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Academic Writing Exercises for Graduate Students

Below are the exercises designed based on extracts from different research
papers. Graduate students are required to do all of them after finishing unit
1, 2 &3.
A. Abstracts and Introductions
1. Insert the words below into the spaces
Addresses, aim, aimed at, aims to, continuation, feasibility study, framework, propose, scope, targeted,
this end, undertook .
1. Our aim is to provide a short, practical analysis of how this language is used.
2. This article aims to define the difference between a hazard and a danger.
3. This article is the result of a feasibility study investigating…
4. This work addresses the problems inherent in…
5. This work is a direct continuation of the work begun by Zappata [2014].
6. To this end we have tried to…
7. We have targeted funding as being our main priority.
8. We purpose a new code for calculating the number of hours required.
9. We undertook this study to…
10. Within the framework of these criteria, we propose to…
11. Defining P and Q falls outside the scope of this article.
12. It is aimed at students of engineering.
2. In each sentence delete the one word / phrase that is not appropriate / grammatical.
1. This paper outlines / proposes / describes / discovers / presents a new approach to…
2. This paper validates / examines / seeks to address / focuses on / discusses / investigates how to solve…
3. This paper is an overview of / a review of / a report on / a preliminary attempt how bilinguals separate
the two languages while talking.
4. The aim of our work is to further / extend / widen / broaden / amplify current knowledge of…
5. This paper takes a new look at / re-examines / revisits / informs / sheds new light on how politicians use
their power,
6. In the literature, ‘psychotic’ usually refers / often refers / is usually referred to a patient who…
7. Vitous [2015] has provided / put forward / put down / proposed a new definition of X, in which…
8. In the literature there lacks of a general definition of X / a general definition of X is lacking / there is
no clear definition of X.
9. In their seminal / groundbreaking / cutting edge / state-of-the-art paper of 2001, Peters and Jones…
10. Experiments on X were conducted/ carried on / carried out / performed on X in 2009 by a group of
researchers from…
11. More recent evidence [Obama, 2013] shows / suggests / investigates / highlights / reveals / proposes
12. He claims / argues / criticizes / maintains / suggests / points out / underlines that…
13. Kamos’s [23] assumptions seem to be sensitive / realistic / well-founded / well-grounded / plausible /
reasonable / acceptable.
14. Many experts contend, however / instead / on the one hand, that this evidence is not conclusive.
15. This has led authors as / such as / for example / for instance Mithran [32], Yasmin [34] and Hai [35] to
B. Review of the Literature
1. Insert the words below into the spaces.
approach, attention, claimed, critical issues, developed, emphasis, failed, led, literature, pointed out,
review paper, was among the first, work, would support
1. In this only review paper the highlights of the last 4 years, with emphasis on novel techniques, will be
2. A recent review of the literature on this topic found that…
3. Much work on the potential of nanotechnology has been carried out, yet there are still some critical issues
which need to be resolved.
4. In the traditional approach, X is used to define Y.
5. In the last few years more attention has been given to the pitfalls of monolingualism.
6. Doyle (2015) was among the first to…
7. As pointed out by Wallwork, this will only occur if…
8. He claimed that this is the consequence of mismanagement, but he failed to provide adequate proof of this
9. This led Marchesi et al. to the following conclusion… and this would support the hypothesis that…
10. Dee developed a new method and concluded that…
2. Insert the words below into the spaces.
calls into question, compared, conducted, contend, expected, findings, hypothesis, observations, raises
many questions, short-comings, underway
1. Spencer et al. conducted a similar experiment with dogs.
2. As might have been expected, contradictory findings were shown.
3. This raises many questions about whether live subjects should be used.
4. Smith and Jones compared France and Italy, and found them to be…
5. Their group calls into question some past assumptions about the use of animal testing.
6. Many experts contend, however, that his evidence is not conclusive.
7. A related hypothesis holds that the love of money is equal to evil, suggesting that…
8. Other observations indicate that this explanation is insufficient…
9. The short-comings of this method have been clearly recognized and experimentation is underway to
C. Highlighting Drawbacks of Previous Research
Insert a suitable word from the list below into the spaces.
appropriate, complicated, concern, conjectures, drawback, flawed, misleading, shortcomings,
speculative, weakness
1. The shortcomings of their method have been clearly recognized.
2. A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that…
3. Their approach is not appropriate for those kinds of patients.
4. Their experiments were flawed by the fact that they were almost impossible to replicate.
5. This then is the major drawback to their experiments.
6. Such a misleading assumption can lead to serious consequences with regard to…
7. Their claims seem to be somewhat speculative.
8. In our view, their findings are only conjectures based on unsubstantiated assumptions.
9. Their attempts to solve this simple problem are unnecessarily complicated.
10. An even greater source of concern is the fact that…
D. Referring to Figures and Tables
Insert the words below into the spaces. They must have a similar meaning to the other
words in bold.
apparent, are presented, below, chart, details, highlights, illustrated, indicate, note, summarizes
1. Table 1 compares / lists / details / summarizes the data on the progress of the patients.
2. Table 2 proves / shows / demonstrates / illustrates / highlights that developed countries create more
than 3,000 times more toxic waste than most developing countries.
3. Figure 1 presents / reports / shows / details the data on the first set of findings.
4. Figure 3 pinpoints / indicates exactly where X meets Y.
5. As shown / highlighted / illustrated / detailed / can be seen in Fig.1, the value of…
6. The results on X can be seen / are compared / are presented in Fig. 1.
7. From the graph / photo / chart / histogram we can see / note that…
8. It is clear / apparent from Fig. 1 that…
9. We observe / note from Table 1 that…
10. The graph to the left / to the right / above / below shows that…
E. Giving Examples
Insert the words below into the spaces.
can be illustrated, classic example, example, for example, illustrates, illustration, include, including,
such as
1. A classic example of this stereotype is that women have more difficulty reading maps than men.
2. This is a yet another illustration of the infinite levels of greed of the financial community.
3. The graph in Figure 1 illustrates this point clearly.
4. This fact can be illustrated briefly by looking at…
5. Those living in impoverished inner city areas may be prone to violence for a number of reasons. They may,
for example, have never been employed…
6. Another example of what we mean is…
7. Countries that have adopted this policy include Ecuador, Columbia and Bolivia.
8. This policy has been adopted by many countries including Ecuador, Columbia and Bolivia.
9. Several South American countries, such as Ecuador and Bolivia, have adopted this policy.
F. Verb Tenses
1. Below is the Abstract of an article, choose the correct verb form.
With its focus on the research cycle, scientific methodology (1) has devoted / devoted a great deal of
attention to problem solving. However, the issue of problem choice (2) has been / was relatively neglected,
notwithstanding its relevant epistemological implications. What (3) are / have been the criteria used by PhD
students to set their research agenda? To what extent (4) is / was the research agenda driven by pure curiosity
about social phenomena? A survey (5) has been / was carried out among PhD students of European
universities to examine the criteria used in the choice of their dissertation topics over the last decade. The
analysis thus sheds light on the way scientific knowledge (6) is / has been crafted in the last ten years, and
about the challenges and limitations researchers (7) have faced / faced during this process.
2. Below is the Introduction of an article, choose the correct verb form.
In a previous paper [Anderson, 2012] we (1) make / made measurements of the speed with which bilingual
adults (2) perform / performed simultaneous translations of politicians’ speeches. We (3) choose / chose
politicians because it is well known that they (4) tend / tended to use formal language. In the same study
[Anderson, 2012] we (5) conduct / conducted similar tests with Nobel prize winners’ acceptance speeches,
which gave similar values of speed. These two findings strongly (6) had suggested / suggested that formal
language represents an easier element for translation than informal language. The performance of teenagers in
analogous situations also (7) confirms / will confirm the above finding [Williams, 2013]. Williams (8)
finds / found that informal language, in particular slang, (9) intensifies / has intensified the stress levels of
subjects undertaking simultaneous translation. Therefore the lack of changes that we (10) find / found in
our present research in the stress levels of bilingual adults with respect to bilingual teenagers when
simultaneously translating extracts from a teenage soap opera, would seem to indicate that experience (11)
plays / have played an important role. As a consequence of our latest findings, we (12) conclude /
concluded that stress levels in bilingual subjects tend to decrease with age.
3. Below is an extract of the Methods Section of an article, choose the correct verb form.
A total of 138 students (1) participated / were participated in the experiment. Each student either (2)
volunteered / was volunteered to participate in return for free tickets to a music concert, or (3) paid / was
paid a one-off token fee. Five videos (4) created / were created, each lasting approximately one minute.
Each video (5) showed / was shown two groups of people, dressed either in green or red, who (6) moved /
were moved around up and down two 25 m corridors in a large supermarket.
G. Punctuation
1. Insert punctuation (including capitalization) into the following text which is part of an Introduction
of an informal paper. Note that some sentences are very short.
The order in which we say or write something generally reflects the importance we want to give to each
individual item. In English, we tend to put the subject first because by doing this the interlocutor immediately
knows what the main topic is going to be. We then need to insert the verb, and then the object which is
generally of secondary importance. This may seem obvious. It isn’t. In many languages, the subject or a part
of the verb may appear at the end of the sentence. This fact would seem to indicate that we don’t all have the
same thought patterns, and that for other nationalities it may not be important to immediately know the
argument of the sentence. The result is that we, as listeners or readers, have certain expectations as to the
order in which the words are going to appear. If this order is not respected, we may be thrown off the trail. In
much the same way, foreign students, when speaking, tend to stress inappropriate words in a sentence,
highlighting words that for an English speaker would normally have no relevance. The reason for this is that
both English word order and English stress are strictly related to meaning. In other languages, this is not
always the case the problem is, of course, that students tend to transfer their native word, and stress into
2. Insert punctuation (including parentheses, hyphens and capitalization) into this Methods section
from a research paper. The ‘clients’ referred to are homeless people.
The homeless population involved in the study include those in temporary or insecure housing, in a hostel,
staying with friends or relatives out of necessity, or sleeping rough. Clients were screened at thirty five sites,
which make up the main hostels, nightshelters and day centres for homeless people and refugees in the south
London boroughs of Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark. Many of these agencies target homeless people who
do not normally access other services (particularly health care). The screening was advertised in advance at
each site as a free service, available to all, with incentives (free meals) provided. Regular screening sessions
were arranged at each site over a number of months. The frequency of sessions depended on the size of the
centre and the daily turnover of clients. The overall uptake of the screening at each site was estimated by
calculating the average number of volunteers for the screening at each centre as a percentage of the average
daily capacity of each drop in centre or hostel.
H. Paraphrasing: Using synonyms: verbs
Write at least one synonym for each of the words / phrases in bold.
1. Last century this procedure was considered to be the most …
Last century this procedure was seen as the most……………...
2. Previous work has only focused on addressing the symptoms rather than the cause.
Previous work has only been limited to addressing the symptoms rather than the cause.
3. Concerns have arisen which question the validity of …
Concerns have been raised which question the validity of …
4. This paper outlines a new approach to …
This paper presents a new approach to …
5. The aim of our work was to further current knowledge of …
The aim of our work was to broaden current knowledge of …
6. Vitous (2015) has provided a new definition, in which .. …
Vitous (2015) has purposed a new definition, in which .. …
7. A growing body of literature has examined [Ref].
A growing body of literature has investigated [Ref].
8. An increase in the number of cases was first noted by..…
An increase in the number of cases was first found by..…
9. Experiments with this system were conducted in 2009 by a group of researchers from …
Experiments with this system were carried out in 2009 by a group of researchers from …
10. He claims that …
He suggests that …
11. We began this project three years ago.
We initiated this project three years ago.
12. This underlines just how important this system is.
This highlights just how important this system is.
13. This confirms previous findings in the literature …
This supports previous findings in the literature …
14. Further tests carried out with this system confirmed our initial findings.
Further tests carried out with this system corroborated our initial findings.
15. As expected, our experiments prove that. …
As anticipated, our experiments prove that. …
16. The cost of this system could account for the fact that it is rarely used.
The cost of this system could explain why it is rarely used.
17. This research has raised the need for further investigation.
This research has given rise to the need for further investigation.
18. As was mentioned in the Methods, …
As was noted in the Methods, …
19. Table 2 proves that this system is …
Table 2 shows that this system is …
20. Figure1 presents the data on the new system.
Figure1 details the data on the new system.
Write at least one synonym for each of the words / phrases in bold.
1. Since the focus of the study was on a new system, we decided to …
As the focus of the study was on a new system, we decided to …
2. There has been some disagreement concerning whether x is equal to y or not.
There has been some disagreement with regard to whether x is equal to y or not.
3. Several authors have attempted to define emotional intelligence, but as yet there is still no
accepted definition.
Several authors have attempted to define emotional intelligence, but currently there is still no
accepted definition.
4. The fonts, i.e. the form of the characters, are of various types.
The fonts that is to say the form of the characters, are of various types.
5. Little is known about …
Not much is known about …
6. Many experts contend, however, that this evidence is not conclusive.
Many experts contend, on the other hand, that this evidence is not conclusive.
7. Statistical significance was analyzed by using SoftGather.
Statistical significance was analyzed via SoftGather.
8. The aim of this system is to increase performance. Consequently, we….
The aim of this system is to increase performance. As a result, we….
9. We chose this particular apparatus because it is inexpensive.
We chose this particular apparatus since it is inexpensive.
10. The samples were prepared as described by Jude [2010].
The samples were prepared according to Jude [2010].
11. Almost two-thirds of the participants (64%) commented that …
Approximately two-thirds of the participants (64%) commented that …
12. In response to Question 1, most of those surveyed indicated that …
In response to Question 1, the majority of those surveyed indicated that …
13. Interestingly, only 7–8 year olds were able to find the answer.
Unexpectedly, only 7–8 year olds were able to find the answer.
14. There were no significant differences between the two systems in terms of cost.
There were no significant differences between the two systems with regard to cost.
15. Overall , our results show this machine outperforms all the others on the market.
As a whole, our results show this machine outperforms all the others on the market.
16. The correlation between the two procedures is worth noting because …
The correlation between the two procedures is noteworthy because …
17. In contrast to earlier findings [Castenas, 2009], we …
Unlike earlier findings [Castenas, 2009], we …
18. Despite the lack of agreement, we believe our findings compare well with …
In spite of the lack of agreement, we believe our findings compare well with …
19. Although there was some inconsistency …
Even though there was some inconsistency …
20. We hope that our research will be helpful in solving this difficulty. At the same time we believe
that ....
We hope that our research will be helpful in solving this difficulty. Simultaneously, we believe