!"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 !"#$%&' ) 12/31/17 Assets U O U U U 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2017 Profit U U U U O 12/31/18 Assets U O U U U 2018 Profit O U O NE O *+,,-./01/234 56,37 2. 830 92.:-..234 ;-0;3.6 34,< **=::3-4/ /2/,6. 106 43/ .;6:282: 56:> /?6 ;035,6@ 06A-2069 34,< /3 /1B6 24/3 6886:/ /?6 CD)E 149 CD)F =..6/. 149 !0382/ Correct Entry 1. Assume, Expense = 100,000 Per Client Interpretation Year 2017 Year 2017 1/1 Equipment Cash 100,000 100,000 12/31 Dep exp Acc Dep 20,000 20,000 1/1 Expense Cash 12/31 2017 Asset Understated by 80,000 100,000 100,000 2017 Profit Overstated Expense by 80,000 therefore Understated Profit by 80,000 -no entryYear 2018 Year 2018 12/31 Dep exp 20,000 Acc Dep 20,000 12/31 2018 Asset Understated by 60,000 -no entry- 2018 Profit Understated expense by 20,000 Overstated profit by 20,000 2. Year 2016 1/1 Expense Cash 12/31 30,000 30,000 Year 2017 -no entry- 1/1 Asset Cash 12/31 -no entry 30,000 2017 Asset 30,000 Overstated by 18,000 12/31 Exp Acc. Amort(Asset) 6,000 6,000 2017 Profit Overstated Expense by 6,000 Year 2017 therefore Understated Profit by 6,000 12/31 Exp Year 2018 *Training costs are not capitalizable; they are period costs Year 2016 6,000 2018 Asset Acc. Amort(Asset) 6,000 Overstated by 12,000 Year 2018 12/31 Exp 6,000 Acc. Amort(Asset) 6,000 2018 Profit Overstated Expense by 6,000 therefore Understated Profit by 6,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 3.* *Assuming Qualifying Asset = 40,000 Year 2017 Year 2017 1/1 Qualifying Asset 40,000 Cash1 40,000 1/1 Expense Cash 12/31 Dep exp Acc Dep 12/31 1,000 1,000 -no entry- 2017 Profit Overstated expense by 39,000 therefore Understated profit by 39,000 Year 2018 Year 2018 12/31 Dep exp Acc Dep 40,000 40,000 2017 Asset Understated by 39,000 1,000 1,000 12/31 -no entry- 2018 Asset Understated by 38,000 2018 Profit Understated Expense by 1,000 therefore Overstated Profit by 1,000 4. Assume Land bought for parking lot = Land improvement Useful Life = 10 years Year 2017 1/1 Land Improvement Cash 12/31 Dep. Exp Acc. Dep Year 2017 120,000 120,000 12,000 12,000 1/1 Expense Cash 12/31 2017 Asset Understated by 108,000 120,000 120,000 2017 Profit Overstated expense by 108,000 therefore -no entryUnderstated profit by 108,000 Year 2018 12/31 Dep exp Acc Dep Year 2018 12,000 12,000 12/31 2018 Asset Understated by 96,000 -no entry2018 Profit Understated Expense by 12,000 therefore Overstated Profit by 12,000 *After the land is purchased, it must be leveled and graded for drainage. Concrete or blacktop can then be poured over the dirt and line can be painted for parking spots. spots. Like all land improvements, a parking lot has a limited life. And should therefore be Depreciated annually. !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Assume Land bought for parking lot was not treated as Land Improvements but as Land. 1/1 Expense Cash 120,000 120,000 2017 Profit Overstated expense by 120,000 Year 2017 1/1 Land Cash 120,000 120,000 2017 Asset Understated by 120,000 Year 2017 12/31 therefore Understated profit by 120,000 -no entryYear 2018 12/31 -no entry12/31 2018 Asset Understated by 120,00 -no entry- 2018 Profit No Effect Year 2018 12/31 -no entry- 5. Assume Useful Life = 5 years FV of Dismantling Cost after 5 yrs = 133,815 Discount Rate = 6% Year 2017 Year 2017 1/1 Equipment Cash 500,000 Equipment PFDC 100,000 100,000 500,000 12/31 Depreciation Acc. Dep 120,000 Interest Expense PFDC 1/1 Equipment Cash 6,000 Interest Expense PFDC 500,000 2017 Profit Understated expense by 26,000 therefore Overstated profit by 26,000 100,000 100,000 -no entry6,000 Year 2018 12/31 Depreciation Acc. Dep 500,000 -no entry- 12/31 Depreciation 120,000 Acc. Dep 2017 Asset Understated by 80,000 Year 2018 120,000 120,000 6,360 12/31 Depreciation Acc. Dep -no entry- 6,360 Legend PFDC= Provision for Dismantling Cost 2018 Asset Understated by 60,000 100,000 100,000 2018 Profit Overstated Expense by 26,360 therefore Understated Profit by 26,360 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 !035,6@ C Under(Over) statement in Profit of Nature of error Retained Earnings 2016 2017 29,000 (29,000) 30,000 2018 01/01/18 (30,000) 34,000 30,000 2018 Accounts Affected Account Dr. Cr. Omission of prepaid expenses 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 Omission of unearned revenue: 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 Omission of accrued expenses: 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 Omission of accrued revenues 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 Net under(over)statement Reported profit(loss) Corrected profit(loss) (20,000) (27,500) 20,000 (28,000) 27,500 (25,000) 28,000 (15,000) 25,000 (27,000) (28,000) (25,000) Expenses Prepaid expenses Expenses Revenue Revenue Unearned revenue Expenses Expenses 30,000 34,000 34,000 28,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 27,000 Accrued expenses expenses 42,500 24,000 (120,000) (96,000) (42,500) 45,000 ( 2,000) 100,000 98,000 CD)F =9G-./24H I3-041, &4/026. 1> (45,000) 41,000 11,000 200,000 211,000 45,000 Revenues Accrued revenues Revenues 27,000 45,000 41,000 22,000 &J;64.6. KDLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. KDLDDD :> &J;64.6 CELDDD =::> &J;64.6 CELDDD !06;129 &J;64.6. &J;64.6. "6/12469 &10424H. &J;64.6 COLDDD COLDDD 9> =::> "6N +4:3@6 M)LDDD M)LDDD 5> "6/12469 &10424H. "6N64-6 KMLDDD KMLDDD CFLDDD CFLDDD "6N64-6 )OLDDD P4610469 "6N64-6 )OLDDD "6N64-6 MOLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. MOLDDD 41,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 !035,6@ K Correct Entry 1. Per Client Year 2017 Wages Expense 160,000 Acc. Expense 160,000 Year 2018 Acc. Expense 160,000 Cash 160,000 2. Year 2017 Interest Receivable 48,000 Unearned. Revenue 48,000 2018 Adjusting Entry Year 2017 -no entry- Retained Earnings 160,000 Wages Expense 160,000 Year 2018 Wages Expense 160,000 Cash 160,000 Year 2017 None -no entry- Year 2018 Year 2018 Unearned Revenue 48,000 Cash 48,000 Interest Income 48,000 Interest Income Cash 48,000 Interest Receivable 48,000 3. Year 2017 Prepaid Insurance Cash Year 2017 60,000 -No entry60,000 Insurance Expense 15,000 Insurance Expense Prepaid Insurance 15,000 Cash 4. 5. Year 2018 Insurance Expense 20,000 Prepaid Insurance 20,000 Year 2017 Unused Supplies 45,000 Cash 45,000 Supplies Expense 20,000 Unused Supplies 20,000 Year 2018 Supplies Expense 52,000 Cash 52,000 Unused Supplies 28, 000 Supplies Expense 28,000 Year 2017 1/1 R&D Expense 120,000 Cash 120,000 12/31 -no entryYear 2018 12/31 -no entry- 6. 48,000 Prepaid Insurance 25,000 Insurance Expense 20,000 Retained Earnings 45,000 60,000 60,000 Year 2018 -No entryYear 2017 Supplies Expense 45,000 Cash 45,000 Year 2018 Supplies Expense 52,000 Cash 52,000 Unused Supplies 25,000 Retained Earnings 25,000 Unused supplies 28,000 Supplies Expense 28,000 Year 2017 Retained Earnings 120,000 1/1 Intangible Asset 120,000 Intangible Asset 120,000 Cash 120,000 Acc. Amort. 40,000 12/31 Amort. Exp. 40,000 Amortization Expense 40,000 Acc. Amortization 40,000 Acc. Amort 40,000 Year 2018 Retained Earnings 40,000 Amortization Expense 40,000 Acc. Amortization 40,000 Year 2017 Year 2017 Retained Earnings 93,333 5/1 5/1 Unearned Service Rev. 53,333 Cash 120,000 Cash 120,000 Service Revenue 40,000 Service Revenue 120,000 Service Revenue 120,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 12/31 12/31 Service Rev. 93,333 -noneUnearned Service Rev Rev 93,333 Year 2018 Year 2018 -noneUnearned Service Rev. Rev. 40,000 Service Revenue 40,000 7. Year 2017 Cash xx Rent Income xx Rent Income 36,000 Unearned Rent 36,000 Year 2018 Unearned Rent 36,000 Rent Income 36,000 8. Year 2016 1/1 PPE 1,500,000 Cash 1,500,000 12/31 Dep. Exp 300,000 Acc. Dep 300,000 Year 2017 12/31 Dep. Exp 300,000 Acc. Dep 300,000 Year 2018 12/31 Dep. Exp 300,000 Acc. Dep 300,000 Year 2017 Cash xx Rent Income Retained Earnings 36,000 Rent Income 36,000 xx -no entryYear 2018 -no entryYear 2016 1/1 Maintenance Exp. Cash Year 2017 -No entryYear 2018 -No entry- 1,500,000 1,500,000 PPE 1,500,000 Retained Earnings 1,500,000 Retained Earnings 600,000 Acc. Dep 600,000 Dep Exp 300,000 Acc. Dep. 300,000 or Compound entry: PPE 1,500,000 Dep. Exp 300,000 Acc. Dep 900,000 RE 900,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 !035,6@ M QR-4:/234 38 &J;64.6 '6/?39S Per Audit 1. Assume Merch Inv. understated is 10,000 Per Client 2018 Adjusting Entry Year 2017 -no entry- Year 2017 MI end. 10,000 CGS 10,000 or MI beg. 10,000 Retained Earnings 10,000 CGS 10,000 MI,Beg 10,000 Year 2018 CGS 10,000 MI, Beg. 10,000 Year 2018 CGS xx MI, end xx Retained Earnings 10,000 Year 2018 -no entry- 2. Compound entry CGS 10,000 Year 2018 -no entry- 2018 AJE CGS xx MI,end xx *Assuming error was discovered in 2019 2019 AJE RE beg CGS 3. 4. 5. 6. Year 2018 CGS/Purch xx AP xx Year 2018 -no entry- Mi, end xx CGS xx -no entry- 2017 Purch Yearxx AP xx 2017 Purch Yearxx AP xx MI xx CGS xx Year 2017 A/R xx Sales xx -no entryYear 2017 -No entry- xx xx RE beg. xx Purchase xx 2018 AJE CGS /Purch xx AP xx MI,end CGS xx xx Merch Inv. Earnings xx Retained xx Sales xx Retained Earnings xx !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 !035,6@ O !"# %&'()*+( ,- &-./*,( &-00(&, /0-12,3 Under(over)statement in Profit Under(over)statement 2016 2017 Omission of accrued wages 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 Omission of unused supplies 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 Omission of accrued interest income 12/31/17 Sale of equipment - Proceeds Gain on sale Recorded depreciation Omission of unearned rent Net under(over)statemen under(over)statementt Reported Profit Corrected Profit (80,000) 80,000 (60,000) 2018 60,000 RE, 1/1/18 (60,000) (78,000) 32,000 (32,000) 25,000 18,000 (25,000) 7,000 4,200 4,200 (61,800) 450,000 388,200 35,200 290,000 325,200 (25,000) 22,400 (18,000) 18,000 4,200 (40,000) (74,400) 440,000 365,600 (2) Audit adjusting entries: Retained Earnings Wages Expense 60,000 Wages Expense Wages Payable 78,000 Supplies Expense Retained Earnings 25,000 Unused Supplies Supplies Expense 22,400 Interest Income Retained Earnings 18,000 Retained Earnings Accumulated Depreciation Equipment Depreciation Expense 9,600 36,600 60,000 78,000 25,000 22,400 18,000 42,000 4,200 (3) Correcting entries in 2019 Retained Earnings Wages Expense 78,000 Supplies Expense Retained Earnings 22,400 25,000 78,000 22,400 (9,600) (26,600) !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Retained Earnings Accumulated Depreciation Equipment 5,400 36,600 42,000 !035,6@ T Correct Entry 1. 2. 2018 Adjusting Entry Year 2016 Year 2016 1/1 1/1 Equipment 550,000 Equipment 550,000 Cash 550,000 Cash 550,000 12/31 12/31 Depreciation Expense 82 500 Depreciation Expense 91,667 Acc. Dep. 82 500 Acc. Dep. 91,667 Year 2017 Year 2017 12/31 12/31 Depreciation Expense 82 500 Depreciation Expense 91,667 Acc. Dep. 82 500 Acc. Dep. 91,667 Acc. Dep 18,334 RE, beg 18,334 Year 2018 Year 2018 12/31 12/31 Depreciation Expense 82 500 Depreciation Expense 91,667 Acc. Dep. 82 500 Acc. Dep. 91,667 Acc. Dep 9,167 Dep Exp 9,167 Year 2017 Salaries Expense 65 000 Salaries Payable 65 000 RE, beg. 65 000 Salaries Payable Year 2018 Salaries Payable 65 000 Cash 65 000 3. Per Client Year 2017 -no entryYear 2018 Salaries Expense 65 000 Cash 65 000 Salaries Payable 65 000 Salaries Expense 65 000 Year 2017 Year 2017 Loss on damages 450 000 Loss on damages 450 000 Provision for damages 450 000 Provision for damages 450 000 Year 2018 Year 2018 Provision for damages 450 000 Provision for damages 450 000 Loss on damages 135 000 Retained Earnings 135 000 Cash 585 000 Cash 585 000 4. 65 000 Year 2017 1/1 Goodwill 240 000 Cash 240 000 12/31 Amortization Expense 24 000 Accumulated Amort. 24 000 Loss on damages 135 000 Retained Earnings 135 000 Year 2017 1/1 Goodwill 240 000 Cash 240 000 12/31 Amortization Expense 12 000 Goodwill 12 000 Goodwill 12 000 RE, beg. 12 000 Accumulated Amort. 24 000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Year 2018 Amortization Expense 24 000 Year 2018 Accumulated Amort. 24 000 Amortization Expense Goodwill Goodwill 12 000 12 000 Amortization Expense 12 000 12 000 Accumulated Amort. 24 000 (Note: SMEs amortize Goodwill over ten years ) 5. 6. Year 2018 Year 2018 Cash 340 000 Cash 340 000 Advances fr. customers 340 000 Sales 340 000 Year 2017 Expense 60 000 Cash 60 000 Year 2017 Equipment 60 000 Cash 60 000 Depreciation Expense 6 000 Acc. Dep. 6 000 Year 2018 Equipment 50 000 Cash 50 000 Depreciation Expense 11 000 Acc. Dep. 11 000 Year 2018 Expense 50 000 Cash 50 000 7. Sales 340 000 Advances fr. customers 340 000 Expense 50 000 Equipment 50 000 Acc. Dep. 11 000 Depreciation Exp. 11 000 Year 2016 Year 2016 Merchandise Inventory 42 000 -no entryCGS 42 000 Merch. Inv. 42 000 RE, beg. 42 000 RE, beg. 42 000 Merch. Inv. 42 000 Year 2017 Year 2017 Merchandise Inventory 51 000 CGS 51 000 -no entry- Merch. Inv. 51 000 RE, beg. 51 000 CGS 51 000 Merch. Inv. 51 000 Year 2018 Year 2018 CGS 30 000 -no entryMerchandise Inventory 30 000 8. RE, beg. 60 000 Equipment 60 000 Acc. Dep. 6 000 RE, beg. 6 000 Year 2017 Purchases 153 000 Accounts Payable 153 000 Year 2017 -no entry- Year 2018 A/P Cash Year 2018 Purchases Cash 153,000 153,000 CGS 30 000 Merch. Inv. 30 000 -no entry-no entry153,000 153,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 !035,6@ E CD)E =PU+V =I& CD)F =PU+V =I& W3@@2..234 +4:3@6 FLDDD P4610469 W3@@2..234 W3@@2..234 +4:3@6 FLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. FLDDD W3@@2..234 +4:3@6 Q#+S FLDDD W3@@2..234 +4:3@6Q#+S TLMDD P4610469 W3@@2..234 +4:3@6 TLMDD !06;129 "64/ "64/ &J;64.6 )TLDDD )TLDDD "64/ &J;64.6QX=&S "6/12469 &10424H. )TLDDD )TLDDD !06;129 "64/ "64/ &J;64.6QX=&S +4/606./ "6:62N15,6 +4/606./ +4:3@6 FLDDD FLDDD Y1H6. &J;64.6. COLDDD Y1H6. !1<15,6 COLDDD +4/606./ +4:3@6Q#+S "6/12469 &10424H. C)LDDD C)LDDD FLDDD FLDDD +4/606./ "6:62N15,6 )CLDDD +4/606./ +4:3@6 Q#+S )CLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. COLDDD Y1H6. &J;64.6QX=&S COLDDD Y1H6. &J;64.6.QX=&S Y1H6. !1<15,6 X1,6. CCLDDD CCLDDD ZDLDDD =9N14:6. 803@ :-./3@60. ZDLDDD =::3-4/. !1<15,6 )OLDDD W#[X\!-0:?1.6. )OLDDD W#[XQ!-0:?S )OLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. )OLDDD &A-2;@64/ &A-2;@64/ CDLDDD &J;64.6 CDLDDD U6;06:21/234 &J;> CLDDD =:: U6; CLDDD CDLDDD U6;> &J; QX=&S MLDDD =::> U6; TLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. )FLDDD !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 (a) Gloria Company Comparative Statements of Comprehensive Income For the Years Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017 '()*+ /0+1 02 '()*+ , 780++ ,80291 :1;*8 :<*8(19=> ?=@0A* B01() ?=@0A* C*++D '*))9=> (=E FEA9=9+18(19G* FEA9=9+18(19 G* HI<*=+*+ J*1 ?=@0A* 280A :<*8(190=+ ?=1*8*+1 HI<*=+* J*1 ?=@0A* , , , , !"#$ -#".""" 3#4.""" !-4.""" $4.3"" 6$".3"" !&3.""" #"5.3"" $".""" !5.3"" , , , , , !"#& &!".""" 564.""" !$4.""" 6".""" 6#4.""" #$#.""" #65.""" !".""" ##5.""" (b) Effect on total assets, December 31, 2017 (see audit adjusting entries for 2017) 4 "56777 8 96777 8 :76777 ; :6777 4 <=:6777 *>)(0?,@,() (c) Effect on total assets, December 31, 2018 (see audit adjusting entries for 2018) 4 :"6777 8 ":6777 8 :76777 ; :6777 ; =6777 4 <=A6777 *>)(0?,@,()B (d) Effect on total liabilities, December 31, 2018 (see audit adjusting entries for 2018) 4 56=77 8 C767778::6777 4 ""96=77 *>)(0?,@,() !035,6@ F Particulars Omission of unused supplies 12/31/16 12/31/17 Repairs charged to equipment on 1/1/16 AFS securities securities were measured at cost Correct cost of equipment, P746,070 Recorded cost 900,000 Difference 153,930 Difference in depreciation 2017 153,930 x 10% x 3/12 = 33,848 ,848 2018 153,930 / 10 = 15,393 Interest expense 2017 P74,607 x 3/12 = Net under (overstatement) *CV of Client = 787,500 vs Correct CV = 652,811 !035,6@ Z 1>S W3@;-/1/234 38 :3006:/ ;0382/ Q,3..S 2017 Profit Retained earnings, Dec. 31, 2017 15,000 15,000 8,500 "#$%$$$& (68,000) (20,000) 3,848 3,848 (18,652) (11,304) (18,652) (87,804) Non- current Assets, 12/31/18 12/31/18 Retained earnings January 1, 2017 (59,500) (2,400,000) (76,500) *(134,689) (2,594,189) (76,500) !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 W3@;-/1/234 38 06/12469 610424H. Balance, January 1 Particulars Profit (loss) Omissions of Dividends declared Accrued expenses, expenses, 12/31/17 Balance, December 31 12/31/18 12/31/19 Accrued income income 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 Prepaid expenses 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 Unearned income 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 Omission in the ending inventory 2018 2019 Machine charged to expense on August 31, 2017 Depreciation on the machine Net understatement (overstatement) Reported profit (loss) Correct profit (loss) (b) 2019 Audit Adjusting Entries P 2016 2017 2018 0 2017 (164,333) P(164,333) 2018 342,000 (60,000) 20,000 P117,667 (25,000) P117,667 2019 405,000 (100,000) 422,667 25,000 (30,000) (20,000) P(164,333) 32,000 12,000 15,000 (10,000) 80,000 (3,333) 85,667 (250,000) 164,333 25,000 Operating Expenses Accrued Expenses Expenses 30,000 Income Retained Earnings 30,000 Accrued Income Income Income 26,000 Expenses Retained Earnings 18,000 Prepaid Expenses Expenses 24,000 Retained Earnings Income 10,000 Inventory, beginning/Cost of Sales Retained Earnings (12,000) 18,000 (15,000) Retained Earnings Operating Expenses Income Unearned Income (32,000) 30,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 26,000 18,000 24,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 28,000 28,000 (30,000) 26,000 (18,000) 24,000 10,000 (8,000) 28,000 (28,000) 64,000 (10,000) (10,000) 22,000 320,000 342,000 25,000 380,000 405,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Inventory, end Income Summary/ Cost of Sales 64,000 Machinery Operating Expenses Retained Earnings Accumulated Depreciation 80,000 10,000 64,000 66,667 23,333 !035,6@ )D 2017 AUDIT AJE 2018 AUDIT AJE Allowance for Bad Debts Bad Debts Expense Unrealized Loss-P/L 3,000 Held for Trading Securities (FVPL) 3,000 5,000 5,000 Retained Earnings 3,000 Held for Trading Securities (FVPL) 3,000 Held for Trading Securities(FVPL) 10,000 Unrealized Gain P&L 10,000 COGS Inventory, end 8,900 8,900 Equipment Expense 36,000 36,000 Dep. Exp Acc. Dep 3,000 3,000 Retained Earnings COGS 8,900 8,900 COGS Inventory, end Equipment Retained Earnings Retained Earnings Operating Expenses Acc Dep 13,600 13,600 36,000 36,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 Acc. Dep 20,000 Equipment 17,000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 3,000 !06;129 +4.-014:6 TLDDD +4.-014:6 &J;64.6 KLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. ZLDDD !06;129 +4.-014:6 KLDDD +4.-014:6 &J;64.6 KLDDD "6/12469 &10424H. TLDDD %*D2E@D2 F-0/-0@,2-> %,@,(.(>, -1 F-./0('(>?2G( H>&-.( I-0 ,'( J(@0? K>)() L(&(.M(0 N"6 :7"9 @>) :7"A Sales Cost of Sales GrossonProfit Gain Sale of Equipment Unrealized Gain on Trading Securities Total Income 2018 P1,000,000 434,700 2017 P900,000 403,900 P 565,300 3,000 P 496,100 10,000 578,300 496,100 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Operating Expenses Unrealized Loss on Trading Securities Profit (351,000) P227,300 %*D2E@D2 F-0/-0@,2-> %,@,(.(>, -1 I2>@>&2@+ <-?2,2-> L(&(.M(0 N"6 :7"9 @>) :7"A 2018 Current Assets Cash Held for Trading Equity Securities Accounts Receivable, Receivable, net Merchandise Inventory Prepaid Expenses Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment, net of Acc. Deprn Total Assets (280,000) (3,000) P 213,100 2017 P183,000 85,000 360,000 193,400 3,000 P 824,400 P 2,000 75,000 278,000 193,100 6,000 P554,100 P 78,400 P902,800 P 96,100 P650,200 F*00(>, O2@M2+2,2(? P&&-*>,? <@E@M+( <":"6=77 <"C56"77 %'@0('-+)(0?Q KR*2,E Ordinary Share Share Premium Retained Earnings Total Shareholders’ Equity Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity P260,000 20,000 501,400 P781,400 P902,800 P180,000 0 274,100 P 454,100 P650,200 F@?' I+-S %,@,(.(>, I-0 ,'( J(@0 K>)() L(&(.M(0 N"6 :7"9 F@?' I+-S I0-. T/(0@,2>U P&,2G2,2(? F-++(&,2-> 10-. &*?,-.(0? <@E.(>, ,- %*//+2(0? <@E.(>, 1-0 (W/(>?(? X(, &@?' 1+-S 10-. -/(0@,2->? F@?' I+-S I0-. H>G(?,2>U P&,2G2,2(? Sale of equipment Purchase of equipment Net cash flow from investing activities Cash Flow From Financing Activities Issue of ordinary share (80,000 + 20,000) Increase in cash Cash Balance, January 1, 2018 Cash Balance, December 31, 2018 <C7=6777 !V7C6A77# !N"V6977# <A96V77 P 3,000 ( 500) 2,500 100,000 P181,000 2,000 P183,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Computations: Accounts Receivable Receivable Allowance for Uncollectible Uncollectible Accounts AR, Net 2018 P392,000 32,000 P360,000 2017 P296,000 18,000 P278,000 P186,000 107,600 P205,500 109,400 Carrying value P 78,400 P 96,100 Accounts Receivable, Receivable, beg. Sales Accounts Receivable, Receivable, end Collections from customers P296,000 1,000,000 (392,000) P904,000 Inventory, end Cost of sales Inventory, beg. Purchases Accounts Payable, Payable, beginni beginning ng Accounts Payable, Payable, end Payment to suppliers P193,400 434,700 (193,400) P434,700 196,100 (121,400) P509,700 Accumulated depreciation, end end Accumulated depreciation of equipment sold P107,600 20,000 Property, Plant and Equipment Cost Accumulated Depreciation Problem 11 (Tahoma Corporation) Adjusting Entries Entries – December 331, 1, 2018 Sales 100,000 100,000 Retained Earnings Accounts Receivable Receivable Sales 250,000 Retained Earnings Purchases 175,000 Purchases Accounts Payable Payable 140,000 Sales 250,000 175,000 140,000 20,000 20,000 Adv. From customers customers Retained Earnings Expenses 35,000 35,000 Expenses Accrued Expenses Expenses 50,000 Inventory, beginning Retained Earnings 75,000 Inventory, end COGS (Income Summary) 110,000 50,000 75,000 110,000 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Advances to Suppliers Suppliers Purchases Retained Earnings Expenses Accumulated Depreciation Depreciation – P Printing rinting Equipment Equipment 50,000 50,000 3,333 10,000 13,333 Expenses Retained Earnings Accumulated Depreciation Depreciation – B Building uilding 37,500 12,500 KW/(>?(? P++-S@>&( 1-0 Y>&-++(&,2M+( P&&-*>,? :V6777 50,000 :V6777 H>,(0(?, KW/(>?( !V776777 W ":Z W 9["V# =76777 \(,@2>() K@0>2>U? !V776777 W ":Z W =["V# :76777 T/(0@,2>U KW/(>?(? 576777 !X-,(3 : ?(.2]@>>*@+ /@E.(>,? S(0( .@)( 2> :7"9^ M-,' S(0( &'@0U() ,- -/(0@,2>U (W/(>?(?6 M@+@>&( -1 _-0,U@U( /@E@M+( M(1-0( ,'( @>>*@+ /@E.(>, 2> P*U*?, :7"9 2? =V76777 8 V76777# H>,(0(?, KW/(>?( H>,(0(?, <@E@M+( =V76777 W ":Z W =["V "96777 "96777 %,@,(.(>, -1 F-./0('(>?2G( H>&-.( Sales Cost of Sales Inventory, January 1 Purchases Inventory, Dec. 31 Cost of Sales Gross Profit Selling and Administrative Expenses Profit before interest expense Interest expense Profit P 2,130,000 75,000 915,000 (110,000) 880,000 1,250,000 777,500 472,500 58,000 414,500 %,@,(.(>, -1 I2>@>&2@+ <-?2,2-> Current Assets Cash Accounts receivable, receivable, net of allowance allowance for uncollectible uncollectible accounts accounts of P25,000 P25,000 Advances to suppliers suppliers Inventory Total current assets Non-current assets Land Building, net of P50,000 accumulated depreciation Printing equipment, net of P13,333 accumulated depreciation Total property, plant and equipment P 750,000 225,000 50,000 110,000 P1,135,000 P 400,000 700,000 86,667 P1,186,667 !"#$%&' ) !*''&+%,*- *. /''*'0 Total assets P2,321,667 Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity Current Liabilities Accounts payable payable Accrued expenses expenses Current portion of mortgage payable Interest payable Unearned revenue Total current liabilities P 140,000 50,000 50,000 18,000 20,000 P278,000 Non-current liabilities Mortgage payable, net of current portion Total liabilities P 400,000 P 678,000 Shareholders’ Equity Ordinary share capital Retained earnings Total shareholders’ equity Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity `\(,@2>() (@0>2>U?6 a@>*@0E "6 :7"9 M(1-0( @)b*?,.(>, F-00(&,2-> -1 /02-0 /(02-) (00-0? <0-12, 1-0 :7"9 \(,@2>() (@0>2>U?6 L(&(.M(0 N"6 :7"9 P 1,000,000 *643,667 P 1,643,667 P2,321,667 < N776777 !A769NN# ="=6V77 < 5=N655A F'@/,(0 : _2??,@,(.(>,? 2> ,'( I2>@>&2@+ %,@,(.(>,? Accumulated depreciation, beg. Accumulated beg. Depreciation expense (109,400) P18,200 Operating expenses Depreciation Doubtful accounts expense 32,000 – 18,000 Decrease in prepaid expenses P351,000 ( 18,200) ( 14,000) ( 3,000) Operating expenses paid P315,800 Property, Plant and Equipment, cost, end Cost of equipment sold Property, plant and equipment, cost, beg. Equipment purchased P186,000 20,000 (205,500) P 500 '-,/2;,6 W?32:6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.. 14. 15. A C A A B A A B B D B B C B A 16. 17. 18. D C C 19 20. A A 700,000 + 29,000 – 33,000 – 15,000 – 22,000+ 18,000 -33,000 – 15,000 – 15,000 + 18,000 = ( 45,000 ) - 29,000 – 15,000 + 22,000 = (22,000) 5,000,000 + 200,000 – 250,000 – 300,000 + 100,000 = 4,750,000 (300,000) + (50,000) + 100,000 = (250,000) - 16,000 – 15,000 – 10,000 + 10,800 = (30,200) - 15,000 + 10,800 = (4,200) 5,000,000 – 200,000 – 150,000 = 4,650,000 2,500,000 – 1,000,000 + 1,500,000 – 500,000 – 200,000 + 600,000 = 2,900,000 1,500,000 + 600,000 = 2,100,000 1,000,000 + 500,000 + 200,000 = 1,700,000 200,000 / 5 1,550,000 + 10,000 – 80,000 + 120,000 – 55,000 – 100,000 = 1,445,000 3,000,000 – 400,000 = 2,600,000 Profit is understated by 70,000 + 30,000; RE is understated by P30,000; P7,000 has been counterbalanced. 50,400 / 9 = 5,600 54,000 – 11,200 = 42,800 400,000 + 300,000 + 500,000 – 350,000 = 850,000 net overstatement -300,000 – 500,000 + 200,000 = 600,000 overstated