Group2 Reporters: Kievent Cuevas Diana Rose M. Esguiran Princess Ann Gregorio Avril Valenzuela Topic: • • LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ACCOUNTS ON THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE l. introduction: A. Objectives, Language and linguistics definition B. Relationship between Language and Culture c. Theories and Hypothesis on the Origin of Language ll. Body A. Language and linguistics Definition B. Definition of Culture C. Relationship between Language and Culture 1. Sign Language 2. Athnography D. Theories and Hypothesis on the Origin of Language 1. The Bow-wow Theory 2. The pooh-pooh Theory 3. The Ding-dong Theory 4. The Yo-he-ho Theory 5. The La- la Theory 6. The Genetic Mutation of Chomsky 7. Vocal Grooming of Dubar 8. ‘’Putting the baby down’’ Hypothesis 9. Whitney’s Origin of Language lll. Conclusions: BSED- ENG 1HD