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6th Grade Math Exam - ICT Basics

GGHS Pathan Colony
Paper: Math
Exam: Final Session 2022-23
Class: 6th
Total Marks = 100
Timing: 3 Hours
Part 1
Marks: 40
Q1) Encircle the correct option.
1. The proposed solution to be implemented should be.
2. The act of doing one thing again and again refers to.
a) Sequence
b) Condition
c) Repetition
3. The computer program interacts with user via _________.
a) Input
b) Output
c) Software
4. Background is selected from ________ of the screen.
a) Bottom Right corner
b) Upper Left corner
c) Upper Right corner
5. Which of the following is not safe while using the internet.
a) Online Shopping
b) Arranging to meet a stranger c) Researcher
6. Which of the following stores more data?
a) CD
b) DVD
c) Hard disk
7. The device used for authentication is ________.
a) Microphone
b) Biometric
c) Multimedia
8. The Printed output from a computer is.
a) Paper
b) Softcopy
c) Hardcopy
9. The window which currently in use.
a) Actual
b) Active
c) Dynamic
10. With _________ tool the size of the canvas can be changed.
a) Marker
b) Canvas
c) Eraser
Q2) Fill in the blanks.
1. Anti-Virus is an example of _________.
2. The process of moving from one window to another is __________.\
3. The ___________ tool of paint 3D is used to copy.
4. The printed output from a computer is _____________.
5. ______________ is not the component of task bar.
6. The process of moving from one window to another is _____________.
7. Display screen is also known as ____________.
8. Program is written at _____________.
9. A ___________ is way to organize files on a storage device.
10. Program is written at ____________.
Q3) Name the following ICT Devices.
Q4) Write any 6 answers of following questions.
1. Define ICT.
2. Differentiate between data and information with example.
3. Differentiate between input and output devices.
4. Define Operating System. List different examples of operating system.
5. What is programming Language? List few programming Language?
6. Define Cybercrime.
7. What is the importance of ICT security?
8. What is meant by information privacy?
9. Write down the steps to create a folder?
10 x 6 = 60