NFJPIA-Region X and CARAGA Council RFJPIA Cup Level 5 – Auditing Problems ELIMINATION RON! EA"# RON! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %EA"# &E"TION '() You were engaged to examine the accounts of Power Pla Inc! as of "ecem#er $%& '(%(! Your audit disclosed that the cash counted on "ecem#er $%& '(%( included two customers) chec*s amounting to P+&((( #oth dated in Januar '(%%! '(%%! ,hese chec*s were recor recorded ded in the #oo*s in "ecem#er and were acceted for deosit deosit # the #an* on due dates! ,he ad.usting entr is/ Ans*er+ !r, A--ounts Re-eiv.ble 5/000 Cr, C.s1 5/000 RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %EA"# &E"TION '2) As an auditor& ou were as*ed # our client to examine its accounts as of "ecem#er $%& '(%(! Your audit disclosed that chec*s with a total of P%(&((( as ament to suliers were reared and ta*en u as de#its to accounts aa#le! aa#le! 0ne of these chec*s in the amount of P'&((( was cancelled on Januar +& '(% '(%%% and relaced with another for the correct amount amoun t of P'&+((! No entr was made for the cancellation! cancellatio n! ,he ad.usting entr is/ Ans*er+ None, No ad.ustment is necessar! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %EA"# &E"TION '3) Your audit of 1uer Clu# Co! for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%( disclosed that customers) chec*s amounting amounti ng to P2&+(( were returned during "ecem#er "ecem#er '(%( # the #an* with the notation 3N1F4! 3N1F4! 0f these chec*s P$&((( had #een redeosited redeosited and cleared cleared # the #an* during the month! No entries were made made for the return or redeosit! ,he ad.usting entr is/ Ans*er+ !r, A--ounts Re-eiv.ble Cr, C.s1 (/500 (/500 RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %EA"# &E"TION '4) You were engaged to audit the records of Generation& Inc! as of "ecem#er $%& '(%(! Your audit shows that goods costing P'(&((( P'(&((( were excluded from the ending in5entor in5entor!! ,he selling rice of these goods was P$(&(((! ,he goods were shied shied # our client on "ecem#er '6& '(% '(%(& (& F07 shiing oi oint! nt! ,he transaction transaction was not recorded in '(%(! ,he ad.usting entr is/ Ans*er+ !r, A--ounts Re-eiv.ble 30/000 Cr, ".les 30/000 RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %EA"# &E"TION '5) Your audit of our client as of "ecem#er $%& '(%( disclosed that merchandise costing P%+&((( were still included in ending in5entor although these were alread in5oiced and recorded as sales to customers on "ecem#err $%! ,he sales in5oices totaling "ecem#e totaling P'+&((( were no longer recorde recordedd when the goods were deli5ered on Januar +& '(%%! ,he ad.usting entr is/ Ans*er+ !r, Cost o ".les (5/000 Cr, Inventor6 (5/000 A$ERA7E RON! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %A$ERA7E &E"TION '() Just In 8o5e Cor! decided that the allowance for #ad de#ts should #e ad.usted to e9ual the estimated amount re9uired #ased on aging the accounts as of "ecem#er $%! Following data were gathered/ Allowance for #ad de#ts& Januar %& '(%( P%'(&((( Pro5ision for #ad de#ts during '(%( at ': ;(&((( of P$&(((&((( sales 7ad de#ts written off in '(%( <+&((( =stimated #ad de#ts er aging of accounts on >(&((( "ecem#er $%& '(%( ?hat entr is necessar to ad.ust the #ad de#ts ro5ision@ Ans*er+ !r, Allo*.n-e or 8.d !ebts Cr, 8.d !ebts E9pense 25/000 25/000 RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %A$ERA7E &E"TION '2) You comleted our filed wor* for '(%( on Aril %(& '(% '(%%! %! 7efore issuance of our audit reort on Aril '+& '(%%& ou were ad5ised that on Aril %+& '(%% a large recei5a#le from a customer who is facing #an*rutc was written off as uncollecti#le! ?hat should ou do a#out this fact@ a! "isclos "isclosee the the loss loss in in the the '(%( '(%( statem statement ents! s! #! Ad:ust t1e 20(0 in.n-i.l st.tements, c! "a "ate te our our reo reort rt Ari Arill %(& '(% '(%%! %! d! ,a*e u u the loss loss in in the '(% '(%%% statem statements ents!! e! "o no nothing! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %A$ERA7E &E"TION '3) ,he closing closing in5entor in5entor of Gandhi Gandhi Coman Coman amounted amounted to P'>2&( P'>2&((( (( at "ecem# "ecem#er er $%& '(%(! '(%(! ,his ,his tot total al includes two in5entor lines a#out which the in5entor ta*er is uncertain! +(( items which had cost P%+ each and which were were included at P<&+((! ,hese items were were found to ha5e #een defecti5e defecti5e at the #alance sheet date! Remedial Remedial wor* after the #alance sheet sheet date cost P%&>(( and the were then sold for for P'( each! 1elling exenses were P2((! %(( items that had cost P%( each #ut after the #alance sheet date& these were sold for P> each with selling exenses of P%+(! ?hat figure should aear in Gandhi)s #alance sheet for in5entor@ Ans*er+ P2;3/<50, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %A$ERA7E &E"TION '4) Ca5aliers a one-ear warrant on outstanding some selected warrant on sales made duringhas the '((6 '(%(roduct fiscal ear and still as ofitems! Barch,he $%&estimated '(%(& amounted to lia#ilit P'+'&(((! ,he warrant costs on sales made from Aril %& '(%( to Barch $%& '(%%& are estimated at P;$(&(((! ,he actual warrant costs incurred during '(%( '(%% fiscal ear are as follows/ ?arrant claims honored on '((6 '(%( sales P'+'&((( ?arrant claims honored on '(%( '(%% '(%% sales '>+&((( ,otal P+$<&((( 7eing Ca5aliers) auditor& determine the ad.usted #alances of the estimated warrant aa#le as of Barch $%& '(%%! Ans*er+ P345/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %A$ERA7E &E"TION '5) 0n Januar %& '(%(& Rostrum Coman urchased de#t securities with a face 5alue of P+((&(((! ,he securities mature in < ears and are to #e classified as a held to maturit in5estment! ,he securities ha5e a stated interest rate of >: and interest is aid semiannuall& on Januar % and Jul %! ,he re5ailing mar*et interest rate on these de#t securities is %': comounded semiannuall! ,he following resent 5alue factors are ta*en from the resent 5alue ta#les/ Present v.lue o ( %': for < eriods (!2+'$+ ;: for %2 eriods (!22'$( >: for < eriods (!+>$26 2: for %2 eriods (!+<<2> Present v.lue o .n ordin.r6 .nnuit6 o ( %': for < eriods 2!+;$<; ;: for %2 eriods 6!'626> >: for < eriods +!'(;$< 2: for %2 eriods %(!+;$%' "etermine the fair 5alue of the de#t securities on Januar %& '(%(! Ans*er+ P40=/050, !IFFICLT RON! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %!IFFICLT &E"TION '() ?hich of the following su#se9uent e5ents will #e least li*el to result in an ad.ustment to the financial statements@ a! Culmin Culminati ation on of e5ents e5ents affecti affecting ng the realiat realiation ion of accounts accounts recei5a#l recei5a#lee owned as of the end of the eriod! #! Culmination Culmination of e5ents e5ents affectin affectingg the realiation realiation of of in5entories in5entories owned owned as of the the end of the the eriod! c! Baterial Baterial changes in the settlemen settlementt of lia#ilities lia#ilities which were were estimated estimated as of the the end of the the eriod! eriod! d, M.teri.l M.teri.l -1.nges in in t1e >uoted >uoted m.r?et m.r?et pri-es o o listed investme investment nt se-urities se-urities sin-e sin-e t1e end o o t1e period, e! None None of the the a#o a#o5e 5e!! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %!IFFICLT &E"TION '2) All items of income and exense recognied in a eriod must #e included in rofit or loss unless a standard or an interretation re9uires otherwise! ,herefore& the auditor is unli*el to 9uestion the exclusion of the following from rofit or loss& excet/ a! Ch Chan anges ges in in re5alu re5aluat ation ion sur surlu lus! s! #! c! d, e! Gains and losses losses on on remeasuring remeasuring a5aila#le a5aila#le for sale financial financial assets! assets! Gains and and losses arising from translatin translatingg the financial financial statemen statements ts of a foreign foreign oeration! oeration! T1e inee-tive inee-tive portion portion o o g.ins .nd .nd losses on on 1edging instruments instruments in . -.s1 -.s1 lo* 1edge, 1edge, None None of the the a#o a#o5e 5e!! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %!IFFICLT &E"TION '3) 0n Januar %& '((6& 8u*e Coman& a financial ser5ices entit which is also in5ol5ed in real estate de5eloment& de5elom ent& has urchased a lot of land in Ba*ati Cit for P'&(((&((( which it intends to de5elo and e5entuall sell! 0n Jul %& '((6& 8u*e Coman urchased urchased %( assenger 5ehicles for a total considerat consideration ion of P'&+((&(((! 8u*e Coman)s Coman)s intention was to use the assenger 5ehicles 5ehicles to transort 8u*e Coman) Coman)ss emloees! 8u*e Coman uses the straight-line dereciation method for the assenger 5ehicles with no exected sal5age 5alue and an estimated useful life of > ears! 0n "ecem#er $%& '(%(& 8u*e Coman entered in a lease agreement with John Coman for its land in Ba*ati Cit Cit and its assenger assenger 5ehicles! 5ehicles! "e5eloment "e5eloment cost incurred incurred until "ecem#er "ecem#er $%& '(%( was was P<((&(((! ,he fair 5alues of the land in Ba*ati Cit and the %( assenger 5ehicles were P'&6+(&((( and P'&%>%&'+( resecti5el! Assets classified # 8u*e Coman as in5estment roerties are resented at fair 5alue! At the end of '(%%& the fair 5alues of land and %( assenger 5ehicles were P$&%((&((( and P'&'(%&'+( resecti5el! ,he gain DlossE to #e reorted in '(%( in relation to the reclassification to in5estment roert is/ Ans*er+ P250/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %!IFFICLT &E"TION '4) 0n Januar %& '((6& 8u*e Coman& a financial ser5ices entit which is also in5ol5ed in real estate de5eloment& de5elom ent& has urchased a lot of land in Ba*ati Cit for P'&(((&((( which it intends to de5elo and e5entuall sell! 0n Jul %& '((6& 8u*e Coman urchased urchased %( assenger 5ehicles for a total considerat consideration ion of P'&+((&(((! 8u*e Coman)s Coman)s intention was to use the assenger 5ehicles 5ehicles to transort 8u*e Coman) Coman)ss emloees! 8u*e Coman uses the straight-line dereciation method for the assenger 5ehicles with no exected sal5age 5alue and an estimated useful life of > ears! 0n "ecem#er $%& '(%(& 8u*e Coman entered in a lease agreement with John Coman for its land in Ba*ati Cit Cit and its assenger assenger 5ehicles! 5ehicles! "e5eloment "e5eloment cost incurred incurred until "ecem#er "ecem#er $%& '(%( was was P<((&(((! ,he fair 5alues of the land in Ba*ati Cit and the %( assenger 5ehicles were P'&6+(&((( and P'&%>%&'+( resecti5el! Assets classified # 8u*e Coman as in5estment roerties are resented at fair 5alue! At the end of '(%%& the fair 5alues of land and %( assenger 5ehicles were P$&%((&((( and P'&'(%&'+( resecti5el! ,he re5aluation Ans*er+ P(50/000, surlus #alance at "ecem#er $%& '(%% is/ RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %!IFFICLT &E"TION '5) ,he ear-end audit of the records of 1tamina Farms disclos disclosed ed a shortage shortage in cash amounting amounting to P;((&(((! P;((&(((! ,he treasurer had concealed the fraud # increasing in5entories # P$((&(((& land # P%((&((( and accounts recei5a#le # P'((&(((! Faced with rosecution& the treasurer offered to surrender ;&((( 1tamina Farms shares owned # him! ,he #oard of directors directors acceted the offer& offer& with the agreement that the treasurer treasurer would a an deficienc deficienc #etween the shortage and the #oo* 5alue of the shares& after ad.usting for the fraud! ,he cororation would in turn a the excess& if an& an& of the #oo* 5alue o5er the shortage! As of "ecem#er $%& '(%(& there were 2(&((( common shares issued and outstanding with a ar 5alue of P%(( Retained earnings as of Januar %& '(%( was P%&;((&((( and net income from '(%( oerations was P%&2((&(((! Considering the a#o5e information& answer the following& what would #e the #oo* 5alue er share for uroses of the agreement@ Ans*er+ P(=5, CLINC@ER &E"TION" RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %CLINC@ER &E"TION '() If the auditee has a material amount of treasur stoc* on hand at ear-end& the auditor should ., Count t1e -ertii-. -ertii-.tes tes .t t1e time time ot1er se-urities se-urities .re .re -ounted, -ounted, #! Count the the certificates certificates onl onl if the coman coman had had treasur treasur stoc* transactions transactions during during the ear ear!! c! No count the the certificate certificatess if treasur treasur stoc* is a deduction deduction from shareholders) shareholders) e9uit! e9uit! d! Count the the certificates certificates onl onl if the coman coman classif classifies ies treasur treasur stoc* stoc* with other other assets! assets! e! Confirm the transacti transaction on with with the 1ecurities 1ecurities and =xchange =xchange Commissio Commission! n! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %CLINC@ER &E"TION '2) In auditing intangi#le assets& an auditor most li*el would re5iew or recomuted amortiation and determine whether the amortiation eriod is reasona#le r easona#le in suort of management)s financial statement assertion of/ Ans*er+ $.lu.tion, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %CLINC@ER &E"TION '3) 0n Januar '& '(%(& a tract of land that originall originall cost P>((&((( was sold # ea5enl Coror Cororation! ation! ,he coman com an recei5e recei5edd a P%&'((&((( P%&'((&((( note as ament! ament! It #ears interest interest rate rate of 2: and is aa#le aa#le in $ annual annual installments install ments of P2((&((( lus interest on the outstanding outstanding #alance! ,he re5ailing re5ailing rate of interest interest for a note of this te is %(:! ,he resent 5alue ta#le shows the following resent 5alue factors of % at %(:! Present 5alue factor of % for $ eriods (!<+%$' Present 5alue factor of % for ' eriods (!>';2+ Present 5alue factor of % for % eriod (!6(6(6 Pr Prese esent nt 5al 5alue ue of of an ordi ordinar nar annu annuitit of % for for $ er erio iods ds '!2>;> '!2>;>++ ?hat is the effecti5e interest income on the note recei5a#le for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%(@ Ans*er+ P(0=/<;5, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %CLINC@ER &E"TION '4) ?hich of the following rocedures relating to the examination of accounts aa#le could the auditor delegate entirel to the client)s emloees@ a! ,est footi footings ngs in the the account accountss aa#le aa#le ledge ledgerr! #! Reconci Reconcile le unaid unaid in5oic in5oices es to 5endor 5endorss stateme statements! nts! -, . s-1ed s-1edule ule o .--o .--ounts unts p.6.ble p.6.ble,, d! Bail Bail confirm confirmatio ations ns for sele selecte ctedd account account #alanc #alances! es! e! None None of the the a#o a#o5e 5e!! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %CLINC@ER &E"TION '5) 0n 0cto#er $%& '(%(& 7eta Coman engaged in the following transactions/ 0#tained 0#tai ned a P+((&(((& six-month six-month loan from Cit 7an*& discounted at %':! ,he coman ledge ledgedd P+((&((( of accounts recei5a#le as securit for the loan! Factored P%&(((&((( of accounts recei5a#le without recourse on a non notification #asis with e Coman! e charged a factoring fee of ': of the amount of recei5a#les factored Coman factored and withheld %(: of the amount factored! ?hat is the total cash recei5ed from the financing of recei5a#les@ Ans*er+ P(/350/000, FINAL RON! EA"# &E"TION" RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %"P") ACE &E"TION Information ertaining to ,race Coman for the month of August aears #elow/ 7alance er #an* statement P$%(&((( 7alance er #oo*s %><&+(( "eosit in transit <(&((( 1er5ice charges '&+(( Note collected # #an* <+&((( 0utstanding chec*s @ An analsis of the cancelled chec*s returned with the #an* statement re5eals the following/ Chec* for the urchase of merchandise merchandise was drawn for P%++&((( #ut was recorded as P%+(&(((! ,he management wrote a chec* for tra5eling exenses of P'+&((( while out out of town! ,he chec* was not recorded! ?hat is the amount of outstanding chec*s on August $%& '(%(@ Ans*er+ P(50/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %NFJPIA) JOER &E"TION ! ,en 7an* granted a loan to a #orrower in the amount of P+&(((&((( on Januar %& '(%(! ,he interest rate on the loan is %(: aa#le annuall starting "ecem#er $%& '(%(! ,he loan matures in fi5e ears on "ecem#er $%& '(%2! ,en 7an* incurs P$6&2(( of direct loan origination cost and P%(&((( of indirect loan origination cost! In addition& ,en 7an* charges the #orrower an >-oint nonrefunda#le loan origination fee! "etermine the carring amount of the loan as of Januar %& '(%(& Ans*er+ P4/<3B/400, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %FCC) "uring an audit of an entit)s shareholders) e9uit accounts& the auditor determines whether there are restrictions on retained earnings resulting from loans& agreements& or law! ,his audit rocedure most li*el is intended to 5erif what management)s assertion@ Ans*er+ Present.tion .nd dis-losure RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %LC) 0n 1etem#er %& '(%(& owe Coman offered secial termination #enefits to emloees who had reached the earl retirement age secified in the coman)s ension lan! ,he termination #enefits consisted of lum sum and eriodic future aments! Additionall& the emloees acceting the coman offer recei5e the usual earl retirement ension #enefits! ,he offer exired on No5em#er $(& '(%(! Actual or reasona#l estimated amounts on "ecem#er $%& '(%( relating to the emloees acceting the offer are as follows/ 8um sum aments on Januar %& '(%%& P2<+&((( Present 5alue of eriodic aments& P%++&((( Reduction of accrued ension costs on "ecem#er $%& '(%( for the terminating emloees& P2+&((( owe should reort total loss on termination #enefits at what amount@ Ans*er+ P5;5/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %"EC) ,he following totals are ta*en from the "ecem#er $%& '(%(& #alance sheet of 1treamer Coman/ Current assets P$+(&((( 8ong-term assets >((&((( Current lia#ilities '2(&((( 8ong-term lia#ilities '<(&((( Additional information/ Cash of P$>&((( has #een laced in a fund for the retirement of long-term de#t! ,he cash and longterm de#t ha5e #een offset and are not reflected in the financial statements! 8ong-term assets include P+(&((( in treasur shares! Cash P%2&((( #een set aside to a taxes due! ,he cash and taxes aa#le ha5e #een of offset fset and doofnot aearhas in the financial statements! Ad5ances on salesersonsH salesersonsH commissi commissions ons in the amount of P'%&((( ha5e #een made! made! Also& sales commissions aa#le total P'2&(((! ,he net lia#ilit of P$&((( is included in Current 8ia#ilities! After ma*ing an necessar changes& comute for the totals of 1treamerHs current assets! Ans*er+ P3;5/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %"MC) ChingChing has #een emloed as an accountant # Iran& Inc! for a num#er of ears! 1he handles all accounting duties& including the rearation of financial statements! ,he following is a statement of earned surlus resented # ChingChing/ Ir.n/ In-, "TATEMENT "TA TEMENT OF EARNE! "RPL" 20(0 20 (0 7alance& %%(6 P$;+&((( Increase in '(%( amortiation exense +&((( Gain on sale of trading securities D$&(((E Interest re5enue '&((( Net income for '(%( %+(&((( "ecreased dereciation due to increased life %$&((( "i5idends aid D'(: still unaidE >(&((( 8oss on sale of e9uiment '&+(( 8oss on earth9ua*e >$&((( 8.l.n-e/ (23((0 P=00/500 7ased on the foregoing information& determine the amount of net income that ChingChing should reort in its income statement for '(%(@ Ans*er+ P==/500, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %"FDC) Field Coman)s shareholders) e9uit #alances at Januar %& '(%( were as follows/ 1hare caital P%&+((&((( 1hare remium $&(((&((( Retained earnings '&(((&((( ,he following '(%( transactions and other information relate to the shareholders) e9uit accounts/ Field Fie ld had 2((&(( 2((&(((( autho authori ried ed shar shares es of P+ ar& ar& of wh whic ichh $( $((&( (&((( (( sh shar ares es were were is issu sued ed an andd outstanding! 0n Barch +& '(%(& Field ac9uired +(&((( shares for P%( er share to #e held as treasur! ,he shares were originall issued at P%+ er er share! Field uses the cost method to account for treasur share! 0n Jul %+& '(%(& Field declared and distri#uted a roert di5idend of in5entor! ,he in5entor had a P+((&((( carring 5alue and a P;((&((( fair mar*et 5alue! Field)s net income for '(%( was P+((&(((! Gi5en the information a#o5e and as a result of our audit& Field Coman should reort total shareholder)s e9uit on "ecem#er $%& '(%( at what amount@ Ans*er+ P</000/000, A$ERA7E &E"TION" RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %AIC) ACE &E"TION following information 1onic Coman)s accounts of "ecem#er '(%(! Accounts,he aa#le er general ledgerrelates control to amounted to P+&22(&(((& net of aa#le P'2(&(((as de#it #alances in $%& suliers) accounts! ,he unaid 5oucher file included the following items that not had #een recorded as of "ecem#er $%& '(%(/ A Coman P''2&((( merchandise shied on "ecem#er $%& '(%(& F07 destination recei5ed recei5ed on Januar %(& '(%%! 7& Inc! P%6'&((( merchandise shied on "ecem#er ';& '(%(& F07 shiing oint recei5ed on Januar %;& '(%%! C 1uer 1er5ices P%22&((( .anitorial ser5ices for the three-month eriod ending Januar $%& '(%%! B=RA8C0 P;<&'(( electric #ill co5ering the eriod "ecem#er %;& '(%( to Januar %+& '(%%! 0n "ecem#er '>& '(%(& a sulier authoried 1onic to return goods #illed at P%;(&((( and shied on "ecem#er '(& '(%(! ,he goods were returned # 1onic on "ecem#er '>& '(%(& #ut the P%;(&((( credit memo was not recei5ed until Januar ;& '(%%! "etermine the amount if an& that should #e reorted as current lia#ilit in 1onic)s "ecem#er $%& '(%( #alance sheet! Ans*er+ P5/;4(/<00, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %CTC) JOER &E"TION An audit assistant found a urchase order for a regular sulier in the amount of P+&+((! ,he urchase order was dated after receit of goods! ,he urchasing agent had forgotten to issue urchase order! Also a dis#ursement of P2+( for materials did not ha5e a recei5ing reort! ,he assistant wanted to select additional urchase orders for in5estigation #ut was unconcerned a#out lac* of recei5ing reort! ,he audit director should/ a! Agree Agree with the assistant assistant #ecause #ecause the amount amount of the urchase urchase order order excetion excetion was consider considera#l a#l larger than the recei5ing reort excetion #! Agree Agree with the assistant assistant #ecause #ecause the cash cash dis#ursem dis#ursement ent cler* cler* had #een #een assured assured # the recei5i recei5ing ng cler* that the failure to fill out a reort didn)t haen 5er often! c! "isagree "isagree with the assistant assistant #ecause #ecause two ro#lems ro#lems ha5e ha5e an e9ual ris* of loss loss associated associated with with them! d, !is.gre !is.greee *it1 t1e .ssist. .ssist.nt nt be-.use be-.use t1e l.-? l.-? o . re-eivi re-eiving ng repo report rt 1.s . gre.ter gre.ter ris? o loss loss .sso-i.ted *it1 it, e! Neither Neither agree nor disagree disagree as it is the the assistant)s assistant)s resonsi#ilit resonsi#ilit and and it is at his discretion! discretion! RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %M) You were a#le to gather the following in connection with our audit to the Chona Ann Coman for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%(/ ((20(0 (23(20(0 Accounts recei5a#le P;&2((&((( P2&(((&((( naid merchandise in5oices @ '&;'%&((( Accrued wages >+&((( %'+&((( Ad5ertising sulies in5entor $+&((( <+&((( Accrued ad5ertising %2&'+( 2(&((( Preaid Insurance '+&((( nexired insurance 2%&((( "uring the ear& Chona Ann Coman had the following transactions/ Amount collected from customers ,otal aments to suliers of merchandise ,otal aments to suliers of merchandise of rior ears ?ages aid Ad5ertising aid which includes P2(&((( alica#le in '((> Insurance remium aid ?hat is the net urchases for '(%(@ Ans*er+ P((/<0=/000, P%(&(((&((( %$&;%>&((( 2&;$'&((( $&(+(&((( $((&((( %'+&((( RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %PCC) 0n Januar %& '(%(& Charmaine Cororation decided to disose of an item of lant that is carried in its records at a cost of P6((&(((& with accumulated accumulated dereciation dereciation of P%;(&(((! "ereciation "ereciation on the lant since it was originall ac9uired has #een charged of P%(&((( er month! ,he lant will continue to #e oerated until it is sold& at which time the oerations o erations of the lant la nt will #e outsourced! ou tsourced! ,he coman coma n undertoo* undertoo * all the necessar necess ar actions action s to #e a#le to classif the asset as held for sale! It is estimate estimatedd that it could sell the lant for its fair 5alue& P<'(&(((& P<'(&(((& incurring P'(&((( selling costs in the rocess! ,he lant has #een dereciated at an amount of P%(&((( er month! 0n Barch $%& '(%(& the lant had not #een sold #ut& due to shortage of this te of lant& there had #een an increase in the fair 5alue 5alue to P<<(&(((! 0n June $(& '(%(& Charmaine Charmaine sold the lant lant for P<>+&((( incurring incurring P'+&((( selling costs! ,he dereciation exense to #e recognied in '(%( is/ Ans*er+ P0, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %M"M) ,he following information is a5aila#le from our client& 1an Coman for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%(/ Cash recei5ed from customers P+&(((&((( Rent recei5ed %((&((( Interest recei5ed +(&((( Cash aid to suliers and emloees $&(((&((( ,axes aid '((&((( Interest aid on long-term de#t 2((&((( Cash di5idends aid +((&((( 7ased on our audit& how much is the net cash ro5ided # oerating acti5ities@ Ans*er+ P(/550/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %M$C) In '(%(& Bount Cororation ac9uired land # aing P$<+&((( down and signing a note with a maturit 5alue of P+&(((&(((! P+&(((&(((! 0n the note)s due date& "ecem#er "ecem#er $%& '(%(& Bount owed P'((&(( P'((&(((( of accrued interest and P+&(((&((( rincial on the note! Bount was in financial difficult and was una#le to ma*e an aments! Bount and the #an* agreed to amend the note as follows/ ,he P'((&((( of interest due on "ecem#er $%& '(%( was forgi5en! ,he rincial of the note was reduced from P+&(((&((( to P2&<+(&((( and the maturit date extended % ear to "ecem#er $%& '(%%! Bount would #e re9uired to ma*e one interest ament totaling P%+(&((( on "ecem#er $%& '(%(! As a result of the trou#led de#t restructuring& restructuring& Bount should reort a gain& #efore taxes& in its '(%( income statement of/ Ans*er+ P300/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %JPI) follows/ ,aal Coman is a calendar ear entit! Its financial statements for '((6 and '(%( contained error as %'$%(6 In5entor understated P$+&((( %'$%%( In5entor understated %(&((( '((6 "ereciation o5erstated '+&((( '(%( "ereciation understated >&((( %'$%(6 Preaid Insurance o5erstated +&((( %'$%%( nearned Rent o5erstated 2&((( %'$%%( Accrued 1alaries understated '(&((( 7 how much would the retained earnings at "ecem#er $%& '((> #e under or o5erstated@ Ans*er+ P ((/000 underst.ted, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %F") '(%(/ ,he retained earnings account for Gondola Coman shows the following charges and credits for the ear 7alance& %%%( 8oss from fire Goodwill imairment 1toc* di5idend 8oss on sale of e9uiment Comensation of '((6 not accrued 8oss on retirement of reference share 1hare remium Gain on earl retirement of #onds Gain on life insurance settlement Prior eriod error correction credit Net income for the ear P'&;((&((( +(&((( '+(&((( <((&((( '((&((( +((&((( $+(&((( ;((&((( %((&((( 2+(&((( 2((&((( $&(((&((( ,reasur share aroriation for '(%( %&(((&((( ow much is Gondola)s unaroriated retained earnings at "ecem#er $%& '(%(@ Ans*er+ P3/500/000, !IFFICLT &E"TION" RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %"IC) ACE &E"TION In the course of our examination of the "ecem#er $%& '(%%& financial statements of A9uino Inc!& ou disco5ered certain errors disco5ered errors that had occurred occurred during during '(%( and '(%%! '(%%! No errors were corrected corrected during during '(%(! ,he errors are summaried #elow/ 7eginning merchandise in5entor in '(%( was understated # P'+6&'((! Berchandise costing P<'&((( was sold for P%'(&((( to James Cor! on "ecem#er '>& '(%(& #ut the sale was recorded in '(%%! '(%%! ,he merchandise merchandise was shied F07 shiing oint and was included in ending in5entor! in5entor! A9uino uses the eriodic in5entor sstem! A two-ear two-ear fire insurance insurance olic was urchased urchased on Ba %& '(%(& for P%<'&>((! ,he whole amount was charged to Preaid Insurance! In surance! No ad.usting entr was reared reare d in '(%( and '(%%! A one-ear note recei5a#le of P'>>&((( was held # A9uino Inc! #eginning 0cto#er %& '(%(! Pament of the %(: note and accrued interest interest was recei5ed uon matur maturit it!! No ad.usting ad.usting entr was made on "ecem#er $%& '(%(! =9uime =9ui ment nt with a %(was earrecorded useful useful life was'(%( urchase urch Januar Januar for P%&%<;&( P%&% No dereciation exense during or ased '(%d%! on '(%%! Assume that%&the'(%(& e9uiment has<;&(((! no((! residual 5alue and that A9uino Inc! uses the straight-line method for recording dereciation! ,he coman reorted a P%&+((&((( net income in '(%( and a P%&<+(&((( net income in '(%%! 7ased on the information a#o5e and as a result of our audit& what is the correct net income in '(%(@ Ans*er+ P3<3/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %"TC) JOER &E"TION ,he in5ento in5entor r on hand hand at "ecem#er "ecem#er $%& '(%( for Fair Coman Coman 5alued 5alued at a cost cost of P62<&>((! P62<&>((! ,he following items were not included in this in5entor amount/ Purchased goods& in transit& shied F07 destination in5oice rice P$'&((( which included freight charges of P%&;((! Goods Go ods held held on consi consignm gnmen entt # Fair Fair Co Com man an at a sa sales les r ric icee of P'>& P'>&((( (((&& in incl cludi uding ng sa sales les commission of '(: of the sales rice! Goods sold to Garcia Coman& under terms F07 destination& in5oiced for P%>&+(( which includes P%&((( freight charges to deli5er the goods! Goods are in transit! Purchased goods in transit& terms F07 shiing oint& in5oice rice P2>&(((& freight cost& P$&(((! Goods out on consignment to Banil Coman& sales rice P$;&2((& shiing cost of P'&(((! Assuming Assumi ng that the comanHs comanHs selling rice is %2(: of in5entor cost& the ad.usted cost of Fair ComanHs ComanHs in5entor at "ecem#er $%& '(%( should #e/ Ans*er+ P(/03B/300, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %D) At*ins #ought #ought fi5e identical lots of de5eloment de5eloment land for P' million in '(%(! 0n Januar '& '(%' At*i At*ins ns sold three of the lots of land to an in5estment coman& coman& 8and#an*& for a total of P'!2 million! ,his rice was #ased on <+: of the fair mar*et 5alue of P$!' million as determined # an in indeendent deendent sur5eor at the date of sale! ,he terms of the sale contained two clauses/ At*ins can re-urchase the lots of land for the full fair 5alue of P$!' million Dthe 5alue determined of the date of saleE an time until "ecem#er $%& '(%2 and 0n % Januar '(%+& 8and#an* has the otion to re9uire At*ins At*ins to re-urchase re-urchase the roerties for P$!' million! You ma assume that 8and#an* see*s a return on its in5estments of %(: er annum! #/ If At*ins recorded the legal form of the transaction instead of its su#stance& rofit for '(%' will #e o5erstated Ans*er+ P(/440/000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %COC) Potter Coman Coman is in its first ear of oeration oeration and is using the cash #asis of accoun accounting! ting! ,he coman resented the following cash receits and dis#ursement records for '(%(/ Cash receits P$>2&((( Cash dis#ursements D'2<&+((E P%$;&+(( ,he management re9uested ou to comute its income under accrual #asis! ,he following information are deemed rele5ant in our analsis/ "ereciation of lant assets for '(%( comuted # straight-line method is P$%&+((! Preaid insurance of P+&2((& two-thirds of which relates to '(%%& is included in the '(%( cash dis#ursement figure! ,his amount was recognied as insurance exense when it was aid! Porter Coman Coman recei5ed P$;&((( P$;&((( in ad5ance rent for sace in its #uilding! ,he entire amou amount nt is included in the cash receits figure figure and was recognied as rent re5enue when recei5e recei5ed! d! owe5er& owe5er& P'%&((( of it was sace that will #e ro5ided in '(%%! =mloees are due P>&2(( at the end of '(%(! Interest amounting to P6&+%( from in5estment is recei5a#le at the end of '(%(! You estimate that our '(%( fee for accounting ser5ices that ha5e not #een #illed will #e P%&+((! ?hat is the total lia#ilities to #e reorted as of the #alance sheet date under the accrual #asis@ Ans*er+ P30/B00, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %IIT) on insection of the records of =5er#odHs Coman& the following facts were disco5ered for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%(/ A fire remium remium of P2&((( was aid and charged as insurance insurance exense in '(%(! ,he fire insurance olic co5ers one ear from Aril %& '(%(! In5entor on Januar %& '(%( was understated # P>&(((! In5entor on "ecem#er $%& '(%( was understated # P%'&(((! 7usiness taxes of P+&+(( for the fourth 9uarter of '(%( were aid on Januar '(& '(%% and charged as exense in '(%%! ' (%%! 0n "ecem#er +& '(%(& a cash ad5ance of P%(&((( # a customer was recei5ed for goods to #e deli5ered in Januar '(%%! '(%%! ,he P%(&((( was credited to sales! ,he comanHs gross rofit on sales is 2(:! ,he net income of =5er#odHs Coman on the income statement for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%(& #efore an ad.ustments for the a#o5e information& is P%++&(((! ?hat is the ad.usted net income of =5er#od)s Coman for the ear ended for the "ecem#er $%& '(%(@ Ans*er+ P(44/500, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %L!C) 0n Ba ;& '(%( a flash flood caused damage to the merchandise stored in the warehouse of Ca#anatuan Coman!! You were as*ed to su#mit an estimate Coman estimate of the merchandise merchandise destroed in the warehouse! warehouse! ,he following data were esta#lished/ Net sales for '((6 were P>((&(((& matched against cost of P+;(&(((! Berchandise in5entor& Jan! %& '(%( was P'((&(((& 6(: of which was in the warehouse and %(: in downtown showrooms! For Jan! %& '(%( to date of flood& ou ascertained in5oice 5alue of urchases Dall stored in the warehouseE& P%((&((( freight freigh t inward& P2&((( urchases retu returned& rned& P;&(((! Cost of merchandise transferred from the warehouse to show-rooms was P>&(((& and net sales from Januar % to Ba ;& '(%( Dall warehouse stoc*E were P$'(&(((! Assuming gross rofit rate in '(%( to #e the same as in the re5ious ear& the estimated merchandise destroed # the flood was/ Ans*er+ P4</000, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %8") John Cor! has the following data relating to accounts recei5a#le for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%(/ Accounts recei5a#le& Januar %& '(%( P2>(&((( Allowance for dou#tful accounts& Januar %& '(%( %6&'(( 1a 1ale less dur durin ingg tthe he ea earr& aallll on acc accou ount nt&& term termss '%( '%(&& %%+ %%+&& nn; ;(( '& '&2( 2((& (&(( (((( Cash recei5ed from customers during the ear '&+;(&((( Accounts written off during the ear %<&;(( An analsis of cash recei5ed from customers during the ear re5ealed that P%&2%% P%&2%%&'(( &'(( was recei5ed from customers a5ailing the %(-da discount eriod& P<6'&((( from customers a5ailing the %+-da discount eriod& P2&>(( reresented reco5er of accounts written-off& and the #alance was recei5ed from customers aing #eond the discount eriod! ,he allowance for dou#tful accounts is ad.usted so that it reresents certain ercentage of the outstanding accounts recei5a#le at ear end! ,he re9uired ercentage at "ecem#er $%& '(%( is %'+: of the rate used on "ecem#er $%& '((6! ,he dou#tful accounts exense for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%( is/ Ans*er+ P=/(20, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %CM) ,he =5ita Coman uses cash #asis accounting accounting for their records! "uring '(%(& =5ita collected collected P+((&((( from its customers& made aments of P'((&((( to its suliers for in5entor& and aid P%2(&((( for oerating costs! =5ita wants wants to reare accrual accrual #asis statements statements!! In gathering gathering information information for the accrual accrual #asis financial financial statements& =5ita disco5ered the following/ Customers owed =5ita P+(&((( at the #eginning of '(%( and P$+&((( at the end of '(%(! =5ita owed suliers P'(&((( at the #eginning of '(%( and P'<&((( at the end of '(%(! =5itaHs #eginning in5entor was P2'&(((& and its ending in5entor was P22&(((! =5ita had reaid exenses of P+&((( at the #eginning of '(%( and P<&2(( at the end of '(%(! =5ita had accrued exenses of P%'&((( at the #eginning of '(%( and P%6&((( at the end of '(%(! "ereciation for '((> was P+%&(((! "etermine the accrual #asis net income of =5ita Coman for the ear ended "ecem#er $%& '(%(! Ans*er+ P;4/400, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %MTIM) 1osset Coman is a Philiine cororation that urchases in5entor from 1 manufacturers! A recent in5entor urchase in5ol5ed the following e5ents/ No5! %' Purchased raw materials from amton 7as Coman& a 1 manufacturer& amounting to 1 '+(&(((& aa#le in ;( das! Current exchange rate is P+(!2+! 1osset uses eretual in5entor sstem and de#its in5entor account! "ec! $% Bade ear-end ad.usting entr relating to the K'+(&((( accounts aa#le to amton 7as! Current exchange rate is P+(!>6! Jan! %% Issued a chec* amounting to K'+(&((( in full ament of the accounts aa#le to amton 7as and recorded a gain amounting to P%''&+((! ?hat is the exchange rate of the Philiine eso to 1 dollar on Januar %%@ Ans*er+ P50,40, RFJPIA CP LE$EL 5 – Auditing Problems %L") In confirming with an outside agent& such as financial institutions& that the agent is holding in5estment securities in the client)s name& an auditor most li*el gathers e5idence in suort of management)s financial statement assertion of existence or occurrence and what other assertion@ Ans*er+ Rig1ts .nd oblig.tions,