electronic properties of Bulk and monolayer MoS2
Assia DAOUADI1 and Mohamed BENKHDIR1
University of Tebessa, Faculty of Sciences, Tebessa, Laboratory of theoretical and applied physics, 12000, W. Tebessa,
In this study, we systematically study on the geometric optimization and electronic properties of Bulk (or 3D) and
monolayer MoS2, using density functional theory. We can see that the bulk 2H-MoS2 are semiconductors with indirect
band gap, forming between the lowest unfilled state of the conduction band (LOMO) in the K–Γ path and the highest
filled state of the valence band (HOMO) at the Γ point with gap of 0.90 eV. However, when bulk MoS2 are transformed
into monolayer form, it can be seen that a transition from the indirect to a direct band gap. It indicates that the MoS 2
monolayers are semiconductors with the direct band gaps, forming between the HOMO and LOMO at the K point with
gap of 1.7 eV.
Key words: 2D materials, monolayer; Bulk; Band gap; DFT calculations; Electronic properties.
ID: EMS-2164
Investigation of the outcome of annealing temperature on structural and optical properties of titanium dioxide
Rezika ZEDEK1, Hatem DJEDJIGA1, Mohammed SAID BELKAID1, Youssef KEBBATI2
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
In this present manuscript, we report the effect of annealing temperature on transition phase of titanium dioxide
NanoParticles synthesized using standard sol gel method. The impact of annealing temperature on crystalline structure of
titanium dioxide NPs was investigated. All samples were characterized by using sophisticated instrumental techniques
such as X-ray diffraction and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. various annealing temperatures named (T) of
TiO2 nanoparticles T50 T55, T60 and T65 denoted for the samples of 500 °C, 550°C, 600°C and 650°C respectively. The
results displayed that depending on annealing temperature, the ratio of polymorphs and the band gap of NPs TiO2
changed substantially, which is necessary in solar cells application, particularly in dye sensitized solar cell (DSSCs).
Keywords: Annealing Temperature; Band gap; Phase Transition; TiO2 NanoParticles; Urbach energy.
ID: EMS-2165
The Influence of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Mechanical behavior of the PEDH80 Polymer
Nouredine HADDAD 1 and Ahmed BELBAH 2
Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and New Materials, Department of Mechanics, University of Guelma, Guelma 24200.
Abstract :
The Polyethylene HDPE80 high density is a widely used material in Algeria and around the world, In the present
work, we have studied the effect of two aging mechanisms through the three layers of the wall of a HDPE80 tube
distinguished for the areas of gas transport, the first is natural under the effect of solar radiation for a period of four
months, the second is artificial in a temperate environment under the effect of freezing and thawing at alternating
temperatures of -10° and 25°C for the same duration. The exposure to sunlight of the two outer and inner walls allowed a
reduction in the elongation at break and an increase in the allowable stresses by traction, the aging freeze and thaw
highlight an increase in the mechanical resistance for the layer, Of medium we find that in the presence of light, and
photo-oxidation are the most important degradation mechanisms. The comparative study shows that the thermal
degradation for the outer and inner layers is greater in the case of artificial aging than in the natural one and is increased.
for the duration of four months.
Keywords: Natural aging; Shrinkage; Stretching and tensile testing
ID: EMS-2166
Effect of Heat Treatment on Friction Stir Processed AA2024 Reinforced with MoAlB MAB Phase.
Abdessabour BENAMOR1,2*, Nabil CHIKER1, BADJI Riad2, Salim KHELOUF1, Hiba BENAMOR3, Younes
BENKHEDA1, Mohamed HADJI1,2.
Laboratoire d’études et recherche en technologie industrielle, University of Saad Dahleb Blida 1, BP 270 Route de
Soumaa, Blida, Algeria.
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P. O box64, Cheraga, Algiers, Algeria.
Laboratory materials and environment, University Yahia Fares, Medea, Algeria.
Abstract :
MoAlB is one of the nanolaminated ternary transition metal borides called MAB phases. It possesses good
tribological behavior in a bulk form, and relatively high CTE, which makes it suitable as reinforcing particulates in
metals. The main issue is its decomposition in contact with molten Al. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) is a process that
uses plastic deformation to introduce reinforcing/lubricating solid particulates into soft metals without reaching the
melting temperature. In this study, the tribological behavior, hardness, and microhardness of 2024 Al alloy/MoAlB
surface composites are presented. The surface composites were made using FSP under different rotational speeds. The
effect of T3 post-heat treatment on the surface composites revealed the formation of a strong interface between the
aluminum matrix and the MoAlB MAB phase. Microhardness, as well as the wear resistance were significantly improved.
Keywords : MoAlB; Aluminum alloy 2024; Wear; Friction; Friction stir processing.
ID: EMS-2167
Material Fatigue: Case of Ball Bearings
Siham BELAID1, Samir LECHEB 2, Ahmed CHELLIL 2, Hamza MECHAKRA2, Amira DJELLAB 2, Hocine KEBIR 3
Laboratory of solid mechanics and Systems, Faculty of Technology, M'hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes, Frantz
fanon city – 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratory of Dynamic Motor and Vibroacoustics, Faculty of Technology, M'hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes,
Frantz fanon city – 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria
Laboratory of Roberval, University Technology Compiègne, , Rue Roger Couttolenc, 60200 Compiègne, France
It is generally known that supported ball bearings have a significant impact on the gear transmission system's
vibrations, particularly the presence of local flaws and crack growth. This study focuses on ball bearing vibration
analysis-based fracture growth diagnostics for crack and vibration. Our work is devoted first to a study of static behaviour
the ball bearing by determining the stress, strain and displacement, then dynamic behaviour by determining the first four
natural frequencies. Secondly, a dynamic analysis study of the bearing was carried with defects as a function of crack size
and location. The obtained results clearly show that the natural frequencies decrease in a non-linear way with the growth
of the length of the crack, on the other hand the stress increases with the presence of the singular points of the crack.
Finally, this residual decrease in natural frequencies can be used as an indicator of the state of failure, as well as a
parameter used for diagnosis and screening, and to highlight the fatigue life of the bearing.
Keywords: Ball Bearing; Frequency; Cracking; Diagnosis; Fatigue life .
ID: EMS-2168
Effect of Mg doping on the physical properties of ZnO thin films by sol/gel assisted spin coating
A. MOHAMMEDI1, *, M. IBRIR1,2, O. MEGLALI 1,2,3, R. Peña-GARCIA4,5.
Laboratory of Materials Physics and its Applications, University of M’sila, 28000 M’sila, Algeria.
Faculty of Sciences, University of M’sila, 28000 M’sila, Algeria.
Materials Science and Informatics Laboratory, Ziane Achour University, Djelfa, Algeria.
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Academic Unit of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Cabo de Santo Agostinho-PE,
In this work, Magnesium(Mg) doped zinc oxide (ZnO) films were prepared with different Mg concentration by solgel/spin coating technique. The effect of Mg doping on the structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films
has been studied. The X-ray diffraction analysis proved that all deposited films present ZnO as the main phase in its
wurtzite hexagonal structure and highly c-axis oriented. The optical transmittance in the visible range of the films is about
87 % and we have noted a red shift of the absorption edge when the Mg concentration increases.The refractive index,
extinction coefficient and part real and imagined of dielectric constant. The optical dispersion parameters Eo, Ed, and n∞
were calculated and interpreted.
Keywords: Mg doped ZnO; Thin films; Sol/gel; Spin/coating.
ID: EMS-2169
Relation entre facteur d'orientation des fibres et propriétés mécanique d’un rotor composite
Université des Frères Mentouri, Département de Génie Mécanique,
Faculté Sciences De La Technologies 25000.
Résumé :
Les machines tournantes sont largement utilisées dans diverses applications d'ingénierie, telles que les centrales
électriques, les systèmes de propulsion marine, les moteurs d'avion, les machines-outils et les automobiles. la conception
de tels systèmes dans l’ingénierie moderne tend à réduire le poids et à fonctionner à des vitesses supercritiques . La plus
grande partie de la littérature sur l'analyse dynamique des rotors concerne la détermination des fréquences naturelles, des
formes de mode, des vitesses critiques, des seuils d'instabilité et des régions de fréquences, ainsi que des réponses
déséquilibrées et transitoires. Outre ces analyses, certains travaux traitent également de l'équilibrage des rotors, de
l'estimation des paramètres dynamiques des roulements, de l'instrumentation . Les matériaux composites sont des
matériaux à hautes performances mécaniques, façonnables à volonté au gré du concepteur et donc doué d’un potentiel
illimité. Les matériaux composites se développent aujourd’hui dans pratiquement tous les domaines et sont à l’origine de
formidables challenges dans diverses .
Simulation avec ANSYS.
L'objectif de ce travail est d’analyser l’influence de l’orientation des fibres qui ont connus un intérêt particulier dans
l’industrie, sur le comportement mécanique ;L’orientation des fibres est un paramètre significatif pour l’amélioration des
propriétés mécaniques et l’amplification des contraintes induites dans le matériau et par conséquent sur la sécurité de la
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
structure. Les résultats numériques sont présentés pour un arbre en acier et arbre matériaux composite module graphite /
époxy avec les conditions au limites encastrent libre et comparés avec ceux trouvés dans la littérature.
Mots clés : Dynamique des rotors; Fréquences; Matériaux composite; Campbell; l’Orientation des fibres.
[1] Berthelot, J.M., (1996). Matériax Composites,Comportement Mécanique et Analyse des Structures, 2eme ed, Masson: Paris.
[2] Marc, T.and Frédéric , L., (2007). Simulations des Vibrations Mécaniques par Matlab,Simulink et Ansys,1er ed.Presses de
l’Université du Québec :Canada.
[3] Michel, L. and Guy ,F. (1990). Rotordynamics Prediction in Engineering ,2eme ed,John Wiley & Sons Ltd,England.
[4] Rajiv,T., (2017). Rotor System :Analysis and Indentification, 1er ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton: Florida
Topic 3: Fluid dynamics and nanofluid
ID: EMS-300
Plenary Talk
An Update on Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
S M Sohel Murshed
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
The aim of this keynote is to provide a research update on key thermal property namely thermal conductivity and
performance of nanofluids which is arguably one of the hot research topics under multidisciplinary field. Given the recent
upsurge of research interests it is worthy to provide an appraisal of this new class of thermal fluids from their potentials
and applications perspective. The speech consists of two parts. The first part provides brief state-of-the-art research on
this popular topic starting from its background to results and anomalies of thermal conductivity. This part also briefly
discusses on how such a global surge of interest evolved and led to some chaotic circumstance stalling real progress
towards their real-world applications. While the second part covers thermal features of nanofluids namely experimental
findings of convective heat transfer in minichannels and systems in addition to highlight future research challenges.
ID: EMS-301
Insinuation of radiative Bio-convective MHD flow of Nano Casson Fluid with activation energyand Swimming
Muhammad JAWAD*,1, Sajjad HUSSAIN2, Fateh MEBAREK-OUDINA3, Khurrem SHEHZAD4
Department of Mathematics, The University of Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Pakistan 37610.
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore;
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University 20 août 1955 – Skikda, B.P 26 Route El-Hadaiek, Skikda 21000,
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, 3800, Pakistan.
Abstract :
In the last few years, the study for enriched the thermal transportation is positioned around the consumption of
nanostructures to gain the potential assistances in arena of electrical and mechanical engineering, polymer processing,
food processing, biomedical, heat storage devices, ventilation, metallurgy, nuclear systems cooling, polymer processing,
magnetic sticking, bioengineering applications, solar preoccupation, electronic devices etc. The thermal traits of
associated dynamics and nanofluid properties are still obligatory to be reconnoitered. Such adeptness in mind causes this
statement's concern to explore the Bio-convective electrical MHD flow of Casson nanofluid with activation energy and
thermal conductivity in the presence of gyrotactic microorganisms due to Shrinking sheet are performed numerically. In
additions the effects of the thermal radiation and the Joule heating impacts over a porous matrix with non-zero mass flux
have been analyzed. The appropriate local similarity transformations is employ to metamorphosed the modelled a system
of the highly non-linear partial differential equation (PDEs) of the momentum, temperature, concentration, and the motile
microorganism profiles in to the set of non- linear ordinary differential equations(ODEs). The consequential (ODEs) have
been solved numerically with help of the shooting technique using computational scheme for the different values for the
emerging parameter. [1-6]The bioconvection induced by the microorganisms alleviated the nanoparticles which resulted in
efficient thermal profile. The numerical results are be deliberated through graph and tables value for the velocity filed,
temperature, concentration and the motile microorganisms density.
Key-Points: Activation energy; Chemical Reaction; Buongiorno Model; Motile Microorganism; Heat transfer; Nonlinear Thermal radiation.
References :
[1] M. Jawad, F. Mebarek-Oudina, H. Vaidya, P. Prashar, Influence of Bioconvection and Thermal Radiation on MHD Williamson
Nano Casson Fluid Flow with the Swimming of Gyrotactic Microorganisms Due to Porous Stretching Sheet, Journal of Nanofluids, 11
[2] K. Asogwa, F. Mebarek-Oudina, & I. Animasaun, Comparative investigation of Water-based Al2O3 Nanoparticles through
Water-based CuO Nanoparticles over an Exponentially Accelerated Radiative Riga Plate Surface via Heat Transport, Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 47 (7)(2022)8721–8738, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06355-3
[3] A. Shafiq, F. Mebarek-Oudina, T. N. Sindhu and Rassoul, G., Sensitivity analysis for Walters' B nanoliquid flow over a radiative
Riga surface by RSM, Scientia Iranica, 29 (3)(2022)1236-1249,https://doi.org/10.24200/SCI.2021.58293.5662
[4] F. Mebarek Oudina & I. Chabani, Review on Nano-fluids applications and heat transfer enhancement techniques in different
enclosures, Journal of Nanofluids, 11(2) (2022)155-168, https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2022.1834
[5] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Convective Heat Transfer of Titania Nanofluids of different base fluids in Cylindrical Annulus with discrete
Heat Source, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 48(2019) 135-147, https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.21375
[6] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
ID: EMS-302
Numerical Investigation on Nanofluid Heat Transfer Performance by Fluent/Ansys
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of 20 août 1955, Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
Our study is about natural convection heat transfer of nanofluids in rectangular cavity, the latter has an isothermal
right wall and adiabatic top, bottom and left walls except for a portion of the left wall which is heated with a source of
constant flux. We have used pure water and mixtures of water with different volume fractions of Cu and TiO2 as
nanoparticles. We chose brinkman model to approximate the dynamic viscosity and Maxwell-Gametts model to
approximate the effective thermal conductivity. Our numerical results are obtained using finite volume method via Fluent
code on Ansys software and they show that the increase in the volume fraction of nanoparticles enhance heat transfer and
that Cu-water nano-fluid is the one who exhibits better performance.
Key words: Cu and TiO2 nanoparticles; Natural convection; Rectangular cavity; Nanofluid; Brinkman model; MaxwellGametts model; Heat transfer performance; Fluent/Ansys.
ID: EMS-303
Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Shell AD Tube Heat Exchanger Using Ag-MgO-Hybrid Nanofluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technology Faculty, Fırat University, Elazığ, Turkey
Abstract :
In this study, thermal efficiency of a shell and tube heat exchanger (STHX) is examined by using hybrid nanofluids.
The simulation of the system is carried out with FEM based code COMSOL Multiphysics 5.5. As the heat transfer fluid,
water-based Ag-MgO hybrid nanofluid is used. Besides using a specific nanofluid in the system, baffles are also used in
the STHX for further heat transfer enhancement.The effect of Ag-MgO nanoparticles in the system is examined in three
cases. In the first case, Reynolds number (Re) is taken with a range of 2500-12000 by taking the inlet temperature of the
nanofluid (Tc1) and volume concentration of the nanofluid (φ) constant as 40°C and 2%, respectively. In the second case
the volume concentration of the nanofluid (φ) is evaluated with a range of 0.01-2%, while two other parameters are kept
constant as for Reynolds number of 8000 and inlet temperature of the nanofluid at 40°C. Depending on the results,
relations between specific parameters related to the study are shown in various plots to emphasize the potential of usage
of the hybrid nanofluid in the STHX.
ID: EMS-304
Numerical Study of Mixed Convection using Hybrid Nanofluid through a 3D Horizontal Concentric Annulus
Heated by a Constant Heat Flux
Nihal NECIBa, b, Mohammed BENKHEDDAa, b
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of M’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes, 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria
Coating Laboratory, Materials, and Environment, M'Hamed Bougara University, Boumerdes, 35000 – Algeria
Abstract :
The heat transfer in three‐dimensional horizontal concentric annulus filled with hybrid nanofluids is investigated
numerically in this paper. The outer cylinder is heated by a uniform and constant heat flux while the inner cylinder is
thermally insulated. The partials conservations equations continuity, momentum, and energy with the appropriate
boundary conditions are discretized by the finite volume method with second-order precision that solved by using the
SIMPLER algorithms. Single-phase approach is adopted. The findings state that heat transfer increases as Grashof
number and volume fraction are increased.
Keywords: Concentric annulus; Laminar flow; Hybrid nanofluids; Mixed convection; Numerical study.
ID: EMS-305
Simulation Numerique de L’ecoulement Autour des Helices Marines Contrarotative
Laboratoire d'Aero-Hydrodynamique navale LAHN, U.S.T.O MB, Oran, Algeria
Abstract :
Les performances hydrodynamiques de nouvelles configurations d'hélices contrarotatives, de types DTMB à quatre
pales opérant en eau libre, sont étudiées numériquement. L'écoulement est modélisé par les équations moyennées de
Reynolds RANS qui sont résolues en régime instationnaire à travers le code Fluent. Le maillage adopté est du type
‘sliding mesh’ et le model de turbulence utilisé est Kω SST. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que la poussée et le
rendement des CRP augmentent significativement par comparaison à l'hélice simple. L'utilisation de CRP entraîne une
diminution importante du diamètre de l'hélice.
Mot clés: CFD; hélice contrarotative CRP; écoulement en eau libre; instationnaire.
ID: EMS-306
Étude numérique de l'effet d’une nouvelle conception d'un mélangeur statique de type Kenics sur l'amélioration
de transfert thermique
Ourdia BENABDELLAZIZa, Youcef KAMLAb, AbdelkaderKARASc, Houari AMEURd
Laboratoire de Rhéologie et mécanique, Faculté de technologie, département de Génie mécanique, Université Hassiba
Ben Bouali de Chlef
Laboratoire de physique théorique et physique de matériaux LPTPM, Faculté de technologie, département de tronc
commun en technologie, Université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef
Département de Génie mécanique, université Ibn Khaldoun, Tiaret
Département de technologie, centre universitaire Ahmad Salhi Naama
Résumé :
Ce travail présente une étude numérique de l’écoulement et de transfert thermique d’un fluide Newtonien
circulant dans un mélangeur statique de type kenic, dans l’objectif de trouver le meilleur design de mélangeur statique en
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
termes de performance de mélange et de transfert thermique. Pour cela, Des simulations sont réalisées avec code CFD
18.0 pour un écoulement laminaire (avec un Nb de Re varies de 5 à 100).Ce travail étudie l’effet des modifications et
améliorations qui peuvent être apportées au mélangeur statique pour assurer une qualité de transfert satisfaisante et les
performances de chaque géométrie de mélangeur statique modifiée ont été comparées avec la géométrie standard qui est
réalisé par Saatdjin et al., 2012.L’opération de mélange de fluides est l'une des opérations industrielles les plus
importantes.Pour assure ces opérations de mélanges nous pouvons utiliser plusieurs méthodes, notamment les cuves
agitées mécaniquement, les mélangeurs magnétiques, statiques, ultraviolet ect…... Les mélangeurs statiques, également
connus aussi sous le nom de mélangeurs immobiles, sont des dispositifs très efficaces utilisés pour le mélange de fluides
monophasés et multiphasiques. Avec une augmentation progressive de l'utilisation des mélangeurs statiques dans diverses
opérations industrielles, il est nécessaire d'atteindre une efficacité de mélange plus élevée au prix d'une consommation
d'énergie minimale. Les performances de mélange peuvent être améliorées soit en concevant une nouvelle géométrie
interne, soit en modifiant la géométrie d'un mélangeur statique existant. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'améliorer les
performances de mélange des mélangeurs statiques en incorporant des modifications de conception à la géométrie interne.
Pour cela, un mélangeur statique à structure interne à pales hélicoïdales (type KENICS) a été sélectionné en raison de sa
géométrie complexe et de ses capacités de mélange éprouvées industriellement. Dans le cadre des modifications de
conception du mélangeur KENICS, des perforations et différentes formes ont été introduites dans les pales du mélangeur
statique à l'aide du Code CFD. Les mélangeurs statiques ont été brevetés pour la première fois à la fin du 19e siècle, et la
tendance s'est poursuivie au cours des 20e et 21e siècles.
Keywords : Kenics; Transfert; Performance; Mélange.
ID: EMS-307
Numerical Analysis of Rayleigh Benard Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure filled with a Nano-fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda 21000,
Abstract :
The natural convection induced by a vertical temperature gradient in a Rayleigh-Benard enclosure filled with a
Nano-fluid is the subject of this paper. We're trying to figure out if this convection helps with heat transmission in the
enclosure. The finite volume approach is used to solve continuity, momentum and energy equations in the mathematical
model. Graphs of streamlines, isotherms, and Nusselt numbers are used to present the findings. The numerical model's
results corroborate the numerous behaviors found in both the experimental and numerical analyses.
Keys Words: Nano-fluid; Raleigh-Benard; Enclosure; Heat transfer.
ID: EMS- 308
Numerical study of the effect of rheological behavior and the geometry of the helical screw on energy consumption
and the flow of fluid in laminar regime
Youcef KAMLAa, Houari AMEURb, Ourdia BENABDELLAZIZc, Abdessalam HADJEBd
Laboratoire de physique théorique et physique de matériaux LPTPM, Faculté de technologie, département de tronc
commun en technologie, Université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef
Département de technologie, centre universitaire Ahmad Salhi Naama
Faculté de technologie, département de Génie mécanique, Université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef
LSIM, département de Génie mécanique, université des sciences et de la technologie d’Oran
Abstract :
The objective of this work is to provide three-dimensional numerical simulations studying the influence of the
geometry and the rheological behavior of the flow and energy of a fluid in a tank mechanically agitated by a helical
screw. For this purpose, a numerical model based on the equations averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) is used with the
computer code ANSYS CFX. The results were validated with experimental data obtained by Caussanel in 1990 and
Aubin et al digital data. 2001. Having established a numerical evaluation analyzing the fields of flow and velocity vectors
for Different geometries made. The results indicate that the eccentricity and the number of stages of helical screw
influence on energy consumption and the structure of the flow generated by this type of mobile agitation.
Keyword: Mixing; Energy consumption; Helical screw; Vessels tank.
ID: EMS-309
Numerical Study of Natural Convection in Square Cavity using Copper-Water Nano-fluid
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Badis MERADI, Meriem AMOURA, Djamal eddine GHERSI
Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Energy Systems, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene,
B.P.32 EL-Alia, 16111 Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
The aim of the present studyis to conduct a numerical study of laminar natural convection using nano-fluid in a
closed square cavity. The top and bottom walls of the cavity are adiabatic; the left and part of the wall are subjected to a
hot temperature (TH); and the right wall is subjected to a cold temperature (TC).The reference temperature is subjected to
T0.The governing equations for a non-Newtonian fluid have been solved numerically using an iterative method and
discretized by the finite volume method.The thermo-physical properties of nano-fluid can be calculated directly using the
approximation models of Brinkman and Maxwell Gamett for the dynamic viscosity and the effective thermal
conductivity, respectively. A numerical simulation study was performed using pure water and the nano-particles of
cupper (Cu) for a range of Rayleigh numbers (103 to 106) and a solid volume fraction of nano-particle φ between 0% and
10%. The results obtained show that the heat transfer improves if we increase the volume solid fraction of nano-particle
and Rayleigh number.
Keywords: Nano-fluid; Natural convection.
ID: EMS-3010
A Numerical Comparative Study of Fluid Flow past Circular and Mixed staggered Tube Bundle
University of Chlef, Laboratory of control, Testing, Measurement and Mechanical Simulation, B. P. 151, 2000
Chlef, Algeria
This paper presents the results of a comparative study of the fluid flow past two different staggered tube bundles.
The first bundle is composed only of circular cylinders while the second is a row alterning between circular and square
cylinders. Computations are conducted for Re=12 858 which correspond to the experiments of Balabani, 1996. In order
to choose the appropriate grid, the results were compared to available experiments data and the GCI method is employed
to evaluate the influence of the grid refinement in the solution. The obtained results showed that The LES model for the
fine mesh produced a good agreement with the experimental data compared to other models. Time-averaged and
normalized results of velocity vector fields, vorticity contours and streamwise velocity components have been obtained
and compared for both geometries.
Keywords: LES; Tube bundles.
ID: EMS-3011
Numerical Simulation of Heat transfer in a Synthesis Flask with hybrid nanofluid.
Hicham SALHI
Laboratory of Applied Research in Hydraulics Department Faculty of Technology, University of Mustapha Ben BoulaidBatna 2, Batna, Algeria
Abstract :
In the present study, we numerically study the natural convection of hybrid nanofluids in a synthesis flask ; one of
the laboratory flasks used in organic chemical synthesis. The main purpose of this study is to improve the thermal
properties of the reaction medium in a Synthesis Flask and to increase the rate of chemical reactions using hybrid
nanofluid. The bottom wall maintains a constant high temperature Th. While the top, left and right side walls of the cavity
remain at cryogenic TL.The governing equations are numerically solved using the finite volume method and formulated
using the Boussinesq approximation. In this simulation, we investigate the effect of NP volume fraction (φ) from 0% to
10% and Rayleigh number from 104 to 106. The obtained results show that the addition of the hybrid nanofluid increases
the average Nusselt number in the Synthesis Flask and causes a significant change in the flow pattern.
Keywords: Heat transfer; Hybrid nanofluid; Synthesis flask; Numerical study.
ID: EMS-3012
Numerical Study of Natural Convection Coupled to a Magnetic Field in a Wavy Cavity Partially Heated from
below and Filled with Nanofluid Al2O3-Water
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Imene RAHMOUNE1 and Saadi BOUGOUL1*
Department of Physics, Faculty of Matter Sciences, Applied Energetic Physics Laboratory (LPEA), University of Batna
1, 05000 Batna, Algeria
In this study, we have numerically examined the influence of magnetic field on the flow resulting from natural
convection of Al2O3-water nanofluid. The cavity considered is square with wavy vertical walls and partially heated from
below.Vertical walls are maintained at a fixed temperature and the rest of the horizontal ones except the hot source are
assumed to be adiabatic. To solve different transport equations, Ansys Fluent software based on finite volume method
was used by applying monophasic model.The analysis was carried out taking into account the variation of Rayleigh
number (7.68∙104 Ra 3.072∙105), Hartmann number (0Ha 75), and solid volume fractions (0φ 0.05). Impact of
these parameters and wavy walls on streamlines, isotherms, velocity and temperature profiles as well as the average
Nusselt number was studied. The results obtained indicate that heat transfer rate increases with increasing Rayleigh
number and nanoparticles volume fraction, but it decreases when Hartmann number increases. For high Hartmann
number, convective heat transfer becomes limited and conduction becomes dominant. These results can facilitate the
design of some energy systems.
Keywords: Nanofluid; Natural convection; Wavy cavity; Magnetic field; Ansys Fluent.
ID: EMS-3013
Etude numérique d'un écoulement turbulent autour d'un obstacle à géométries variables soumis à un écoulement
transversal et d’un jet impactant soufflé d'un système de plusieurs diffuseurs.
Résumé :
Avec la croissance rapide de l'industrie des composants électroniques, la taille de conception des équipements
électroniques est réduite ; cependant, la quantité de chaleur générée est considérablement augmentée. La plupart des
pannes des composants électriques et électroniques sont généralement causées par une surchauffe. Un système de
refroidissement efficace est nécessaire pour assurer un meilleur refroidissement et éviter les dommages matériels. Dans
l'industrie moderne, la recherche et l'optimisation du refroidissement des composants électroniques deviennent de plus en
plus importantes. L'objectif principal du processus de refroidissement est d'assurer l'utilisation de composants
électroniques dans une zone de sécurité. Il existe plusieurs méthodes pour refroidir les composants électroniques. Par
exemple, le dissipateur de chaleur à ailettes, des jets impactant confinés, le caloduc, etc. L'amélioration de l'efficacité du
refroidissement reste le principal défi dans divers types de systèmes électroniques et de nombreux autres dispositifs
compacts à dissipation thermique. Le flux d'air forcé est utilisé pour maintenir la chaleur générée par différentes parties
des appareils électroniques dans la zone de sécurité, comme cela peut être réalisé par les nano fluides et le liquide de
refroidissement. Les méthodes numériques avec vérification expérimentale du monde réel sont les principaux outils pour
évaluer l'efficacité des systèmes de refroidissement.
Mots clés : Jet impactant; Jet lobé; Jet circulaire; Ecoulement autour d’un obstacle; CFD; Modèle de turbulence KWSSD.
ID: EMS-3014
Investigation numérique d’un jet de nanofluide impactant une paroi mobile chauffée
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides Théorique et Appliquée –Faculté de Physique
Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari Boumediene
B.P. 32, Bab Ezzouar, 16111 Al Alia, Alger, Algérie
Résumé :
Les jets impactant une paroi mobile sont souvent utilisés dans plusieurs applications industrielles telles que la
congélation des produits agro-alimentaires, le séchage du papier, du textile et des produits alimentaires, le nettoyage des
surfaces ainsi que le refroidissement des composants électroniques, d’aube de turbines, des feuillets métalliques ou
plastiques. L'utilisation des fluides caloporteurs comme les nanofluides ayant une forte conductivité thermique, est un
moyen efficace pour contrôlé le transfert de chaleur à la paroi sans modification de la géométrie.Dans ce travail, on
s'intéresse à l'étude du transfert de chaleur d'une plaque plane mobile soumise à l'action d'un jet plan turbulent d’un
nanofluide. Le fluide utilisé est un mélange d'eau et de nanoparticules de Al 2O3. Ce problème est étudié numériquement à
l’aide du modèle de la turbulence de fermeture en un point du second ordre (modèles de tensions de Reynolds) RSM. La
résolution des équations aux variables primitives a été effectuée à l'aide du logiciel CFD ANSYS Fluent qui permet de
discrétiser les équations régissant ce type d'écoulement par la méthode des volumes finis utilisant un maillage centré.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Pour la validation de la technique numérique utilisée, les résultats obtenus pour l’air sont comparés aux valeurs
expérimentales disponibles dans la littérature pour les cas des rapports de vitesse surface-jet Rsj=0 et 1 respectivement où
un bon accord est obtenu.Ensuite nous avons examiné l’effet de la fraction volumique du nanofluide (φ=0 ; 2% ; 4% et
6%) et de la vitesse de la paroi impactée (Rsj= 0 ; 0,25 ; 0,5 et 1) sur le transfert de chaleur. Les résultats montrent que la
concentration des nanofluides améliore sensiblement le transfert de chaleur par contre le mouvement de la paroi impactée
entraîne le déplacement du maximum du nombre de Nusselt local et réduit son intensité.
Mots clés : Jet plan; nanofluide; CFD; Paroi mobile; Amélioration des échanges thermiques.
ID: EMS-3015
Etude Expérimentale de l’Influence de la Position du Diffuseur Central Dans un Système Multi Jet d’Air à
Diffuseur Munis de Lobes
Laboratoire de Contrôles, Essais, Mesures et Simulations Mécaniques, Université HBC, Chlef, Algérie.
Résumé :
Cette étude expérimentale, porte sur la caractérisation thermique et dynamique d’une configuration de systèmes
multi-jet d’air à diffuseur munis de lobes et déséquilibrés en position. Le système multi-jets étudié est une couronne de 6
jets lobés entourant un jet lobé central. Le débit s'opère à des nombres de Reynolds, allant de 104à 3.104. L’étude a été
réalisée dans des conditions de flux de chaleur uniforme pour chaque diffuseur. Les températures et vitesses de
l’écoulement sont mesurées par un thermo-anémomètre multifonctionnel de type « VelociCalc plus-modèle 8385A »,
comportant une sonde multifonctionnelle, qui permet la mesure de plusieurs paramètres en même temps, comme la
température, la vitesse, le débit et le flux de chaleur dans l’écoulement. L’analyse a été menée par l’examen des profils
de la distribution axiale et radiale des températures et des vitesses pour trois configurations de jet d’air à diffuseurs munis
de lobes. La première configuration ou tous les diffuseurs au nombre de sept dont un central, sont dans le même plan, la
deuxième et troisième configuration ou le diffuseur central est décalé axialement de plus ou moins un diamètre par
rapport aux six diffuseurs latéraux. Les résultats montrent que, La modification de la position relative des jets latéraux
par rapport au jet central a une influence sur la diffusion. Les résultats montrent que la position relative des jets latéraux
plus haute (+1D) permet de diminuer la température et vitesse axiale plus rapidement que dans le cas où tous les
diffuseurs de jet sont dans le même plan. On augmente donc la diffusion latérale, ce qui conduit à une meilleure
homogénéisation. Le jet central joue le rôle de guide dans cette configuration de déséquilibre en position. Il pilote les jets
Mots-clés: Jet lobé; Jet multiple; Homogénéisation thermique; Homogénéisation dynamique; Orifices déséquilibrés en
ID: EMS-3016
Etude Numérique de l’Influence du Nombre de Jets Périphérique Dans un Système de Jet d’Air Multiple à
Diffuseur Munis de Lobes
Laboratoire de Contrôles, Essais, Mesures et Simulations Mécaniques, Université HBC, Chlef, Algérie.
Résumé :
Une étude numérique de configurations de multi- jets d’air issu de diffuseur munis de lobes a été réalisée en
utilisant le modèle de turbulence RNG k - ε. Le but de ce travail s'est concentré sur l’étude de l'effet du nombre de jets
périphériques, sur l'amélioration du processus de mélange en termes de stabilité, homogénéisations thermique et
dynamique du jet résultant. Pour cela, quatre configurations ont étais testées, dans la première on dispose d’un seul
diffuseur de jet d’air et dans les trois autres configurations il s’agit d’un système multi-jets d’air constitué de :
respectivement, 4, 6 et 8 diffuseurs de jets d’air périphériques entourant un diffuseur central.Nous avons effectué cette
étude en utilisant le solveur de dynamique des fluides numérique FLUENT à volumes finis. Les profils de vitesses et
températures, obtenus à l'aide du Modèle RNG k – ε, présentent des courbes d’allure gaussienne dans l'intégralité du jet
et mettent en évidence que la stabilité de la vitesse et de la température apparaît lorsque l'on s'éloigne de l'orifice de
soufflage. Le long de l'axe du jet, la température est d'autant plus élevée que le nombre de jets est plus grand. Le nombre
de jets favorise d'une manière non négligeable la stabilité thermique et dynamique du jet résultant et cela, d'autant plus
que l’on s'éloigne de l'orifice de soufflage. L’homogénéité thermique et dynamique s’améliore en s’éloignant de l’orifice
de soufflage, notamment pour les configurations ayant le plus grand nombre de jets périphériques.
Mots clés : Jet lobé; jet multiple; RNG k – ε; Homogénéisation thermique; Homogénéisation dynamique; nombre de jets
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3017
Numerical simulations of 3-D laminar flow forced convection in a heated horizontal channel filled with hybrid
nanofluid containing magnetite-Fe3O4 and CNT dispersed in water base liquid
Hamza ZEROUAL1, Mohammed BENKHEDDA1, 2, 3, Toufik BOUFENDI3, 4
Coating, Materials & Environment Laboratory, University M'hamed Bougara Boumerdes, 35000, Algeria
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of M’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes, 35000, Algeria
Energy Physics Laboratory, Physics Department, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Brothers Mentouri University Constantine
1, Algeria.
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of August 20, 1955 Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
In this paper, a fully developed laminar flow forced convection conducting ferro-hybrid nanofluid in the presence of
a uniform heat flux has been investigated. The base fluid is considered as water, which consists of magnetite-Fe3O4
nanoparticles of spherical shape and CNT cylindrical shape. The governing equations in cylindrical coordinates that
describing the flow are solved numerically by finite volume method (FVM) with second order precision and solved via a
FORTRAN program. The influences of the pertinent parameters on the velocity field, temperature, pressure drop and rate
of heat transfer have been presented either graphically or in tabular form. The thermal and dynamic behaviors are
analyzed for range of Reynolds numbers 500 Re  2000 and volume fraction 500 ϕ  4% . The obtained results reveal
that the Reynolds numbers change the structure of the flow significantly. It is interesting to note that for strong Reynolds
number, the boundary layer thickness is low dependent as well as solid volume fraction of nanoparticles. The rate of heat
transfer expressed as the Nusselt number of the channel for Fe3O4-CNT-water hybrid nanofluid is larger in comparison to
the pure fluid.
Keywords: Forced convection; Laminar; CNT-Fe3O4/water; Finite volume method; Channel.
ID: EMS-3018
Mixed Convective Heat Transfer utilizing CNT-TiO2/Kerosene Hybrid Nanofluids in a Heated Horizontal
Nihal Necib2, Mohammed BENKHEDDA1,2,3, Toufik BOUFENDI2,4
Coating, Materials & Environment Laboratory, University M'hamed Bougara Boumerdes, 35000, Algeria
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of M’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes, 35000, Algeria
Energy Physics Laboratory, Physics Department, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Brothers Mentouri University
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of August 20, 1955 Skikda, Algeria
In the present study, numerical simulation of laminar forced convective heat transfer inside a horizontal annular duct
is explored. The hybrid nanofluid containing nanoparticles of TiO2 spherical and CNT cylindrical shapes dispersed in
kerosene base fluid. Single-phase fluid approach is adopted for hybrid nanofluid modeling. The outer cylinder is heated
uniformly by a constant heat flux while the inner cylinder is insulated. Numerical solutions of three dimensionless
cylindrical coordinate equations are discretized using finite volume method (FVM), with second-order precision and
solved via a FORTRAN program. The influence of the control parameters, such as the shape, volume fraction
, and two Grashof numbers
are examined on convective heat transfer.
According to the results, it was found that the axial and average Nusselt number increases with increase in nanoparticle
volume fraction and decrease with Reynolds number increase. In addition, the velocity, temperature, and secondary flows
are affected by Grashof number and volume fraction.
Keywords: Forced convection; Laminar; CNT-TiO2/ Kerosene; Finite volume method; Annular duct.
ID: EMS-3019
L’effet des Nanofluides dans la Performance des Echangeurs de Chaleur
Département de Physique, Faculté de Sciences, Université de 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algérie
Résumé :
Les nanofluides sont des fluides artificiels qui incorporent des nanoparticules. Les propriétés originales et uniques
des nano fluides qui remplacent l’utilisation des liquides ordinaires comme liquide de refroidissement. Le génie
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
chimique, l'exploration pétrolière, Les caloducs, le refroidissement électronique, les récepteurs solaires, le génie
mécanique et les capteurs solaires ne sont que quelques exemples des technologies clés qui peuvent utiliser les
nanofluides pour améliorer leurs performances.[1-5]L’optimisation de l'efficacité des systèmes thermiques et La durabilité
énergétique ont fait l'objet de recherches en développement dans la plupart des secteurs industriels et d'ingénierie tels
que la production de microélectronique, électricité, et la climatisation. Dans ce travail, on s’intéresse sur l’étude
numérique de la convection libre d’un nano fluide dans des échangeurs de chaleur. Les résultats obtenus sous forme
contours des isothermes, contours de la fonction de courant et le nombre de Nusselt montrent l’importance de ce type de
nanofluide dans la performance des échangeurs de chaleur. [5-11]
Mots clé : Nano fluide; Echangeur de chaleur; Transfert de chaleur; Convection.
References :
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Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
ID: EMS-3020
Volume Concentration effect on the Mixed Convection of the ZnO/Water Nanofluid an inclined Annular Space
Wafa CHIDOUAH1,3, Toufik BOUFENDI2,3
Physics Department, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University, Algeria.
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, 20 Août 1955 Skikda University, Algeria.
Energy Physics Laboratory.
The problem investigated in the present paper consists of the mixed convection of the ZnO/water nanofluid (1% and
2%) in an inclined (=30°) annular space subjected to solar radiation. The viscosity and thermal conductivity are evaluated
based on experimental correlations. The governing equations were solved using Ansys Fluent software based on the finite
volume method. For Ri=2, =90°, results show that increasing volume concentration of the ZnO nanoparticles from 1% to
2% leads to a slit increase in temperature and velocity values. However, the difference between the friction coefficient
values for different volume concentrations is negligeable. The same effect on Nu number is found.
Keywords: Nanofluid; Solar radiation; Richardson number; Reynolds number; Finite Volume Method.
ID: EMS-3021
Ameliorations des Performances d’un Capteur solaire plans a Air
Mohamed Chakib MALTI#1,Sidi Mohammed YOUSFI #2,Khaled ALIANE#3, Hassoun Zakaria SARI#4
Laboratoire mecacomp, université de tlemcen bp 230 chetouane tlemcen#
Résumé :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
L’application de l’énergie solaire peut être regroupée en deux catégories principales : les applications à hautes
températures (les concentrateurs solaires et capteurs solaires sous vide), et les applications à basses températures : (les
capteurs plans comme destinés pour le chauffage, la réfrigération et le séchage…etc.).Nous présentons au cours de ce
travail les résultats numériques la convection naturelle dans les capteurs solaires plans à air. En premier, une structure des
capteurs sans chicanes, puis dans un deuxième lieu, une structure des capteurs avec chicanes rectangulaires.Le
comparatif, de tous les paramètres et caractéristiques des capteurs, laisse voir que la conception des capteurs avec
chicanes triangulaires, offre les meilleures performances. Cela suggère qu’il serait opportun d’en développer des versions
en vue d’une éventuelle amélioration.
Mots-clés: Écoulement; Transferts thermique; Simulations numériques; Obstacles; Capteur solaire.
ID: EMS-3022
CFD Modeling of a Spherical Cum Solar Collector
Laboratory of Applied Mechanics of New Materials (LMANM), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University 8
Mai 1945-Guelma 24000, Algeria
Abstract :
A spherical cum solar collector consists of a stationary spherical body with a glass cover and an inner absorbing
metallic surface which is its storage tank. This study concerns a numerical simulation of this type of solar collector. The
spherical thermal storage tank can store a 113 L volume of hot water, with the cold water entering from the bottom side,
heating up, and leaving the collector from its upper side. The ANSYS Fluent software is used to simulate the flow and
heat transfer inside the tank. To validate the study, the obtained numerical results are compared to experimental
measurements data (Bakır, 2006) and the agreements are good.
Keywords: Spherical storage tank; Cum solar collector; Numerical simulations; ANSYS Fluent.
O. Bakir, Experimental Investigation of a Spherical Solar Collector; Master thesis dissertation.Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey; 2006.
ID: EMS-3023
Investigation numérique de l’effet de la stratégie de nids d’abeilles sur les pertes convectives dans la lame d’air
d’un capteur solaire plan
Alaeddine MEKAHLIA a, Latra BOUMARAF a, Chérifa ABID b
Département de génie mécanique université Badji Mokhtar Annaba 2300, Algérie
Aix-Marseille université, Polytech’ Marseille, IUSTI CNRS UMR 7343– 5, Rue Enrico Fermi, 13453
Resumé :
L’augmentation de rendement d’un capteur solaire plan a été faite avec différentes techniques telles que l’ajout
d’une deuxième vitre afin d’augmenter la résistance thermique entre l’absorbeur et l’environnement, l’utilisation de
peintures spéciales qui permettent d’augmenter l’absorption du rayonnement solaire visible et diminuer les rayonnements
infrarouges émet par l’absorbeur et l’utilisation de la stratégie de nids d’abeilles qui est représentée par des partitions
fixée dans la lame d’air entre l’absorbeur et la vitre. Cette technique permet de réduire la vitesse de l’écoulement ce qui
conduit à diminuer les pertes convectives produites dans la lame d’air. Alors dans notre étude nous allons étudier
numériquement à l’aide du logiciel ANSYS Fluent l’effet de l’ange d’inclinaison du capteur sur l’efficacité de cette
stratégie. Pour cela, différents angles d’inclinaison qui varie de 0° à 75° ont été testés pour un nombre et une longueur des
partitions égale respectivement à 12 et 3 mm. L’épaisseur de la lame d’air choisi pour cette étude et égale à 15 mm. La
géométrie étudiée est une cavité rectangulaire. Cette cavité se compose principalement d’une paroi inférieure représentée
par l’absorbeur chauffé avec une densité de flux constante, des parois latérales isolantes et une paroi supérieure qui
représente la vitre. Cette dernière échange avec l’extérieur vers le haut par des flux convectif et radiatif (condition
Mots-clés : Capteur solaire plan; Stratégie de nids d’abeilles; Pertes thermiques; Simulation numérique.
ID: EMS-3024
The effect of magnetic field on turbulent nanofluid (Fe 3O4-water) flow under a constant heat flux
Ayoub BENNIA 1, BOUAZIZ, Mohamed NAJIB2 and Sidahmed ALLICHE 3
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Medea, 26000, Algeria
In this research, we numerical investigations are carried out using single-phase approach
(SP) and mixture approach (MP) to analyze the thermal of the considered nanofluid (Fe3O4/water) with presence of
magnetic field. Two-dimensional model of a horizontal pipe with the length L of 1.7m and circular section with the
diameter D equal to 0.014 m. the geometry has been created using design modeler software.The ANSYS Fluent solver
utilized to solve the problem of the turbulent nanofluid flow containing magnetic nanoparticle (Fe 3O4). This is
implemented by choosing the single and two-phase mixture approaches with assumption that the nanoparticles are
spherical and diameter equal to 36 nm. The simulation output data compared with an experimental literature data from
other study and found good matching. The result shows that Nu and friction factor at fixed Reynolds number is
proportional to the magnetic field.
Keywords: Heat transfer; Friction factor; Nanofluid; Fe3O4; Nusselt number; Turbulent flow; magnetic field.
ID: EMS-3025
Simulation and Study of Turbulent Flow Around a Downward March
Lamia BENAHMED *1, Khaled ALIANE 1, Zakaria SARI HASSOUN1
MECACOMPLaboratory, UniversityAboubekrBelkaid, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tlemcen, Algerie.
Abstract :
The study of flow around obstacles is divided into three different positions: relative to the obstacle, in front of
the obstacle, and downstream of the latter. The behavior of the fluid downstream of the obstacle is less known and
physical and numerical modeling is being given the existence of recirculation zones with their complex behavior. The
present work contributes to the study of turbulent, stationary, three-dimensional, Incompressible flow around an obstacle
in the form of three staircases. The ANSYS CFX-13 calculation code is used to simulate the aerodynamics in
our configuration. The turbulence model k-ε is used forsolving the Navier-Stokes equations averaged in order to seek the
flow control means around the obstacle.
Keywords: Turbulent flow; Obstacle; Finite volume; Method K-ε; ANSYS –CFX.
ID: EMS-3026
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Behaviour Index Influence on the Thermal Characteristics of The Turbulent
Forced Convection of Ostwald de Waele Fluids
Laboratoire de génie électrique et des plasmas (LGEP) University of Tiaret, Algeria
Laboratoire de Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, MSME, Université Paris-Est, UMR 8208 CNRS, 5 bd
Descartes, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, France
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Ibn Khaldoun, Tiaret 14000, Algeria
Abstract :
In order to describe the rheological influence of the non-Newtonian fluids on the mean flow and thermal
characteristics, the present study investigates numerically the flow behaviour index influence of the power-law fluids on
the hydrodynamic and thermal behaviour in a turbulent pipe flow. The present study concerns the large eddy simulation
(LES) approach with a standard dynamic model of fully developed forced convection heat transfer of thermally
independent pseudoplastic and dilatant fluids inside a uniform heated axially stationary pipe. The flow behaviour index
was chosen to be 0.75,1 and 1.2 at simulation Reynolds and Prandtl numbers equal to Res=4000 and Prs=1 respectively,
the computations were based on a finite difference scheme second-order accurate in space and in time, the numeric
resolution is 653 gridpoints in the axial radial and tangential directions over a computational domain of 20R. The emerged
predicted results suggest that the decreased flow behaviour index results in a pronounced enhancement in the turbulent
streamwise velocity profile along the radial coordinate, due to the increased fluid apparent viscosity further away from
the wall. Moreover, with an increasing flow behaviour index the mean temperature and average Nusselt number reduce
significantly, where this trend is more pronounced as the flow behaviour index increases. In other words, the decreased
flow behaviour index induces a considerable enhancement in the transfer of the energy between the fluid and the pipe
Keywords: LES; Power-law; Turbulent; Fully developed; Forced convection; Thermal; Rheology.
ID: EMS-3027
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Features of Turbulent Forced Convection of Ostwald de Waele Fluid
Through a Heated Pipe
Mohamed ABDI 1, Meryem OULD-ROUISS 2, Nour Elhouda BELADJINE 3*, Manel AIT YAHIA 3 and Fatima Zohra
Laboratoire de génie électrique et des plasmas (LGEP) University of Tiaret, Algeria
Laboratoire de Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, MSME, Université Paris-Est, UMR 8208 CNRS, 5 bd
Descartes, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, France
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Ibn Khaldoun, Tiaret 14000, Algeria
Abstract :
The present investigation set out to explore the flow behaviour index influence of the pawer-law fluid on the main
thermal turbulent statistics, that in order to describe the thermal turbulence features of this kind of fluid. A fully
developed turbulent forced convection of thermally independent power-law fluids through a uniform heated pipe is
investigated numerically in the present study by means of the Large-eddy simulation (LES) approach with a standard
dynamic model. The flow behaviour index was chosen to be 0.75 (pseudoplastic),1(Newtonian) and 1.2 (dilatant) at
simulation Reynolds and Prandtl numbers equal to Res=4000 and Prs=1 respectively, where the computations base on a
finite difference scheme, second-order accurate in space and in time and a numeric resolution of 65 3 grid points in r, θ
and z-direction respectively with computational domain length of 20R. The emerged results suggest that the increased
flow behaviour index results in a pronounced attenuation in the temperature turbulence intensities of the power-law fluids
along the radial coordinate. Moreover, the increased flow behaviour index results also in a marked reduction in the axial
and radial heat flux along the pipe radius. In addition to, the skewness and flatness of temperature fluctuations are nearly
independent of flow behaviour index along the radial coordinate.
Keywords: LES; Fully developed; Turbulent; Thermal; Forced Convection; Pseudoplastic; Dilatant.
ID: EMS-3028
Numerical Analysis on Natural Convection of Hybrid Nanofluids in a Horizontal Eccentric Annulus
Bilel ALLOUCHEa, Mahfoud DJEZZARa, Tahar TAYEBIa, b, Selmane ALLOUCHEa
Energy Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Mentouri Brothers Constantine1 University,
Constantine, Algéria
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University,
Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria
Abstract :
A numerical analysis of natural convection in an eccentric annular space filled with an Ag–MgO/water hybrid
nanofluid is carried out. The two internal and external cylindrical walls are maintained respectively at the temperature Th
and Tc with Th> Tc. Empirical correlations of thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity were used in this study. The
governing partial differential equations formulated in bipolar coordinates are written in terms of dimensionless equations.
The equations system is discretized by the finite volume method and solved by a FORTRAN language. We have fixed the
following parameters: the Rayleigh number (Ra = 103et 105), the radius ratio (r = 2.5), the eccentricity (e = 0.5) and the
azimuthal angle of the eccentric annular (θ = 45°). The effects of the volume fraction of the hybrid nanofluid and the
Rayleigh number on the heat transfer rate were investigated. It was found that increasing the volume fraction of the
hybrid nanofluid improves the heat transfer rate for the considered values of the Rayleigh number.
Keywords: Natural convection; Hybrid Nanofluid; Eccentric annular space; Heat transfer.
ID: EMS-3029
The Steady Flow Characteristics of Pseudoplastic and Dilatant Fluids across a Rotating Grooved Cylinder
Manel AIT YAHIA*1, Nour Elhouda BELADJINE1, Amina OULD MOHAMED1, Mohamed ABDI2, Fatima Zohra
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret 14000, Algeria.
Laboratoire de génie électrique et des plasmas (LGEP) University of Tiaret, Algeria.
Abstract :
The subject matter of this investigation is that of establishing a better understanding of the rheological and
aerodynamic behaviour of the power-law fluids through the grooved cylinder, where the present investigation seeks to
explore the effects of the flow behaviour index on the rheological and aerodynamic patterns in the creeping and
symmetry regimes. The effects of the centrifugal force induced by the swirl driven by the rotating pipe wall on
rheological and hydrodynamic have been analysed and discussed critically in the current study. The present study aims to
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
shed further light on the effects of the surface roughness on the aerodynamic behaviour of the fluid around a grooved
cylinder via examining the groove shape and amplitude influence on the mean flow characteristics. The present
investigation analyses and discuss the pressure and viscous coefficients of the drag carefully and lift forces and the
evolution of the streamlined contours.The present study deals numerically with a two-dimensional laminar steady flow
of unconfined non-Newtonian fluids over a rotating longitudinal sinusoidal shape grooved cylinder. The present study
reports on the grooved cylinder with 10, 20 and 30 grooves equally distributed around the circumference of the cylinder
with a fixed groove amplitude of 1/25. The flow behaviour index of the power-law fluids is chosen to be 0.4 (shear
thinning), 1 (Newtonian), and 1.4 (shear-thickening) in the creeping and symmetry regimes, where the Reynolds number
set out to be 5, 20, and 40, over a rotation rate range of (3>α>0). The emerged results show that the rotation rate strongly
affects the drag force coefficient over the range of the flow behaviour index, where the drag coefficient decreases
noticeably when the rotation rate increases, this trend is more apparent in the symmetry regime. The centrifugal force
induced by swirl-driven induces a pronounced reduction in the drag force coefficient for the flow behaviour indexes in
the symmetry and creeping regimes. On the other hand, the centrifugal force induced by a swirl driven by a rotating
cylinder wall results in a noticeable enhancement in the lift force coefficient for pseudoplastic and dilatant fluids. This
trend is more pronounced as the rotation rate increases.
Keywords : Grooves; Drag; Lift; Pseudoplastic; Dilatant; Heat transfer.
ID: EMS-3030
Heat Exchange Effect on Flow Behavior through a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle
Athmane GHEZIEL1.*, Abdellah ABDELLAH EL-HADJ2, Brahim MOHAMMEDI1 and Ahmed GHADBANE1
Centre de Recherche Nucléaire Birine, B.P-180 Ain-Oussera/Djelfa.
Laboratory of Mechanics, Physics and Mathematical Modelling (LMP2M), University of Medea, Medea 26000, Algeria
Abstract :
The objective of this work is to numerically analyze the effect of the heat exchange imposed on the convergentdivergent nozzle wall on the behavior of the flow. The distributions of the dynamic parameters (pressure ratio,
temperature ratio, Mach number, density, etc.) were visualized graphically as an axial distance function from the nozzle.
This analysis is processed for the following two hypotheses:
• 1st Case: By imposing a flux density q (kw/m2) on the nozzle wall;
• 2nd Case: a heat exchange coefficient “h c” is imposed on the nozzle wall.
Simulations Series have been carried out for a two-dimensional structured quadratic mesh with the axi-symmetry
condition at the nozzle axis is imposed, by varying the flux or the heat exchange coefficient at the walls. Commercial
code "ANSYS-Fluent" was used. The preliminary results obtained are in good agreement with those of the experimental
values found in the literature. The study showed that the effect of the heat exchange imposed on the wall is not significant
on the free flow (far from the wall), but is considerable near the wall. In the case of a strong increase in parietal cooling
power, an insulating layer appears near the wall due to the condensation of the air.
Keywords: Compressible fluid; Convergent-Divergent nozzle; Turbulence; Mach number; Shock wave; Heat flow.
ID: EMS-3031
Numerical prediction of vapor volume Fraction in a VVER Fuel Bundle under Critical Heat Flux Conditions
Nuclear Research Centre of Birine BP180, 17200 Ain-Oussear, Algeria
Laboratory of Biomaterials and Transport Phenomena University of Medea BP 164, 26000 Medea, Algeria
Abstract :
The critical heat flux (CHF) is a key parameter for water-cooled nuclear reactor design and operation safety. CHF
data are usually obtained from fuel assembly departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) or dryout experiments. These
approaches are expensive and difficult to perform, mainly under typical pressurized water reactor (PWR or VVER)
conditions of high pressure and temperature. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) provides detailed flow, heat transfer
and vapor fraction information that will efficiently improve fuel bundle designs. In this work, an Eulerian-Eulerian twophase modeling approach was performed in upward flowing water in a 19-rod bundle with a uniform and nonuniform
heat flux distributions. “Large Water Loop” CHF experiments were used as a data set. Subcooled flow boiling was
simulated by heat flux partition modeling using ANSYS CFX code. The case-1 of LWL has been considered and was
predicted without grid spacers in the computational domain.
Keywords: CHF; Pressurized water reactor; CFD; Subcooled flow boiling.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3032
Unconfined Laminar Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transferaround a circular cylinder in unsteady regime
Military academy of Cherchell, Tipaza, Algeria
Abstract :
This paper presents a numerical solution for low Reynolds number, unsteady flow around and heat transfer from a
stationary circular cylinder placed in a uniform flow. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible and of constant property.
Two-dimensional and unsteady mass continuity, momentum, and energy equations have been discretized using finite
volume method. SIMPLE algorithm has been applied for solving the pressure linked equations. The range of Reynolds
number varied from 50 to 300 with volume fraction on Cu nanoparticles varied from 1 to 5 % at constant heat flux was
investigated. The results of heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid flow over a circular cylinder showed marked
improvement comparing with the base fluid. It is found that the vorticity, pressure coefficient, recirculation length are
increased by the addition of nanoparticles into clear fluid. Moreover, the local and mean Nusselt numbers are enhanced
due to adding nanoparticles into base fluid.
Keywords: Unsteady flow; Nanofluid; volume fraction; Reynolds number; Fnite volume; Circular cylinder.
ID: EMS-3033
Etude numérique de l'écoulement turbulent dans une jonction en T en utilisant l'approche RANS
Centre de Recherche Nucléaire de Birine, B.P 180, Ain-Oussera 17200, Djelfa, Algérie.
Résumé :
Ce travail se concentre sur l’étude numérique du mélange turbulent dans une jonction en T où deux flux de
températures différentes sont intensivement perturbés. Le mélange thermique a été modélisé par l’approche RANS des
codes CFD. Le modèle numérique adopté dans les calculs est le modèle de turbulence SST. En utilisant un profil de
vitesse uniforme, la vitesse et les fluctuations thermiques sont rapportées et comparées aux données éxpérimentales à
plusieurs endroits et à des moments différents. Après simulation, il a été constaté que le fluide après mélange a bien pu
atteindre l'équilibre hydraulique loin en aval de la jonction et l'amplitude du gradient de vitesse est suffisamment élevée
dans la région de la jonction en Tee. Cependant, un fort gradient de température dans la partie supérieure du tube a été
Mots-clés :Jonction en T; Mélange thermique; Turbulence; RANS; CFD; Fluctuations de température.
ID: EMS-3034
Heat transfer analysis by Cu-MgO/Water hybrid Nano-fluid and partial discrete heating
LRPCSI Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Although scholars agreed on the relevance of employing hybrid Nano-fluids in thermal industrial systems due to
their excellent thermo-physical properties, several studies are still being conducted to specifically exploit heat transfer in
various porous enclosures filled with hybrid Nano-fluids and subjected to a magnetic induction. Thus, this research
investigates the convective flow and entropy formation of Cu-MgO water-based incompressible hybrid Nano-fluid, in a
discretely heated porous enclosure with an elliptical cylinder, through the COMSOL multiphysics program, and using the
finite element approach to solve the thermal and dynamical equations. [1-5] The performance of the system is analyzed
through several parameters; firstly to choose the appropriate configuration by varying the heating wall emplacement, also,
Rayleigh number (104≤Ra≤106), the concentration of the working hybrid Nano-fluid (0.02≤ϕ≤0.06), and Hartmann
number (0≤Ha≤100). The outcomes of the numerical simulation showed that for high values of Rayleigh, the transfer
characteristics, namely Nusselt and stream-functions, are enhanced, while increasing the hybrid Nano-fluid volume
fraction enhances the entropy production and decreases the thermal performance. Furthermore, augmenting the magnetic
induction intensity, decrements the thermal performance and decreases the flow’s thermo-dynamical properties.
Additionally, it appears that situating the heating source in the upper section of the cavity is proportional to the heat
transmission rate; thus, the overall study is conducted with the upper heating case. [5-10]
Keywords: Hybrid Nano-fluids; Convective heat transfer; Entropy; Discrete heating; Magnetic field.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
[1] K. Swain, B. Mahanthesh and F. Mebarek-Oudina, Heat transport and stagnation-point flow of magnetized nanoliquid with
variable thermal conductivity with Brownian moment and thermophoresis aspects, Heat Transfer, 50(1) (2021) 754-764.
[2] F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. K. Hussein, O. Younis, S. Rostami, R. Nikbakhti, Natural Convection Enhancement in the Annuli
Between Two Homocentric Cylinders by using Ethylene Glycol / Water based Titania nanofluid, Journal of Advanced Research in
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 80 (2) (2021) 56-73. https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.80.2.5673
[3] S. Marzougui, M. Bouabid, F. Mebarek-Oudina, N. Abu-Hamdeh, M. Magherbi, and K. Ramesh, A computational analysis of
heat transport irreversibility phenomenon in a magnetized porous channel, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &
Fluid Flow, 31 (7) (2021)2197-2222, https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-07-2020-0418
[4] A. M. Abusorrah, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. Ahmadian, D. Baleanu, Modeling of a MED-TVC desalination system by considering
the effects of nanoparticles - Energetic and exergetic analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 144(2021) 2675–2687,
[5] K. Asogwa, F. Mebarek-Oudina, & I. Animasaun, Comparative investigation of Water-based Al2O3 Nanoparticles through
Water-based CuO Nanoparticles over an Exponentially Accelerated Radiative Riga Plate Surface via Heat Transport, Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 47 (7)(2022)8721–8738, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06355-3
[6] A. Shafiq, F. Mebarek-Oudina, T. N. Sindhu and Rassoul, G., Sensitivity analysis for Walters' B nanoliquid flow over a radiative
Riga surface by RSM, Scientia Iranica, 29 (3)(2022)1236-1249,https://doi.org/10.24200/SCI.2021.58293.5662
[7] F. Mebarek Oudina & I. Chabani, Review on Nano-fluids applications and heat transfer enhancement techniques in different
enclosures, Journal of Nanofluids, 11(2) (2022)155-168, https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2022.1834
[8] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Convective Heat Transfer of Titania Nanofluids of different base fluids in Cylindrical Annulus with discrete
Heat Source, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 48(2019) 135-147, https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.21375
[9] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
[10] I.Chabani, F.Mebarek-Oudina, and A.A.I.Ismail, MHD Flow of a Hybrid Nano-Fluid in a Triangular Enclosure with Zigzags and
an Elliptic Obstacle, Micromachines,13(2)(2022)224.
[11] S. Marzougui, F.Mebarek-Oudina, M.Magherbi, and A.McHirgui,. Entropy generation and heat transport of Cu–water nanoliquid
in porous lid-driven cavity through magnetic field, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 32(6)(2022)
ID: EMS-3035
The use of a Non-Newtonian Ferrofluid, a porous medium, and a sinusoidal magnetic field to improve heat
USTHB/FGMGP/LTPMP, BP 32 El Alia 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Algiers-Algeria
Abstract :
The present work is in the context of improving cooling systems by simultaneously using several techniques,
namely a pseudoplastic ferrofluid, insertion of the porous medium, and the effect of a periodic magnetic field. It is about a
numerical analysis (2D) of unsteady forced convection in a channel with simple geometry and boundary conditions of
flow and heat transfer of Fe2O3/EG-water (50:50%) using the Fortran code. On the right wall of the channel are mounted
four identical blocks assimilated to electronic components heated by a constant flux. The parametric study focused on
different combinations of (Ha, Da, n, and St) to examine the effects of oscillation and Reynolds number on the heat
transfer and pressure drop ΔP. The number of Re has a significant impact on the evolution of the dynamic and thermal
field, which is valid for all types of nanofluid and all Ha values. The influence of Ha is also important. It is favorable for
heat transfer and unfavorable for pressure drop. Furthermore, the rheological character appears to have only a small
impact on fluid flow.At the expense of pressure drop, increasing the Re number, magnetic field strength Ha, permeability
of the blocs Da, and decreasing the rheological behavior index n improves heat transfer.
Keywords: Forced convection; MHD; Porous Blocks; Nanofluid; Non-Newtonian fluid; Magnetic field.
ID: EMS-3036
L’effet de la forme des chicanes sur le comportement dynamique et thermique d’un écoulement dans un
échangeur de chaleur par CFD
Amine BRAHIMI 1, Mohamed ANNOUN2
Laboratoire Matériaux et Environnement (LME), Faculté de technologie, Université Yahia Fares de Médéa Algérie.
Résumé :
Dans ce travail en on a étudie numériquement par code ANSYSFluent le comportement dynamique et thermique
dans un échangeur de chaleur en convection forcée pour trois configuration dans le but d’améliorer les performances des
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
échangeurs de chaleur, une analyse des coefficients de frottement et de trainé pour quantifier les chutes de pression dans
le canal, et pour l’analyse thermique, la variation de Nusselt et de coefficient d’accroissement thermique ont été abordé.
Keywords: Convection forcée; Echangeur de chaleur; Chicanes; CFD.
ID: EMS-3037
Approche par CFD de refroidissement des composants électroniques par nanofluide.
Amine BRAHIMI 1, Mohamed ANNOUN2
Laboratoire Matériaux et Environnement (LME), Faculté de technologie, Université Yahia Fares de Médéa Algérie.
La température est un facteur important dans les performances du composant électronique. Cette température
peut être suffisamment élevée pour réduire de manière significative la durée de vie du composant. Pour améliorer cette
température, il faut améliorer l’échangeur de chaleur et la méthode de refroidissement des composants. Une étude
numérique dans le but de comparerl’effet du nanofluide, nombre de composant électronique et le nombrede Reynolds sur
le refroidissement des composants électroniques dans un microcanal, par ANSYSFluent, dont les résultats obtenus ont
montré que l’augmentation des composantsélectronique nécessite l’augmentation du nombre de Reynolds, qui provoque
uneamélioration de l'échange thermique dans un nanofluide, par convection.
Keywords: Nanofluide; Convection forcée; Composant électronique; CFD.
ID: EMS-3038
Effects of Cu nanoparticles on melting process with phase-change in thermal energy storage systems
Ahlem BOUREGHIDA1, Abdelghani LAOUER2
Laboratory of Research on Physics, Chemistry of Surfaces, and Interfaces, University of Skikda, 21000, Algeria
Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics and Nanomaterials, University Mohamed Seddik Benyahia, Jijel, 18000,
Dispersion of nanoparticles in latent heat thermal energy storage systems (LHTES) has been used as a technique to
address the low thermal conductivity problem of phase change materials (PCMs). In this paper, the improvement of heat
transfer and phase change by adding Cu nanoparticles in a double tube thermal energy storage unit is numerically studied.
The objective of this study is to examine the effect of nanoparticle concentrations on the melting process of phase change
material within the thermal storage unit. Three concentrations of nanoparticles (1%, 2%, 3%) are tested. To investigate
heat transfer characteristics and melting process, a finite volume techniques-based two-dimensional mathematical model
has been developed using ANSYS-FLUENT. The results indicate that the addition of Cu nanoparticles in the base fluid
cause an increase in thermal conductivity of NEPCM compared to pure PCM, which leads to improves heat transfer and
faster propagation of the melt front.
Keywords: Heat transfer; Nanofluid; Phase change; Melting.
ID: EMS-3039
Turbulence Effect on Dynamic and Thermal Quantities in a Y-Shaped Micro Pipe
¹ Laboratory of Research on Physics, Chemistry of Surfaces, and Interfaces, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, 20
Août 1955 Skikda University, Algeria.
Abstract :
The objective of the present study is to investigate the turbulent forced convection of water in a Y-shaped micro
pipe, subjected to constant temperature condition. The diameters of the mother and daughter branches are equal. The
turbulence was modeled using the K-epsilon model. The governing equations were discretized by the finite volume
method and solved using the Ansys Fluent solver. The results obtained show very important gains in thermal energy in
the disconnection zone. This is interpreted by the vortex aspect of the flow in this zone where an increase in temperature
is observed in the outer zone of the Y-shape. In addition, kinetic energy losses are observed in this zone, which are
expressed by a sudden drop in velocity. The main cause of these losses is the increase in shear stress.
Keywords: Micro-duct; Turbulent flow; Forced convection; K-epsilon model; Finite volume method.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3040
Experimental Operation of Heat Exchangers Subject to Variable Boundary Conditions
Khelil FOUDIL1*, Fatima BENAOUM1, Abdelghani BALTACHE and Zinelabidine HARCHOUCHE2
Mechanical enginnering, Faculty of science and technology, University of Mascara, Algeria
This study aims to experimentally study the effect of the length and the exchange surface on the improvement of the
heat transfer inside the double and multi-tube heat exchanger at variable temperature and inlet flow. The Geothermal
copper tube with a thermal conductivity of 386 (W/m.K) was used at different inlet temperatures. The experimental setup
consisted of a baffle heat exchanger with shells on the cold side was used in turbulent regime. The results of the study
show that the heat transfer increases with the increase in the length and the exchange surface. A significant improvement
over water is observed with a maximum increase in the Nusselt number.
Keywords: Tubular exchanger; Fluid; Heat transfer enhancement; Double tube heat exchanger; Nusselt.
ID: EMS-3041
Experimental Study of Free and Forced Thermal Convection on Rectangular and Tubular Fins
Khelil FOUDIL1*, Fatima BENAOUM1, Abdelghani BALTACHE and Zinelabidine HARCHOUCHE2
Mechanical enginnering, Faculty of science and technology, University of Mascara, Algeria
The objective of this project is to discover the thermal fins, their operation and their use. This will require under
standing the associated thermal phenomena, such as conduction and convection in order to thenbe able to determine the
equations necessary for the analyzes of the thermal fins (temperature curves, etc.). Once the familiarization has been
made with the different types of fins, a more concrete approachwill have to betaken, allowing the fin yields to be
improved in order to optimize their use. In the experiments carried out in the laboratory, we are interested in the behavior
of this paraffin under various temperatures. The experiments are first made with a plate without fins. Then the plate was
equipped with a fin and two types of fins. For each experiment, we analyze the phenomenon of free convection and
forced convection, and we evaluate the surface fraction. We also make a comparison of the different temperatures. After
the study of the cases of the plate without fins, we do the samework for the plate equipped with fins, and we compare the
two cases thereafter, to check which one gives a better profitability.
Keywords : Conduction; Forced convection; Sizing; Fin; Tube bundle; Efficiency; Free convection; Nusselt.
ID: EMS-3042
Numerical Study of the Flow of a Non-Newtonien Fluid in a Horizontal Pipe
Département of Transport Engineering, Constantin University 01- Street: BP 325, route d’Ain-EL-Bey Constantin
25017 (Algérie)
The dynamics of non-Newtonian industrial fluids inside pipes was for a long time a very active field of research
because of their complex behaviors as well as their very complicated morphologies.The present work is a contribution to
the study and understanding of the behavior of these fluids and it consists of the numericalsimulation of the laminar flow
of bentonite suspensions of different concentrations in a horizontal pipe. The pseudo-plastic Herschel-Bulckley model
was adopted to describe the rheological behavior of the studied fluid. The main objective is the analysis of the effect of
variations in the rheological index n on the pressure gradient, the velocity and the coefficient of friction inside the pipe,
for different generalized Reynolds numbers within the limits of the laminar flow regime. The analysis of the evolutions of
the parameters of the studied flow shows that the results of the simulation are in good agreement with the experimental
Keyword: Non newtonien fluid; Bentonite; Numerical simulation; Hpipe; Laminair flow.
ID: EMS-3043
Optimization and Simulation of a New Cooling System by an Earth-Air Heat Exchanger Assisted by a Wind
Catcher Under the Arid Climate
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Nadia SAIFI1, Riad HORR1, Mohammed ZELACI1, Djamel BELATRACHE1,2
Laboratoire de Promotion et Valorisation des Ressources Sahariennes (VPRS), University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla,
Ouargla, Algeria.
Département des Energies Renouvelables, Faculté des Hydrocarbures, des Energies Renouvelables, des Sciences de la
Terre et de l'Univers, Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, 30000 Ouargla, Algeria.
This paper presents the energy performance of an air/ground heat exchanger coupled to a wind sensor in a desert
climate, hot in summer and cold in winter in Ouargla, Algeria. Where we were able to obtain a mesh that gave us good
results, and we carried out an acceptable Validation for the wind sensor with a chamber. Using the program FLUENT, the
calculations were carried out according to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This study discusses the use of the
Taguchi method to obtain the optimal model of the wind tower and presents an experimental and numerical analysis of
the optimal model of the air-ground exchanger coupled with a wind catcher. The effect of air temperature on cooling
performance will be studied, and we expect a drop of 5°C during the summer period so that this system will save
electrical energy. After the numerical simulation of the system, an optimal design of the wind tower was obtained for the
region of Ouargla. By applying the Taguchi method. Several values have been proposed for the geometric factors of the
tower (height, width, and length) and dynamic factors such as wind speed. After choosing the air inlet speed equal to 0.5
m/s, the optimal values of length, width, and height are 1 m, 0.4 m, and 2 m, respectively. An experimental study in a
wind tower was conducted from May 15 to 17, 2022, to determine the air speed at the exit. The results are very
satisfactory because the average rate of the air at the entrance was 0.5 m/s and at the exit of the wind tower was 1 m/s.
The system efficiency is 86% for the cooling and 87% for the heating seasons. That is to say, the system has good
efficiency in improving the natural ventilation inside the house and helps to create a comfortable temperature during the
Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics; Natural ventilation; Cooling; Optimization; Arid climate.
ID: EMS-3044
Mixed Convection Assessment in an Unusual Cavity with a Heat Source Opened to a Horizontal Channel
Laboratory LRPCSI, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria.
Department of Mathematics, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ballari, Karnataka, India
This research adapts a numerical simulation of a laminar and incompressible air flow occurring in an open heated
chamber to a channel under a heat source influence [1-3]. The finite volume method has been employed to solve the
governing equations in this inquiry using ANSYS Fluent software [4-6]. The isotherms, streamlines, and Nusselt number
are computed with a range of the Richardson number Ri [0.1, 1.10, 100], the length of the heating source in mm; L [5, 10,
15, 20], and the dimensionless length, meanwhile the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers are unchanged (Re = 100 and Pr =
0.71). The findings demonstrate that as the length of the heat source and the Richardson number increase, so does the heat
transfer characteristics with an extended thermal transmission [7-10]. The streamlines, isotherms, local Nusselt, and
average Nusselt are all directly related to the increased change of the Richardson number that strengthens the mixed
convection, as well as the length of the heat source.
Keywords: Mixed convection; Heat source; Open enclosures; Horizontal channels.
[1] H. Laouira, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. K. Hussein, L. Kolsi, A. Merah and O. Younis, Heat transfer inside a horizontal channel with
an open trapezoidal enclosure subjected to a heat source of different lengths, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 49(1) (2020) 406-423.
[2] F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. K. Hussein, O. Younis, S. Rostami, R. Nikbakhti, Natural Convection Enhancement in the Annuli
Between Two Homocentric Cylinders by using Ethylene Glycol / Water based Titania nanofluid, Journal of Advanced Research in
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 80 (2) (2021) 56-73. https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.80.2.5673
[3] S. Marzougui, M. Bouabid, F. Mebarek-Oudina, N. Abu-Hamdeh, M. Magherbi, and K. Ramesh, A computational analysis of
heat transport irreversibility phenomenon in a magnetized porous channel, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &
Fluid Flow, 31 (7) (2021)2197-2222, https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-07-2020-0418
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
[4] A. M. Abusorrah, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. Ahmadian, D. Baleanu, Modeling of a MED-TVC desalination system by considering
the effects of nanoparticles - Energetic and exergetic analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 144(2021) 2675–2687,
[5] K. Asogwa, F. Mebarek-Oudina, & I. Animasaun, Comparative investigation of Water-based Al2O3 Nanoparticles through
Water-based CuO Nanoparticles over an Exponentially Accelerated Radiative Riga Plate Surface via Heat Transport, Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 47 (7)(2022)8721–8738, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06355-3
[6] A. Shafiq, F. Mebarek-Oudina, T. N. Sindhu and Rassoul, G., Sensitivity analysis for Walters' B nanoliquid flow over a radiative
Riga surface by RSM, Scientia Iranica, 29 (3)(2022)1236-1249,https://doi.org/10.24200/SCI.2021.58293.5662
[7] F. Mebarek Oudina & I. Chabani, Review on Nano-fluids applications and heat transfer enhancement techniques in different
enclosures, Journal of Nanofluids, 11(2) (2022)155-168, https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2022.1834
[8] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Convective Heat Transfer of Titania Nanofluids of different base fluids in Cylindrical Annulus with discrete
Heat Source, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 48(2019) 135-147, https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.21375
[9] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
[10] F. Mebarek-Oudina, H. Laouira, A. Aissa, A. K. Hussein, M. El Ganaoui, Convection Heat Transfer Analysis in a Channel with an
Open Trapezoidal Cavity: Heat Source Locations effect, MATEC Web of Conference, 330 (2020) 01006.
[11] F. Mebarek-Oudina, H. Laouira, A. K. Hussein, M. Omri, A. Aissa, L. Kolsi and U. Biswal, Mixed Convection inside a Duct with
an Open Trapezoidal Cavity Equipped with Two Discrete Heat Sources and Moving Walls, Mathematics, 10(2022)929.
ID: EMS-3045
Reynolds number effect on entropy production in a non-Newtonian fluid flowin a porous inclined channel with
circular obstacle
Naoufal GHOUDI1, Mounir BOUABID1, Mourad MAGHERBI2
Applied Thermodynamics Laboratory, Chemical and Process Engineering Department, Engineers National school of
Gabes, Gabes University, Omar Ibn El Khattab Street, 6029 Gabes Tunisia.
Civil Engineering Department, High Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology,Gabes University, Omar Ibn El
Khattab Street, 6029 Gabes Tunisia.
Abstract :
This paper deals with the study of the entropy generation in a porous channel with circular obstacle saturated with
non-Newtonian power law fluid. The influence of Reynolds number (Re), power law index (n) and the channel inclination
angle (α)of thermodynamics irreversibility. The governing equations of the problem are solved numerically using the
COMSOL software. Results show that the governing parameters strongly affect the entropy production. Results reveal
that, thermal entropy generation is maximal at low value of power law index and high value of Reynolds number. The
effect of Reynolds number becomes insignificant at relatively high power law index.
Keywords: Non-Newtonian fluid; Porous medium; Mixed convection; Entropy production; Numerical methods.
ID: EMS-3046
Etude Numérique du Transfert de Chaleur du Nano-Fluide d’un Ecoulement Laminaire dans un Canal avec
Cavité Concave
Salah Eddine DIR1, Zoubir NEMOUCHI1, Radhia KADJOUDJ1
Laboratoire d’énergétique appliquée et de pollution, faculté des sciences de la technologie, Université Frères
MENTOURI Constantine 1, Algérie.
Résumé :
La présente étude est une analyse numérique du transfert de chaleur d'un l’écoulement laminaire et tridimensionnel
d'un nano-fluide dans un canal avec une cavité concave (Fossette). La méthode des volumes finis a été utilisée pour
résoudre les équations de conservation de la masse, de la quantité de mouvement et de l'énergie. Les nombres de
Reynolds du fluide basés sur le diamètre de l'empreinte de la cavité (ReD) varient entre 100 et 600. La fraction volumique
du nano-fluide a été variée dans une plage de 0 à 5%. Les effets du nombre de Reynolds ReD et de la fraction volumique
du nano-fluide sont étudiés. Les valeurs moyennes et les distributions locales du coefficient de transfert de chaleur sont
Mots clés : Cavité concave; Fossette; Nano-fluide; Amélioration transfert de chaleur.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3047
Rayleigh-Bénard Convection with volumetric radiation at high Rayleigh number
Raoudha CHAABANE1, 2, Fateh MEBAREK-OUDINA3, 4
Laboratory of Thermal and Energetic Systems Studies (LESTE) at the National School of Engineering of Monastir,
(ENIM), University of Monastir, Tunisia.
Preparatory Institute of Engineering Studies of Monastir, Ibn Eljazzar Street, 5019, Monastir (IPEIM)
University of Monastir, Tunisia.
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 août 1955 - Skikda, B.P 26 Road El-Hadaiek, Skikda
21000, Algeria
Laboratoire des Matériaux et Génie Energétique (LMGE), University of 20 août 1955-Skikda, Skikda 21000, Algeria
Abstract :
In this paper, we extended the mesoscopic Lattice Boltzmann model (LBM) for analyzing the coupled engineering
problem of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection with thermal volumetric radiation for high Rayleigh number. After suitable
validation, the steady state transient Rayleigh-Bénard convection with volumetric radiation in participating medium is
highlighted. LBM is used, both to calculate the velocity, temperature and volumetric radiative information needed for the
energy equation. Because the proposed numerical approach is found to be efficient, accurate, and numerically stable for
the simulation of fluid flows with heat and mass transfer in presence of volumetric radiation in participating medium, the
effect of the volumetric radiation on the convection of air (Prandtl number Pr = 0.7, Rayleigh number Ra=105) in a
rectangular Rayleigh Bénard cell is analysed by means of the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). We investigate whether
this coupled interaction influences the heat transfer, temperature distribution and the flow structures. Finally, to satisfy the
above requirements performing our simulations. Additionally, the influence of the Rayleigh number is highlighted. We
notice that the temperature at the warm interface decreases and it increases at the cold interface. Thus, the lower
temperature difference appears what reduces the flow intensity. We observe that radiation causes a drop of convective
heat flux however, the overall heat transfer increases due to high radiative heat flux. All the effects of radiation are
stronger for higher conduction-radiation numbers and for higher temperature ratios. First, the transient stream-functions,
isotherms and pressure distribution were compared with results available in the literature. Second the steady state of
stream-functions, isotherms and pressure distribution are analysed for higher Rayleigh number. The recent coupled
approach provides accurate results and it is computationally more efficient than others Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) numerical methods which make it a new potential computational tool for solving a large complex class of
engineering problems.
Keywords: LBM; RTE; RB convection; Volumetric radiation; Rayleigh number.
ID: EMS-3048
Simulation Numérique de la Convection Naturelle dans l’écoulement D’un Nanofluide dans un Milieu Poreux en
Présence d’un Champ Magnétique et d’une Source de Chaleur
Département de Génie Mécanique, Faculté des sciences de Technologie, Université des frères Mentouri Constantine1
Département de Génie Mécanique, Faculté de Technologie, Université du 20 août 1955 – Skikda
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université du 20 août 1955 – Skikda, B.P 26 Route El-Hadaiek, Skikda
21000, Algérie
Résumé :
Les phénomènes de transfert de chaleur par convection naturelle, sont d’une importance majeure pour l’étude et le
fonctionnement des machines industrielles[1]. Afin d’améliorer de façon appréciable le transfert thermique par
convection, les nanofluides sont utilisés comme fluide caloporteur [2-5]. L’objet de ce travail est la simulation numérique
bidimensionnelle des échanges convectifs qui s’opèrent dans un écoulement laminaire et stationnaire d’un nanofluide
(Cu/eau) circulant dans l’espace annulaire entre deux cylindres coaxiaux [6-10]. L’écoulement est en présence d’un milieu
poreux et soumis à un champ magnétique uniforme[11]. En considérant les effets de la fraction volumique des
nanoparticules, du nombre de Hartmann, de Rayleigh et de Darcy ainsi que l’émissivité sur la convection, les résultats
obtenus montrent que la structure dynamique et thermique de l’écoulement est remarquablement affectée par
l’application du champ magnétique et la présence du milieu poreux d’une part et de la fraction volumique solide d’autre
part .
Mots-clés : Convection naturelle; Nanofluide; Milieu poreux; Anneau cylindrique.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
[1] S. Gourari, F. Mebarek-Oudina, O. D. Makinde, and M. Rabhi, Numerical Investigation of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows in a
Cylindrical Channel, Defect and diffusion Forum, 409 (2021) 39-48. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.409.39
[2] F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. K. Hussein, O. Younis, S. Rostami, R. Nikbakhti, Natural Convection Enhancement in the Annuli
Between Two Homocentric Cylinders by using Ethylene Glycol / Water based Titania nanofluid, Journal of Advanced Research in
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 80 (2) (2021) 56-73. https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.80.2.5673
[3] S. Marzougui, M. Bouabid, F. Mebarek-Oudina, N. Abu-Hamdeh, M. Magherbi, and K. Ramesh, A computational analysis of
heat transport irreversibility phenomenon in a magnetized porous channel, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &
Fluid Flow, 31 (7) (2021)2197-2222, https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-07-2020-0418
[4] A. M. Abusorrah, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. Ahmadian, D. Baleanu, Modeling of a MED-TVC desalination system by considering
the effects of nanoparticles - Energetic and exergetic analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 144(2021) 2675–2687,
[5] K. Asogwa, F. Mebarek-Oudina, & I. Animasaun, Comparative investigation of Water-based Al2O3 Nanoparticles through
Water-based CuO Nanoparticles over an Exponentially Accelerated Radiative Riga Plate Surface via Heat Transport, Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 47 (7)(2022)8721–8738, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06355-3
[6] A. Shafiq, F. Mebarek-Oudina, T. N. Sindhu and Rassoul, G., Sensitivity analysis for Walters' B nanoliquid flow over a radiative
Riga surface by RSM, Scientia Iranica, 29 (3)(2022)1236-1249,https://doi.org/10.24200/SCI.2021.58293.5662
[7] F. Mebarek Oudina & I. Chabani, Review on Nano-fluids applications and heat transfer enhancement techniques in different
enclosures, Journal of Nanofluids, 11(2) (2022)155-168, https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2022.1834
[8] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Convective Heat Transfer of Titania Nanofluids of different base fluids in Cylindrical Annulus with discrete
Heat Source, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 48(2019) 135-147, https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.21375
[9] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
[10] S. Gourari, F. Mebarek-Oudina, O.D. Makinde, and I. Bouakkaz, Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer in Cylindrical Annulus:
Aspect Ratio Effect, Engineering Transactions, 23(1) (2020) 39-46..
[11] S. Marzougui, F.Mebarek-Oudina, M.Magherbi, and A. McHirgui,. Entropy generation and heat transport of Cu–water nanoliquid
in porous lid-driven cavity through magnetic field, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 32(6)(2022)
ID: EMS-3049
Inlet boundary conditions considerations for enhanced computational fluid dynamics
Moustafa MAAMMEUR1*, Abdallah BENAROUS2, Ahmed BETTAHAr1, Abdelkarim LIAZID3
University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef (UHBC), Po Box 151, Chlef, Algeria
University Saad Dahleb of Blida1 (USDB), Po Box 270, Blida, Algeria
University AbouBakr Belkaid (UAB) of Tlemcen, Po Box 119, Tlemcen, Algeria
Abstract :
Computational fluid dynamics predicts flow behavior and it promises good agreement with experimental results
nevertheless discrepancies are acceptable for the perception of CFD findings. However, the improvement of data quality
is a subject to development. For instance consistency of the model and mesh independency are the major aspect to insure
the reliability of the data acquired. This paper highlights the issue related to upstream flow at computational domain,
which are the inlet boundary conditions as a primary factor, which alter the nature of the flow downstream. Intended for
more accuracy the CFD analysis worth considering the given uniform inlet conditions as for all variable especially for
domains where not enough time for the flow to be developed if disturbance upstream are present. Along this paper a
comparative three dimensions computational study was carried out for a uniform inlet conditions and real flow behavior
upstream conditions for a high-speed centrifugal compressor, where, inlet flow distortion has a remarkable effect on such
a short transition from stationary to rotary components. Results showed how the CFD outcome could be improved and
results were more accurate to literature as inlet boundary conditions were predicted not assumed as uniform.
Keywords: CFD; Inlet boundary condition; Aerodynamics; Inlet flow distortion; Intake ducts.
ID: EMS-3050
Investigation numérique des écoulements générés par un agitateur de type ancre modifié
Youcef KAMLAa, Houari AMEURb, Ourdia BENABDELLAZIZc, Abdessalam HADJEBd
Laboratoire de physique théorique et physique de matériaux LPTPM, Faculté de technologie, département de tronc
commun en technologie, Université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef
Département de technologie, centre universitaire Ahmad Salhi Naama
Faculté de technologie, département de Génie mécanique, Université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef
LSIM, département de Génie mécanique, université des sciences et de la technologie d’Oran
Résumé :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Ce travail est une simulation numérique de l’écoulement d’un fluide Newtonien, dans une cuve mécaniquement
agitée par ancre.À l’aide du code de calcul (CFX 16.0), une étude hydrodynamique de l’écoulement d’un fluide a été
réalisée qui offre une visualisation tridimensionnelle des résultats des différentes formes et configurations.Les résultats
obtenus, donnent une très bonne corrélation avec le travail numérique de [Anne. Archard et al 2007], et mètrent en
évidence l’influence de la géométrie sur le milieu agité, ainsi que l’influence du régime hydrodynamique sur le
processus.La puissance d’agitation a été étudiée aussi dans ce travail du fait qu’elle représente un paramètre clé pour un
système d’agitation.
Keywords : Ancre; Mélange; Agitation; Puissance.
ID: EMS-3051
A Reduced Order Method with PGD for the Analysis of an Elliptical Bore Journal Bearings
Energetics, Mechanics and Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, University of M'hamed Bougara, Avenue de
l'Indépendance, 35000-Boumerdes, Algeria.
Abstract :
The non-circularity of the bearing bore is obviously due to manufacturing irregularities such as eccentricity of the
tool and the work axis, low amplitude vibrations during machining, etc. In reality, non-circularity in the bearing bore is
inevitable. In this paper, the non circularity is assumed to be elliptical, a model reduction method (Proper Generalized
Decomposition PGD) is developed and implemented for solving the Reynolds equation for an elliptical journal bearing to
determine the pressure field. A comparison is made with the circular case to analyze the effect of this irregularity, the
results obtained with the proposed numerical model is validated by comparison with the results obtained by the classical
finite difference method.
Keywords: Proper Generalized Decomposition PGD; Reduced Order Modeling; Elliptic Bore; Reynolds Equation;
Journal Bearing.
ID: EMS-3052
Flow Analysis of bell Nozzle Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
a, b
Laboratory of applied energy and pollution, Departement of Mechanical Engineering, University of Constantine 1,
Route d’Ain El Bey Constantine, Algeria
Abstract :
The most popular design for rocket nozzles is the Bell type nozzle; it is a mechanical device used to convert heat
and pressure energy into useful kinetic energy and to control the rate of flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and pressure
of the exhaust stream that emerges from them.A bell Nozzle is a convergent-divergent nozzle, in which the temperature
and pressure from the combustion chamber increase rapidly into convergent part of the nozzle, after which theses
parameters will decrease at the exit part of the nozzle that convert the low velocity into high velocity (supersonic
flow).Our research consists in studying the air flow in a two-dimensional axisymmetric Bell nozzle in turbulent regime, to
manage this physical phenomenon; we apply the Navier Stokes transport equations, the continuity equation and the
energy equation with the turbulence model Kω-STT. To solve partial differential equations that are difficult to solve, we
apply the finite volume method, which consists of linearizing the system of equations and making it easy to solve, also to
design the nozzle and analyze the flows, we use Software program ANSYS FLUENT. This work consists studying and
analyzing a supersonic flow in a bell nozzle, in order to better manage our study, we study the effect of geometry (various
divergence angles), for different Mach numbers.All nozzles with varying divergence degrees of angles have the same
throat diameter and inlet diameter. The results obtained from this study are identical with the experimental results.
Keywords: Bell Nozzle; Flow Analysis; Mach number; Divergence angles; Computational Fluid Dynamics; ANSYS
ID: EMS-3053
Analysis of the Decontamination of a Partitioned Ventilated Enclosure
Yasmine HAMRIOUI,RayeneLAKROUNE, ZouhiraHIRECHE, Lyes NASSERI, Rachid NEBBALI et Djamel Eddine
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratoire LTPMP, Faculté de GénieMécanique et génie des Procédés, Université des Sciences et Technologies
HouariBoumediene, Alger, Algérie
Abstract :
This work presents a two-dimensional numerical study of the decontamination in a rectangular cavity, ventilated by
an opening located in the lower part of the active wall, while the outlet is located at the top of the right wall, with an
opening value of H/10. The chamber is initially polluted with a concentration value C0=1, it is separated in the middle of
the lower wall, by a porous partition, with a height Hp =0.4, and a thickness Ep =H/5. The walls are adiabatic and
impermeable to heat and solute respectively.To solve our physical problem, we used the Lattice Boltzmann MRT
(multiple relaxation time) method. To model the velocity field we opted for the D2Q9 model, and for the thermal and
mass fields the D2Q5 scheme was chosen. For the flow in the porous medium, an additional term is added in the standard
LB equations based on the generalized model (Darcy model extended to Brinkman-Forchheimer).The removal efficiency,
ventilation efficiency, as well as the heat transfer rate were studied for different permeabilities (10 -6 ≤Da ≤10+2) and for
Rayleigh and Reynolds numbers taken in the ranks: 10 3 ≤ Ra ≤ 106 and 10 ≤ Re ≤ 103 respectively.When natural
convection dominates the flow, the main results show a better efficiency for contaminant removal.
Keywords: Ventilated cavity; Porous medium; LBM_MRT; Depollution efficiency; Ventilation efficiency.
ID: EMS-3054
Ventilation of Granular Storage Silos:Mass and Thermal Coupling Phenomenal
Rayane LAKROUNE,Yasmine HAMRIOUI, Djamel Eddine AMEZIANI
Laboratoire LTPMP, Faculté de GénieMécanique et génie des Procédés, Université des Sciences et
TechnologiesHouariBoumediene, Alger, Algérie
Abstract :
The objective of this study is to model thermal and mass transfer phenomena in a granularstorage silo. The transfer
is done by instationary two-dimensional convection in a verticalcylinder completely filled by a porous medium. Porous
medium are structures consisting of twomain portions one solid and another fluid. The study of this environment is
performed by theDarcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model by identifying the initial conditions and thecorresponding
limits.The discretization of the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer system equations was carried out bythe two-dimensional
finite volume method which consists in subdividing the field of study intoa number of finite elements, each element
contains four nodes.The mathematical results which have been established by the Fortran program show that theReynolds
number influences the distribution of the currents lines of temperature andconcentration along the conduct, on the other
hand the Darcy coefficient does not show anyremarkable affection. Furthermore, the results include the effect of the
Reynolds and Nusseltmean parameters for several Darcy values on thermal and mass fields, in other words, the higherthe
Reynolds number and the lower the average Nusselt, the slower the growth of the currentlines which results in the
increase of thermal and concentration fields.
Keywords: Heat transfer; Porous; Convection; Silo; Mass transfer; Darcy model.
ID: EMS-3055
Numerical Simulation of Viscous Fluid Flow in A Tank Agitated by a Two-Blade for Different Diameters
Laboratory of Applied Mechanics-University of Science and Technology of Oran-Mohamed Boudiaf
Department of Mechanical Engineering-University of Science and Technology of Oran-Mohamed Boudiaf
Laboratory of Engineering and Maritime Sciences-University of Sciences and Technology of Oran-Mohamed Boudiaf
Abstract :
Mechanical agitation is a common operation in industrial settings such as the chemical,petrochemical,
pharmaceutical and food industries. It is carried out in mechanically stirred tanks orreactors.The aim of this study is to
numerically determine the hydrodynamic properties of newtonian andnon-newtonian viscous fluid mixtures.A largediameter two-bladed rotor in a flat-bottomed cylindrical tank ensures the agitation of thesefluids.The analysis of the
equation of motion is based on the finite volume discretization method, and thesimulated fluid is divided into newtonian
fluid and non-newtonian fluid according to the power law.Numerical simulation results obtained using COMSOL
Multiphysics software summarize the effectof blade diameter variation on velocity profiles, streamlines, and velocity
Keywords : Mechanical agitation; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Fluids dynamic; Stirred tank; Two-blade agitator.
ID: EMS-3056
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Effect of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient for 1D Non-Isothermal Fixed Bed Reactor Model for Hydrogen
Production by Steam Methane Reforming
Bellal Mohamed NAZIM, Saouli OUACIL, Masbah AFLAH, Abdelhamid DARDECHE
Laboratoire de génie des procédés pour le développement durable et les produits de santé, département de génie des
procédés, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine, Algeria
Abstract :
Using a non-isothermal one-dimensional steady state model, pseudo homogeneous to simulate the behavior of a
membrane catalytic fixed-bed membrane reactor (MR) and the effect of Overall heat transfer coefficient on the reaction
of steam methane reforming (SMR) by presenting the difference between a fixed value for the coefficient and one that’s
varies alongside the reactor length the simulation of the mathematical models was performed using MATLAB. For the
reaction of (SMR) A perma selective Pd based membrane is used inorder to remove hydrogen from the reaction zone and
shift the thermodynamic equilibrium towards hydrogen production thus enabling the achievement of a high methane
Keywords: Steam reforming; Membrane reactor; Overall heat transfer coefficient; Heat transfer; Hydrogen production.
ID: EMS-3057
Étude Expérimentale du Ressaut Hydraulique Contrôlé par Marche Positive Evoluant dans un Canal
Rectangulaire Rugueux
Mouatassim Billah ZIDANI1, Samir KATEB2, Sofiane SAGGAI3
Laboratoire d’exploitation et valorisation des ressources naturelle en zones arides, Département de génie civil
et hydraulique, université de Kasdi Merbah, Algérie.,
Laboratoire de génie de l'eau et de l'environnement en milieu saharian, Département de génie civil et hydraulique,
université de Kasdi Merbah, Algérie.
Le ressaut hydraulique est un phénomène causé par la transition brusque du régime d‘écoulement torrentiel au
fluvial. Cette phénomène a des caractéristiques qui définie son efficacité. Ce ressaut a été étudié par plusieurs chercheurs,
où à chaque fois des variables sont modifiées ou ajoutées (surface pente, rugosité ...). Ce travail porte sur une analyse
expérimentale du comportement du ressaut hydraulique contrôlé par marche positive évoluant dans un canal rectangulaire
à fond rugueux.
Mots-clés: Ressaut hydraulique; Marche positive; Rugosité; Forcé type-A-.
ID: EMS-3058
Influence of Thermal Treatment and Electrolyte Temperature Properties of high-strength low-alloy steels (HSLA)
API X60 and X70
Laboratory of Valorisation and Technology of Sahara Resources (VTRS), Univeristy of EChahid Hamma Kakhder,
39000 Eloued Algeria
University larbi Ben M'hidi, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI), P.O. Box 64, Cheraga, 16014 Algiers, Algeria,
Abstract :
High-strength pipeline steels have so much attention as the most steel materials used in the energy industry, the
reason for this attention is an excellent mechanical characteristics, exceptionalweldability, and low cost. But these
materials are susceptible to corrosion attack, especially in chlorides and acid milieus, that’s why this problem has
received really attention.A systematic study on the effect of microstructure changes throw heat treatment processes on
properties and electrochemical corrosion behavior of API X60 and X70 carbon steels was investigated in this workby
structural characterization usingoptical microscopy and the mechanical characterizations (tensile test and HV hardness).
The electrochemical experiments were examined by potentiodynamic polarization tests in 0,1 M hydrochloric acid. We
applied different electrolyte temperatures (293, 303, 313 and 323 K) to each material and determine the best electrolyte
temperature for the most suitable corrosion resistance.The results showed that when temperature increases, the corrosion
current density was significantly lower, and with aggressive solutions, the effect is more important on X60 steel than X70
steel. The effects of temperature by determination of thermodynamic activation parameters, the findings agreed well with
endothermic nature of the dissolution reaction are also summarized.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Keywords : High-Strengthsteels; X70; X60; thermal treatment; Corrosion; HCl Solution; Temperature effect; Eddy
ID: EMS-3059
Effect of Adding Hydrogen to Methane-Air Flames, Application to Gas Turbines
Sofiane OUALI, Yacine HALOUANE
Laboratory of energy, mechanics and engineering, Faculty of Technology LEMI, University M'hamed Bougaraof
Boumerdes, Frantz Fanon 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria
Abstract :
Renewable energies encounter a significant storage problem; hydrogen seems verypromising in this field. Its
production is simple and controlled and the areas of use are veryvaried.In this work, a numerical simulation of hydrogenmethane-air flames was elaborated usingANSYS Fluent software. Hydrogen were injected as a secondary fuel. This study
is particularlyinterested in gas turbine applications; combustion chambers are pressurized (1.1, 2.2 and 3.3bars) [1] with a
complex geometry that generates swirl [2]. The objective is to test the stabilitylimits of these burners by adding hydrogen
by taking a particular interest about the shape of theflame, its stability, the location of the recirculation zones, the power
of the burner and thepollutants.RANS k-ε Realizable turbulence model coupled to PDF combustion model were used with
NOxthermal model for pollutants.The grid independency was investigated, we found that from 1m750 cells, the solution
becamedefinitely independent from the grid, we varied the mesh from 300 k cells up to 2 million cells.The models used
have been validated with the experimental results of Runyon, J. O. N [1] andXiao, Hua, et al [3]. Results show very
acceptable similarities.The obtained results indicate a serious possibility of exploiting hydrogen in gas turbines burnersas
a secondary fuel. The powers, the stability of the flames as well as the levels of pollution seemto be controllable.
Keywords: Renewable energy; hydrogen; CFD; methane-air; premixed combustion; Turbulence, Swirled flames.
[1] Runyon, J. O. N. Gas turbine fuel flexibility: pressurized swirl flame stability, thermoacoustics, and emissions. Diss. Cardiff
University, 2017.
[2] Runyon, Jon, et al. "Characterization of Additive Layer Manufacturing Swirl Burner Surface Roughness and Its Effects on Flame
Stability Using High-Speed Diagnostics" Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142.4 (2020).
[3] Xiao, Hua, et al. "3D simulation of ammonia combustion in a lean premixed swirl burner."Energy Procedia 142 (2017): 1294-1299.
ID: EMS-3060
A numerical Study on the Natural Convective in Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material Slurry
Applied Research Unit for Renewable Energies, URAER, Renewable Energy Development Center, CDER,47133,
Ghardaïa, Algeria
Abstract :
A two-phase Eulerian–Eulerian model is used to study natural convection in a laterally heatedtwo-dimensional
rectangular cavity at constant temperatures,filled withmicroencapsulatedphase change material slurry (MPCM), having
temperature-dependent thermophysicalproperties. The governing equations of this system are based on the finite volume
method. Itcan be seen that the heat transfer performance increases significantly at the operatingconditions considered.
This increase is the result of the latent heat of the MEPCM and theincrease in the coefficient of volumetric thermal
expansion due to the volume change of theMEPCM during melting.
Keywords: Natural convection; Two phase; Microencapsulated; Slurry; Heat Transfer.
ID: EMS-3061
Etude de l’Ecoulement Stationnaire Bidimensionnel du Nanofluide Eau+Al 2O3 dans une Cavité Rectangulaire
Ahmed Anis HAOUAM1,*, Latra BOUMARAF1, Chérifa ABID2
Laboratoire Risques industriels/CND/ Sureté de fonctionnement, Département de Génie Mécanique, Faculté de
technologie, Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba BP 12, 23000 Annaba, Algérie
Aix-Marseille université, Polytech’ Marseille, IUSTI CNRS UMR 7343– 5, Rue Enrico Fermi, 13453 Marseille cedex,
Résumé :
Au cours de ce travail nous avons étudié l’effet de nanoparticules d’Al2O3 sur la convection naturelle laminaire dans
une cavité rectangulaire avec un rapport d’aspect égal à 10. Cette cavité est soumise à un gradient thermique vertical. La
modélisation de l’écoulement du nanofluide dans la cavité est de type bidimensionnel et stationnaire. La simulation
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
numérique de cet écoulement a été faite à l’aide du logiciel ANSYS Fluent. Le logiciel Gambit a été utilisé pour créer le
domaine géométrique et la grille de calcul. Les résultats ont montré que pour chaque type de fluide, il y a changement
dans l’aspect de l’écoulement. Ce changement correspond au passage du mode de transfert conductif au mode de transfert
convectif. Ils ont montré aussi que le transfert thermique dans le nanofluide est meilleur que celui dans le fluide pur et ce
aussi bien dans la zone de transfert conductif que dans la zone de transfert convectif. Cette amélioration est d’autant plus
élevée que la fraction de nanoparticules est élevée.
Mots clés : Convection Naturelle; Rayleigh Bénard.
Figure 1. Champs de température dans une cellule de rapport d’aspect A = 10, Pr =7.066 et φ= 0 pour différents nombre de Rayleigh
fluide (Raf=10 000 (a’)), (Raf = 5000 (b’)), (Raf= 2000 (c’)), (Raf=1700, (d’), (Raf=1690 (e)), (Raf=1678 (f)).
Référence :
[1] K.S. Hwang, J.H. lee, and S.P. Jang. Buoyancy-driven heat transfer of water-based Al2O3 nanofluids in a rectangular cavity.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 4003-4010, 2007.
[2] A. Daas, S. Derfouf, N. Belghar, M. Falek. Simulation numérique de l’échange thermique dans une enceinte rectangulaire, en
présence d’un nanofluide. Third International Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and Pollution ICEMAEP2016,
October 30-31, 2016, Constantine, Algeria. Université Mohamed khider Biskra
[3] Glades Bachir et Benhadid, ‘Contribution à l’étude de la convection naturelle dans les Nanofluides en configuration de RayleighBénard’, thèse université de Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2010.
ID: EMS-3062
2D Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen-Methane Premixed Flames
Laboratory of energy, mechanics and engineering, Faculty of Technology, M'hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes,
Frantz Fanon City – 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria
Abstract :
Due to the gradual depletion of fossil fuels, the transition to renewable energy seems to bethe way to replace the
conventional sources. However, the energy produced from renewablesources is linked to fluctuations in primary source
and the demand. Consequently, the energyproduced exceeds the demand during certain periods and creates the surplus
energy productionproblem [1]. One of the most promising alternatives is hydrogen, which remains an importantsolution
for storing the surplus energy captured. Once stored, this energy source must beexploited. the effective way is to inject
this gas into conventional fuel installations. In thispresent work, we study the effect of hydrogen enriched methane-air
flame. The flames that werestudied were produced using a 2D configuration of swirl burner at atmospheric pressure
withhydrogen fraction from 0 vol% to 40 vol % in the fuel. The equivalence ratio was kept to 0.6.The mesh independence
study was performed, four meshes were checked (7789, 13279, 21094and35940). The temperature profile and the
distribution of CH 4 was validated with experimentaldata from literature [2]. The effect of hydrogen addition on
temperature profile, thermal nitricoxide (NO) and CO2 formation were investigated. The results show that the addition of
in turbulent partially premixed methane-air flame introduces changes in the profile oftemperature and pollutant emissions.
Keywords: CFD; Combustion; Turbulent; Hydrogen.
[1] H. Lund and E. Mu, “Management of surplus electricity-production from a fluctuating renewable-energy source,” vol. 76, pp. 65–
74, 2003, doi: 10.1016/S0306-2619(03)00048-5.
[2] K. Nogenmyr et al., “Large eddy simulation and experiments of stratified lean premixed methane / air turbulent flames,” vol. 31,
pp. 1467–1475, 2007, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2006.08.038.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-3063
Comportement Tribothermique d’un Couple Glissant Sec Aluminium-Acier
Faculté de Technologie, Département de Génie Mécanique, Université de 20 Août 1955, Skikda 21000, Algérie, email:choubeila_boubechou@yahoo.fr
Faculté des Sciences de Technologie, Département de Génie Mécanique, Université de Jijel, Algérie
Faculté des Sciences de la Technologie, Département de Mécanique Engineering, Université
Constantine1, 25000, Algérie, Laboratoire de Mécanique,
Laboratoire LMS (UMR-6610-CNRS), SP2MI, Téléport 2, Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie, Université of Poitiers, BP
30179, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France
Résumé :
L’objet de cette étude est de mettre en évidence l’effet des paramètres mécaniques sur le comportement
thermotribologique du couple glissant Aluminium-acier. Dans ce but deux approches ont été réalisées : - la première
expérimentale en utilisant un tribomètre classique pion sur disque dans une ambiance atmosphérique. Il s’agit d’un pion
en Aluminium frottant à sec contre un disque tournant en acier ; une caméra infra-rouge permet la mesure de la
température moyenne du contact ; - la deuxième numérique en utilisant un code de calcul Comsol Multiphysics pour
évaluer la température interfaciale.
Les résultats obtenus, montrent que les paramètres mécanique et cinématique ont une influence significative sur le
comportement tribothermique du couple. En effet, l’augmentation de la température entraine des changements des
propriétés mécaniques et des changements de structure de l’aluminium avec la formation des oxydes qui joue un rôle
important dans le comportement en frottement et en usure du couple glissant. La discussion des résultats obtenus s’appuie
sur des observations macroscopique et microscope des surfaces usées et des phénomènes interfaciaux résultants du
Mots-clés : Tribocontact; Aluminium, Acier; Température de contact; Frottement; Usure; Oxydation; Pression de contact;
vitesse de glissement; Comsol Multiphysics.
ID: EMS-3064
Melting Process and Heat Transfer Performance in PCM Filled Cavity with Fins
Abdelghani LAOUER
Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics and Nanomaterials, University Mohamed Seddik Benyahia, Jijel 18000, Algeria
Abstract :
This research investigates numerically whether fins affect thermal energy storage (TES) units' behavior during phase
changes. Three conductive fins at different positions were attached to the heated bottom wall to enhance the PCM melting
process. Different dimensionless fin positions (b/L = 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, and 0.75) were considered as parameters to
investigate their effect on melting rate. The main objective is to detect the optimum distance between the fins to achieve
the highest storage performance. The enthalpy-based lattice Boltzmann technique is used to solve velocity and
temperature fields for simulations. The results from other researchers validate the numerical predictions. It is found that
significant enhancement in the heat transfer is shared between thermal conduction and convection at the initial and final
stages of melting, respectively. The fin location would affect the natural convection process and thus generating the
different PCM’s melting speeds. It was concluded that the fin location could be optimized to improve the overall latent
heat storage efficiency.
ID: EMS-3065
Numerical simulation of Newtonian viscous fluids in a tank agitated by an anchor-type mobile - effect of the
inclination of the blades
Laboratory of Applied Mechanics-University of Science and Technology of Oran-Mohamed.Boudiaf
Department of Mechanical Engineering-University of Science and Technology of Oran-Mohamed.Boudiaf
Laboratory of Engineering and Maritime Sciences-University of Sciences and Technology of Oran-Mohamed Boudiaf
Abstract :
Many sectors of the chemical and para-chemical industry, such as the food industry, the plastics industry and the
paint and cosmetics industry, often have to carry out stirring operations on fluids, which may be Newtonian or nonNewtonian. The present work is a numerical modelling of Newtonian fluids mechanically agitated by an anchor-type
mobile with the inclination of the agitator blades. The work consists of a two-dimensional (2D) numerical simulation of a
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
laminar steady-state flow based on the resolution of the equations of motion and continuity by the finite volume method.
The results obtained were compared with experimental and numerical results from the literature. In practice, it is always
necessary to reduce the mixing time as much as possible while avoiding changing the main properties of the system.
Ultimately, setting the system in motion by means of a stirrer is almost always used to improve the efficiency of a mixer.
The agitation of viscous fluids requires the creation of a circulatory motion of the fluid in the agitated vessel to avoid
dead zones. This movement is necessary for fluids that have a very high viscosity when the velocity gradient is very low.
To determine the efficiency of an agitator, two main concepts are observed: the quality of the mixture and the power
Keywords: Numerical Modelling; Newtonian Fluids; Stirred Tank; Anchor.
ID: EMS-3066
Study of Heat Transfer and Thermal Comfort in a Vented Cavity Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method with Multi
Relaxation Time (LBM-MRT)
Assia ARAB, Nabil HIMRANE, Yacine HALOUNE, Zouhira HIRECHE, Djamel Eddine AMEZIANI
Laboratory of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, university M’hamedBougara of Boumerdes,
Laboratory of Multiphase Transport and Porous Media , Faculty of Mechanical and Proceeding Engineering,University
of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
Humans spend the bulk of their time in confined areas, so they require a high level of comfort,particularly thermal
comfort which is related to the temperature of the air. The purpose of this study is tooffer recommendations to
construction builders so that the occupants can feel greater thermal comfort.This work involves numerically simulating
mixed convection in the presence of a porous partition placedat the center of its base and modeled using the DarcyBrinkman-Forchheimer model. This cavity isventilated through air displacement by using diametrically adverse apertures.
While maintaining adiabaticconditions on the other walls, the right-side wall is heated with a constant temperature. The
mathematicalresolution is accomplished using the Lattice Boltzmann method with a multiple relaxation time (MRT).For
two values of permeabilities and a height of the porous partition, the results are shown in terms ofstreamlines and
isotherms as a function of various control parameters (Reynolds number, Rayleigh number). It was also investigated how
these characteristics influenced ventilation effectiveness. It hasbeen found that relative to the incoming air flow achieves
the highest ventilation efficiency. Additionally,the effectiveness of the model suggested in this study to remove the most
heat and reduce the ambient temperature are recommended.
Keywords: Lattice Boltzmann method; Thermal comfort; Mixed convection; Porous partition.
ID: EMS-3067
Effect of Fuel Injection Velocity on Combustion and Emission of NO in a Diesel Engine
Département de mécanique, Université de Skikda , Algeria.
LEAP, Département de mécanique, Université Mentouri Constantine, Algeria
Abstract :
The study and understanding of turbulent flames propagating in internal combustion engines have become an
absolute imperative to improve performance and reduce emissions of pollutants. In reality, in the case of diesel engines
the processes of injection of spray, combustion and the formation of the air- fuel vapor mixture are complex and little
known. To solve this problem, it is necessary to address both thenumerical and the experimental points of view.The work
that we present in this paper is structured in two parts. In the first partour efforts focused on the validation of the KIVA II
code, incorporating the turbulentcombustion model PaSR (Partially Stirred Reactor). The performance of PaSR modelwas
successfully evaluated by using experimental results available in the literature fora direct injection diesel engine,
Caterpillar 3401. The second part of the work is devoted to the application of PaSR model for studying the effect of fuel
injection velocity on the combustion and the emission of pollutant species NO (nitric oxide) in the Caterpillar 3401
engine. The results of this section show that the amount of NO produced increases with increasing injectionvelocity.
Keywords: Turbulent combustion; Models of combustion; Diesel engine; PaSR; Injection velocity.
ID: EMS-3068
Analyse d’effet des paramètres thermique et mécanique sur l'usure d'un contact dynamique Cuivre -Acier
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Département de Génie Mécanique, Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie, Université deJijel BP 98 OuledAissa Jijel
18000 ALGERIE. E-mail : n.aderghal41@gmail.com
Laboratoire d'Energétique Appliquée et des Matériaux, Faculté des Sciences et de laTechnologie, Université de Jijel BP
98 OuledAissa Jijel 18000 ALGERIE.
Département de Génie Mécanique, Faculté de Technologie, Université de 20 Août 1955,Skikda 21000, Algérie, email:choubeila_boubechou@yahoo.fr
Laboratoire de Mécanique, Campus Chaabat-Erssas, Université Mentouri, Constantine25000 ALGERIE.
Résumé :
Ce présent travail consiste à étudier expérimentalement et numériquement l’effet desparamètres thermiques et
mécaniques sur l’usure d’un contact dynamique : pion en cuivre etdisque en acierpour des vitesses de glissement (0,1~0,5
m/s) et charge normale (5 ~20 N).Pour la réalisation de ce travail, on a utilisé un tribomètre pion-disque existant au
laboratoirede mécanique à l’université de Constantine. Les calculs numériques ont été effectués par lecode de calcul
COMSOL Multiphysics. Cela nous a permet de déterminer, en régimetransitoire et stationnaire, le coefficient de
frottement, de quantifier l'usure qui en résulte, desuivre l’évolution de la température du pion et d’estimer le flux de
chaleur généré àl’interface.Les résultats obtenus ont montré que la charge normale et la vitesse de glissement ontune
influence significative sur la variation de la température du pion ainsi que la perte demasse. L’humidité et la température
ambiante ont aussi un effet considérable sur l’usure dupion. La perte de masse augmente avec la densité de flux résultant
au niveau du contact.
Mots-clés : Frottement; Usure; Charge normale; Vitesse de glissement; Température ambiante; Cuivre; Acier.
ID: EMS-3069
Numerical Study of Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer of Al2O3 -Water Nanofluid in a Rectangular
Channel with Constant Heat Flux
LMANM Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma,Algeria
Science and Technology Institute, University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf, Mila, Algeria
LEAP Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Sciences Technology,University of Frères
Mentouri-Constantine 1, Constantine, Algeria
Abstract :
In the present paper, a numerical simulation of forced convection heat transfer of Al 2O3-Waternanofluid into the
horizontal channel is investigated. The governing differential equationshave been solved by the finite volume method
while considering the boundary conditions ofconstant heat flux type. The effective viscosity and thermal conductivity of
nanofluids aretaken as temperature variables where the Khanafer and Vafai model is used. In addition, theeffects of
nanoparticle size on the flow and heat transfer characteristics into the channel areinvestigated. The range of Reynolds
numbers is situated between 100 and 1000, nanoparticlediameters in the range 25-47 nm, and a volume fraction of
nanoparticles varying 0φ 9%.The obtained results indicate that the heat transfer is enhanced using nanofluid as
compared towater. Both the average Nusselt number and coefficient of friction increase with increasingvolume fraction of
nanoparticles. Moreover, it is observed that the average Nusselt number isenhanced by increasing the Reynolds number,
but it decreases with increasing nanoparticlediameter. Conversely, it is also detected that the average coefficient of
friction decreases withincreasing Reynolds number while increasing nanoparticle diameter adversely affects the flow.
There is, therefore, an increase in the average coefficient of friction.
Keywords: Forced convection; Al2O3-water nanofluid; Rectangular channel; Variable thermophysical properties.
ID: EMS-3070
Nanoparticles characteristics impact on the convective motion of MgO-Al2O3 Water based Hybrid nano-fluid
Laboratory LRPCSI, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
The mixed convective flow of MgO-Al2O3 /H2O hybrid nano-fluid into a porous channelmaintaining a rectangular
heat source is numerically assessed using the finite elementmethod with COMSOL multiphysics [1-5], by exploiting the
nanoparticles properties from theirvolume fraction: 2% and 4%, to their shape factor: spherical, cylindrical, and platelet.
Thestreamlines, velocity contours, isotherms, and the average Nusselt number describe thepositive relationship between
the increase in both the shape factor and concentration of thenanoparticles[6-9], and the transfer features. As the strong
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
amount of thermal exchange, whichensures the cooling of the hot component is obtained when considering the hybrid
nano-fluidwith platelet nanoparticles at a high volume fraction.
Keywords: Hybrid Nano-fluids; Mixed convection; Heat sources; Nanoparticles shape factor; COMSOL.
References :
[1] K. Swain, B. Mahanthesh and F. Mebarek-Oudina, Heat transport and stagnation-point flow of magnetized nanoliquid with
variable thermal conductivity with Brownian moment and thermophoresis aspects, Heat Transfer, 50(1) (2021) 754-764.
[2] F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. K. Hussein, O. Younis, S. Rostami, R. Nikbakhti, Natural Convection Enhancement in the Annuli
Between Two Homocentric Cylinders by using Ethylene Glycol / Water based Titania nanofluid, Journal of Advanced Research in
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 80 (2) (2021) 56-73. https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.80.2.5673
[3] S. Marzougui, M. Bouabid, F. Mebarek-Oudina, N. Abu-Hamdeh, M. Magherbi, and K. Ramesh, A computational analysis of
heat transport irreversibility phenomenon in a magnetized porous channel, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &
Fluid Flow, 31 (7) (2021)2197-2222, https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-07-2020-0418
[4] A. M. Abusorrah, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. Ahmadian, D. Baleanu, Modeling of a MED-TVC desalination system by considering
the effects of nanoparticles - Energetic and exergetic analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 144(2021) 2675–2687,
[5] K. Asogwa, F. Mebarek-Oudina, & I. Animasaun, Comparative investigation of Water-based Al2O3 Nanoparticles through
Water-based CuO Nanoparticles over an Exponentially Accelerated Radiative Riga Plate Surface via Heat Transport, Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 47 (7)(2022)8721–8738, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06355-3
[6] A. Shafiq, F. Mebarek-Oudina, T. N. Sindhu and Rassoul, G., Sensitivity analysis for Walters' B nanoliquid flow over a radiative
Riga surface by RSM, Scientia Iranica, 29 (3)(2022)1236-1249,https://doi.org/10.24200/SCI.2021.58293.5662
[7] F. Mebarek Oudina & I. Chabani, Review on Nano-fluids applications and heat transfer enhancement techniques in different
enclosures, Journal of Nanofluids, 11(2) (2022)155-168, https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2022.1834
[8] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Convective Heat Transfer of Titania Nanofluids of different base fluids in Cylindrical Annulus with discrete
Heat Source, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 48(2019) 135-147, https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.21375
[9] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
ID: EMS-3071
DOE of heat transfer and entropy generation in channel micro micro-heat exchanger driven by a coflow
Ridha DJEBALI1, Mokhtar FERHI1,2
UR22ES12: Modeling Optimization and Augmented Engineering,
Dep. of Computer Sciences, ISLAIB, University of Jendouba, Béja 9000, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Human Sciences of Jendouba, University of Jendouba, Jendouba, Tunisia
Abstract :
This paper aims to perform heat transfer andentropy generation in a micro medium filled with nanoliquid in the slip
flow regime. The case of microchannel is investigated using a mesoscopic numerical analysis. The nanofluid flow is
driven along the microchannel by a co- flow at the inlet. Nearthe top cold wall the flow is induced by a constant velocity
(Uin) and hot temperature (TH) but near the bottom heated wall the nanoliquid is driven by a constant velocity (Uin/4)
and a cold temperature (TC). The slip velocity and the temperature jump conditions are imposed to the walls. Lattice
Boltzmann method was used to solve the obtained governing equation system bymeans of the SRT-BGK model.
Attention was focused on the influence of the emerging input parameters such as Knudsennumber (Kn), Reynolds number
(Re), nanoparticles diameter (Dp) and volume fraction (Vf) on the heat transfer enhancementand entropy generation
minimization throughout this paper. Correlations of heat transfer enhancement and volumetric entropy have been
inscribed based on response surface methodology.
Keywords: LBM; Reynolds number; Nanoliquid; Slip velocity; Knudsen number; Temperature jump; Coflow;
Microchannel; Optimization.
ID: EMS-3072
Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Vortex Generators in Inclined Tubes
Imene MERIMECHE1, Ghazali MEBARKI*1, Samir RAHAL1
LESEI Laboratory, Department of Mechanical engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Batna 2, Algeria
The aim of this study is to numerically examine the improvement techniques of the heat transfer in inclined tubes.
The passive enhancement techniques are some of the most important means to improve heat transfer rates in engineering
devices. In this research a passive enhancement technique (vortex generation) is combined with the tube inclination in
order to improve heat transfer rates in solar concentrator absorber. Fins, acting as vortex generators, were attached to the
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
internal wall of the tubes at different positions. A numerical simulation was performed using fluent software in which the
finite volume method was used to solve the governing equations. The heat transfer rates obtained numerically were
compared to those calculated using well known correlation (i.e. correlation of Shah and London) or others obtained
experimentally. Through this study, it was found that the influence of fins on heat transfer rates is more important for the
laminar regime than for the turbulent one for all considered inclinations. The optimal inclinations, which allow
increasing the heat transfer, have also been determined for both laminar and turbulent flows. The findings of this
research can be used to improve the heat transfer rates and therefore the efficiency of the solar concentrator absorber.
Keywords: Heat Transfer Enhancement; Inclined Tubes; Numerical Simulation; Vortex Generators; Passive Technique.
ID: EMS-3073
Enhancement of the absorbance and Control of a New Au/SiO2 Optical Nano-robot swims in viscous fluid using
Backstepping Adaptive-based Strategy
LAAAS, Department of Electronics, University of Batna 2, Batna 05000, Algeria.
Department of Industrial Engineering, University Abbes Laghrour of Khenchela, Khenchela 40004, Algeria
In this work, a new structure of optical Au/SiO2 nano-robot is proposed in order to boost the optical performances. The
proposed modeling way aims to reduce refracting light and improves the absorbance behavior, which leads to increase
thrust force of the nano-robot. The proposed structure has an ellipsoidal shape composed of Au/SiO2. Further, new
numerical model based on accurate solution of Navier Stokes equation is developed in order to study the nano-robot
behavior in H2O2 fluid. It is found that the ellipsoidal shape has a great impact to decrease the drag force where the
overall electromechanical performances are significantly improved as compared to conventional nano-robot designs. In
addition, a robust adaptive backstepping control strategy is developed to deal with the non-linearity of the considered
model. They aim is to control the nano-robot behavior in hazardous environment; this strategy allows to ensure the
stability and a good path tracking with minimal error under the impact of Brownian force.
Keywords: Absorbance; Electric field; Control; Nano-robot.
ID: EMS-3074
Heat Transfer in Fluid Flow Between Parallel Plates Porous Channel
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of 20 Août 1955- Skikda, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algeria
The present study investigated the heat transfer enhancement in a porous parallel-plate channel. Steady, twodimensional forced laminar flow under uniform wall temperature is considered. Local thermal equilibrium hypothesis
(LTE) and Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimehr approach are used to model the flow in porous region. Numerical solution is
achieved with finite volume method and SIMPLE algorithm. The effects of Darcy number and porous thickness medium
on Nusselt number, velocity and temperature are analyzed. It is shown, that the channel thermal performance is
significantly influenced by these parameters.
Keywords: Channel; Porous medium; Forced convection; Heat transfer.
[1] P. Jiang, X.C. Lu, Numerical simulation of fluid flow and convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels, International
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49 (2006) 1685-1695. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2005.10.026
[2] H. Shokouhmand, F. Jam, M.R. Salimpour, The effect of porous insert position on the enhanced heat transfer in partially filled
[3] N. Karimi, D. Agbo, A.T. Khan, P. L. Younger, On the effects of exothermicity and endothermicity upon the temperature fields in a
[4] Y. Mahmoudi, N. Karimi, K. Mazaheri, Analytical investigation of heat transfer enhancement in a channel partially filled with a
porous material under local thermal non-equilibrium condition: Effects of different thermal boundary conditions at the porous-fluid
interface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 70 (2014) 87-891. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.11.048
[5] S. Marzougui, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. Mchirgui, and M. Magherbi, Entropy Generation and Heat transport of Cu-water Nanoliquid
in Porous lid-driven Cavity through Magnetic Field, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 32 (6), 2022,
2047-2069. https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-04-2021-0288
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
[6] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
[7] A.S. Warke, K. Ramesh, F. Mebarek-Oudina, and A. Abidi, Numerical investigation of the stagnation point flow of radiative
magnetomicropolar liquid past a heated porous stretching sheet, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147(12)(2022) 6901–
6912 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-021-10976-z
[8] S. M. Abo-Dahab, M. A. Abdelhafez, F. Mebarek-Oudina and S. M. Bilal, MHD Casson Nanofluid Flow over Nonlinearly Heated
Porous Medium in presence of Extending Surface effect with Suction/Injection, Indian Journal of Physics, 95 (2021) 2703–2717.
ID: EMS-3075
The Eulerian - Lagrangian Approach For Three-Dimensional Diphasic Turbulent Flows in a waste water pipe
Farida MERROUCHI 1, Ali FOURAR 2, Fawaz MASSOUH3, Fateh SEKIOU1, Abdelatif ZEROUAL1
Faculty of sciences and applied sciences, hydraulic department, university of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
Hydraulic department, Batna 2, Algeria
Dynfluid laboratory Paris France
This work has to numerically model the turbulent water-pollutant flows in a sewerage pipe by the two-way EulerianLagrangian approach. The main idea of our modeling is to take into account the volume concentration of the solid
particles to make the coupling between the Lagrangian discrete phase model (DPM), or the Lagrangien dense discrete
phase model (DDPM) and the Eulerian model. The solid particles are beads of alumina and glass have a shape of nondeformable sphere of different diameters: 5 , 6, mm and two densities 2500 kg / m3 and 3650 kg / m3 . Coupling to take
advantage of the advantages of these two formulations, the dispersion and interaction between solid particles and
turbulence in horizontal pipe flow are investigated using the bidirectional coupled Euler - Lagrange approach based on
the isotropic turbulence model coupled with the scattered random walk model. The average pressure gradients of the
numerical solution of the fully developed turbulent flow in the pipe were compared with the experimental data obtained
in the DynFluid laboratory ENSAM Paris. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
The results show that the size and concentration of solid particles in liquid-solid suspension streams can increase or
decrease the rate of pressure drop, the pressure drop increases with particle size at higher concentrations and velocities
Keywords: Turbulence; Dispersed phase; Random walk model; Eulerian-Lagrangian approach; Collision.
ID: EMS-3076
Optimization of an Adsorption Solar Refrigeration Machine Using a Nanofluid as Adsorbate
Kawthar DHIF1, Fateh MEBAREK-OUDINA2, Saida CHOUF3
Department of physics, Faculty of sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria.
Department of physics, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria.
Abstract :
The cycle temperatures of an adsorption refrigeration machine have an important influence on the cold production
performance. Then the selection of these parameters can be the main key to optimize adsorption refrigeration. In order to
optimize the operation of adsorption refrigeration machines, we have developed a calculation code that takes into account
the influence of different parameters. The main objective here is to optimize a solar reactor utilizing the adsorptive couple
(13X Zeolite / Al2O3-Water Nanofluid) for a solar cooling system, where the efficiency of using nanofluids is
presented.[1-6] Define a mathematical model based on the one hand on the equation of state of the Dubinin-Astakhov
model and on the other hand on the different quantities of heat exchanged during the thermodynamic cycle of (Clapeyron)
for the adsorption refrigeration machine [7], using the selected adsorption couple. The numerical calculation of the model
defined for the basic cycle of this machine, carried out by MATLAB, made it possible to highlight the influence of
various parameters on the quantity of cold produced as well as the quantities of heat consumed by the different
components of the adsorber and the coefficient of performance of the machine (COP).
Keywords: Refrigeration machine; Adsorption; Dubinin–Astakhov; Zéolithe/Al2O3-eau; Nanofluid.
References :
[1] A. M. Abusorrah, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. Ahmadian, D. Baleanu, Modeling of a MED-TVC desalination system by considering
the effects of nanoparticles - Energetic and exergetic analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 144(2021) 2675–2687,
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
[2] K. Asogwa, F. Mebarek-Oudina, & I. Animasaun, Comparative investigation of Water-based Al2O3 Nanoparticles through
Water-based CuO Nanoparticles over an Exponentially Accelerated Radiative Riga Plate Surface via Heat Transport, Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 47 (7)(2022)8721–8738, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06355-3
[3] A. Mehari, Z. Y. Xu, R. Z. Wang, Thermal energy storage using absorption cycle and system: A comprehensive review, Energy
Conversion and Management, 2020
[4] F. Mebarek Oudina & I. Chabani, Review on Nano-fluids applications and heat transfer enhancement techniques in different
enclosures, Journal of Nanofluids, 11(2) (2022)155-168, https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2022.1834
[5] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Convective Heat Transfer of Titania Nanofluids of different base fluids in Cylindrical Annulus with discrete
Heat Source, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 48(2019) 135-147, https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.21375
[6] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
[7] K. Dhif, F. Mebarek-Oudina, S. Chouf, H. Vaidya and Ali J. Chamkha, Thermal Analysis of the Solar Collector Cum Storage
System using a Hybrid-Nanofluids, Journal of Nanofluids, 10 (4), (2021) 634–644, https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2021.1807
ID: EMS-3077
Effect of crucible size on heat transfer during the Czochralski growth of Nd:YAG crystal
H. Azoui 1,*, Z.Arab 2, N. Soltani3, D. Bahloul 4
PRIMALAB Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Batna 1, 1 rue Chahid Boukhlouf Mohamed El-Hadi,
05000 Batna, Algeria.
In this work, the numerical simulations were performed to investigate the rolls of crucible size on heat transfer, melt
convection during the Czochralski ܻ∶ܻܻ3‫ܣ‬5ܻ12 crystal growth process. Cylindrical crucible with different rotation speed
of crystal were considered, and the Czochralski growth process was simulated using the finite volume method, it was
found that The aim of this work is to optimize the growing conditions to pull high quality crystals for various application.
Through numerical analyses we have been able to determine the optimal conditions
conserved the symmetry of the flow inside the Czochralski crucible and leed to a flat liquid-solid interface (optimal
rotation speed).
Keywords: Heat transfer; Crystal growth; Yttrium Aluminium Grenat; Neodymium; Convection; Heat transfer;
Numerical simulation.
[1] Shu Wang, Qi Wang, Ruirun Chen et al. Numerical analysis for solid-liquid interface shape at various temperature gradient in
electromagnetic cold crucible directional solidification. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.199 (2022).123443.
[2] S. Kosti _c a, Z.Ž. Lazarevi et al. Study of structural and optical properties of YAG and Nd:YAG single crystals. Materials
Research Bulletin 63 (2015) 80–87.
[3]Rekia Bouaita. Impact des conditions de cristallisation sur les défauts et les contraintes résiduelles dans le saphir et cristallisation par
μ-PD de fibres de grenats YAG-dopées Ce pour la physique des hautes énergies. Thèse de doctorat. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
et Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba. (2019).
ID: EMS-3078
Etude numérique de l’effet de chicanne sur l’intesification d’échange thermique
Département de génie mécanique et électromécanique, Faculté de science et technologie Centre universitaire Abdelhafid
Boussouf. Mila. Algerie
Département de génie civil, Faculté de science et technologie, Université de Abbes Laghrour Khenchela Algerie
Résumé :
Ce travail consiste à étudier numériquement le comportement thermique et hydraulique d’un écoulement turbulent
de l’air en convection forcée à l’intérieur d’une conduite rectangulaire munie de chicanes possédant une partie inclinée
avec différents angles d’inclinaison (30°,45° et 60°), attachée aux surfaces horizontales supérieures et inférieures de la
paroi aux différentes positions. Les surfaces de la paroi sont maintenues à une température constante (375K), la vitesse
d’entrée de l’air Uin = 7,8 m/s, et le nombre de Reynolds Re= 8.73×104. Les équations gouvernantes (Navier-Stokes et
l’équation de l’énergie) sont résolues numériquement par la méthode du volume fini, basées sur le modèle k –ε à l’aide
de l’utilisation de l’algorithme SIMPLE. Le but de ce travail est de montrer la contribution de la présence de chicanes à
la génération de perturbation d’écoulement du fluide et l’instabilité de transfert de chaleur convectif. Les profils de
vitesse axiale, les champs de vitesse ainsi que la distribution du nombre de Nusselt sont présentés. Plusieurs grilles ont
été testées afin de vérifier que la solution est indépendante du maillage. Les résultats obtenues sont validés par les
résultats expérimentaux de Demartini et al. Ces résultats montrent également que la présence de chicanes d’angle
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
d’inclinaison de 30° offre des résultats mieux que d’autres et que le nombre de Nusselt augmente d’environ 29 % de
Mots clés : Instabilité convective; Convection forcée; Solution numérique; Conduite rectangulaire; Chicane inclinée,
Perturbation d’écoulement; Volumes finis.
Topic 4: Modeling and Simulation
ID: EMS-400
Plenary Talk
Buoyant heat transfer of nanofluids in a vertical porous annulus: a comparative study of different models
Department of Mathematics University of Technology and Applied Sciences - Ibri P. O. Box 14, Ibri 516 Sultanate of
Abstract :
This study aims to numerically study the buoyant convective flow of two different nanofluids in a porous annular
domain. A uniformly heated inner cylinder, cooled outer cylindrical boundary and adiabatic horizontal surfaces are
considered because of many industrial applications of this geometry. The analysis also addresses the comparative study of
different porous media models governing fluid flow and heat transport. The finite difference method has been
used in the current simulation work to obtain the numerical solution of coupled partial differential equations. In
particular, the alternating direction implicit method is used for solving transient equations, and the successive line over
relaxation iterative method is used to solve time-independent equation by choosing an optimum value for relaxation
parameter. Simpson’s rule is adopted to estimate average Nusselt number involving numerical integration. Various grid
sensitivity checks have been performed to assess the sufficiency of grid size to obtain accurate results. In this analysis, a
general porous media model has been considered, and a comparative study between three different models has
been investigated. Numerical simulations are performed for different combinations of the control parameters and
interesting results are obtained. It has been found that the an increase in Darcy and Rayleigh numbers enhances the
thermal transport rate and strengthens the nanofluid movement in porous annulus. Also, higher flow circulation rate and
thermal transport has been detected for Darcy model as compared to non-Darcy models. Thermal mixing could be
enhanced by considering a non-Darcy model.
ID: EMS-401
Vibration Analysis of Thin and Thick Plates Interacting with a Liquid by the Finite Element Method using
DKMQ Element
Djelloul BENTRIA1, Rassim BELAKROUM1,*, Fodil HAMMADI2
Univ. Ouargla, Fac. des Sciences Appliquées, Lab. Dynamique, Interaction et Réactivité des Systèmes, Ouargla 30000,
Laboratory of Mechanics, Modeling and Experimentation L2ME University of Bechar, Bechar, Algeria.
Abstract :
This paper presents the free vibration analysis of thin and thick rectangular plates immersed in a liquid. Such case is
representative of certain key components of complex structures used in industries such as aerospace, nuclear and naval.
For modeling the structure subdomain we used 12 DOF quadrilateral plate bending element valid for the analysis of thick
to thin plates called DKMQ (Discrete Kirchoff-Mindlin Quadrilateral). The effect of the fluid on the vibrating structure is
of the form of an induced pressure at the fluid-structure interface. This pressure may be conveniently modelled as an
added inertia. An in‐house code has been developed, and many cases of plates with different boundary conditions are
solved. The obtained results are discussed and compared with other published research works.
Keywords: Fluid-structure interaction; Free vibration; Added inertia; Finite element method; DKMQ.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-402
Finite Element Model for Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Rectangular Plates
Univ. Ouargla, Fac. Des Sciences Appliquées, Lab. Dynamique, Interaction et Réactivité des Systèmes, Ouargla 30000,
Abstract :
In the present paper, a four nodes rectangular element with 6 DOFs per node, called Q4Sander is developed using a
hybrid combination of classical finite element method and Sanders’ shell theory. The proposed formulation is used for the
prediction of free vibration of functionally graded rectangular plates. The efficacy of the present element was tested, and
it was observed that the results obtained by a developed in-house code show very good convergence behavior, and are in
good agreement with those in other published works.
Keywords: Free vibration; Functionally graded plate; Finite element method; Sanders’ theory.
ID: EMS-403
Erosion Investigation Study Inside Contraction Geometry
Zied TURKI, Naceur SELMI, Mouldi CHRIGUI
Abstract :
Most of the oil wells in the world are formed from sand rocks, like the case of the Ezzaouia field in southern
Tunisia. Without a doubt, sand is the most common source of erosion problems in oil wells systems, because small
amounts of sand entrained in the produced fluid can result in significant erosion and erosion-corrosion damage. Numerical
approaches are used in this study for predicting solid particle erosion inside the Jet pump, different wear models
are utilized to calculate erosion caused by sand (particle), and various flow models and particle tracking approaches were
employed to evaluate the accuracy of predicted erosion magnitude and pattern. The Jet pump geometry and dimensions
are taken from an industrial oil production company, as well as our erosion-damaged study models, which represent the
experience data. This work aims to classify challenges of erosion calculation for the complex geometry of Jet pump with
the oil-water-gas-solid flow and add complementary steps to the available guideline developed in the literature for
predicting solid particle erosion.
Keywords: CFD simulation; Jet pump; Particle erosion; Discrete phase model; turbulent flow; Very high velocity;
Erosion models.
ID: EMS-404
An Efficient Lead Free Perovskite Based Solar Cell Simulated using SCAPS-1d
Mohammed ElSaid SARHANI*, Mohamed Abdelilah FADLA*, Mohamed Lamine BELKHIR, Bachir BENTRIA, Tahar
Laboratoire de physique des matériaux, Université Amar Telidji de Laghouat; BP 37G Laghouat 03000, Algeria.
Abstract :
Lead based perovskite materials are commonly used in the PSC, such as methylammonium and formamidinium
lead halide solar cells. The best power conversion efficiency of approximately 25% has been achieved for the lead halide
solar cells with MA-PbI3 as active layer . But, presence of toxic heavy metal like lead associated over whole lifecycle
of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is the major concern from environment perspective. Fortunately, various type of less toxic
cations such as Sn, Bi, Ti , Sb and Ge have demonstrated as a substitute of lead cation in PSCs. Recent implementation of
formamidinium tin iodide and methylammonium tin iodide have open up the way towards non-toxic PSCs. In 2020 a
14.03 % power conversion efficiency obtined by Abdelaziz et al. in simulation study of formadinum tin iodide based
solar cell.The main objective behind this present research work is to make a comparison between lead halide and leadfree perovskite solar cells simulated using SCAPS-1D simulator. The simulation executed in the same environment of
T=300K and no schunt and no series resistance also the same ETL and HTL with the same optimum thickness of them.
The comparison lights the characteristics of the different perovskite material, which are MA-PbI3, FA-PbI3, MA-SnI3,
and FA-SnI3. results obtained that tin very good substituent for the lead from all sides, and the lead-free device is better
performant and less toxicity.
Keywords: PSC; perovskite; simulation; photovoltaic energy; SCAPS.
ID: EMS-405
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Computer simulations of ZnO polymorph under hydrostatic stresses.
1. Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Materials Technology, Larbi Ben M'Hidi University – Oum El Bouaghi, (04000)
Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
2. University of Constantine, Physics Department, Constantine, Algeria
3.Unité de Recherche de Chimie de l’Environnement et MoléculaireStructurale, Université Constantine (Mentouri),
25000 Constantine, Algeria
Abstract :
In this work, within the framework of density functional theory (DFT), first principles calculations were carried out
to determine pressure stability ranges of cubic rock-salt (B1), cesium chloride (B2), cubic zinc-blende (B3) and
hexagonal wurzite (B4) phases of ZnO. Our results for transition pressures have found B4 (B3) B1  B2 pressureinduced sequence.The equations of state of all these polymorphs and the components of the elasticity tensor of the B3 and
B4 phase at zero pressure were determined and microscopically analyzed in terms of atomic contributions. With studying
the relationship between them all thes poly-morphs. The calculated lattice parameters, elastic constants, and phonon
dispersions are in good agreement with available experimental and theoretical results. All full geometry for ZnO polymorphs is initially carried out for the four phases. We start with calculating the total energies of different volume from the
smallest to the largest in order to find the volume corresponding to the minimum energy. This step is important if we look
for the microscopic division of pressure and to know the phase’s transition at high pressure. To find out the energyvolume (E, V) relationship all calculated points are described by means of curves. The calculation she did performed in
malta super-computing of Oviedo’s university using Abinit, Gibbs and Critic codes.
Keywords: Semiconductor; Crystal structure; Hydrostatic pressure; DFT; Quantum-mechanical calculations.
ID: EMS-406
Thermoelastic stability analysis of imperfect functionally graded plates
Najah JOUEIDa , Souhir ZGHALa*, Mouldi CHRIGUIa, Fakhreddine DAMMAKb
Modeling, Mechanics, Energetic and Materials (M2EM) Unit, National Engineering School of Gabes, Av.
Omar Ibn El Khattab, Zrig Eddakhlania 6029, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia
Laboratory of Electromechanical Systems (LASEM), National Engineering School of Sfax, B.P W3038, Sfax,
University of Sfax, Tunisia,
Abstract :
In this paper, thermoelastic buckling analysis of functionally graded (FGM) plates with porosity imperfections are
presented. The material properties of the plates are assumed to be graded and changed by a power law function in the
thickness direction of the structure. The porosity parameter is introduced as an imperfection in the fabrication processes
of the FGM plates. The equilibrium and stability equations are derived using the first-order shear deformations theory
(FSDT). Approximate solutions based on four node finite shell element are obtained via the finite element method. Two
types of thermal loadings including uniform temperature load (UTL) and non-uniform temperature load (NUTL) are
considered. The Newton-Raphson iterative method is used to derive the critical temperature load. The results are
validated first with those available in the literature. Then, numerical simulations are conducted to show the effect of
porosity parameter and the power law index on thermoelastic buckling responses of FGM imperfect plates.
Keywords: Thermal buckling; Functionally graded; Porosity; Finite element; Simulations.
ID: EMS-407
Thickness effect on optical transmission properties of Zinc Oxide thinfilms deposited on different substrates
Materials and Renewable Energy Research Unit (URMER), University of Tlemcen, BP 119 Tlemcen, Algeria
Zinc oxide (ZnO) present one of the most important material in a wide variety of optoelectronic systems with large
and varied applications . It is a popular II-VI semiconductor material for devices with possible applications such as:
piezoelectric transducers , transparent electronics in solar cells, gas sensors, saw devices. According to several research,
Zinc oxide is the most promising in optoelectronic applications, especially in the UV region . A understanding of the
optical properties of Zinc oxide thin layers on different substrates is also needed to determine the optimal configuration
(ZnO/substrate) for best performance. In this work, we start our simulation by executing a Matlab code inorder to study
the Sellmeier equation. The light transmission behavior of ZnO/BK7 and ZnO/Quartz is examined . The variation of ZnO
film thickness and the different parameters of the Sellmeier model were studied . This approach help us to identify the
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
optimal configuration (ZnO thin film/substrate) for transparent thin layers used in optoelectronic applications. the results
obtained by the different simulations show that the optimal structure for transparent thin films used in optoelectronic
apps is (ZnO/quartz) with small thicknesses ( in the range of 10 nm) because of its high transmission percentage
achieved (94%).
Keywords : Simulation; Zinc Oxide; Film thickness; Sellmeier equation; Transmission.
ID: EMS-408
Effect of coating thickness the AL2O3on mechanical contact with 316L and TI6AL4V Substrates
Abdelyamine BOUKHOBZA 1, a, Hichem AMRANI 2,b* , Kamel FEDAOUI 3,c Lahcen MEBARKI4,d, Karim ARAR3,e and
Lazhar BAROURA 3,f
Institute of Science ,Department of Natural Sciences and Life, University Center of Elbayadh 32000, Algeria
Higher National School OfRenewable Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development,05000 , Algeria
Institute of Applied Science and Technology, University of Constantine 1 Constantine 25000, Algeria
Center for Research in Mechanics "CRM" the University of the Brothers Mentouri Constantine1, Algeria
Abstract :
In our work, the effect of the presence of a coating in the contact between bodies was studied. For that, the
cylinder/plan contact was investigated by using the numerical approach. The results found from Hertz theory and finite
element method (FEM) were compared. Two studies were conducted, first between two pairs of biomaterials (316L and
Ti6Al4V) with and without coating (Al2O3 ). Secondly, the influence of the coating thickness in the material was
Keywords: Coated material; Dental implant; Biomaterials; Contact pressure.
ID: EMS-409
Simulation of the behavior of the ship's propellers under different mechanical and environmental stresses
Hamid SEDJAL1, Fatah HELLAL1
Laboratoire des Sciences et Génie des Matériaux, Département de Métallurgie, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, P.O. Box
182, El Harrach, Algiers, Algeria
Propeller of the ships forms with the rudder the two main parts of the movement. By its shape, movement and
position, a propeller is subjected to static and dynamic external loads in an aggressive environment. For this purpose,
modern propellers are made of stainless steel to improve corrosion resistance, a goal that is not fully achieved because
the low resistance to pitting corrosion of this type of steel, which makes the presence of surface defects a harmful
parameter. In this work, we have studied by simulation, the behavior of propeller with respect to the operating
conditions. The study examines the effect of mechanical external loads, static or dynamic, in two different mediums: on
air and sea water.The first part of the study takes the rotational force as a single parameter, while the second part also
takes into account the effect of the water interaction forces. This interaction produces both mechanical resistance effects
and a fluid solid interaction. The two parts of the study are carried out in two cases: without surface defects and in the
presence of surface defects. The simulation results show the maximum resistance stress changes as well as the equivalent
displacements and deformation rates. These results show the dangerous effect of surface defects. This presence
significantly reduces the strength and consequently the lifetime of these propellers.
Keywords: Propeller; Pitting corrosion; Stainless steel; load simulation; Sea water.
ID: EMS-4010
Variation of the temperature and melting fraction of n-octadecane during charging of LTES unit in the
temperature range 305.7 -310.7 K.
LESEI Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanics Department, University of Batna-2, Batna, Algeria.
Abstract :
The present paper reports a detailed numerical study that is aimed to determine the variation of the two principal
parameters, temperature and melting fraction of phase change material (PCM), n-octadecane during charging of latent
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
thermal energy storage unit (LTES), in the temperature range 305.7-310.7 K. The unit consisting of a shell-and-tube type.
The shell space of the unit is filled with n-octadecane as PCM. A heat transfer fluid (HTF), water, flows through the inner
tube and transfer the heat to PCM. The mathematical model based on the enthalpy formulation was developed and
numerically investigated using a computational fluid dynamic. The results show that charging process has three periods
for the change of temperature and melting fraction regarding to time in n-octadecane. The two parameters change along
the axial and radial direction, the phase change starts at the HTF-PCM interface and progress inside the PCM. For high
HTF inlet temperature, the heat transfer rate increase, so, the time to complete the charging process is shortened. The
numerical analysis and discussion of results are employed to evaluate the thermal behavior of the shell-and-tube LTES
unit, also the correspondence between the variations of the temperature and melting fraction of n-octadecane as PCM.
Keywords: Thermal energy storage; Phase change materials; Numerical simulation; Enthalpy method.
ID: EMS-4011
Plasmonic properties of silver nanoparticles self-organized in a TiO2 matrix: Discrete Dipole Approximation
calculations and Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
Research Unit in Optics and Photonics (UROP), Center for Development of Advanced Technologies (CDTA), Setif,
Abstract :
Recent progresses in nanoscience and nanotechnology have fundamentally modified the manner used in diagnosing,
treating and preventing various diseases in all aspects of human life. Due to their peculiar qualities, silver nanoparticles
(AgNPs) are one of the most crucial and attractive nanomaterials for biomedical applications. In fact, AgNPs play an
essential role in nanoscience and nanotechnology, especially in nanomedicine. Among several noble metals, AgNPs have
been widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Interestingly, the properties of AgNPs exhibit great sensitivity
to the shape and size of NPs, their local environment, the nature of the polarization of the incident light as well as the
coupling between nearby plasmon resonances. Indeed, the control of the surface morphology and then the optical
properties of the light-ordered plasmonic silver nanostructures has been successfully examined in titanium dioxide (TiO2)
films since TiO2 has become the best candidate, among the TCO materials, due to its promising properties in several
applications. In this work, we examine the process of self-organized growth of AgNPs in a thin film of amorphous TiO2
under light excitation. First, the deposition phase of TiO2 thin films obtained by a sol-gel technique is studied, via the
kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method, by choosing the deposition rate as the most influential parameter. Next, a new
simulation pattern describing the spontaneous formation of periodic arrays of smaller spherical AgNPs in a TiO2 matrix is
developed. Finally, we conclude by calculating the transmission spectra, using the discrete dipole approximation (DDA)
method, over a wider range of wavelengths from 0 to 1000 nm, thanks to the nature of polarization, the angle of incidence
and the excitation wavelength.
Keywords : TiO2; sol-gel; AgNPs; Self-organization; KMC; DDA; P properties.
ID: EMS-4012
3D Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Tunnel Construction on Adjacent Pile Foundation
Tamir AMARI1, Mohamed Nabil HOUHOU2
MN2I2S Laboratory, Civil Engineering department, University Mohamed Khider, Biskra, Algeria, BP 145, 07000
The rapid development of many urban cities worldwide, leads to increased demand for underground constructions
such as tunneling. It is almost inevitable to excavate a tunnel close to existing pile foundations supporting nearby
structures. In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element simulation was carried out to investigate the effects of tunnel
construction on nearby single pile in soft clay overlying dense sand. The explicit finite element numerical code PLAXIS
3D is used to model the tunnel excavation, its different constituents and the various phases of realization in the presence
of pile. The Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness (HSs) is used to simulate the non-linear stress-strain soil
behavior. The numerical analyses mainly focus on the vertical single pile response in terms of lateral deflection, induced
bending moment, axial force, skin resistance distribution and pile settlement. To judge the relevance of the threedimensional model, the results have been compared with the plane strain model results using PLAXIS 2D code. The
findings reveal that the deep excavation may cause appreciable bending moments, lateral deflections and axial forces in
nearby piles.
Keywords: Numerical simulation; Tunnel construction; Pile foundation.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4013
Instabilité Linéaire des Ondes interfaciales à Courtes Crêtes de Gravité Capillarité Généré par Une réflexion
Oblique sur une Paroi Verticale
Sara CHIKHI1*, Mohammed DEBIANE1 et Nabil ALLALOU1
Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari Boumedianne, Faculté de physique, Département Énergétique et
mécanique des fluides, BP 32 El Alia, Alger, 1611, Algérie.
Abstract :
Les ondes à crête courte sont définies comme des ondes doublement périodiques dans les deux directions
horizontales. Elles peuvent être générées par la réflexion d'une onde progressive bidimensionnelle sur une paroi verticale,
où l'angle θ entre la direction incidente et la normale à la paroi direction (oy). Ces ondes sont symétriques par rapport à la
paroi et supposées se propager de manière monophasique dans la direction (ox). Elles constituent le type d'ondes
tridimensionnelles et leur étude est le premier pas vers une approche physique de la large gamme d’ondes interfaciales
tridimensionnelles non étudiées. L'étude des champs d'ondes interfaciales tridimensionnelles est appropriée pour obtenir
une description plus réaliste de l’interface de l'océan.Le but de ce travail est d’étudier l’instabilité linéaires des ondes
interfaciales a courtes crêtes de Gravité - Capillarité , qui se propagent en profondeurs infinies, générés par une réflexion
oblique d’un train d’onde uniforme sur une paroi verticale. Pour une cambrure de h = 0.30, un rapport de densité μ = 0.1,
une tension interfaciale ξ = 0.002, l’impacte de l’angle de réflexion sur l’instabilité sousharmonique des ondes
interfaciales à courtes crêtes sera étudier. L'écoulement de base est calculé avec une méthode de perturbation et les
expansions sont additionnées en utilisant les approximations de Padé. Afin de trouver les zones instables, et les
instabilités dominantes, une méthode de Collocation est utilisée, résultant en un problème généralisé de valeurs propres
résolu numériquement avec l'algorithme QZ.
Mots-clés : Ondes Interfaciales; Résonances Harmoniques; Stabilité Linéaire; Ondes de Gravité-Capillarité; Onde à
Courtes Crêtes; Interactions Obliques.
ID: EMS-4014
Ab-initio study of the physical properties of the two phases Pyrite and Fluorite phases of Titanium Dioxide TiO 2 at
zero pressure and under the effect of pressure.
Mohamed lamine BELKHIR 1, Ahmed GUEDDOUH 1
Materials Physics Laboratory (LPM), University de Laghouat 1
Abstract :
Using the program (CASTEP) that uses the pseudo-potential method, which is based on density functional theory
(DFT). We calculate the structural, electronic, and optical properties of titanium dioxide compound
TiO2(𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒) we used the generalized gradient approximation (GGA-PBE), to calculate the potential
exchange potential and correlation to the objective of calculating structural properties (mesh constant), electronic
properties (band structures and density of states), elastic properties (elastic constants, elastic modulus), The results
obtained in good agreement with the available experimental and theoretical results. The calculations carried out on the
electronic structure, showed that the two compounds TiO2 - Fluorite and TiO2 - Pyrite studied are semiconductors. The
use of the hybrid functional HSE06 has considerably improved the gap values which are in excellent agreement with the
experiment. Based on the analysis of Mullikan populations, and charge distribution diagrams, the covalent and mixed
ionic character of the titanium-oxygen bond is highlighted. The analysis of spectra of the densities of electronic states
(PDOS), allowed us to interpret the spectra of the optical response of the studied materials in a wide range of spectral
frequencies. The calculations of the elastic constants have shown that TiO2 Fluorite and Pyrite are more resistive to
compression than to shear. The elastic constants obtained at 0 GPa for the TiO2-Pyrite compound and at 50 GPa for the
TiO2-Fluorite compound with GGA, obey the Born mechanical stability conditions, indicating the mechanical stability of
the structure. The B/G ratios show That TiO2 Is ductile.
Key words: 𝑇𝑖𝑂2; Properties; Structural; Electronic and optical (DFT); CASTEP.
ID: EMS-4015
A comparative study of aerodynamic performances between rectangular and tapered wing shapes
Laboratoire LICEGS, Département de génie mécanique, Faculté de technologie, Université Batna 2
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratoire LICEGS, Département de génie mécanique, Faculté de technologie, Université Batna 2
Département de génie mécanique, Faculté de technologie, Université Batna 2
Abstract :
The wing geometric shapes are considered crucial for the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. The
performance of an aircraft depends primarily on the strength of lift, drag and lift-to-drag ratio, etc. The present work
represents a comparative study between two profiles of NACA 4412 type for Rectangular and Tapered shapes, over a
wide range of angle of attacks with a subsonic velocity corresponding to a Reynolds number of 2.17×10 5. The aim of this
study is to determine the most efficient wing shape which improves the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft. The
numerical results are interpreted and compared with the experimental results. The results show an improvement in lift
coefficients and a reduction in drag coefficients of the Tapered shape compared to the rectangular one in all angles of
attack, however a gain in the lift-to-drag coefficients ratio of the Tapered profile has been obtained.
Keywords: Naca 4412; Rectangular wing; Tapered wing; Lift coefficient; Drag coefficient.
ID: EMS-4016
Détermination du taux de renouvellement d'air optimal d'une serre de culture de tomate refroidie par ventilation
Faouzi SALHI1 & Rezki NEBBALI 2
Laboratoire d'Energétique, Mécanique et Matériaux. Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie.
Résumé :
La ventilation naturelle constitue une alternative intéressante pour le refroidissement et le renouvellement d'air des
serres de cultures. Elle est assurée par des ouvrants disposés en toiture ou sur les faces latérales. Le taux de
renouvellement d'air est éminemment lié aux conditions climatiques externes (Rayonnement, solaire, température et
hygrométrie de l'air et vitesse du vent). Son optimum correspond à la température intérieure minimale de l'air qui résulte
des équilibres thermique et massique intervenant dans la serre de culture.Dans le présent travail, on propose un modèle de
calcul qui permet de déterminer le taux de renouvellement au regard des conditions climatiques externes. Ce modèle est
construit à partir des bilans massique et thermique de l'air intérieur. Pour une exploitation pratique de ce modèle, des
abaques sont élaborés pour déterminer, par simple lecture, la valeur optimale de ce taux de renouvellement d'air.
Mots clés : Gestion de climat; serre de culture; ventilation naturelle; taux de renouvellement d’air.
ID: EMS-4017
L'influence des Conditions Extérieures sur les Vibrations des Plaques Orthotropes Minces avec et sans
Sofiane CHORFI1, Brahim NECIB2, Abdellah DRAIDI1
Département de productique mécanique, Institut de science et technique Appliquées, University de fréres Mentouri
Constantine1, Algeria
Département de Génie mécanique, Faculté de science et de l'ingénieur, University de fréres Mentouri Constantine1,
Résumé :
Les matériaux orthotropes présentent un intérêt très important dans le domaine des applications industriels modernes
tels que : la mécanique, l’aéronautique, le génie civil et la biomécanique vu leur dureté leur légèreté et leur super
élasticité. Durant leur fonctionnement et sous l’effet des efforts extérieurs, ces matériaux peuvent subir des fissurations
ou des ruptures qui peuvent provoquer le désastre de la structure. Afin d’éviter ces types de problèmes, l’analyse de ces
matériaux est nécessaire afin de prédire leur caractéristiques mécaniques et ainsi d’augmenter leur durée de vie. Cette
analyse repose essentiellement sur la structure interne du matériau, sa géométrie, ses conditions aux limites et les
conditions extérieures appliquées.Notre travail consiste en l’analyse du comportement statique et dynamique des plaques
orthotropes minces bi dimensionnelle sous l’effet des efforts extérieurs utilisant les méthodes numériques et de
modélisations en se basant sur la méthode des éléments finis. Les contraintes et les déformations à n’importe quel nœud
de la plaque orthotrope ont été déterminées pour différents types de chargement (aléatoires et harmoniques), avec et sans
amortissement comparativement avec celles d’une plaque isotrope de même dimension. Et de bonnes efficacités et
fiabilités des propriétés mécaniques de la plaque orthotrope ont été observées que celles du matériau isotrope.
Mot-clés : Plaque orthotrope; Plaque isotrope; Vibration; Déflexion; Contraintes; Amortissement.
ID: EMS-4018
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Ethanol Addition to Gasoline on a SI Engine Performance and NOx
Mehrez GASSOUMI*1, Zouhaier BOUTAR1, Ridha ENNETTA1 and Hakan S. SOYHAN2
Mechanical Modelling, Energy and Materials, National School of Engineers, Gabes University, Zrig, 6029, Gabes,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya University, Sakarya, 54187,
Abstract :
To face climate change and fossil fuels shortage challenges, ethanol has been hugely used in spark-ignition engines
in form of blends or as a pure fuel. This study aims to investigate the effect of adding a fixed quantity of ethanol (20% by
volume) to gasoline on a spark ignition (SI) engine performance and exhaust emissions. Tests were performed under
various load conditions (0%, 50%, and 100%) and at fixed engine speed (2000 rpm). Results showed that adding ethanol
to gasoline by 20% of volume (E20) increases the torque and the power of the engine, by a mean of 5.7%, at the whole
range of engine speeds and under full load conditions. Furthermore, the specific fuel consumption decreases by about
32% and the thermal efficiency is improved by 55%, at the same conditions. Concerning NOx emissions, results showed a
significant decrease by 76% and 86%, at 0 % and 50 % engine loads, respectively, when testing E20 at 2000 rpm engine
speed. Otherwise, under full load condition, NOx emissions decrease slightly (3%) in comparison with pure gasoline, at
the same engine speed.This study demonstrated that ethanol, even with small quantity, can be a good substitute for
gasoline fuel in the case of SI engines.
Keywords: SI Engine; Gasoline ; Ethanol blend; Engine performance ; NOx emission.
ID: EMS-4019
Thermodynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Production by a Thermochemical Cycle Powered by different Thermal
Laboratory of Mechanics, Amar Télidji University of Laghouat, Algeria
Abstract :
Most thermochemical cycles require complex thermal processes at very high temperatures, which restrict the
production and the use of hydrogen on a large scale. Recently, thermochemical cycles producing hydrogen at relatively
low temperatures have been developed in order to be competitive with other kinds of energies, especially those of fossil
origin. The low temperatures required by those cycles allow them to work with heats recovered by thermal, nuclear and
solar power plants. In this work, a new thermochemical cycle is proposed. This cycle uses the chemical elements
Magnesium-Chlorine (Mg-Cl) to dissociate the water molecule. The configuration consists of three chemical reactions or
three physical steps and uses mainly thermal energy to achieve its objectives. The highest temperature of the process is
that of the production of hydrochloric acid, HCl, estimated between 350-450℃. A thermodynamic analysis was
performed according to the first and second laws by using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software and the efficiency
of the proposed cycle was found to be 12.7%. In order to improve the efficiency of this cycle and make it more
competitive, an electro-thermochemical version should be studied.
Keywords: First and second low; Energy exergy analysis; Hydrogen; Thermochemical water splitting.
ID: EMS-4020
Minimisation d’énergie d’un syst`eme fortement couplé par la méthode de Monte-Carlo : ”Etude des
configurations les plus stables”
Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique, Département de Physique, Djelfa, Algérie.
Résumé :
Les systèmes fortement coupl´es représentent un syst`eme de particules chargées dans lequel l’énergie d’interaction
interparticules est sup´erieure `a l’énergie d’agitation thermique. A trés basse temp´erature, ces syst`emes s’organisent de
fa¸con ordonn´ee pour constituer un cristal coulombien. La simulation par la méthode de Monte Carlo, combinée avec
l’algorithme de Newton-Raphson, pour un système de particules chargées n´egativement et confin´ees par un potentiel
´electrostatique `a deux dimensions à été réalisée. Nous avons étudié les configurations d’équilibres pour des particules à
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
charge constante. Nous avons montr´es que les configurations d’´equilibre sont d´ecrites par une succession de couches,
d´efinies essentiellement par un nombre de particules bien pr´ecis sur chaque couche.
Mots cles : MC; grain de poussiere; plasma.
ID: EMS-4021
Octagonal MonolithicPlanar Transformer Design and Modeling for RF Microsystems
Mokhtaria DERKAOUI1*, Yamina BENHADDA2, Thierry LEBEY3
LARATIC laboratory, National Institute of Telecommunications & ICT (INTTIC-Oran), Algeria
LEPA laboratory, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (USTO-MB), Algeria
LAPLACE Laboratory, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Abstract :
This paper presents the design and modeling of the integrated monolithic transformer. The windings are of
octagonal spiral planar topology. The electrical model summarizes perfectly all parasitic effects generated by stacking of
different layers. Using finite elements method, we illustrate the electromagnetic and thermal effects in the transformer
operating at high frequencies.
Keywords : Integration; Monolithic; Octagonal; Planar; RF; Transformer.
ID: EMS-4022
Shear Flow Effects On Salt Finger Growth At High Buoyancy Ratio: A Numerical Study
Riadh OUZANI 1, Zineddine ALLOUI, Fouzi BENMOUSSA *1
LESEI Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanics Department, University of Batna-2, Algeria.
LICEGS Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Batna 2, Algeria.
Abstract :
In the present study, numerical simulations have been employed for understanding the effect of shear flow on the
finger structures dynamics. A numerical methodology based on the finite volume method with high-order accuracy,
implying a fifth-order scheme WENO5 for the nonlinear convective terms, a fourth-order centered scheme for the viscous
terms, and the third-order TVD Runge-Kutta method used to approximate the unsteady term, was employed to solve the
two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for a wide range of buoyancy ratios and high thermal Rayleigh numbers.
This paper aims to examine the evolution of finger structures for a series of large Reynolds numbers, by mean of both
integrated and local quantities. Particular emphasis is given on the analysis the fingering structures evolution and its
impact in mixing process. The results show that shear flow usually inhibits the growth of salt fingers which affects
notably alter the morphology and transport properties of fingering double diffusive convection.
Keywords: Double-diffusive convection; Salt finger; Shear flow; Instabilities.
ID: EMS-4023
The Effect of the Contact Radius on the Arc Duration and Arc Energy
Kada HADDA1,2, Amine BELOUFA2 et Aissa BOUTTE1
Algerian Space Agency-Satellite Development Center Bir El Djir 31130, Oran (Algeria)
Smart Structure Laboratory, University of Ain Temouchent, Ain Temouchent 46000 (Algeria)
Electrical contacts are used in different domains; aeronautics, aerospace, telecommunication, automotive and also
computer equipment sectors. An electrical contact can be exposed to different types of degradation and damage caused by
environmental and operating conditions. Contact resistance rise, erosion, melting or welding of the contacts provoked by
an electrical arc are the principal types of damage, its can be the original cause of the contact electrical insulation and the
failure of the devices. This needs that electrical connectors should be improved to ensure reliability and electrical safety
of the electrical circuits.In this study, we have analysed many spherical contact samples submitted to a power of 256
Watts, this contact samples were made with pure copper and have different contact radii. The objective of this paper is to
analyse experimentally and numerically the effect of the contact radius variation on the arc duration, arc energy and
contacts lifetime. For this reason, an experimental bench was realized to ensure opening and closing of the contacts under
a continuous electric current. Also, a 2D finite element model was developed by Fluent in order to calculate the arc
energy and compare it with the experimental results.The results show that the contact radius has a significant influence on
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
the contact lifetime. Indeed, the arc duration and arc energy are slightly less important (10%) for contact samples with a
larger radius.
Keywords: Electrical contact; Electrical arc; Geometry; Material; Damage; Experimental test; Finite element; Arc
duration; Arc energy.
ID: EMS-4024
Influence of the electronic stopping power on ion track formation in crystalline InP: A simulation study
Soraya KADID1, Ali MEFTAH 1
University of 20 august 1955, BP. 26, Faculty of science, department of physics, Laboratory of research on physico –
chimie of surfaces and interfaces (LRPCSI), Skikda, Algeria
The interaction of energetic ion beams, Swift Heavy Ions (SHI), with crystalline InP (Indium Phosphide) may cause
structural modification of the physical properties of this material, and participate at the formation of latent tracks due to
the very high local energy density deposited into the material along the ion path. In this study, we show that the
experimental results on the effect of electronic stopping power on latent track formation in crystalline InP can be
described quantitatively by the thermal spike model. The results of the calculations show the variation of the track radii as
a function of electronic stopping power (Se) for a beam energy of 5,7 MeV/uma and tens of MeV C60 clusters. The
calculations have also shown that the track radius increases with increasing electronic stopping power.
Keywords: Swift heavy ions; Tracks; InP; Thermal spike model; Simulation.
ID: EMS-4025
Full quantum-mechanical investigation of Cesium - Neon far wing photoabsorption and photoemission spectra
Physics Department, Badji Mokhtar University, B.P. 12 Annaba, Algeria
Laboratoire d’Etude des Surfaces et Interfaces de la Matière Solide LESIMS, Physics Department, Badji Mokhtar
University, B.P. 12 Annaba, Algeria
Laboratoire LAMA, Badji Mokhtar University, B.P. 12, Annaba 23000, Algeria
Abstract :
The alkali-rare gas diatoms photoabsorption and photoemission spectra prove their importance in the investigation
of the chemical and physical properties of brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets. The temperature dependence of the
broadened line shape can then be used as valuable diagnostics of the extrasolar objects and may constitute a
critical source information on the atom-atom interaction, and the buffer gas conditions. In this work we report full
quantum-mechanical computation to determinate photoabsorption and photoemission spectra of the Cs(6p←6s) atoms in
presence of the Ne(2p) atoms and to examine their behavior with temperature. The result shows the sensitivity of the far
wing on temperature and revealed that the CsNe spectra display one satellite structures in the blue wing located around
the wavelength of 824 nm.
Keywords: Photoabsorption; photoemission; pressure broadening; potential curves.
ID: EMS-4026
Étude structurale, énergétique et électronique des systèmes binaires à 2D par la DFT : CN, GeN et BN
Saloua TAZEKRITT*, Abdelhafid KELLOU et Malika GALLOUZE
Laboratoire de physique théorique (LPT), faculté de physique, USTHB, Alger, Algérie
Dans ce travail, nous présentons une étude comparative des propriétés structurales et énergétiques de CnN1-n, GenN1n et BnN1-n avec (n= 0, 2, 4, 6 et 8). Les calculs sont effectués en utilisant la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité
(DFT). Les résultats ont montré que la forme plane est conservée sauf pour C2N6 et Ge2N6 qui présentent des distorsions
et conduisent à la déformation de la structure graphitique. Pour B2N6, le système a une structure en nid d’abeille
défectueuse. Pour chaque système, les structures les plus favorables sont C2N6, Ge2N6 et B4N4. En comparant les énergies
de formation, nous avons trouvé que B4N4 est le système le plus stable par rapport à C2N6 et Ge2N6. Nous avons
également calculé les propriétés électroniques de ces systèmes. Les résultats sont en bon accord avec ceux de la
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Mots-clés: Structures 2D; propriétés structurales; propriétés énergétiques; propriétés éléctroniques; DFT.
ID: EMS-4027
Simulation des Propriétés Mécaniques du Matériau Supraconducteur HO123
Laboratoire LEAM, Département de Physique, Faculté des sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algérie.
Résumé :
Notre étude a consisté à la modélisation de la signatureacoustique V(z) et du coefficient de réflexion R(θ) afin de
caractériser le matériau supraconducteur HoBa 2Cu3O7-δ. Cette modélisation a été effectuée dans le cas d'une seule
fréquence de travail de 600MHz. Donc pour le système étudié, (liquide-solide c-à-d liquide de couplage-matériau
supraconducteur massif), nous avons considéré le système: Eau-HoBa2Cu3O7-δ. Cette étude a été menée à bien grâce au
programme que nous avons développé, en utilisant le logiciel Matlab. Ce programme nous a permis de simuler le
coefficient de réflexion R(θ) selon le modèle de Brekhovskikh. La détermination du coefficient de réflexion est nécessaire
pour pouvoir caractériser le matériau supraconducteur HoBa2Cu3O7-δ en déterminant ses propriétés mécaniques et en
quantifiant ses modules d’élasticités : module de Young (E), module de Cisaillement (G) et coefficient de Poisson (ν).
Mots clés : Signatureacoustique V(z); coefficient de réflexion R(θ); matériau supraconducteur; propriétés mécaniques;
module de Young (E);module de Cisaillement (G) et coefficient de Poisson (ν).
ID: EMS-4028
Investigation of Chromium Doping Effect on Electrical properties of GaAs Semiconductor as a Thermoelectric
UR Photothermy-Photothermal Laboratory, Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Nabeul (IPEIN), BP 62
Merazka, 8000, Nabeul, Tunisia.
Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Gabes I.S.I.M.G, University Campus - BP 122, 6033 City El
Amel 4, Gabes University, Tunisia.
Film Device Fabrication-Characterization and Application FDFCA Research Group USTOMB, 31130, Oran, Algeria.
Physics Faculty, USTOMB UniversityPOBOX 1505 31130, Mnaouer Oran Algeria.
Abstract :
This work deals with chromium (Cr) doping impact on Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) sample according its electrical
behavior successfully obtained by using Electro-Pyroelectric (E.P.E)Technique. Electrical behavior of pure and Cr-doped
GaAs is deduced by respectively comparing their equivalent electrical circuit in the frequency range 5Hz – 3kHz.
However, theoretical model of EPE technique is specifically developed to investigate electrical impedance diagram of
studied samples. Therefore, complex diagram of both sample show a single semicircle, implying that the response
originated from a single capacitive element corresponding to the grains.The experimental results show that Cr doping
reduced the electrical resistance of GaAs samples in both high and low frequency ranges, making them better electrical
conductors. These results may be of interest because of the high figure of merit of the Cr-doped GaAs for thermoelectric
Keywords: Pyroelectric sensor; Electrical impedance; GaAs; Cr-doped; Equivalent electrical circuit; EPE technique;
Thermoelectric material.
ID: EMS-4029
Etude de l'influence des fissures sur le comportement vibratoire des poutres FGM par voie analytique et
Yassine ADJAL1, Amar SEMMANI, Zouaoui SEREIR
Laboratoire Structures de Composites et Matériaux innovants, Faculté de Génie Mécanique, Université des Sciences et
de la Technologie d’Oran, BP 1505 El M’naouer, USTO, Oran, Algérie
Résumé :
Les matériaux fonctionnellement gradués (FGM) sont une nouvelle génération de composites avancés qui ont
suscité un intérêt dans plusieurs applications d'ingénierie telles que les boucliers thermiques des engins spatiaux, les
éléments structurels de haute performance et les composants critiques des moteurs. Ils sont composés de deux ou
plusieurs phases constitutives avec une composition continuellement variable produisant des propriétés qui changent
spatialement suivant d'une direction dans la structure. Les FGM possèdent un certain nombre d'avantages qui les rendent
plus demandés afin d'améliorer les performances structurelles, tels que la rigidité en torsion maximisée des arbres
composites, une meilleure répartition des contraintes résiduelles et des propriétés thermiques améliorées . La stabilité en
torsion de l'aile peut être considérablement améliorée en utilisant des composites non uniformes à gradation fonctionnelle
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
au lieu des composites traditionnels ayant des fractions volumiques uniformes des matériaux constitutifs . Les FGM sont
largement utilisés dans de nombreux domaines scientifiques et techniques, tels que l'aérospatiale, l'automobile,
l'électronique, l'optique, la chimie, le génie biomédical, le génie nucléaire et le génie mécanique . Les FGM se sont
avérés être des matériaux avancés par leurs propriétés avantageuses par rapport aux composites stratifiés et par leur large
application dans les industries de haute technologie. Dans cette étude, les vibrations libres des poutres FGM avec des
fissures à bord ouvert sont étudiées théoriquement et numériquement. La présence d'une fissure entraîne une diminution
de la rigidité et cela affecte le comportement dynamique de la structure. En effet, le comportement dynamique de la
structure doit être connu lors de la phase de conception afin d'éviter le phénomène de résonance. La réduction de la
rigidité de la poutre FGM causée par la présence de fissures peut être modélisée par un modèle de rigidité continue et un
modèle de ressort en rotation. Le problème considéré dans ce étude, est réalisé avec le modèle de la poutre de EulerBernoulli. Les lois de variation du matériaux sont utilisées pour déterminer la densité de masse effective et le module de
Young de la poutre FGM en porte-à faux. Une étude paramétrique a été menée pour discuter les effets de la composition
du matériau, de l'emplacement, et de la profondeur de fissure, sur les fréquences naturelles des poutres FGM fissurées.
Les résultats numériques obtenus ont montré que la fissure affecte les fréquences naturelles. Le comportement vibratoire
d'une poutre FGM avec un rapport du module d'Young Em/Ec est plus sensibles à la présence de fissure.
Mots clés : FGM; Fréquences propres; Fissure transversale.
ID: EMS-4030
Experimental and numerical study of the performance of concrete, which has been developed, based on different
forms of diatomite for the thermal insulation of buildings.
Houssem HACHEMI1, Chakib SELADJI2, Djahida MAHMOUDI3, Yacine HACHEMI4
Laboratory of Energy and Thermal Applied (ETAP), University of Tlemcen, B. P 230, Tlemcen, 13000, Algeria
Abstract :
In the present investigation, we have developed the concrete based on Algerian diatomite in the form of powder and
gravel with different quantities. This work aims to study the development of concrete on the thermal side. A comparative
study of an experimental benchmark and a numerical analysis is carried out for these new materials to improve the
hygrothermal insulation of the building construction. Different configurations are realized in the laboratory of the
University of Tlemcen by using different forms of diatomite (powder and engraved) and we mix these forms with the
concrete that was analyzed with the help of the infrared camera TESTO. On the other hand, an appropriate 2D numerical
model is solved using the finite element method (FEM). The results of both studies (numerical and experimental) show a
good agreement and the relative error does not exceed 3.5%. The obtained results allow us to conclude that the use of
diatomite in the form of gravel is considered as one of the best solutions for developing concrete on the thermal side. The
comparison of the different forms of diatomite shows that diatomite in gravel form in concrete reduces the temperature by
3°C and for powder diatomite 1.6°C.
Keywords: Concrete; Coupled heat and moisture transfer; Diatomite.
ID: EMS-4031
Plasma Argon excited by dielectric barrier discharge for biomedical applications
Laboratoire de physique des couches minces et matériaux pour l’électronique, University ORAN 1
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, des Matériaux Conducteurs et leur Application, USTO-MB
High-power VUV-UV radiation sources are becoming more popular and required for a number of applications in
various fields in science [1], among these sources we have lamps excited by dielectric barrier discharge. Recently, the
applications of DBDs is widely used in many industrial applications, in particular for the production of ozone, surface
treatment, deposition, plasma pollution control, pumping of the laser system and for the production of UV and VUV
radiation. Moreover, the development of these dielectric barrier excimer lamps using noble gases is motivated by the
interest aroused by these lamps applications such as the sterilization of medical equipment [2], the purification of
surfaces, bacterial disinfection [3] and the UV treatment of skin diseases. The advantage of this technology is its ability
to operate at ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressure. In this work, a simulation model is used where the DBD
was taken under fixed pressure and temperature conditions (1atm, 300K), the electrodes are circular in shape with a
radius of 5cm, the gap is 1mm, the applied voltage varies from 1 – 5KV and the frequency from 10 – 70 KHz. The
objective is to improve the emission efficiency of the excimer lamp so that it can be applied in the field of sterilization
and replace mercury lamps which are polluting, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic that required safe and highly
effective decontamination techniques for personal protective equipment, hospitals and operating rooms.
Keywords : DBD; Argon; biomedical applications.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4032
Evaluation of Platinum group Production from Technetium Targets in Nuclear Reactors
Fahim TIGHEMINE1,2, Naima AMRANI1,2 and Salah BENTRIDI3
Physics department, Faculty of Sciences, Ferhat ABBAS, Setif-1, University, Setif, Algeria
Dosing, Analysis and Characterization in High Resolution Laboratory, Ferhat ABBAS, Setif-1 University, Setif, Algeria
Faculty of Science and Technology, Laboratory of Energy and Smart Systems, University of Khemis Miliana, Ain Defla,
Abstract :
Platinum metals play a decisive role in a large number of technological fields and in different applications due to
their specific characteristics and despite their high prices. In this paper we simulated numerically the production of some
platinum metals as Ruthenium, Rhodium and Palladium by neutron irradiation of long lived radioactive Technetium-99 in
BR-2 reactor using ChainSolver 2.34 Code. The concentration and the evolution of this metals amount produced under
irradiation are also presented.
Keywords : Simulation; Platiniummetals; ChainSolver code; BR-2 Nuclear Reactor.
ID: EMS-4033
Distortion Effect in (e,2e) Processes for Atomic and Molecular Targets
LPQSD, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University Sétif1, Setif 19000, Algeria
The electron impact ionization of matter is a basic process in collision physics, where cross-section has already
been calculated and measured. A new theoretical approach is used to calculate the triple differential cross section
(TDCS) of (e, 2e) reactions, which is the most sensitive test for theoretical models. Here, we present an improved
description regarding the reaction dynamics in the case of sample ionization of atomic and molecular targets, where the
distortion effect is taken into account. The method is applied to specific targets, and the results are compared to available
experiments and other sophisticated models. We use two models to calculate the TDCS, where approximated distortion
effects have been considered. The objective of this work is to test a method including distortion effects through a rather
simple model, and the main idea was to use a variable charge Z(r) representing these approximated distortion effects,
enabling an interesting analytical mathematical scheme and consequently important time calculation economy. In figure
1 the TDCS of 1t2 orbital of CH4 is displayed and compared to the relative measurements performed at 500 eV scattered
energy, 6° scattered angle and an ejected energy of 12 eV, corresponding to a momentum transfer K of nearly 0.8 au.As
it can be seen in figure1, the recoil peak is not well reproduced by the BBK model. It can be concluded that there is some
difference between BBK and BBK1DW due to the inclusion of distortion effects, the BBK model is insufficient to
describe the recoil peak, unlike the BBK1DW model which reproduces the experimental results better. To conclude, our
new model (BBK1DW) gives results that are globally closer to the data in the recoil region. On the other hand, the BBK
model, where the post-collisional interactions are included but with no distortion effects, was shown to substantially
overestimate the data in the recoil region. This confirms the rule that, apart from with simple targets like helium and
hydrogen, distortion effects must be considered. The advantage of our model manifests itself in the case of molecules,
where a result is obtained in a few hours with the more complicated and new BBK1DW model, instead of a few days
with the standard M3DW model [1].
Keywords: Ionization; Electron; Cross-section; Short-range potential.
ID: EMS-4034
LES study of Injection Duration Impact on RCCI Engine
Fathi HAMDI1, Kambale MONDO1, Mouldi CHRIGUI1,2
Mechanical Modeling, Energy & Materials, National School of Engineers, Gabes University, Zrig, 6029, Gabes,
Institute of Energy and Power Plant Technology, Technical University of Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.
Abstract :
The exergy balance analysis in Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) engine is numerically
performed. The calculation of the non-premixed turbulent combustion is processed using ANSYS-Forte. The present
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
paper targets twofold: (a) to study engine performance in CFD simulations; (b) to control the exergy efficiency as an
output parameter. Various Injection Duration (DI) timing are adopted, recently. To predict the turbulent flow, LES is
approved. With LES, time dependent equations are resolved without no approximations. The spray breakup is governed
using the hybrid model kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor spray model. A reaction mechanism, contains 425 species
and 3128 reactions, is used for species and reactions calculation. In this mechanism, N-heptane present diesel. Regarding
the exergy analysis results, the engine performances increase as ID increasing. The consequent emissions are also
increases proportionally with ID.
Keywords: Exergy analysis; Dual fuel; LES; KH-RT spray.
ID: EMS-4035
A Novel HSDT for the dynamics behavior of (SUSBO4/SI3N4) FG plate on elastic foundation
SAIDI Hayat1, FIRAS Ismael Al- Juborry 2, BOURADA Mohamed3 and TOUNSI Abdelouahed 4
Materials and hydrology laboratory, University of Djillali liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Faculty of civil Engineering, University of Malaysia Phang
Materials and hydrology laboratory, University of Djillali liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Materials and hydrology laboratory, University of Djillali liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Abstract :
The objective of the present study is to study the dynamic analysis of (SusBo4/Si3N4) simply supported functionally
graded plate resting on elastic foundation, using a novelhigher order shear deformation theory. The plate is made by a
mixture of SusBo4 and Si3N4, for which material properties are varied continuously within the thickness direction
according to a power-law distribution. The principle of Hamilton is used to derive the equations of motion, and Navier
solutions are proposed to obtain the natural frequencies of (SusBo4/Si3N4) FG plate. The numerical results of present
study are compared with solutions of the other higher-order theories available in the literature. The effects of volume
fraction distribution, elastic foundation parameters, side to thickness ratio, and dimensionless ratio are presented and
Keywords: Buckling; Shear deformation; Functionally graded; Plate.
ID: EMS-4036
Optimisation en poids des Panneaux en Composite Stratifié avec des Raidisseurs en Forme ISO
Amar SEMMANI 1*, Zouaoui SEREIR 1 et Yassine ADJAL 2
Département de Génie Maritime, Faculté de Génie Mécanique Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran,
BP 1505 El M’naouer, USTO, Oran, Algérie
Les structures en matériaux composites ont souvent la caractéristique d’être de structures séparables, c’est-à-dire
constituées par l’assemblage de plusieurs unités élémentaires. Par exemple, un composite stratifié est composé d’une
séquence de plusieurs couches, et un panneau composite raidi est une plaque renforcée par plusieurs raidisseurs (toutes
ces composantes étant à leur tour constituées de composites stratifiés).L’optimisation en poids de cette classe de
structures représente un intérêt primordial surtout quand on s’intéresse aux applications aéronautiques ou aérospatiales, et
afin de réaliser une optimisation en poids efficace il est alors nécessaire de prendre en compte le nombre d’éléments
constitutifs de la structure parmi les variables de l’optimisation. Pour cela un panneau en composite stratifié raidi en
forme Kagome soumis à un impact à basse vitesse a été développée en utilisant un modèle analytique couplé à une
technique d'optimisation d'algorithme génétique. En utilisant la théorie de la déformation de cisaillement transversale du
premier ordre pour les plaques anisotropes, la rigidité de la plaque entière en Kagome a été estimée en considérant à la
fois les effets des moments et des forces dans une cellule de base répétitive dans laquelle, la rigidité de la plaque
équivalente est calculée en superposant la rigidité de la plaque et celle des raidisseurs Kagome.Un modèle masse/ressort a
été appliqué pour modéliser le contact Impacteur/Panneau. La réponse de la force d'impact et du déplacement transversal
au point de contact ont étés tracés. L'algorithme génétique (GA) a été implémenté à l'aide du logiciel MATLAB pour
optimiser le volume du panneau, qui est considéré comme une fonction d’évaluation (de fitness). La minimisation du
volume du panneau a été réalisée en deux étapes, dans la première, les variables de conception sont les propriétés
mécaniques de la plaque équivalente et de l'impacteur. Tandis que, dans la deuxième étape, les variables de conception
ont étés considérées par les séquences d'empilement. Enfin, une étude paramétrique a été réalisée et les principales
conclusions ont étés déduites en tenant compte de l’effet du volume du panneau, du temps, ainsi que de la vitesse
d’impact sur le comportement du panneau raidi. Les résultats ont montré que l'augmentation de l'épaisseur des raidisseurs
rend faible le déplacement transversal et donne une meilleure performance d'impact, une meilleure optimisation, et une
intégrité du panneau.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Mots-clés: Panneau raidi en Kagome; Force d'impact; Modèle analytique; Rigidité équivalente; Algorithme génétique.
ID: EMS-4037
Numirical and Experimental Invesitigation of the effect of added Mass on damping Ratio and Frequency of
Carbon-Epoxy Laminate Composite
Abdelhafid RAHMANE1, Toufik BENMANSOUR2
Cherchell Military Academy, Late President Houari Boumediene, Cherchell, TIpaza, Algeria.
Department of Mechanical engineering, Constantine 1 University, Road of Ain El Bey, Constantine,Algeria.
Abstract :
Nowadays, the use of composite materials has taken a large place in civilian and military industries. Therefore,
considerable investigations about their mechanical properties are needed. The study addresses the effect of added mass on
dynamic properties of composite laminate plates, under flexural vibration. The considered parameters are: attached mass
locations from the clamped edge, staking sequences, damping ratios. The findings of this study indicate that the dynamic
characteristics of the laminate composite plates are sensitive to the added mass, where the added mass decreases
frequency parameter and increase the damping ratio of the composite plate if it is inserted at a point other than a nodal
line. In addition, the paper presents an excellent correlation between the experimental results and those obtained
numerically by the ANSYS software.
Keywords: Laminate composite; Frequency; Damping ratio; Aadded mass.
ID: EMS-4038
Etude Comparative des Performances des Systèmes Transcritiques au CO2 à Simple et à Double Evaporateur
utilisant un IHX
Houssem REGOUAD1,2; Latra BOUMARAF1*
Département de Génie Mécanique
Laboratoire de Mécanique Industrielle (LMI)
Université Badji Mokhtar – BP12, 23000 Annaba, Algerie
Abstract :
La réfrigération et le conditionnement d’air sont devenus indispensables à la vie humaine. Depuis la fin du siècle
dernier, à cause de l’effet de serre et du changement climatique, les gouvernements ont poussé l’industrie du froid à
développer de nouveaux cycles frigorifiques utilisant des substances moins polluantes et ayant des performances élevées.
Parmi plusieurs fluides naturels, le dioxyde de carbone se présente comme une excellente alternative aux substances
fluorées du fait d’un impact environnemental faible (ODP=0 et GWP=1). Il possède aussi de bonnes propriétés de
transfert et de transport ainsi qu’une énergie volumétrique élevée. Cependant, à cause d’une température critique
relativement basse (31,1°C), il est mis en œuvre le plus souvent dans un cycle transcritique caractérisé par une forte perte
d’énergie liée à la détente de la haute pression à la basse pression, réduisant ainsi le COP de la machine. En utilisant des
simulations numériques sur la plateforme du logiciel EES (Engineering Equation Solver), on propose dans ce travail de
faire une étude comparative des performances énergétiques et exergétiques de deux systèmes frigorifiques transcritiques
au CO2 à un seul étage de compression utilisant un simple et un double évaporateur. Par ailleurs, l’influence de
l’insertion d’un échangeur thermique interne (IHX) sur les COPs des deux systèmes.
Mots clés : Système frigorifique transcritique; CO2. Simple évaporateur; Double évaporateur; COP. Analyse exergétique
ID: EMS-4039
Numerical simulation of turbulent non-premixed diffusion flame with PDF combustion model.
University Hassiba Benbouali, laboratory C.E.M.S.M. B.P. 151, 2000 Chlef, Algeria
Abstract :
The present work interested on the three-dimensional numerical simulation of non-premixed turbulent diffusion
flames swirling. The study is conducted on a confined domain and composed of a coaxial swirling burner with a nominal
power of 25KW. Our study case developed here deals particularly the effect of the reaction mechanisms of the fuel on the
stability of the flame, the dynamic characteristics and thermal of the reactive flow. The two models combustion ED
"Eddy Dissipation" (6 species and 2 reactions) and the probability density function PDF (function β, 9 species and 8
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
reactions) associated with the turbulence model RSM (Reynolds Stress Model) are used to model the interaction
turbulence-chemistry. Numerical predictions have been effected using the commercial code “Ansys-Fluent”. The
numerical results obtained are compared with the experimental results of MACHOVER and MASTORAKOS (2016,
Keywords: Non-premixed combustion; swirled flows; numerical simulation; diffusion flame; PDF combustion model.
ID: EMS-4040
Study and Hydrodynamic Simulation of a New Horizontal Settling Tank
Chahinez GUILANE1, Yahia HAMMAR2, Ouarda DJEBABRIA2
Soils and hydraulics laboratory; Department of hydraulics ; Badji Mokhtar Univerity ; Annaba, Algeria.
Geodynamics and natural resources Laboratory ; Department of hydraulics ; Badji Mokhtar University ; Annaba,
Although, the principle of settling has been known for a very long time, it becomes very complex in the case of
sedimentation of more or less flocculated particles, due to the change in the initial physical properties of the particles
(shape, diameter and density).A hydrodynamic model of a new settling basin is developed on a reduced model where
length is 1.7 m , 0.6 m in width and 0.3 m in theoretical settling height.A comparison of the water flow velocities within
the structure with the measurements simulated by the Ansys Fluent computer code is carried out, with several
construction features in order to improve its hydraulic and hydrodynamic performance.A better distribution of velocities
is obtained by the device called 3 axes.
Keywords : Settling; Sedimentation; Reduced model; Velocity; Simulation; Fluent.
ID: EMS-4041
Modelling and Analysis of Nanosatellite Dynamic in Launch Environment
Department of Research in Space Mechanics, Satellite Development Center BP4065, Ibn Roched, Oran 31100 Algeria
In order to facilitate the space access for educational purposes with minimum cost and time development, the
CubeSat standard was created. However, the structural subsystem purpose is to insure a simple and robust structure that
shall withstand launch loads. Hence, the launch phase presents a severe environment for satellite and equipment’s.
Therefore, the modules contain electronics cards PCB which experience different vibrations excitations. The most
important modules include the electrical power system EPS, On-Board Computer OBC, Attitude and Orbit Control
System AOCS. The study was conducted on a CubeSat 1U in which the chassis is fabricated by aluminium Al 6061-T6
and the electronics cards made of FR4 (flame retardant) for space applications. To assess the mechanical resistance of
both structure and modules, a set of analysis was conducted with finite element method using ANSYS code. Therefore,
the modal analysis to verify compliance with the frequency requirement. In addition, harmonic and random vibrations
analysis were performed to verify the response level of equipment and confirm margin of safety with respect to the
allowable deflection of the PCBs. The analysis flowchart allows us to validate the mission requirements of the
nanosatellite to survive the launch phase without failure.
Keywords: Nanosatellites; Modal analysis; Harmonic; Random; Finite element; PCB.
ID: EMS-4042
Performance parameters analysis of a novel vortex tower model
Nuclear Research Center of Birine B.P 180 Ain-Oussera 17200, Djelfa-Algeria
Abstract :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Use and exploration of renewable energy is growing worldwide in several applications, including power generation.
The vortex motor is one of the new energy concepts that create artificial vortices in the airflow to increase the turbine
rotational speed for the electrical energy production. The main objective of this work is to investigate and predict the
behavior of a vortex tower model using Relap5 system code. In addition, a parametric study is carried out in order to
identify the effect of air inlet velocities ranging from 0.01 to 0.3 m/s on the tower performance to obtain an operating
conditions and optimum design. The purpose of this process is to use the lost energy, traditionally transferred to the
environment to cool a facility, to generate an additional amount of electrical energy. So, the main data sought here is the
appropriate location in the flow path where the velocity would be favorable to the installation of a turbine. Vortex tower
model is created and nodalized using Relap5 computer code. The developed model was qualified against experimental
and numerical results available in the literature in terms of velocity quantities, a good agreement was obtained. The
simulation results analysis showed that the configuration of this vortex tower is capable to generate airflow with a
maximum velocity of 5.411 m/s at a height of 0.560 m from the base. Thus, a turbine can be fixed at this location to
exploit maximum of kinetic energy. The simulation highlighted the contribution of inlet parameters to the enhancement of
the vortex tower performances and revealed that an increase in air inlet velocity until 0.3 m/s leads to an increase of air
velocity attaining a maximum of 16.217 m/s.
Keywords: Vortex generation; Modeling and simulation; Relap5; Performance analysis; Parametric study.
ID: EMS-4043
Using MAX Phases Materials in Heat Transfer Applications
Omar KETFI 1, Younes BENKHEDA1, NesrineMELZI2, Ahmed AKHMOUM 1, Billel HAMZAOUI 1.
Laboratoire d’Etude et de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles, Mechanical department, University of Blida 1.
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Saad DAHLAB University of Blida 1, Algeria.
The MAX phases are ternary and nanolamellar ceramics that have intermediate properties between those of
ceramics and metals. They are good electrical and thermal conductors, machineable, tolerant to damage like metals, and
they are rigid and refractory like ceramics. These phases attract the attention of the scientific community of our time
because of their fascinating properties in energy storage, water purification, superior mechanical and electrical
properties… etc. In this work, we will present the feasibility of integrating these new materials into heat transfer
applications used specifically in solar thermal systems. A simulation using ANSYS is carried out to determine the
thermo-physical properties of a new heat transfer fluid, composed of a thermal oil and MAX particles, intended for
parabolic solar collectors.
Keywords: Max phases; Heat transfer fluid; Parabolic solar collectors; ANSYS simulation.
ID: EMS-4044
Investigations of Optimized Amorphous Silicon Field Effect Transistors
Djemaa BEN OTHMANEa, Ilhem HADJOUBa, b Abdellaziz DOGHMANEa, Fatiha HADJOUBa
Laboratoire des Semi-Conducteurs, Département de Physique, Facultés des Sciences, Université Badji-Mokhtar, BP.12,
Annaba, DZ-23000, Algeria;
Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles, ESTI, Annaba, DZ-23000, Algeria.
Thin film transistors still receive a great deal of research work to improve their performances for multiple modern
applications. Particular interest is given to hydrogenated amorphous silicon field effect transistors, a-Si-FET, due to their
specific applications in image sensing devices, active-matrix organic light emitting diode displays, and liquid crystal
displays. To improve the performance such devices, we carried out a numerical simulation on the insulated gate FET
structure via Silvaco Atlas software. It was found that the deduced transfer as well as output characteristics are favorably
compared to experimental results of optimized a-Si FETs. Hence, for transfer characteristics (IDS- VGS), it was found that
for VG = 2V the current through the device increases from10-11 A (OFF state) to1.10-5 A (ON state), corresponding to a
high ION/IOFF ≈106. Moreover, for output characteristic (IDS-VDS), it was found that for VD =10V the current through the
device increases up to 1.2∙10-5A. The importance of these results lies not only in the multiples application possibilities but
also in the prediction of improved structure of other devices.
Keywords: FET; Amorphous silicon; Silvaco; Devices; Electrical characteristics.
ID: EMS-4045
Modeling of the temperature distribution and solidified track in single pass selective laser melting process
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies
In this paper, a computational fluid dynamics (CFC) approach under the framework of the volume of fluid (VOF)
and melting/solidification methods for selective laser melting process [1-4] at the mesoscale is presented using the 316L
stainless steel as material.The simulation of the solidified track dimensions as function of the scanning speed (0.7, 0.9,
1.3, 1.5, and 2.0m/s) by neglecting the Marangoni convection and the recoil pressure was studied for fixed values of laser
power, spot diameter and powder bed thickness (130W, 60µm, 40µm).The main results showed that, as the scanning
speed increases the width, the depth and the height of the solidified track decrease. Additionally, a periodic separation of
the molten pool owing to the surface tension caused periodic humps at higher laser scanning speed.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Selective laser melting, Track; Solidification and melting; Stainless steel.
ID: EMS-4046
Excitation of symmetry-protected GMR modes of all-dielectric bidimensional grating
Lylia DJEMAIAI1, Abdelaziz MEZEGHRANE1, AbderrahmaneBELKHIR2, Fadi Issam BAIDA2
Laboratory of Physics and Quantum Chemistry, University Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria
FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR 6174 CNRS, Department of Optics P. M. Duffieux, University Bourgogne Franche-Comté,
25030 Besançon Cedex, France
Guided mode resonances (GMR), supported by dielectric gratings, has been a fertile field for many researchers
around the world during the last decade, covering both modeling and experimental aspects. This craze is motivated by the
high quality factor of these resonances and the near-field electric field strong exaltation, making this type of gratings
candidates of choice for the design of high performance detectors. In this work, based on FDTD simulations, we have
systematically studied the existence of particular so-called symmetry protected GMR modes (SPM modes) in a typical
two-dimensional TiO2-based dielectric grating. These SPM modes can only be excited under specific illumination
conditions. The spatial discretization performed in the FDTD algorithm leads naturally to break this symmetry and thus
allows the excitation of these modes. The quality factor of these resonances is directly related to the degree of symmetry
breaking, i.e. the spatial dimension of the FDTD grid, even the convergence criteria of the algorithm are satisfied. Our
results show the excitation and propagation of two modes, classical GMR (leakage) and an SPM mode along the grating.
This last one propagates without loss, suggesting that it is of BIC type (bound state in the continuum). Our results are an
additional contribution to the design of high performance resonators destined for detection, commutation, nonlinear
optics, etc.
Keywords: Symmetry-protected GMR modes; Leakage mode;Bound state in the continiuum; FDTD method.
ID: EMS-4047
Implementation of the generalized Drude-Lorentz model in a FDTD code for nano-optical applications
Thinhinane ZEGHDOUDI1, Abdelaziz MEZEGHRANE1, Abderrahmane BELKHIR1, Fadi Issam BAIDA2
Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Quantique, Université Mouloud MAMMERI, Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie
Institut FEMTO-ST, UMR 6174 CNRS, Département d’Optique P. M. Duffieux, Université Bourgogne Franche–Comté,
25030 Besançon Cedex, France
Abstract :
This contribution focuses on the implementation of the generalized Drude-Lorentz model in a finite difference time
domain (FDTD) code, dealing with dispersive materials through the split field method. The approximation of the
permittivity of materials with simple analytical functions is of fundamental importance for understanding and modelling
the optical response of materials. Recently, a new analytical model called generalized Drude-Lorentz model is used to
describe more accurately the permittivity of several metallic materials. Based on equation (1) we developed the latter in
an FDTD code for the calculation of electromagnetic fields in dispersive media. Compared to commonly used models,
this model fits much better the experimental values of the noble metals permittivity in the visible range.
The gold and silver experimental data (the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity) provided by Johnson and Christy
are successfully fitted using the generalized Drude-Lorentz model in the visible range.Transmission calculations are
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
performed on a 1D structure composed of a 30 nm thick gold (silver) layer surrounded by air. The comparison between
our FDTD results and those obtained by analytical calculation shows a very good agreement.
Keywords: Generalized Drude-Lorentz model; FDTD; permittivity; Johnson and Christy's experimental data.
ID: EMS-4048
DFT Calculations of Structural stability, thermal properties, phase transitions and Energetics of ZrV2Hx Laves
phases doped with 3d elements (Ti, Zr, V, Ni, Cr and Mn)
Lyacine RABAHI1, 2, Leila ROUAIGUIA1 and Abdelhafid KELLOU1
Laboratoire de physique Théorique, Faculté de physique, USTHB,Bab Ezzouar, Alger, Algeria
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, Cheraga, Algiers, Algeria.
The Pseudo-Potential method (PP) based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), using the Generalized Gradient
Approximation (GGA) is applied to investigate the structural properties and energetics of the C14 and C15-ZrV2Hx
hydride in presence of several 3d elements. The three (03) available interstices on the C14 and C15 Laves phase are
considered for hydrogen absorption. The effects of partial substitution of Vanadium or Zirconium by Ti, Zr, V, Ni, Cr
and Mn transition metals on the stability and structural properties of the ZrV2Hx system are investigated. The quasiharmonic Debye’s Model, using a set of total energy versus molar volume obtained from the pseudo-potential method is
applied to investigate the thermal effects, as well as pressure induced phase transitions between the two Laves
prototypes. Temperature effects on structural parameters, thermal expansions and Debye’s temperatures are determined
from the non-equilibrium Gibbs functions and compared to the available experimental results.
Key words: DFT Calculations; Laves Phases; Hydrogen Absorption; Debye’s Model.
ID: EMS-4049
Study of photonic crystals based on zinc sulphide for filtering and guiding in optical telecommunications
Scientific and Technical Research Center for the Development of the Arabic Language (CRSTDLA), Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
This work is devoted to the study of photonic crystals (PhCs) based on zinc sulphide for filtering and guiding in
optical telecommunications. The main objective is to model two-dimensional photonic band-gap structures and determine
the ideal structure for filtering and guiding light. The simulation tools used are the plane wave method (PWM) to plot the
photon band-gaps (PBGs) and to determine the dimensions of the structures (radius, period) and the finite-difference
time-domain method (FDTD) to calculate the transmission and reflection of the field. The numerical simulations obtained
made it possible to conclude that the omission of a row of holes in the studied structure (W1 type openings) made it
possible either to filter frequencies (optical filter), or to transmit frequency ranges (optical guide).
Index Terms: Photonic crystals; Optical guide; Optical filter; Plane wave method (PWM); Finite-difference time-domain
method (FDTD).
ID: EMS-4050
Free vibration of functionally graded sandwich plates using the p-version of the finite element method
HakimBENTRAR a, Sid Ahmed BELALIA a, Sidi Mohamed CHORFI a
Laboratory of Computational Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of
Abastract :
The primary objective of this work is to develop the p-version of the finite element method (FEM) based on a first
ordre sheare deformation theory to analysis of free vibration of functionally graded sandwich plates. The FGM sandwich
plate is made up of two face-sheet layers of two FGM and one layer of homogeneous core. the contribution of this work
is investigated by a comparison of free vibrations of functional gradient sandwich plates using p version of the FEM and
to present new results and discussion that can be used as a reference in other work, found an excellent agreement.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Keywords : Functionally graded sandwich plates; Free vibration analysis; p-version; Finite element method (FEM); First
order shear deformation theory (FSDT).
ID: EMS-4051
Improving the Performance of an Ejector Refrigeration System
Wissem Eddine ABBACI1, 2and Latra BOUMARAF1,*
Mechanical Engineering Department, Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba, P.O. Box 12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria
Industrial Mechanics Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba, P.O. Box 12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria
Abstract :
In the context of sustainable development, the use of an ejector refrigeration system to produce cold (refrigeration
and air conditioning) combines two advantages, one related to the energy saving due to the use of a free energy source
(solar energy or heat discharges from industrial processes) and the other related to the protection of the environment
through the reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Besides, this type of system is more suitable for the use of
refrigerants with low environmental impact. However, its coefficient of performance is closely related to the
performance of the ejector determined by its entrainment ratio, which is often mediocre. In order to improve the
performance of the system, it is proposed in this work to insert two energy recovery heat exchangers at key points of the
cycle. To assess the performance of the new system, a mathematical model based on existing one-dimensional ejector
theory is established and simulated by the most commonly used software engineering equation solver. The fluids
considered in this study are R141b (baseline), R717, R600, R600a, R245fa, R236fa and R1270. In addition, the influence
of operating conditions on the system performance was also investigated.
Keywords: Refrigeration cycle; Ejector; Energy recovery heat exchanger; Modeling; Performance.
ID: EMS-4052
Étude paramétrique de problèmes de contact et de fissuration en mode I
Abdellah BENCHEKKOURa, Nazihe TERFAYAb, Mohammed ELMIRa,c
Laboratoire Energetique en Zones Arides (ENERGARID), Université TAHRI Mohamed, 0800 Béchar, Algérie
Laboratoire Fiabilté des matériaux et des structures (FIMAS), Université TAHRI Mohamed, 0800 Béchar, Algérie
Laboratoire Mécanique, Modélisation et Expérimentation (L2ME), Université TAHRI Mohamed, 0800 Béchar, Algérie
Résumé :
La fatigue de contact est rarement intégrée dans les études de dimensionnement. Elle se manifeste aux interfaces des
composants en contact de ces structures, Elle est à l’origine de dégradation telle qu’usure et fissuration. Dans ce travail,
On s'intéresse à la résolution numérique de problèmes de contact et de fissuration en statique en utilisant des modèles
d'interfaces implémenté dans ABAQUS. Ces modèles permettent la simulation de la fissuration des solides ainsi que celle
des interfaces qui les lient. Le problème de contact envisagé est le problème de Signorini avec frottement de Coulomb,
quant au problème de fissuration, il s'agit d'un modèle de zone cohésive. Ces problèmes se caractérisent par la présence
d’une condition aux limites non–régulière et se formulent comme des inéquations variationnelles d’évolution ou des
inclusions différentielles. Le traitement des problèmes de fissuration des interfaces a été validé à travers d’un benchmark.
Le problème été abordé en considérant le délaminage des structures élastiques et des fissurations en mode I. Le but de ce
travail est de faire une étude paramétrique de problèmes de contact et de fissuration en mode I. Des résultats satisfaisants
ont été obtenus et des conclusions ont été tirées.
Mots clés : Contact unilatéral; Frottement de coulomb; Fissuration en mode I : Modèles de zones cohésives; Eléments
ID: EMS-4053
Synergetic Controller for Braking Vehicle System (ABS)
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Batna 2, Algeria, Setif, Algeria
Abstract :
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is a vehicle security, and used in advanced automobiles to prevent slip and
locking of wheel after brakes applied , control is a rather complicated problem due to its strongly nonlinear and
uncertain characteristics, the aim of this paper is to investigate the wheel slip control for the ground vehicle, we use an
synergetic controller for ABS system the convergence is introduced. We added terminal synergetic control (TS), is used
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
to guarantee the good performance (precision, fast response time, tracking a given trajectory). To ensure overall
strength, closed-loop signals are bounded and the stability is guaranteed using the Lyapunov theory. The obtained
simulation results reveal the efficiency of the proposed technique for various initial conditions of road.
Keywords : Anti Braking System (ABS); Synergetic control; Terminal synergetic control; Wheel slip ratio.
ID: EMS-4054
Axial behaviour of partially confined column with embedded FRP: Parametric study
Sonia DJENAD1, Abdelmadjid SI SALEM 1,2, Souad AIT TALEB2, M.Amin BOUZIDI1
Laboratory of Construction Engineering and Architecture (LGCA), University of Bejaia, 06000, Algeria
Civil Engineering department, University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi Ouzou, Tizi Ouzou 15000, Algeria
Abstract :
To provide a greater mechanical efficiency of strengthening concrete by partial-embedding of composite
reinforcement, the novel technique presented in this study is based on the incorporation of hexagonal FRP strips inside
the concrete columns. The assessment of the behaviour of the confined concrete column through an analytical model is a
primordial procedure to optimize and to identify the adequate parameters influencing the axial compression performances
of the FRP encased concrete. the influence of the different parameters of the developed design and model on the overall
axial behaviour of columns have been considered by means of a parametric study. These parametric analyses indicate that
all the studied parameters have significant effects on the axial compression behaviour of the confined columns, and the
efficacity of confinement depends effectively on several factors, including the net spacing of the FRP strips, the width
and thickness of the FRP, the compressive strength of the unconfined concrete and the level of confinement. In this
respect, the ultimate stress and axial strain of confined columns can be substantially increased by increasing the amount
and the number composite layers and decreasing the spacing between the hexagonal FRP strips.
Keywords: Partially confined-concrete; FRP strips; Analytical model; Parametric study.
ID: EMS-4055
Optimisation de la répartition des aubes d'un rotor de turbine en utilisant un Nouvel algorithme sous-programme
Department of mécanique Engineering, University of M’hamed Bougara Boumerdès, Algeria
Department of mécanique Engineering, LMPM, University of Djillali Liabess, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Abstract :
L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer une méthode qui permet d'améliorer la répartition des aubes d'un rotor de
turbine d’une façon que la correction de masse se trouve dans la tolérance admise pour obtenir un meilleur équilibrage en
fonctionnement. Cette étude a permet d’établir un nouvel algorithme sous-programme MATLAB qui met en évidence la
meilleure répartition des aubes d'un rotor de turbine. Cet algorithme pourra être un moyen nécessaire de vérification lors
des opérations de maintenance ultérieures aboutissant à des changements ponctuels d'aubes.
ID: EMS-4056
Numerical modeling of thermal kinetics of a gold nanoparticle heated by ultrashort pulsed laser and cooled in
Selma MEDIENE1, Assia Rachida SENOUDI1
Department of physics, Laboratory of theoretical physics LPT, Tlemcen, Algeria.
Modeling metallic nanoparticles response, when they are illuminated by ultra-short pulses laser has grown
considerably in recent decades, especially in the domain of photothermal therapy of cancer, where the gold nanoparticles
(GNP) are used as localized sources of heat [1,2]. In order to describe the thermal process for GNP, two-temperatures
model (TTM) is required [3]. The TTM is a system of two coupled and nonlinear differential equations, describing the
evolution of the electron gas and the gold lattice temperatures. The amount of the temperatures increment, depends on
thermal and optical properties of gold and surrounding medium, in addition to laser parameters. In this work, we have
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
numerically investigated the dynamics of exchange of electron-phonon energy in the gold spherical nanoparticle which is
heated by a single Gaussian pulse laser and cooled in water medium. The energy dissipation by heat conduction through
the GNP/water interface [4] is taken into account in the TTM. Numerical method based on Runge Kutta algorithm of
order 4 is used to solve the equations in the TTM. The temporal evolution of the temperatures in nanoparticle with 40nmdiameter has been computed for picosecond (200 ps) and femtosecond (200 fs) duration pulse laser. Optical absorption
efficiency of GNP, Aabs= 3623.8 nm2, is performed by Mie theory and using Bohren-Huffman Fortran code adapted by
B.T. Draine [5]. Our results showed that for the picosecond regime, the electron–lattice coupling is achieved at
approximately 600 ps when the GNP is heated to a maximum temperature of 700 K under laser radiation with 0.5
mJ/cm2 fluence. For the femtosecond regime, the electron-lattice coupling is achieved at 30 ps for the same fluence and
this relaxation time depends on the particle size and the laser pulse intensity. After the rapid increase in temperatures, a
decrease up to 300 K in times of few nanoseconds, is observed, for picosecond and femtosecond pulse. Effect of the laser
fluence on the particle temperature is also given in order to limit the fluences values to avoid melting point of gold which
is of value 1337 K.
Keywords: Gold nanoparticle; Ultra-short pulse laser; Thermal kinetics; Two-temperatures model; Runge-Kutta scheme.
ID: EMS-4057
Finite element method for modeling the plasma equilibrium with nonlinear toroidal current
Laboratory of theoretical physics LPT, University Abu Bekr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria.
The tokamak is a project in progress in the field of energy production from thermonuclear plasma fusion of
Deuterium and Tritium inside the reactor. Comparing to other energy resources, the main advantages of tokamak reactor
isthe absence of nuclear waste and there is no polluted product delivered. Tokamak offers the best performance by
confining high temperature plasma using magnetic field [1]. The geometry of plasma fusion is toric, having two
directions, poloidal in (r,z) plane and toroidal direction ϕ. The Grad-Shafranov equation (GShE) describing the plasma
equilibrium in plane section by an axisymmetric magnetic field, is a derivation of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic
equations in stationary plasma. The GShE is an inhomogeneous differential equation of scalar function representing the
magnetic surface ψ also called flux function. The second hand of the GShE represents the current density Jϕ which is
expressed in terms of the function of the magnetic surface |1,2]. Existing exact solutions are very restricted in the variety
of allowed current density profiles and the simple case is the Soloviev equilibrium when Jϕ doesn’t depend on
ψ. Moreover, the plasma boundary is unknown and it changes shape with Jϕ; Several works consider the plasma inside a
hypothetical rectangle [3,4]. This work proposes to solve numerically the GShE by using the finite element method
(FEM) [5] and because the FEM is a fixed boundary solver, the computation is done in cross-section and inside a
plasma/vacuum whose shape ∂Ω is computed from the analytical solution. The boundary condition ψb at the plasma
border which is taken as the last closed magnetic surface is also calculated. Numerical computation is performed through
a code in C++ language and by using Free Fem++ software [6]. We give, both numerical and exact solutions for plasma
equilibrium when the current density is a nonlinear function of the magnetic surface [7].
Keywords: Grad-Shafranov equation; Plasma Equilibrium; Nonlinear current source; Finite element method.
ID: EMS-4058
Experimental Designs to Optimize the Graphene Production by Elecrochimical Exfoliation of Graphite
Research Center in Semi-conductors Technology for Energetic (CRTSE) Algeria.
Abstract :
The objective of this work is to determine the optimal conditions to synthesis of graphene by the electrochemical
exfoliation method, using the response surface methodology. The regression model proposed in this paper has been
developed using the central composite design (CCD). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was validated with a confidence
level > 98%. The final model is established on the basis of additional statistical analysis using an analytic method.
Stationary point of model was determined, and the determinant values of Hessian matrix showed that the response
(production yield) agrees a maximum solution corresponding to optimal conditions, the value response is ye = 40%.
Keywords: Optimization; Experimental designs; Central composite design; Fractional factorial design; Graphene
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ID: EMS-4059
Study of CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell using SCAPS-1D
Samah BOUDOUR1,*, Idris BOUCHAMA2,3 and Siham AZIEZ4
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P.O. Box 64, Cheraga, 16014, Algiers, Algeria
Electronic Department, Faculty of Technology, University of M'sila, Alegria
Research Unit on Emerging Materials (RUEM), University Ferhat Abbas, Setif, Algeria
Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en analyse physico-chimique CRAPC, Zone Industrielle lot n°30, Bou
Ismail, Tipaza 42415, Algerie
In the present numerical study, we report the performance optimization of the ZnO/CdS/ODC/CIGS thin film solar
cell using the SCAPS-1D computer simulator under the AM1.5 il-lumination. The simulations were performed to focus
the discussion on the related theory and practice about the optimal thickness, doping concentration and bandgap of the
CIGS absorber layer used in the photovoltaic device for obtaining a high light-into-electricity conversion efficiency. The
light J-V (open circuit voltage, short circuit current, fill factor and efficiency) characteristics were used as indicators on
the photovoltaic device performances.
Keywords: CIGS; SCAPS-1D; J-V characteristics.
ID: EMS-4060
Damage Prediction of Steel Pipe elbows Subjected to Bending and Pressure Loads
Chaaben ARROUSSI1, Azeddine BELALIA 2, Mohammed HADJ MELIANI 1
LPTPM, Hassiba BenBouali University of Chlef, P.O.Box. 151 Hay Salem, 02000 Chlef, Algeria.
LEM, Faculty of Technology, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, Esalem City, 02000, Chlef, Algeria.
Abstract :
In service, the pipes are subject to an accumulation of loads due, amongst others, to the internal pressure of the
transported fluid and the ground pressure. Especially the latter accelerates significantly the damage. Thus, we have
examined in this study the structural damage of the thermo-mechanical behavior of pipeline elbows made of API 5L
grade X60 steel with defects on the internal wall of the extrados. We used the XFEM approach employing solid elements
as structure under the numerical calculation code ABAQUS. We evaluated the reaction and strength capabilities of the
elbow as a function of its location in the tube-elbow-tube system under mixed internal pressure and moment loading in
open and closed situations. The influence of loading type and pressure levels, conditioning the extent of damage, was
explored. The results are presented in moment-rotation curves describing the diversity of damage resulting from various
impacts occurring simultaneously.
Keywords: Elbow; API 5L X60 steel; XFM; Moment; Damage.
ID: EMS- 4061
Numerical simulations of highly dispersive Chirped Vector Soliton in optical fibers with variable coefficients
Siham AZIEZ1, Djahida LERARI1, Derradji BAHLOUL2
Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en analyse physico-chimique CRAPC, Zone Industrielle lot n°30, Bou
Ismail, Tipaza 42415, Algérie.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Energies Renouvelables, de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable Route de
Constantine, Fesdis, Batna 05078, Algérie.
We study in this work, the numerical simulations of highly dispersive Chirped vector solitons in optical fiber
systems using the compact split step Padé scheme (CSSPS). This study is done in the case of variable coefficients and in
the presence of higher order dispersion. A negative chirp makes the soliton broadening, while; a positive chirp leads to a
soliton compression. The effect of chirp on the soliton temporal width of an amplification system (σ>0) is greater than
that in a loss system (σ<0).In the presence of third order dispersion, we note an increase of the pulse width with an
asymmetric oscillation on the trailing edge. In the same time, we note a shift of the center of the two components of the
one managed chirped vector soliton along the propagation distance. A higher value of fourth order dispersion broadens
the pulse width, and lower values of the same reduce the pulse width, which, in turn, will be practical in optical
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Keyword: Vector solitons; Chirped solitons; Birefringent optical fibers; Compact split step Padé scheme; and Coupled
higher-order nonlinear; Schrodinger equations with variable coefficients.
ID: EMS-4062
Prediction of Material Properties of Cold-Sprayed Copper Coatings using Finite Element Based Indentation and
Optimization Method
Laboratoire de Mécanique de Précision Appliquée, Institut d'Optique et de Mécanique de Précision IOMP Université
Ferhat Abbas UFAS1, Sétif, Algérie
Abstract :
To repair high value damaged metal components, classical techniques such as thermal spraying and arc welding, are
still the most utilized repair processes. However, these traditional techniques are likely to cause severe defects due to
excessive heat contribution and elevated temperatures. The unique solid-state deposition characteristic of cold spray
technology makes it possible to avoid the defects and it has large potential to be used in the repair of aerospace, naval
and automotive components. Therefore, this work aims to investigate the microstructures and microstructural elastic
properties of cold-sprayed copper coatings. Microindentation experiment has been used to investigate the mechanical
properties. This study aimed to establish a relationship between elastoplastic properties and indentation results for an
inverse estimation based on the load-displacement curve a single indentation. Inverse method are used to determine the
mechanical properties of copper coating from the combined application of microindentation, and optimization method.
To validate the proposed method, these parameters are applied to predict the mechanical behavior response of Cu
coatings under tensile test, where a good agreement between measured and predicted stress-strain curves has been
Keywords: Copper coating; Cold spray; Indentation test; Finite element; Tensile test.
ID: EMS-4063
Structural and electronic properties of MCaF3 (M=K and Rb) compounds
Faculté des Sciences Exactes et des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Département de Sciences de la matière, Université
Larbi ben M’Hidi, 04000-Oum El Bouaghi, Algéria
Abstract :
We have performed a theoretical study usingthe Full Potential Linear Augmented Plane Wave approach (FP-LAPW)
based on the density functional theory (DFT) to determine the structural and electronic properties of MCaF3 (M=K and
Rb) compounds. The exchange-correlation potential is treated by the local density approximation (LDA). We present the
calculated equilibrium lattice constant, the bulk modulus and its pressure derivative, the band structure, the total and
partial density of states. The obtained results are analysed and compared with the available theoretical calculations and
experimental data and are in reasonable agreement.
Keywords: DFT; FP-LAPW; Electronic properties; KCaF3; RbCaF3.
ID: EMS-4064
Green's function formalism and its applications in mathematical physics
LRPCSI, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, BP-26, 21000 Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
Green's function is one of the classic concepts in the field of differential equations; it hasbeen intensively explored
and widely implemented for nearly two centuries since itsintroduction by George Green in 1828. His elegant elaborations
revealed impressiveproperties of this function which were transformed into a powerful tool for use in thequalitative
theory of differential equations. Sometimes also called impulse response, Green'sfunction is a very powerful tool for
solving these equations and its main interest lies in theintegral representation of the solution.In this work, we will present
a precise treatment of certain problems of mathematical physicsvia the formalism of the function of Green. The basic
principle of this formalism consists insolving the differential equation satisfied by Green's function. Subsequently, using
thisfunction, we calculate the general solution of the studied mathematical physics equation.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Keywords: Differential equations; Green's function formalism; Mathematical physicsequations.
ID: EMS-4065
Ab-initio investigation of Structural and magnetic Properties of Ba2HoCu3O7
Hadjer BOUARARA*, Saleh KHENCHOUL and Abdelnasseur GUIBADJ
Department science of the matter, Faculty of science, University of Laghouat, Algeria
Abstract :
Cuprates are currently the most studied superconductors. Superconductivity was previouslylinked to very low
temperatures; despite many advances, a complete theory to explain theirbehavior in high-temperature superconductors is
not achieved. Density functional theory DFTstudy of cuprates is an active area of research. This study is based on the ab
initio methodusing density functional theory (DFT) with all-electron (in the frame of FP-LAPW) methodimplemented in
the WIEN2k codes. the atomic structures are obtained by a relaxation processof all atomic positions and cell parameters
optimization a=7.47329 ; b=7.3640689 ;c=22.056544. the optimal energy in the AFM phase is -64551.460150 and we
also found themagnetic moments 0.435. The atomic structure is almost preserved for the theory andexperimental
differences in unit cell parameters.
Keywords: DFT; cuprate; AFM; WIEN2K.
ID: EMS-4066
Section Efficace de la Double Ionisation de l’Hélium avec le Modèle de l’Onde Distordue
Université Farhat Abbas Setif.
L’étude de la double ionisation des cibles moléculaires et atomiques est basée sur le calcul dessections efficaces
quintuplement différentielles qui donnent les informations nécessaires pour lacompréhension de la dynamique structurale
de la cible et des mécanismes réactionnels du processus(e,3e). Cependant les expériences de double ionisation sont plutôt
rare vu la difficulté de réalisationde ces réactions et de la complexité du processus introduisant un nombre
considérabled’interactions et de paramètres cinématiques.Dans notre travail on utilise le modèle de l’onde distordue pour
décrire la double ionisation del’hélium avec ou sans introduction du potentiel de courte portée ressenti par chacun des
deuxélectrons éjectés tout en s’éloignant de la zone de collision. Nos Résultats sont comparés avec ceuxobtenus avec le
modèle 2CWG (où les deux électrons éjectés sont des décrits par des ondescoulombiennes et l’interaction répulsive entre
eux est également représentée par le facteur deGamov) et avec les données expérimentales correspondants de Lahmam
Bennani et al. (1).Sur la figure 1, on représente une des situations étudiées de la FDCS-DI-HE pour θ1=319°.
Keywords : Douable ionisation; Section efficace; Onde distordue; Potentiel courte portée.
Figure 1: FDCS de la double ionisation de l’Helium par impact d’électrons, dans une géométrie coplanaire et avec les
conditions cinématiques: Ei=5599eV, Es=5500eV ; E1=10eV, E2=10eV, θs =0.45°et θ1 = 319°. Les données
expérimentales [1] sont représentées par des carrés avec barres d’erreurs.
Reférences :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
[1] Lahmam-Bennani A, Taouil I. Duguet A., Lecas M., Avaldi l. and Berakdar J. Phys. Rev. A 59, 3548 (1999)
ID: EMS-4067
Study of the Parameters Influencing the Breakdown of the Air in the Vicinity of an Electrical Discharge
Faculty of sciences and technology, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Algeria;
APELEC Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, DjillaliLiabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria.
Abstract :
The purpose of work that we carried out was the determination of the fundamental physical mechanisms implied in
the development process of an electrical discharge in the presence of another discharge used like electrode. When we
noticed that the presence of an electrical discharge as electrode influences considerably the breakdown of the air interval,
in particular dielectric rigidity and the physical characteristics of the air. Contrary to the mechanisms given by the
literature, our streamer negative is more severe than a positive streamer. This ascertainment is founded on the
contribution of the electrical discharge electrode in the mechanism; this discharge plays the part of an electrode cathode
in the mechanism of initiation and propagation of the negative streamer.
Keywords : Electrical discharge; Air breakdown; Streamer negative; Streamer positive.
ID: EMS-4068
Artificial Neural Network Modeling of the Effect of Corrosion in a Lead-Acid Battery
Fouzia BRIHMAT1, 2
National Superior Polytechnic School, 10 Hassen Badi avenue, P.C. 182, El Harrach, Algiers, Algeria.
Research Center in Industrial Technologies – CRTI- Cheraga 16014 Algiers, Algeria
This paper presents an Artificial Neural Network(ANN)-based solution methodology for modeling the corrosion
process that occurs at the interface between the active material and grid material of the positive plate. The corrosion
phenomenon is incorporated as a side reaction occurring in the positive plate.Different approaches exist and are used to
incorporate the effect of corrosion in the first-principles-based porous electrode model of the lead-acid cell. These
approaches are to examine the effects of corrosion during discharge, rest, and charge processes. The mathematical model
derived here is based on the four-layer geometry of a flooded lead-acid cell. Corrosion mechanism is incorporated as a
side reaction in lead oxide PbO2 electrode kinetics. The model presents superior performance in terms of goodness when
compared against a classical regression, and is expected to provide reasonable corrosion rates for a variety of
climatological and pollution conditions. It might be used to study the effect of corrosion on battery cycle performance.
Furthermore, the proposed methodology holds promise to be an effective and efficient tool for the construction of
analytical models associated with corrosion processes of other metals, and, in general, in the modeling of corrosion
phenomena from experimental data.
Keywords:Corrosion; Lead-acid batter; Modeling studies; Neural network; Positive plate.
ID: EMS-4069
Efficient Multi-year Economic Energy Planning of an Advanced Battery Storage- A case Study
Fouzia BRIHMAT1, 2
National Superior Polytechnic School, 10 HassenBadi avenue, P.C. 182, El Harrach, Algiers, Algeria.
Research Center in Industrial Technologies – CRTI- Cheraga 16014 Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
Economic planning models, which are used to design the microgrids and distributed energy resource DER, are the
status quo for relaying such confidence. These models typically determine both long-term DER investments and shortterm DER dispatch. This paper work deals with the optimal cost analysis based upon the Total Net Present Cost (TNPC)
of hybrid (photovoltaic-diesel) renewable energy system (HRES)in Adrar region. The optimal cost analysis of HRES is
done using Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable. Moreover, the system is simulated for every time step for
every year of the 20 years project lifetime. In this model that captures the battery storage level from year-to-year,
photovoltaic performance degradation, and diesel cost escalation above the inflation rate, the trade-off for this is that the
model is more precise, but the calculation takes longer. First, we ran the model with Multi-Year turned off and used the
Optimizer to find the optimal system design. The optimal system for the single-year model includes the Danvest
generator, had 760 kW, reduced the recommended amount of Li-ion storage to 200 kWh, and the COE decreased slightly
to $0.309/kWh.Different scenarios have been simulated considering variations in the power production of the gasified
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
biomass generator and different solutions to guarantee the balance generation/consumption are analyzed. The technical
optimization of this same system is done and under review in a last paper work.
Keywords: Battery; Diesel; Economic planning optimization; Hybrid energy system (HES); Multi-year planning;
Microgrid; Price forecast; PV; Total net present cost.
ID: EMS-4070
Modelisation of Eddy Current Effects on Synchronous Machines
Lam2Sin, University of badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria
Abstract :
The advent of revolutionary electrically commuted synchronous machines with permanent magnets was
made possible by the development of high energy magnets and their interaction with static converters. Machines designed
to operate at high rotation speeds can benefit from thisform of stimulation. Even in steady state, the presence of
asynchronous harmonic fields in thesupply provided by the converter induces currents in the conductive sections of the
rotor, causingadditional losses and an increase in temperature. Eddy currents were taken into considerationwhen the static
converter-machine set system was analyzed for operation, and their efect notonly results in additional losses but also
changes how the machine and converter behave. Variousprototypes results from numerical or analytical models are
Keywords : Synchronous Machines; Eddy Current; Permanent Magnet; Numerical methods.
[1] M.Cazenave. Methode des elements finis, Approche pratique en mecaniques des struc-tures.
[2] O. Biro, G.Koczka, K.Preis. Finite element solution of nonlineaire eddy current prob-lems with periodic excitation and its industrial
applications Applied Numerical Math-ematics.
[3] S. Belakeha. Conception et commande des machines a aimants Permanents Ddiee aux energies Renouvelable. aux energies
Renouvelable,Univ costantine).
ID: EMS-4071
Détermination des contraintes transversales et axiales des plaquessandwiches en FGM via la théorie de
déformation de cisaillementd’ordres élevés (HSDT)
Billel REBAI
Faculty of Sciences & Technology, Civil Engineering Department, University of Abbes Laghrour Khenchela, Algeria,
Résumé :
Le présent travail traite le comportement thermoélastiques des plaques sandwiches en(FGM) via La théorie
de déformation de cisaillement d’ordres élevés (HSDT). Les plaques sontcomposées d’un corp central isotopique et une
peau en FGM. Et les équations sont résolues à laidla solution de Navier et le principe destravails virtuels. Les résultats
obtenus en utilisant la présentethéorie et les autres théories de déformation de cisaillement d’ordre élevé sont
presqueidentiques. On peut dire que la théorie proposée est précise et simple pour résoudre lecomportement
thermoélastique de la flexion des plaques FGM. Ainsi que plusieurs résultatsparamétriques sont présentés pour discuter le
comportement de la flexion thermoélastique desdifférents types des plaques sandwich FGM.
Mots-clés : Plaques sandwiches P-FG; flexion thermoélastique; travails virtuels; Navier.
ID: EMS-4072
Study of the magnetic exchange coupling phenomenon in FM/NM/FM tri-layers of sensors (GMR/TMR), DFT
modeling and optimization.
Research Unit Materials Processes and Environment (URMPE), University M'hamed Bougara Boumerdes, 35000,
Abstract :
In recent years, many researchers have been interested in ultrathin magnetic layers and newmagnetic materials
especially after the discovery of new quantum effects such as interlayerexchange coupling (IEC), giant magnetoresistance
(GMR) and tunnel magnetoresistance(TMR). The understanding of these phenomena and their modeling is a strategic
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
issue.However, the phenomenon of exchange coupling which appears at the interface betweenmagnetic and non-magnetic
materials and which is the basis of the operation of magneticsensors remains poorly understood.In this context, our work
will focus on the study of the exchange coupling phenomenon ofmagnetic Mn2RuGa layers through non-magnetic
interlayers based on DFT (DensityFunctional Theory) simulations followed by a structural optimization.
Keywords: Magnetic exchange coupling; Sensors; Modeling and simulation; DFT.
ID: EMS-4073
Using Two-Dimensional Graphene Lenses to Increase the Effectiveness of Solar Panels.
Department of material sciences,SESNV-Faculty. Tèbessa University, Tébessa, Algeria
Renewable Energy development Unit in Arid Zones, Tébessa University, Tébessa, Algeria
Laboratoire de physique appliquée et théorique, Tébessa University, Tébessa, Algeria
Abstract :
We want to improve the performance of solar panels by coating them with a layer ofgraphene lenses. The modeling
and simulation process achieved good results, and theimportance of this work was demonstrated by its application in nondesert areas and in avariety of weather conditions.
Keywords: Graphene lenses; Coating; Solar panels.
ID: EMS-4074
Analyse numérique d’un Matériaux Composites Sollicité à un Impact à Basse Vitesse
Hassen MERZOUK1*, Samir HABIBI2, Amar ABOUB1
Département de Mécanique Université de Mascara, Algérie
Département de Mécanique Centre Univ Relisane, Algérie
L’utilisation des fibres naturelles comme renfort des matériaux composites est en plein essor grâce à leur faible coût,
leur faible densité et leurs excellentes propriétés mécaniques. Dans cette étude, notre travail était axé sur la modélisation
du comportement à l’impact de composites renforcés de fibres d’alfas quasi-unidirectionnels. Nous avons implémenté un
modèle de comportement implicite dans un code d'éléments finis ANSYS et simulé à l’impact à basse vitesse une plaque
en composite Alfa / greenpoxy.
Mots-clés: Composite à fibres naturelles; Impact à base vitesse; Eléments finis.
ID: EMS-4075
Study of sample density effect on gamma energy efficiencies using Monte Carlo simulation
Maroua BENGROUN a,b, Ahmed AZBOUCHEb, Naima AMRANIa
laboratory of Dosing, Analysis and Characterization in High Resolution (DAC), Physics Department, Faculty of
Sciences, Ferhat ABBAS, Setif-1, 19000 Setif, Algeria,
Nuclear Research Center of Algiers, 02 Bd Frantz Fanon, Bp399, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract :
Monte Carlo Simulation using MCNP5 code is applied to studythe effect of varying soil matrix density on the
detector efficiency values, in which the MCNP5 code was used to simulate an HPGe coaxial P-type detector with a
cylindrical geometry. The full energy peak efficiencies (FEPEs) for soil matrix with different density were calculated for
large volume soil samples. The developed model was validated by comparison with the experimental measurements using
liquid standard radioactive sources contains 241Am, 109Cd, 57Co, 139Ce, 51Cr, 113Sn, 85Sr, 661Cs, 60Co and 88Y, covering a
wild range of gamma energies [59.54-1836.12] keV. The soil matrix composition was determined by Wavelength
Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (WD-XRF) technique. The results show a great difference between the FEPE curves at
low gamma energies indicates the sample density is an important factor that should be taken into account in detection for
large volume environmental samples.
Keywords: Sample densities; Monte Carlo simulation; Soil matrix; WD-XRF; HPGe detector efficiency.
ID: EMS-4076
Investigation of Boron Diffusion From Bsg Layers For P+ Emitter Elaboration
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Abdelghani BOUCHEHAM1,*, Ahmed Bahaeddine BENSEDIRA2, Abbes MARREF1, Chahinez NASRAOUI1, Lyes
BENHARRAT1, Boutaleb LABDELLI1, Abdelkader DJELLOUL1and Mohamed KEZRANE2
Research Center in Semiconductors Technology for Energetics/DDCS, Algiers, Algeria
Yahia Fares University/Department of mechanical engineering/LMP2M, Medea, Algeria
N-type silicon has several advantages over p-type silicon. First, it has a relatively higherresistance to the most
common metallic impurities. This allows for higher minority carrierdiffusion lengths for Si wafers with similar impurity
levels. Second, light-induced degradation(LID) is not present in n-type silicon wafers. This LID is the result of
boronoxygen complexformation and is observed for p-type Si wafers. Several concepts of solar cells have beenmade on
n-type silicon, in particular, the PERT structure (Passivated emitter and rear totallydiffused).In this work, BSG
(Borosilicate) layers are used for the diffusion of boron in n-type silicon inorder to create a p+ junction on the surface and
consequently an emitter, our study is focusedmainly on the influence of temperature and the duration of the diffusion on
the properties ofthe p+n junction, in particular on its depth and the concentration of boron on the surface.
Thecharacterization techniques used are: the four points for the measurements of the sheetresistance, the ECV and the
SIMS for the calculation of the concentration of active and totalboron, respectively, and for the calculation also of the
depth of the junction.
Keywords: Solar cells; Boron diffusion; Boron Silicate Glass; N-type silicon; P-type emitter .
[1] Barbara Terheiden / Energy Procedia 92 ( 2016 ) 486 – 492
[2] Philip Rothhardt et al. / Energy Procedia 55 ( 2014 ) 287 – 294
ID: EMS-4077
Parametric Analysis and Optimization of Process Parameters for Turning Operations based on Response Surface
Methodology (RSM)
Mohamed SILINI 1, Zahia HESSAINIA2,3, Mohamed Salah MECIBAH1, M. A.YALLESE3
Laboratoire de Mécanique, Département de Génie Mécanique, FST, Compus Chaab Ersas, Université des frères
Mentouri Constantine1, Algérie
Département de Génie Mécanique, FST, Compus Chaab Ersas, Université des frères Mentouri Constantine1, Algérie
Laboratoire Mécanique et Structures (LMS), Département de Génie Mécanique, FST, Université 08 Mai 1945, Guelma,
Abstract :
Surface quality is one of the specified customer requirements for machined parts. There are many parameters that
have an effect on surface roughness, but those are difficult to quantify adequately. In finish turning operation many
parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut are known to have a large impact on surface quality. In order
to enable manufacturers to maximize their gains from utilizing hard turning, an accurate model of the process must be
constructed. Several statistical modeling techniques have been used to generate models including regression and Taguchi
methods. In this study, an attempt has been made to generate a surface roughness prediction model and optimize the
process parameters using the response surface methodology (RSM) associated with response optimization technique and
composite desirability was used to find optimum values of machining parameters with respect to objectives surface
roughness. The results have revealed that the effect of feed is more pronounced than the effects of cutting speed and depth
of cut, on the surface roughness. However, a higher cutting speed improves the surface finish. In addition, a good
agreement between the predicted and measured surface roughness was observed. Therefore, the developed model can be
effectively used to predict the surface roughness on the machining of AISI 4140 steel with in 95% confidence intervals
ranges of conditions studied.
Keyword: Machining operation; Surface roughness; Mathematical model; Response urface methodology (RSM)
ID: EMS-4078
Modeling and Correction of Technological Defects on the Dynamic Behavior of Microstructures
Hicham BOUROUINAa,b, Abdelmadjid BOUSSENDELc, Reda YAHIAOUIb
Laboratory of EV Technology, Normal School of Bou-saada, M’Sila 28200, Algeria
Nanomedicine Lab, University of Franche-Comte, Besançon 25000, France
Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Materials, University of M’sila, 28000, Algeria
Abstract :
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
The micromechanical devices used in microsystems technology such as microcantilever beam hasmore attractive
due to the very large integration for actuation and sensing applications. Given thesimplicity in integration, the wide range
and the high sensitivity in detection, this type of microstructuresis very attractive for the realization of chemical and
biological sensors. This study identifies andinvestigates the influence of the manufacturing process defects on the
dynamic behavior of thin structure.Briefly it consists in patterning the film and releasing the microbeams by a selective
and isotropic. Theeffect of under-etching on resonance frequencies equation can be modeled by determining the
equivalentmicrocantilever beam in which produces the same resonant frequency such as a microcantilever beamwithout
under-etching. When the geometry is defined by anisotropic etching, the cross-section isgenerally trapezoidal with
inclined flanks. In another hand, when geometry is defined by isotropic orquasi-isotropic etching the flanks of
microcantilever are arcs of circles. This effect can be taken intoaccount by calculating the moment of inertia of the
nonrectangular cross-section. The analytical beammodel is analyzed and corrected using FEM method to determine the
validity of the microstructuremodel. A semi-analytical approach is proposed for the extraction of mechanical proprieties
from 3D FEManalysis of the dynamic behavior of microcantilever. The derived model is tested on measurements of
thinAluminum microstructure beam of dimensions (100x9x0.6μm3). The results show that for narrowmicrocantilevers
(h/w neighbor to 1), the exact geometry of the cross-section must be taken into accountto avoid an error that can reach to
4%. For microcantilevers with a width greater 10 times than thethickness, the correction is negligible for trapezoidal
cross-section and close to 1% of cross-section withcircular arcs. Final results indicate that the correction of manufacturing
process defects is very significantfor the microcantilever beam and the corrected value of Young’s modulus is very close
to theexperimental results.
Keywords : Microstructure; Process Defects; FEM Simulation; Parameters Extraction; Numerical Correction.
ID: EMS-4079
A novel HSDT for the Dynamics Behavior of (SUSBO4/Si3N4) FG Plate on Elastic Foundation
Hayat SAIDI1, Ismael Al- Juborry FIRAS2, Mohamed BOURADA3and Abdelouahed TOUNSI4
Materials and hydrology laboratory, University of Djillali liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Faculty of civil Engineering, University of Malaysia Phang
Materials and hydrology laboratory, University of Djillali liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Materials and hydrology laboratory, University of Djillali liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Abstract :
The objective of the present study is to study the dynamic analysis of (SusBo4/Si3N4) simplysupported functionally
graded plate resting on elastic foundation, using a novelhigher ordershear deformation theory. The plate is made by a
mixture of SusBo4 and Si3N4, for whichmaterial properties are varied continuously within the thickness direction
according to apower-law distribution. The principle of Hamilton is used to derive the equations of motion,and Navier
solutions are proposed to obtain the natural frequencies of (SusBo4/Si3N4) FGplate. The numerical results of present study
are compared with solutions of the otherhigher-order theories available in the literature. The effects of volume fraction
distribution,elastic foundation parameters, side to thickness ratio, and dimensionless ratio are presentedand discussed.
Keywords: Buckling; Shear deformation; Functionally graded; Plate.
ID: EMS-4080
Numerical Study of Electric Glow Discharge Vicinity
Faculty of sciences and technology, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Algeria;
APELEC Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria.
Abstract :
The software COMSOL was used to determinethe electrical field near a glow discharge onelectrical discharge
electrode-metallic cylinderelectrode configuration.The calculus within COMSOL, allow for takeconsideration of the nonuniformity of theelectrical field in the study interval and next tothe glow electrical discharge.The results obtained show
that the radialdistribution of the electrical field in closeproximity to the three principal region of theglow discharge is not
the same; it is maximalnear the cathode region. That allowed us to saythat the rupture of the air in the vicinity of
anelectrical glow discharge starts from itscathodic zone.
Keywords : Electrical field; Glow discharge; COMSOL; Cathodic zone; Anodic zone; Positive column.
ID: EMS-4081
Simultaneous pipe length in a Fluid distribution Networks
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratory of Silicates, Polymers and Nanocomposites (LSPN), Université 08 Mai 1945 Guelma, BP. 401, 2 Guelma
24000, Algeria.
Abstract :
A modern system of fluid distribution must primarily include facilities for storage,transport, pumping and
distribution. The energy losses in pipes used for thetransportation and distribution of fluids need a good infrastructure,
ensures theirreliability and efficiency. But the huge cost of the infrastructure fluid distributionnetwork leads researchers
to find the optimal cost design. The objective of present workis to conceive looped networks with minimal length, in
preoccupation to ensure aneconomy on the total cost, and high reliability of the network distribution. Theoptimization of
the cost to the total length of a fluid distribution network; it is aboutdeveloping a methodology to minimize the length of
pipes network. Solving fluiddistribution problems of any topology need to find graphical representation of thenetwork.
The proposed method has outperformed the other methods in terms of thequality of network and computational
efficiency. The aim of the present work is to establish a heuristic calculation procedure implemented in a program with a
graphicalinterface to the distribution system.
Keywords: Graphical interface; Cost of pipeline; Length of pipes; Distribution network; Heuristic methods.
ID: EMS-4082
Analyse comparative modale des plaques composites à fibre de carbone et de verre supportées par une
combinaison d’appuis.
Laboratoire de mécanique, structure et énergétique LMSE. Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou
Département Génie mécanique, Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla
Résumé :
Les matériaux composites sont des matériaux les plus étudiés dans nos jours grâce à leur légèreté et résistance. Ce
travail a pour but de mener une étude comparative de deux plaques composites, à fibre de carbone et à fibre de verre sur
une combinaison d'appuis (appuis ponctuels élastiques et appuis ponctuels rigides) , les fréquences et déformées propre
des plaques seront déterminés par la méthode analytique et la méthode numérique avec le logiciel Matlab.
Mots-clés : Analyse modale; Plaque composite; Fréquence propre.
ID: EMS-4083
Structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of double perovskite Sr 2ZrMnO6 an Ab initio calculations
Sara MENDER1, Salima LABIDI1, Abderrahmane CHERIET2
Laboratoire des Nanomatériaux, Corrosions et Traitements de Surfaces, Département de Physique, Faculté des
Sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar, BP 12, 23000 Annaba, Algerie.
Laboratoire d'étude et développement des matériaux semi-conducteurs et diélectriques, Université de Laghouat.Algerie.
Structural, electronic and elastic properties for SiGe, SiSn compounds in cubic structure werestudied using density
functional theory and Wien2k code. For the exchange-correlationpotentials, the modified Becke-Johnson (mBJ)
approximations were used. Various quantities,such as equilibrium lattice constants, bulk modulus and band structures are
presented. ThemBJ (GGA) band gaps values agree well with the available xperimental results. In additionoptical
properties were calculated and compared to the available experimental data andprevious theoretical works.
Keywords: Sr2ZrMnO6; DFT; FP-LAPW; mBJ(GGA); Optical properties.
ID: EMS-4084
Modeling and simulation of a Small Modular Reactor core (SMR) with OpenMC code
Karima ZICHEa, Naima AMRANIa, Salah-Eddine BENTRIDIb
Faculty of Science, University Farhat ABBAS, Setif1, Algeria
Laboratoire de l’Energie et des Systèmes Intelligents, Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Khemis
Miliana, Algeria
Abstract :
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are defined as reactor that produces electricalpower less than 300 MWe1, and they
are more compact than conventional reactorsin power plant. In the present work, a neutronic analysis of such a type of
reactor isconducted by using an Open-Source code (Written in C++ and Python), OpenMC,based on Monte-Carlo method
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
to simulate neutron transport in material media.OpenMC code was developed at MIT by the research team
“Computational ReactorPhysics Group” since 20112, and it allows user to build a 3D geometry and includedifferent
elements and isotopes in the core composition. Th most used Cross-sections data libraries for neutron interaction are
available on the website of the codewhere they were generated for several temperatures. Using OpenMC code, itpossible
to calculate criticality of the core, obtain the neutron flux characteristics(spectrum and amplitude) and reaction rates.
Besides that, OpenMC offer thepossibility to conduct a fuel burn-up evolution vs time.A NuScale core reactor model is
considered here. It consist of 24 square fuelassemblies (FA) and each FA is made from 17X17 pincell. The whole core
isimmersed in cylindrical pool filled with light water. The initial phase of this work to findthe necessary enrichment in U5
to obtain criticality for a fresh core for two cases. Thefirst one, is a fuel assembly made from UO2 fuel and the second
one a fraction of ThO2 is considered with UO2 to constitute the fuel pellet.
Keywords: SMR; OpenMC code; Neutronic; NuScale; Thorium cycle.
[1] Jorge Morales PEDRAZA, Small Modular Reactors For Electricity Generation: An Economic And Technologically Sound
Alternative. Springer; 2017.
[2] Paul K et al..OpenMc: Astate of the Monte Carlo Code for research and development.2014.
ID: EMS-4085
Embedded systems and artificial intelligence for modelling connected objects
Mekideche AIT 1, Narimane DJEBBAR 2, Hamimi CHEMALI 3, and Nora KARKAR 4
1,2,3, 4
University Ferhat Abbas of Setif, faculty of engineering Department of Electronic, Laboratories of Growth and
Characterization of New Semiconductors( lCCNS) and intelligent system (LSI).
This research will primarily focus on the addition of new approaches and mechanisms built on FPGA and using
reconfiguration as an alternative option for optimizing hardware resources on one hand and allowing soft implanted
applications to see continuous evolution without having to redesign. The applications that have gained traction in recent
years are mostly those that operate in a connected mode (internet of things). These objects, like literature, are
accompanied by three challenges to solve: energy, security, and management. These three points, which are complicated
and changeable, necessitate a non-traditional approach, and so artificial intelligence is used to simulate without resorting
to specialized modeling and mathematical methodologies. Specialized in handling massive data sets. The storage of data
from the aforementioned applications may need the use of AI and its management tools in order to provide a simpler
alternative for process memorization, support optimization, and data security.
Keywords: AI; Embedded Systems; IoT; Security; FPGA.
ID: EMS-4086
Experimental and Numerical Impact Investigation of Honeycomb Sandwich Composite: Fracture Mechanics &
Composite Face-sheets
Amira DJELLAB 1, Ahmed CHELLIL 1, Samir LECHEB 1, Hocine KEBIR 2
Dynamic Motors and Vibroacoustic Laboratory, M’Hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes, Algeria.
Roberval Laboratory, Technology University of Compiegne, France.
This paper presents, an experimental and numerical study under low energy impact fatigue and flexural bending of
sandwich panels reinforced with composite laminate glass and carbon fabric facesheets. supported by a honeycomb core
made of Nomex. The responses of the crushing behaviors of honeycomb sandwiches specimens subject to the impact test
was compared and discussed. According to our results, the effect of carbon composite face sheets plays an important
defect on impact test by increasing in impact number and 157.14 % of crack depth elastic region compared to glass
facesheets reinforcement, regarded as an indicator of the laminate’s ability to resist damage initiation and their impact
fracture mechanisms. However, an increasing approximately 45.72% in flexural strength found in carbon facesheets
honeycomb specimens compared to glass facesheets reinforcement. An SOM observation of the damaged honeycomb
sandwiches specimens to evaluate the interfacial characteristics and describe damage mechanics of composites
facesheets and core adhesion under impact test. Finally, a model of honeycomb sandwich panel with numerical
simulation using the finite element analysis, to validate the experimental results. The numerical approach is efficient in
terms of accuracy and simplicity in comparison with the existing methods to predict the damage mechanisms of
honeycomb sandwich structure.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Keywords: Honeycomb sandwich; Composites facesheets; Delamination; Impact test; Flexural bending; FEA.
ID: EMS-4087
Visual object tracking using the bat algorithm
Nora KARKAR1, and Souhaib LOUDA 2
University Ferhat Abbas of Setif, faculty of engineering Department of Electronic, Laboratory of intelligent system
The task of object tracking is significant in the field of computer vision. The proliferation of powerful computers,
the availability of high-quality video cameras at low cost, and the growing need for automated video analysis have all
increased interest in object tracking algorithms. The key steps in video analysis are the detection of interesting moving
objects, the tracking of these objects from one image to the next, and the analysis of the trajectories of the objects to
recognize their behavior's a result, the use of object tracking appears to be very relevant in tasks such as: motion-based
recognition, automatic tracking, video indexing, and so on. Fundamentally, the bat algorithm considers each bat as a
tracked object in the picture. During each iteration, the bat moves according to three equations that correspond to
frequency, position, and speed. Every movement causes an object in a picture to be followed. This is known and
compared to the traces discovered by the same bat, then to all of the bat troupes. The goal of this work is to study and
develop the bat- algorithm and its use as a visual tracking method for moving objects.
Keywords: AI, Bat-algorithm; Object tracking; Computer vision; Video indexing.
ID: EMS-4088
Embedded IOT application for Biofeedback Reeducation based on ARM Cotrex-M4
Zinedine MENNANI 1, Abdelaziz KERBOUCHE 2, Nora KARKAR 3, Hamimi CHEMALI 4, and Mohsen HADDOUD 5
1,2,3, 4,5
University Ferhat Abbas of Setif, faculty of engineering Department of Electronic ,Laboratories of Growth and
Characterization of New Semiconductors( lCCNS) and intelligent system (LSI).
An ARM based development board is used to control and monitor an embedded system in format to an IoT whose
actions are devoted to accomplish biofeedback mechanisms for hemiplegic persons. The defined IoT structures should
facilitate the activities of patients whose movements are reduced in one part and through possible link to cloud network
structure will adopt the necessary improvement in another part. An equipped room with dedicated comfortable
hemiplegic CareChairs is considered as a solution in where local supervising and control are prime but well adapted for
reconfigurations through the cloud and associated tools.
Keywords: AI; Embedded Systems; IoT; Cloud.
ID: EMS-4089
Etude Numérique et Expérimentale de Comportement Mécanique d’un KAYAK en Matériaux Composite
Laboratoire de Mécanique, Université des Frères Mentouri Constantine 1
Résumé :
Ce travail a pour objet d’étudier les caractéristiques mécaniques par test de traction et en flexion trois points en
statique. Les éprouvettes constitués de résine de polyester et de tissé en fibre de verre de l’orientation [±45]° et [0°/90°].
Pour la simulation numérique on a utilisé un logiciel conçu spécialement pour étudier le comportement de toute structures
«ANSYS» pour Déterminer la distribution des contraintes d’un kayak fabriqué en matériaux composites.
Mots clés : Eprouvettes; Traction, Flexion; Simulation numérique; Polyester; Fibre de verre; Tissé; Kayak; Déformations,
ID: EMS-4090
3D thermal simulation during heterogeneous FSW welding of Magnesium and Aluminum alloys
Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI; P.O. Box 64, Cheraga 16014 Algiers, Algeria.
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
Laboratory of physics and materials, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), BP.32 El
Alia Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria.
URMPE/ MESO, M. Bougara University, Boumerdès - 35000, Algeria.
Abstract :
The mastery of the phenomena occurring during the welding process, mainly the thermal effect, allowed the
improvement of the mechanical properties of the welded structures and their quality. The studied process is the Friction
Stir Welding FSW. This relatively recent process uses a specific tool and allows a heterogeneous welding in solid state.
The welding concerns Magnesium AZ31B and Aluminum 2024-T4 alloys, which are widely used in aerospace and
automotive industries, thanks to their lightness and mechanical properties. Throughout the literature few works address
the problems and effects of heterogeneity in theses welds. In this work, we have presented a modeling and numerical
simulation study of the 3D heat transfer during this multi-material FSW welding process, and to study also the effect of
heterogeneity. An appropriate model of the heat source induced by this process and validated by our previous
experimental work is retained. Two heterogeneous configurations are selected and presented, according to the
arrangement of each sheet on both sides of the weld bead (Al/Mg and Mg/Al). The simulation predicted the thermal fields
in the quasi-steady state and some thermal cycles and the maximum value of the temperature in the core zone of the
welded joint. A comparison of the thermal field results according to the arrangement of each alloy to be assembled
between the Advancing side AS and the Retreating side RS of the weld bead is made and discussed. The arrangement of
Al on the RS side and Mg on the AS side results in less dissymmetry and a more thermally balanced bead and therefore a
better joint.
Keywords: Friction Stir Welding FSW; Modeling; Heterogeneous weld; Heat source; Simulation; Magnesium/
ID: EMS-4091
Rainflow Cycle Counting and Fatigue Analysis With Random Loading
Labo. (LPQ3M), University of Mascara, 29000-(Algeria),
University Djillali Liabès of Sidi BelAbbes (Algeria),
Abstract :
Mechanical and structural components are subject in the most cases during their services to random loading, Fatigue
damage increases with applied load cycles in a cumulative manner. Fatigue damage model plays a key role in life
prediction of components and structures under random loading. There are several counting methods that lead to different
results. Among all these methods, it is recognized that the the rain-flow Cycle Counting method with various numbers of
classes In this paper, A computing Matlab-based algorithm of the fatigue life prediction methodology was developed
where studied models are connected cycle by cycle to to predict the fatigue life using this method associate with the
Wöhler curve ‘S-N’ before and after cycles counting. The damage was cumulated by Miner’s rule, Damaged Stress
Model (DSM), Henry model and Unified Theory (UT) and cycles were counted with the rain-flow method with various
numbers of classes. The numbers of classes were retained to study the performance of the models treated in this study.
Experimental data on high-cycle fatigue for random loading histories with different mean and amplitude stress values are
analyzed. Comparison between models predictions and Experimental life is considering in this paper.
Keywords: Fatigue life; Rain-flow Cycle Counting; Numbers of classes; Random loading.
ID: EMS-4092
Studies of the effects of particle size on drug loading of new copolymers based on poly (glycolide-co- εcaprolactone) for the controlled release system
Asma ZIANE*, Kaddour GUEMRA
Physical and Organic Macromolecular Chemistry Laboratory (LCOPM), Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of Djillali
Liabes, BP 089, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Biodegradable polymers are fascinating materials that have attracted considerable attention due to their unique
properties, which can be tailored for specific applications ranging from chemical synthesis and nanotechnology, to media
for controlled drug delivery and gene delivery. In the present work, biodegradable polymer with different ratios
containing poly (glycolide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PGC) and Ethylcellulose (EC) have been synthesized by bulk ringopening polymerization technique. The obtained copolymers have been characterized by FTir and 1H- and 13C-NMR
spectroscopies and confirm the formation of copolymers. Moreover, several analytical techniques were used to
characterize the drug-loaded formulations in order to understand their size, shape, and morphology, as well as the
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
chemical interactions between the polymers and drug. Additionally, the mechanism and kinetics of controlled drug
release were investigated. The research finding indicated that the developed devices may be useful as well-suited matrices
for colon delivery of 5-FU. Also, the release rate rises with rise in pH milieu. Finally; the release profiles when analyzed
by empirical equations suggested the presence of super case II transport mechanism.
Keywords: Biocompatible and biodegradable; Copolymers; Poly(glycolide-co-caprolactone); Polymer blends; Solvent.
evaporation method; Controlled release.
ID: EMS-4093
Numerical Study on Convective Heat Transfer of Hybrid Nanofluid in a Circular Channel
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of 20 Août 1955- Skikda, Algeria
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algeria
Abstract :
In the current study, a numerical simulation of a laminar forced convection flow has been examined. By
using different volume fractions of (TiO2-Cu/water) hybrid Nanofluid in a circular channel with constant heat
flux applied to the wall. [1-11] The effects of nanoparticles volume fraction and Reynolds number on heat transfer
are performed. The results show that the Nusselt number increases with the rise in the volume fraction which
improves the thermal transmission.
Keywords: Hybrid nanofluid; Forced convection; Heat transfer; Circular channel.
[1] I. Chabani, F. Mebarek Oudina, A. I. Ismail, MHD Flow of a Hybrid Nano-fluid in a Triangular Enclosure with Zigzags
and an Elliptic Obstacle, Micromachines, 13 (2), 224, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi13020224
[2] K. Asogwa, F. Mebarek-Oudina, & I. Animasaun, Comparative investigation of Water-based Al2O3 Nanoparticles
through Water-based CuO Nanoparticles over an Exponentially Accelerated Radiative Riga Plate Surface via Heat
Transport, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 47 (7), 8721–8738, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-02106355-3
[3] I. Chabani, F. Mebarek-Oudina, H. Vaidya, and A. I. Ismail, Numerical analysis of magnetic hybrid Nano-fluid natural
convective flow in an adjusted porous trapezoidal enclosure, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2022,
[5] S. Marzougui, F. Mebarek-Oudina, A. Mchirgui, and M. Magherbi, Entropy Generation and Heat transport of Cu-water
Nanoliquid in Porous lid-driven Cavity through Magnetic Field, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &
Fluid Flow, 32 (6), 2047-2069, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-04-2021-0288
[6] Y. D. Reddy, F. Mebarek-Oudina, B. S. Goud, A. I. Ismail, Radiation, Velocity and Thermal Slips Effect Toward MHD
Boundary Layer Flow Through Heat and Mass Transport of Williamson Nanofluid with Porous Medium, Arabian
Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06825-2
[7] A.S. Warke, K. Ramesh, F. Mebarek-Oudina, and A. Abidi, Numerical investigation of the stagnation point flow of
radiative magnetomicropolar liquid past a heated porous stretching sheet, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,
147(12), 6901–6912, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-021-10976-z
[8] S. M. Abo-Dahab, M. A. Abdelhafez, F. Mebarek-Oudina and S. M. Bilal, MHD Casson Nanofluid Flow over
Nonlinearly Heated Porous Medium in presence of Extending Surface effect with Suction/Injection, Indian Journal of
Physics, 95, 2703–2717, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-020-01923-z
[9] S. Gourari, F. Mebarek-Oudina, O. D. Makinde, and M. Rabhi, Numerical Investigation of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase
[10] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Convective Heat Transfer of Titania Nanofluids of different base fluids in Cylindrical Annulus with
discrete Heat Source, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 48, 135-147, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.21375
[11] F. Mebarek-Oudina, Numerical Modeling of the Hydrodynamic Stability in Vertical annulus with Heat Source of
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2
International Conference on Energy and Material Sciences
November 16-17, 2022 - Skikda, Algeria
ISBN: 978-9931-9447-8-2