ADIGRAT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF CIVICS AND ETHICAL STUDIES ASSESSING THE CHILD RIGHT PROTECTION: CASE OF ADIGRAT TOWN SENIOR ESSAY SUBMITTED TO DEPARTMENT OF CIVICS AND ETHICAL STUDIES FOR PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF BACHELOR OF ART (B.A) IN CIVICS AND ETHICAL STUDIES PREPARED BY: WENDEMAGEGN ANITO ADVISOR: MEBERHIT TESFAY JUNE, 2016 ADIGRAT, TIGRAY, ETHIOPIA ADIGRAT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF CIVICS AND ETHICAL STUDIES DECLARATION I, Wendemagegn Anito, declare that this study entitled “Assessing the child right” in case of Adigrat town is my own work. I have carried out independently the research work with the guidance and support of the research advisor. This study has been submitted to a partial requirement of B. A degree in Civics and Ethical Studies. Name of student________________________ Signature______________________________ Date: _________________________________ ADIGRAT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF CIVIC AND ETHICAL STUDIES ASSESSING THE CHILD RIGHT PROTECTION: CASE OF ADIGRAT TOWN PREPARED BY: WENDMAGEGN ANITO Advisor: MEBERHIT TESFAY Approval by Advisor and Examiners ______________________________ Advisor ______________________________ Examiner ________________________ Date and Signature ________________________ Date and Signature ACKNOWLEDGMENT Before all, want to bless to “GOD” to help me all accomplishment of this task. I went to extend my highest appreciation to my advisor MEBERHIT TESFAY has scarifies his intelligent constrictive comments and guidance in implementing this paper to work closely me throughout the paper work. Moreover, I would like to thank my family, especially my Father Anito Tekele and my mother Tsedalech sayebo, who has been the cause for all the good things that have happened to me throughout educational life. If is only because of this guidance and support that I am where I am today. Finally, I would like also to express my appreciation to all people who support me by providing material and valuable suggestion for the accomplishment of this work. ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was Assessing the child right protection. Obvious evidence of Adigrat town it consider with the presentation and analysis of the child right protection in the town problem faced by the child. The objective of this paper was to aware all society about child in the objective to fulfillment the methodology follows. To present Questionnaires by the residents of the town child and child, family and interview to the concerned bodies in the Adigrat town woman’s children and youth affair office. This paper is use full in controlling in what conditions it found concerning child right and what it should to in the future to protection in particular and to increase the overall child right violations in general. Acronym ACRWC: African Charter on the Right and Welfare of the Child CEDAW: Convention on the Elimination of all form of Discrimination against Women CRC: Convention on the Rights of the Child DCR: Declaration of the Right of the Child FDRE: Federal Democratic Republics of Ethiopia ICCPR: International Convention on Civil and Political Rights. ICESCR: International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights ICERD: International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination NSA: New Structural Adjustment UDHRs: Universal Declaration of Human Right UNCRC: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child UN: United Nation UNICEF, United Nation International Child Emergency Funds WWII: World War Second Table Content Page Acknowledgement---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Abstract----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II Acronym---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------III Table of content------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV List of table content-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------VII CHAPTER ONE 1Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1Background of the study -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.2 Statement of the Problem------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.3Research Question------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4Objective of the Study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.4.1General Objective of the Study---------------------------------------------1.4.2Specific Objectives of the Study----------------------------------------------1.5Scope of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.6Significance of the study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.7Definition of key Terms-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.8Organization of the Paper---------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER TWO 2Review of Related Literature------------------------------------------------------------------------2.1Conceptual Meaning and Definition of Child-------------------------------------------------------2.2 Historical Trend in Ethiopia about Child right 2.3 Legal Frame Works used to protect Child Right Violation------------------------------------2.3.1UN Declaration of the Right of Children 1959------------------------------------------ 2.3.2UN convention on the Child Right 1989------------------------------------------------9 2.3.3Regional Legal Policy Framework 2.3.4 African Charter on Child Right----------------------------------------------------------9 2.3.5 Specific Provision in other International and Regional Instrument-----------2.3.6 National Legislation on Child Labor---------------------------------------------------2.4 Type of Child Right----------------------------------------------------------------------------2.5 Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights of Children’s in Ethiopia-----------------------------2.6 Cause of child Right Violation ------------------------------------------------------------------2.6.1Child Labor-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2.6.2Abuse of Children---------------------------------------------------------------------12 2.7 Type of Child Abuse------------------------------------------------------------------12 2.8 Cause of Child Labor------------------------------------------------------------------13 2.9 Child Welfare-------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER –THREE 3Research Methodology and Data Collection-------------------------------------------------3 3.1Site selection and Description of study area-----------------------------------------------3.1.1 Site Selection-------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.1.2 Description of the study area-------------------------------------------------------------3.2 Data type and Data source----------------------------------------------------------------3.2.1Data type -----------------------------------------------------------------------------3.2.2Data source----------------------------------------------------------------------------3.3Research strategy and Design---------------------------------------------------------3.3.1Research strategy---------------------------------------------------------------------3.3.2Research design------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4Tareget population and Sampling-------------------------------------------------------3.4.1Tareget population-----------------------------------------------------------------------3.4.2Sample design-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3.4.3Sample size---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.5Data collection and Instruments------------------------------------------------------------3.5.1Quantitative data collection instruments------------------------------------------------3.5.2Qualitative data collection instruments--------------------------------------------------3.6Data presentation and Analysis-----------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER FOUR 3. Data Presentation and Analysis------------------------------------------------------------------------19 3.2 Personal Information of Respondent ----------------------------------------------------------------20 3.3 Analyses on Questionnaires of Child Right---------------------------------------------------------21 3.4 Type of Child Right Violation-------------------------------------------------------------------------22 3.5 Causes of Child Right Violation----------------------------------------------------------------------2 3.6 The Responsible Agent for Child Right Violation--------------------------------------------------23 3.7 Method to Minimize Child Right Violation---------------------------------------------------------24 Chapter One 1. INTRODUTION 1.1. BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY Right is an agreement or contract established between the person who hold a right(often to as the right holders)” and the persons or institutions which there have obligation and responsibilities in relation to realization of that right (often referred to as the duty barriers'' child right are specialized human right that applies to all human being bellow the age18 ( wildhaber, 2015). Universally child rights are defined by as united nation and UN convention of the rights of the child (UNCRC, 2015) .According to UNCRC child rights are minimize entitlement and freedom that should be afforded to all persons below the age of 18 regarded of race colors, genders, languages, religious origins wealth of birth states or ability and apply to all people everywhere (Clifford, 2015). The convention on the rights of the child (CRC) is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate the full range of child right (Roger, 2004). The convention on the child right of the child sets out the rights that must be realized for children to develop their full potential ,free from hunger and want neglect and abuse ,it reflects a new vision of the child ,children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless of charity(Ibid) .They are human being and are subject of their own right the convention offers a vision of the child as individual as a member of families and communities with rights and responsibility appropriate to his or her age and stage of development by recognizing children’s right in this way ,the convention firmly sets the focus on the whole child(Ibid) .the convention and its acceptance by so many countries has heightened recognition of the fundamental human dignity of all children and the urgency of ensuring their well being and development the convention makes clear the idea that a basic of life should be the right of all children rather than the privileged enjoyed by a few(Roger,2004) . The near-universal ratification of the of the convention reflects a global commitment to the principles of children’s right ,by ratifying the convention ,governments state their intention to put this commitment into practice ,state parties are obligated to amend and create laws and policies to fully implement the convention; they must consider all actions taken in light of the best interests of the child the task ,however must engaged not just governments but all members of the society(Ibid) . the standards and principles articulated in the convention can only become a reality when they are respected by everyone ,with in the family ,in schools and other institutions that provide services for children’s in communities and at all level of administration(roger,2004). According to integrated child right protection scheme [ICPS] Child right protection is about keeping children safe from a risk or precious’s risk their lives of child hood(Ibid) .It is about recognizing that children’s are vulnerable and hence reducing their vainer ability by protecting their from harm and harm full situations (joshuerotter 2014) Child protection is about ensuring that children have insecurity net to depend on and if they appear to fall through the holes in the system, the system has the responsibility to provide the child with the necessary care and rehabilitation to being the back in to the safety net(tuong nguyen, 2015). While many children in Africa are able to grow, learn and thrive as a part of loving families and communities the convention on the rights of the child (CRC) the African character on the rights and wall fare of the child(ACRWC) was created to protect children. That is listed by African charter of child rights (banmsen.b, 1999). The African character spells out the right that Africa .countries must ensure for their children, and it is the main instrument of the Africa human right system for promoting and protecting child right (Ibid). The charter which was adapted by the organization of Africa units (now the Africa union) in July 1990, was entered in to force in November 1999 forced to implement in to grounds ,It was the first regional treats to address child rights , and was created partly to complement the CRC but also because Africa countries were under represented in the drafting process of the CRC and many felts a month or treaty was needed to address the specific realities of children’s in Africa(bandmen,b.1999). The ACRWC and the CRC are the only international and regional human rights threats cover the whole spectrum of civil, poetical, economic, social and cultural right like the CRC, the ACRWC talk’s bout the same principle (Ibid).In the eastern and southern Africa region, all most all countries have ratified the Africa characters with the exceptional of Somalia and Zambia both have signed but not yet ratified it (UNICEF, 2007). The ACRWC is divide into two parts one deals with rights, freedoms and duties of the child and has 31 articles part two deals with the state obligation to adapt low to enforce the provision of the charter and has 18 articles (Ibid). Despite of that in Ethiopia make up 55% of the population, whist young people (ages 15-29) are about 30% of Ethiopia population of 82 million about 84% of the country children are engaged in activities that may be regarded as child labor. Behind every is a human being who deserves a better life the researcher are working to do just that (Demeke, 2015). The child right protection program focuses on building and strengthen an integrated child focused social we fare and protection system to support interventions that will ensure that justice system better serves and protects children’s, whether victims, witnesses or alleged offenders(Ibid)s. It will strengthen youth empowerment and reduce HIV incidence among the adolescents most at risk (aba hailegebriel, 2015). The total budget for this program component 2012-2015 is US $ 65 million and it will contribute to the following national and regional results: An effective child friendly justice system realize in all regions, the national child focused social welfare system is strengthened and social welfare service are available in all regions, the national social protection plan is operational zed; a function birth registration system is in place, violence against women and children is prevented and mitigation; the national youth development package is fully implemented; the government, communities and civil society support disaster risk reduction and respond to emergencies in Ethiopia with particular focus on Adigrat. 1.2 statement of the problem The situation of the child is one of general malnutrition, poor hygiene, lack of proper clothing, lack essential societal service (such as health, education and recreation) and displacement due to natural and man-made disasters(Roger,2004).The problem of homelessness( including those of street children) child labor, child disability addiction to that and perhaps other drugs are quite common with regard to girls, early marriage(in Amhara regions), harm full traditional practices such as female genital mutilation, incision cutting, the tonsils uvula and child prostitution are still wide spread( UNICEF, 2014). In short the poverty, inequality and ignorance that pervades the society is now where more overtly observed than in the conditions in the country while children are valued their need and right do not seen to be given the appropriate attention of children right protection and affected by military use children , sale of children, child pornography incidence of abuse, exploitation, violence and neglect of children this includes commercial sexual exploitations, trafficking, child labor and harmful traditional practice (UNICEF ,2010). According to national plan action for Ethiopian children, 2003-2010 and beyond a large number of children’s have suffer from the ill of poverty illeteracy, sexual abuse and exploitation (UNICEF, 2004). International office of migration (IOM) estimates that at least 1.2 million children and women between the ages of 8-18 years are victims of trafficking in the country every where they are most vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and violence .a research conducted recently also indicates that over a quarter of nearly 50,000childerns and women involved in prostitution are victims of trafficking (IOM, 2010). In 2002,womens’affair department at the ministry labor and social affair(MOLSA) estimated that 9o,000 females were involved in commercial sex work , approximately 20 percent of them were between 12-18 years old ,since then the engagement of children in commercial sex work has been increasing particularly in urban centers(MOLSA ,2002). Survey done by molsa central statics agency (CSA) and ILO also showed that about 84 percent of the country children below the age of 15 engaged in activities that may the regarded as child labor of the stated figure almost 90 percent of them came from rural area, where as survey done in 2010 and early 2011 MOLSA indicated that there are an estimated 12,000 street children in Addis Ababa and nearly 4,000 in Adam (ETAL 2010-11). IN 2003 report on sexual abuse and exploitation of children (2006-2010) estimated that 12 percent of the 4.6 million s orphans in Ethiopia have a lost one or both parents due to ADIS-related cause living in such households are headed by girls between the age 14-16 years, these girls heading the households could be victims of rape and attempted rape (Ibid). The above child rights problems are exist in Ethiopia’’. So as, Adigrat town is one of the Tigray people regions town which have a child right problem. Similarly exist like that child right abuse, exploitation, violence occur in the Adigrat town the homes, families, schools, care and justice systems, work places and across all contexts and other problems exists. 1.3 Research questions Based on the problem research would have arise the following questions 1. What are the legal and policy frameworks used to protect child right violation in adigart town? 2. What are the types of child right in Adigart town? 3. What are the causes of child right violation in Adigrat town? 4. What are the negative impacts of child right violation on their life of development in Adigrat town? 1.4 Objective of the study This study would have both general and specific objectives 1.4.1General objective The general objective of the study was to assess child right protection in Adigrat town 1.4.2 Specific objectives 1. To assess the legal and policy frameworks used to protect child right violation in adigart town 2. To explore the types of child right in adigart town 3. To find out the causes of child right violation in adigart town 4. To identify the negative impact of child right violation on their life of development in adigart town 1.5 Scope of the study The study was restricted (geographically, conceptually& methodologically). Geographically the study was conducted in Adigrat town, conceptually it focuses on child right protection in Adigrat town and it employed both qualitative and quantitative research method. 1.6 Significance of the study This study would have the following significances This study would be create awareness for the Adigrat society about the negative impacts &causes of child right violation and in a nut shell, the finding this study can serve as an input for policy makers and this study would have the potential to benefit the administrative and security bureaus of regional state of Tigray where the specific study sites the ministry of federal affair, NGO and other concerned bodies who are working on child right protection. It would have also reference for further researches who have an interest in the study area 1.7 Definition of key terms. Child is any human being below the age of 18 unless under the low applicable to the child, humanities is attain earlier child well far is that the child is human being with rights and dignities. Child protection refers to the protection of children from violence exploitation abuse and neglect Child right are the human right of the children with particular attention to the rights special right of special protection and care. 1.8 organization of the study The study organized in to five chapters, chapter one deals with the introduction of the study, chapter two review of related literature, chapter three research methodology, chapter four data analysis and interpretation and chapter five conclusion and recommendation. CHAPTER TWO 2Review of Related Literature 2.1. Concepts and Definition of child right The term child is defined differently according to the 1989 United Nation Convention on the rights of the child, “child means less than 18 year groups that the, majority is attained earlier.”According to definition the concept of child may not constitute every person below the age of 18 years if majority is attained earlier applicable to certain laws. This indicates that the concept of child is not the same across various laws. ( According to Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC),children and young people have the same basic general human rights as adults and also specific rights that recognized their special needs. Because the convention on the rights of the child (CRC) brings together rights articulated in other international treaties, there are many parallels between the convention and other treaties. The five other core human rights instrument are: - the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); the Convention against Torture and other Cruel. In human on degrading treatment or punishment (Torture convention); International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (Race Discrimination Convention), and the Convention on the Elimination of all form of Discrimination Against women (women’s Conventions) Among other rights found in the convention on the right of the child and share with one or more of these instruments are: Non-Discrimination (Art-2). All human right instruments prohibits any discrimination-distinction, exclusion, restriction or reference in the provisions protect and promotions of rights. Many Article of both the ICCPR and the ICESCR call attention to the special needs of families and children. These include Article 24 of the ICCPR (calling for protection of children and registration at birth of their name and nationalities), and Article 10 of the ICESCR (calling for specific attention, protection and assistance to children) (Ibid). This example shows that the convention on the rights of the child is found on rights inherent to everyone, but that it also builds on concerns for the specific needs and vulnerabilities of children. On the other hand, the 1990 Africa Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Child. Child refers to every human being below the age of 18 years. In this definition, the concept child encompassed every person who is under the age of 18 years, irrespective of the attainment of majority applicable to different laws. (Ibid) When wecome back to Ethiopia, the term child has no agreed definition applicable to all laws of the countries. For instance, Art 627 and sub Article (1), (2), and (3) of the 1997 criminal code of Ethiopia constitution provisions concerning the prohibition of sexual intercourse with children. According to this provision, child means a person below the age of 13 years. On the other hand, according to Article 198 the 1960 civil code of Ethiopia, the term child is represent as miner and defined as a person of either sex who is below the full age of 18 years. More importantly, according to the provision of Ethiopia labor law on child labor, the concept of child refers to persons below the age of 14 years. So the concept of child has no agreeable definition applicable to various laws. 2.2Historical Trend in Ethiopia about Child Right There is no reliable research finding that clear sheds, light on the tread and nature of child labor in Ethiopia. However it is evident that it has been a part of the productive and reproductive role of societies since time immemorial. The fact that there have not been legal or customary laws in the long history of the country that define the age that should have been categorized as working, force, has made the society to continue to use child labor to sustain family both socially and economically. The available information in the country reveals a disturbing picture, like in many other sub-Saharan African countries, a large number of children in Ethiopia join the labor force usually below the age of 15. This rank indicates Ethiopia is the country among one with highest rates of child labor in the world. (Seleshi, 2008, 1) Ethiopia has been cooperating with international human right mechanism for the protection and promotion of human right. The country has timely observed its reporting obligation under international convention on the right of the child and international convention Against the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, against Women. CRC also recommended that Ethiopia, ratify the 1993 Hague convention on protection of children and cooperation in respect of inter country adoption; consider ratification of the Rome statute of the international criminal courts and with drown its reservation to the 1951 Refuge convention regarding the right to education in 2006, CRC remained concerned at the lake of systematic legislative review and adoption of a comprehensive children Code and recommended inter alia to strengthen its efforts to bring domestic law in to full compliance with the convection. CRC welcomed the provisions in the new Criminal Code of 2005 which criminalize harm full traditional practice and most forms of trafficking and the provision in the revised family code set (Ibid). According to Ethiopia FDRE constitution respected general human rights at article 10 as 1. Human rights and freedoms emanating from the nature of mankind are inviolable and inalienable. 2. Human and democratic rights of the citizen and propels shall be respected. Therefore human rights are fundamental freedom given by being human being irrespective of their nationality, race, sex culture wealth and others. They are irreducible, eternal, indisputable, inviolable and not given by government. 2.3 legal policy frameworks used to protect child right violation 2.3.1 UN declaration of the rights of the child 1959 According to the UN declaration, a child has to be given ten basic rights as follows. 1. The child shall be brought up in a spirit of understanding friend ship,, piece and universal brother hood and shall not be exposed to racial , religious or other forms of discriminations . 2. The child shall be protected against all forms of neglect , cruelty , exploitation and traffic and shall not be permitted to be employed before appropriate age . 3. The child shall , in all circumstance , be among the first to receive protection and relief 4. The child entitled to free and compulsory elementary education and such an education as in his best interest and for which parents are to be responsible. 5. The child is entitled to grow up in an atmosphere of affection and moral and material security ,with public authorities taking care of children without families or other support. 6. The physically, mentally or socially handicapped child shall be entitled for special treatment, education and proper car. 7. The child shall have rights to adequate nutrition, housing, recreation and medical service , including special health care and protection and pre-natal and post- natal care for mother. 8. The child shall be entitled to a name and nationality. 9. The child shall enjoy special protection to be able to develop in every way in conditions of freedom and dignity. 10. All children irrespective of their race, colure, sex or creed of their parents shall be entitled to these right (mohanty, 2007). 2.3.2 UN convention on the right the of child 1989 It is the most comprehensive document on the rights of the children. The convention of the rights of the child (CRC) drafted by the UN commission on human rights and adopted by the General assembly of the UN on Nov, 20, 1989 is a set of international standards and measures meant for protecting and promoting the well being of children in society. The CRC recognizes the exceptional vulnerability of children and proclaims that child hood is entitled to special car and assistance. It is guided by the principle 0f a first call for children. The principle, that the essential needs of children should be given highest priority in the allocation of resources at all times. It obligates the state to respect and ensure that children get a fair and equitable deal in society. It is also an instrument of empowering children and creating an environment in which all children are able to live securely and realize their full potential in life , and also in 1979 was designated as an international year of the child(TYC)(Mohanty,2007). It is also the longest UN Human right treats in force and unusual in that it not only address the granting and implementation of rights in peace time, also the treatment of children in situations of armed conflict. The CRC is also significant because it enshrines “for the first time in binding International law, the principle up on which adaption is based viewed from the child perspective. (ibid) 2.3.3 Regional legal policy frameworks The Growth of child right as reflected in international and transnational law has transformed the post-war legal and scope. This overview describes some of the major global and legal instrument that have contribute to these transformation. 2.3.4. The African Charter on Child Right. According to 1990, African Charter:- on the Right and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), the first regional on child rights builds on the 1974 Declaration on the right and welfare of African child, ,but most of its provisions are modeled after those of the CRC. The main difference lies in the existence of provisions concerning children’s duties. In Article 31, in line with the African human right charter” the preamble states that the child occupies a unique and privileged position in the African society and requires legal protection as well as particular care with regard to healthy, physical, mental, moral and social development. (http://www.amnesty 2.3.5. National Legislation on Child Labor Encouraging efforts have been made to improve the right to children in Ethiopia, especially their venerability for extreme forms of child labor. In this respect positive, and in some respects commendable measure have been taken by the existing Ethiopia government. In 1991, Ethiopia ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) following ratification of the convention. The government issued proclamation number 335/2003 for adoption of the convention in to Ethiopia the Ethiopia legal system (Ibid). A. The Constitution of FDRE: in its Art 36 sub Art 1-d is very specific about the issues of child labor and the protection of child right labor and protection of child right from labor exploitation. B. The Civil code: the existing civil code of Ethiopia has been in use since 1960. The civil code has full provisions to protect children from violation of their rights special in duress. C. Family Code of Ethiopia: the family code is another very important legal framework; in the country that is use full to protect children (girls) specially form right violation. The family code regulate the age of spouses under Art-7 sub-1 the revised family law state that “Neither a man nor a women who has not attend the full age 18 years, shall conclude marriage. This legal provision can provide protection from coercion of under age, girls to establish married life. The Criminal Code of FDRE 2004: the criminal code law of Ethiopia has dedicated one full charter to criminalized harmful traditional, that harmful wellbeing of citizen, the title of the chapter reads “crime committed against life, person and through harmful traditional practice”. Most harmful tradition practices in Ethiopia are committed against with our consent and will. The criminalization of such practice can provide the opportunity to prevent the violation of the rights of children. 2.3.6 Specific Provisions in other International and Regional Instruments According to UDHRs contains two articles that specifically refer to children. Article 25(2) states, “method hood and child hood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children whether born in or out wed lock shall enjoy the same social protection.” Article 26 calls for the right to education for all, and deals both with access to and the aims of education. (http:// www.ohcar.orglenglish/law/cesey.htm) In the preamble to the (ICESCR), is so far as it recognizes the indivisibility of human right is applicable to children’s as well. This it notes that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal an inalienable rights of all members of human family is the foundation freedom, justices and peace in the world” and that “those right drive from the inherent dignity of the human person. (Ibid) On the other hand, the international covenant on civil and political right (ICCPR) contains general provisions from which children are entitled to benefits, as well as certain specific provisions on safe guard for children in the administration of justice and as a member of family unit. (Ibid) 2.4 Type of Child Right According (shah and Gupta, 2001: 137-138), there are some set of civil, political, social, economic and cultural right of every child. The rights to protection:- which includes freedom from all explanation, abuse in human or degrading treatment and neglect including the right to special protection institution of emergency and armed conflict. The right to survival: - which including the right to life highest attainable slandered of healthy, nutrition and adequate stands of living. It is also including the right of name and nationality. The right to development: - which includes the respects for the view of child, the right to educate, support from early child hoods, development and care social security, leisure, recreation and cultural activity. The right to participation: - which includes the respect or the view of the child, freedom of expression, access and to appropriate information and freedom of thought, conscience and freely without any intervention. The right to equality without distinctions on account of race, religion or national origin. The right to adequate nutrition, having and medicine service. The right to recreation activities and free education. Child right take in to account the necessity of development of the child. The children thus have the right to live and to develop suitable physical and intelligent equally Children’s right plan to satisfy the essential needs for a good development of the child such as access to an appropriate alienation to necessary care, to education etc Children’s right considers the venerable character of the child. They imply the necessity to protect them. It means to grate a particular assistance to them, and give a protection adoption to their age and to their degree of maturity. So the children have to be helped and supported and must be protected against labor exploitation, kidnapping and ill treatment etc (http://www.humanium.orgenl). 2.5 CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS OF CHILDREN IN ETHIOPIA J UST AS WOMEN’S RIGHTS ARE SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED FOR SO DOES THE CONSTITUTION STIPULATE RIGHTS FOR THE CHILDREN? 1. YES FDRE CONSTITUTION ARTICLES 36 STIPULATE THAT : - EVERY CHILD HAS THE RIGHT A. TO LIFE B. TO A NAME AND NATIONALITY C. TO KNOW AND BE CARED FOR BY HIS/HERS PARENTS D. CHILDREN RIGHT AGAINST E XPLOITATIVE PRACTICES E. TO BE FREE OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT OR CRUEL AND IN HUMAN TREATMENT IN SCHOOLS AND OTHER 2. IN ALL ACTION CONCERNING CHILDREN UNDERTAKEN BY PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WELFARE INSTITUTIONS COUNTRY OF LAW, ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITIES OR LEGISLATIVE BODIES , THE PRIMARY , CONSIDERATION SHALL BE THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD. 3. CHILDREN BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK, SHALL HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS CHILDREN BORN OF WEDLOCK 4. J UVENILE OFFENDERS ADMITTED TO CORRECTIVE OR REHABILITATIVE INSTITUTIONS AND JUVENILES WHO BECOME WARDS OF THE STATE OR WHO ARE PLACED IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ORPHANAGES , SHALLBE KEPT SEPARATELY FROM ADULTS. 5. THE STATE SHALL ACCORD SPECIAL PROTECTION TO ORPHANS AND SHALL ENCOURAGE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF INSTITUTIONS WHICH ENSURE AND PROMOTE THEIR ADOPTION AND ADVANCE THEIR WELFARE , AND EDUCATION . 2.6 Causes of child right violation 2.6.1 Child Labor The term child labor embraces a complex reality children’s work needs to be seen as hopping long continue with destructive or exploitation. Work at one end beneficence work promoting or enhancing children’s without intervene with their schooling, recreation and rest are the work that need not negatively attest a Childs development. (Choudhury and Ehoudhury, 2002, 17) 2.6.2 Abuse of Children Children abuse and neglect is the intention, non-accidental injure maltreatment of children by parents, take care which may lead to temporary or permanent impairment, disability, or death, mostly poverty and other related issues leads to many from of child abuse which every years as a result of the mutilated( ibid). This contributed to the frequency of the course of copping and death and should be a considerable factor every time that child has fractional cerebral hemorrhages a multiple would or difficulties with typical growth (choudhury, 2002, 20). 2.7 Type of Child Abuse Child abuse usually occurs at any home place, school, neighborhood, work place and residential core institution. The exact incidence of child abuse is difficult to estimate since it does not cone to notice of the authority. Causes never get exposed because of the child abuse are familiar tractors, child coning, practice and social factor like poverty, disease, poor parenting, martial dish or money and poor schooling etc. (Ibid) A. Physical Violence and Sexual Abuse Physical violence and sexual abuse of child is battering and injuring child physically by the parents or teachers or other care taker of children. Sexual abuse of children is defined, as any relation between adult and child. B Child Rape The actual magnitude of child rape cannot be measured because of its bei9ng under reported owing to the various socio-cultural constrains. The familiar norms of secrecy about humiliating experiences molestation, rape and incest give little freedom to the child to express her anguish. C. Child Prostitution Prostitution has been that since times in memorial and has manifested itself in various forms time to time. D. Kidnapping Abduction and beggary port form poverty unemployment and other economic liability often result in their abandonment by parents. This parents several girls children thus force to beginning and are left to tend for themselves on the streets. This presents to situation where the street children can be exploited sexually or otherwise by the vested interests, to be used for prostitution or begging or bonded. Labor also coursed by a most the same factors along with the either factor of the father guardian or care taker being an alcoholic or drug abuse and thus being always is need of father. E. Drug Abuse Drug abuse and trafficking has become a global phenomenon, school children, street children, and commonly respects are attacked by the drug problem. 2.8 Causes of Child Labor Children are pushed in to work that is often damaging to their development by three key factors, the exploitation of poverty, the absence of relevant education and the traditional patterns of living poverty drives chider in to hazardous job. The parents of child labors are of then un employ or under employed, disparate for secure employment and incomes must of the working children are belong to families that are extremely poor. And the absences of relevant education is another cause in which children who are out of school, invariable perform work of some sort, either at homer outside and at wage that is of the exploitative and under condition that clearly that clearly harmful. The prevalence of such levels is because of primary education for child is not compulsory. Traditional and entrenched solid pattern also play a port in prospering children in to hazardous labor (Chould hury, 2002, 18-19). Therefore reduction of poverty, absence of relevant education and traditional pattern of living are the major cause, to world’s child labor above. 2.9 Child Welfare Child welfare are caves the entire spectrum of service for children in need of gap and care children who are disabled or handicapped (social, emotional, physical or mental). And unable for avail of services provided by the community are also included in the purview of child welfare programs. Child welfare programs thus seek to provide supportive service to the families of these children’s because one of the important responsibilities of the society and state is assist the family in its natural obligation for the welfare of the society. Thus problem is gigantic and resources available are any supplementary in nature and are designed to meet certain needs of the most deprived and venerable among countries child population. Generally child welfare deals with the overall conditions of children in which concerned bodies care and helps those children’s who are in need ( Ibid). CHAPTER FOUR 4. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS This chapter deals with the data presentation and analysis of the obtained or collected information from respondents, which provided some empirical evidence on the child right violation in Adigrat Town. Questionnaires are which responded by child, family and others. Interviews are conducted in three civil servants in the office of women, children and youth office affair. 4.1 Personal Information of Respondent Table 1: Personal information of Respondents No Information Detail No respondent Percentage 1 Sex Male 18 60% Female 12 40% Total 30 100% 8-12 years 7 23.33% 13-18years 9 30% 19-35years 9 30% 36 above 5 16.5% Total 30 100% Literate 16 53.3% 2 3 Age Education level Illiterate 14 46.6% Total 30 100% Source own survey 2016 As shown in the above table, from the total population of 30 respondents (60%) of the respondents are male and (40%) of the respondents are female. According to the above table many of the respondents are male. Then the majority number of male children in this research. Regarding to their age (23.3%) of the respondents are within the age (8-12), (30%) of the respondents are with the age of (13-18) and (30%) of the respondents are with the age of (19-35).The rest of (16.5%) of the respondents within the age 36 and above. This shows that the majorities of respondents are male and with the age of 13-18 and 19-35, cover the majority. So majority of the respondents are child and adults. Based on their education level, (53.3) of the respondent are literate, (46.6%) of the respondents are illiterate, and know anyone to the respondents have a certificate education level. These tables show that majority of respondents are literate. These indicate most of the respondents are children. 4.2Analysis of Questionnaire of Child Right Table 2 Respondent Perception on Childs Right violation. Questions Respondents category No of the respondent Percentage (%) How do you rate child right violation Very high 3 10% in Adigrat town? High 5 16.5% Medium 15 50% Low 7 23.33% Total 30 100% Source own survey, 2016 As shown in the above table, (10%) of the respondents answer indicates that the rate of child right violation is very high. (16.5%) of the respondents induced that the child right violation is high in Adigrat town. (50%) of the respondents said that violation of the child right in this town is medium and the rest respondent or (23.3%) of the respondent answer the violation of child right is low. This indicated that the violation of child right in Adigrat town is medium stage, so child right protections have good result. 4.3 Type of Child Right Violation Table 3 types of child right violation Questions What types of child right violation in the town? No of Percentage (%) respondents Responses Abuse of labor and beggary 4 13.33% Low standard of child life and sexual abuse 8 26.5% Deny access to education 9 30% Maltreatment of child by parents 9 30% 30 100% Total Source own survey, 2016 In the above table (13.33%) of the respondents for the types of child right violation are abuse of child labor and beggary. (26.5%) of the respondent answer about types of child right violation are low standards of child health care. (30%) of the individuals select lack deny access to education and other basic interest are types of child right violation and, (30%) of the respondent answer about types of child right violation maltreatment of child; by their parent and relatives. In general, as the above table indicates most of the respondents agreed by denying access to education, and maltreatment of children by parents and relatives are the major types of child right violation in the town. Additionally, victims of drug abuse, illegal trafficking and sexual abuse are a type of child right violation. 4.4 Cause of Child Right Violation Table 4 cause of child right violation Questions Response What are the causes for child right violation in Adigrat No of town? respondent Lack of awareness - - Existing economic family problems - - Social and cultural problems - - All problems exist in the town 30 100% 30 100% Total Source own survey, 2016 Percentage (%) As it can see in the table, all respondents are agreed with all categories of cause that lead to child right violation from (100%) of the respondents all conducted within the contribution of each factor to degrade or exploit or child right violation. The above table refers that, no full access to education, existing economic family problems and social and cultural problems, like poverty are prominent factors of cause for the violation of child right in Adigrat town. 4.5 The Responsible Agents for Child Right Violation Table 5 Responsible Agents for Child Right Violation Questions Who are the responsible bodies for the violation of No of respondent Percentage (%) Child family 3 10% School community 6 20% Illegal broker 4 13.3% All of responsible agent 17 56.5% 30 100% child right? Response Total Source own survey, 2016 Based on the above table, (10%) of the respondents is response to the agent of child right violation are Child, family, (20%) of the respondent as major agents for child right violations school community and, (13%) of the respondents are agreed by illegal broker are the other responsible bodies for violation of the child right and, (56.6%) of the respondent’s response all of the above listing agents contribute to violation of child right. In generally based on the above response all of the responsible agents, such as family, school and illegal brokers have equal contribution to the child right violation 4.6 Method of Minimizing Child Right Violation Table 6 Method to Minimized Child Right Violation Question What are the minimization mechanism of child right violation No of Percentage (%) respondent Response By creation of awareness - - Law enforcement - - Supporting child materially and technically - - All are correct 30 100% 30 100% Total Source own survey, 2016 From the above table, the respondent’s arguments by all list alternatives have to minimize child right violation. Because awareness creation is important, when different ways like social institution such as markets, school, mosque, church and in the health care institution. In general, the minimization methods of child right used to promote child rights. But the creation of awareness in different ways like enforcement of law or apply convention or regulation to protect the child right and supporting child technically and materially it is the best solution. 4.7 Responsible Bodies for Keeping of Children and Protection of Child Right Violation Table 7 Responsible Bodies for protecting child right violation Question Response Who are responsible bodies for protection and take care No children from violation? respondent (%) Family 4 13,33% Government office 5 16,6% Non government organization (NGO) 5 16.6% Media 3 10% Religious institution 3 10% Societies as a whole 10 33.33% 30 100% Total of Percentage Source own survey, 2016 Based on the above table, both government office and non government organization categories responded to equally, (16.5%) of the respondent. In the family category, (13%) of the respondents are responding. Both of the rest media and religious institution have an equal categorical response or (10%) of the respondents and more of the respondents agreed by societies as a whole. In general the above table, all communities includes family, government office, non government organization (NGO), media, religious institution and societies as a whole are corporative, responsible bodies to conduct good atmospheres for children privacy home any kind of threat or violence. 4.8 Awareness Creation Method about Child Right Violation Table 8 Participation and Awareness creation Method about child right violation Question Responses Did you participate in any conference or meeting in No this town? respondent Yes 16 of Percentage (%) 53.3% No 9 30% I don’t know 5 16.5% 30 100% Total Source own survey, 2016 Based on the above table, more than half of the respondents or (53.3%) of the respondents are participated in different conferences or meeting to aware or to train the society, (30%) of the respondents are said that not participation by the conference and meeting. Because most of the respondents are children’s and the rest of respondents or (16%) of them are not any knowledge and participation about child right protection. However, based on the above table indicated that the practices of participation by conference and meeting to aware or train citizens increasing though process or time to time. Part Two; Interview Question Analysis and Presentation Interview analysis and discussion of qualitative questions us follows. The information obtained from children, women’s and youth affair office in the Adigrat town. 4.2.1 Perception of Individual about Child Right Violation in the Office The response of the question, how did you see child right violation in this town? Most of the respondents in the children, women’s and youth affair office answer about right violation are widely exist in this town. However, such violations like bodily violation, psychological damage, sexual abuse and victim of beverage. (Source; from interview) In addition, most of the respondent responses for the existing child right violation. The major problems exist in this town abuse of child labor and beggary. So, putting the solution the all of the following problem by creating awareness to whole societies and parents of a child. 4.2.2 Major Causes about the Child Right Violation From the interview most of the respondents give some explanation about a major cause of child violation. According to some respondents, to the women’s affairs office, she said the major cause for child right abuse firstly, start from the immigration from rural area urban migration. Because of these child right violation increased time to time. The consequence of these problem and labor abuse cases for children’s would be street doilies. According to some of the interviewer idea, child right abuse is also mistreatment by parent, other adults or other institution like the workplace, home and residential care in the community. The other responds, in the child and youth affair office author she said that illegal broker, lack of awareness to the society about child rights and harm full traditional practices are major causes for child right violation. (Source own survey, 2016) 4.2.3 The Role of Women, Children’s and Youth Affairs Office for Child Right Protection As the office of Adigrat town women, children and youth affair office facilitating opportunity to create awareness in the society as a whole, in different government institution like school, market, religious institution and in the conferences. According to some respondent or interview, as an officially give different support and organized to seek awareness about child rights for all parents’ child to promote the right child by giving some train to the citizens. In general, all of the ideas of respondent as an officially to participate perfectively and effectively by creation of societal awareness with concerned bodies and organizing and some protectors of child right committee in the office. (Source; from interview) 4.2.4 Awareness Creation Method for Child right in the society The interview individual said that the majority of them agree to promote child right by informing citizens in everywhere and at every time. The concerned bodies aware all society starts from Keble level up to city administration. The responses are other awareness creation mechanism like, preparing template paper and other media uses to reach relevant information to the wider community. (Source; from interview) In general, child right violation firstly aware of one community by different methods of communication like radio, newspaper and magazines.(source; from interview) 4.2.5 Influences of Societal Problem on the Child Right Violation There are some relationships between societal problem and child right violation, most of interview said that societal problems cause to child right violation. Societal problems like low living standards and low income in the family, Childers don’t get their interest. Families are used, their child as a sources of economy by labor abuse, over time works and others. The consequences of this child working over time or at night time causes of sexual abuse and other problems are performed on them. In general, to conclude about social, an economical and cultural problem or causes appreciates to make crimes and illegal action. So to minimize this problem as officially prepare some opportunity to child education instrument, clothes and other basic needs. CHAPTER FIVE 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 CONCLSION Based on the analysis and finding the following conclusion is drowned. These findings could be follows. summarized as Child rights abuse is the mistreatment of a child by a parent, other adults or other institutional it occurs at any place, home, school, neighborhood, workplace and residential care institution. The type of child abuse is, physical violence and sexual abuse, child rape and child prostitution, drug abuse and international trafficking all types have an impact upon well being and well fare of children temporarily and permanently. The convention on child right emphasized on equality, education, improved health and opportunity to develop his/her unique ability and also aware family, community, public institution, private organization and state government to ensure and promote approaches toward the protection of children’s rights at every time in any situation at everywhere. In the above finding refers that cases of child right violation are not full access of educations, exist family problems, societies and economic factors, like poverty are prominent factors for violation of child right in the town. Child right protections are responsible for all concerns bodies or all communities such as family, government office, non-governmental organization (NGO), media, religious institution and societies as a whole are cooperative responsible bodies to conduct good atmosphere for children’s privacy home any kind of threat or violence. The type of child right abuse is found out by the researcher are abuse of labor or over responsibility by the child, low standard of health care, poor condition and educational instruments are categorized in the types of child right violation. 5.2 RECOMMENDATION Based on the research finding the following recommendations are drawn to all concerned bodies of child rights. To NGO working on children’s rights in the town To advocate mentally of the society about privacy of child rights. To advocate drawbacks of harm full traditional practice. They should conduct adequate dissemination of information on the right and privacy of children and pressurizes law enforcement agencies to protect children right. TO Media To disseminate information regarding to children right to the whole community. To create awareness in the community about child violation privacy and right. Aware the problem of child abuse, child labor and risks. To Children’s family /parents The family should take care of children’s right and privacy. The family should keep the interest of children by not taking children’s as subject, but consider them as tomorrow’s assets. The family should resist their problem by themselves, not to allow or invite children in the victim of their own. To Government office and staff Conduct awareness, creating research. Applicable laws, convention and regulation of child right. Support and organize children technically, materially and financially in order enhance capacity building of children toward social participation. Give awareness towards changing bad attitude/children’s privacy and right. REFERENCE Aparajita Chowdhury and Rita Chowdhury (2002; pre-school children; development, care and education). New age international (p) publisher. AbaHaile Gabriel melaku (2015) International religious council representative speaking at the national child submit Addisabeba, Ethiopia. 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APPENDIX ADIGRAT UNIVERSITY College of social science and humanities Department of civics and Ethical studies QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is prepared for children, children family and other concerned bodies in Adigrat town in 2008E.C with the objective of Assessing the child right protection, because the information is very important to my study .since its secrecy has been protected, you should have to explain your idea freely and precisely . Do not write your name. Thank you for your consent! Part one; personal information 1 Sex A. Male 2 Age A. 8-12 year B. Female C. 19-35 year B. 13-18 year 2 Education level D. 36 above A literate B.illeterate Part two; Objective Question 4 How did you see rate of child right violation in Adigrat town? A. Very high B. High C. Medium D. Low 5. What types of child right violation in the town? A. Abuse of labor C. Not facilitate education and their interest B. Low standard of child life care D. Mistreatment of child by parent 6. What are the causes for child right violation in Adigrat town? A .there is no full access of education B. existing family problem C. social, cultural and economic problem D. all problem are causes 7. Who are responsible bodies for the violation of child right? A. Child family B. School violence C. Illegal broker D. All are responsible agent 8. Which type of child right abuse is performed in Adigrat town? A. Abuse of child labor and beggary C. Sexual abuse B. Illegal child trafficking D. Victim of abuse of drug E. all are performed 9. Do you think it is possible, minimize child right violation? A. Yes B. No If your answer is yes how? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If your answer is no why? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Who are responsible for the protection or take care of from violation? A. Family B. Government office C. Nongovernmental organization D. Media E, Religious institution F. Societies as a whole 11. Did you participate in awareness creation or training in any conference and meeting? A. Yes B. No If your answer is no why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part three; interview question 1. H0w did you see a child right violation in this town? 2. What are the major causes for the violation of child right in Adigrat town? 3. If child right abuse is continuing in this town then, what will happen in the future? 4. How did you transform relevant information to the society about the child right? 5. What is the relation of societal problem and child right? How did you solve this? . CHAPTER THREE: Research Methods and Data collection 3.1 Site selection & Description of the study area 3.1.1. Select selection (Why you select Adigrat town? The study was conducted in Adigrat town which is found in eastern zone of the Tigray regional state. The researcher selected the study area because: 3.1.2. Description of the study area 3.2 data type and data source 3.2.1 Data type( use whether quantitative , qualitative or mixed data type & put your reason) 3.2.2 Data source The researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data in order to obtain full information about the area. Primary Data Sources could be used to gather first-hand information through interview and questionnaire from: The secondary data would be gathered from the reports of the office of social affairs of the town/woreda, books, websites, FDRE Constitution, U.N. agencies and other international organization reports, research papers and legal documents. 3.3.Research strategy and design 3.3.1. Research strategy ( use ether quantitative, qualitative or mixed R.S) 3.3.2. Research Design The type of the researchwas descriptive research. Because it describes the existing situation of child right as it is. 3.4. Target Population and Sampling 3.4.1 Target Population ( who is your T.P) 3.4.2Sampling design & procedure Sample size (what is the size of your respondents?how you are selected them your Sampling design (shows how & why uses the probability &non-probability techniques 3.5. Data collection &instruments 3.5.1Quantitative data collection instruments Semi-structured questioner 3.5.2. Qualitative data collection instruments Interview, FGD, Observation 3.6. Data Processing and Analysis After the data was collected, it was processed through manual in –field editing for consistency, omission and uniformity. Accordingly the quantitative data collected from respondents were analyzed by using descriptiveanalytical techniques like percentage, frequency distribution, and tables. While the data which was collected through interviews were described qualitatively using content and narrative analysis-they were written down from their original form (tape recording), they were summarized in to theme to construct meanings, and then the themes discuss vis-à-vis literature and research findings of others. Finally the results would used to draw conclusions and implications.