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An assessment of human right protection and its contribution for
socio-economic well-being of individuals: The case of fitche town
JUNE, 2018
Table of contents
Table of content…………………………………………………
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………....
1.1Background of the study…………………………………………………
1.2 Statement of the problem……………………………………………..
1.3 Objective of the study …..………………………………………………
1.3.1 General objective………………....................................
1.3.2 Specific objectives………………………………................
1.4 Research question ……………………………………………………….
1.5 Significance of the study………………………………………………
1.6 Scope of the study………………………………………………….......
1.7 Limitation of the study………………………………………………..
1.8 Ethical consideration ……………………………………………….....
1.9 Organization of the study……………………………………......
2.1 Meaning and concepts of human right………………………..
2.2Characteristics of human right ......................................
2.3 Generation of human right………………………….
2.3.1 First generation right…………………………………………………
2.3.2 Second generation right………………………………………………
2.4 Instrument of human right……………………………………………
2.4.1 The universal declaration of human right………………….
2.4.2 Regional human right system…………………………………… European human right………………………………………….. The inter America system ……………………………………… The Africa system…………………………………………………
2.5 The development of human right in Ethiopia…………….
2.6 Institution that promote human right………………………….
2.6.1 The role of NGOS in promoting human right…………..…
2.6.2 The role of mass media in promoting human right…….
2.6.3 The role of civil society in promoting human right…….
3. Methodology of the study……………………………………………
3.1 Description of the study area………………………………………
3.2 Research of design………………………………………………………
3.3 Source of data…………………………………………………
3.4 Data collection instruments ............................
3.6 Method of data analaysis………………….…………………..
1.1Background of the study
Human rights is special source of inalienable moral entitlement, they belong to all person by
virtue of their humanity irrespective of race, nationally or member of particular social group,
human right can be define as inalienable, inviolable interdependent and transcendental
fundamental right that every one inherently entitled simply because of he or she is a human being
or they are emanates from human nature (Alamirew, 2005:1). Human rights belong to an
individual by virtue of being human ,as understood today, human right refers to a wide verity of
value and capabilities reflecting the diversity of human circumstance (Yonas ,2009).
The concept of human right protection has got a wide spread formal international recognition or
acceptance as a result of two world war, first world ware and second world ware which had
resulted in loss of many people’s life the reasoning thousands of human rights settlement and
shaking of human rights settlement (ibid). The united nation charters provides that the member
state reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, and article 1 of the charter states that one of
the aim of united nation is to achieve international cooperation by promoting and encouraging
respect for human rights and fundamental human rights freedom for all without discrimination
(ibid). International human right movement was highly strength when United Nation General
Assembly (UNGA adopt Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR December 10 1948
which was draft, declares as common standard of achievement for all people and nations on the
world (ibid). The declaration firstly, provides civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
that are entitled for all human beings. Through gradual process, it has been accepted as the basic
norms of human right that everyone should prompt and protect with its two principal protocols,
i.e International, Convenient, Civil, and Political Right (ICCPR) which provides civil and
political rights like that of to life, liberty and security that are enshrined from article 3(2) of the
UDHR charter, and international convenient, economic, social and cultural right, (ICESCR),
which favor economic, social and cultural rights to participant in cultural life of the community
The Africa human right protection system in the protection of human security can be examined
in terms of its contribution of human rights against those conditions that threaten their wellbeing. African charter of human right it also relies on instruments such as OAU convention
governing specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa of 1969. The protections envisaged in
this system convention are paramount state importance as various conflicts in African have
forced many people to flee their country and refuge in neigh boring state (Admasu,2012:16).
In Ethiopia human rights provision development historically being in the late 1931 constitution
and the 1955 revised constitution in cooperated the list of human rights but, the rights are
subjected to limitation, and also the derge constitution incorporate the list of human rights but
they were violated by the military government, and the over thrown of the derge government in
1991, the current Ethiopia constituent was ratified and call for the protection and recognition of
human rights that violated in the former regimes and it incorporate that were not recognized
before. In the current time the Ethiopia constitution ratified an international convention on the
protection of human right (Demelashe and Simart, 2007).
1.2. Statement of the problem
Human right are essential rights found by the nature for being human and these natural rights are
not violable and neither given or taken by others, these rights are inalienable rights that every
individual as a human being has quality of life and does not district from their human dignity and
person does not abuse or discrimination based on his historical origin, religion, sex and other
condition because these rights are found from nature so those right are not or conferred by men
voluntary action (Goodin, 1997).
But human rights are violated by individuals undemocratic government and different groups and
the violation are physically, psychological punishment those are the case of
economic crisis
lose of individual life and low living standard that unable to fulfill their basic needs like food,
cloth, shelter and poverty expands on the other way injustice the dismissal from work and a low
pay for workers as well as unlimited working hours are also human right violation. So the
researcher wants to study how to protect human right, what are the challenges of human right
protections and the challenges of human right protection in the absence of democratic
government, weak human right institutions and less understanding of the people about human
rights. Human rights are protected by improving human right institution, to create awareness and
build human right culture within the society.
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.3.1 General objective
The general objective of the study is to assess the role of human right protection and its
contribution for enhancing socio economic wellbeing of the individuals.
1.3.2 Specific objective
 To explore the importance of human right protection for enhancing socio economic
wellbeing of individual.
 To assess measures that can ensure socio economic rights of individuals.
 To assess factors that can make the violation of human rights.
 The role of government is to secured of human right protection .
1.4. Research Questions
 How human right protection can be crucial for socio economic well being of the
 How can we ensure the socio economic rights of individuals?
 What are the factors that lead to violation of human rights?
 What is the role of government in the human rights protection?
1.5 Significance of the study
The following points are the major significance of the study.
It creates awareness to everybody to develop positive attitude towards human rights and
human dignity.
The finding also increase the perception of every one about human rights and restrict
themselves from the violation of others dignity.
The study also enable individual group to struggle for their right.
It also vitas others for their study on the issue.
1.6 Limitation of the study
Limitation refers to the challenges or obstacles that would face during conducting the
research study. The following limitations were faced the research enduring conducting the
research study.
Time constraint due to workload to perform other academic subjects with the
research study
Financial constraints to collect relevant material and information from different
Lack of willingness of respondent to gain reliable information
Lack of experience of researcher how to do research
1.7 The Scope of the study
The scope of the study was limited in Adama town that selected the study Adama town as a case
study to assess the role of human right protection and its contra but for socio - economic
wellbeing of individuals. The reason for the study was limited Adama town because of shortage
of money and time.
1.8. Ethical consideration
The study was conducted with consideration the rule and regulation the university of the basic
norms of the researcher. The study was conducted for academic purposes data would be
gathered from respondents by owing respect them and by asking them then willingness. Those
include asking respondents’ permission before you begin to collect your data, having and
showing formal letters from the concern institution, keeping secrets, annoying respondents as
know edging and others.
1.9 Organization of the study
This study has three chapter. The first chapter deals with introduction which includes
background of the study, statement of the problem, objective, research question, significance of
the study, scope, limitation, as well as organization of the study, in the second chapter,
conceptual and analytical frameworks of the research was presented through reviewing related
literature. Methodology of the study is presented in chapter three. would present the conclusion
and the recommendation of the paper.
2.1 Meaning and Concepts of Human right
Human rights and freedoms are inviolable and inalienable and guarantees should be respected
these right include life liberty security of person prohibition of in human treatment of the right
to human dignity and reputation ( asegedew,2006) the human right idea declared that every
individual has legitimate claim up on his her own society for certain freedom and these right in
corporate civil and political right like the right to life, physical integrity, freedom from torture,
slavery, and arbitrary detention and also freedom of conscience, religion and on the other hand
human rights comprises economic and social rightness right associated with right to work, to eat
oaten healthy care education and adequate living standard (glenn,1999).
Human rights also those rights that are attached to individual by the virtue of their person hood
and more recently by the virtue of human membership. The end of 18 century saw the
proclamation of the right of man and citizens the America declaration of independence the united
state constitution and the bill of right all these document speck of in alienable right of man and
declare that government are instituted to institute to secure such thing a life liberty and pursuit of
happiness and states that if men born free and remain free and equal rights such as their right to
liberty property security and resistance to oppression (Abiyou, 2007)
Human right is given by the nature as for being human and these natural right are not violated
and neither given or taken by others, that every individual as a human being has quality of life
and does not district from their human dignity and person does not abuse or discrimination based
on his historical origin, religion, sex, and other condition because these rights are found from
nature so those right are not or conferred by men voluntary action (good in, 1997). These rights
need national protection by the rule of law and absence of social and political violence in
effective law enforcement mechanism and impartial judiciary system and non discrimination
story from of governance and equitable distribution of resource. The diversity of ecological
Religion and cultural tradition state must founded on the principle that everyone has the right to
security and freedom security from persecution, discrimination and poverty(UNHCR,1999)and
also human rights are those minimal rights which every individual must have against the state or
public by the virtue of his being as a member of human family irrespective of any consideration
concept of human right is old as ancient doctrine of natural right, the expression of human right
is recent origin emerging from the post world war second international charter and convention
(Durgadas and Basu, 2003
2.2 Characteristics of human right
The following are basic characteristics of human right such as
 Fundamental -Human right are fundamental right because without them, the life and
dignity of man will be meaningless.
 Inalienable-Human right cannot be taken away no one has the right to deprive another
person of them for any reason. Human right are inalienable because they cannot be right
fully take away from a free individual, and they cannot be given away or be for feinted.
 Imprescriptibly- Human rights do not prescribe and cannot be lost even if man fails to
use or assert them, even by long passage of time.
 Indivisible - To live in dignity, all human beings are entitled to freedom, security and
decent standards of living concurrently. Human rights are not capable of being divided.
They cannot be denied even when other rights have already been enjoyed.
 Universal- Human rights are universal in application and they apply irrespective of one
origin, status, condition or place where lives are. Human rights are also indivisible
interdependent and inter related that are equal in importance and equal essential for the
respect and dignity of human beings ,human beings need those rights in order to sustain
minimal rights affects the whole set of right undermine the human quest of living
2.3 Generation of human right
Hunan right are classified in generation that are root inhuman rights history, the French tourists
Karel; vasaka advance the notion of human rights' and he was inspired by three themes (liberty,
equality, and solidarity) of franc revolution of 1789.Thes human right generation are, First,
second, third generation right.
2.3.1 First generation right
First generation right are incorporated civil and political rights derive primarily associated with
the English, ranch and America revolution these rights encompasses freedom from racial and
equivalent from discrimination freedom from slavery and carvel or in human treatment as well as
freedom from arbitrary arrest and also freedom for movement and residence. First generation
rights include the right to life, equality before the law, freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial,
freedom of religion and voting right.
2.3.2 Second generation right
Second generation human right are related to equality and began to be recognized by
governments after world war2 .They are fundamentally economic, social, and cultural in natures
and they guarantee different members of the citizenry equal conditions and treatment. These
rights focus on socio and cultural rights the origin of these right is trace back to socialist
movement that reflect in 1917 Bolshevik revolution second generation right encompass
The right to social security
The right to be employed in just and favorable condition
The right to work and protection against UN employment
The right to rest and leisure include periodic holiday with pay
The right to a standard of living adequate wealth and wellbeing of self-family
2.3.3 Third generation right
According article 28 of UDHR with claim that that everyone is entitled to social and
international order in which the right set for hand realize appears to appears to embrace six claim
right three of those reflect the emergence of 3rd world nationalism and global redistribution of
power and wealth this developing country demand are in new international economic order are
A. The right to political, economic cultural and social development
B. the right to economic and social development
C. The right to benefit from common heritage of human kind
Other three generation rights are
The right to peace
The right to health and balanced environment
The right to human train disaster relief (Solomon, 2003)
2.4 Instrument of human right
2.4.1 The universal Declaration of Human right
The recognition of inherent dignity and in alienable right of all member of the human family, the
foundation of justice peace and freedom of world the UDHR standard of achievement of for the
all people and nation that every individual a grope of society keeping this declaration in mind
shale strive by teaching and educating to promote and respect for those rights and freedom and
secure universal and effective recognition of human right everyone is entitled to all right and
freedom set for in this declaration without distinct of any kind such as relay cooler sex ,language,
political national or social origin property and other states (durgdas and basu,2003).
2.4.2 Regional Human right systems
The most active and rigorous promotion and enforcement of human rights is currently occurring
at the regional level. The united nation human right system is important but often lacks stringent
enforcement mechanism because states have been unwilling to submit to governance structure
that seen as politically motivated and remote from national life (Valerie, 2002). European human right
The European convention for the protection and promotion of human right and fundamental
freedom was the first treaty to protect human right at the regional level. The convention was
open to all members of the council of Europe which established after world war second to
achieve greater europium unity and to promote economic and
social progress as well as
maintenance and realization of human right it also gives protection to list of human rights in the
area of civil and political right (ibid,2002) inter-American system
The organization of America states (OAS) is original agency within united nation and governed
by the center of the organization of America states which articulates the number of purpose and
strengthening the peace and security of the continent. The inter America convention on human
right is has the principal purpose to promote the observance and protection of human right such
as the right to have life respected, the right to human treatment include prohibition of torture
freedom from slavery and compulsory labor freedoms of religion, the right of minor children
have the right to protection, the right to enjoyment and use of property and also others were
incorporated in the communication (IACHR, 2008). The African system
The African charter on human and people right adopted in 1981 and enter in to force in 1986 it
protects abrade range of civil political economic social, and cultural right. certain right are
fundamentally different from those found in Europe or America convention the Africa charter
protect the right of colonized or oppressed people to free themselves from the bodies of
domination by any means recognized by the international community the right to of free disposal
of wealth and natural resource with the view to strengthening African unity and solidarity states
undertake to eliminate all forms of foreign economic exploitation. People are guaranteed the
right to social economic and culture development and also have the right to generate satisfactory
environment favorable to their development (Admasu, 2012).
2.5 The development of human right in Ethiopia
The historical human right development in Ethiopia began during in the 1931 constitution and it
revised in 1955that incorporated the list of human right provision during the regime of
haileselassie .But those right were limited and violated even though these constitution
contributed to human right development Ethiopian the After Hailesselassie the derge government
came to power and adopted its constitution in 1987 has include the list of human rights but they
were violation but the military government (Demelash and Ssimreet).
Following the over thrown of the derge government the 1991 constitution was ratified by
transitional government and call for the petition and recognition of human rights that were
violated by the former government and incorporated rights that were not reorganized in previous
government constitution, And Ethiopia ratified the united nation convention on the protection of
human right declaration .the declaration was incorporated in to Ethiopia domestic law, so the
proves on of united nation rights are parts of domestic human right law of Ethiopia
(ibid,2007).the human rights and freedom are inviolable and in alienable natural rights and the
guarantee should be given that the mandate is given to the house of people representative to
establish human right commission in order to enhance human right protection (Asegedew, 2006)
2.6 Institution that promote Human rights
There are many institutions which are very important for enhancing the human right of
individual to be recognized and create awareness and increasingly focus on the wider in
dividable and social issue and democratic governance.
2.6.1The Role of NGOs in promoting human right
The NGOs many address problems affecting vulnerable groups such as disable, orphaned poor
that unable to struggle for their well-being and enhance their right throughout the world the
provide relief aide, education, health and vocational training democracy is also closely related
the concept of empowerment of vulnerable grope and local community the NGOs were engage
in welfare programmed focus on issue related to human rights advocacy and democracy all these
are multilateral institutions and donor governments (Belete,2002)
2.6.2 The role of media in promoting human right
The media can play a crucial role in developing awareness about the right of the citizens and
government responsibility to protect and promote their rights, freedom of expression it respected
as guaranteed by article 9of UDHR o9pen the way for the speed of information education and
debate on media can supply important information regarding citizens right and means of redress
if they are violated. The exposing of basic civil and political rights is central to any civil
education, programs. Beyond describing the very existence of such rights, the information
regarding the means of implementing and protecting the right under rule of law (Munandelo,
2006)The perfection of human right at the center of any measure take to prevent human
trafficking and the media has paramount role to play increasing public understanding trafficking
phenomena and violation of human rights by providing accurate information in accordance with
professional ethical standards, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organization should
consider when developing policies and programs to offer livelihood option, like basic needs
education, skills training and encourage disadvantageous group(UN,2002)
The media can educate the people about their rights.
They can work to enforce the existing rights
They crate and improve democratic institutions
Their advocacy helps to reform the judiciary
They help to expose corruption (ibid, 2002).
2.6.3 The role of civil society in promoting human right
The role of civil society in promoting human right alleviation efforts cannot be successful in the
long term without respect for human right, without transparent and fall participatory in election
and without freedom of press and without freedom of speech and association. The developments
of communities have increasingly cam to recognize the link between civil and political rights,
good governance and economic development. The UN DP explicitly embraces human right
approach to poverty alleviation that will emphasize participation and non-discrimination and
address vulnerability, marginalized.
To adopt human right approaches carries areas promise one must not forget the dominant
development parading continues to understanding economic growth as priority over and pr
condition for political reform and human right advancement the position for political reform and
human right advancement the position at human right watch has been continues to be the civil
and political right are not luxuries that government set aside until the economy reaches certain
degrees of success the human right watch advocate the principle that meaning full exercise of
economic and social rights to protect civil and political rights(munandolo,2006).According to
Office of the United Nations high commissioner for human rights various national actors have
important roles to play in realizing economic, social and cultural rights. Government has the
primary responsibility to respect, protect and fulfill economic, social and cultural rights. In
addition, Various actors in civil society, such as NGOs, social movements, communitybased organizations, human rights defenders, professional associations (e.g., associations of
lawyers, health professionals, teachers), trade unions, academics and religious institutions,
private sector as well as national human rights institutions, donor States and international
organizations have crucial roles in working with individuals and groups to promote their
economic, social and cultural rights, and in holding the Government accountable for realizing
these rights.
3. Methodology of the study
Methodology of the study was the way to systematically solve the research problem. To
conducted this research proposal the researcher proposal would be used both qualitative and
quantitative data type of survey, the quantitative data ware employed descriptive type survey in
the help of table and percentage ware as the qualitative data ware express briefly, discus and
interprets the interview.
3.1 Description of the study Area
The study was conducted in fichte. fichte is the town of Oromia Region.fitche is bordered on the
south by Ensaro, on the West by Oromia region, on the north by Mida Woremo, on the east by
Menz keya Gebreal, and on the south east by MoretnaJiru. Adama is the administrative center of
Adama Woreda. Generally Adama town located at the 99km away from Addis Ababa. Based on
the 2007 national census the total population of this town are 10053, of whom 5236 are man and
4817 women. The economy of the town is highly based up on trade, civil servant, day's labor
worker, farming etc and then Amharic is spoken as the first language by 99.8% of the
population, the majority of the habitats practices Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity with who
constitute 99.87% reported.
3.2. Research Design
The researcher used both exploratory and descriptive research proposal design, Exploratory
research design are also a formative research design and Descriptive research design are
described the collected data relevant and defined clearly and provided adequate information from
the research study.
3.3. Source of data
The the proposal used both primary and secondary sources. The primary data source would be
collected from interview and questionnaires and the secondary data source would be gathered
from written sources like books, newspaper magazine and the unpublished source or materials.
. 3.4 Data collection instruments
In order to conduct this proposal both primary and secondary data collection instruments were
used. The primary source of data was gathered through questionnaire and interview distributed to
fitche town population, beside the secondary data would be collected from sources such as
websites, books, articles, reports, newspaper and journals.
3.4.1 Questionnaire
In order to conduct data through questionnaire the researcher was employed both open ended and
close ended questions to thefitche town Aopulations about human right protection and its
contribution for enhancing socio economic well-being of individuals in the study area.
3.4.2. Interview
In order to conduct data through interview the researcher prepared structural interview to the
Adama town administrator and Women affairs about human right protection in Adama town.
3.5 Sampling size and sampling Technique
The total number of fichte town population3000out of these 1566 are men and 1490 women. The
sample would be selected 25 respondents from the total population, and selected would be based
on their random sampling techniques are useful in avoiding personal bias and giving equal
chances for the respondents as would gotten required data or information from respondents
Besides two respondents were selected for the interview questions by using purposive method
because purposive method help to select people which are mere relevant to the study topic.
Those respondents were afitche administrative and woman affaires.
3.6 Method of data analysis
After gathering important information from different data sources the rearesearcher employed
both quantitative and qualitative techniques of data analysis. Quantitative techniques data
analysis expresses in terms of percentage table and number the respondents answer during
questions. Qualitative techniques of data analysis also express in terms of sentence and word of
the respondents answer and explanation about the topic and question
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