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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University
Gopalganj, Bangladesh
Table-1 Marks and Credits distribution in various disciplines for B.Sc.
Faculty of Science
Department of Physics
Syllabus for B.Sc. Honors Degree
Effective from Session: 2018 – 2019
Course Type
Non major
The detailed distribution of courses in four academic years will be as follows:
First Year: Semester I
Course Title
Second Year: Semester I
Theory/Lab Credit Hours/week
Mechanics and Properties of
Thermal Physics I
Mathematical Methods in
Physics I
Physics Practical I
Differential and Integral
Principles of Statistics
Vibrations and Waves II
Geometrical Optics
Statistical Mechanics
Physics Practical III
Bangabandhu, Liberation
War and Bangladesh
Ordinary and partial
Differential Equations
Physical Chemistry
Theory/Lab Credit Hours/week
Total =
Second Year: Semester II
First Year: Semester II
Course Title
Course Title
Electricity and Magnetism
Thermal Physics II
Vibrations and Waves I
Mathematical Methods in
Physics II
Physics Practical II
Credit Hours/week
Course Title
Classical Mechanics
Physical Optics
Basic Electronics
Electrodynamics I
Physics Practical IV
Functional Analysis
Theory/Lab Credit Hours/week
Total =
Third Year: Semester I
Course Title
Quantum Mechanics I
Nuclear Physics I
Solid State Physics I
Atomic and Molecular
Physics Practical V
Computer Programming
Computer Programming
Fourth Year: Semester I
Theory/Lab Credit Hours/week
Total =
Third Year: Semester II
Total =
Course Title
Quantum Mechanics II
Solid State Physics II
Nuclear Physics II
Pulse and Digital
Physics Practical VI
Numerical Methods
Numerical Methods Lab
Total =
Special Theory of
Introduction to
Materials Science
Renewable Energy
Electrodynamics II
Practical Physics VII
Fourth Year: Semester II
Theory/Lab Credit Hours/week
Course Title
Total =
Course Title
General Theory of
Semiconductor Physics
Health and Medical Physics
Laser Physics
Computational Physics
Physics Practical VIII
First Year: Semester I
Recommended Books:
a. Physics (Volume I) — R. Resnick, D. Halliday and Krane
b. Fundamental of Physics- R. Resnick, D. Halliday and Walker
c. Properties of Matter— Newman and Searle
d. University Physics— Francis W. Sears, Mark W. Zemansky
e. Elements of Properties of Matter— D.S. Mathur
f. Properties of Matter- Brij Lal
g. Physics for Engineers Part-I— Dr. Gius Uddin Ahmad
PHY101 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Particle Dynamics: Kinematics in Two and Three Dimensions;
Projectile Motion; Uniform Circular Motion; Conservative and NonConservative Forces; Potential Energy Function; Conservation of
Momentum; Collision Problems; Center of Gravity and Mass.
2. Rotational Dynamics: Torque and Angular Momentum; Conservation
of Angular Momentum; Kinetic Energy of Rotation and Moment of
Inertia; Theorems of Parallel and Perpendicular Axes for The
Calculation of Moment of Inertia; Calculation of Moment of Inertia of
Solids of Different Shapes.
3. Work, Energy and Power: Work Done by Constant and Variable
Forces; Kinetic and Potential Energies; Work-Energy Theorem;
Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces; One Dimensional Force
Depending on Position Only; Two- And Three-Dimensional
Conservative Systems; Principle of Conservation of Energy.
4. Gravitation: The Law of Universal Gravitation; Determination of The
Value of The Constant of Universal Gravitation G; Inertial and
Gravitational Mass; Variation in Acceleration Due to Gravity;
Gravitational Field and Potential; Gravitational Field Equations; The
Motion of Planets and Satellites and Kepler’s Laws; Gravitational
Potential Energy and Escape Velocity.
5. Mechanics of Elastic Media: Elastic Constants and Their
Relationships; Theory of Bending Beams; Torsion of Cylinder.
6. Surface Tension: Molecular Phenomenon; Surface Energy; Curvature;
Pressure and Surface Tension; Angle of Contact; Rise of Liquid in a
Capillary Tube; Theory of Ripples and the Problem of a Floating
7. Fluid Dynamics: Streamline and Turbulent Flow; Equation of
Continuity; Bernoulli’s Equations and Its Applications; Poiseuille’s
Equation for Fluid Flow; Stoke’s Law - Measurement of Viscosity;
Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Viscosity.
PHY103 Thermal Physics I
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Temperature: Thermal Equilibrium and Zeroth Law; Principles of
Measurement and Establishment of Temperature Scales; Absolute
Scale; International Scale; Gas Thermometer; Electrical Resistance
Thermometer; Thermocouple, Thermoelectric Thermometer.
2. Heat and Transfer of Heat: Newton’s Law of Cooling; Heat
Capacities; Conduction, Convection; Thermal Conductivity and
Thermal Diffusivity; Rectilinear Flow of Heat; Radial Flow of Heat in
A Sphere or Cylinder; Heat Flow Through A Compound Wall;
Experimental Measurements of Thermal Conductivity;
3. The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Basic Assumptions; Equation of State
of An Ideal Gas; Brownian Motion; Equipartition of Energy; Degrees
of Freedom, Specific Heat (Monoatomic, Diatomic, Tri-Atomic Gas),
Gas Laws; Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution; Average Speed, R.M.S
Speed and Most Probable Speed;
4. Transport Phenomenon: Collision Cross-Section, Sphere of
Influence, Mean Free Path; Thermal Conductivity, Viscosity and Self
5. Equation of State: Equation of State of An Ideal Gas; Equation of
State for Real Substances; Vander Waals Equation; Critical Constants
of Gases, Reduced Equation of Gas.
6. Thermodynamic Fundamentals and First Law: Thermodynamic
Systems; Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes; Quasi-Static Processes;
Reversible and Irreversible Processes; Heat and Work; Energy
Equation; Internal Energy; First Law of Thermodynamics and
Applications of 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
c. Complex Variables and Applications — R.V. Churchill et al
d. Complex Variables— M.R. Spiegel
e. Vector Analysis and an Intro. to Tensor Analysis— M.R. Spiegel
Recommended Books:
a. Heat and Thermodynamics — M.Zemansky and Dittman
b. Heat, Thermodynamics and statistical Physics — Brijlal, N.
Subrahmanyam and P.S. Hemne
c. Text Book on Heat— T. Hossain
d. Heat and Thermodynamics — J.K. Roberts and A.R. Miller
e. A Treatise on Heat — M.N. Saha and B.K. Srivastava
PHY106 Physics Practical I
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
MAT107 Differential and Integral Calculus
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
1. Functions, Limit, Continuity and Differentiation: Domain-range
and graph of function, different types of function, Limits, Continuity
and Differentiability.
2. Successive and Partial Differentiations: Successive differentiation
and Leibnitz theorem, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem and
3. Expansion of Functions: Rolle’s theorem, Mean value theorem,
Taylor’s theorem, Cauchy’s and Maclaurin’s remainder and their
4. Tangent-Normal and Maxima-Minima: Tangent and normal and
Maxima and minima of one variable.
5. Indefinite Integrals: Methods of substitutions, Integration by parts,
Special trigonometric functions and rational fractions,
6. Definite Integrals: Summation integration, Fundamental theorem of
calculus, Properties of definite integrals, Evaluation of definite
7. Reduction Formula and Improper Integrals: Reduction formula; all
methods, Improper integral, Beta and gamma functions and error
8. Application of Definite Integral: Length, area, volume and surface
revolution, Length of plane curves, Area and volume of solid
PHY105 Mathematical Methods in Physics I
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Coordinates: Frames of Reference – Rectangular; Spherical Polar and
Cylindrical Coordinates; Concepts of Curvilinear Coordinates; Unit
Vectors in Curvilinear Systems; Line arc Length; Surface and Volume
elements in Different Coordinates; Laplacian Operators in Different
2. Vector Algebra: Scalar and Vector Quantities; Vector Sum; Dot and
Cross Product; Scalar and Vector Triple Product.
3. Vector Differentiation: Ordinary and Partial Derivative of Vectors;
Gradient, Divergence and Curl of Vectors and their Physical
4. Vector Integration: Ordinary Integrals of Vectors; Line Integrals;
Surface Integrals; Volume Integrals.
5. Vector Integral Theorems: Gauss Divergence Theorem; Greens
Theorem; Stokes Theorem.
Recommended Books:
a. Introduction to Vectors and Special Functions— S.M. Farid
b. Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry— H. Margenau and G.M.
Recommended Books:
a. Calculus— F. Ayres
b. Differential Calculus — B.C. Das & B.N. Mukherjee.
c. Integral Calculus — B.C. Das & B.N. Mukherjee.
d. Differential Calculus — Edwards
e. Integral Calculus — R.E. Williamson.
f. Differential Calculus — Muhammad & Bhattacherjee.
g. Integral Calculus— Muhammad & Bhattacherjee.
STA111 Principles of Statistics
2 Credit, 2 Hours/week
CHE109 Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Modern Inorganic Chemistry — S.Z.Haider
Modern Inorganic Chemistry —T.Moeller
Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry — E. Gilreath
Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding —D.K.Seberra
Organic Chemistry — M.Ahmed & A.Jabbar
Organic Chemistry — I.M.Finar
Advanced Organic Chemistry — B.S.Bahl and A. Bahl
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Statistics: Meaning and Scope; Variables and Attributes; Collection
and Presentation of Statistical Data; Frequency Distribution and
Graphical Representation.
2. Univariate Distribution: Location; Dispersion and their Measures;
Skewness; Kurtosis and their Measures; Moment and Cumulants
Density Function; Distribution Function; Moment and Cumulant
Generating Function; Binomial, Poisson, Normal Distributions and
their Properties.
3. Element of Probability: Sample Space; Events; Union and
Intersection of Events; Probability of Events; Frequency Limit and
4. Bivariate Distribution: Bivariate Quantitative Data; Scatter Diagram,
Marginal and Conditional Distributions; Correlation; Regression;
Partial and Multiple Correlations; Rank Correlation.
5. Linear Regression: Linear Regression Involving Nonrandom
Variables; Principle of Least Squares; Lines of Best Fit; Residual
6. Large Sample Test of Significance: Basic Ideas about Sampling
Distribution; Population and Sample; Tendency of Normality of
Statistics; Standard Errors of Mean, Variance and Proportion; Test of
Significance in Large Sample; Comparison of Means; Proportions and
Variances; Correlation and Regression Coefficients.
1. Atomic Structure: Elementary Ideas on Atomic Structure; Electronic
Configuration of Elements.
2. Periodic Classification of Elements: Modern Periodic Table; Periodic
Classification of Elements; Correlation of Periodic Classification with
Electronic Configuration; Investigation on Some Periodic Properties;
Atomic Radius; Ionic Radius; Covalent Radius; Ionization Potential;
Electron Affinity; Electronegativity.
3. Group Study of Elements: Alkali Metals; Alkaline Earth Metals;
Halogens; Inert Gases and Transition Elements.
4. Chemical Bond: Different Types of Chemical Bonding; Hybridization
of Atomic Orbitals and Shapes of Molecules; Molecular Orbitals; Bond
Length and Bond Strength.
5. Aliphatic Compounds: Nomenclature of Organic Compounds;
Preparation and Properties of Alcohols; Halides; Aldehydes; Ketones
and Carboxylic Acids; Coordination Compounds.
6. Aromatic Compounds: Aromaticity; Orientations; Preparations and
Properties of Benzene; Phenol; Nitrobenzene and Aniline; Elementary
Idea on Alicyclic and Heterocyclic Compounds.
7. Synthesis: Synthesis Involving Grignard Reagent; Malonic Ester;
Aceto-Acetic Ester and Diazonium Salts.
Recommended Books:
Recommended Books:
a. An Introduction to Statistics and Probability— M. Nurul Islam
b. Intro. to the Theory of Probability and Statistics — N.Arley and
K.R. Buch
c. The Elements of Probability Theory —M.G. Bulmer
d. A First Course in Statistics — F.N. David
e. Introduction Statistics — W. Feller
f. Introduction to probability Theory — P.G. Hoel,
g. Introductory to Probability and Statistics — D.V. Lindley
h. Introductory Statistics —Wonnacot and Wonnacot
i. Probability— S. Lipschutz
Decay of Current in the Circuits of L, C and R Combinations; Concept
of Electric Generator and Motors.
5. Alternating Current: Power and Power Equations; L, C and R in AC
Circuits; Vector Diagram and Use of Complex Quantities; Polar
Representations of AC Circuits; Resonance and Anti-Resonance
Circuits; Q Factors; Transformers; AC Measuring Instruments, AC
Recommended Books:
a. Physics (Volume II) — R. Resnick, D. Halliday and Krane
b. Electricity and Magnetism— K.K. Tewari
c. Electricity and Magnetism— Edward M. Purcell and David J.
d. University Physics with Modern Physics-Hugh Young and Roger
PHY112 Viva-Voce
1 Credit
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 1st year 1stsemester
PHY153 Thermal Physics II
First Year: Semester II
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
PHY151 Electricity and Magnetism
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
1. Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and
Irreversible Processes; Carnot Cycle; Carnot’s Theorem,
Thermodynamic Temperature Scale; Entropy; Change of Entropy in
Reversible and Irreversible Processes; Tds Equations, Entropy and
Second Law of Thermodynamics; Principle of The Increase of
2. Third Law of Thermodynamics: Nernst’s Heat Theorem; Phase Rule
and Its Uses; Third Law of Thermodynamics.
3. Thermodynamic Potential Functions: Maxwell’s Thermodynamic
Relations; Applications of Maxwell’s Relations, Joule-Thomson
Cooling Effects; Joule-Thomson Coeff. Temperature of Inversion,
Thermodynamic Potential Functions, Clausius-Clapeyron Equation;
Change of Phase; Phase Transitions with Orders (1st Order And 2nd
Order Phase Transition).
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Electrostatics: Coulomb’s Law; Electric Field; Electric Potential and
Potential Function; Gauss’ Law and its Applications; Electric Dipole
and Quadruple; Electric Field in Dielectric Media; Polarization; Gauss’
Law for Dielectrics; Permittivity; Condensers; Solution of Electrostatic
Problems by the Method of Images.
2. Electric Current: Ohm’s Law; Current Density; Conductivity;
Resistivity; Kirchhoff’s Laws and their Applications.
3. Magnetic Fields and Interactions: Magnetic Force on Charge and
Current; Magnetic Effects of Current; Moving Coil Galvanometers:
Dead Beat and Ballistic Galvanometer; Determination of Specific
Charge of Electron; Analog Voltmeter and Ammeter; Biot-Savart’s
Law and its Applications; Ampere’s Law on Charge and Current.
4. Electromagnetic Induction: Lorentz Force Law; Faraday’s and
Lenz’s Laws; Self-and Mutual Induction; Solenoids; Growth and
4. Applications of Thermodynamics: (i) Cooling of Gases by Expansion
and Throttling (Joule-Thomson Process) And Porous Plug Experiment
(ii) Adiabatic Demagnetization (iii) Heat Pumps and Refrigerators (iv)
Thermoelectric Phenomena- Seebeck, Thomson and Peltier Effects.
5. Thermal Radiation: Blackbody Radiation, Kirchoff’s Law, StefanBoltzmann Laws, Wein’s Law, Rayleigh-Jean’s Law and Ultraviolet
Catastrophe, Planck’s Law and Their Applications.
Longitudinal Waves; Mathematical Representation of Plane and
Spherical Waves, Differential Equation of Waves, Equation of
Standing Wave, Energy Density of Traveling Waves; Formation of
Stationary Wave, Energy Density of Stationary Waves, Phase Velocity,
Group Velocity and Their Relation.
Recommended Books:
a. Physics (Volume I)— R. Resnick, D. Halliday and Krane
b. The Physics of Waves and Oscillations— N.K. Bajaj
c. Vibrations and Waves— A.P. French
d. Physics of Vibrations and Waves — H.J. Pain
e. Fundamentals of Physics—D. Halliday, R. Resnick and Walker
Recommended Books:
a. Heat and Thermodynamics — M.Zemansky and Dittman
b. Heat, Thermodynamics and statistical Physics — Brij lal,
N.Subrahmanyam and P.S. Hemne
c. Text Book on Heat— T. Hossain
d. Heat and Thermodynamics — J.K. Roberts and A.R. Miller
e. A Treatise on Heat — M.N. Saha and B.K. Srivastava
PHY157 Mathematical Methods in Physics II
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
PHY155 Vibrations and Waves I
2 Credit, 2 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Theory of Matrices: Different types of matrices and their definitions,
Determinants of a square; Matrix, Adjoint and inverse of a square
matrix, Solution of linear equations by matrix method, Similarity
2. Tensor Analysis: Definition and importance of Tensor, Rank,
Transformation of coordinates, Kronecker Delta and Levi- Civita
Tensor, contra variant and covariant tensors. Invariance of tensors,
Addition, subtraction, multiplication of tensors, Differentiation of
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Free Vibration: Harmonic Motion; Mathematical Representation;
Boundary Conditions; Vector Representation: Velocity; Acceleration
and Their Phase Relationship; Total Energy and Average Energy of a
Harmonic Oscillator, Energy Conservation in Mass-Energy System,
Torsional Pendulums.
2. Superposition of Periodic Motions: Combination of Simple
Harmonic Motion, Lissajous Figures.
3. Damped and Forced Vibration: Damping Forces; Types of
Damping; Logarithmic Decrement; Relaxation Time and Quality (Q)
Factor; Electromagnetic Damping (LC and LRC Circuits); Forced
Oscillator; Steady State and Transient Solutions.
4. Coupled Oscillators and Normal Modes of Continuous System:
Coupled Oscillators; Normal Coordinates and Normal Modes; Forced
Vibration of a Coupled Oscillator; N-Coupled Oscillator.
5. Fundamentals of Waves: Waves in Elastic Media, Transverse and
Recommended Books:
a. Introduction to Vectors and Special Functions— S.M. Farid
b. Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry— H. Margenau and G.M.
c. Complex Variables and Applications — R.V. Churchill et al
d. Complex Variables— M.R. Spiegel
e. Vector Analysis and an Intro. to Tensor Analysis— M.R. Spiegel
PHY158 Physics Practical II
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
MAT159 Higher Algebra and Geometry
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Algebra of Sets; De Morgan’s Rule; Relation and Function.
Theory of Equations.
Theorems and Relation between Roots and Coefficients.
Solution of Cubic Equations.
Change of Axes; General Equation of Second Degree; Pair of Straight
6. Circle, Parabola and Ellipse.
7. Direction Cosines, Straight Line and Plane.
8. Spheres and Cone.
Recommended Books:
a. A practical English Grammar — Thomas and Martin
b. Cobuild English Grammer— Thomson and Martinet
c. A Communicative of English — Leech & Svartvick
Recommended Books:
a. Theory of Equations — Bamside and Pantion
b. Higher Algebra— Bemard and Child
c. Higher Algebra — H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight
d. Analytic Geometry and Conic Sections — H.H. Askwith
e. Analytic Geometry and Conic Sections — C. Smith,
f. Coordinate Geometry — M.L. Khanna,
g. A Treatise of Three-Dimensional Geometry — J.T. Bell
h. Elementary Treatise on Solid Geometry — C. Smith
i. Analytic Solid Geometry— Vashishta and Agarwal
PHY162 Viva-Voce
1 Credit
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 1st year 2nd semester
Second Year: Semester I
PHY201 Vibrations and Waves II
2 Credit, 2 Hours/week
ENG161 English
2 Credit, 2 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration :3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Active - Passive Transformations, Report Speech.
Phonetics: How to use a Dictionary, IPA Symbols, Word
Transcriptions, Intonation and Stress.
Vocabulary Building: Correct and Precise Diction, Affixes,
Idiomatic Expression, Level of Appropriateness, Colloquial and
Informal, Standard and Formal.
Developing Writing and Reading Skills: Sentences, Sentences
Variety, Generating Sentences, Sentence Clarity and Correctness.
Linking Sentences to Form, Paragraphs, Paragraph with Specific
Details and Examples, Essay Structures, Thesis Sentences, Writing
Good Introduction and Conclusions, Letter, Writing, Strategies of
Reading, Skimming, Scanning, Predicting Analyzing and Interpreting
Variety of Texts Type.
Listening and Note Taking: Listening to Recorded Texts and Class
Lectures and Learning to Take useful Notes Based on the Listening.
Developing Spoken Skills
1. Interference and Beat: Interference of Sound, Analytical Treatment
of Interference of Sound, Special Cases, Condition of Interference of
Sound, Energy Distribution Due to Interference of Sound Waves and
Grammar: Tenses, Articles, Prepositions, Subject-Verb Agreement,
Clauses, Conditionals, Word Classes, Transformation of Sentences,
Applications of Interference of Sound Waves, Beats, Analytical
Treatment of Beats and Applications of Beats.
Velocity of Longitudinal Wave: Origin of Sound, Newton’s Formula,
Longitudinal Waves in Solid, Newton’s Formula and Correction by
Laplace, Effect of Density, Pressure and Temperature on The Velocity
of Sound in a Medium, Different Experimental Method for
Determination of the Velocity of Sound.
Doppler Effect: Doppler Effect, Apparent Pitch at Different Situation
of Observer and Source, Effect of Wind Velocity, Tracking of
Artificial Satellites Doppler Effect in Light
Vibrations in String and Air Columns: Velocity of Transverse
Waves Along Stretched String, Laws of Transverse Vibration of
Strings, Verification of The Laws of Transverse Vibration of Strings,
Melde’s Experiment, Vibration of Air Columns, Resonance, Velocity
of Sound Wave in Air by Resonance Method, Physiological Acoustics.
Building Acoustics: Reflection of Sound, Echo, Multiple Echoes,
Reverberation, Sabine’s Reverberation Formula, Absorption
Coefficient, Acoustic Intensity, Factors Affecting the Acoustics of
Buildings, Sound Distributions in An Auditorium, Requisites for Good
Ultrasonics: Introduction, Production of Ultrasonic Waves, Detection
of Ultrasonic Waves, Application of Ultrasonic Waves
Path; Different Methods of determination of Speed of Light.
2. Fermat’s Principle and Its Applications: Fermat’s Principle of Least
Time; Prove of Laws of Reflection and Refraction; Elliptical MirrorOptical Path Stationary, Optical Path Minimum, Optical Path
Maximum; Laws of Refraction at Spherical Refracting Surface.
3. Reflection and Refraction at Different Surfaces: Refraction and
Reflection at Spherical Surfaces; Cardinal Points and Cardinal Planes;
Refraction Through Lenses; Lens Equation; Lens Maker’s Equation;
Newton’s Lens Equation, Magnification; Equivalent Lens;
4. Dispersion: Dispersion by A Prism; Dispersive Power; Angular and
Chromatic Dispersion; Achromatic Combination of Prisms; Dispersion
Without Deviation; Cauchy’s Dispersion Formula; Direct Vision
5. Lens Aberrations: Aberrations; First Order Theory; Third Order
Theory; Spherical Aberration at A Single Surface and in A Lens;
Reducing Spherical Operations; Coma, Astigmatism; Distortion;
Chromatic Aberrations; Reducing of Aberrations.
6. Optical Instruments: Eye; Camera; Kellner’s Eyepiece; Huygens
Eyepiece; Ramsden Eyepiece; Gauss Eyepiece; Microscope;
Compound Microscope; Telescope; Refracting Telescope;
Refractometer; Abbe Refractometer; Prism Binoculars.
Recommended Books:
a. Physics (Volume I)— R. Resnick, D. Halliday and Krane
b. The Physics of Waves and Oscillations— N.K. Bajaj
c. Vibrations and Waves— A.P. French
d. Physics of Vibrations and Waves — H.J. Pain
e. Fundamentals of Physics—D. Halliday, R. Resnickand Walker
Recommended Books:
a. Optics— E. Hecht
b. Fundamentals of Physics— D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and Walker
c. Optics— Ajoy Ghatak
d. Principles of Optics— F.A. Jenkins and H.E. White
e. A Text Book of Optics— L. Brijlal
PHY203 Geometrical Optics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Light: Light and Electromagnetic Spectrum; Theories of Light; Energy
and Momentum; Dual Nature of Light; Geometrical Path and Optical
PHY205 Statistical Mechanics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
PHY206 Physics Practical III
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
1. Classical Statistical Mechanics: Statistical Mechanics: An
Outline; Phase Space and Phase Trajectory; Volume in Phase
Space; Specification of States of a System; Density of States and
its General Behavior; Liouville’s Theorem and its Consequence;
The Postulates of Classical Statistical Mechanics; Stirlings
Equilibrium; Macrostates and Microstates; Ensembles; Its
Classification and Usage, Statistics and Thermodynamics;
Entropy; Statistical Distribution Function; Maxwellian-Boltzman
Statistics and its Applications.
2. Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Postulates of Quantum
Statistical Mechanics; Transition from Classical Statistical
Mechanics; Indistinguishability and Quantum Statistics; Exchange
Symmetry of Wave Functions; Exchange Degeneracy; Average
Value and Quantum Statistics; The Density Matrix.
3. Quantum Mechanical Gases: Fermi Gas; Fermi-Dirac
Distribution; Fermi Energy; Degenerate Fermi System;
Diamagnetism; Paramagnetism; Bose Gas; Bose-Einstein
Distribution; Photon; Phonon; Bose-Einstein Condensation;
Thermodynamic Properties of Diatomic Molecules; Nuclear Spin
Effects in Diatomic Molecules.
BLB207 Bangabandhu Liberation War and Bangladesh Studies
2 Credit, 2 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Bengal in Ancient Times: Up to 1204 AD
a. Roots of Bengal: Land and People: Origin of the name ‘Bangladesh’.
Different janapadas (territorial divisions).
b. Major Dynasties & Personalities: Shashanka, Gopala, Dharmapala,
Vijayasena, Vallalasena.
2. Bengal in Medieval Times: 1204-1757 AD.
a. Coming of the Muslims, Socio-economic and cultural changes.
b. Major Dynasties & Personalities: Bakhtiyar Khalji, Shamsuddin
Iliyas Shah, Alauddin Husain Shah, the Mughal and Bara Bhuiyans
of Bengal.
3. Bengal in Modern Times: British Rule -1757 AD-1947 AD
a. Process of political consolidation of the British rule: Battle of
Palashi (1757).
b. Permanent Settlement (1793).
c. Resistance and anti-British movements: Titu Meer.
d. Renaissance: Rammhon Roy, Vidyasagar, Abdul Latif and Syed
Ameer Ali.
e. Creation of new province of Eastern Bengal and Assam (1905).
f. Partition of India (1947).
4. The Emergence of Bangladesh: 1947-1971
a. Language Movement (1948-1952). The United Front 1954: The
Rise of the Bengali Nationalism.
b. Quest for autonomy and Self-determination: Six Point Programme.
c. Economic disparity between East and West Pakistan.
d. Prelude to the War of Liberation in 1971: Anti-Ayub Movement
and Mass upsurge in 1969, Election of 1970.
5. The Liberation War of Bangladesh 1971
Recommended Books:
a. An Introduction to Statistical Physics— A.J. Pointon
b. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics— W. Greiner, L.
Neise and H. Stocker
c. Statistical Mechanics— K.Hung
d. Heat, Thermodynamics and statistical Physics— Brijlal,
N.Subrahmanyam and P.S. Hemne
a. The great speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 7th
March 1971.
b. Military crackdown and genocide.
c. Formation of Bangladesh (Mujibnagar) Government and the
Proclamation of Independence Order, significance of the PIO.
d. The Liberation War: March 26, 1971  Dec 16, 1971.
e. Regional and Global reactions: Role of India, the USA, the USSR
and the UN.
6. Government of Bangladesh
a. Constitution of the people’s republic of the Bangladesh 1972.
b. Power and functions of the president and prime minister.
c. Judiciary system of Bangladesh: Power and functions of the High
court and Appeal division.
d. Administrative system of Bangladesh: historical background and
emphasis on local government system.
2. Higher Order Linear Differential Equations: Higher Order Linear
Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Equations with Constant
Coefficients and Variable Coefficients.
3. Various Methods for Solving ODE: Method of Undetermined
Coefficients, Operator Method, Method of Variation of Parameters and
Factorization Operators, System of Linear Differential Equations,
Method of Elimination, Euler’s Method, Matrix Method.
4. Series Solution Of ODE: Ordinary Point, Solution About Singular
Point Method, Frobenous Method and Solve Bessel’s, Legendre,
Laguerre, Harmiteand Hypergeometric Differential Equations by
Using Frobenious Method.
5. Partial Differential Equations and Solution of Linear PDE:
Definition, Order-Degree, Formation of Partial Differential Equations,
Solution of First Order Linear Partial Differential Equations,
Lagrange’s Method and Method of Multipliers.
6. First Order Non-Linear PDE: Charpit’s Method, Special Method,
Cauchy’s Method of Characteristics, Jacobi’s Method.
7. Higher Order PDE: Linear PDE with Constant Coefficients,
Equations with Variable Coefficients, Solution of Linear Hyperbolic
Equation, Monge’s Methods.
8. Application Of PDE: Solution of Wave Equation and Heat Equation,
Diffusion and Radio Equations and Their Applications.
Recommended Books:
a. The History of Bengal, vol. I—R. C. Majumdar
b. The History of Bengal, vol. II. — Jadunath Sarkar
c. History of Bangladesh 1704-1971, vols. I & II—Sirajul Islam
d. Relevant entries— Banglapedia
e. Emergence of Bangladesh—M. A. Muhit
f. (i) Pakistan: Failure in National Integration (ii) Bangladesh:
Promise and Performance—Dr. Rounaq Jahan
g. The Muslim Society and Politics in Bengal (1757-1947—
Muhammad Abdur Rahim
Recommended Books:
a. Differential Equations—S. L. Ross
b. Differential Equations— G. F.Simmons
c. Differential Equations— B. D. Sharma
d. Differential Equations— F.Ayres
e. Partial Differential Equations— U. T.Myint
f. Partial Differential Equations—M.L. Khanna
g. Elements of Partial Differential equations — I. N.Sneddon
MAT209 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Differential Equations and Solutions of First Order and FirstDegree ODE: Definition and Classifications of Differential Equations,
Formation of Differential Equation, Exact Equation, Homogeneous
Equation, Linear and Bernoulli’s Equation.
CHE211 Physical Chemistry
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
PHY212 Viva-Voce
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
1 Credit
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 2nd year 1st semester
1. Elements of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Variables;
Functions and their Relations; Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation.
2. Chemical Equilibrium: Law of Mass Action; Effects of Temperature;
Pressure and Concentration on Chemical Equilibria; Relationship
between KP, KC and Kx.
3. Electrochemistry:
Conductance; Ionic Mobility and Transport Number; Elementary Idea
on Electrode Potential; Ostwald’s Dilution Law; Common Ion Effect;
Solubility and Solubility Product; Modern Theories of Acids and
Bases; PH, Buffer Solution Indicators; Concepts of Activity and
Activity Coefficient.
4. Chemical Kinetics: Order and Molecularity; Rate Equations for First
and Second Order Reactions; Determination of Order of Reactions;
Arrhenius Equation and Energy of Activation; Collision Theory;
5. Surface Chemistry and Colloids: Adsorption; Langmuir Adsorption
Isotherm; Colloids – Classification; Preparation; Purification;
Properties and Importance; Elementary Ideas about Emulsion and Gels.
6. Colligative Properties: Roult’s Law; Elevation of Boiling Point;
Depression of Freezing Point; Osmotic Pressure; Determination of
Molecular Weight of Non-Volatile Substances.
Second Year: Semester II
PHY251 Classical Mechanics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration :3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Lagrangian Formulation: Generalized Coordinates; Constraints;
Degrees of freedom; D’Alembert’s Principle and Langrange’s
Equations; Some Techniques of the Calculus of Variations; Hamilton’s
Principle and Lagrange’s Equations; Conservation Theorems.
2. The Two-Body Central Force Problem: Two Body Central Force
Problem Reduction to Equivalent One-Body Problem; Classification of
Orbits; Differential Equation for the Orbit; Inverse Square Law of
Force; Scattering in a Central Force Field; Scattering Problem.
3. Rigid Bodies: Kinematics of Rigid Body Motion; Independent
Coordinates of a Rigid Body; Formal Properties of the Transformation
Matrix; Euler’s Angles; Coriolis Force; Euler Equations of Motion.
4. Hamilton’s Formulation: Legendre Transformations and Hamilton’s
Canonical Equations of Motion; Conservation Theorems and the
Physical Significance of the Hamiltonian; Derivation of Hamilton’s
Canonical Equations; Principle of Least Action; Canonical
Transformations; Poisson and Lagrange Brackets.
5. Hamilton-Jacobi Theory: Hamilton-Jacobi Equations; Separation of
Variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation; Action-Angle Variables;
Recommended Books:
a. Elements of Physical Chemistry — D. Lewis and S. Glasstone
b. Physical Chemistry — S. Glasstone
c. Physical Chemistry — P.C. Rakshit
d. Principles of physical chemistry— M.M. Haque and M.A. Nawab
e. Elementary Physical Chemistry — S.R. Palit
f. Physical Chemistry — G.M. Barrow
Recommended Books:
a. Classical Mechanics— H. Goldstein
b. Classical Mechanics— N. C. Rana and P. S. Joag
c. Mechanics of Particle & Rigid Bodies— K.C. Gupta
d. Theoretical Mechanics — M.R. Spiegel
PHY255 Basic Electronics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
PHY253 Physical Optics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Circuit Analysis: Constant Voltage and Constant Current Source,
Maximum Power Transfer Theorems; Norton’s, Thevenin’s,
Superposition, Two Port Network, H-Parameter, Equivalent Circuits In
2. Semiconductor Diode: P-n Junction, Forward/reverse bias, I-V curve,
diode equation, Avalanche and Zener Breakdown, PIV rating, DC and
Ac resistance.
3. Diode Applications: Half wave and Full wave rectifier, Ripple factor,
Filter circuit, Special Diodes: Zener, Photo, LED.
4. Transistors: PNP and NPN configurations, Transistor action (CB, CE
and CE), Transistor DC characteristics; Q-point, load line.
5. Special Transistor: UJT, SCR; Phototransistor: FET: Construction
and Characteristics of JFET and MOSFET.
6. Transistor Biasing and Thermal Stabilization: Factors Contributing
to Thermal Instability; Stability Factors; Fixed Bias; Collector-Base
Bias; Self-Bias; Bias Compensations.
7. Transistor Amplifiers: Transistor CE, CB and CC Amplifiers;
Cascading and Coupling; Class A, Class B, Class C and Push-Pull
8. Feedback and Oscillator Circuits: Feedback: Principles,
Characteristics, Advantages of Negative Feedback, Current and
Voltage Feedback Amplifiers; Oscillator:
Positive Feedback;
Condition for Sustained Oscillation; Phase-Shift, Wein-Bridge,
Hartley Colpitt's and Crystal Oscillators.
9. Modulation and Demodulation: Modulation; Frequency Modulated
Voltage, Merits and Demerits of FM, Phase Modulated Voltage,
Transistor AM Modulator, Collector Modulator, Diode Detector,
Frequency Demodulation, Propagation of Radio waves.
10. Frequency Response: General voltage gain and Phase response
consideration bandwidth, decibel voltage gain, Bode Plots, Low-Pass,
High-Pass, Band-Pass and Band Elimination Filters.
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Interference: Superposition of Waves; Concept of Coherence; Types
of Interference; Young’s Double Slits Experiment; Intensity
Distribution Due to Interference; Fresnel’s Biprism; Lloyd’s Single
Mirror; Achromatic Fringes; Visibility of Fringes; Thin Film;
Interference Due to Reflected and Refracted Light; Newton’s Rings;
Fabry-Perot Interferometer; Michelson’s Interferometer.
2. Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction, Fraunhofer
Diffraction at Single Slit, Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Circular
Aperture, Two Slit Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern, Position of Maxima
and Minima, Missing Orders, N-Slit Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern,
Fresnel’s Diffraction by a Circular Aperture, Zone Plate, Fresnel’s
Diffraction at Straight Edge; Cornu’s Spiral; Grating; Resolving Power
of Grating, Dispersive Power of Grating; Raleigh Criteria.
3. Polarization: Polarization of Light Waves, Plane Polarized, Circularly
and Elliptically Polarized Light, Polarization by Reflection and
Refraction. Malus Law, Brewster’s Law, Polarization by Double
Refraction, Optic Axis, Principle Sections and Principle Planes, Nicol
Prism, Quarter and Half Wave Plates, Production and Analysis of Plane
Polarized, Formation Of Circularly and Elliptically Polarized Light.;
Fresnel’s Theory of Optical Rotation; Polarimeter.
Recommended Books:
a. Optics— E.Hecht
b. Fundamentals of Physics— D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and Walker
c. Optics— Ajoy Ghatak
d. Principles of Optics— F.A. Jenkins and H.E. White
e. Introduction to Classical & Modern Optics— Meyer-Arendt
f. A Text Book of Optics— L. Brij lal
Recommended Books:
a. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory— R.L. Boylestad and L.
b. Electronic Devices and Circuits— J. Millman and C. C. Halkias
c. Electronic Principles— A. P. Malvino
d. Principles of Electronics— V.K Mehta and R. Mehta
e. Electronic Devices and Circuits — A. Mottershead
f. Basic Electronics for Scientists— J.J. Brophy
g. Radio Electronics— R. Terman
c. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory— J.Reitz, F.Milforc and
d. Introduction to Classical Electrodynamics— Y. K.Lim
e. Advanced Electricity and Magnetism — W.J. Duffin
PHY258 Physics Practical IV
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
MAT259 Functional Analysis
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
PHY257 Electrodynamics I
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
1. Matrices: Types of Matrices, Determinant of A Square Matrix, Matrix
Equivalence, The Adjoint And Inverse of a Matrix, Orthogonal and
Unitary Matrices. Linear Dependence of Vectors, Linear Equations,
Vector Spaces, Linear Transformations-Similarity, Characteristic
Roots and Vector Diagonalization of Matrices.
2. Complex Variables: Definition of Complex Number, Argand
Diagram, Complex Differentiation and Derivatives, Analytic
Functions, Cauchy-Riemann Equations.
3. Cauchy’s Integral Formula and Its Extension: Cauchy’s Theorem,
Residues at A Pole and At Infinity, Residue Theorems, Complex
4. Special Function: Bessel’s Functions, Legendre And Associated
Legendre Polynomials, Hermite Polynomials, Hypergeometric
5. Fourier Series: Evaluation of Coefficient of Fourier Series, Sine and
Cosine Series, Applications: Square Wave Function, Triangular
Function and Other Simple Function.
6. Fourier Transformation: Fourier Integral Theorem, Sine and Cosine
Transforms, Inverse Fourier Transformation.
7. Laplace Transformation: Definition, Properties, Solution of ODE,
And Its Applications, Inverse Laplace Transformation: Definition,
Properties and Their Applications.
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Maxwell’s Field Equations: Maxwell’s Equations; Electromagnetic
Energy- Poynting Vector; Scalar and Vector Potentials; Wave
2. Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves-I: Plane Waves in Infinite
Medium, Waves in Non-Conducting and Conducting Medium, Waves
in Plasma; Waves in Crystalline Medium; Propagation of Plane Waves
in Anisotropic Crystals.
3. Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves-II: Reflection and
Refraction; Boundary Conditions; Reflection and Refraction at
Boundaries of two Non-Conducting Media; Metallic Reflection; Total
Internal Reflection.
4. Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves-III: Waves in Bounded
Region; Propagation between Parallel Conducting Plates; Wave
Guides (rectangular).
Recommended Books:
a. Electromagnetic field s and waves— Paul Lorrain and Dale
b. Introduction to Electrodynamics— D.J. Griffiths
Recommended Books:
Potential Barrier; Rectangular Potential Well; Linear Harmonic
4. Spherically Symmetric Systems: Three-dimensional Schrödinger
Equation for Spherically Symmetric Potentials; Spherical Harmonics;
Three Dimensional Potential Wells-degenerate States; Two-body
Problems- The Hydrogen Atom.
Linear Algebra — S.Lipschutz
Matrix Algebra — Md. Abdur Rahman
Elementary Linear Algebra —Howard Anton and Chris
Complex Variable— M. R.Spigel
Complex Variables and Applications— Churchill and Brown
Fourier and Laplace Transforms — M. R Spigel
Mathematical Physics — B. D.Gupta
Methods of Mathematical Physics —Jeffreys and Jeffreys
Recommended Books:
a. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics — David J. Griffiths
b. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics— B.H. Bransden
c. Principles of Quantum Mechanics— R. Shankar
d. Quantum Mechanics— B.K. Agarwal and H. Prakash
e. Basic Quantum Mechanics— C.Ziock
f. Elementary Quantum Mechanics— P. Fong
PHY260 Viva-Voce
1 Credit
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 2nd year 2nd semester
Third Year: Semester I
PHY303 Nuclear Physics I
PHY301 Quantum Mechanics I
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. The Nucleus: Constituent of Nuclei; Nuclear Mass; Charge and
Density; Nuclear Size; Mass Defect; Binding Energy; Nucleon
Separation Energy; Nuclear Force; Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces;
Stability Conditions and Semi-Empirical Mass Formula: Liquid Drop
Model; Mirror Nuclei; Coulomb Energy.
2. Radioactivity: Radioactive Decay Laws; Half-Life and Mean-Life;
Secular and Transient Equilibrium; Radioactive Series; Artificial
Radioactivity; Uses of Radioisotopes; Radioactive Dating.
3. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Emissions: Alpha Instability; Fine
Structure; Long Range Alpha Particles; Theory of Alpha-Decay; Beta
Decay and its Energy Measurement; Conservation of Energy and
Momentum in Beta Decay; Neutrino Hypothesis; Orbital Electron
Capture; Positron Emission; Gamma Decay; Mean Lives for Gamma
Emission; Internal Conversion.
4. Interaction of Charged Particles and Radiation with Matter:
Ionization; Multiple Scattering; Stopping Power; Energy Loss of
1. Physical Basis of Quantum Mechanics: Shortcomings of Classical
Theory; The Two-slit Experiment; Wave Aspects of Matter; Wave
Function and its Interpretation; Wave Packets and Uncertainty
2. Formalism of Quantum Mechanics: Postulates of Quantum
Mechanics; The Correspondence Principle; The Complementarity
Principle, Measurements and Observable; Commutation of
Observations; Linear Operators; Hermitian Operators; Eigenvalue
Orthonormality of Eigenstates; Degeneracy; Principle of
Superposition; Probability Amplitudes; Overlap Integrals;
Completeness; Change of Basis; Wave Function in Position and
Momentum Space.
3. Problems in One Dimension: The Schrodinger Wave Equation;
Particle in a Potential Box; Potential Step; Tunneling through a
Electrons and other Charged Particles; Positronium, Pair Production
and Annihilation, Radiation Length.
5. Nuclear Fission and Fusion: Fission Process; Energy Release in
Fission; Chain Reaction; Nuclear Fusion; Thermonuclear Reaction in
6. Nuclear Detectors and Particle Accelerators: Ionization chambers,
Proportional counter and GM counter, Linear accelerator, Betatron,
Cyclotron, Synchrotron.
5. Band Theory and Semiconductors:
Energy Bands in Crystals;
Nearly Free Electron Model and Energy Gaps; Motion of Electrons in
One and Three Dimensions in a Periodic Potential; Band Theory;
Effective Mass of Electrons; Semiconductors; Hall Effects for One and
Two-carrier Systems.
Recommended Books:
a. An Introduction to Solid State Physics— C. Kittel
b. Solid State Physics— N.Y. Ashcroft and K.D. Mermin
c. Introduction to Solid State Physics— A.J. Dekker
d. Solid State Physics— M.A. Wahab
e. Elementary Solid-State Physics— M. Ali Omar
f. Solid State Physics— R.L. Singhal
Recommended Books:
a. Introductory Nuclear Physics — Kenneth S. Krane
b. Introduction to Nuclear Physics— H.A. Enge
c. Nuclear Physics— Irving Kaplan
d. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics-V.K. Mittal, K.C.
Verma and S.C. Gupta
e. Elements of Nuclear Physics— Walter E. Meyerhof
PHY307 Atomic and Molecular Physics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
PHY305 Solid State Physics I
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
1. Atomic Models of Rutherford and Bohr: Atomic Models;
Rutherford’s Nuclear Atom; Atomic Spectra; The Bohr Model and the
Structure of Atoms; Vector Atom Model; Atomic Excitation; The
Franck-Hertz Experiment; The Correspondence Principle; Correction
for Nuclear Motion; Hydrogen-Like Atoms.
2. Quantum Mechanical Theory of Hydrogen Atom: Schrödinger
Equation for the Hydrogen Atom and Magnetic Quantum Numbers;
Electron Probability Density; Spectrum of Hydrogen.
3. Wave-Particle Duality: Photoelectric Effect; Einstein’s Photoelectric
Equation and its Experimental Verification; Photoelectric Cells and
their Application; de Broglie Waves; Experimental Verification of
Particle Waves; Wave and Group Velocities.
4. X-Rays: Production and Properties of X-Rays; Continuous and
Characteristic X-Rays; X-Ray Spectra; X-Ray Absorption; Moseley’s
Law; Compton Effect.
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Crystal Systems: Crystalline and Non-crystalline States; Unit Cell;
Bravais Lattice; Miller Indices; Packing Factor; Diffraction of waves
by crystals: Bragg's law, Reciprocal Lattice; Brillouin Zones.
2. Crystal Bindings: Crystals of Inert Gas; Ionic Crystals; Binding
Energy and Bulk Modulus; Covalent; Metal and Hydrogen Bonded
3. Dynamics of Crystal Lattice: Concept of Phonon; Elastic Vibration
of a Continuous Medium; One-dimensional Monatomic and Diatomic
Lattices; Theories of Lattice Specific Heat-Dulong Petit Model,
Einstein Model and Debye Model.
4. Free Electron Theory of Metals: Energy Levels and Density of
Orbital’s in One-Dimension and Three-dimensions; Effect of
Temperature on F-D Distribution; Electrical Conductivity and Ohm’s
Law; Wiedmann-Franz Law.
5. Electron Spin and Complex Atoms: Spin Angular Momentum;
Exclusion Principle; Periodic Table; Stern-Gerlach Experiment; SpinOrbit Interaction –Fine Structure; Total Angular Momentum of Atoms;
Atomic Spectra (Helium, Sodium and Mercury); Zeeman Effect.
6. Molecular Spectra: Molecular Spectra of Diatomic Molecules;
Rotational Spectra; Vibrational-Rotational Spectra; Molecular
Quantum States; Dissociation of Molecules; Heat of Dissociation; UVSpectra; Raman Spectra.
5. Data Input and Output: Single Character Input, Single Character
Output, Entering Input Data, Writing Output Data in file, reading input
data from file.
6. Control Statements: if Statement, if-else Statements, Nested if
Statements, for Loop, while Loop, do-while Loop, Nested Loops,
switch Statement, continue Statement, break Statement, go to
7. Functions: Defining Functions, Accessing Functions, Passing
Argument to Functions, Recursion, Function Prototypes.
8. Arrays, Strings and pointer: Declaring Arrays, Initializing Arrays,
Processing Arrays, Passing Arrays to a Function, Multidimensional
Arrays, String, Building Arrays of String. Application of pointer.
Recommended Books:
a. Perspectives of Modern Physics— Arthur Beiser
b. Atomic Physics— S.N. Ghosal
c. Modern Physics— R. A. Serway, C.J.Moses and C.A. Moyer
d. Essentials of Modern Physics— V. Acosta and G. L.Cowan
e. Introduction to Atomic Physics — H. A. Enge, et al.
Recommended Books:
a. Introduction to Computers— P. Norton
b. Computer and Information System — S.E. Hutchinson & S.E.
c. GCSE Computer Studies— G. Taylor
d. Programming with Fortran 77 — W.E. Mayo & M. Cwiakala
e. Programming with Fortran 77 — A. Yeaqub
f. Fortran 77 for Engineers and Scientists — L. Nyhoff and S.
PHY308 Physics Practical V
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
CSE309 Introduction to Computer Programming
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Programming Language Translators: Assembler, Compiler and
2. Computer Languages: Machine language, Assembly language, High
level language. Flow Chart and Algorithms. 1 lect.
3. C++ Fundamentals: An Overview of "C/C++" Programming,
Identifiers and Key words, Data Types, Constants, Variable and
Arrays, Declarations, Expressions, Statements, Symbolic Constants.
4. Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operations, Increment and
Decrement, Unary Operators, Relation and Logical Operators,
Assignment Operators, Type Conversion in Assignments, Multiple
Assignments, Conditional Operator, Library Functions.
CSE310 Computer Programming Lab
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration :3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Programming lab based on the theory of the Course CSE309
PHY312 Viva-Voce
1 Credit
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 3rd year 1st semester
Third Year: Semester II
1. Optical Phenomena in Solids: Colour of Crystals; Weakly and
Tightly Bound Excitons; Photoconductivity; Traps; Crystal Counters.
2. Imperfections in Crystals: Classification of Defects; Point Defects;
Schottky Defects; Frenkel Defects; Screw and Edge Dislocations;
Plane Defects; Crystal Grains and Grain Boundaries;
3. Dielectric Properties: Macroscopic Electric Field; Local Electric
Field at an Atom; Dielectric Constants and Polarizabilities; ClausiusMossotti Relation; Dielectric Phenomena in an Ac Field; Dielectric
4. Magnetism: Langevin Equation for Dia- and Paramagnetism; Curie
Law; Quantum Theory of Paramagnetism; Hund’s Rules; Quenching
of the Orbital Angular Momentum; Ferromagnetism; Weiss Molecular
Field and Exchange Integral; Magnetic Domain and Bloch Wall;
Antiferromagnetism; Neel’s Theory; Two Sub lattice Model; Magnetic
5. Magnetic Resonance: Nuclear Magnetic resonance, nuclear quadruple
resonance; Electron paramagnetic resonance, Ferromagnetic
resonance; Antiferromagnetic resonance.
6. Ferroelectrics: General Properties of Ferroelectric Materials,
Classification and Properties of Representative Ferroelectrics, Dipole
Theory of Ferroelectricity, Ferroelectric Domains.
PHY351 Quantum Mechanics II
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration :3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Matrix Formulation of Quantum Mechanics: State Vectors in
Hilbert Space; Bra and Ket Notations; Operators and their
Representation; Transformation Theory; Schrödinger, Heisenberg
and Dirac Representation; Parity Operators; Density Matrix;
Harmonic Oscillator.
2. Theory of Angular Momentum: Eigenvalues of Angular
Momentum; Addition of Angular Momenta; Clebsch-Gordon
Coefficients; Pauli’s Exclusion Principle and Spin Matrices.
3. Theory of Scattering: Scattering Cross-section; Partial Wave
Analysis; Application to Scattering by Square Well Hard Sphere
and Coulomb Potential; Resonance Scattering; Optical Theorem;
Born Approximation; Examples, Validity Criterion.
4. Approximate Methods: Stationary Perturbation Theory;
Nondegenerate Case; Degenerate Case; Time-dependent
Perturbation Theory; Variational Method; The WKB
5. Relativistic Wave Equations:
Klein-Gordon and Dirac’s
Relativistic Wave Equation; Solution of Free Particle Equations;
Negative Energy States and Hole Theory.
Recommended Books:
a. An Introduction to Solid State Physics— C. Kittel
b. Solid State Physics— N.Y. Ashcroft and K.D. Mermin
c. Introduction to Solid State Physics— A.J. Dekker
d. Solid State Physics— M.A. Wahab
e. Elementary Solid-State Physics— M. Ali Omar
Recommended Books:
a. Modern Quantum Mechanics— J.J. Sakurai
b. Principles of Quantum Mechanics — R. Shankar
c. Quantum Mechanics — E.Merzbacher
d. Quantum Mechanics— L.I. Schiff
PHY355 Nuclear Physics II
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
PHY353 Solid State Physics II
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
1. Nuclear Two Body Problems: Nuclear Density Distribution;
Isospin; Magnetic Moments; G-Factor, Ground State of Deuteron;
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Deuteron Ground State Wave Function; Magnetic and Quadrupole
Moments of The Deuteron; Tensor Forces and The Deuteron
Problem; Two- Body Problems At Low Energy: Scattering of a Beam
of Particles By a Centre of Force; Partial Wave Analysis; NeutronProton Scattering At Low Energies; Scattering Length; Spin
Dependence of N-P Scattering; Effective Range Theory in the N-P
2. Nuclear Reactions: Different Types of Reactions; The Energetics of
Nuclear Reactions; The Conservation of Physical Quantities in Nuclear
Reactions; Cross-Section; Compound Nucleus Hypothesis; Production
and Properties of Neutrons, Reaction Cross-Section; Breit-Wigner
Dispersion Formula For L=0 State; Compound Nucleus Reaction;
Optical Model; The Methods of Direct Reaction Theory.
3. Nuclear Models: Salient Aspects of Different Nuclear Models; Magic
Numbers and Nuclear Shell Model; Single Particle Potential; Harmonic
Oscillator Well; Spin-Orbit Potential; Shell Model Predictions; Spin
and Magnetic Moments; Nordheim’s Rule; Total Spin for Various
Configurations; Individual Particle Model; L-S Coupling Scheme; J-J
Coupling Scheme; Collective Model.
Recommended Books:
a. Integrated Electronics: Analogue and Digital Circuits and
Systems — J.Millman and C.C. Halkias
b. Digital System Principles and Applications— R.J. Tocci
c. Digital Principles and Applications— A.P.Malvino and R. Leach
d. Digital Electronics: An Introduction to Theory and Practice—
W.H. Gothman
e. Digital Computer Fundamentals— T. Bartee
f. Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms— J. Millman and H.
Recommended Books:
a. Introduction to Nuclear Physics— H.A. Enge
b. Concept of Nuclear Physics— B. L. Cohen
c. Nuclear Physics— R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam
PHY358 Physics Practical VI
PHY357 Pulse and Digital Electronics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifier; Operational Amplifier:
Summer, Subtractor, Integrator, Differentiator and Active Filters.
Logic Circuits and Boolean algebra: OR, AND, NOT, NOR and
NAND Operations; Laws of Boolean Algebra; De-Morgan’s
Theorems; Truth Tables and Maps.
Data Conversion: Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer,
Code Converter, Analog-Digital Conversion (ADC) and DigitalAnalog Conversion (DAC).
Flip-flops: NAND Gate Latch; NOR Gate Latch; R-S Flip-flop; J-K
Flip-flop; D Flip-flop; Master/Slave Flip-flop.
Counters: Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters; Up-Down
Counters; Shift-Register and Frequency Counters; Digital Clock.
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
MAT359 Numerical Methods
1. Pulse Shaping: Pulse Parameters; Linear Wave shaping: RC
Integrator and RC Differentiator; Non-linear Waves shaping: Clipping
and Clamping.
2. Pulse Generators: Multivibrators: Astable, Monostable and Bistable,
Schmitt Trigger, Blocking Oscillators and Time-Base Generators.
3. Fabrication of IC and Operational amplifiers: Fabrication of
Integrated Circuits; Basic Principles of Operational Amplifiers;
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration :3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Transcendental Equations: First and Second Order Iteration
Methods; Rate of Convergence; Acceleration of the Convergence;
Efficiency of a Method.
2. System of Linear Equations: Direct Methods - Matrix Inversion;
Gauss Elimination Methods; Triangularization Method; Iterative
Methods - Jacobi Method; Gauss-Seidel Method.
3. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Eigenvalue Equation; The Power
Method; Jacobi Method.
4. Interpolation and Curve Fitting: Newton’s Forward and Backward
Difference Interpolation Formula; Hermite and Lagrange’s
Interpolation Formula; Linear and Polynomial Least Squares Curve
5. Numerical
Differentiation using Interpolation; Numerical Integration:
Trapezoidal Method; Simpson’s Method; Errors in these Methods;
Romberg Method.
6. Ordinary Differential Equations: Solution by Taylor Series; Euler’s
Method; Runge-Kutta Methods; Adams-Moulton; Milne-Simpson.
Transformation of Matrix, Solution of First Order First Degree ODE, First
Order Higher Degree ODE, Higher Order Linear Homogeneous And NonHomogeneous ODE, Solution of First Order PDE, Solution of Second
Order PDE, Solution of Boundary Value Problems (Heat Equation And
Wave Equation).
PHY362 Viva-Voce
1 Credit
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 3rd year 2ndsemester
Fourth Year: Semester I
PHY401 Special Theory of Relativity
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
1. Special Relativity: Inertial Systems; Newtonian Relativity;
Galilean Transformation
Experiment and its Explanation; Postulates of the Special
Theory of Relativity; Four Vectors; Lorentz Transformation
Equations; Length Contraction; Time Dilation; Proper Time;
Twin Paradox; Relativity of Simultaneity; Velocity Addition;
Variation of Mass with Velocity; Mass Energy Equivalence;
Minkowski’s Four Dimensional Space time Continuum.
2. Relativistic Mechanics: The principle of least action; Relativistic
Lagrangian; Energy and Momentum; Decay of Particles; Invariant
Cross-section; Elastic collisions of particles; Four-tensor of angular
3. General Relativity: Postulates of General Relativity; Photons
and Gravity, Gravitational Red shift; Principle of Equivalence;
Principle of General Covariance; Principle of Minimum
Gravitational Coupling; Correspondence Principle; Field
Equations of General Relativity; Motion of a Particle in a
Gravitational Field; The Constant Gravitational Field; The
Field Equations: Energy-Momentum Tensor;
Maxwell’s Field Equations; Schwarzchild Solution; Experimental
Recommended Books:
a. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis— S. S. Sastry
b. Numerical Methods for Sc. and Eng. Computation — M.K. Jain,
et al.
c. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers — R.W.
d. Introduction to Numerical Analysis. — F. Scheid
e. Numerical Mathematical Analysis — J. B. Scarborough
MAT360 Numerical Methods Lab
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration :3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Student will solve the problems of the following topics by using MAT
Solution of Algebraic And Trigonometric Equations, Graph of Functions,
Identification And Graphs of Conics, Definite and Indefinite Integrals,
Partial Differentiation, Rolle’s, Mean Value and Taylor’s Theorem,
Maxima and Minima of Functions, Curve Tracing, Length, Area and
Volume, Tangent and Normal, Matrix Algebra, Inverse Matrix,
Tests of General Relativity.
c. The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, University
Science Books — F. H. Shu
d. Stellar Structure and Evolution. Springer-Verlag— Rudolf
Cippenhalm and Alfred Weigert.
e. Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis (University of
Chicago 1984) — D.D.Clayton
f. The Physics of Stars (Wiley) — A.C.Phillips
g. An Introduction to the Solar System, 2011 (CUP). — Rothery,
McBride & Gilmour
Recommended Books:
a. Introducing Einstein’s Relativity— R. D’Inverno
b. Introduction to Special Relativity— R. Resnick
c. Relativity: Special, General and Cosmological— W. Rindler
d. Einstein and Relativity theory (In Bangla)— A.M. Harun ar
e. Introduction to the Theory of Relativity— P.G. Bergmann
PHY405 Introduction to Materials Science
PHY403 Astronomy and Cosmology
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Liquid Crystals: Structure and Classifications of Different Phases;
Orientation Order; Magnetic Effects; Optical Properties; Introduction
to Theories of Liquid Crystalline Phases; Glass; Glass Transition
2. Engineering Materials: Classification of Engineering Materials;
Engineering Requirements of Materials; Structures and Properties of
Non-metallic Materials; Portland Cement; Ceramics; Cermet.
3. Elastic Properties and Hardness of Materials: Elastic Constants;
Elastic Waves in Crystals; Creep; Fatigue; Hardness Testing; Hardness
4. Diffusion in Solids: Classification of Diffusion; Diffusion
Mechanism; Diffusion Coefficient; Fick’s Law; Self-Diffusion; InterDiffusion; Diffusion with Constant Concentration; Diffusion in Oxides
and Ionic Crystals.
5. Theory of Alloys: Solid Solution; Hume-Rothery’s Rules;
Intermediate Compound or Intermediate Phases; Phase Diagrams;
Gibb’s Phase Rule; The Lever Rule; Equilibrium Diagram of a Binary
System; Eutectic and Eutectoid Systems.
6. Introduction
Nanolithography, Self-Assembly and Self-Organization, Carbon
Nano-tubes, Quantum Dot and Nano-composites.
1. Introduction: Modem Astronomy; Astronomical Coordinates; Rough
Scales of the Astronomical Universe; Contents of The Universe.
2. Stars: Properties of Stars; Formation of Stars; The End States of Stars;
White Dwarfs; Neutron Stars; The Sun as A Star, Surveying the Solar
System; The Interior of The Sun; The Sun's Outer Layers; The Source
of Energy of The Sun.
3. Galaxies: Formation and Classification of Galaxies; Cosmic Rays; The
Milky Way System; Spiral Structure; Density Wave Theory; Active
Galaxies; Peculiar Galaxies and Quasars; Clusters of Galaxies.
4. Expansion of The Universe: Red Shifts; Hubble's Law Regarding
Expansion of The Universe; Age of The Universe.
5. Big Bang Theory and Cosmology: Static Cosmological Models;
Expanding Cosmological Models and The Big Bang Theory; Early
Universe; The Universe and The Subatomic; Life and Intelligence in
The Universe
Recommended Books:
a. An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (Pearson— B.W. Carroll
and D.A. Ostlie
b. Astrophysics in a Nutshell, 2nd edition (Princeton University
Press) — D. Mao.
Recommended Books:
a. Intro. to the Properties of Engineering Materials — K.J.Pascoe
b. Principles of Materials Science and Engineering— W.H.Smith
c. Materials Science— G. K. Narula, K. S. Narula and V. K. Gupta
d. Materials Science for Engineers— L.H. Van Vleck
Recommended Books:
PHY407 Renewable Energy
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Introduction to Solar Technology— Fisk and Anderson
A treatise on Solar Energy— Garg
Photovoltaic Materials— Richard H. Bube
Solar Engineering of Thermal Process— Duffy and Beckman
Fundamental of Solar Energy Conversion— Anderson
PHY409 Electrodynamics II
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Introduction: World Energy Requirement and Reserve; Solar
Radiation; Solar Constant Solar Geometry; Azimuth; Declination;
Day Length; Solar Time; Solar Radiation of Tilted Surface;
Monthly Average Solar Radiation; Measurement of Solar
2. Basic Concept of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and
Radiation; Heat Conduction through Different Surfaces; Heat
Transfer Coefficients.
3. Solar Collectors: Flat Plate Collectors; Heat Transfer Properties of
the Flat Plate Collector; Energy Balance; Temperature
Distribution; Collector Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient;
Collector Efficiency Factor; Heat Removal Factor and Flow Factor.
4. Energy Storage: Types of Energy Storage; Sensible Heat Storage;
Latent Heat Storage; Thermo-chemical Storage.
5. Photovoltaic’s: Interaction of Light with Semiconductor;
Absorption and Recombination Process; Photovoltaic Principles;
Semiconductor Junction; Power Output and Conversion
6. Photovoltaic System and Modules: Basic Photovoltaic System
for Power Generation; Solar Modules; Module Circuit Design;
Application of Photovoltaic System.
7. Other Sources of Non-Conventional Energy: (a) Wind energy:
Factors of wind speed, Betz law, Basic wind power system,
advantages and disadvantages of wind power. (b) Biomass and
Biogas; Introduction to tidal power and fuel cells.
1. Radiation from an Accelerated Charge: The Liénard and Wiechert
Potentials; Field of a Charge in Uniform Motion; Fields of an
Accelerated Charge; Radiation at Low Velocities, Radiation due to
relativistic and no-relativistic charges, Radiation due to an oscillating
electric dipole, Larmor formula. Linear half wave antenna.
2. Scattering and Dispersion: Scattering by Free and Bound Electrons;
Thomson, Rayleigh and Resonance Scattering; Normal and Anomalous
3. Relativistic electrodynamics: Lorentz Variance And Invariance of
∆2,∇, □ and Three and Four Dimensional Element, Four Vectors, Four
Vector of Charge and Potential, Covariance of Continuity Equation and
Lorentz Condition, Invariance of Maxwell’s Field Equations Under
Relativistic Transformation, Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Field Tensor
Covariance of Field Equation, Covariant From The Electric and
Magnetic Field Equation, Covariance of Lorentz Force Law, Equation
of Continuity and Inhomogeneous Pair of Maxwell’s Equations.
4. Radiation Damping: Radiation Reaction, Radiative Reaction Force
from Conservation of Energy; Abraham-Lorentz Equations of Motion,
Abraham-Lorentz Evaluation of The Self-Force, Integrodifferential
Equation of Motion Including Radiation Damping, Line Breadth and
Level Shift of an Oscillator, Scattering and Absorption of Radiation by
an Oscillator.
Recommended Books:
a. Electromagnetic field s and waves— Paul Lorrain and Dale
b. Introduction to Electrodynamics— D .J. Griffiths
c. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory— J.Reitz, F.Milforc and
d. Introduction to Classical Electrodynamics— Y. K.Lim
e. Advanced Electricity and Magnetism — W.J. Duffin
PHY412 Physics Practical VII
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
PHY414 Viva-Voce
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
1 Credit
Full Marks 100 [Internal Examiner = 30, External Examiner = 30, Presentation and Oral Exam = 40]
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
PHY411 Geophysics
2 Credit, 2 Hours/week
Physics of the earth— F.D. Stacey
Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting— M.B. Dobrin
Introduction to Geophysical— B.P. Howell
Principles of Applied Geophysics— D.S.Parasnis
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 4th year 1st semester
The Solar System: The Planets; Meteorites and Their Compositions;
Cosmic Ray Exposures of Meteorites; the Poynting-Robertson Effect;
Compositions of Terrestrial Planets.
Rotation and The Figure of The Earth: Figure of The Earth;
Precession of The Equinoxes; The Chandler Wobble, Tidal Friction
and The History of The Earth-Moon System, Fluctuation in Rotation
and The Excitation of The Wobble.
The Gravity Field: Gravity as Gradient of The Geopotential; The
Satellite Geoid; Crystal Structure and The Principle of Isotasy; Earth
Tides. Seismology and The Internal
Structure of the Earth: Seismicity of The Earth; Elastic Waves and
Seismic Rays; Travel Time and Velocity Depth Curves for Body
Waves; Internal Density and Composition; Free Oscillation.
Geomagnetism: The Magnetism of The Earth; Fundamental
Equations; Measurement of The Magnetic Field; The Method of
Gauss; Saturation Induction Magnetometers; The Proton Precision
Magnetometers; Alkali Vapour Magnetometers; Introduction to
The Earth’s Internal Heat: The Geothermal Flux; Thermal
Conduction in The Mantle; Temperature in The Interior of The Earth;
Energy Source for The Geomagnetic Dynamo.
Fourth Year: Semester II
PHY451 General Theory of Relativity
Credit, 2 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Preamble: Limitation of The Special Theory of Relativity, NonInertial Frames, Einstein’s Equivalence Principle
2. Spacetime As A Manifold: Manifolds, Vector Fields, Pullbacks
and Push Forward, Diffeomorphism, Integral Curve, Lie
Derivatives, Tensor Field, Metric, Tensor Densities, Integration
Over Manifold, Covariant Derivatives and Connection, Parallel
Transport and Christoffel Connection, Geodesics, Riemann
Curvature Tensor and Its Symmetries, Fianchi Identities, Ricsi,
Einstein And Weyl Tensors, Geodesic Devition.Vielbeins and the
Spin Connection, Maurer-Cartanstructure Equations. Killing
3. Gravitation: Equivalence Principle, Gravitational Red Shift,
Gravitation as Space Time Curvature. Einstein’s Equation, Hilbert
Action, Energy-Momentum Tensor.
4. Gravitational Radiation: Weak Field Limit and Linearized
Einstein’s Equation. Transverse Traceless Gauge and Gravitational
Plane Waves; Energy Loss by Gravitational Radiation.
Recommended Books:
5. The Schwarzschild Solution and Blackholes: Spherical
Symmetric Metrics and Birkhoff’s Theorem; Orbit in
Schwarzschild Space Time; Perihelion Procession. Event Horizon,
Black Holes, Kruskal Coordinates Black Hole Formation, Penrose
Diagrams and Conformal Infinity, Charged Black Holes and
Extremal Black Holes.
Semiconductors. PN
Junction. MOS Capacitor. MOS Transistor. Bipolar Transistor. The
Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology. Piezoelectricity, Peltier
and Seebeck Effect, Solar Cells.
Recommended Books:
a. Semiconductor Physics and Devices; Basic principle —D. A
b. Basic Semiconductor Physics— Chihiro Hamaguchi
c. The Physics of semiconductors— Kevin F Brennan
Recommended Books:
a. Introducing Einstein’s Relativity— R. D’Inverno
b. Introduction to Special Relativity— R. Resnick
c. Relativity: Special, General and Cosmological— W. Rindler
d. Introduction to the Theory of Relativity— P.G. Bergmann
e. Space-time and geometry: An Introduction to general
relativity— S.Caroll
f. General relativity— R. Wald
PHY 455 Health and Medical Physics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
1. Physics of Cardiovascular System: Work Done by Heart, Blood
Pressure, Bernoulli’s Principle Applied to Cardio-Vascular System;
Electricity within Body:
Electrical Potential of Nerves,
Electromyogram, Electrocardiogram.
2. Gamma Camera: Computed Tomography; Ultrasound Imaging;
SPECT. Imaging and Functioning Test of Thyroid Gland, Liver,
Spleen, Kidney, Lungs, Brain, Heart and Bone using Nuclear Medicine
Techniques. to PET Physics and Instrumentation: PET Principles; Line
of Response (LOR), Effect of Positron Range, Acollinearity; PET
Radionuclides, Positron Emission, Coincidence Events; History of the
PET Technology, Selection of a PET Detector, Acquisition Mode,
Attenuation, Tof PET, Image Reconstruction and Noise Analysis,
Gated PET, PET/CT; Biomedical Cyclotron.
3. Radiation Units: QF Absorbed Dose; Kerma, Internally Deposited
Radioisotope; Calculation of Dose Rate from a Point andDistributed
Sources. Principles of Radiation Therapy; Radiotherapy Treatment
Planning; Isodose Curve; Simulator; Teletherapy; Co-60 Unit; Linac;
4. Chemical Changes: Changes of Biological Molecules; Acute, Delayed
and Genetic Effects.
PHY 453 Semiconductor Physics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
Examination Duration :3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Semiconductor Material Properties: Crystal Structure of
Semiconductors, Energy Bands, Band Gap, Temperature Dependence,
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor.
2. Semiconductor in Equilibrium: Charge Carrier in Semiconductor,
Doping, Dopant Energies, Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and
Holes, Electron and Hole Concentration, Degenerate and NonDegenerate Semiconductor, Statistics of Donor and Acceptors,
Variation of Fermi Level with Doping Concentration.
3. Carrier Transport in Semiconductor: Carrier Drift, Carrier
Diffusion, Graded Impurity Diffusion, Hall Effect.
4. Non-equilibrium Excess Carriers in Semiconductor: Optical
Absorption, Carrier Generation-Recombination, Carrier Lifetime.
5. Semiconductor Devices: PN Junctions; Bipolar Transistor Operation.
Fixed and Mobile Charges and Doping. Generation and Recombination
of Charge Carriers. The Theory of Current Transport in
Recommended Books:
a. Introduction to Health Physics— H. Cember
b. Aspects of Biophysics— W.T. Hughes
c. Medical Physics— J.R. Cameron and J.G. Skofronick
d. Physics in Biology and Biophysics— P. Davidovits
e. Physics for Applied Biologists. —N.C.Hilyard and H.C. Biggin
Terms of Resonator Parameters, Confocal Resonator, HermiteGaussian Field Distribution, Spot Size.
6. Types of Laser, Construction And Use: Ruby laser, Nd:YAG,
Helium-Neon laser, Argon Laser.
7. Applications of Lasers: Application in physics, chemistry,
biology and medicine. Optical communications, Laser in Fusion
research and Holography.
PHY457 Laser Physics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Recommended Books:
a. Principles of photonics —Saleh and Teisch
b. optics—E. Hecht
c. Principles of laser—O. Svelto.
d. Optics and Photonics: An Introduction— Smith and King
e. Lasers—Seigman
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
1. Lasers: Absorption, Spontaneous Emission and Stimulated
Emission, Gain Coefficients, Pumping Schemes, Semi-Classical
Treatment of Absorption and Stimulated Emission, Spontaneous
Emissions, Results of QED Treatment, Electric Dipole Allowed
and Forbidden Transition. Einstein A and B Coefficient, Population
Inversion, Basic Laser Idea, Critical Population Inversion,
Radiation Trapping, Superfluoreseence, Superradiane and
Amplified Spontaneous Emission, Non-Radiative Decay.
2. Properties of laser beam: Monochromaticity, Coherence,
Directionality and Brightness.
3. Coherence and Correlation:1st Order Coherence, Spatial and
Temporal Coherence, Spatial and Temporal Coherence, Coherence
Length and Coherence Time, Total and Partial Coherence,
Visibility and Coherence, Mutual Coherence Functions,
Measurement of Spatial and Temporal Coherence, Coherence
Property of Ordinary and Laser Light, Van Cittert-Zemike
Theorem, Autocorrelation and Coherence, 2-D Angular
Resolution, Correlation Interferometry-Intensity Interferometer.
4. Line
Inhomogeneous Broadening, Line width Calculations for
Naturally, Collisional and Doppler Broadened Lines.
5. Passive Optical Resonators: Resonant Modes of Rectangular
Cavity, Types of Resonators, Plane Parallel Resonators- Treatment
of Schawlow and Townes. Quality Factor of a Resonator, Q in
PHY459 Computational Physics
3 Credit, 3 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 60, Midterm= 20, Attendance = 10, Assignment, presentation = 10]
I.C/C++ Programming:
1. Review of C/C++: Syntax Of C/C++, Editing and Typing the
Program, Debugging and Testing, Conditions, Loops, Arrays and
Pointers, Primitive File Input/output Operations.
2. Solving Problem Using C/C++:
a. Solving Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) With Initial
Value: First Order ODE (Example: Euler Method for The
Harmonic Oscillator), Second Order ODE (Example: RungeKutta Method for Harmonic Oscillator), Central Difference
Method (Verlet Method for The Harmonic Oscillator).
b. Root Finding and Optimization: Bisection and NewtonRaphson Method of Root Finding, Direct Optimization (Example
Simulated Annealing Minimization of a Function of Many
Variables), Stochastic Optimization.
c. Numerical Differentiation: Finite Difference Method, Two Point
Formula, Three Point Formula and Five Point Formula.
d. Numerical Integration: Newton-Cotes Method (Using Discrete
Planes to Appropriate an Integral), Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson 1/3
and 3/8 Rule for Integration, Romberg Integration, Monte Carlo
II. Matlab Programming:
1. Simple Calculations and Graphs: Entering Vectors and
Matrices; Built-In Variables and Functions; Arithmetic
Operations on Matrices, Standard Operation, Solving Matrix
Equations Using Matrix Division, Vectorized Functions and
Operators; Curve Fitting
2. Programming in Matlab: Conditionals and Loops, Scripts and
Functions, Advanced Matrix Computations, Eigenvalues and
Other Numerical Linear Algebra Computations, Advanced
Graphics, Solving Nonlinear Problems in Matlab.
PHY460 Physics Practical VIII
3 Credit, 6 Hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Full Marks 100 [Exam = 40, Report= 30, Attendance = 10, Viva = 20]
PHY462 Viva-Voce
1 Credit
Viva voce based on Course contents included in 4th year 2nd semester
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