Uploaded by acnxtj


Task 1:
65% of 1500 = £975 in Fund A
15% of 1500 = £225 in Fund B
20% of 1500 = £300 in Fund C
Return after 1 month
Fund A = 975 + 4.3% = £1016.925
Fund B = 225 + 2.4% = £230.40
Fund C = 300 + 3% = £309.00
Total return: £1556.325
Task 2: (Assuming PostgreSQL 14)
Question 1: Answer: 4
Query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Salesperson" WHERE "Salary" > 41000
Question 2: Answer: 2
Query: SELECT * FROM "Customer" c, "Orders" o
WHERE c."Name" = 'Daniel'
AND c."Surname" = 'Brown'
AND c.id = o.cust_id
Question 3: (Sold TO Robert Green?) Answer: £433
Query: SELECT SUM(o.amount) FROM "Customer" c, "Orders" o
WHERE c."Name" = 'Robert'
AND c."Surname" = 'Green'
AND c.id = o.cust_id
Task 3:
- Check designs for both platforms on the design tool used (i.e: Figma/ Adobe XD, Sketch, etc...) to confirm whether the feature's design/behaviour is correct
- If no designs can be found, contact a relevent person from the UX/Product design team.
- If designs/behaviour is confirmed to be incorrect. Contact the relevant people (front-end/mobile devs) and create a ticket to track this work if necessary write some draft messages
Task 4: