Uploaded by Abdullah Amin

Advance Research Method Assignment

Name of student: Abdullah Amin
Registration no: MAF 223002
Semester: 1
Assignment no: 1
Submitted to: Mr. Khurram Shahzad
OCTOBER 7, 2022
Question no 1
What are the steps involved in scientific business research process. Also list and
briefly explain the characteristics/hallmarks of scientific research?
Steps involved in scientific business research process are given below.
In the first step of research method research area is observed to select the desired research field
in which a researcher want to apply research practices.
Data Gathering:
Data is gathered in order to get information and knowledge about selected research field. Data is
gathered by differed methods for example interviews, surveys etc.
Problem Definition:
After getting know how about the research area, problems are defined from it. The problem can
be low sale volume, production problem etc. In this step the way of solving particular problem is
defined by researcher.
Theoretical Framework:
The theoretical framework is an arrangement that can support and hold a research study’s theory.
The theoretical framework presents and defines the theory which describes the reason of existence
of research problem under study.
Generation of hypothesis:
The hypothesis is an assumption that is made to test and draw out its empirical or logical
consequences. The hypothesis generated should be testable hypothesis and falsifiable.
Scientific research design:
The scientific research design is made integrate the different components of research in a logical
Data collection analysis and interpretation:
Data is collected then analyzed to show valuable information from data and taking the conclusion
depends upon the data analysis. After analysis, data is summarized to get answers to research
In the last step of research method it is checked hypothesis sustained or not and research problem
is answered.
Characteristics of scientific research:
Following are the characteristics of research;
(i) Research is focused toward the answer of a problem.
(ii) Research requires knowledge and proficiency.
(iii) Research highlights the growth of simplifications, principles, or theories that will be
supportive in forecasting future happenings.
(iv)Research is based upon obvious practice or empirical indications.
(v) Research demands accurate description and observation.
(vi)Research involves collecting new data from primary sources or using existing data for a new
(vii) Research is considered by wisely designed measures that apply demanding analysis.
(viii) Research includes the quest for solutions to un-solved problems.
(ix) Research tries to be logical and objective, applying every possible test to confirm the
procedures active the data collected and the conclusions reached.
(x) Research is considered by unhurried and patient activity.
(xi) Research is carefully collected and recorded.
(xii) Research sometimes demands courage.
(xiii) The results of the examinations of hypotheses should be supported again and yet again when
the similar type of research is recurrent in similar conditions.
(xiv) Generalizability states the possibility of applicability of the research findings in one
administrative setting to other settings. Indeed, the wider the variety of applicability of the
solutions created by research, the more valuable the research is to the users.