Unit-10 Subunit-10.1 RETENTION OF URINE INTRODUCTION Voiding difficulty and urinary retention is a common phenomenon in the immediate postpartum period. The importance of prompt diagnosis and appropriate management of this condition is the key to ensuring a rapid return to normal bladder function. Postpartum voiding dysfunction occurs in a significant number of women, which can potentially cause permanent damage to the detrusor muscle and long-term complications when left undetected or untreated. DEFINITION Retention of urine is a condition in which the urine is retained in the bladder and the patient (woman) is unable to expel the urine. Urine production from the kidney continues but the accumulated urine is not released from the bladder. Acute urinary retention is defined by the International Continence Society as a painful, palpable, perusable bladder, with the patient unable to pass any urine when the bladder is full, although it should be recognized that pain may not be present in the postpartum woman especially following epidural analgesia. Post-partum urinary retention (PUR) also known as insidious urinary retention after vaginal delivery or puerperal urinary retention is a relatively common condition. Traditionally post-partum urinary retention is described as the absence of spontaneous micturition within six hours of vaginal delivery. TYPES OF RETENTION 1. Overt Retention Women who are unable to micturition spontaneously within 6 hour after vaginal delivery and categorized as having overt (symptomatic) urinary retention. 4ff ftAlso known as active retention presents with the sudden onset of the inability to void leaving a significant amount of residual urine in the bladder. 2. Covert Retention Covert (asymptomatic) urinary retention is defined as having a postvoid residual bladder volume (PVRBV) of more than 150 ml, detected by ultrasound or by catheterization, with symptoms of urinary retention. INCIDENCE Estimated incidences range from 0.05% to 37.0%. RISK FACTORS Nulliparous women Prolonged labor, especially a prolonged second stage Assisted/instrumental delivery. Perineal injury. Caesarean section Regional analgesia CAUSES Lying recumbent in bed continuously. Lax abdominal and bladder wall. Privacy not maintained. Secondary to pain (reflex) from an episiotomy wound or laceration. Reflex inhibition due to stitched perineum or bruised urethra. Fear of pain. Difficult instrumental birth and/or shoulder dystocia. Prolonged second stage labor. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The precise pathophysiology of postpartum urinary retention is still unknown; however, it is likely to be multifactorial, including physiological, neurological, and mechanical processes in the postpartum period. 1.One of the most common cause is the use of regional anaesthesia . Due to afferent neural blockade which supresses the sensory stimuli from the bladder to the pontine micturition center. As a result, the reflex mechanism that induces micturition is blocked which may result in reduced contractility of bladder and urinary retention. 2.Result of nerve injury during delivery: The pudendal nerve, with afferent nerve branches supplying the bladder, is damaged during pelvic surgery and vaginal delivery. There is a significant increase in pudendal nerve terminal motor latencies, which may take a few months to recover post delivery. 3.Pelvic floor tissue stretching during delivery resulting in pudendal nerve damage: Both instrumental delivery and prolonged labour can be predisposing factors to this damage. 4.Tissue oedema around the urogenital area, resulting in a transient mechanical obstruction to urine outflow. 5. Physiological changes contributing to Postpartum Urinary Retention: Elevated levels in pregnancy and in the immediate postpartum period Reduced smooth muscle tone Dilated bladder, ureters during pregnancy and the first few weeks of postpartum Coupled with changes in vesical pressures (an initial rise in pregnancy followed by a rapid drop to normal values within a few days after delivery) Results in a hypotonic bladder in the early puerperium Urinary Retention S.N 1 . SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES CONTENT TIME Self 4min introduction Topic introduction Objectives What do you mean by postpartum urinary retention? At the end of the Introduction of 4min session, students will postpartum be able to: urinary retention. define postpartum urinary retention. define postpartum Definition of 4min urinary retention. postpartum urinary retention. Brainstorming 4. 2. At the beginning of the session, TEACHING METHOD TEACHING EVALUATION MEDIA Discussion PowerPoint What postpartum urinary retention? Discussion PowerPoint state the incidence of Incidence of 1min postpartum urinary postpartum retention. urinary retention. Interactive Lecture PowerPoint 5. describe the risk Risk factors of 5min factors of postpartum postpartum urinary retention. urinary retention. Interactive Lecture PowerPoint 6. clarify the causes of Causes of 5min postpartum urinary postpartum retention. urinary retention. Interactive Lecture PowerPoint 7. elaborate the Pathophysiology 10min pathophysiology of of postpartum postpartum urinary urinary retention. retention. Interactive Lecture PowerPoint/ Chart paper 8. illustrate symptoms postpartum retention. Discussion PowerPoint What is postpartum urinary retention? What is the incidence of postpartum urinary retention. What are the risk factors of postpartum urinary retention? What are the causes of postpartum urinary retention? What is the pathophysiology of postpartum urinary retention? What are the symptoms of postpartum urinary retention? 3. the Symptoms of 5min of postpartum urinary urinary retention. is 9. explain the diagnosis Diagnosis of 3min of postpartum postpartum urinary retention. urinary retention. Interactive Lecture PowerPoint 10. describe the Management of 8min management of postpartum postpartum urinary urinary retention. retention. Interactive Lecture PowerPoint/ chart paper 11. discuss the nursing Nursing 5min management of management of postpartum urinary postpartum retention. urinary retention. Discussion PowerPoint 12. list the complications Complications of 3min of postpartum postpartum urinary retention. urinary retention. Discussion Metacard 13. summarize the topic. Questioning and Answering Summary 3min What are the diagnosis of postpartum urinary retention? What are the management of postpartum urinary retention? What are the nursing management of postpartum urinary retention? What are the complications of postpartum urinary retention?