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Table of Contents
Software Systems Overview and Examples
Categories of Software Defects
Causes of Software Defects
Causes of Software Defects (contd.)
Consequences of Software Defects
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This lesson on the fundamentals of software testing, will help you learn the fundamental concepts and
terminologies in software testing as required by the ISTQB.
In the coming sections we will learn about software systems and defects. First, let us begin with its
overview and a few examples.
Read more: Top 16 Types of Software Testing and How to Use Them?
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Software Systems Overview and Examples
Software systems are an integral part of life. They help run critical applications like hospital tools, daily
business operations like ATMs, and consumer products like televisions or smartphones.
Any functionality issue in software can lead to severe impacts like loss of life, money, time, and
reputation, in case of companies. Defects in software systems can, therefore, cause a significant effect on
our day-to-day lives. Now let us look at a few real-life examples over the years.
In the 1980s, software defects in the code controlling the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine were
directly responsible for some patient deaths.
In 1996, the US$1 billion prototype Arianne 5 rocket of the European Space Agency was destroyed less
than a minute after launch due to a bug in the onboard guidance computer program.
In 2011, Honda Company was forced to recall 2.49 million cars, small SUVs, and minivans worldwide,
including its popular Accord sedan, to repair a software problem that could damage the automatic
Such issues can impact the reputation of a company and lead to substantial costs for software
replacement. Now, let us look at examples of software defects and how they impact life.
In an incident, fire department paramedics placed a woman on oxygen at the start of the trip and
confirmed that the onboard oxygen system was operating normally.
However, the oxygen system stopped working for approximately eight minutes before the paramedics
noticed it. They immediately restarted the system; however, by the time they did, the woman was dead.
After the incident, the fire department changed all the electrical equipment; yet, weeks later, the same
malfunction occurred with the new equipment.
An independent investigation pointed to a software problem with the ambulance oxygen system. The
fire department is now using portable oxygen until the ambulance company provides a fix. After these
examples, let us find out the categories of software defects in the next section.
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Categories of Software Defects
Typical examples of software defects include defects that impact individuals and defects that impact the
society at large. Let us discuss them separately.
Individual Impact
Some examples of defects that impact individuals include defects in the monthly bills. Any minor defect
in the software generating these bills can lead to over or underpayment of bills, causing losses to the
billing company. Another common defect in this category is defects in salary computations.
Other examples are defects in ATM withdrawal amounts, and amount of waiting time at traffic lights,
phone booths, and petrol filling stations. Wherever there is software being used, there is a chance of
software defects.
While defects that impact individuals are lesser in impact, they still cause inconvenience to users and can
lead to loss of brand name or even legal issues for the organization. Let us now look at some defects that
impact the society at large.
Impact on Society
For example in the railways, a bug in the automated system could lead to train collisions and a loss of life
and property. Similarly, defects in airline software, nuclear reactors, or stock exchange software can have
a huge impact on the public.
In the following section, we will discuss the causes of software defects.
Causes of Software Defects
Mistakes or errors are made by software developers during production and cause defects in the
software. These defects lead to software failure.
The software has chances of errors as they are manually designed. The errors produce defects or bugs in
the software. These defects can be introduced during the coding phase of the software and throughout
the development lifecycle. In the development life cycle, errors can occur at the beginning phase where
requirements are understood, written, or designed.
Errors can also result from a mistake while porting the application into production. If the faulty system is
executed, it might cause a failure.
However, every mistake does not lead to a defect, neither does every defect lead to a failure.
Sometimes, defects lie dormant within the software till they are triggered.
We will discuss this in the following sections.
Causes of Software Defects (contd.)
Let us look at the standard causes that introduce defects into the software.
First is poorly documented requirements. Since requirements are the starting point in software
development, any defect introduced at this phase gets inbuilt into the subsequent phases.
Often requirements are not clearly thought and contain gaps in the thought process. Even if
requirements are clearly understood, the way they are defined can lead to defects.
Also clearly defined documents, when handed to different teams, can often lead to different
interpretations if teams are not trained to understand requirement documents.
Often, insufficient time is provided during development to complete coding and testing. This is due to
the business demands of launching the application in the market. This leads to defects being introduced
and missed out during the testing phase.
Other common causes of defects include complex architecture or code, lack of domain knowledge, and
technical limitations like programming language constraints.
Let us find out the consequences of software defects in the following section.
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Consequences of Software Defects
It can be argued that if a mistake does not lead to a defect or a defect does not lead to failure; then the
mistake is unimportant.
For example, due to an error in the software that controls the traffic signals at a busy crossroad, all the
directions see the red signal between 00:00 AM to 0:15 AM every day. This may not lead to a failure as
signals are set as blinking orange light during this period.
However, if the same error sets the green signal between 12:00 Noon to 12:15 PM every day, this leads
to a signaling failure and may cause significant accidents.
After understanding the different aspects of software defects, let us move on to the next topic,
‘Overview of Software Testing,’ in the following section.
Overview of Software Testing
In the next few sections, you will get an overview of software testing and discuss the standard terms,
roles, objectives, and principles of software testing.
Read more: How to Build a Career in Software Testing?
Let us begin with defining software testing in the following section.
Definition of Software Testing
While testing has no single standard definition, some popular ones are:
Glenford J Myers; an American author, computer scientist, and entrepreneur; defines testing as—“the
process of executing a program or part of a program with the intention of finding errors.”
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE 83a) standard defines testing as—“the process of
exercising or evaluating a system or system component by manual or automated means to verify that it
satisfies specified requirements.”
Another definition of testing states that—“testing is the process of analyzing a system to detect the
difference between existing and required conditions and to evaluate the features of the system.”
To sum up, software testing is the act of “verifying if the software behavior is as expected.”
After defining software testing, let us look at why it is needed in the next section.
Need for Software Testing
A study conducted by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2002 reported that
software bugs cost the U.S. economy 59.5 billion dollars annually.
More than one-third of this cost could be avoided if better software testing was performed. Therefore
testing is necessary as some errors can turn out to be expensive or dangerous.
Every product needs to be checked to ensure there are no errors. If developers check their own product,
there are chances that they might miss errors due to bad assumptions or blind spots. It is advisable to
get the product checked by another individual who was not involved in product development.
It is important to check the severity of the error and its consequences, as well.
For software systems, some errors are important while others are not. You need to determine the impact
of a software error. For this, consider the context within which the different software systems operate.
Now that we have established the need for software testing let us list some common software testing
terms in the following section.
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Common Testing Terms
The terms commonly used in testing are the following:
Debugging is a part of the development activity that identifies, analyzes, and removes defects.
Debugging is performed by Developers on their piece of code.
Testing is the activity of identifying defects and is performed by Testers.
Testing is done by testers in an environment similar to production. There are different kinds of software
testing levels, types, and techniques. These two terms, Debugging and Testing, are often confused and
used interchangeably.
However, they are not the same and are used by separate teams to identify different kinds of defects.
A review can be performed on deliverables like documents, code, test plan, and test cases. While testing
can only be done when the executable code is ready, reviews can be done on different kinds of
documents and at all stages of development.
Reviews are commonly referred to as a static testing technique as they are done without executing the
code. Reviews are very important for each software or product as finding a defect early will reduce its
development cost and time.
In the next section, let us discuss the roles of software testing.
Role of Software Testing
Rigorous testing is necessary during software development and maintenance to
Identify defects
Reduce failures in the operational environment
Increase quality of the operational system.
meet contractual or legal requirements
Meet industry-specific standards, which may specify the type of techniques that must be used or the
percentage of the software code that must be executed.
In the following section, we will look at the objectives of software testing.
Objectives of Software Testing
Following are the objectives of software testing:
Finding defects which prevent the probability of their occurrence in production
Gaining confidence in the quality of the software application.
Providing information helps GO or NO GO decision-making while moving to the next phase.
Defect analysis in one phase can also help identify the root cause and prevent defects in the
subsequent phases.
Let us now find out the objectives of different types of testing in the next section.
Objectives of Different Testing Types
Each type of testing has its specific objectives. Let us look at the different types of testing and their
respective objectives.
Development Testing
The objective of development testing, also known as a unit or component testing, is to find maximum
defects early in the development lifecycle. Fixing the defects at an early stage saves defect leakage cost
and time.
User Acceptance Testing
User acceptance testing is performed with the objective of confirming whether the system works, as
expected by the end users. This is the final stage of testing before deploying the code to production.
Maintenance Testing
The objective of Maintenance testing is to ensure no new defects have been introduced, especially in the
case of enhancements and/or defect fixes.
Operational Testing
The objective of Operational testing is to ensure reliability and performance. Software should be tested
to check whether it works satisfactorily even with the maximum expected workload.
Let us discuss the seven principles of testing in the next section.
Seven Principles of Testing
There are seven principles of testing, which have evolved over 40 years and can be used as a general
guideline for all testing.
First Principle
The first principle states that testing can show that defects are present; however cannot prove that there
are no defects. Testing reduces the probability of residual defects or defects remaining in the software.
Even if no defects are found, it does not mean that the system is 100% defect free.
Exhaustive testing, also known as complete testing, is a test approach in which the test suite comprises
all combinations of input values and preconditions.
Second Principle
The second principle states that testing all combinations of inputs and preconditions is not feasible,
except in trivial cases. Instead, risks and priorities are used to focus on testing efforts.
Third Principle