Electrical Distribution Boards: Importance & Redesign

Background of the Study
Electricity is dangerous and required proper protection to prevent unwanted voltage
from passing through personnel, critical equipment and other nearby metallic objects
(Amrapali, 2017).
The security and reliability of the electrical energy infrastructure is of vital importance
today more than ever, given the degree to which electric-powered technology has
become embedded in all human activities. Protecting the electrical power supply
system against interruptions due to various faults is researchable (Jay Kumar et al.
One of the components involved in power-system protection is the circuit breaker
which is responsible for breaking the system when a fault or anomaly occurs in order
to protect the electrical equipment. (Ewesor, 2018) and (Ewesor and Gupta,2005).
Circuit breakers are crucial components for power systems operation for detection and
removal of faults in the switchgear. (Amrapali, 2017)
Moreover, electrical protection for residential, office and commercial buildings is
based on a well- design circuit breaker that will trip or fuses being blown when an
overload happens. (Stallcup’s, 2005)
The current state-of-the-art in this field highlights that the traditional circuit breakers
are still widely used today for power-system protection, these devices being usually
designed to protect against a single power supply grid fault. (Yuan, Zhao, Zeng, 2014)
MCCBs are required to trip above rated current (Oyeleye, 2017)
In most buildings, where a number of circuits are to be wired, the distribution fuse
board becomes a necessity.
Distribution boards are simply an assemblage of parts including one or more fuses or
circuit breakers suitably arranged for the distribution of electrical power to final sub
circuits. (Oyeleye, 2017).
The circuit breakers are on suitable carriers with neutral and earth bars adequately
provided inside a metal casing. The metal casing shall be of adequate size and
capacity. They are usually iron clad and designed to provide a large space for wiring
and splitting the circuits. It consist circuit breakers or fuse inside which can easily
remove. The purpose of this study is to verify the proper operation of Distribution
Board (DB)and re-design appropriate DB for the business center under consideration
to ensure that fault will be isolated at the lowest level. (Marrano and Dilouie,1998),
An electrical distribution board is a crucial part of an electrical installation for a
commercial building. Its purpose is to distribute the power supply evenly throughout
the building by way of different circuits. The incoming power has to be controlled in
this manner to prevent any overloads from occurring. Professionals install the
distribution board at the point where the main power feed enters the building and hook
up feed lines off the various circuits to provide electricity to the numerous
consumption points in the building. (Omokhafe and Ambafi, 2011)
The standard configuration for this type of board is one main circuit breaker to turn
off the entire electrical supply with multiple mini-circuit breakers that control specific
areas of the building. The main feeds the other breakers their specific voltage of
electricity to send to their allotted places, machinery or appliances. Extensive cabling
is necessary for all the circuits to carry out their tasks. (National electrical code, NEC,
On top of the cables and circuits, the electrical distribution board requires fuse links,
switches, a bus bar, residual current detector or RCD and bypass equipment. Each
component has its unique purpose, but the RCD provides highly effective protection
against ground fault shock and fire.
Each electrical distribution board is customisable to suit the needs of the commercial
property owner. After all, every commercial building has differing electrical load
requirements to conduct their daily operations. Often, there also are local regulations
as to how these boards are configured. (Marrano and Dilouie, 1998),
The importance of ensuring that your electrical distribution board is configured and
installed correctly should not be underestimated. Its prime role is to distribute your
electricity in the right portions to each area of the building that requires it in a safe,
efficient manner. Without this board, you will have constant shorts and overloads,
which can lead to electrically caused fires or complete blackouts in severe cases. For
optimal performance with this board, you need to hire a professional company that
delivers quality electrical work on a regular basis.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Many things can happen to electrical and electronic circuits after they are in use.
Some of the changes in circuits can cause conditions that are dangerous to the circuit
itself or to people living or working near the circuits. These potentially dangerous
conditions require circuit protection. The conditions that require circuit protection are
direct shorts, excessive current and excessive heat.
A distribution board is a part of an electrical system that takes electricity from a main
source and feeds it through one or more circuits to distribute the electricity throughout
a facility. This is often called an electrical panel, panel board, or even a fuse box.
Virtually all homes and businesses will have at least one distribution board built in,
which is located where the main electrical line enters the structure. The size of the
board will depend on the amount of electricity coming in and how many different
circuits need to be installed.
Distribution boards allow all your electrical equipment to operate safely throughout
the entire area. You can, for example, install a small 15-amp circuit breaker into the
distribution board to supply one area of the facility with the power it needs. This will
only allow up to 15 amps of electricity to pass from the main electrical line into the
area where it is used, which means that area can be serviced with smaller and less
expensive wire. It will also prevent a surge (of greater than 15 amps) from entering
equipment and potentially causing damage.
For areas that need more electricity, you would install circuit breakers that allow more
electricity through. Having the ability to take one main circuit that provides 100 or
more amps of power and distributing it throughout the facility based on how much
power is needed in a given place is not only far safer than just having full access to the
full amperage at all times, but it is also much more convenient. If, for example, there
is a surge in one area, it will only trip the breaker on the distribution board for that one
circuit. This prevents an electrical outage to other areas of the home or business.
The problem of Direct Short One of the most serious troubles that can occur in a
circuit is a Direct Short. Another term used to describe this condition is a Short
Circuit. The two terms mean the same thing and, in this chapter, the term direct short
will be used. This term is used to describe a situation in which some point in the
circuit, where full system voltage is present, comes in direct contact with the ground
or return side of the circuit. This establishes a path for current flow that contains only
the very small resistance present in the wires carrying the current. There must be a
method of protecting people and equipment. Devices have been developed to protect
people and electrical circuits from currents and voltages outside their normal
operating ranges.
Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this seminar work is to highlight the importance of electrical
distribution board in an electrical installation with main emphasis on Commercial
building and the specific objectives of this study are as follows:
1. To minimize electrical hazards as fast as possible
2. To reduce service outages to the smallest possible segment of the system
3. To protect the consumers' apparatus
4. To protect the system from unnecessary service interruptions and disturbances
Significance of the Study
A distribution board (also known as panel board, breaker panel, electric panel, DB
board or DB box) is a component of an electricity supply system that divides an
electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits while providing a protective fuse or
circuit breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure. A distribution board is the
main electrical supply system for any commercial or residential entity. The main cable
comes into the distribution board and then by breakers gets distributed in the
secondary circuits such as lights and plugs. For optimal performance of every device,
it is necessary to maintain a proper power distribution and is crucial for home and
appliance safety. Distribution boards are duly fitted with BS bars, DIN rail, and
neutral link.
Distribution boards are not just a mere enclosure but an overall system in itself having
neutral links, earth leakage unit and interconnecting wires for the sole purpose of
proper electrical distribution in your house. The standard distribution these days are
made in accordance not just with the technical requirements but also as per home
décor, so that it can blend easily.
Definition of Terms
Electrical Protective Device: A device used to protect equipment, machinery,
components and devices, in electrical and electronic circuit, against short circuit, over
current and earth fault, is called as protective devices.
Fuse: A fuse is an electrical safety device that has the capability to protect an electric
circuit from excessive electric current.
Circuit breaker: Circuit breakers are devices that protect circuits from overload
current conditions. They do the same job as fuses, but they are not destroyed when
Distribution board: A distribution board is a component of an electricity supply
system that divides an electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits while providing a
protective fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure.
Review of Related Literature
2.1 The Generic Configuration of an Electrical Distribution Board
The basic configuration of most distribution boards is similar. Just like all boards,
the Siemens distribution board consists of various gadgets. This is because the
distribution board is an overall system in itself. It consists of neutral links,
interconnected wires, and earth leakage units.
The main component of the electrical distribution boards is the circuit breaker. This
circuit breaker is specially equipped to distribute the total amount of electricity
amongst the other miniature circuit breakers (MCB). These electric units are passed
from the miniature circuit breakers to the individual power outlets through wires and
cables. (Omokhafe and Ambafi, 2011)
Often these cables are also attached to the electrical distribution board but are placed
opposite the feeder electric cable.
FIG 2.1 Generic configuration of an Electrical Distribution Board
2.2 Power Distribution Box
When talking about distribution boxes we cannot ignore Power Distribution Boxes or
Power Distribution Units (PDU) or a Distro. A distro safely distributes electricity
from the power source to other devices in a circuit. It has one input and multiple
outputs. That means several devices are connected to the distro rather than connecting
directly to the power source. While ensuring safety, it makes distribution more
efficient and convenient. The main advantage is its ability to reduce the chances of
blown fuses or dangerous short-outs. (Amrapali, 2017)
The shapes, sizes, and construction of power distribution boxes widely vary and can
be customized. The possible variables are input and output voltages. Additionally, the
number of inputs can also be adjusted, and manufactured with added safety features,
such as MCBs and RCBs.
Fig. 2.2 Power Distribution Box (Jigupamar, 2011).
Power distribution boxes are useful as they eliminate the need to connect each output
device directly to the power source. Therefore, there is no need to use more wires than
what is necessary. This saves energy, streamlines the circuit, ensures efficiency, and
controls power wastage. It creates a safer work zone for staff and visitors, as they have
fewer physical wires to deal with. Wires can be a major tripping hazard as they get
entangled with other things. (Jigupamar, 2011).
2.3 Components of Electrical Distribution Boards
Along with these components, there are other pertinent components in an Electrical
Distribution Board. These include fuse links, residual current detector (RCD),
switches, bus bar, and bypass equipment. Each of these components plays a vital role
in providing safety to a building from electrical accidents. For example, the residual
current detector (RCD) prevents the infrastructure from issues such as ground fault
shock and fire due to a short circuit. The bypass equipment, on the other hand,
prevents the board from issues such as power overloading. (Gupta, 2005)
The basic structure and technical aspects of electrical distribution boards vary
according to places and requirements. A typical electrical distribution box will
2.3.1 Fuses
Fuse is the safety device and the weakest part of the electrical system. It consists of a
small link to the soft metal which melts when excessive current passes through it.
(Amrapali, 2017).
The fuse wires are usually bare wires and are made of lead and tin. Lead alloy for
small current and tinned copper wire is used for large current. However, fuse need no
maintenance and it is the cheapest form of protection available. It main disadvantage
is wrong rewiring when it cuts and time delay when compare to circuit breaker which
leads to damage of the connected equipment to be protected. Due to this, fuse is not
used in the design. (Ewesor, 2018)
.2.3.2 Circuit Breakers
These are automatic electrical switches designed to protect an electrical appliance
from damage when drawing current above its rated value (Jigupamar, 2011).
It basic function is to detect faults. Unlike fuses, they can be reset (manually or
automated) after a break. This existing ability is an advantage over Fuse. (Launches,
i. Main Circuit Breaker: This is the main electromechanical device that can cut off
power from the meter cable.
ii. Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB): A miniature circuit breaker controls the
supply to various miniature circuits on the main circuit. They switch off if they detect
an overcurrent i.e. current that supersedes the circuit’s current rating. They can be
single-pole, double-pole, triple-pole, and four-pole, based on the capacity of each
circuit and the required energy input of the appliances connected.
iii. Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB): Put simply, RCCBs are lifesavers,
mandatory in many states’ electrical codes. They can detect if the current is being
leaked into a human body or into water (i.e. an earthing fault), and then automatically
switch off. They are highly sensitive circuit breakers used in series with MCBs and
can detect any slight imbalance between the phase conductors.
iv. Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB): These devices have the same function as
MCBs, except with a far higher current rating. This means it has more versatility and
can interrupt larger current ranges, allowing it to be used in both residential and
industrial applications.
v. Isolators: These are manually controlled electromechanical devices for isolating a
part of the circuit for maintenance. They are often used in series with MCBs for when
an MCB fails. Electricians use this to cut off the current in a circuit so that they can
repair the circuit without getting shocked.
vi. Busbars: Busbars are copper or aluminum conducting strips that carry a large
amount of current from the incoming meter line to the various circuit breakers in the
distribution board.
vii. Switches: These are present on all circuit breakers and automatically switch off in
case of any detection in overcurrent and short circuits.
vi. Identification Labels: These stickers help name the different miniature circuits
based on the rooms they control, so that end users can understand which switch they
have to flip to turn off or turn on a specific section of the house/unit.
Other components are: a bus bar, switches, bypass equipment, and residual current
detector (RCD.). At a broad level these components will aid in:
 Residential electrical installation
 The incoming supply circuit breaker or main switch
Control and distribution board (consumer unit)
 Surge protective devices
Earth resistance between the electrode and the point of zero potential.
Working with the wires and cables in an electrical system must be safe, and the
distribution boards must ensure the following:
 The fuse should block overcurrent through the circuitry.
 There should be enough space for other wires, fixtures, and cables.
 Should not be prone to corrosion.
 Best-quality wiring should be used to ensure safety.
2.4 Functions of the component of electrical distribution board
Their main functions are to:
 Break up the power supply into sub-circuits depending on the purpose for it.
 Ensure that everyone and everything is safe against short circuits.
 Distribute power to different areas from the main power source.
Different types of distribution boards available serve specific distribution
requirements, and some are also customizable.
2.5 Importance of Electrical Distribution Board
1. Delivering the Correct Amount of Voltage and Ensuring Building Safely
The importance of the electrical distribution board is such that it constantly needs to
be checked and old devices needed to be replaced with new ones. But this can be a
tricky job. Before doing so, it is important to get these devices tested and approved by
a professional electrician. Moreover, it is strictly not advisable for any person to
handle these devices without prior experience or assistance.
Due to the high distribution board price, most people do not consider setting it up in
their residential or commercial buildings. However, to attain maximum performance,
efficiency, and safety is it immensely important to set up a reliable electrical
distribution board in your commercial building. Nevertheless, you will need to ensure
that you use all switches and circuit breakers that are compatible with the main
2. The distribution box serves as the load centre and Distributor of Electrical
A distribution box ensures that electrical supply is distributed in the building, also
known as a distribution board, panel board, breaker panel, or electric panel. It is the
central electrical supply system of any building or property. As a component of an
electrical system: it divides electrical power into subsidiary circuits and provides a
protective fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit. (Jim. and Sandi, 1996);
A distribution box houses all the contact breakers, earth leakage units, doorbells, and
timers. The cable is connected to the distribution board and the power is distributed
through the breakers in the secondary circuits (lights and plugs).
2.6 Type of Distribution Boxes
1. Main Breaker Pane:
The most commonly used type is the main breaker panel and is important to have in
any property as it:
1) Protects the circuits and controls the amperage capacity.
2) Protects the circuits from getting overheated.
3) Protects a power supply by shutting down (including the circuit breaker) in case of
a short circuit.
2. Sub Panel:
Subpanels are suitable when multiple circuits are required within the same area.
Subpanels are easy to install, safe, and efficient for residential homes. These are
connected to the main panel through a circuit. They draw power from the main panel
and adjust the distribution around an area or property. Being smaller, Sub Panels can
distribute power to a specific part of a house or area on the property and work as
satellite circuit breaker panels for the area. However, they do not have disconnection.
3. Main Lug Panel:
They are generally used as a distribution box during a main upstream breaker. Line
wires are connected to these lugs, and the main lug panel can be used as a sub-panel
when connected to a breaker from the main panel. The separate disconnection in the
meter can be used during a fire or emergency. This will serve as the main breaker and
discontinue the power supply even before it enters the property/building.
4. Transfer Switch:
A transfer switch (a type of subpanel) is used when a power-load needs to be shifted
from one electrical source to another. For example – a normal supply to the generator
and vice versa.. Transfer switches are convenient to use as backup power generators
where weather is unstable and unpredictable. In case of disruption of power supply,
the transfer switch converts generator power to electrical power seamlessly through
the breaker panel. There are two types of transfer switches:
1) Manual Transfer Switches: Used when one manually operates the switch to
generate the electrical load to the backup power.
2) Automatic Transfer Switches: This is used to get temporary electrical power during
a power supply disruption from a generator. It is seamless and easy to use, preferred
by homeowners.
5. Unitized Panel:
It is an exclusive one as this electronic meter displays the electrical parameters.
Unitized panels are used in power centres to supply and deliver a low voltage of
power from a medium-voltage line. These panels are used in industrial and
commercial establishments
6. Panel Fuse Bank:
Serves as the load centre of a distribution system. It provides electrical safety
protection of an over the current electrical circuit. A panel fuse bank is ideal for
distributing electrical power from a solar panel. The power first gets stored on the
solar panels and then goes directly to the fuse box before being distributed to the
entire house.
7. Industrial Lighting Panel:
They reduce the energy consumption in industrial establishments by programming the
lights to turns-off during an idle period
Distribution of Metallic Case
The metallic enclosure shall be dust and weather proof and have a mounting
arrangement on a wall. This closure will have an earthling terminal and it will be
interlocked with the actuating lever to prevent access to the interior whilst the lever is
in the on position. Fixed contacts and other metal parts shall be nickel plated or tinned
where it is desirable.
MCCB Cable Sizing
In selecting the proper size conductors for supplying power in circuit from the source
to the load. It is most important that the designer apply the appropriate standards.
In the case of power service the electrician usually selects the cable size to
corresponding capacity of the circuit breaker at the distribution board. However,
voltage drop should be considered because it affect the cable sizing especially the
MCCB cable. (Jim. and Sandi, 1996).
The overcurrent protection conductors and equipment shall be sized in such a way to
open the circuit if the currents research a value that causes excessive or dangerous
temperature in conductors (Jigupamar, 2011)
The conductors allowable ampacity according NEC are based on four determine
factors which are ambient temperature, Heat generated internally, Dissipation into
ambient medium and adjacent load carry conductors (Kennedy, 2000).
However, conductor shall be sized to carry the load current without deteriorating the
i. Derating Factor
This is a factor that consider reduction in actual rating capacity of the cable. The
actual rating of the cable is reduce by a certain factor if it is more than one running in
parallel. It is a factor that consider safe heating of the cable when more than one cable
in parallel.
ii. Voltage Drop
Cables have resistance which oppose the flow of currents through them, which leads
to voltage drop. The voltage at the load is lower than the supply voltage by the amount
of the voltage drop across the cable which depends on the length of the cables. These
losses normally result in heating of the cables and at the same time cause temperature
rise to such degree that can damage or completely destroy the cable insulation.
However the rate at which heat in the cable take place depend on conductor material,
surface area and thickness of the insulation. (Kennedy, 2000)
Most manufacturers recommends that voltage drop should be 1% however NEC limits
the voltage drop to 3% in a branch circuit to avoid power quality problem in a branch
circuit. (Launches, 2016)
Multiply Factor
The multiplying factor considered in this research in sizing of cable is based on the
NEC code as presented in Table 1.
Design considerations
Design consideration in this research are namely:
1. Location of the panel
2. Load rated value
3. Phase requirement
4. Future expansion of the DB
Applicable Design Standards
The applicable design codes from international organization and reliable literature are
summed up in Table1.
Table I: Design Code for Sizing a Distribution Board (Jigupamar, 2011).
Code(Multiplying Factor
Miniature circuit breaker
Mould case circuit breaker
Load future expansion
Uses of Distribution Boards
i. Electrical Distribution: It is from where you can distribute and control the
electrical supply to different sections of your house. It arranges the electrical
distribution into a subsidiary or miniature circuits.
ii. Electrical Security: A circuit breaker or fuse will protect each miniature circuit.
Fuses are now out of use, due to their lack of reusability.
2.9 Types of Distribution Boards
Based on usage, location, and amperage, there are several types of distribution boards
available today. They are used based on the electrical code in the state or district.
(Huang GM, Ma, Geng, 2011) and (Huang GM, Ma, Geng, Oyeleye 2019)
i. Main Breaker Panel: This type is either used for one whole commercial or
residential unit. They are downstream to the supply from the meter cable. They
contain the main circuit breaker that can cut off all supplies to the unit. They also
indicate the amperage rating i.e. the entire electrical current the circuit can safely take.
ii. Main Lug Panel: This type is used when there is a main breaker panel upstream.
They have a separate disconnector that can help disconnect it during fires and other
iii. Sub-panel: Like main lug panels, they take the supply from the main breaker
panel and split it into smaller circuits for specialized appliances and sections of the
house. They, however, do not have separate disconnects.
iv. Transfer Switches: This is a variant of a subpanel, which is used in series with
backup power generators, to switch from the main supply. These are especially useful
in stormy regions when power cuts are frequent. (Geng, 2011).
2.9 Safety Precaution When Using Distribution Boards
i. Covering: The distribution board must always be covered when not being manually
handled. This is to prevent corrosion in the wires and fixtures from moisture,
humidity, dust, etc. The unoccupied openings of distribution boards must be covered
with a blanking plate.
ii. Location: Do not install the distribution board in an area where there can be
contact with water. Some basements are disqualified because of this. Many electrical
codes deem that they must not be placed at an inconvenient height of 2200 mm above
the floor. It is preferable to install it in an out-of-the-way location where children
cannot reach it and where interior aesthetics are not disturbed. Also, these boards
should not be installed near a fixed cooking appliance, due to fire hazards.
iii. Warning Indication: Place a warning sign on the doors of the concealed metal
box which houses the distribution board. This will prevent people from carelessly
touching hazardous components.
iv. Dangerous Symptoms: If you detect a burning smell at the distribution panel, it is
a serious fire hazard to your house. Turn off the power and contact a professional
electrician. Also, if circuit breakers keep tripping despite you turning off appliances,
this could indicate that your circuitry or board is damaged and faulty. You will need to
replace it.
If you want to understand and purchase this electrician amenity for your properties
and buildings, you can always contact Precision Electricals for affordable options. We
have had considerable experience supplying them to the Indian B2B market
for electrical components and look forward to aiding you in your venture.
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
3.1 Summary
The primary purpose of an electricity distribution system is to meet the customer’s
demands for energy after receiving the bulk electrical energy from transmission or
subtransmission substation.
Electrical distribution boards are an essential part of any building; residential or
commercial. These systems aid in the smooth flow of electricity throughout the
infrastructure. The distribution board is responsible for supplying varying voltages to
different consumption points in the building.
3.2 Conclusion
A distribution board (also known as panel board, breaker panel, or electric panel) is a
component of an electricity supply system that divides an electrical power feed into
subsidiary circuits while providing a protective fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit
in a common enclosure. Normally, a main switch, and in recent boards, one or more
residual-current devices (RCDs) or residual current breakers with over current
protection (RCBOs) may also incorporated
Where electricity is to be sub-billed between relevant parties in commercial and
industrial applications, the meters must meet the requirements of Annex B of MID.
For full billing, the meters must comply with Annex B and Annex F. To achieve the
accuracy of a meter that requires the use of CT’s, the cable resistance should
not exceed a certain value depending on the power capability of the CT provision of
more metering and energy efficient solutions through the use of control devices or
linking to building management systems. This is to enable electricity supply system
divides an electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits while providing a protective
fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure.
3.3 Recommendations
1. It is recommended that over current protective device (CB) must conform to
international standard of 25% multiplying factor in order to adequately protect the
intending load. This is necessary to reduce cost of maintenance and or otherwise
procurement of new one.
2. It is also necessary to avoid disruption of work or service.
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