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MIS Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is not considered a quality of life issue:
- Theft of intellectual content
2. Which of the following is generally not considered a quality of life issue when discussing
information systems:
- Slow systems performance.
3. Cobol- Common Business Oriented Language is an example of:
- Third Generation Code
4. Which of following is probably not useful for mining data?
- TPSs
5. In a simple data structure, a collection of records is called a
- File
6. Which of the following is not commonly referred to as a communications protocol?
7. If you had to select a database management system for a very large company (millions of records)
- Oracle
8. The W3C is responsible for which of the following standards:
9. Which one of the following systems is used to represent data on a modern computer
- Binary
10. Which of the following is not an input device
- Screens
11. All computer data, be it text, voice or video is represented internally as
- A binary digits
12. What type of media does your traditional phone line use in your home?
- Twisted pair wire
13. Which of the following is not application software?
- Google Android
14. The process of converting source code to machine/object code is known as
- Compiling
15. Which of the following is not regarded as a problem with traditional data management
- Inability to scale
16. Which of the following is not a recognized reason to use normalization with database tables.
- Reduce the number of tables
17. The ability of telecommunications technologies help firms reduce the number of middle
managers is an example of
- Reduced agency costs
18. The data structure below is called a
Data Structure
Student ID Last Name First Name Date of Birth Faculty
829601234 Lannister Jamie
14-12-1975 Political Sciences
19. Which of the following languages would you expect to be popular on a Supercomputer
- Fortran
20. According to Gordon Moore, the number of transistors in a central processing unit
- Doubles every 18 months
21. The primary disadvantage of a centralized network architecture is:
- It is reliant on a single point of failure.
22. What we now call the internet was once called the:
- Arpanet
23. Data in a computer is passed from primary storage to the central processing unit over a:
- Bus
24. In a simple data structure, a collection of files is called a
- Database
25. When surfing the web you often type www.amazon.com , sta.uwi.edu, gmail.com, etc. These text
strings are formally referred to as:
- Domain names
26. System software is more commonly referred to as:
- Operating system software
27. Even though developers can develop or adopt any communications protocols they wish, they all
seem to adopt ICP and IP. Which of the following could account for this phenomena?
- Metcalf’s Law
28. What technology do we need to use to allow a digital device to transmit data over an analog
- Modems
29. If you were thinking of setting up a database for a very small business which of the following
might be the best choice?
- Microsoft Access
30. In modern relational database management systems, the most popular data manipulation
language is often:
- SQL - Structured Query Language
31. The networks at UWI and the SALCC are examples of LANs connected to each other by a
- Campus area network
32. What type of media would you invest in if you had to set up a computer lab where you wanted to
connect 50 laptops to a server?
- Wi-Fi
33. Which of the following is not a component of modern computer hardware?
- Virtual devices
34. Using the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) the letter S is represented
by how many bits?
- 8
35. All computer data, be it text, voice or video is represented internally as
- Binary digits
An airline reservations system operates at which level of the organization?
- Operational
The term “islands of automation” refers to:
- Systems that cannot share data
Banks are incentivized to keep us out of their branches as far as possible. Towards this end they
have introduced ATMs, online banking, and most recently, banking apps on our smartphones.
What is the principal motivation for these initiatives?
- Reduce transaction costs
The software most of you actually use to get work done is called
- Application software
A collection of fields is called a
- Record
If you had to connect two university campuses together to facilitate video transmission of remote
classes, which of the following would be the best choice?
- Fiber Optic Cable
What is the major advantage of Agile techniques over the SDLC?
- End users get to use their systems more quickly.
Electronic Mail is an example of which of the following
- Office work system
End user development is a strategy that has been proposed to deal with:
- Development bottlenecks in the IT department
Walmart’s Retail Plus System is an example of which of the following?
- All of the other choices
Knowledge management systems have wide applicability. But the industry in which we would
expect them to have the best fit would be
- Consulting
Which of the following is a good reason to study information systems?
a) We interact with information systems on a daily basis
b) Many industries are essentially information industries
c) All of the other options
d) Many new services are information products
e) Globalization means local companies are competing with sophisticated adversaries
At which level of the organization would you expect to find an order processing system?
- Operational level
Before investing in a system, an organization needs to be clear on its
a) Mission and Vision
b) Objectives
c) Strategies
d) Strengths and weaknesses
e) All of the displayed options
50. According to Carr investments in information technology do not confer a competitive advantage
because (QUIZ 1)
- Information technology is a commodity
51. An information system involves of all of the following functions except (QUIZ 1)
- Planning
52. In order for large fast food retailers like KFC to coordinate production schedules with raw material
procedures it can implement
- Supply chain management systems
53. Which of the following is not normally considered part of the agile development framework
- Extensive planning documents
54. An ERP system is found at which levels in a manufacturing organization (QUIZ 1)
a) Strategic
b) Knowledge
c) Operational
d) Management
e) All the other options
55. The term SaaS stands for
- Software as a service
56. A bar chart is an example of which of the following
- Information
57. A prolonged shut down of an ESS can destroy an organization. Is this statement true or false?
- False
58. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are an example of information systems
- False
59. A computer Aided Design system is an example if a
- Knowledge Work System
60. Which of the following is not an example of an enterprise class system?
- Executive Support Systems
61. Which of the following is not an information system
- Desktop computer system
62. The point of sale system that we find in most grocery stores operates at what level of the
- Operational
63. The chief executive officer often has to wait weeks to get consolidated reports form his HR,
accounting and payroll departments. This is an indicator that her company
- Is suffering from islands of automation syndrome.
64. The point of sale system found in many retail stores is found at the management level of the
- False
65. Which of the following is an appropriate way to solve the islands of automation problem.
- Create middleware
66. The Banner application that you use to register for classes, check grades, request overrides, etc. is
an example of which of the following?
- Information systems
67. In order to turn data into information you first need to _____ it.
- Process
68. An organization that wants to create a comprehensive view of its historical operations would be
well advised to create a
- Database
69. In modern relational database management systems, the most popular data manipulation
language is often
70. In information security, the strongest form of authentication is likely to be
- a biometric reader
71. You are using a personal computer and it crashes causing you to miss an important deadline and
lose a major contract. The ability to identify the specific developer of the component that caused
it to crash to seek compensation is known as
- Accountability
72. Which of the following is not a good justification for investing an information security programme
information security programmes are inexpensive
73. Which one of the following laws best explains the network effects of accumulating additional
- Metcalf’s Law
74. Which of the following is not considered an intelligent technique.
- Knowledge Networks
75. Neutral networks are best suited to:
- Sifting through huge data sets looking for patterns.
76. The process of converting cipher text into clear text is called:
- Decryption
77. A large computer manufacturing needs to have relatively inexperienced staff properly configure
its mainframes before shipping them to customers. Which of the following systems is best suited
to helping the staff perform this role effectively.
- Expert Systems
78. Alice and Bob are using a public key encryption system. Bob receives a message from Alice. He
needs to decrypt it using:
- His private key
79. What do you need to do to copyright a book of poems that you have written:
80. Which of the following is generally not considered a social or ethical issue where information
systems are concerned.
- Quality of life
81. Bugs in software introduce vulnerabilities. Computer hackers often write viruses to ___these
- Exploit
82. After spending several million on a new KM system, the managers are dissatisfied with its poor
utilization. Which of the following is probably not a cause for this problem?
- excess content
83. Siri, Google Now and Cortana are examples of
- Intelligent Agents
84. Which of the following is the most important element of the Tesco systems?
- Tesco’s employees
85. The phase that immediately follows the development phase in the SDLC is
- Testing
86. A barcode is an example of which of the following
87. Which step immediately precedes development in the SDLC?
- Conceptual design
88. The systems development process ends when the system is implemented. Is this statement true
or false?
- False
89. UWI’s decision to let Microsoft run the email systems for all 50,000 students is an example of
(QUIZ 1)
- SaaS
90. Off all the components of an information system, which is the most important when thinking
about developing a competitive advantage.
- People
91. A smart phone represents which of the following?
- Information Technology
92. Which of the following are not considered in developing strategy?
- Three-month production quotas
93. A manufacturing company that is converting to a new enterprise resource planning system would
probably use a _____ conversion strategy
- Phased approach
94. The decision to develop a system in house or to license a fully developed system depends on
which of the following:
a) The external environment
b) Corporate strategy
c) All of the other listed options
d) Organizational culture
e) Resources and capabilities
95. Which of the following is not an appropriate end user development tool?
- Assembly Language
96. How might a company trying to become the low cost producer in an industry use information
systems investments
- It could invest in a SCM to reduce inventory and streamline coordination with suppliers.
97. For an investment to confer a competitive advantage it has to be in something that is
- Scarce
98. The key feature of pilot conversions is that (QUIZ 1)
- New systems are introduced in one business unit at a time.
99. A Computer Aided Design (CAD) is found at the executive level of the organization. Is this
statement true or false?
- False
100. Which of the following is the best example of tacit knowledge
- A loan officer who has a gut feel as to the likelihood that you will not repay your loan
101. Companies routinely monitor employee email traffic during the work day. Which of the following
social issues best represents this phenomenon.
- privacy and control
102. In context of social and ethical issues in the information Age, the acronym FIP stands for:
- Fair Information Practices
103. Which of the following types of systems is capable of “learning” and autonomous operation.
- Neutral Networks
104. In the United States, copyright law prevents others from copying the work of a private author for
after the death of the author.
- 70
105. In what phase of the knowledge management value chain would expect to find artificial
intelligence being used?
- Discovery.
106. Kant's categorical Imperative states that
- if an action is not right for everyone to take it is not right for anyone
107. An organization has an unimportant information asset and the risk to that asset has been
assessed as low. The appropriate security strategy is probably to
- ignore threats to the asset.
108. A company that uses an opt in policy when collecting your email address is probably using
informed consent.
- True
109. A feasibility report is an example of ___knowledge
- Explicit
110. The inspiration for genetic algorithms comes from
- The theory of evolution
111. As a security control, backups primarily address ____ issues.
- Availability
112. A database has been changed in a way that it is no longer accurate. This is an example of
- An integrity violation
113. The primary motivation for research into artificial intelligence is to
- Build systems that can learn
114. Which of the following is not considered an intelligent techniques.
- Knowledge networks
115. Which of the following household items most closely represents the functions of transistors
found in modern CPUs like those produced by intel
- Lightswitch
116. Which of the following is not a recognized reason to use normalization with database tables.
- Reduce the number of tables
117. If you needed to design a telecommunications network for maximum reliability which of the
following network typologies would you use?
- Mesh
118. In UWIs Student Master File, your ID number is known as a
- Primary key
119. How many BITS are needed to represent the following course code MGMT2006
- 64
120. Which of the following devices best represents the concepts of convergence in
- Smartphones
121. If you were assigned to manage the development of a mission critical system for your firm,
which methodology would you choose?
- Systems Development Life Cycle
122. A firm using its ERP to develop a production schedule for the next week is an example of which
of the following?
- Tactics
123. In order to determine our best customers and provide outstanding support for them we should
- a customer relationship management system
124. In order for an airline to efficiently roster the correct planes, flight and cabin crew for the
hundreds of flights it schedules each day it needs to implement
- a decision support system
125. Michael Porter lists five forces that act as inducements to strategic planning and thus to
investments in information system. They are (QUIZ 1)
- Rivalry among existing competitors, threat of new entrants, threat of substitute
products, bargaining powers of buyers, and bargaining powers of suppliers.
126. Which of the following is not a transaction processing system
- decision support
127. Programming normally occurs at what stage of the SDLC?
- development
128. Which of the following classes of workers least likely to use a knowledge management system in
their day to day duties?
- factory workers
129. Which of the following is not an output device
- sensors
130. Code that looks like - 010101010 011 011 0001 01010 100- is known as
- first generation code
131. The primary reason for choosing binary to represent data inside a computer is
- binary represents electrical signals easily
132. The correct formula for Metcalf’s Law where N is the number of users is
- N^2
133. The National Weather Service needs to do a better job of atmospheric forecasting and have
decided to upgrade their computing infrastructure. Which of the following is the most
appropriate for weather forecasting?
- Supercomputer
134. SETI and BitTorrent can be best described as examples of:
- peer to peer networks
135. Systems software is more commonly referred to as
- operating system software
136. What telecommunications media is used to connect the Caribbean islands to one another?
- fiber optics
137. The last step of the SDLC is normally: (QUIZ 1)
- Maintenance
138. A smartphone represents which of the following:
a) information systems
b) information
c) all of the above
d) data
e) information technology
139. The video on TESCO is a good example of which of the
- an information system
140. A digital dashboard which shows the status of all an organization’s key performance indicators as
well as news about the external environment is an example of a:
- executive support systems
141. At this point in time there are two versions of caribbean MIS running. the old version and the new
version (which you are using as you read this). This is an example of which type of conversion strategy:
- parallel
142. Which is often seen as the implementation methodology with the most risks:
- direct cut over
143. What’s another term for RAM is
- primary storage
144. two dimensional
- logical view
145. the process of sifting through huge amounts of data in order to find previously unknown trends,
patterns, and associations is known as:
- data mining
146. A bar code is an example of which of the following.
- data.
147. Which of the following are not considered in developing strategy?
- Three month production quotas.
148. When discussing databases we normally present them as a collection of two dimensional tables.
This method of presentation is often called the:
logical view
149. Hackers are attacking your firewall and a breach is imminent. Your last line of defense from a
confidentiality violation is
150. What is the best way for an organization to protect the availability of its data from a variety of
security threats?
Implement backups
151. A company that uses an opt in policy when collecting your email address is probably using informed
152. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of knowledge?
it is subject to the laws of diminishing returns
153. Which of the following ethical frameworks speaks most directly to people who download pirated
movies from the Internet.
The No Free Lunch Rule
154. What is the appropriate security strategy to protect an asset where the risk of a CIA issue is high
and the impact is also high?
155. Which of the following is not a social and ethical issue?
database capacity
156. As an information security control, firewalls primarily address ______ issues.
157. A Knowledge Management System that is available to all the consultants in a consulting firm is an
example of an ______________ system.
enterprise knowledge management
158. Which of the following cause the most harm to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of an
organization's information assets.
159. In the United States, copyright law prevents others from copying the work of a private author for
______ years after the death of the author.
160. Which of the following is not a strong argument supporting a request for additional information
security funding.
increasing return on investments
161. The term Digital Divide refers to which of the following concepts?
Some communities have access to more technology tools than others, placing members of the
less endowed at social and economic disadvantages.
162. The primary purpose of a Knowledge Network System is to
to make it easy to find experts in the organization
163. The principle of Fair Information Practices states:
organizations collecting information must inform the individual about the information collected,
how it will be used and give the individual access to this information.
164. A web bug is:
in invisible image on a web page that is used to track visitors to that page.
165. Which of the following is not considered an intelligent technique.
Knowledge networks.
166. A company that follows an opt out policy when collecting email addresses can be said to have asked
for informed consent.
167. In order for Alice to send Bob a secure message using a public key encryption system, Alice needs to
encrypt the message using:
Bob’s public key.
168. In order to make the Internet easier to use by hiding/masking IP addresses from end users, engineers
The DNS system
169. The following number is an example of:
IP Address
170. Of the following systems, which do you think would be the easiest to build and deploy
a case based reasoning system
171. All of the following are valid criticisms of expert systems EXCEPT
they are slow
172. A database has been changed in a way that it is no longer accurate. This is an example of
an integrity violation
173. In the context of information systems a cookie is :
a small text file that the web server stores on your computer
175. “If an action is not right to take repeatedly, it is not right to take even once.” What is the name
normally applied to this principle.
Descartes’ Rule of Change
176. At what level of the organization would you expect to find an order processing system? (quiz 1)
Operational level
177. The first step in the SDLC is (quiz 1)
Opportunity Analysis
178. Which of the following is probably not useful for mining data? (quiz 2)
179. The Internet is an example of which of the following network topologies? (quiz 2)
180. In UWI's Student Master File, all data about you (name, date of birth, faculty, etc) is stored in a:
(quiz 2)
181. In information security, authentication refers to (Quiz 3)
determining the identity of the person
182. A system that lets a new employee find an expert in the organization is known as an: (quiz 3)
knowledge network system
183. Jane managed to gain access to a document that she is not authorized to view. This is an example of
184. Which of the following is an example of a hypermedia database?
Amazon’s online catalog
185. The process of converting clear text into cipher is called
186. Anything that can degrade the confidentiality, integrity or availability of your data is called a
187. Siri, the assistant in Apple’s IoS is an example of ________ system
an Intelligent Agent
188. the following query will do what?
SELECT “first-name”, “last-name” FROM “students” WHERE “faculty” = “social sciences
create a table wiirst and last names of social sciences students
189. at which phase of the knowledge management value chain are you likely to find an Intranet