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A.A. Potebnya’s linguistic conception. 1

Aleksandr Afanasyevich Potebnya was a prominent Ukrainian linguist and literary critic,
born in 1835 in Poltava, Ukraine. He made significant contributions to the field of linguistics,
especially in the area of Russian and Ukrainian language studies. Potebnya was a pioneer in the
development of a scientific approach to the study of language, and his works had a significant
influence on the development of linguistic thought in Russia and Ukraine. This essay aims to
introduce A.A. Potebnya's linguistic conception, his views on language, and his predecessors, and
his contribution to linguistics.
Potebnya's Linguistic Conception:
Potebnya was renowned for his contributions to the study of language and literature,
particularly his works on the semantics and grammar of the Russian language. His linguistic
conception has influenced various fields, including literary criticism, linguistics, and cultural
studies. In this essay, we will delve into A.A. Potebnya's linguistic conception, which
encompasses his ideas on language, speech, and the relationship between language and thought.
Language as a System of Signs: One of Potebnya's central ideas was that language is a
system of signs. According to Potebnya, signs are the building blocks of language, and they are
arbitrary, meaning that there is no necessary connection between the signifier (the word) and the
signified (the concept). He believed that the relationship between signifiers and signifieds was
determined by social convention and cultural norms.
Potebnya's view of language as a system of signs is significant because it emphasizes the role
of convention in language. He argued that language is not a natural phenomenon but a cultural
artifact that reflects the values and beliefs of a particular society. Thus, the meaning of words is
not fixed but can change over time as cultural values and norms evolve.
Speech as the Realization of Language:Potebnya believed that speech is the realization of
language. According to him, language exists as an abstract system of signs, while speech is the
concrete realization of this system in the form of utterances. He argued that speech is the primary
means by which language is transmitted and acquired.
Furthermore, Potebnya believed that speech is a creative act. He argued that speakers use
language creatively to express their thoughts and feelings in unique ways. Thus, while language
provides a system of signs, it is up to the individual speaker to use these signs creatively to convey
Language and Thought:Potebnya believed that language and thought were closely
interconnected. He argued that language was not just a means of communication but also a tool for
thinking. According to him, language provides the framework for thought, and the two are
mutually reinforcing. He believed that the structure of language reflected the structure of thought
and that the two were inseparable.
Potebnya's ideas on the relationship between language and thought have had a significant
impact on linguistics and cognitive science. His conception of language as a tool for thinking has
been influential in the study of language acquisition, and his emphasis on the inseparability of
language and thought has led to new insights into the nature of cognition.
In conclusion, A.A. Potebnya's linguistic conception has had a profound impact on the study
of language and literature. His ideas on language as a system of signs, speech as the realization of
language, and the relationship between language and thought have provided valuable insights into
the nature of language and its role in human communication and cognition. Potebnya's conception
has influenced various fields, including linguistics, literary criticism, and cultural studies, and his
legacy continues to inspire scholars today.
Potebnya's view on the relationship between language and thought was significant in
challenging the prevailing view of linguistics during his time. The dominant view in linguistics up
to the late 19th century was that language was simply a tool for communication and that the study
of language should be focused on the analysis of grammar and syntax. Potebnya's view challenged
this approach by arguing that language is an essential component of cognition and that the study of
language can provide insights into the cognitive processes of a society.Potebnya's views on
language were influenced by his background as a literary scholar. He believed that language was
not just a system of rules and grammar but a living organism that evolves over time. He argued
that language was inseparable from literature and that the study of literature was an essential tool
for understanding language.
Potebnya's views on language also challenged traditional linguistic approaches. He believed
that traditional linguistic methods focused too much on the structure and form of language and not
enough on the meaning and function of language. He argued that the study of language should be
focused on understanding how language is used in communication and how it reflects the culture
and psychology of its users.
Impact of Potebnya's Views on Linguistic Research:Potebnya's views on language had a
significant impact on linguistic research. His emphasis on the role of literature in understanding
language helped to bridge the gap between linguistics and literary studies. His focus on the
function and meaning of language helped to shift the focus of linguistic research from the
structure of language to its use in communication.
Potebnya's views on language also influenced the development of linguistic theories. His
emphasis on the dynamic and flexible nature of language influenced the development of
functional linguistics, which focuses on the use and function of language in communication. His
ideas on the role of culture and psychology in language use also influenced the development of
sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics.
Potebnya's views on language continue to be relevant in modern linguistic research. His
emphasis on the importance of understanding the cultural and psychological factors that influence
language use has become increasingly important in the study of language variation and change.
His ideas on the dynamic nature of language have also influenced the development of
computational linguistics, which seeks to model the evolution of language using computer
In conclusion, A.A. Potebnya's views on language were unique and challenged traditional
linguistic approaches. His emphasis on the role of literature in understanding language and his
focus on the function and meaning of language helped to shift the focus of linguistic research.
Potebnya's ideas continue to be relevant in modern linguistic research and have influenced the
development of linguistic theories such as functional linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psycholinguistics, and computational linguistics. Potebnya's legacy is an important reminder of the
dynamic and ever-changing nature of language and the need for a holistic approach to
understanding language and its role in communication.
Potebnya's Predecessors:
Before A.A. Potebnya, there were many linguists who contributed to the study of language.
One of the most influential was Wilhelm von Humboldt. Humboldt believed that language was not
simply a means of communication, but rather, it was an expression of thought. He believed that
language and thought were inextricably linked, and that each language represented a unique way
of thinking about the world. This idea was central to Potebnya’s own work, and he built on
Humboldt’s theories in many of his own writings.
Another important figure in the history of linguistics was Ferdinand de Saussure. Saussure is
best known for his distinction between langue and parole, or the system of language and its
individual manifestations. He argued that language was a social construct, and that the meanings
of words were determined by the social context in which they were used. This idea was also
influential in Potebnya’s work, and he developed Saussure’s ideas in his own theory of linguistic
Finally, we cannot ignore the contribution of Noam Chomsky, who revolutionized the study
of language in the 20th century. Chomsky proposed that humans are biologically predisposed to
learn language, and that this ability is innate. He argued that the study of language must be based
on an understanding of the structures and processes of the human mind. Potebnya did not directly
address Chomsky’s theories, but his emphasis on the importance of syntax and grammar in
language use is consistent with Chomsky’s ideas.
Potebnya’s contribution to linguistics:
One of Potebnya's most significant contributions to linguistics was his emphasis on the
importance of context in understanding language. Potebnya argued that language could not be
understood in isolation from its social and cultural context, and that the meaning of words and
phrases could only be fully understood in relation to the broader cultural and historical
background in which they were used. This approach to linguistics was in contrast to the prevailing
trend in linguistics at the time, which tended to focus on the structural aspects of language rather
than its social and cultural context.
Potebnya's emphasis on context was closely tied to his interest in the relationship between
language and culture. He believed that language was not simply a neutral means of
communication, but was deeply embedded in the cultural practices and traditions of the people
who used it. Potebnya argued that the way in which people used language reflected their values,
beliefs, and social norms, and that the study of language could therefore provide insights into the
broader cultural context in which it was used.
Another key contribution that Potebnya made to linguistics was his work on the role of
metaphor in language. Potebnya believed that metaphor was a fundamental aspect of language,
and that it played an important role in shaping the way that people thought and communicated
about the world around them. He argued that metaphor was not simply a decorative or rhetorical
device, but was an essential part of the way in which language conveyed meaning and conveyed
the speaker's perspective on the world.
Potebnya's contributions to linguistics were wide-ranging and influential, and his work
continues to be studied and debated by linguists today. His emphasis on the importance of context
in understanding language, his work on the role of metaphor in language, and his interest in the
relationship between language and culture all had a significant impact on the development of
linguistic theory in the 19th century and beyond. Potebnya's work remains relevant today, and his
insights into the complex relationship between language, culture, and cognition continue to inform
and inspire contemporary research in linguistics.
Potebnya, A.A. (1998). Theoretical principles of Russian literary criticism. Northwestern
University Press.
Steiner, P. (1999). The Cambridge introduction to Russian literature. Cambridge University
Struve, G. (1986). The origins of Slavic literary language: A study in Slavic philology and
ethnology. Walter de Gruyter.
Potebnja, A. A. (1969). Aesthetics of the Literary Symbolic Language. University of
California Press.
Potebnya, A.A. (1971). Thought and language: Selected works of A.A. Potebnya. Cambridge,
Potebnja, A. A. (1999). Thought and Language. Psychology Press.
Steiner, G. (1975). On Difficulty and Other Essays. Oxford University Press.