NR SA Network Slicing Guideline <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <bulkCmConfigDataFile xmlns="configData.xsd" xmlns:es="EricssonS pecificAttributes.xsd" xmlns:xn="genericNrm.xsd"> <fileHeader fileFormatVersion="32.615 V4.5" vendorName="Ericss on"/> <configData dnPrefix="Undefined"> <xn:SubNetwork id="subNW"> <xn:MeContext id="gNB1"> <xn:ManagedElement id="gNB1"> <xn:VsDataContainer id="1"> <xn:attributes> <xn:vsDataType>vsDataGNBDUFunction</xn:vsDataTyp e> <xn:vsDataFormatVersion>EricssonSpecificAttribut es</xn:vsDataFormatVersion> <es:vsDataGNBDUFunction/> </xn:attributes> <xn:VsDataContainer id="gNB1-1" modifier="update"> <xn:attributes> <xn:vsDataType>vsDataNRCellDU</xn:vsDataType> <xn:vsDataFormatVersion>EricssonSpecificAttrib utes</xn:vsDataFormatVersion> <es:vsDataNRCellDU> <es:sNSSAIList> <es:sst>1</es:sst> <es:sd>1</es:sd> </es:sNSSAIList> </es:vsDataNRCellDU> </xn:attributes> </xn:VsDataContainer> </xn:VsDataContainer> </xn:ManagedElement> </xn:MeContext> </xn:SubNetwork> </configData> <configData dnPrefix="Undefined"> <!---add more MO operations with <configData> elements----> </configData> <fileFooter dateTime="2021-04-20T07:46:55+01:00"/> </bulkCmConfigDataFile> → → → → → The following example shows the same configuration using the EDFF: # Example file to configure the S-NSSAI attribute in the NRCellD → U MO for gNB1 SET FDN:"SubNetwork=SubNW,MeContext=gNB1,ManagedElement=gNB1,GNBDUFu → nction=1,NRCellDU=gNB1-1" sNSSAIList:[{sst=1,sd=1}] 68 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 Principles and Guidelines The ENM is responsible for translating the bulk configuration file to a corresponding gNodeB configuration based on the Ericsson Common Information Model (ECIM). This configuration is then pushed to the affected nodes through the Network Configuration (NETCONF) interface. 2.9.3 Ericsson Orchestrator-Based Network Slice Provisioning This section describes the Ericsson-based E2E network slice provisioning solution. Figure 36 shows the high-level architecture, which includes the following main products: ENM Ericsson Orchestrator Contains the EMS for RAN, transport network, and core network, and the SDN controller functions, which play the roles of the AN-NFMF, TN-NFMF and CN-NFMF, respectively. Contains the Service Orchestration, Network Functions Virtualization Orchestrator (NFVO), and EvolvedVirtualized Network Function Manager (E-VNFM) functions. The Service Orchestration function plays the role of the AN-NSSMF and CN-NSSMF. Figure 36 Ericsson Orchestrator Solution for Network Slice Provisioning Currently, E2E slice provisioning and configuration are done separately for each network domain: RAN, transport network, and core network. The configuration of network slices in the RAN can be realized by using the Service Orchestration functionality in the Ericsson Orchestrator or, in case the Ericsson Orchestrator is not deployed, by using ENM scripts (using RAN EMS) 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 69 NR SA Network Slicing Guideline supporting bulk configurations. ENM scripts can also be used to augment the RAN configuration with slicing related parameters not provided through the Service Orchestration function. Bulk configuration is a web-based application in ENM and allows the simultaneous configuration of a set of nodes belonging to one slice. It allows importing configuration management data to Baseband Radio Nodes in the live network based on the created bulk configuration file. Alternatively, the configuration can be done manually node by node, which results in a higher configuration effort. If the transport network is based on traditional VPN technologies (for example IP or MPLS VPN), the configuration is done using ENM configuration scripts (through transport network EMS) or manually. Otherwise, if SDN technologies are used in the transport, the configuration can be conducted automatically by the SDN controller. A core network slice is deployed as Containerized Network Functions (CNF). With CNFs, the configuration can be automated together with core network slice orchestration by the Service Orchestration function in the Ericsson Orchestrator. The Service Orchestration handles the core network slice orchestration according to a given slice requirement definition. It instantiates the core network slice with minimal configuration through NFVO and E-VNFM. Once the core network slice instance is active, Service Orchestration also sends the configurations requirements to the core network EMS in ENM, which then finishes the core network slice configuration. 2.9.4 Observability A network slice must fulfill the performance requirements of the traffic type that it carries and the subscribers that use that slice. The monitoring of relevant PM Counters and calculation of KPIs per slice is therefore important. This can be done either on an E2E network level (if supported) or per domain: RAN, Transport, Core Network. Figure 37 shows the network slice observability solution for the RAN domain, which requires following applications: — ENM supporting the Event Based Statistics for NR (EBS-N) application EBS-N collects PM Events from the gNodeB to generate RAN Performance Statistics (EBS-N counters) that the node does not provide. The performance of network slices cannot be monitored without using EBS-N. — PM applications supporting the definition and monitoring of KPIs based on the ENM EBS-N counters Ericsson Network IQ Statistics (ENIQ-S) shown in Figure 37 is one example of such an PM application that supports the KPI monitoring for network slices. Alternative PM applications or tools that are capable of processing the EBS-N information and defining related performance KPIs might be used instead of ENIQ-S. 70 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 Principles and Guidelines Figure 37 RAN Slice KPIs Observability Solution Performance Management Initiation and Collection (PMIC) is an application within ENM and used to create PM event subscriptions in the gNodeB which are automatically determined based on the selected EBS-N counters. The collection of PM events obtained from the gNodeB and the creation of EBS-N related PM counters in ENM is done by the EBS-N function which maps the received PM event data to the corresponding EBS-N counters. EBS-N writes the counters into 3GPP compliant PM files. Two types of EBS-N counters can be created: Base EBS-N counters (pmEbs<xyz>) and Flexible EBS-N counters (pmEbs<xyz>_<filter>). Flexible EBS-N counters can be defined through the Flexible Counter management (FCM) application in ENM and allow the differentiation of certain Base EBS-N counters through filter criteria. The filter criteria selected in FCM are appended with underscores to the Base EBS-N counter name. The relevant filter criteria to observe network slice performance KPIs include for example: — S-NSSAI — PLMN ID — QoS (5QI) For example, filtering the Base EBS-N counter for DRB establishment attempts (pmEbsDrbEstabAtt5qi) for 5QI 9 in a network slice with STT=1/SD=1 and PLMN with MCC=262/MNC=80, the resulting Flexible EBS-N counter looks as follows: pmEbsDrbEstabAtt5qi_Qos9_mcc262mnc80_sst1sd1 Note: The PM events contain the corresponding PlmnId, Snssai, QoS, and other filter parameters that allow ENM EBS-N to construct the Flexible EBS-N counters from the corresponding Base EBS-N counters. 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 71 NR SA Network Slicing Guideline ENIQ-S is a standalone product that can be used to process the EBS-N counters and generate specific KPI reports in real time or to provide a historical view. The report conveys detailed KPI information in a dashboard representation and provides a comprehensive overview of the network performance. ENIQ-S can be used to assure that the offered services comply to the negotiated SLAs and, also, to observe performance trends which can help to plan necessary network optimizations as needed. For the level of support to define and monitor slice-specific KPIs based on the supported Base and Flexible EBS-N counters described in this section, see the respective ENM and ENIQ-S CPI documentation. Table 4 lists the KPI categories to be supported for the network slice observability in RAN. They can be used to observe the RAN contribution to the SLA fulfillment of a network slice. The choice of the categories and KPIs to monitor depends on the network slice type and it is required service characteristics. For example, the throughput-related KPIs in the Integrity category are more important to monitor for data services provided by an FWA slice that has to guarantee throughputrelated SLAs, than for similar services in an eMBB slice not providing such guarantees to consumers. In contrast, the KPIs in the Availability, Retainability, and Accessibility categories may need to be monitored commonly for any network slice and service type. Table 4 72 KPI Categories for Network Slice Observability in RAN KPI Category Measurement Slice or Service Description (High- Type Examples Level) Availability Amount of time a service is delivered according to an agreed QoS Common Accessibility Setup success rate related to DRBs or PDU sessions Common Retainability Abnormal release rate related to DBRs or PDU sessions Common Mobility Successful Handover rate related to PDU session Common Resource Utilization Use of resources, for example, in terms of RBSyms, DRBs, PDU Common 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 Principles and Guidelines KPI Category Integrity Measurement Slice or Service Description (High- Type Examples Level) Sessions, or RRC Connections Latency(1) The gNodeB contribution to the E2E packet transmission latency experienced by an end user in the downlink direction Latency-sensitive services, for example, voice in eMBB or FWA slice Throughput Downlink and Uplink Throughput per DRB and UE Data services in an FWA slice Reliability Packet loss rate Mission critical services (1) This KPI describes the average time for scheduling the first DL packet in a burst of packets on the air interface to the UE (NR-Uu), determined from the time the packet was received by the gNodeB-Distributed Unit (DU). The KPI is not measured for each packet in the burst. Currently, it can only be measured in a slice-agnostic way, for example by using the gNodeB PM counters: pmMacLatTimeDlDrxSyncQos, pmMacLatTimeDlNoDrxSyncQos, among others. To monitor the E2E latency across RAN, TN, and CN, the latency between RAN and CN needs to be considered in addition. The KPIs for availability, accessibility, retainability, mobility, and resource utilization need to be monitored on network slice level by filtering the respective Base EBS-N counters per S-NSSAI in a PLMN. Optionally, the bearer (DRB) related Base EBS-N counters can also be filtered per QoS (5QI) in a network slice if needed. The KPIs for integrity, however, differentiate the requirements of service types per network slice. Each slice can support multiple types of services (for example, Voice, Internet), which can have different performance requirements. Since service types are associated with certain QoS characteristics, the respective PM counters must be monitored per slice based on the S-NSSAI and 5QI. Because network slices can span across a cluster of NR cells and gNodeBs, the aggregation of those KPIs needs to be considered to calculate the total KPI per network slice (S-NSSAI) or service type (5QI) in the RAN. The Ericsson gNodeB and ENM products currently support the monitoring on network slice level for the KPI categories listed in Table 5. The related Base EBSN counters can be filtered by using a combination of the parameters shown in the Filter Granularity column resulting in the creation of the corresponding Flexible EBS-N counters. 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 73 NR SA Network Slicing Guideline Additional details about the currently supported Based EBS-N counters are provided per KPI category and described below Table 5 in dedicated sections together with some KPI formula examples. Table 5 List of Supported KPIs Category Description Filter Granularity Accessibility DRB setup success rate PlmnId, Snssai, QoS PDU session setup success rate PlmnId, Snssai DRB abnormal release rate PlmnId, Snssai, QoS Retainability PDU session abnormal release rate PlmnId, Snssai Resource Utilization Utilization of DL and UL spectrum resources (RBSym) per radio resource partition partitionId, serviceId Integrity/Throughput Downlink DRB throughput PlmnId, Snssai Downlink DRB throughput per QoS (5QI) Uplink UE throughput Mobility UE successful handover rate PrefUeGrpId, UeGrpId(1) (1) The mobility-related Base EBS-N counters cannot be directly filtered by the PlmnId and Snssai. Instead, the UE Grouping framework must be used to group UEs per PLMN and SNSSAI. The slice-specific observability is then achieved by filtering the Base EBS-N counters for mobility by the respective UE group ID. This only works reliably for UEs that use one slice. For supplementary performance management and EBS-N counter information, see also the following NR documents: — Manage Performance — Key Performance Indicators for NR SA — Lists and Delta Lists - Referral Document In the OSS Counters section, Lists and Delta Lists - Referral Document describes all the EBS-N counters that are currently supporting the monitoring (filtering) on network slice level, including the applicable filter criteria and corresponding gNodeB PM event information. For the management of Flexible EBS-N counters in ENM, see the Flexible Counter Management section of the ENM Product Description in the ENM library. 74 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 Principles and Guidelines Accessibility KPIs The Accessibility KPIs on a PDU session-level are calculated per NR cell from the corresponding Flexible EBS-N counters as shown below: Similar KPI calculations can be done on the DRB-level either across all 5QIs or filtered per 5QI. Table 6 lists the Accessibility Base EBS-N counters that currently support the flexible filtering for network slices together with the corresponding PM Events and filter criteria obtained from the gNodeB. Table 6 Accessibility KPIs: Relation between EBS-N Counters, Filter Parameters, and gNodeB PM Events Base EBS-N Counter Applicable Filters gNodeB PM Event pmEbsPduSessionEstab Att PlmnId CuCpProcInitialCtxtE stab Snssai pmEbsPduSessionEstab Succ pmEbsPduSessionModif yAtt CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceSetup PlmnId Snssai CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceModify pmEbsPduSessionModif ySucc pmEbsDrbEstabAtt5qi PlmnId pmEbsDrbEstabSucc5qi Snssai QoS CuCpProcInitialCtxtE stab CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceModify CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceSetup Retainability KPIs The Retainability KPIs on PDU session-level are calculated per NR cell from the corresponding Flexible EBS-N counters as shown below: Similar KPI calculations can be done on the DRB-level either across all 5QIs or filtered per 5QI. The use of the NR RRC Connection Re-establishment feature (FAJ 121 5346) has a positive impact on this KPI by lowering the PDU session abnormal release rate 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18 75 NR SA Network Slicing Guideline due to Radio Link Failures (RLFs) detected by UEs. If UEs can re-establish failed RRC connections, their PDU sessions are maintained instead of being abnormally released. There is a related Performance Indicator (PI) that can be used to observe the RRC connection re-establishment success rate per network slice. This PI can additionally be monitored to check in how far the PDU session abnormal release rate is affected by conditions causing RLFs. The PI can be calculated per slice with following Flexible EBS-N counters: Note: In Intra-gNodeB scenarios a UE can only re-establish a failed RRC connection through a new cell if latter supports all the network slices that are used by the UE in PDU Sessions. In Inter-gNodeB scenarios it is sufficient if the target cell supports a subset of the network slices. In latter case, only the bearers for PDU sessions of supported slices are reestablished. Table 7 lists the Retainability Base EBS-N counters that currently support the flexible filtering for network slices together with the corresponding PM Events and filter criteria obtained from the gNodeB. Table 7 Retainability KPIs: Relation between EBS-N Counters, Filter Parameters, and gNodeB PM Events Base EBS-N Counter Applicable Filters gNodeB PM Event pmEbsPduSessionRelNo rmal PlmnId CuCpProcUeCtxtRel Snssai CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceRelease pmEbsPduSessionRelAb normalAmf PlmnId CuCpProcUeCtxtRel Snssai CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceRelease PlmnId CuCpProcUeCtxtRel Snssai CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceRelease pmEbsPduSessionRelAb normalGnb pmEbsDrbRelNormal5qi QoS CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceModify pmEbsDrbRelAbnormalA mf5qi pmEbsDrbRelAbnormalA mfAct5qi PlmnId CuCpProcUeCtxtRel Snssai CuCpProcPduSessionRe sourceModify QoS pmEbsDrbRelAbnormalG nb5qi 76 351/221 12-IPM 101 41/100 Uen Z19B | 2022-02-18