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By: Behayilu Halala,
ID NO, shr/1272/
ADVISOR NAME: ...............................................
Table contents
Chapter One
1. Introduction..............................................................................
1.1. Background of the study.........................................................
1.2. Statement of the study..... ...............................................................
1.3. Objectives of the study........................................................................
1.3.1. General objectives of the study....................................................
1.3.2. Specific objectives of the study...................................................
1.4. Research question................................................................................
1.5. Significant of the study........................................................................
1.6. Scope of the study and limitation.........................................................
1.7. Organization of the study.....................................................................
Chapter two
2. Review related of literature....................................................................
2.1. Defining and conceptualization of concepts............
2.2. Conflict.....................................................................
2.2.1. Types of conflict......................................................
2.2.2. Theories of conflict................................................
2.2.3. Conflict management............................................
2.2.4. Conflict transformation.........................................
2.2.5. Conflict resolution.................................................
2.3. Source of conflict......................................................
2.4. Consequence of conflict..........................................
2.5. Conflict management and resolution.....................
2.6. Interpersonal conflict...............................................
Chapter three
3. Methodology of the study...................................................
3.1. Description of the study area...........................................
3.2. Research design................................................................
3.3. Source of data..................................................................
3.3.1. Primary source of data.................................................
3.3.2. Secondary source of data............................................
3.4. Sampling design..............................................................
3.5. Sampling size......................................................................
3.6. Sampling technique...........................................................
3.7. Methodology of data analysis...........................................
3.8. Ethical considerations.......................................................
Chapter four
4. Inter personal conflict management and resolution...............
4.1. Reasons of inter personal conflict.........................................
4.1.1. Economical reasons...........................................................
4.1.2. Socio cultural reasons by university students..................
Personal reasons...............................................................
4.2. Consequence of inter personal conflict..............................
4.3. Cause of conflict in selamber town.....................................
4.4. Actors of peace making between students..........................
4.4.1. selamber..............................................................................
4.4.2. Governments........................................................................
4.4.3. Community..........................................................................
4.5. Inter personal management and resolution method...........
4.6. Impacts of inter personal conflict..........................................
4.7. Challenges faces to resolve inter personal conflict..............
Chapter five
5. Conclusion and recommendation............................................................
5.1. Conclusion.......................................................................................
5.2. Recommendation............................................................................
5.3. Reference........................................................................................
5.4. Appendix.........................................................................................
First and most I would like to present word for the powerful God next to this much wondered to
my advisor Abrha G. For this continuous and regular follow up to producing this paper l am
grate for this constrictive criticism, patience encouragement and devotion without you this
study would have reach its present stage. My respectful and graduate thanks also go to my
family for their constant reliable financial and moral support enable me to complete my study.
This study was aimed at way of inter personal conflict management resolution in Kucha district,
Selamber town. As we know conflicts is disease of developments. So, this senior essay tries to
examine the cause, impact, consequences, mechanisms and its resolution of conflicts as much
as possible. This research has been conducted based on purposive sampling method for
preparing interview was used as a means of data collection method. Based on the basement and
it was found that conflicts a series problem in one country economy, political and social
Key Word: - Inter Personal Conflict
Chapter One
1. Introduction
Background of the study
According to Brhane (2012), conflict can be understood as engagement in fight or disagreement
confrontation between two or more parties as a spring towards incompatible of competitive
means or end (Brhane 2012, 1).
Interpersonal conflict involves two or more students rather than one student. By the reasons of
personality difference between students, psychological problem, perception, clashes of values
and interests among students, power and status difference and scare of some resources (St. Paul,
Minn, 1989)
Conflict is the natural and human practice or existence. Moreover (Assefa, 2005) states that as
there is the notation or society and very existence or the people, there also obviously conflict no
matter the extent as well as the source of it.
The essences of conflict seems to be disagreement, contradiction or Conflict is a situation in
which two or more human beings desire goal which they perceive as being obtainable by one or
two not both. In other words, it s a social situation in which a minimum of two actors strive to
acquire the same movement in time and available set of scare resources, (Wallenstein 2007, 3).
The concept of conflict is integral part of human life, when there is interaction and competition
then there is a conflict. In this regard, conflict can be defined as disagreement between groups
or individuals trying to gain acceptance of their views or objection over others. But it is not
necessary to eliminate all conflicts as they are not always harmful. In fact, conflict can
contribute positive outcome.
However, conflict can be destructive and hinder ideas and information. In this case, conflict
highly affects the effectiveness of the organization. In some case, due to conflict corruption and
nepotism may result (Edo 2001, 28-29).
Incompatibility, that means any situation in which there are incompatible goals, cognition or
emotions within or between student that lead to opposition or antagonistic interaction.
Interpersonal conflict occurs in our university it may be by the negotiation and mediation or
other methods of conflict management and resolution. In Adigrat University the students will
get into conflict by many reasons it may be religious difference, cultural, languages, interest
and so on.
Currently, the students of Adigrat University will try to solve their disputes by the above
Interpersonal conflict which occurs within students, often involves some form of goal. When
Selamber s behavior will result in outcome that are mutually exclusive or have compatible
(both positive and negative outcomes)
Statement of problem
Conflict is human phenomenon that cannot be avoided. Many effects are taken by the
government, local people and other stake holders to solve conflict in kucha woreda, particularly
Selamber town. For example the government establishes an institution or investigation and
persecution of conflict cases like informal or traditional institution, government officials
undermines these institutions. Based on inter personal conflict management and resolution
There are also a lot of problems that leads to conflict in Selamber town, from them imbalance
of resources, cultures, religions, lack of information, lack of finance and customs of the peoples
who work sufficient study up on the customary law, so to solve the conflict in Selamber town,
then one of the customary law which did not get sufficient concern still by researchers and
The other problems that motivated the researcher to conduct this research are in order to
provide a sufficient information, awareness and knowledge to suggest the possible solution of
the conflicts that are arising in the study area.
1.3. Objective
of the study
The researcher would have general and specific objectives
1.3.1. General
The overall objective of the study will to investigate the conflict management and resolution in
Kucha Woreda, in the Selamber town.
Specific Objectives
The specific objective of this study will;
 To identify the causes of conflict in the study area
 To investigate the methods use by the Selamber town in settling their dispute
 To investigate the challenges faced to resolve interpersonal conflict in Selamber town
Research Question
1. What are the possible causes of interpersonal conflict in Selamber town?
2. What are the method of conflict management and resolution process employed by the
Selamber town peoples?
3. What are the challenges trying to resolve interpersonal conflict in the study area?
1.5. Significant of the study
The study will useful to the to appreciate the informal interpersonal conflict management and
resolution mechanism in the Selambet town to solve the problem of the institution and situation
which is relate to conflict resolution.
In addition to the study help other researchers who want to study on the conflict resolution
mechanism as the secondary data process. It will be used as source of literature review for the
other researcher who need to the study on similar topics. It also enables to have better
understanding about interpersonal conflict management and resolution methods.
1.6 Scope of the study and limitation of the study
The scoop of the study will delaminate on the interpersonal conflict management and resolution
method in selamber. There are a lot of difficulty s to do the study like; lack of access to
internet, lack of relevant documents, language difference and difficulties to get respondents
who have willing to interviewed.
1.7 Organization of the study
The study covers five chapters. The first chapters of the study deal with the background of the
study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study and scope of the study, and limitation
of the study and organization of the study. The second chapter deals with the conceptual
framework of the study. The third chapter of this study embraces the research methodology.
The fourth chapter of this study deals with all about the data presentation and analysis and the
final chapter of this study include the conclusion and recommendation.
Chapter two
2. Review of related literature
2.1 Defining and conceptualizing concepts
2.1.1 Conflict
Different scholars in different time define conflict. Conflict is struggle over states power, scarce
resource to control in which the aim of the party is to injure, neutralize or eliminate (Custer
1956,35) in other words, conflict is derived from Latin words configure meaning that to strike
together then it is confrontation between two or more parties seeking in competitive means
(Macao 1965,6)
Galtung (2000) states that conflict is human as life itself it is a fact of human being. Conflict is
an inevitable human phenomenon that cannot be prevented. In this view at this to talk about
conflict prevention is like to take about life presentation. However, conflict is unavailable it can
be managed through different conflict resolution mechanisms.
Conflict and dispute are a natural part of human experiences and should not be undesirable or
assign of failures some conflicts are an available and can be difficult to solve conflict is not
obstacle but the way of conflict that determines values are obstacle (Jeasand, Steven 2005).
In other word conflict can be a violent and armed struggle between groups within the state and
one or more states. In such confrontation and struggle some of the involved are injured and
other killed (Bjura, 2002, 3). It s an expression of the heterogeneity of interests, value and
beliefs that a rise a new formation generated by we deal with conflicts a matter of habits and
It is possible to change habitual response and exercise intelligent choices. The definition of
conflict or conflict is a disharmony in an interaction process and usually occurs as result of
clash interest could occur because either they are pursuing their in compatible goal of pursue
their chosen goal (Derje, 2010, 79).
Different writers defined conflict in different ways for instance (Ramshothan and Et al, 2005,
27) stated that a conflict a fight struggle, a clash between human beings desired goal which they
perceived as being obtainable by one or other, but not both and there must be at least two
parties, each parties is mobilizing energy to obtain aspired goal and each party provides the
other as behavior of them. Of distinction between functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict
pivots on whether the organizations interest are served, according to Englewood Cliff some
support the goal of performance and functional constitute form of conflict they benefit of the
According to Englewood, conflict support the goal of performance is functional and
dysfunctional constructive form of conflict the benefit the main purpose of organization. These
types of conflict that hinder organizational performance, those are destructive forms.
Generally, interpersonal conflict in Selamber town are, conflict is the general idea and
interpersonal conflict the individual or one person to other person s disagreement.
2.1.2 Types of conflict
As we know classification of conflict varies but in this section there are many types of conflict,
those are;
1. Interpersonal conflict
It is refers to conflict between two individuals. This occurs typically due to how people are
different from one another. It is a conflict that when two persons have incompatible goals,
needs or approaches in their relationship, communication breakdown is the main case or source
of interpersonal conflict and as such learning communication skills, cultures, languages in
preventing and solving such in compatibilities (fisher 1990,7)
2. Symmetrical conflict
It is a type of conflict that occurs between two approximately equal resources or similar parties.
For instance conflict occurred between two instructor due to the clash to their class is one types
conflict that occurred in our university of both of the same conflict or disagreement.
3. Asymmetrical conflict
Are conflicts that occur between two unequal resources or dissimilar or opposed groups or
parties? The man cause for this conflict a particular issues or interest the parties, but in the
every structure of who they are the relation between them (fisher, 1999, 9). From this we
provide that it is the conflict that occurs between two or more persons who have unequal status
and privileges. For instance conflict Selamber town peoples' with in structure.
4. Multi party conflict
This conflict occurs in the society, when different interest groups and organization have varying
priorities over resources management and policy development.
5. Intra group conflict
This refers to the conflict between two or more members of the same group or team. Received a
large amount of attention in the conflict and group dynamic life rapture, this interest increasing
of studding intra group conflict may be a natural corollary of the obligations use of work group
and work team.
2.1.3Theories on the source of conflict
There are different theories about the source of conflict; some of these theories are briefly
discussed below.
1. Frustration- Aggression theory
According to frustration- aggression theory, human being are goal oriented organism and
rational, naturally become aggravated, when they are prevented from achieving what they
Frustration is accumulated, their rationalization of goals then it is naturally to be aggressive and
opt for conflict for realization and fulfillment of their goals (Jeng, 2000; cited in Dereje, 2010;
2. Relative deprivation theory
It is defined as the actor s perception of discrepancy between their value expectation and they
are value capability, for him, value expectation lead people to believe that they are rightfully
entitled to certain goods and condition of life (Jeong 2000:69. cited in Dereje, 2100: 80).
Therefore, this theory to conflict is relevant for my case study, because in the study area the
expected ability to satisfy basic material and social needs rises disportionately to what society
to and dose deliver.
3. Basic need theory
This theory also assumes that deep rooted conflicts are caused by unmet frustrated basic human
need, human have needs, which they aspire to realize and fulfill. These included the need to
have identity, spiritual and access to this needs make people his to undertake the option of
violence to secure their needs (Geong, 2000, cited in Derage, 2010:82).
This definition also relevant for my case study, because in the study area the expected ability to
satisfy basic materials and social needs raised disproportionately to what society is able to and
does deliver.
4. Realistic group theory
Conflicts arise from real or perceived incompatible goal leading to intergroup competition that
leads to misperception and hostilities. In other words this theory assumes that hostiles between
two groups result from real or received conflicting goal that initiates intergroup completion
(YapeOqlu, 1996; 32).
2.1.4 Conflict management
The different concepts and related with conflict resolution are including conflict prevention,
conflict settlement, conflict management and resolution. But my concern is what means by
conflict management and resolution? Conflict management is the constructive way of dealing
with conflict.
It aims to avoid or limit future violence by promoting positive behavior in the parties involved
in the conflict. According to (Fred tanner 2000) conflict management is the limitation
mitigation and containment of conflict without necessary solving it. Conflict management is not
immediately avoid but after limitation.
Conflict management is eliminating violence and violent related action and leaving the conflict
to be death with on political level. Conflict management to see violent conflicts as an ineradicable
consequence of difference values and interest with in students.
Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing
the positive aspect of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and
group outcomes including effectiveness or performance in organizational setting or thumps
(Pahim 2002, 208)
2.1.5 Conflict transformation
A number of conflict theorists and participation including JhonpalLedgedch (1997) advocated
the pursuit of conflict transformation as opposed to conflict resolution or conflict management.
Conflict transformation is different from the other two leaders asserts because it reflects a better
understanding of the nature of conflict. Is a process of ongoing with transforming the
relationship, interests discourses and if necessary the very constitution of the society that
support the constitution of violent conflict.
Conflict transformation is a long term process which takes place at various levels of society (the
personal, relational, structural and cultural) and aims at transforming conflict through
negotiation. It is a process oriented, not just focused in short term settlement.
2.1.6 Conflict resolution
It is defined a set of process active challenged towards addressing the root cause of conflict.
Fisher Teach (2000) defined conflict resolution as referring to process aimed at addressing the
case of conflict and building a new and lasting relationship between hostile practices.
By other word conflict resolution refers to situation where the conflicting parties in to an
agreement that solve their central at in compatibilities accepts each other continued existence
as a parties are cease all violent action against each other (Wallenstence 2007)
It is already mentioned that conflict tends to be destructive, because of our inability to
transform team peaceful. The reason why we have frequent wars and violent in the world is that
our skill of conflict resolution is poor. So conflict resolution are quite important in the efforts of
certain a much peaceful to live with (Jeong, 2000, cited in Derege, 2010; 83).
Conflict resolution is a more comprehensive term which implies that deep-rooted sources of
conflict are addressed, and resolved. This implies that behavior is no longer violent, attitudes
are no longer hostile and the structure of the conflicts has been changed (Ramsbotham O. and
Et al, 2005; 21). Conflict resolution is a variety of approaches aimed at resolving conflicts
through the constructive solving of problems distinct from the management or transformation
of conflict (Genet Metiku W., 2010; 4).
2.2 Source of conflict
There are four sources of conflicts they are;
1. Value conflict: - involves incompatibility in a ways of life, ideology the preference and
financial thing such as money and others.
2. Power conflict: - the conflicts in the case of authority party to be stronger without the other
being weaker at least in term.
3. Relationship conflict: - is a conflict in the case of resource base on the culture, language,
religion, communication and others.
4. Interest conflict: - is the conflict on their own interest or other group interests.
2.3 Consequence of conflict
Inter personal conflict had positive and negative consequences same of the positive
consequences are getting new things, to getting knowledge about how conflicts are resolved
and to developed ideas. The negative consequences are the economic decline, infrastructure
distraction, budget deficiency, absence of equality of culture, languages and other.
2.4 Method of conflict management and resolution
Based on the given information there are four ways conflict management and resolution. Then
informal conflict management and resolution method of the alternative means of conflict
dispute resolution those are;
1. Mediation
Mediation; is an assisted negotiation, it a process used by disputing parties to reach a mutually
satisfactory settlement. Mediation is the acceptable and impartial third party who has no
decision making power. The mediator assists to voluntarily and neutral third person agreed by
both parties. Ex two parties conflict the third person is neutral.
2. Arbitration
Arbitration; is a formal process where two or more parties with an unresolved dispute go to
neutral third party, to hear issue and make decision. As one of our court dispute settlement
device most of the time if not completely depends on the agreement of the disputing parties to
resolve their difference through it. Ex if two parties are in conflict, the third parties
independently settle dispute between two parties.
3. Negotiation
Negotiation; is a process in which two or more conflicts attempt to reach against decision on
matters of common concern in situations where they are intellectual or potential disagreement.
4. Adjudication
Adjudication; is where a neutral person usually empowered by an agency to make binding
decision. Is more formal then arbitration involuntarily, adversarial process, the actual process of
conflict resolution.
4.1.1 Formal conflict resolution method (judiciary)
In judiciary, the parties do not have the chance to choice the judge and the roles that will apply
in the adjudication process. Both the courts and law arranged by the government in the case
domestic and national in the case of international law.
4.2.1 Formal judiciary process
Judiciary refers to the formal and conflict way of solving conflict by using organized court
system. This is which most people employees to solve their dispute. The parties in the conflict
use in the services of courts organized by the government judiciary process parties can get their
day in court and decision can be appeared.
2.5 Interpersonal conflict
Interpersonal conflict is the conflict between one or more individual and personally not
representing the group, the individual to the other person base on language, culture, religion,
education and other person to the disagreement and not tolerant? The students need to have a
good set of social skill, communication skill allow the manager to accomplish interpersonal
situation and conflict instead of focusing on conflict as behavior issues focus on the
communication it form.(Myerson Larson 2005,307)
Inter personal conflict is occurs by the interest when the action of one person attempting to
maximized his or her needs benefit, interfere, insure other person attempting to maximize
(Johnson 1994).In generally conflict and interpersonal conflict may argue that among the
university students, in different direction to resolve or resolution method, the good
communication and social skill to have.
Chapter three
Research design
3.1Description of the study area
Adigrat University is located in eastern zone of the Tigray region north of Addis Abeba. It is
898 km from Addis Abeba. The study was conducted in Adigrat university it is geographically
locate at 14' 20' N latitude and 39' 29' E longitude with an altitude of 2457 masl, lies at 155 hm
from mekelle and 960 km from Addis Abeba. The minimum and maximum temperature and
rainfall are 14°C-25° C and 659mm respectively. The wet season begin at the end of April and
end on September. The dry season extends from October to March. The area is known by beles
(Cactus) production.
3.2 Research design
The researcher will used qualitative approach and case study design. The researcher will
employ qualitative approach due to the reason that this study is better to do through descriptions
and narrations. The researcher will conducting his research in this town for the following
reasons. First, since this town is more multiplaced problems or area then others surround it.
Secondly, this town is more familiar with the research. So, the researcher opted to conduct his
study in Selamber town.
3.3 Data collection method
The researcher will be use both primary and secondary source of data
3.3.1 Primary source of data
The primary source of data will collecte by interview.
3.3.2 Secondary source of data
The secondary source of data will collected from internets, and other sources that are relevant
to this study.
3.4 Sampling design
The researcher will used purposive sampling technique, for the effectiveness of the study and
to save time as well as it will good for the researcher used this technique of sampling in order to
reduce time that would affect the study.
3.5 Sampling size
Currently at Selamber town there are100,000 peoples. Therefore, 30 students will selected by
the researcher by using purposive technique. Therefore, an individual will selecte as
respondent. Thus selected respondent will interviewed. From thus half of them will males and
the remaining half will females.
3.6 Sampling techniques
The researcher will use purposive sampling technique and this technique enable to obtain the
required data from those who have deep knowledge about interpersonal conflict managements
and resolution method among Selamber town.The respondents will selected on the basis of
their knowledge and awareness.
3.7 Method of data analysis
The data will collecte by using qualitative methods. Therefore, the data will analyzed by using
purposive analysis, in order to analysis specific situation and to reach general conclusion and
recommendation, that might be useful to minimize the trend of conflict among them.
3.8 Ethical consideration
Currently, ethical issues are very indispensable in the conduct research, hence, in this research
project as the study progresses. First of all the researcher should do good things than things
causing any harm to the respondents in order to give there answer honestly and truthfully and
observe proper procedure. In addition to this the researcher would inform the respondents
properly about the purpose of the study. Thus considerations are
Safety: - When the respondents asked a question about the study, they have the right to speak
whatever they know and there personality is security. Confidentiality: - is an important concern
interviews should not normally be named unless, and permission this is any recorded
contributed in any form.
Chapter Four
Data analysis
4. Interpersonal conflict management and resolution method
among Adigrat University
4.1 Reasons for inter personal conflicts
It is impossible to discuss the strategies without identifying the factors causing the problems.
Strategies depend on the thought and experience students had the reason for conflict. As the
data from students interviewed, the reason for conflict between students was identified and
grouped. This are difference between, thought believe, values and world view, unmet
psychological needs identity, economically reasons and personal reason.
4.1.1 Economically reason
In this part, economically reason does not only to household or government financial problems
but also the poor management of experience, according to student s conflict between students
and other students. The idea of economics that human wants are unlimited while resources are
limited while resources are limited is guiding principles. One student to the other students not
the same or equals this process to come conflict.
4.1.2 Socio cultural reasons by university students
The described of social and cultural determinants of health, compare the socio cultural model
with the disease model and the local cultural system as important for impacting communities,
health practice and outcomes. The demonstrate awareness of one own culture assumption about
health and behavior through self-reflection exercise. In every culture, there was different power
relation among students member in general and administration particular.
According to socio cultural perspective and describing people behavior and mental process as
shaped in part by their social and cultural, including race, gender, nationality and religious
opinion. In order to account for variability from person to person and acknowledge that social
and cultural differences affect this individuals.
4.1.3 Personal reasons
Personal reasons were the individuals behavior, this alone was one of highly concern all the
other, how to help you job searching, interview skills, social networking, leaving your job,
employment trends, other relations and even moral.
4.2 The consequence of inter personal conflict
Inter personal conflict is between individuals and group of students characterized by conflict,
mistrust, inequality, and poor interaction patterns. As can be seen from the above discussion
(the factors affecting inter personal conflict) there were multiple possibility that could
contributed for the bad inter personal relationship among the university students. From
gathering of the interview we had analyzed the result as follow: - As many students believe that
there were immediately vulnerable to inter personal conflict- whenever there was conflict with
in university, it is known that it would affect students negatively and good inter personal
relationship also positively influenced.
If there were conflict between the students there would be no development in the country and
they would not have good educational performance.
The country also is in risk of getting educating citizens and other process. Increased of cost
devoted to dealing with the conflict - wasted resources and energy spent dealing with the
conflict:- Decreased productive, lower motivation, decreased moral, poor decision making,
withdrawal and miscommunication, damaging emotional and psychological effect being of
those involved in the conflict.
The consequences of conflicts in our campus was, lack freedom, equality, justice and had great
economic decline because of conflict not solved timely and regularly. So, it leads to positive
and negative impacts.
4.3 Cause of conflicts in Adigrat university students
As we know minimize conflict should be investigated about the cause of conflict in the study
area. As gathered from the interview seventeen respondents said that not equal economically
resource and not full information, other thirteen respondents said that there was no tolerance
and agreement and it was the major cause for conflicts.
Based on information gathered from interview we had analyzed the result as follow:- conflict
was the most serious issue in the Adigrat university with regard to this the impacts of conflict
on the economy, instability, poverty, loss of human life as well as on natural resource as always
observed. AS seventeen respondents said that the impact of conflict in Adigrat University was
medium. The remaining respondents said that the impact of conflict in this campus was high.
Generally conflict in this university had medium impact.
4.4 Actors of peace making between students
As the causes are different and complex, the vulnerable group had responsibility. There is
multiple securities that could participate in the peace making process. Human security is the
center task of peace building. Peace building involves stopping an ongoing conflict and
prevents the resumption fighting following of conflict.
4.4.1 Students
Students are the most immediate people to experiences the consequences of bad as well as good
relationship among person. Students are immediate actors both as contributing for inter
personal conflict and contributing solution for the problems.
4.4.2 Government
The government has institution and legal frame work to protect the campus extremely. In this
regard, the Ethiopia government has legal rules and regulation along with the institution
extended from federal, regional, word to local settings. The federal democracy republic of
Ethiopia constitution had legal document that sets right and responsibilities.
4.4.3 Community
Community of the university relationship was informal, which based on culturally, moral norms
to distinguish good and bad member of ascertain groups, the student s relationships to the
community and sanity.
4.5 Inter personal conflict management and resolution
Different methods are used in conflict management and resolution techniques to create
harmonious and suitable in Adigrat university students. The following shows the techniques of
conflict management and resolution.
The respondent s answer, what way of conflict management and resolution mechanism as the
most important used in this university? Half of the respondents said that by the tolerance, to
creating of peace equal sheering resource and other said that informal conflict mechanism was
the best way. The informal was done by the negotiation and mediation. Therefore, from the
above information we can conclude that in order to create good relationship.
Therefore, conflict should be accommodate by the informal ways regard to this the seventeen
students informed that lack of economic resource and corruption in all administration sectors in
this university were the main cause, the informant under line that, the major cause s conflict
are distribution of economic resource, not full information. And the other mechanism of
conflict management or prevent of the all students are learning process for example, ethics
education, legal education, peace education and others.
4.6 Impact of conflict
Based on information gathering from interview we have analyzed the result as follow:- conflict
is the most serious issue in the Adigrat university. With regard to this the impacts of conflict on
the economy, instability, poverty, when it is exceeds it may causes loss of human life as well as
loss on natural resource as always observed.
As seventeen respondents said that the impact of conflict in Adigrat University was medium.
The others said that the impact of conflict in this campus is high. Generally conflict in this
university had medium impact.
4.7 Challenges faced to resolve interpersonal conflict
In order to solve interpersonal conflict there was a lot of difficulty or challenges that affect the
resolution mechanisms in different ways like slowing the rate of resolving time and it kills time
of the person who engaged in solving interpersonal conflicts and also the individuals as well.
The main challenge was when two individuals getting in to conflict their relatives or friends are
becoming part of the conflict and it creates difficulty to solve the problems and the other was
there were absence of welling to resolved the conflict between the individuals who gets
Even if one individual wants to resolve the conflict, the other one has no interest to solve the
conflict and there were lies between the individuals in conflict resolution time and it leads to
another conflicts.
5 Conclusion and recommendation
As previously mentioned, the main objective of this study was to identify and analysis inter
personnel conflict management resolution mechanism in Adigrat university students. To this
the study attempted to find out possible answer to basic interview of the research. Interviews
were distributed to male and female students in Adigrat University. The major finding also
vested in the processes of this applied research l were wandering that the way of inter personal
conflict management and resolution method among Adigrat university students were how much
applicable by the campus society.
Based on the above findings the following are possible recommendations;- the finding implied
that there were curtail problems in the interpersonal conflict management and resolutions
mechanism. As this responsibility all citizen should use different techniques to solve conflicts
in order to reduce its impact on the society as well as in the environment. To minimize conflict
in Adigrat University, students should take measures. Like informal conflict resolution methods
(Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration and others) to reduces conflict.
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Question for interviews
1 what are the major reasons of conflict?
2 what are the consequences of conflict in this university?
3 what are the main causes of conflict in this university?
4 who is the responsible person to makes peace in Adigrat University?
5 what type of conflict resolution mechanisms in Adigrat University?
6 The impacts of inter personal conflict?
7 What are the challenges that face to resolve interpersonal conflict?