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Unit Fractions Lesson Plan (Denominators 10 & Below)

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics
I. Objectives
At the end of 60 minutes period, the learners must be able to;
a. Visualize and Identify unit fractions with denominators 10 and below
b. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in visualizing and identifying unit fractions with denominators 10
and below
c. Visualizes, represents and identifies unit fractions with denominators 10 and below
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Visualizing and identifying Unit fractions with denominators 10 and below
Learning resources: MELC, Learners material ( Mathematics for everyday use pg. 118-120)
Materials: Pictures, Manila paper
Value: Cooperation
III. Procedure
Teacher's Activity
Pupil's Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Let's all stand and feel the presence of our Lord.
Margielyn kindly please lead the prayer.
(Margielyn will lead the prayer)
2. Greetings
Good morning, class!
Before you seat, kindly please pick up those papers
Good morning Ma'am!
under your chair and arrange your chairs properly.
You may now be seated.
(Pupils will pick up the scattered papers and
arrange their chairs properly)
3. Checking of Attendance
Is there anyone absent in the class?
Very good!
So, how are you today?
None ma'am.
It's good to hear that class.
Before we formally start our discussion, let us all
stand and energize our body.
We're better than yesterday ma'am.
Do you know the song "I love MATH"?
I'll play a video and I will do it first then later, we
will do it altogether, okay?
No ma'am.
M, A, T, H (2x)
I love Math
Yes ma'am.
I love Math
It is so exciting
Very interesting
I love Math
I love Math
Now, let's do it altogether!
Wow! Bravo class!
You may now all be seated
(The pupils will sing and dance the I love Math
4. Review
Yesterday, we discussed about the Inverse
multiplication and division. So as a sort of review, I
want you to answer this.
1. 20÷5=
2. 15÷3=
3. 40÷4=
4. 35÷5=
Who wants to answer number 1?
Yes Mark John.
Very good!
How about the number 2?
20÷5= 4 4×5=20
Yes Jane Crista.
15÷3= 5
How about the number 3?
Yes Aldrin.
Is he correct class?
Yes, very good!
Who wants to answer number 4?
Yes ma'am.
Yes Rasheen.
Very good!
How about the last number?
Yes Alexia.
Very good class!
B. Motivation
Now, we will going to play a game called "BRING
I know you're already familiar with this, am I right?
Direction: Each column will serve as your group.
Yes ma'am.
Column 1, Column 2, Column 3, Column 4
I will tell you to bring an item and the first group
who will be the first to give me the item gets a
point. Understood?
Are you ready?
Bring me 3 pencils
Yes ma'am.
Bring me 5 notebooks
Yes ma'am.
Bring me 2 eraser
Bring me 6 peso coins
Group 2 got the highest points!
Let's give them 5 claps!
C. Presentation
So now, I will group the things that you have given
to me.
This is a set of pencils, notebooks, eraser, and a set
of coins.
I have here a set of coins. How many coins?
( Do the five claps)
Correct! There are 6 coins.
In this 6 coins, If got the 2 coins, what would be
the fractional number?
6 coins ma'am.
Correct. 2/6
How many pencils do I have?
Shaded parts
2/6 ma'am .
Correct. I have here 3 pencils, and if I got the 2
pencils, what is the fractional number?
3 ma'am.
Now, how many notebooks do I have?
Correct. And if I got the 3, what would be the
fractional number?
2/3 ma'am.
Very good!
5 ma'am.
And now, how many eraser do I have?
3/5 ma'am.
Correct. And if I got the 1 eraser, what would be
the fractional number?
2 ma'am.
Very good!
1/2 ma'am.
D. Discussion
Let's try another Example
Look at the shapes, into how many equal parts in
each figure divided?
Correct! So the fractional number is given to each
shaded part is
3 ma'am.
Let's try this.
Which figures show 1/3?
Equal parts
A, ma'am.
Correct! Letter A has 3 equal parts and 1 shaded
part. So the fractional number is 1/3.
Which figures show 1/4?
A, ma'am.
Very good! Letter A shows 4 equal parts and has 1
shaded part. So the fractional number is 1/4.
E. Application
For your group activity , I will group you into 3
groups. Group 1(Leni Group), Group 2 ( Bong bong
Marcos group), Group 3 ( Duterte group).
I will only give you 10 minutes to finish your work.
Direction: Write the fractional number of the
shaded part.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Are you done class?
Group 1, kindly please present your work in front.
Very good!
Next group, present your work
Yes ma'am
Very good!
How about the group 3?
(Group 1 will present their work)
Wow! Very good!
You did great class!
( Group 2 will present their work)
F. Generalization
I know you've already learned a lot from today's
discussion. So those are called Fractions.
(Group 3 will present their work)
What is fractions?
Very good! So fractions have a numerator and a
Fractions are numbers that are written into 2
parts. A numerator and denominator.
Bring out 1 whole sheet of paper and answer the
Direction: Write the fractional number of the
shaded part.
V. Assignment
Direction: Visualize the following fractions.
1. 2/4
2. 3/10
3. 5/8
4. 4/7
4. 3/9